- "Optimal design and routing of power lines; ecological, technical and economic perspectives” (OPTIPOL). Progress Report 2009 - Report
- "Why do they become vulnerable when faced with the challenges of old age?" Elderly people who committed suicide, described by those who knew them - Academic article
- 2D versus 3D modelling for tunnelling at a weakness zone - Academic lecture
- 2nd run of full 3-D detectors - Academic lecture
- 30m Rock Pillar to the Atlantic Ocean, Sub sea tunnelling in the Faroe Islands - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 3D Active Edge Silicon Detector Tests With 120 GeV Muons - Academic article
- 3D finite-difference frequency-domain modeling of controlled-source electromagnetic data: Direct solution and optimization for high accuracy - Academic article
- 3D Integration of MEMS and IC: Design, technology and simulations - Academic lecture
- 3D Integration Technologies For Miniaturized Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 3D interconnect technologies for advanced MEMS/NEMS applications - Academic lecture
- 3D Internet - Experiences from proposal writing for Call 4 in the fp7 ICT-program - Academic lecture
- 3D MEMS and IC integration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 3D stacked MEMS and ICs in a miniaturized sensor node - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 3D stacked MEMS and ICs in a miniaturized sensor node - Academic lecture
- 3-layer Electrochemical Refining of Silicon - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 3-layer Electrochemical Refining of Silicon - Academic lecture
- 5-3 µm Pd/23wt.%Ag membranes applied in a microchannel membrane configuration - effects of flow, pressure and competitive adsorption of CO and CO2 - Poster
- A 20 GHz antenne integrated RF MEMS based router and switching networks made on quartz - Other
- A CCT Diagram for an Offshore Pipeline Steel of X70 Type - Academic article
- A Clover shaped silicon piezoresistive microphone for miniaturized photoacoustic gas sensors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Collection Operator for Graph Transformation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A comparative study of defects and mechanical properties in high pressure die cast and gravity die cast aluminium alloys - Academic article
- A comparative study of porosity and pore morphology in a directionally solidified A356 alloy - Academic article
- A Comparison of Low Flow Estimates in Ungauged Catchments Using Regional Regression and the HBV-Model - Academic article
- A contingency model of decision-making involving risk of accidental loss - Academic article
- A Decision Support System for Coordinating Vessel Routing, Inventories and Trade in the LNG-Supply Chain - Academic lecture
- A Decision Support System for Coordinating Vessel Routing, Inventories and Trade in the LNG-Supply Chain - Academic lecture
- A design for timing pulse acquisition in underwater multipath environments - Academic article
- A Domain Specific Modeling Language supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of Dynamic Adaptive Systems - Academic lecture
- A Domain Specific Modeling Language Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of Dynamic Adaptive Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A fate and effect assessment of alkanolamines in marine environment - Poster
- A field laboratory for monitoring CO2 leakage - Academic article
- A Finite-Element Approach for Calculating Electrical Parameters of Umbilical Cables - Academic article
- A Framework for Incident Response Management in the Petroleum Industry - Academic article
- A future energy chain based on liquefied hydrogen - Academic lecture
- A future energy chain based on liquefied hydrogen - Academic lecture
- A Generic Language and Tool for Variability Modeling - Report
- A Half-Size Singularity Test Matrix for Fast and Reliable Passivity Assessment of Rational Models - Academic article
- A heuristic for maritime inventory routing - Academic lecture
- A heuristic for maritime inventory routing - Academic lecture
- A hybridized snapshot proper orthogonal decomposition-discrete wavelet transform technique for the analysis of flow structures and their dynamics. M. V. Tabib, S. S. Deshpande, J. B. Joshi. Chemical Engineering Science 64, 2009, 4319—4340. - Academic article
- A Kinematic versus Dynamic Observer Approach to Coordination Control in terms of Estimation Principle and Practical Performance - Academic lecture
- A lightweight protocol suite for underwater communication - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A mechanistic-empirical model for base-reinforced flexible pavements - Academic article
- A metaheuristic for stochastic service network design - Report
- A Method for Model-Driven Information Flow Security - Report
- A Model for Techno-Economic Optimization of Wind Power Combined with Hydrogen Production in Weak Grids - Academic article
- A multiscale mixed finite-element method for the Stokes-Brinkman equations - Academic lecture
- A Multiscale Mixed Finite-Element Method for Vuggy and Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A MUSTA scheme for a non-conservative two-fluid model - Academic article
- A new approach for follow-up of safety instrumented systems in the oil and gas industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A new sea ice albedo scheme including melt ponds for ECHAM5 general circulation model - Academic article
- A numerical study on near-bed flow mechanisms around a marine pipeline close to a flat seabed including estimation of bedload sediment transport - Academic article
- A plasmid RK2-based broad-host-range cloning vector useful for transfer of metagenomic libraries to a variety of bacterial species - Academic article
- A plasmid RK2-based broad-host-range cloning vector useful for transfer of metagenomic libraries to a variety of bacterial species. - Academic article
- A probabilistic approach for modelling of fracture in magnesium die-castings - Academic article
- A Recycling Focus for Sustainable Metal Production - Editorial
- A remote palpation instrument for laparoscopic surgery: Design and performance - Academic article
- A Review of Harvesting and Post-Harvesting Procedures of Marine Fish in Cage Culture with Specific Reference to Cobia Compared with Atlantic Salmon - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Robotic Concept for Remote Inspection and Maintenance on Oil Platforms - Academic lecture
- A Robotic Concept for Remote Inspection and Maintenance on Oil Platforms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Rudimentary History of Dynamics - Academic article
- A rule-based approach for establishing states in a Markov process applied to maintenance modelling - Academic article
- A semi-empirical approach to accurate standard enthalpies of formation for solid hydrides - Academic article
- A Simple Model for Calculating Transformer Hot-Spot Temperature - Academic article
- A Simple Time Synchronization Method for Underwater Communication Receivers - Academic lecture
- A snake robot joint mechanism with a contact force measurement system - Academic article
- A snake robot joint mechanism with a contact force measurement system - Academic lecture
- A snake-like robot for internal inspection of complex pipe structures (PIKo) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Structured Approach to Incident Response Management in the Oil and Gas Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A structured approach to modelling interdependencies in risk analysis of critical infrastructures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Survey of Perceptions on Knowledge Management Schools in Agile and Traditional Software Development Environments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A survey on snake robot modeling and locomotion - Academic literature review
- A thermochemical database for the solar cell silicon materials - Academic article
- A Transformational Approach to Facilitate Monitoring of High Level Policies - Report
- A WIMF scheme for the drift-flux two-phase flow model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Accellerated testing of long term creep resistance of 50% short fibre reinforced PPA - Academic lecture
- Access to health care services among people with disabilities - Academic lecture
- Acid-induced gelation of natural actomyosin from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and burbot (Lota lota) - Academic article
- Actinobacteria from the Trondheim fjord (Norway): diversity, secondary metabolites, and genes for their biosynthesis - Academic lecture
- Adaptive focusing window for seismic angle migration - Academic article
- Adaptive Mesh Refinement Applied at Transverse Flow on Ship Hulls in Shallow Water - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Added Mass Of Human Swimmers: A Comparison Of Computational And Experimental Results - Abstract
- Adherence preserving refinement of trace-set properties in STAIRS: Exemplified for information flow properties and policies - Academic article
- Adhesion Resistance of Particle Reinforced Steel Matrix Composite During Sliding Against Aluminium - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adjoint Multiscale Mixed Finite Elements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adjoint Multiscale Mixed Finite Elements - Academic lecture
- Admittance-Based Modeling of Transmission Lines by a Folded Line Equivalent - Academic article
- Advanced ISS Air Monitoring – The ANITA and ANITA2 Missions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Advanced large scale power quality monitoring system - The complete measurement chain - Report
- Advanced particle measurement equipment at SINTEF Energy Research - Report
- Advanced TEM study of Co Fischer Tropsch Catalyst - Academic lecture
- Advection and retention as life trait modulators of capelin larvae-A case study from the Norwegian coast and the Barents Sea - Academic article
- After James on identity - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Against all odds? Exploration as dialectic imagination - Academic lecture
- Agglomeration of manganese ores - Report
- Agile development and teamwork: Theory and Practice - Academic lecture
- Air reversing R744 conditioning system - Academic lecture
- Airtightness and air leakages of Norwegian wood-frame houses - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Air-tightness and air leakages of Norwegian wood-frame houses - Academic lecture
- Alkaline Modification of MCM-22 to a 3D Interconnected Pore System and its Application in Toluene Disproportionation and Alkylation - Academic article
- All in a day's work: Password cracking for the rest of us - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- All in a day's work: Password cracking for the rest of us - Academic lecture
- All in a day's work: Password cracking for the rest of us - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Amine Amino Acid Salts for Carbon Dioxide Absorption - Academic lecture
- An architectural foundation for security model sharing and reuse - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An electrostatic energy harvester with electret bias - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An experimental study on the dynamic fracture of extruded AA6xxx and AA7xxx aluminium alloys - Academic article
- An Experimental Study on the Effect of DC Bias on Streamer Initiation and Propagation in a Dielectric Liquid under Impulse Voltage - Academic article
- An important study and a good read. - Book review
- An improved flowsheet simulation approach for advanced CO2 absorption process design and optimization - Academic article
- An initiative to standardize variability modeling at the OMG - Academic lecture
- An integrated modular service for microfluidics: microBUILDER (invited) - Academic lecture
- An interferometric test station for massive parallel inspection of MEMS and MOEMS - Academic article
- An Investigation of Factors Influencing Healthcare Workers' Use and Acceptance of E-learing in Post-School Healtcare Education - Academic lecture
- An Investigation of Factors Influencing Healthcare Workers' Use and acceptance of E-learning in Post-School Healthcare Education - Academic article
- An investigation of the potential for natural ventilation and building orientation to achieve thermal comfort in warm and humid climates - Academic article
- An operational portfolio optimization model for a natural gas producer - Academic lecture
- An operational portfolio optimization model for a natural gas producer - Academic lecture
- Analysis of the impact of macrosegregation on hot tearing conditions during DC casting of aluminium alloys - Academic article
- Analysis of usability evaluation data: An interview study with usability professionals - Report
- Analytical Methods to differentiate farmed from wild Seafood - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analytical Treatment of a Push-Pull "Echo" Test - Academic article
- ANITA: FTIR Air Monitoring on the International Space Station. Part 1: Preparations for Operation - Academic lecture
- ANITA: FTIR Air Monitoring on the International Space Station. Part 2: Operation and Results - Academic lecture
- Antibiotic use in early life and development of allergic diseases: respiratory infection as the explanation - Academic lecture
