This collaboration aims to analyse results from existing national energy research and recognize why different models, analytical methods or research environments give different solutions to the same problem. As a result, the collaboration aims to identify the shape and placement of the need for more joint Nordic energy research.
Methods and Strategy:

WP1: Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic context
Participants: SINTEF Energy cooperating with NIBIO, KTH, IVL and Energistyrelsen
- First work package of NEOs – “a great opportunity for future cooperation and ideas”
WP2: Increased electrification – new electricity generators and consumers
Participants: SINTEF Energi, UiO, IFE, IVL and Energistyrelsen
WP3: Energy efficiency and conservation in a Nordic perspective
Participants: SINTEF Energi cooperating with SINTEF Community, IFE, KTH, IVL and Energistyrelsen
WP4: Fossil free and resource efficient transport and transport infrastructure
Participants: SITNEF Energi cooperating with SINTEF Community, IFE, IVL and Energistyrelsen
Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEO) is a programme financed by the Norwegian Research Council through Nordic Energy Research. SINTEF Energ Research is appointed to be project leader for the program.