INTERPORT – Integrated energy systems in ports
Interport holds successful workshop in December to end the first operational year of the project

Norway’s National Transport Plan (NTP) envisions ports as zero-emission energy hubs, with the infrastructure to provide a mix of energy carriers (such as on-short power, hydrogen-based fuels and biofuels) to ships and vessels. Ports have also been highlighted by Norway’s climate action plan as key players in the decarbonisation of the transport sector, particularly maritime transport.
INTERPORT considers ports, its users (e.g. ships, logistics, land-based transport) and its surroundings (e.g. industries and buildings) as one integrated energy system, and assesses synergies between local production, conversation, storage and supply of low-carbon fuels, electricity and thermal energy.
The project started in 2021 but the first full operational year was 2022. It was therefore a lot of scientific work to present and discuss. The day consisted of presentations from researchers and from industry partners, and lots of questions and discussions. Industry partners Saga Fjordbase, Karmsund Havn, Nordfjord Havn, Kildn and Equinor highlighted their goals and ambitions for own companies and motivation for participating in the project.
Some researchers presented thorough scopes for work to come, e.g. August Brækken had mapped available models that can be adapted to ports, and Ritvana Rrukaj gave a thorough introduction to her postdoctoral work. Others presented work on energy scenarios (Marte Gammelsæter), Technology interactions in future ports (Hanne Kauko, Frida Sæther), and Social acceptance (Sigrid Damman, Mari Wardeberg).
Project manager Line Rydså summarises: "It is definitely clear that the project is progressing for real, and we could have talked for hours on end about interesting topics!"