ENERGYTICS in the Norwegian Smart Grid Centre webinars
The Norwegian Smart Grid Centre host one webinar each month, and work in ENERGYTICS has been presented in two of these webinars. In February, Volker Hoffmann (SINTEF Digital) held a webinar about prediction of weather-related faults in the high-voltage distribution network. And in March, Karoline Ingebrigtsen (SINTEF Energy Research) held a webinar about detection of electric vehicles from smart meter data with hourly resolution. Recordings of the webinars can be found at https://smartgrids.no/webinar/ (most webinars are in Norwegian).
MLOps – Taking AI from Concept to Impact (resultater fra H1-aktivitet i Energytics)
Demonstrator: Prediction of weather-related faults
Demonstrator: Detection of electric vehicles and other flexible appliances