Main objective
The main objective of Hyper is to generate the fundamental knowledge required to enable the planning, construction and operation of a pilot (mid-term) and commercial (long-term) decarbonised hydrogen production, liquefaction and export facility/plant based on Norwegian fossil and renewable energy resources, targeting emerging regional markets (e.g. North-Western Europe, specifically Germany, the UK and the NL) and global markets (e.g. Japan).
- Quantify process improvements beyond state of the art for the key technology elements involved (liquefaction, reforming with CCS, electrolysis).
- Understand process integration potentials and trade-offs, process dynamics and interdependencies through static and dynamic modelling and simulation.
- Define the capacity and size of the pilot hydrogen production, liquefaction and export plant and the size of process modules, based on relevant key performance indicators.
- Define, specify and evaluate case studies for hydrogen chains relevant for Norwegian/European and Japanese markets and industry actors and sectors.
- Educate one PhD and several MSc students in the fields of hydrogen production, liquefaction and optimal operation of the combined gas–renewables–hydrogen system.
- Establish long-term networks and points of contact with Japanese and European industry and research institutions in related fields of research.