The Sure2Coat ambition is to make a significant contribution to the twin digitalized and sustainable transition and an increased competitiveness of European manufacturing businesses stimulating new innovation ecosystems by developing and integrating sustainable surface treatments for complex shape components for transsectorial industrial innovation.
The Sure2Coat concept is to develop and integrate new or optimized STs (surface treatments and coating) methods into manufacturing lines (TO1), and demonstrated through 3 use cases (TO3 and TO4). The results will give significant contributions to the European manufacturing industry and EUs growth strategy (TO5). Through the respective use cases, Sure2Coat will demonstrate end user's reduction of energy use and reduced energy and material consumption, CO2 emissions and pollution during production.
Project period: 2023 - 2025
Total budget: 5.9 M€
Funding source: European Union
The success of the Sure2Coat project is founded on the collaborative work between 12 industry and research partners from 7 European countries. The partners involved will work in partnership on different tasks, from the optimization and development of technologies, to the communication, dissemination and exploitation of results.
- SINTEF, Coordinator, Norway
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany
- Politechnika Wroclawska, Poland
- Fundacion Cidetec, Spain
- Universidade de aveiro, Portugal
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- BOSCH, Portugal
- MicroArc, Poland
- SUPSI, Switzerland
- COWA, Switzerland
- UNE Normalizacion Espanola, Spain
AvioAero, Italy
Partner 01.01.2023-31.01.2024
- SIEMENS, Germany

For mor information about the Sure2Coat project, see the website