- Antibiotic use in early life and the development of allergic disorders: infection as the explanation - Abstract
- Antibody coated poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) nanocapsules for future medication - Academic lecture
- Antibody coated poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) nanocapsules for future medication - Academic lecture
- Antioxidant activity of phenolic acids in lipid oxidation catalyzed by different prooxidants - Academic article
- Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Acids in Lipid Oxidation Catalyzed by Different Prooxidants - Academic article
- Application of Bayesian networks for risk assessment in electricity distribution system mainentance management - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of geosynthetics reinforcement in freezing thawing roads: A case study from Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of metal-organic frameworks with coordinatively unsaturated metal sites in storage and separation of methane and carbon dioxide - Academic article
- Application-specific Smart System Integration - Academic lecture
- Applying the resilience concept in practice : a case study from the oil and gas industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Approaching and creating new work practices through action research - a case study from implementation of Integrated Operations (IO) in a Norwegian oil and gas company - Academic lecture
- Are cluster initiatives a suitable policy initiative for economies in transition? Evidence from Serbia - Academic lecture
- Are vaccination programmes delivered by lay health workers cost-effective? A systematic review - Academic literature review
- ARKTRANS The multimodal ITS framework architecture Version 6 - Report
- Assessing the Contribution and the Feasibility of a Citywide Personal Rapid Transit System - Academic article
- Assessing the Vulnerability of Supply Chains - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of HSE aspects by employees' participation in organizational development processes: ""What you ask is what you get"" - Academic lecture
- Assessment of HSE aspects by employees' participation in organizational development processes: ""What you ask is what you get"" - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of pre-combustion decarbonisation schemes for polygeneration from fossil fuels - Academic article
- Assessment of yield and fracture criteria using shear and bending tests - Academic article
- Assistive Technology in Low-Income Development Issue - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Au-Sn SLID bonding: fluxless bonding with high temperature stability to above 350 °C - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Automated Acceptance Testing Using Fit - Academic article
- Automated Acceptance Testing Using Fit - Academic lecture
- Autopsies of spent pot linings - A Revised view - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aviation safety and maintenance under major organizational changes, investigating non-existing accidents - Academic article
- B-COOL Project - Ford Ka and Fiat Panda R-744 MAC systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Behaviour of extruded aluminium alloys under proportional and non-proportional strain paths - Academic article
- Behavioural Adaptation to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Steps to Explore Safety implications. - Academic lecture
- Belly bursting in herring (Clupea harengus): a study on some gelatinolytic activities possibly involved in the process - Academic monograph
- Benefit of Microscopic Diffusion Measurement for the Characterization of Nanoporous Materials - Academic literature review
- Benefits of waste recovery - Academic lecture
- Benthic macrofauna and productivity regimes in the Barents Sea - Ecological implications in a changing Arctic - Academic article
- Best practices for specific flows - construction materials - Academic lecture
- Beyond Vacuum Insulation Panels - How May It Be Achieved? - Academic lecture
- Beyond VIPs - How may it be achieved? - Other
- BIGCCS Centre - International CCS Research Centre - Lecture
- BIGCCS Centre - International CCS Research Centre - Lecture
- BIGCCS Centre - International CCS Research Centre - Popular scientific lecture
- Biocompatibility and in vivo sensors - Academic lecture
- BioFuel in Poland - Ethanol market and trade - Report
- BioFuel in Poland - Potential from Food Processing Waste - Report
- BioFuel in Poland - Project Prospects in Food Processing Industry - Report
- Biosynthesis of Macrolactam BE-14106 involves two distinct PKS systems and amino acid processing enzymes for generation of the aminoacyl starter unit - Academic article
- Blood flow imaging - an angle-independent ultrasound modality for intraoperative assessment of flow dynamics in neurovascular surgery - Academic article
- Blood Flow Imaging: An Angle-Independent Ultrasound Modality for Intraoperative Assessment of Flow Dynamics in Neurovascular Surgery - Academic article
- Boosting regional competitiveness in Norway - at the company level and regional level - Academic lecture
- Brain maturation and risk behaviour - Academic lecture
- Brain maturation and risk behaviour among young drivers - Academic lecture
- Brain maturation and risk behaviour among young drivers - Academic lecture
- Breaking-rate minimum predicts the collapse point of overloaded materials - Academic article
- Bringing Retrofit Innovation to Application in Public Buildings - Academic lecture
- Bringing Retrofit Innovation to Application in Public Buildings - Academic lecture
- Bubble Size Distribution for A Bubble Column Reactor Undergoing Forced Oscillations - Academic article
- Building a Hydrogen Infrastructure in Norway - Academic article
- Building a Hydrogen Infrastructure in Norway - Academic lecture
- Building engagement and commitment through healthy change processes: a case study examining possibilities and limitations - Academic lecture
- Building Safety – Human and Organizational Contribution to Resilience – Summary report - Report
- Building Safety by resilient organization – a case specific approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- C-13 NMR Pattern Recognition Techniques for the Classification of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) According to their Wild, Farmed and Geographical Origin - Academic article
- C-13 NMR Pattern Recognition Techniques for the Classification of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) According to Their Wild, Farmed, and Geographical Origin - Academic article
- CAC Hydrates and their Interaction with Superplasticizers - Poster
- Calculations of quantum rate constants for multidimensional systems using ab initio forces - Academic lecture
- Calibrating fault seal using a hydrocarbon migration model of the Oseberg Syd area, Viking Graben - Academic article
- Calibration of a Constitutive Material Model for Sub-Sea Pipelines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Caminhos percorridos no mapa da portuguesificação: A Linguateca em perspectiva - Academic article
- Can organisational learning improve safety and resilience during changes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Candicidin Biosynthesis Gene Cluster Is Widely Distributed among Streptomyces spp. Isolated from the Sediments and the Neuston Layer of the Trondheim Fjord, Norway - Academic article
- CAPRICE: Pilot Plant Data Validation - Academic lecture
- Carbon capture and storage (CCS) options for co-production of electricity and synthetic fuels from indigenous coal in an Indian context - Academic article
- Case-Based Reasoning for Situation-Aware Ambient Intelligence: A Hospital Ward Evaluation Study - Academic article
- Castability of aluminium alloys - Academic article
- Causality Preserving Passivity Enforcement for Traveling-Wave-Type Transmission-Line Models - Academic article
- Causality, social selectivity or artefacts ? Why socioeconomic inequalities in health are not smallest in the Nordic countries - Editorial
- Cement Production in Emerging Economies and Guidelines for Resource Recovery, Waste Treatment and Reduction of Green House Gas Emissions - Academic lecture
- Cement production in emerging economies and potential for resource recovery, waste treatment and reduction of green house gas emissions - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Cement production in emerging economies and potential for resource recovery, waste treatment and reduction of green house gas emissions - Academic lecture
- CFD modeling of plume and free surface behavior resulting from a sub-sea gas release - Academic article
- Challenges for Mobile Solutions for Emergency Response - Academic lecture
- Change in the number of musculoskeletal pain sites: A 14-year prospective study - Academic article
- Change in the number of musculoskeletal pain sites: A 14-year prospective study - Academic article
- Change in the number of musculoskeletal pain sites: A 14-year prospective study - Academic article
- Changes of Dextrose Particles with Pneumatic Conveying: Analysis of Size and Shape - Academic article
- Characterisation of culture-independent and -dependent microbial communities in a high-temperature offshore chalk petroleum reservoir - Academic article
- Characterisation of lipid transport in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) when fasted and fed high or low fat diets - Academic article
- Characterisation of the Components of a Prototype Scanning Intelligent Imaging System for Use in Digital Mammography: The I-ImaS System - Academic article
- Characterisation of trace elements in aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Characterisation studies on peat - Report
- Characteristics of the Norwegian Energy System- Role of Hydrogen in the Transportation Sector - Academic lecture
- Characterization of Pt/SBA-15 pepared by the deposition-precipitation method - Academic article
- Characterization of ZnO Nanostructures Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition - Academic lecture
- Characterization of ZnO Nanostructures Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition - Academic article
- Characterization of ZnO Nanostructures Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition - Academic lecture
- Chemical and toxicological characterization of an unresolved complex mixture-rich biodegraded crude oil - Academic article
- Chemical degradation of Si3N4-bonded SiC sidelining materials in aluminum electrolysis cells - Academic article
- Chemical modification and biological evaluation of new semisynthetic derivatives of 28,29-didehydronystatin A1 (S44HP), a genetically engineered antifungal polyene macrolide antibiotic - Academic article
- Chemical modification and biological evaluation of new semisynthetic derivatives of 28,29-Didehydronystatin A1 (S44HP), a genetically engineered antifungal polyene macrolide antibiotic. - Academic article
- Children's electronic gaming content preferences and psychosocial factors is there a connection? - Academic article
- Classification of different type of propeller ventilation and ventilation inception mechanism - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Classification of Different Type of Propeller Ventilation and Ventilation Inception Mechanism - Academic lecture
- Classification of Wild and Farmed Salmon Using Bayesian Belief Networks and Gas Chromatography-Derived Fatty Acid Distributions - Academic article
- Classifying the cases - Academic article
- Climate adapted design of masonry structures - Academic article
- Cloud Computing - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Cluster Dynamics and Innovation - Report
- CO Adsorption on CPO-27-Ni Coordination Polymer: Spectroscopic Features and Interaction Energy - Academic article
- CO2 capture with membrane systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CO2 Conversion: Opportunities and Perspectives for Research and Industry. - Academic lecture
- CO2 Injection well Integrity - Report
- Coastal Oil Spills - JIP - report no.: 19 - C2/C3/C4 - Compilation report for shoreline activities in Phase 1 - OC2019 A-041 - STF F9954 - Report
- Coastal salmon farms attract large and persistent aggregations of wild fish: an ecosystem effect - Academic article
- Cobia (R. canadum) aquaculture in Vietnam: Recent developments and prospects - Abstract
- Cobia (R. canadum) aquaculture in Vietnam: Recent developments and prospects - Academic lecture
- Co-Creation and User-Generated Content – Elderly People’s User Requirements - Academic article
- Co-creation and user-generated content-elderly people's user requirements - Academic article
- Collaborability: Developing organizational competitiveness through proficiency in communication and cooperation across organizational boundaries - Academic lecture
- Combining Aspect and Model-Driven Engineering Approaches for Software Process Modeling and Execution - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Communication for Air Traffic Management (ATM) in Northern Areas - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Communications for coastal waters and offshore operations in the High North - Academic lecture
- Compact wood frame roofs with built-in-moisture : Test house measurements of the drying potential and risk of mould growth - Report
