IRIS – Iridium and Ruthenium Recovery from Green Hydrogen Systems
The outcome of this project will lead to an improved process for dissolving and refining Ir, Ru and other PGMs from existing and potentially growing wastes, i.e., PEM electrolysers.
The outcome of this project will lead to an improved process for dissolving and refining Ir, Ru and other PGMs from existing and potentially growing wastes, i.e., PEM electrolysers.
Complying with the Paris Climate Agreement will mean that the EU economy of 2050 is set to be mineral/metal intensive, rather than one based on fossil fuels.
The FIREFLY project supports the sustainable evolution of the catalyst-based chemical industry towards its electrification and reduced third-party dependence on metals and fossil energy.
Achieving Europe’s climate-neutral objectives will fundamentally depend on our ability to develop clean energy and mobility solutions in the most sustainable way.
Advanced technologies for recovery and recycling of secondary raw materials from end-of-life modules.
The RecirkIrRu project's goal is to demonstrate the effective extraction of valuable Iridium (Ir) and Ruthenium (Ru) from waste material into valuable intermediates for K.A. Rasmussen's further processing. The extraction will be possible by...
The Ion4Raw project proposes an energy-, material- and cost-efficient new mineral processing technology to recover by-products from primary sources by means of innovative Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) ionic liquids and advanced electro recovery, in one...
The EU-funded TARANTULA project aims to recover refractory metals from low-grade waste by developing a suite of cost-effective, scalable, and eco-friendly metallurgical processes. Following systematic research activities at a laboratory scale, the...
Scandium (Sc) is one of the highest valued elements in the periodic table and an element which is usually grouped in REEs as it shares many characteristics with Yttrium. The SCALE project sets about to develop and secure a European Sc supply chain...
The PLATIRUS project aims at reducing the European deficit of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs), by upscaling to industrial relevant levels a novel cost-efficient and miniaturised PGMs recovery and raw material production process. The Platinum Group...
The main goal of REE4EU is to realize a breakthrough in securing the availability of rare earth elements in Europe, providing for the first time a cost effective and efficient method of extraction and direct Rare Earth Alloys production route from...
"Value from waste and critical materials" is an AERTO initiative aiming on sustainable recovery of scarce metals and safe management of nanowaste. The projects' overall objective is to foster greater RTO cooperation within Europe and to achieve...