Li-ion batteries, which dominate the current market are limited by capacity due to the use of graphite as electrodes. Alternatively, Lithium-sulfur batteries (Li-S) are studied to be promising next generation substitutes for light-weight energy storage systems, thanks to their theoretical capacity which is about five times more than lithium-ion batteries. However, the availability of suitable cathode materials that can immobilize large amounts of sulfur and have high conductivity while simultaneously not compromising on the flexibility in terms of mechanical property is the main challenge in implementation and industrialization of Li-S batteries.
The MOGLiS (MOF@rGO-based cathodes for Li-S Batteries) project will use techniques of nanotechnology and thin film fabrication to overcome the challenge of Li-S batteries. The project will use a unique nanomaterial design methodology to fabricate new functional materials that will be used as cathodes in Li-S batteries. The functional materials will comprise of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) grafted over 2-dimensional reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) nanosheets. These MOF@rGO cathodes will be made in to flexible and foldable batteries with very high capacity potentially advantageous over existing batteries in terms of size, safety and efficiency.

The research outputs of the MOGLiS project from the Norwegian partners will be:
- Invention of novel functional materials to manufacture high performance Li-battery cathodes. This will be realized by a multidisciplinary collaborative approach.
- Establishing the design principles of the functional material configuration and the cathode performance. This is enabled by the strong feedback loop established between consortium partners.
- Enabling scale-up of the cathode manufacturing based on MOF@rGO using novel flow reactors which are of great commercial interest. We aim to validate the MOF@rGO route as a promising new technology to new cost-efficient battery with high capacity.
The MOGLiS project is a collaboration between SINTEF, Warsaw University of Technology and Norwegian University of Science and Technology. MOGLiS was funded under the M-ERA.NET 2 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 685451. The project is financially supported under the NANO2021 programme by The Research Council of Norway (Project Number 327193) and NCN Poland.
Prof. Marek Marcinek from WUT is the project coordinator.