- Comparative study on acute toxicity and stress gene expression in Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis following mercury exposure - Academic lecture
- Comparative study on acute toxicity and stress gene expression in Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis following mercury exposure - Poster
- Comparative study on acute toxicity and stress gene expression in Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis following mercury exposure - Academic lecture
- Comparative study on acute toxicity and stress gene expression in Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis following mercury exposure. - Poster
- Comparison and validation of simulation codes against sixteen sets of data from four different pilot plants - Academic article
- Comparison between biodegradation and degradation at process conditions - Academic lecture
- Comparison criteria for large-scale hydrogen liquefaction processes - Academic article
- Comparison of a task-related test versus national labour inspection authority endurance and strength tests for firefighters and applicants - Academic lecture
- Comparison of dietary phospholipids and neutral lipids on skeletal development and fatty acid composition in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Academic article
- Comparison of dietary phospholipids and neutral lipids: effects on gut, liver and pancreas histology in Atlantic cod (Gadus morha L.) larvae - Academic article
- Comparison of HPV detection technologies: Hybrid Capture 2, PreTect (TM) HPV-Proofer and analysis of HPV DNA viral load in HPV16, HPV18 and HPV33 E6/E7 mRNA positive specimens - Academic article
- Comparison of Laboratory Investigations and Numerical Simulations of Vacuum Insulation Panels in Various Wall Structure Arrangements - Other
- Comparison of Laboratory Investigations and Numerical Simulations of Vacuum Insulation Panels in Various Wall Structure Arrangements - Academic lecture
- Comparison of Laboratory Investigations and Numerical Simulations of Vacuum Insulation Panels in Various Wall Structure Arrangements - Academic lecture
- Comparison of Molecular Monolayer Interface Treatments in Organic-inorganic Photovoltaic Devices - Poster
- Comparison of Molecular Monolayer Interface Treatments in Organic-inorganic Photovoltaic Devices - Academic lecture
- Comparison of Molecular Monolayer Interface Treatments in Organic-inorganic Photovoltaic Devices - Academic article
- Comparison of SURF imaging and Pulse Inversion for CEUS: A simulation study - Academic lecture
- Comparison of Three Model Transformation Languages - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Composition and calories - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Composition of beta'' precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys by atom probe tomography and first principles calculations - Academic article
- Composition of beta'' precipitates in Al–Mg–Si alloys by atom probe tomography and first principles calculations - Academic article
- Compositional Refinement of Policies in UML – Exemplified for Access Control - Report
- Compositional Service Engineering Using Semantic Interfaces - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Computational vascular fluid-structure interaction: Methodology and application to cerebral aneurysmns - Academic lecture
- Concrete with High Volume of Supplementary Cementing Materials and Admixtures for Sustainable and Productive Construction - Academic lecture
- Concrete with High Volume of Supplementary Cementing Materials and Admixtures for Sustainable and Productive Construction - Academic lecture
- Concrete with High Volume of Supplementary Cementing Materials and Admixtures for Sustainable and Productive Construction - Academic lecture
- Conditions for CeS formation during manufacturing of Ce-S-Al grain refiners for steels - Academic article
- Confluence in Domain-Independent Product Line Transformations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Construction of long traffic tunnels in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Contribution of the mooring system to the low-frequency motions of a semisubmersible in combined wave and current - OMAE2009-79074 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Contribution of the mooring system to the low-frequency motions of a semi-submersible in combined wave and current, - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Control of dioxins in cement kilns feeding hazardous wastes - Academic lecture
- Control of grain size and -orientation in multi-crystalline silicon ingots - Academic article
- Controllability analysis of planar snake robots influenced by viscous ground friction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Controllability analysis of planar snake robots influenced by viscous ground friction - Academic lecture
- Conventional methods of Tunnelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cooling vest for improving surgeons' thermal comfort: A multidisciplinary design project - Academic article
- Cooperation with French Research Institutions – Final Report - Report
- Coordinating power oscillation damping control using wide area measurements - Academic lecture
- Coordinating power oscillation damping control using wide area measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Coordination Polymers Based on the 2,5-Dihydroxyterephthalate Ion and Alkaline Earth Metal (Ca, Sr) and Manganese Cations - Academic article
- Co-processing alternative fuels and raw materials in the cement industry in China - Academic lecture
- Co-processing alternative fuels and raw materials in the global cement industry – current practise and experiences - Academic lecture
- Co-Processing of AFR in Cement Kilns - Academic lecture
- Corrosion in waste-fired boilers: A thermodynamic study - Academic article
- Corrosion of stainless steel 316L in simulated formation water environment with CO2-H2S-Cl- - Academic article
- Costs and cost-effectiveness of immunisation programmes: the role of lay health workers - Academic lecture
- Coupled DPM and VOF model for analyses of gas stirred ladles at higher gas rates - Academic lecture
- Creating resilient drilling operations through collective learning - Academic lecture
- CREATIV - Efficient Heating and Cooling - Academic lecture
- Criteria for safe use of plant ingredients in diets for aquacultured fish. Opinion of the Panel on Animal Feed of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety - Report
- Critical assessment of the impurity diffusivities in solid and liquid silicon - Academic article
- Critical chloride content and its influence on service life predictions - Academic article
- Cross-border transmission upgrade with increasing wind power penetration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Crosslinking and stabilization of nanoparticle filled PMP nanocomposite membranes for gas separations - Academic article
- Crosslinking and stabilization of nanoparticle filled PMP nanocomposite membranes for gas separations - Academic article
- Crosslinking and Stabilization of Nanoparticle Filled Poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) Nanocomposite Membranes for Gas Separations - Academic article
- Crystallinity in Ethene-1-Hexene Copolymers Determined by H-1 and C-13 NMR. A Comparative Study - Academic article
- Crystallinity in ethylene-1-hexene copolymers determined by 1H- and 13C NMR in a comparative study - Academic article
- CSR as the nexus between marketing, PR and organizational change - Academic lecture
- Current Status of the Framework for Environmental Impact Assessment in Europe Regarding Cement Based Materials - Academic lecture
- Data Management in an Intelligent Environment for Cognitive Disabled and Elderly People - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- De- and re-coupling energy:Environmental Policy Integration (EPI) and the case of renewable electricity in Scandinavia - Report
- Decision processes and improved HSE. Training as a contribution to organizational learning and development - Academic lecture
- Decision processes and improved HSE. Training as a contribution to organizational learning and development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Deep drawing behaviour of ultrafine grained copper: modelling and experiment - Academic article
- Defect generation during solidification of multicrystalline silicon - Poster
- Definitions and approaches to model quality in model-based software development - A review of literature - Academic article
- Definitions and Approaches to Model Quality in Model-Based Software Development – A Review of Literature - Academic article
- Deformation structures of pure Ti during shear deformation - Poster
- Degradation of lining systems for drinking water networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dehydration efficiency of AC electrical fields on water-in-model-oil emulsions - Academic article
- Dehydrogenation of propane over Pt-SBA-15 and Pt-Sn-SBA-15: Effect of Sn on the disperion of Pt and catalytic behavior - Academic article
- De-institutionalisation and trans-institutionalisation - changing trends of inpatient care in Norwegian mental health institutions 1950-2007 - Academic article
- Density and Viscosity of Monoethanolamine plus Water plus Carbon Dioxide from (25 to 80) degrees C - Academic article
- Dependence of shipping on efficient information management - Academic lecture
- Depolarised gas anodes for aluminium electrowinning - Academic lecture
- Depolarised gas anodes for aluminium electrowinning - Academic lecture
- Depolarized anodes in electrowinning of metals in molten salts - Academic lecture
- Derailed Decisions: The Evolution of Vulnerability on a Norwegian Railway Line - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power Final report, IEA WIND Task 25, Phase one 20062008 - Report
- Design for improvement of acoustic properties : COIN P 5 Energy efficiency comfort, Sub P 5.2 Comfortable buildings and constructions - Report
- Design of a 150 kW Chemical Looping Combustion reactor ready for pressurization - Academic lecture
- Design of a 150 kW chemical looping reactor concept ready for pressurization - Academic lecture
- Design of a micro-optical low coherent interferometer array for the characterisation of MEMS and MOEMS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design of a stable steam reforming catalyst - a promising route to sustainable hydrogen from biomass oxygenates - Academic article
- Design patterns for user interface for mobile applications - Academic article
- Design, process and characterisation of a high-performance vibration sensor for wireless condition monitoring - Academic article
- Design, Tuning and Testing of a Flexible PLL for Grid Synchronization of Three-Phase Power Converters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Detection and quantification of valve through leak from the analysis of acoustic emission (AE) - Report
- Detection of Legionella pneumophila using real-time PCR in the presence of other Legionella species - Academic lecture
- Determinants for social participation - Academic lecture
- Determination of space behind frost insulation walls in tunnels using Ground Penetrating Radar. Brattåstunnelen - Report
- Determination of space behind frost insulation walls in tunnels using Ground Penetrating Radar. Hovettunnelen - Report
- Determination of space behind frost insulation walls in tunnels using Ground Penetrating Radar. Steinbrekkatunnelen - Report
- Developing the Healthy Change Process Index: a new measure assessing management of organizational change processes - Academic lecture
- Development and fabrication of full 3D-sensors at SINTEF MiNaLab - Academic lecture
- Development of a Holonic Free-Roaming AGV System for Part Manufacturing - Academic article
- Development of Au catalysts for the functionalization of alkanes: Precursor synthesis and C-H activation - Academic lecture
- Development of Au Catalysts for the Functionalization of Alkanes: Precursor Synthesis and C-H Activation - Academic lecture
- Development of Chemical Admixtures for Early Hardening of Blended Cements - Academic lecture
- Development of low modulus conductive adhesive for MEMS interconnects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of Thin Pd-23% Ag/Stainless Steel Composite Membranes for Application in Water Gas Shift Membrane Reactors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of thin Pd-23%Ag/Stainless Steel composite membranes for application in Water Gas Shift membrane reactors - Academic lecture
- Development of thin Pd-23%Ag/Stainless Steel composite membranes for application in Water Gas Shift membrane reactors - Academic lecture
- Development of thin Pd-23%Ag/Stainless Steel composite mem-branes for application in Water Gas Shift membrane reactors - Academic lecture
- Development of thin Pd-23w%Ag membranes for application in water gas shift membrane reactors - Academic lecture
- Development of thin Pd-23w%Ag membranes for application in water gas shift membrane reactors - Academic lecture
- Dielectric Properties of Crude Oil Components - Academic article
- Dielectric relaxation of water inside a single-walled carbon nanotube - Academic article
- Differentiation of Fish Oils According to Species by C-13-NMR Regiospecific Analyses of Triacyglycerols - Academic article
- Differentional spatio-temporal expression and functional diversification of the myogenic regulatory factors MyoD1 and MyoD2 in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) - Academic article
