Karoline Ingebrigtsen (SINTEF Energi); Volker Hoffmann (SINTEF Digital):
Applications of Big Data and Data Science in the Electricity Distribution Grid - State-of-the-art
SINTEF report 2020:00530, 2020-11-02
Volker Hoffmann (SINTEF Digital); Bjørn Ingeberg Fesche (SINTEF); Karoline Ingebrigtsen (SINTEF Energi); Ingrid Nytun Christie (Eidsiva Nett); Morten Punnerud Engelstad (Systek):
Automated detection of electric vehicles in hourly smart meter data
CIRED 2019 Conference, June 2019.
Karoline Ingebrigtsen (SINTEF Energi); Volker Hoffmann (SINTEF Digital); Arne J. Berre (SINTEF Digital):
Energy Analytics - Opportunities for Energy Monitoring and Prediction with Smart Meters
A presentation about the project and preliminary work with the demonstrator on detecting electric vehicles and other flexible loads was held at NOBIDS (Norwegian Big Data Symposium) in Trondheim in November 2017, and a corresponding article was written.