FuChar - Grid and Charging Infrastructure of the Future
PhD study - WP6
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The project includes two PhD studies to be integrated with the research activities described above. The PhD candidates will interact with the other partners of FuChar, both through project meetings and workshops. More specifically, the objective proposed for the PhD studies is to incorporate stochasticity of variable transport patterns and new challenging and high-power loads in the optimisation models for MV grid operation and planning considered in WP1-WP5. The majority of the PhD work will be linked to the activities in WP4 and WP5, with an in-depth study of relevant optimisation frameworks and tools for active grid planning and operation. The PhD studies will be organised and supervised by NTNU and UPC. Arrangements will be made to enable mobility of the PhD candidates, e.g. to perform parts of her/his research activities as a guest researcher at one of the other research institutions in the project.