- Diffusion Based Model for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss - Academic lecture
- Diffusion in micropores - Editorial
- Diffusion potentials as source of error in electrochemical measurements in concrete - Academic article
- Diffusion tight concrete - Preliminary study : COIN P 3 Innovative construction concepts : SP3.3 Hybrid structures - Report
- Disability and poverty - Academic lecture
- Disability and poverty: Coping and challenges in an African context - Academic lecture
- Discontinuous Galerkin methods for advective transport in single-continuum models of fractured media - Academic article
- Discrete Optimization Problems – Heuristics - Academic lecture
- Dispersibility of Silane-functionalized Alumina Nanoparticles in Syndiotactic Polypropylene - Academic lecture
- Diurnal variations of indoor air humidity in Norwegian houses - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Does ice matter? Site fidelity and movements by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr during winter in a substrate enhanced river reach - Academic article
- Does leptin play a role in obesity-asthma relationship? - Academic article
- Does the number of musculoskeletal pain sites predict work disability? A 14-year prospective study - Academic article
- Does the number of musculoskeletal pain sites predict work disability? A 14-year prospective study - Academic article
- Drinking water on board - Health challenges and technical solutions - Academic lecture
- Driving pattern in crossings and roundabouts and its consequences for noise emissions - Academic lecture
- Driving-rain protective design of parapet flashing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Driving-rain protective design of parapet flashing - Academic lecture
- Duct System Leakage Testing — Methods, requirements, handing over - Academic lecture
- Dynamic Flow Simulation of a Well Clean-up Operation at the Åsgard Field - Academic lecture
- Dynamic modeling and simulation of a CO2 absorber column for post-combustion CO2 capture - Academic article
- Dynamic modelling of an oxygen mixed conducting membrane and model reduction for control - Academic article
- Dynamics of Flow Structures and Transport Phenomena, 2. Relationship with Design Objectives and Design Optimization. C. S. Mathpati, M. V. Tabib, S. S. Deshpande, J. B. Joshi. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (17),2009,8285-8311. - Academic article
- Early Warnings in Projects – a Conceptual Framework - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- East Africa’s long-term tectonic segmentation during the Gondwana break-up: inferences from apatite fission track analyses in southern Malawi - northern Mozambique - Academic lecture
- ECCO – European value chain for CO2 - Academic article
- Ecotoxicity testing of surface cleaning agents used for combating acute oil spills on beaches and shorelines - Academic lecture
- Educational health inequalities in former Yugoslavia - Academic lecture
- Effect of Cluster Resolution on Momentum and Reaction Kinetic Interaction in Riser Flows - Academic lecture
- Effect of contact resistance on bulk resistivity of dry coke beds - Academic article
- Effect of humidity and chloride content on the corrosion of steel embedded in LWA concrete - Academic article
- Effect of hydrogen content, melt cleanliness and solidification conditions on tensile properties of A356 alloy - Academic article
- Effect of local variations of vertical and horizontal stresses on the Cenozoic structuring of the mid-Norwegian shelf - Academic article
- Effect of membrane treatment on CO competitive adsorption on ~3μm Pd/23wt.%Ag membranes - Academic lecture
- Effect of Pitch Factor on Reliability of Interconnects Using Anisotropic Conductive Films: An Initial Study - Other
- Effect of residual stresses on the crack-tip constraint in a modified boundary layer model - Academic article
- Effect of temperature on Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking (HISC) of UNS S32750 under cathodic protection in seawater - Academic lecture
- Effects of atrazine on hepatic metabolism and endocrine homeostasis in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) - Academic article
- Effects of Channel Estimation Errors in OFDM-MIMO-based Underwater Communications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effects of crack depth and specimen size on ductile crack growth of SENT and SENB specimens for fracture mechanics evaluation of pipeline steels - Academic article
- Effects of Electron-Attaching and Electron-Releasing Additives on Streamers in liquid Cyclohexane - Academic article
- Effects of Integrated Operations on Offshore Installations' Health and Safety Performance - Report
- Effects of oil exposure on Calanus finmarchicus - the dominating zooplankton species in the Northern Atlantic Ocean - Poster
- Effects of oil exposure on Calanus finmarchicus - the dominating zooplankton species in the Northern Atlantic Ocean. - Poster
- Effects of thermal activation on hydrogen permeation properties of thin, self-supported Pd/Ag membranes - Academic article
- Effects on employees' information security abilities by e-learning - Academic article
- Effects on Time-lapse Seismic of a Hard Rock Layer beneath a Compacting Reservoir (SPE-121081) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Efficient calculation of bow flare slamming in irregular oblique seas - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Efficient GPU-based algorithms for solving systems of conservation laws - Academic lecture
- Efficient information managemenet in shipping - Academic lecture
- Efficient Visualization of the Flow Field Behind A Grid of Circular Cylinders Using GLview: A Comparative Study Between Numerical and PIV Experimental Studies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- EFFORTS: Service Oriented Architecture for - Academic lecture
- EIF and deposition calculations for exploration drilling at the Geitfjellet Field (PL321). Final report - Report
- EIF and deposition calculations for exploration drilling at the Pumbaa Exploration Field (PL469). Final report - Report
- Electrical conditions of a coke bed in SiMn production - Academic article
- Electrochemical Behaviour and Processing of CH4 and CO2 in Molten Salts - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical behaviour of depolarized reducing gas anodes in molten salts - Academic article
- Electrochemical Deposition of Silicon for Solar Cells - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical purification and compession of hydrogen using polybenzimidazole (PBI)fuel cell technology - Academic lecture
- Electrochemistry of thulium on inert electrodes and electrochemical formation of a Tm-Al alloy from molten chlorides - Academic article
- Electrocoalescence of Drops in a Water-in Oil Emulsion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrodeposition of silicon thin films from ionic liquids - Academic lecture
- Electrodeposition of solar grade silicon in molten salts - Academic lecture
- Electronic structure studies of Ni–X (X: B, S, P) alloys using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray induced Auger electron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations - Academic article
- Electrorefining of silicon in molten chloride electrolytes - Academic lecture
- Electrowinning of iron in aqueous alkaline solution using a rotating cathode - Academic article
- Elementary school buildings – Examples - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Elementary school buildings – Layout and design - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Emergency Preparedness – Northern Norway and Svalbard Waters - Academic article
- Emerging Maritime Communications Technologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Employing key indicators to provide a dynamic risk picture with a notion of confidence - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Employing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for improving processes within maintenance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Employing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for improving processes within maintenance - Academic lecture
- Empowering Operation and Maintenance: Safe Operations with the "One Directed Team" Organization Model at the Kristin Asset - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Emulsion based encapsulation - Academic lecture
- Enabling a national service provider market for distribution network maintenance services - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enabling pre-combustion plants—the DECARBit project - Academic article
- Enabling pressure tolerant power electronic converters for subsea applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Encapsulation by Emulsion-based Methods: Industrial Processes and Solutions - Academic lecture
- Encapsulation of Bitrix for Triggered Release from Impregnating Agents for Fish Farming Nets - Academic lecture
- Energy consumption in the Norwegian fisheries - Academic article
- Energy demand in the Norwegian building stock: Scenarios on potential reduction - Academic article
- Engineered and Natural Marine Seep, Bubble-Driven Buoyancy Flows - Academic article
- Enhancing UML to Formalize the FIPA Agent Interaction Protocol - Academic article
- ENKI – Operational hydrological forecasting system - Academic lecture
- Ensuring Trust, Privacy, and Etiquette in Web 2.0 Applications - Academic article
- Enthalpy of absorption of CO2 with alkanolamine solutions predicted from reaction equilibrium constants - Academic article
- Environmental analysis of the Norwegian fishery and aquaculture industry - a preliminary study focusing on farmed salmon - Academic article
- Environmental Effects on Fatigue Strength of Armour Wire for Flexible Risers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Environmental flows from dams: the water framework directive - Academic article
- Environmental Friendly Strategy for Waste Management in India Utilising Cement and Concrete Production Technology - Indo Norwegian Bilateral Initiative - Academic lecture
- Environmental impact of amines - Academic article
- Environmental Services Infrastructure with Ontologies -- A Decision Support Framework - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Environmentally friendly pavements: Results from noise measurements 2005-2008 - Report
- EOR and CO2 disposal - economic and capacity potential in the North Sea - Academic article
- Erosion of FEP Teflon and PMMA by VUV radiation and hyperthermal O or Ar atoms - Academic article
- Estimation of deterioration and failure probability of water tree degraded XLPE MV underground cables - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Estimation of forming limit diagrams by the use of the finite element method and Monte Carlo simulation - Academic article
- Estudando o português tal como é usado: o serviço AC/DC - Academic lecture
- eTransport:An optimization model for distributed energy systems with parallel infrastructures - Report
- Evaluation and modelling of Tertiary source rocks in the central Arctic Ocean - Academic article
- Evaluation of ANITA Air Monitoring on the International Space Station - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of IVIS/ADAS using driving simulators - Comparing performance measures in different environments - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of IVIS/ADAS using driving simulators - Comparing performance measures in different environments - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of IVIS/ADAS using driving simulators - Comparing performance measures in different environments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of radar precipitation data in Norway - Lecture
- Evaluation of reactor and catalyst performance in methane partial oxidation over modified nickel catalysts - Academic article
- Evaluation of the distribution of Cr and Mo species in leachates from recycled concretes applied in road constructions - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of the utilization of Wiki technology in Nemko - Report
- Evaluation Report on Cluster Initiatives in Serbia and Recommendations for Future Actions - Report
- Evaluations of biomass CHP technologies in a Norwegian context (TR A6809) - Report
- Evidence of ultrahigh hydrogen flux in supported Pd-23%Ag membranes - Academic lecture
- Executable Models, Simulation / Validation, and Service Engineering Methodologies - Academic lecture
- Existing Model Metrics and Relations to Model Quality - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experiences of Developing a Network Modeling Tool Using the Eclipse Environment - Academic article
- Experiences with Human Factors in Norwegian petroleum Control Centre Design and suggestions to handle an increasingly complex future - Academic lecture
- Experiencing hope in organizational lives - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and numerical study of containership responses in severe head seas - Academic article
