CORE - Innovative Corrosion Resistant Coatings for Bipolar Plates
The CORE project is a collaboration between the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, CondAlign and SINTEF.

Role: Coordination, ex-situ electrochemical testing, fuel cell and electrolyser testing, flow-field simulation and optimization.
Key personnel: Prof. Karel Bouzek, Hana Bartkova, Milan Kouril, Martin Paidar, Prokop Martin, Roman Kodym, Miroslav Hala, Jakub Ludvik.

Role: Fabrication of electrically conductive coatings with aligned morphology, deposition on metal substrate.
Key personnel: Marie-Audrey Raux, Øyvind Alsos

Role: Materials selection, fabrication of conductive coatings (stochastic distribution), ex-situ electrochemical characterisation techno-economic analysis.
Key personnel: Luca Ansaloni, Sigrid Lædre, Anita Hamar Reksten, Christelle Denonville, Katie McCay, Jawad Elomari