Work packages
The project is divided into five main activities: Decision-making model and Data management, which cuts across the three technical activities: Condition analysis, Environmental performance and Repair/Lifetime assessment.
Decision model
We will develop a total TEA (Techno-Economic-Assessment) decision-making model that includes the environmental performance as a basis for decision-making together with economics for the various technical solutions that exist and are to be developed/further developed in the project.
Data Management
We will develop a digital platform to collect, store and structure historical data and information as well as from condition analysis and monitoring. This data bank will also ensure that data is not lost and be the starting point for the development of the construction's digital twin.
Condition analysis
We will develop/further develop methodology that minimizes the use of destructive methods, physical work and rigging, i.e. a greater proportion of non-destructive testing, NDT, use of robots/drone combined with digitized data management. In addition, there is the use of advanced structural design based on actual (measured) properties for documentation of the construction's real capacity, both locally and globally.
The environmental performance
We will develop an LCA model for comprehensive evaluation of the environmental performance for various management strategies for typical structures, including mapping of parameters that govern this. Costs for various rehabilitation measures can be calculated in accordance with NS3420. However, there is still no equivalent for calculating the environmental performance.
Repair and Lifetime assessment
We shall further develop (i) rehabilitation methods with the lowest possible greenhouse gas footprint as well as performance-based specifications and test methods for verification of technical performance, and (ii) on that basis as well as advanced construction analysis and instrumented monitoring, lifetime calculations also for rehabilitated structures. It also involves investigating how sensor-based monitoring can be utilized in management strategy and updating lifetime calculations.