- Experimental and theoretical study of three-dimensional effects on vertical wave-in-deck forces - OMAE2009-79560 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental investigation of a microchannel membrane configuration with a 1.4 μm Pd/Ag23wt% membrane - effects of flow and pressure - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of the effect of waves and ventilation on thruster loadings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Waves and Ventilation on Thruster Loadings - Academic lecture
- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Waves and Ventilation on Thruster Loadings - Popular scientific chapter/article
- Experimental study of compact dimethyl ether synthesis from syngas - Academic lecture
- Experimental study of methanol synthesis in a microchannel reactor - Academic lecture
- Experimental study of methanol synthesis in a PdCeO2 stacked microchannel reactor - Poster
- Experimental Study of Methanol Synthesis in a PdCeO2 Stacked Microchannel Reactor - Academic lecture
- Experimental study of the local wave velocity field during a wave impact occurence - OMAE2009-79375 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experiments and modeling of two-phase transient flow during CO2 pipeline depressurization - Academic article
- Explaining Participation in Online Communities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Explicitly Representing the Solvation Shell in Continuum Solvent Calculations - Academic article
- Exploring diethanolamine toxicity in Calanus finmarchicus. - Poster
- Exploring safety critical decision-making - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Extending Pinch Analysis and Process Integration into Pressure and Fluid Phase Consideration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Extending pinch analysis and process integration into pressure and fluid phase considerations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Extending the Lin-Kernighan algorithm to improve solutions to VRPs with Time Windows - Report
- Factors explaining return to work for long-term sick workers in Norway - Academic article
- Factors influencing the drying process of salted cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and saithe (Pollachius virens) into backload (Clip fish) - Academic lecture
- Failure modes and condition assessment of high voltage oil filled XLPE terminations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- FASIT - a tool for collection, calculation and reporting of reliability data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fast broadband modeling of frequency-domain responses by piecewise interpolation - Academic article
- Fast food consumption counters the protective effect of breastfeeding on asthma in children? - Academic article
- Fast free surface multiples attenuation workflow for three-dimensional ocean bottom seismic data - Academic article
- Fast Realization of the Modal Vector Fitting Method for Rational Modeling With Accurate Representation of Small Eigenvalues - Academic article
- FEM simulations of temperature evolution in aluminum extrusion: Identification of numerical problems in Altair HyperXtrude - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- FEM simulations of temperature evolution in aluminum extrusion: Identification of numerical problems in HyperXtrude - Academic lecture
- Fiber-optic sensor for real-time monitoring of temperature on high voltage (400kV) power transmission lines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Field Measurements and CFD Simulations of a Large Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger - Academic lecture
- Financing possibilities in environmental sector in Poland - Report
- Finite element analyses of Charpy tests on extruded aluminium alloys - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- First fabrication of full 3D-detectors at SINTEF - Academic article
- Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a microstructured reactor - Academic lecture
- Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a microstructured reactor - Academic article
- Fischer–Tropsch synthesis in a microstructured reactor - Academic article
- Fischer–Tropsch synthesis in a microstructured reactor - Academic lecture
- Fischer–Tropsch synthesis over un-promoted and Re-promoted gamma-Al2O3 - Academic article
- Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over un-promoted and Re-promoted γ-Al2O3 supported cobalt catalysts with different pore sizes - Academic article
- Fish protein hydrolysate as antioxidant in model and food systems - Academic lecture
- FLAMINKO: Usability evaluation of work-domain specific applications. Experiences and lessons learnt. - Report
- Fleet deployment in liner shipping: a case study - Academic article
- Flexible Organisation of Multimodal Travel Information Services - Academic lecture
- Flow and heat transfer in pipe caused by localised cold spot - Academic article
- Flow Around the Free Bottom of Fish Cages in a Uniform Flow With and Without Fouling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Flow conditions of fresh mortar and concrete in different pipes - Academic article
- Flow of Carbon Nanoparticle Loaded Epoxy Resin in Liquid Molding - Lecture
- Fools download where angels fear to tread - Academic article
- Formation and dissolution of aluminium carbide in cathode blocks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Formation, release and control of dioxins in cement kilns co-processing wastes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- FP7 ICT Call 5 proposals and ideas - Academic lecture
- Fractionation analysis of oxyanion-forming metals and metalloids in leachates of cement-based materials using ion exchange solid phase extraction - Academic article
- Framework for implementing traceability system in the bulk grain supply chain - Academic article
- Freehand 3D ultrasound and navigation in neurosurgery — technical requirements - Academic lecture
- Frequency of Usage and Feelings of Connectedness in Instant Messaging by Age, Sex, and Civil Status - Academic article
- Frequency of Usage and Feelings of Connectedness in Instant Messaging by Age, Sex, and Civil Status - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- From sequence diagrams to Java-stairs aspects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Front-tracking methods for use in streamline simulation of compressible flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Full scale field experiment 2009 Cruise report - Report
- Functional, bioactive and antioxidative properties of hydrolysates obtained from cod (Gadus morhua) backbones - Academic article
- Future maritime Communication - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Gambling behavior and gambling problems in Norway 2007 - Academic article
- Gender and disability - Academic lecture
- Gender differences in the metabolic profile of blood plasma from polar bears (Ursus maritimus) analyzed by 1H-NMR metabolomics. - Poster
- Gene Expression of GST and CYP330A1 in Lipid-Rich and Lipid-Poor Female Calanus finmarchicus (Copepoda: Crustacea) Exposed to Dispersed Oil - Academic article
- General framework for maintenance management - Report
- General framework for reinvestment management - Report
- Generalized methodology for operational risk analysis of offshore installations - Academic article
- Generalized polar coordinates on Lie groups and numerical integrators - Academic article
- Geoducks (Panopea abrupta) as isotopic bioarchives of seasonality in the climate of British Columbia - Academic article
- Geodynamics of the Yellowstone hotspot and mantle plume: Seismic and GPS imaging, kinematics, and mantle flow - Academic article
- Geological expedition to the northeastern Spitsbergen (2008): Lower Palaeozoic deposits - Report
- Geotechnical investigations and geomechanics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Giant sandwaves in the Hola glacial through off Vesterålen, North Norway - Academic article
- Giant sandwaves in the Hola glacial trough off Vesteralen, North Norway - Academic article
- GikiCLEF topics and Wikipedia articles: Did they blend? - Academic lecture
- GikiP at GeoCLEF 2008: Joining GIR and QA forces for querying Wikipedia - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Gir en byggeskikk med meir isolasjon i bygningskroppen økt fare for fuktskader? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Gir en byggeskikk med mer isolasjon i bygningskroppen økt fare for fuktskader? - Academic lecture
- Glass - History, Composition, Properties and Building Applications - Academic lecture
- Glass – History, Composition, Properties and Building Applications - Academic lecture
- Glass Applied in the Building Climate Envelope - Properties and Possibilities - Academic lecture
- Glass Applied in the Building Climate Envelope - Properties and Possibilities - Academic lecture
- Glucosamine sulfate in treatment of patients with chronic low back pain: a double-blinded, randomized trial - Academic lecture
- Glucosamine sulfate in treatment of patients with chronic low back pain: a double-blinded, randomized trial - Academic lecture
- GPR measurements E14 - E39 - Report
- GPR measurements of some sections in Helgeland - Report
- GPR measurements RV33 Minnesund - Report
- GPU Accelerated Approximative Implicitization - Academic lecture
- GPU Computing at SINTEF - Academic lecture
- Guidelines for Co-Processing of alternative fuels and raw materials and treatment of organic hazardous wastes in cement kilns - Academic lecture
- Guidelines for low energy and energy efficient retrofit of public buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Guidelines to risk-based categorization of distribution system assets - Report
- Handbook on Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines - Academic lecture
- Handbook: Environmental assessment of construction products – An introduction to test methods and other procedures related to CE-marking - Report
- Hands-free sample preparation platform for nucleic acid analysis - Academic article
- Hazardous waste treatment in Asian countries - Academic lecture
- Health inequalities in European welfare states - Academic monograph
- Hearing the voices of disabled people in South Africa: Barriers to HIV prevention and care - Academic lecture
- Heterogeneous Computing and GPU-based image processing - Academic lecture
- Heterogeneous Computing in the Cloud - Academic lecture
- Heterogeneous Computing with Focus on Mechanical Engineering - Academic monograph
- Heterogeneous Spline Surface Intersections - Academic lecture
- Heuristic Strategies for Solving Large-Scale Vehicle Routing Problems - Academic lecture
- High aspect ratio deep RIE for novel 3D radiation sensors in high energy physics applications - Academic article
- High connectivity of salmon farms revealed by aggregation, residence and repeated movements of wild fish among farms - Academic article
- High fidelity tetrahedral meshing from imaging data for fluid-structure interaction analysis of aneurysms - Academic lecture
- High temperature nanoelectronics for electrical and hybrid vehicles - Academic article
- High temperature power electronics IGBT modules for electrical and hybrid vehicles - Academic article
- Higher order finite difference schemes for the magnetic induction equations - Academic article
- Higher Order Shape Representations for Increased Quality of Experience in 3D Internet - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Higher Order Shape Representations for Increased Quality of Experience in 3D Internet - Academic lecture
- High-Fidelity Tetrahedral Mesh Generation from Medical Imaging Data for Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of Cerebral Aneurysms - Academic article
- HiperSol – Modelling of interfaces for high performance solar cell materials - Academic lecture
- HIV/AIDS and disability in Southern Africa: a review of relevant literature - Academic article
- HIV/AIDS and sexuality of people with disabilities in South Africa: Are they at greater risk than non-disabled people? - Academic lecture
- HIV/AIDS and sexuality of people with disabilities in South Africa: Are they at greater risk than non-disabled people? - Academic lecture
- HIV/AIDS and sexuality of people with disabilities in South Africa: Are they at greater risk than non-disabled people? - Academic lecture
- Holonic Manufacturing Paint Shop - Academic article
- Hospital readmissions and the distribution of health care : analyses of Norwegian national register data - Doctoral dissertation
- Hospital Staffing Ratio of Nurses and Readmission Rates: A Study of Norwegian Hospitals, 2007 - Academic lecture
- How Employees' use of Information Technology Systems shape Reliable Operations of Large Scale Technological Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How May Nano Technology be Applied in Thermal Insulation Materials for Buildings? - Academic lecture
- How polygeneration schemes may develop under an advanced clean fossil fuel strategy under a joint sino-European initiative - Academic article
- How shared situational awareness influence organizational accident risk in the offshore oil industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How to Foresee and Capture the Effects of RFID Implementation - Academic lecture
- How to improve ductwork airtightness — Ongoing developments and success stories in Europe - Academic lecture
- Human and organizational factors effect on safety barriers in well operations - Academic lecture
- Hydrate Agglomeration and Deposition Studies - the influence of pipeline wettability and flow - Academic lecture
