ELEGANCY – Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy via Hydrogen and CCS
Business case development for H2-CCS integrated chains – WP3
With respect to integrated H2-CCS chains in the participating countries, WP3 will
- Assess the regulatory background, identify barriers, mitigation strategies and opportunities for H2-CCS.
- Assess the macro-economic, market and fiscal background to identify plausible business models.
- Develop business models and business case templates for use in the WP5 case studies.
Overview and workflow of WP3: Business case development for H2-CCS integrated chains.
WP3 consists of the following tasks.
- Task 3.1: Identification of the legal background relevant to the H2-CCS chain in the case study countries, and assessment of the need for regulatory development on a supra-national level (UiO, FC)
- Task 3.2: Identification of the macro-economic and market background relevant to the H2-CCS chain in the five case study countries (FC, SDL, UiO)
- Task 3.3: Development of the business models and commercial structures for the H2-CCS value chain (SDL, UiO, FC)
- Task 3.4: Synthesis report (SDL, UiO, FC)
Contact: , University of Oslo
Research-performing partners: UiO, FC, SDL
The ELEGANCY Business case development toolbox is available.