Several scientific articles and reports were published, are planned or are in the review process.
Conference papers:
Conference Papers:
- Possibility for mechanical vapor re-compression for steam based drying processes.
Bantle, Michael; Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Eikevik, Trygve Magne. 1st Nordic Baltic Drying Conferanse, 17. – 19. June 2015, Gdansk Polen. Trondheim: NTNU. Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk 2015 ISBN 978-82-92739-09-9 - An overview of European and international safety standards related to use of natural refrigerants as a working fluids for refrigeration and heat pump processes.
Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Bantle, Michael. 1st Nordic Baltic Drying Conference, 17. – 19. June 2015, Gdansk Polen. ISBN 978-82-92739-09-9 - Development and performance analysis of an object-oriented turbo-compressor model for steam compression cycles.
Bantle, Michael; Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Jokiel, Michael.I: 12th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants GL2016 : Proceedings. International Institute of Refrigeration 2016, 21.-24 August 2017, Edinburgh/UK, ISBN 9782362150180 - Evaluation of Natural Working Fluids for the Development of High Temperature Heat Pumps.
Opeyemi Bamigbetan, Trygve M. Eikevik, Petter Nekså, Michael Bantle, 12th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants GL2016 : Proceedings. International Institute of Refrigeration 2016, 21.-24 August 2017, Edinburgh/UK, ISBN 9782362150180 - Turbocompressor: Development, Modelling and Pilottests of a Mechanical Vapour Recompression for steam driers (in German).
Michael Bantle, Michael Jokiel and Mogens Weel, in Proceedings of Annual German Refrigeration Association Conference, 16th to 18th November 2016, Kassel, Germany.
Popular science:
Popular Science:
- Bilteknologi krymper energitap i industrien
Michael Gantle (Gemini, 23.11.2016) - Gjør gull av spillvarme
Michael Bantle, Petter Nekså: (Gemini, 07.07.2015) - HeatUp Newsletter
- Blog: Sommerforsker hos SINTEF Energi: Høy temperatur
- Technical Report: High temperature heat pumps: State of the art on technologies and applications based on natural working fluids. Ole Stavset and Hanne Kauko, TR F7526 (restricted).
- Technical Report, HeatUp: Turbo-compressor for Mechanical Vapour Recompression, Michael Bantle, TR F7601 (restricted).