- Hydro reservoir handling in Norway before and after deregulation - Academic article
- Hydrodynamic Coefficients for Vortex Induced Vibrations of Slender Beams - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hydrogen Embrittlement of Stainless Steels Under Cathodic Protection in Seawater - Presentation of a New Test Method - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hydrogen flox through selected HTM membranes - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen quality from decarbonized fossil fuels to fuel cells - Academic article
- Hyperbaric GMA Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel at 12 and 35 Bar - Academic article
- Idea work - co-construction of a metaphor of innovation - Academic lecture
- Idea Work - Towards a Practice-Based Theory of Creating and Becoming in Organizations - Academic lecture
- Identification and validation of constitutive model and fracture criterion for AlMgSi alloy with application to sheet forming - Academic article
- Identification of droplet breakage Kernel for population balance modelling - Academic article
- Identification of prey species in gastric contents of herring. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Identification of the farm origin of salmon by fatty acid and HR C-13 NMR profiling - Academic article
- Identifying bands of passivity violations for scattering-based macromodels by a half-size test matrix - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Identifying co-occuring substance use disorders in community mental health centres. A need for tailored approaches - Academic lecture
- Identifying safety challenges related to major change processes - Academic article
- IDS and the Need for Knowledge on Relations Between Processes, People and Technology in the Practice of Architectural Design - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Image guided surgery and navigation system R&D in Trondheim at SINTEF and St. Olavs Hospital - Academic lecture
- IMO Greenhouse Gases Study 2009 - Academic lecture
- Impact of Aluminum Contamination in mc-Si Solar Cells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of Aluminum Contamination in mc-Si Solar Cells - Academic lecture
- Impact of increased wind integration on power flows and congestion costs in the European transmission network - Academic lecture
- Impact of increased wind integration on power flows and congestion costs in the European transmission network - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of TradeWind offshore wind power capacity scenarios on power flows in the European HV network - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact, compliance and control of legislation of EPBD in Norway - Academic lecture
- Impacts of large amounts of wind power on design and operation of power systems, results of IEA collaboration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impacts on corals related to drilling at the Pumbaa Exploration Field (PL469). Supplementary calculations. Final report - Report
- Impedance Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic Tool for Assessment of Degradation of the Cathode of PEM fuel cells - Academic lecture
- Improved building design by joint calculating building costs and environmental costs? - Academic lecture
- Improved building design by joint calculating building costs and environmental costs? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improving care for COPD patients - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improving child and adolescent mental health services in Norway: Policy and results 1999–2008 - Popular scientific article
- Improving General Knowledge in Agile Software Organizations: Experiences with job rotation in customer support - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improving the Norwegian team work model through action research - Academic lecture
- Improving the Norwegian Team work model through action research - Academic lecture
- In large scale ICT implementation, do the healthiness of the change process and the relevance of the change for the individual affect perceived level of computer skills? - Academic lecture
- In vitro diagnostic platforms of the future, technological possibilities and challenges - Academic lecture
- Incidence and classification of intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) in the Oslo area 1990-2003 - Abstract
- Incidence and Risk Factors for Genital Chlamydia trachomatis Infection: A 4-Year Prospective Cohort Study - Academic article
- Incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease in a large cohort of women tested for Chlamydia trachomatis: a historical follow-up study - Academic article
- Incorporating short interruptions and time dependency of interruption costs in continuity of supply regulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Indicators to measure knowledge transfer. Results from the European Commission's 2008 Expert Group on Knowledge Transfer Metrics - Academic lecture
- Industrial fleet size and mix problems - a survey - Academic lecture
- Industrial inventory routing problems - Academic lecture
- Inert anodes for oxygen evolution in molten salts - Academic article
- Influence of advanced yield criteria on predictions of plastic anisotropy for aluminium alloy sheets - Academic article
- Influence of hydrogen content and bifilm index on feeding behaviour of Al-7Si - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Influence of hydrogen from cathodic protection on the fracture susceptibility of 25%Cr duplex stainless steel - Constant load SENT testing and FE-modelling using hydrogen influenced cohesive zone elements - Academic article
- Influence of petroleum acids on gas hydrate wettability - Academic article
- Information flow security, abstraction and composition - Academic article
- Information Security Measures Influencing User Performance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Initial melting and Reduction of Ore and Fluxes at the Top of the Coke Bed during SiMn-production - Academic lecture
- Initial melting and Reduction of Ore and Fluxes at the Top of the Coke Bed during SiMn-production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Innovation in Online Communties - Academic lecture
- Innovation in the Norwegian health-care sector - Academic lecture
- Innovative retrofit to improve energy efficiency in public - Academic lecture
- Innovative retrofit to improve energy efficiency in public buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Innovative retrofit to improve energy efficiency in public buildings - Academic lecture
- In-situ electron microscopy study of catalyst nano particle reduction - Academic lecture
- Integrated Operations and Leadership: How Virtual Cooperation influences Leadership Practice - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated Pre- and Intraoperative Imaging in a Patient with an Arteriovenous Malformation Located in Eloquent Cortex - Academic article
- Integrating a full carbon capture scheme onto a 450 MWe NGCC electric power generation hub for offshore operations: Presenting the Sevan GTW concept - Academic article
- Integrating spatial and temporal mortality from herring on capelin larvae: a study in the Barents Sea - Academic article
- Integrating spatial and temporal mortality from herring on capelin larvae: a study in the Barents Sea - Academic article
- Integration of environmental concerns in a trans-Atlantic perspective: The case of renewable electricity - Report
- Integration of market and network models for security of electricity supply analysis - Report
- Integrity Assessment of Well Barriers Threatened by Increasing Casing-Hanger Loads - Academic article
- Intelligent Machine Parts with Surface Embedded Sensors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Intensification of methanol synthesis in a short contact time microstructured reactor - Poster
- Interaction between Clays and PCE Superplasticizers in Cementitious Systems - Popular scientific lecture
- Interfacial tension measurement of freon hydrates by droplet deposition and contact angle measurements - Academic article
- Internal Presence Detection of Offshore Production Separators - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- International innovation: a network-based project model for innovation in smaller companies - Academic lecture
- International Workshop on Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics on the occasion of Prof. Signe Kjelstrup's 60th birthday, Trondheim, Norway - Academic lecture
- Internet addiction among Norwegian adults: A stratified probability sample study - Academic article
- Internet of Things, Vision and the Technology Behind - Connecting the Real, Virtual and Digital Worlds - Academic lecture
- Interoperability Services in the MPOWER Ambient Assisted Living Platform - Academic lecture
- Interoperability Services in the MPOWER Ambient Assisted Living Platform - Academic article
- Interoperability Services in the MPOWER Ambient Assisted Living Platform - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- INTRANS - Intelligent Gods in Transport systems - Academic lecture
- Intraoperative navigated 3D ultrasound in giant intracranial meningiomas - Academic article
- Intraoperative ultrasound - Academic lecture
- Intra-operative Ultrasound in Neurosurgery - Academic lecture
- Intrasellar ultrasound in transsphenoidal surgery - Academic lecture
- Inventory routing problems - Combined inventory management and routing - Academic lecture
- Investigation of Compliant Interconnect for Ball Grid Array (BGA) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of Compliant Interconnect for Ball Grid Array (BGA) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of Compliant Interconnect for Ball Grid Array (BGA) - Academic lecture
- Investigation of integration algorithms for rate-dependent crystal plasticity using explicit finite element codes - Academic article
- Investigation on the in-flame NO reburning in turbine exhaust gas - Academic article
- Investigations of bulk properties of compensated SoG-Si ingots - Poster
- Investigations of TiO2 as a protective coating on diaphragm-based in vivo sensors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- In-vitro diagnostic platforms of the future; technological possibilities and challenges - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Isolation of the biosynthetic gene cluster for TP1161, a novel thiazolyl peptide - Academic lecture
- Job satisfaction and extensive participation processes in organizational development - A case study from the Norwegian petroleum industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Job satisfaction and extensive participation processes in organizational development - A case study from the Norwegian petroleum industry - Academic lecture
- Kinetic studies of lipid oxidation in marine lipids induced by hemoglobin - Academic lecture
- Kinetic Studies of Lipid Oxidation Induced by Hemoglobin Measured by Consumption of Dissolved Oxygen in a Liposome Model System - Academic article
- Kinetics of carbon dioxide absroption in aqueous solution of diethylenetriamine (DETA) - Academic literature review
- Kinetics of carbonate based CO2 capture systems - Academic article
- Kinetics of the Gas-Phase Recombination Reaction of Hydroxyl Radicals to Form Hydrogen Peroxide - Academic article
- La(Ni2/3Nb1/3)O-3 by neutron powder diffraction - Academic article
- Laboratory tests of electrical appliances immunity to voltage swell - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Laboratory tests of electrical appliances immunity to voltage swells - Report
- Large Eddy Simulation of Backward Facing Step Flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Large scale CO2 transport in the North sea – a pre-feasibility study - Academic lecture
- Large Scale Tests of Strain Capacity of Pipe Sections With Circumferential Defects Subjected to Installation-Induced Plastic Strain History - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Latest Results From 2nd SINTEF 3D-Run - Academic lecture
- Light - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Light - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Light-induced boron-oxygen defect generation in compensated p-type Czochralski silicon - Academic article
- Linear models for optimization of interconnected gas and electricity networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Linguateca's infrastructure for Portuguese and how it allows the detailed study of language varieties - Academic lecture
- Living Condition among People with Disabilities in Mozambique: A National Representative Study - Report
- Localization of Phase-to-Phase Faults on a Medium Voltage Feeder with Distributed Generation - Academic lecture
- Localization of Short-circuits on a Medium Voltage Feeder with Distributed Generation - Academic lecture
- Lokal data-assimilering i SIMRA: Korreksjon av vindstyrke og retning ved bruk av flydata - Report
- Long-term culture of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in submerged cages during winter affects behaviour, growth and condition - Academic article
- Long-Term Scheduling of Hydro-Thermal Power Systems Using Scenario Trees - Academic lecture
- Long-term sick workers experience of professional support for re-integration back to work - Academic article
- Long-term sick workers experience of professional support for re-integration back to work - Academic article
