CCUS ZEN (Zero Emission Network) is an EU project which aims to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions from industrial clusters and hubs in Europe by building networks and sharing knowledge and experience about CCUS. SINTEF, with its experience within CCS, is the coordinator for both the project and the network, which today consists of 14 partners and over 40 network partners from 16 countries in Europe.
The overarching goal of CCUS ZEN is the accelerated deployment of CCUS throughout Europe, which will be achieved by:
- Sharing knowledge and disseminating information important for stakeholders to make informed decisions on CCUS
- Developing specific and actionable plans for the development of CCUS value chains
As CCUS developments around the North Sea (NS) region are relatively mature, CCUS ZEN will leverage these developments as best practice for the development of new CCUS value chains in the currently underdeveloped Baltic Sea (BS) and the Mediterranean Sea (MS) Regions. While CCUS value chains, i.e., the entire pathway from CO2 capture to transport to its eventual storage or utilization, can today be realized, the industry is still in its infancy and many issues must be addressed to achieve the rapid deployment required.

The partners in the network have broad expertise and knowledge across the CCUS value chain and various parts of CCUS infrastructure, such as ports, transport, ships, the pipeline industry, energy and CO2 storage.
Project Partners:
- SINTEF (Norway)
- TalTech (Estonia)
- Rambøll (Denmark)
- Technip Energies (France)
- Axelera (France)
- CO2Value Europe (Belgium)
- METU (Türkiye)
- Perspectives Climate Research (Germany)
- Geus (Denmark)
- University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
- SCCS (United Kingdom)
- Polish Geological Institute (Poland)
- BRGM (France)
- IOM Law (Norway)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101075693.
For more information about the project CCUS ZEN, see the homepage