SINTEF is creating 3D models of Sundsvall airport in Sweden to support the remote tower (RT) system, by improving situational awareness of air traffic controllers. This includes aspects of target tracking and augmenting information. On the safety side, SINTEF will adapt the validation process developed in SESAR 1 (PJ16.01.01 - Safety Reference Material, Guidance I), SINTEF is investigating the resilience of RTW concept in the face of network issues related to availability, quality of service and security. Both solution 2 (multiple Remote Tower Modules) and solution 3 (flexible allocation of RTM) are investigated.
Remote Tower (SESAR PJ 05)
The project proposes the development of a remotely provided aerodrome air traffic service by a "multiple" and/or "centre" setting. Those settings help to combine ATS services from various aerodromes in a centralized control room independent on airport location in order to make use of the valuable resource ATS provider more efficiently.
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