FuChar - Grid and Charging Infrastructure of the Future
Grid impact from electric charging - WP1
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This WP addresses research question Q1 and will focus on investigating the grid impact from high-power electric charging (bottlenecks, voltage quality), using measurement data (e.g. VQ) from a living lab, simulations, as well as a spatial mapping of possible weak and vulnerable areas with regards to an increased integration of electric vehicles and vessels (EVV). The WP is divided into three subtasks:
Task 1.1 – State of the art
Investigate the state of the art within grid integration of EVV and development of charging infrastructure. The aim is to determine how high-power charging infrastructure is planned and developed, and in what way, if any, these plans are coordinated with existing grid infrastructure and available capacity. This task will also investigate state- of-the-art methods for analysing grid impact from EVV, based on available research and knowledge and experience among the grid companies in the project. The task will also investigate state-of-the-art control strategies for charging infrastructure, including the potential for increasing the utilisation of grid infrastructure.
Task 1.2 – Grid impact in distribution grids
Analyse the grid impact from a large-scale increase in EVV charging in distribution grids, using real grid data from supporting DSOs or synthetic grids (based on information from DSOs on grid architecture, load profiles and planned load increase). The impact will be analysed through evaluation and simulation of different scenarios (e.g. stochastic Monte Carlo simulation) and VQ measurements in a living lab. The objective is to determine potential challenges related to grid integration of high-power electric charging, and how these challenges should be addressed in the project. An interface to the database of charging profiles for different types of EVV in different geographical/demographical areas of WP2 is created.
Task 1.3 – Spatial mapping of potential vulnerable areas
Conduct a spatial mapping (status quo) of potential weak and vulnerable areas, identified in Task 1.2 with regards to an increase in charging demand is conducted. The spatial mapping can be in different depth of detail, as for instance in the regional scenario and the trans regional scenario.