- Low cost silicon based spectrometers for polymer recycling - Academic lecture
- Low noise pavements in a Nordic climate. Results from a four year project in Norway - Academic lecture
- Low porosity through optimized particle packing of concrete matrix : COIN P1 Advanced cementing materials and admixtures : SP 1.5 Low porosity/ permeability - Report
- Low-field NMR and MRI studies of fish muscle: effects of raw material quality and processing - Academic monograph
- Lumped Modeling of a Novel RF MEMS Double-Disk Resonator System - Academic lecture
- Lumped Modeling of a Novel RF MEMS Double-Disk Resonator System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Lumped Modeling of a Novel RF MEMS Double-Disk Resonator System - Academic lecture
- Maintenance management and optimization of FPSOs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Making PROFIT at the Intermodal Terminal - a Research Agenda - Academic lecture
- Maritime communication to support safe navigation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Maritime Inventory Routing Problems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Maritime transport optimization: An ocean of opportunities - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Maximizing profit in the LNG value chain - Academic lecture
- MDE Adoption in Industry: Challenges and Success Criteria - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Means of improving concrete construction productivity – State of the art : COIN P 2 Improved Contructions Techniques : SP 2.1 Production Processes - Report
- Means of improving concrete construction productivity – State of the art. COIN P 2 Improved Contructions Techniques. COIN P 2 Improved Contructions Techniques - Report
- Measurement and prediction for air flow drag in different packing materials - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Measurement of convective mass transfer coefficients for various materials and air velocities in a wind tunnel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Measurement of convective mass transfer coefficients for various materials and air velocities in a wind tunnel - Academic lecture
- Measurement of loads exerted on a double-cone insert with a large-scale axi-symmetrical silo - Academic lecture
- Mechanistic study of the dry reforming of propane to synthesis gas over a Ni/Mg(Al)O catalyst - Academic article
- Melting phenomenon of manganese bearing ores - Academic lecture
- Melting phenomenon of manganese bearing ores - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Membrane contactors in gas purification - Academic lecture
- MEMS structures for wafer-level bonding characterization - Academic lecture
- Mercury accumulation in planktonic food webs from Atlantic and Arctic water masses around Spitsbergen - Academic lecture
- Mercury accumulation in planktonic food webs from Atlantic and Arctic water masses around Spitsbergen. - Academic lecture
- Methanol synthesis from syngas in a short contact time microstructured reactor - Academic lecture
- Methanol synthesis from syngas in amillisecond microstructured reactor - Poster
- Methanol Synthesis in a Micro Packed Bed Reactor – Heat Exchanger - Academic lecture
- Methodology for enterprise development and for creation of industrial cluster - Academic lecture
- Methodology to asses the energy Effiviency and the Environmental Performance of maritime logistics chains - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Methods for maintenance and reinvestment strategy making in distribution systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- microBUILDER D7.14 Final Activity Report - Report
- Microelements vibration measurement using quasi-heterodyning method and smart-pixel camera - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Microfluidic chip based detection of cervical cancer - Academic lecture
- Micromachined optical microphone based on a modulated diffractive lens - Academic lecture
- Microscopic hyperspectral imaging used as a bio-optical taxonomic tool for micro- and macroalgae - Academic article
- Microstructural development during severe plastic deformation of commercial pure titanium - Academic lecture
- Microstructural evolution of commercial pure Ti fabricated by Equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) - Academic lecture
- Microstructural studies of self-supported (1.5-10 mu m) Pd/23 wt% Ag hydrogen separation membranes subjected to different heat treatments - Academic article
- Microstructure and property investigation of paste boronized pure nickel and Nimonic 90 superalloy - Academic article
- Microstructure evolution in commercially pure titanium during ECAP processing - Academic lecture
- Microwave processing of powdered materials - Report
- Microwave properties of PZT/ZrO2 thin films for RF MEMS capacitive shunt switches - Other
- Miniaturised sensor node for tire pressure monitoring (e-CUBES) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Minimum Energy Operation of Petlyuk Distillation Columns - Nonsharp Product Specification - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Minimum fluidization velocity, bubble behaviour and pressure drop in fluidized bed with a range of particle sizes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Minireview - Positively regulated bacterial expression systems - Academic article
- Model Composition Contracts - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Model compounds for C-80 isoprenoid tetraacids Part II. Interfacial reactions, physicochemical properties and comparison with indigenous tetraacids - Academic article
- Model Driven Language Engineering - Academic lecture
- Model Driven Service Interoperability through Use of Semantic Annotations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Model for prediction of marine ecotoxicity of solvents used for CO2-capture - Poster
- Model Reduction via Multiscale Methods: Application to Water Flooding Optimization - Academic lecture
- Model-based Method and Languages for Developing Flexible User Interfaces for Decision Support Systems for Emergency Response - Academic lecture
- Model-Driven Language Engineering - Academic lecture
- Model-Driven Security: Exemplified for information flow properties and policies - Academic monograph
- Modeling and Control of Trawl Systems - Academic monograph
- Modeling and control of trawl systems: Environment and efficiency - Academic monograph
- Modeling and Control of Underway Replenishment Operations in Calm Water - Academic article
- Modeling and Path-following for a snake robot with active wheels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling and solving a real world maritime inventory routing problem - Academic lecture
- Modeling and Validating Dynamic Adaptation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling of fluid dynamics interacting with ductile fraction propagation in high pressure pipeline - Academic article
- Modeling Optimal Economic Dispatch and System Effects in Natural Gas Networks - Academic article
- Modelled palaeo-temperature on Vøring, offshore mid-Norway - The effect of the Lower Crustal Body - Academic article
- Modelling and control of obstacle-aided snake robot locomotion based on jam resolution - Academic article
- Modelling and control of obstacle-aided snake robot locomotion based on jam resolution - Academic lecture
- Modelling and numerical methods for two-phase flow: Analysis of the two-fluid model and the drift-flux model for numerical calculation of two-phase flow - Academic monograph
- Modelling and simulation of HMR pre-combustion gas power cycle - Poster
- Modelling and simulation of HMR pre-combustion gas power cycle - Academic lecture
- Modelling of aero-acoustic wave propagation in low Mach number corrugated pipe flow - Academic article
- Modelling of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) behaviour in sea-cages: A Lagrangian approach - Academic article
- Modelling of back-side diffraction gratings applied for light trapping in silicon solar cells - Lecture
- Modelling of NOM removal by coagulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling of NOM removal by coagulation - Academic lecture
- Modelling of prices using the volume in the Norwegian regulating power market - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling of reinforcement corrosion in concrete - State of the art : COIN P4 Operational service life design : SP 4.1 F Service life modelling and prediction - Report
- Modelling of transport and conversion in porous structures - Academic lecture
- Modelling the development of stresses during single and multipass welding of a ferritic steel in an instrumented restraint cracking test - Academic lecture
- Modelling the effects of a large-scale safety culture programme: a combined qualitative and quantitative approach - Academic article
- Modelling the Work Hardening Behaviour of AlMgMn Alloys - Academic lecture
- Modification of water masses in the Barents Sea and its coupling to ice dynamics: a model study - Academic article
- Modified cobalt catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane at moderate temperatures - Academic article
- Modulation of hormonal regulation and digestive capasity in Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua) as influenced by prey - Academic lecture
- Modulation of hormonal regulation and digestive capasity in Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua) as influenced by prey - Short communication
- Modulation of the gut microflora by dietary fibres and characterization of extracellular metabolites by GC-MS analyses - Academic lecture
- Molecular analysis of petroleum derived compounds that adsorb onto gas hydrate surfaces - Academic article
- Monitor the marine security, environment and resources in the Arctic Ocean with the holistic i-Nord information system - Academic lecture
- Morphology and crystallization behavior of syndiotactic polypropylene-alumina nanocomposites - Academic lecture
- Motives for initiation, temporary discontinuation, and permanent discontinuation of hormone replacement therapy use among Norwegian women - Academic article
- Mould growth on board-based wind-barrier products - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multifunctional Micro/Nanocapsules from polyelectrolyte - Academic lecture
- Multifunctional Nanosized Particles and Capsules – Coatings and Thin Films Applied in Thin Film Solar Cells, Fuel Cells, Sensors, Medicine and as Protective Coatings - Academic lecture
- Multiscale methods for subsurface flow. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multiscale mixed finite elements for the Stokes-Brinkman equations - Academic lecture
- Multiscale Mixed Finite Elements for the Stokes-Brinkman Equations - Academic lecture
- Multiscale simulation of injection molding of parts with low aspect ratio microfeatures - Academic article
- Multi-stage stochastic programming in natural gas networks:Focus on investments and production assurance - Academic lecture
- Multivariate optimization and simultaneous determination of hydride and non-hydride-forming elements in samples of a wide pH range using dual-mode sample introduction with plasma techniques: application on leachates from cement mortar material - Academic article
- Municipality Waste in Poland - Regulations and Regional Plans - Report
- Municipality Waste in Poland - Systems and Operators - Report
- Myosin heavy chain degradation during post mortem storage of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) - Academic article
- Nanocontainers Prepared by Membrane Processes - Academic lecture
- Nanocontainers Prepared by Membrane Processes - Academic lecture
- Nanomedicine, lab-on-a-chip - Academic lecture
- Nanopharmaceuticals - Targeting polymeric nanocarriers for drug delivery - Academic lecture
- Nanophotonics for Spectroscopy Everywhere, Bouquet, G., Johansen, I.R., Lacolle, M., Løvhaugen, O., Sagberg,H., Sudbø, A.S., - Academic lecture
- Navigated ultrasound in laparascopic surgery - Academic article
- Navigated ultrasound in laparoscopic surgery - Academic article
- Navigation and ultrasound imaging in laparoscopic surgery - Academic lecture
- Navigational high-resolution 3D ultrasound in spine tumour surgery — technical assessment - Academic lecture
- Navigational high-resolution 3D ultrasound in spine tumour surgery — technical assessment - Abstract
- Need driven innovation: Future housing for the elderly - Academic lecture
- Net GHG emissions from Lao reservoirs. - Poster
- New approach to quantifying solidification path in modelling of macrosegregation in multicomponent Al alloys - Academic article
- New Processing Concepts with Automation - Academic lecture
- New ways of working in self-managed teams: dilemmas of shared leadership practice - Academic lecture
- New Ways of Working in Self-Managed Teams: Dilemmas of Shared Leadership Practice - Academic lecture
- New World of Work - Coping and Control in the Finance Industry - Academic lecture
- Next lot of 3-D detectors at SINTEF - Academic lecture
- Night flushing and ceiling acoustic solutions: the effect on summer thermal comfort and energy demand - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Night flushing and ceiling acoustic solutions: The effect on summer thermal comfort and energy demand : COIN P5 Energy efficiency comfort, Sub P5.2 Comfort - Report
- Noise from Waste Water Pipes in Apartment Houses - Academic lecture
- Noise ranking of passenger car tyres. Results from road measurements, SPERoN modelling and drum measurements. - Report
- Non-perfect channel estimation in OFDM-MIMO-based underwater communication - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Norwegian children’s experiences of cyberbullying in different technological platforms. - Academic article
- Norwegian Children's Experiences of Cyberbullying When Using Different Technological Platforms - Academic article
- Norwegian CO2 Capture Research activities - Academic lecture
- Novel 16S rRNA gene analyses reveal new in vitro effects of insoluble barley fibres on the human faecal microbiota - Academic article
- Novel Communications Technologies for coastal and Arctic area. - Academic lecture
- Novel high temperature proton conducting fuel cells: Production of La0.995Sr0.005NbO4-delta electrolyte thin films and compatible cathode architectures - Academic article
- Novel Maritime Communications Technologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nuclear magnetic resonance. Fishery Products: Quality, Safety and Authentity - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical analyses of ductile fracture behaviour in 2D plane strain and axisymmetrical models using the complete Gurson model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical and experimental investigations into the application of response conditioned waves for long-term nonlinear analyses - Academic article
- Numerical calculation of the dielectrophoretic force on a slender body - Academic article
- Numerical investigation into the application of response conditioned waves for long-term nonlinear fatigue analyses of rigid hulls - Academic article
- Numerical Investigation of the Flow Through and Around a Net Cage - Academic article
- Numerical modelling of magnesium die-castings using stochastic fracture parameters - Academic article
- Numerical Resolution of CO2 Transport Dynamics - Academic lecture
- Numerical Simulation of Flow around a Marine Pipeline Close to a Flat Seabed at High Reynolds Numbers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical simulation of flow around a marine pipeline close to the seabed - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical simulation of flow around a smooth circular cylinder at very high Reynolds numbers - Academic article
- Numerical simulation of low-velocity impact loading of polymeric materials - Academic lecture
- Numerical study on the heat storing capacity of concrete walls with air cavities - Academic article
- Nursing sensitive quality indicators for nursing home care: International review of literature, policy and practice - Academic literature review
- O papel das relações semânticas em português: Comparando o TeP, o MWN.PT e o PAPEL - Academic lecture
- Observations of nanoscopic, face centered cubic Ti and TiHx - Academic article
- OMICS Tools for assessing effects of environmental stressors on the marine key species Calanus finmarchicus. - Poster
- Omics Tools for assessing effects of environmental stressors on the non-model species Calanus finmarchicus. - Poster
- On nanoscale Al precipitates forming in eutectic Si particles in Al-Si-Mg cast alloys - Academic article
- On Passivity Tests for Unsymmetrical Models - Academic article
- On State Constraints of Adjoint Optimization in Oil Reservoir Waterflooding - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On the effects of extreme pressure on LDHI performance and hydrate behaviour in realistic pipe flow situations - Lecture
- On the path from detailed experiments and calculations to design of heat exchangers for natural-gas liquefaction plants - Academic lecture
- On the preparation of asymmetric CaTi0.9Fe0.1O3-delta membranes by tape-casting and co-sintering process - Academic article
- On the quality of A354 ingots and its impact on cast product - Academic article
- Online prediction of mass flow rate of solids in dense phase pneumatic conveying systems using multiple pressure transmitters and multivariate calibration - Academic article
- Online prediction of mass flow rate of solids in dilute phase pneumatic conveying systems using multivariate calibration - Academic article
- Ontology-based Use Cases for Design-time and Runtime Composition of Mobile Services - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operability of power plants with CCS - Academic lecture
- Optical, mechanical and electro-optical design of an interferometric test station for massive parallel inspection of MEMS and MOEMS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optically active thin films by aquous sol-gel method for up-coversion luminescence from infrared to visible light - Academic article
- Optimal design of a subsea power grid in the North Sea - Academic lecture
- Optimal design of subsea grid for offshore wind farms and transnational power exchange - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimal Operation of Energy Storage Systems Combined with Wind Power in Short-Term Power Markets - Academic lecture
- Optimisation of water treatment - NOM removal and enhanced coagulation processes - Academic lecture
- Optimising crash resistance of welded aluminium structures - Academic article
- Optimization of energy systems - Academic lecture
- Optimization of enhanced coagulation processes in water treatment - Academic lecture
- Optimization-based Analysis of large Cable-net Structures for Fishery - Academic monograph
- Optimizing the Norwegian Natural Gas Production and Transport - Academic article
- Optimizing the Offshore Pipeline System for Natural Gas in the North Sea; Recent extenstions of the GassOpt model - Academic lecture
- Optimum operation of energy storage in connection with wind power in short-term electricity markets - Academic lecture
- Options for transporting CO2 from coal fired Power plants, Case Denmark - Academic article
- Other principles: analysis of lipids, stable isotopes and trace elements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Overcoming Barriers to Self-Management in Software Teams - Academic article
- Overexpression of Wild-Type Aspartokinase Increases L-Lysine Production in the Thermotolerant Methylotrophic Bacterium Bacillus methanolicus - Academic article
- Oxygen control during manufacturing of CeS-based grain refiners for steel - Academic lecture
- Paperwork, Management and Safety: Towards a Bureaucratization of Working Life and Lack of Hands-On Supervision - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Parallel CFD Simulations of Flow Through Fishing Nets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Parallel computing in video memory: A key to interactive simulations and photorealistic virtual experiences - Academic lecture
- Parallelization of some scientific codes using profiling tools and OpenMP - Report
- Parallelizing the GassOpt-Model - Academic lecture
- Parallellizing the GassOpt-Model - Academic lecture
- PARAMETERS DETERMINING THE FLOW OF CONCRETE MATRIX - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Partial Oxidation of Methane - Academic lecture
- Particle, image velocimetry, gamma densitometry, and pressure measurements of oil-water flow - Academic article
- Passive House Concept in Norwegian Office Buildings - Academic lecture
- Passive House Concept in Norwegian Office Buildings [Fremleggelse av paper utarbeidet av Matthias Haase, Inger Andresen, Berit Time og Anne Grete Hestnes] - Academic lecture
- Pathways to a Hydrogen Infrastructure in Norway - Academic article
- Pelagic trawling - technology and research - Popular scientific lecture
- Pelagic trawling - Technology development within SINTEF - Popular scientific lecture
- Performance and application of thin Pd-alloy hydrogen separation membranes in different configurations - Academic article
- Performance Evaluation of WirelessHART for Factory Automation - Academic lecture
- Performance of Maintenance Coatings Applied on Rusty Steel Surfaces - Academic lecture
- Phase relations in Ce-Al-Fe-S based grain refiners for steels - Academic article
- Physical and mathematical modeling of surcharged sewer manhole flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Phytoplankton and primary production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Phytoplankton and primary production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pin Bone removal in Pre-Rigor Salmon, Trio Food Processing Machinery Stavanger, Norway - Academic lecture
- Pipeline Fracture Control - Academic lecture
- Plankton and fish modelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Planning of distributed energy systems with parallel infrastructures: A case study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pollution abatement opportunities in the waste management sector in Archangelsk region - Poster
- Polymer plates subjected to impact: Experimental tests and numerical simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Polymer plates subjected to impact: Experimental tests and numerical simulations - Academic lecture
- POPs emissions from the cement industry - Academic lecture
- Portfolio optimization in the natural gas value chain - Academic lecture
- Power transformer on-line multi-gas monitoring system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Powered addition applied to the fluidisation of a packed bed - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pozzolana from minerals – State of the art. COIN P1 Advanced cementing materials and admixtures. SP 1.4F Alternative pozzolans - Report
- Precipitation kinetic of Al3(Sc,Zr) dispersoids in aluminium - Academic article
- Predicting replication and planarity of a CO2 gas sensor - Academic lecture
- Prediction of Extreme Tether Tension for a TLP - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of fatigue damage from stochastic vortex induced vibrations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of Hydrogen Embrittlement in 25% CR Duplex Stainless Steel Based on Cohesive Zone Simulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of ice fraction and fat content in super-chilled salmon by non-contact interactance near infrared imaging - Academic article
- Prediction of Mass Flow Rate in Pneumatic Conveying Using a System Identification Modeling Approach - Academic article
- Preferential grain etching of AlMgSi(Zn)model alloys - Abstract
- Preparation of Nb-Substituted Titanates by a Novel Sol-Gel Assisted Solid State Reaction - Academic article
- Preparation of Nb-Substituted Titanates by a Novel Sol-Gel Assisted Solid State Reaction - Academic article
- Preservation of Policy Adherence under Refinement - Report
- Prestack depth imaging of ocean-bottom node data - Academic article
- Principles for Real-time, Integrated Supply Chain Control: an Example from Distribution of Pharmaceuticals - Academic lecture
- Privacy in a semantic cloud: What's trust got to do with it? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Problems for 3D Internet - Academic lecture
- Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Proceedings of the First Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Proceedings of the INTERACT 2009 workshop:Towards a manifesto of Living Lab co-creation - Report
- Processing and properties of tubular asymmetric mixed conducting membranes - Poster
- Processing of marine lipids and factors affecting their quality when used for functional food - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Processing of marine lipids and factors affecting their quality when used for functional foods - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Production and Utilisation of Manufactured Sand : State-of-the-art Report : COIN P 2 Improved construction technology : SP 2.5 Production of manufactured sand - Report
- Production of Atlantic salmon smolts in Europe-Current characteristics and future trends - Academic article
- Progress in the development and use of grain refiner based on cerium sulphide or titanium compound for carbon steel - Academic article
- Projects for life. Building narrative capital for positive organizational change - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Promotional Platform for Short Sea Shipping and Intermodality - Popular scientific article
- Properties and application of supported Pd-23%Ag membranes for H2 production and separation - Academic lecture
- Protective Coatings Offshore: Introducing a risk based maintenance management system - Academic lecture
- Protective Coatings Offshore: Introducing a Risk-Based Maintenance Management System - Part 1: Risk Analysis Methodology - Academic article
- Protein expression and enzymatic activities in Atlantic salmon fillets with different textures - Academic lecture
- Proteolytic activities of ventral muscle and intestinal content of North sea herring (Clupea harengus) with full and emptied stomachs - Academic article
- Proteolytic activities of ventral muscle and intestinal content of North Sea herring (Clupea harengus) with full and emptied stomachs - Academic article
- Pulsed laser ablation and deposition of silicon - Poster
- Pulsed laser deposition of ZnO nanostructures for hybrid inorganic/organic solar cells - Poster
- Pulsed laser deposition of ZnO nanostructures for hybrid inorganic/organic solar cells - Academic lecture
- Pumping of concrete and Mortar - state of the art - Report
- Putting Agile Teamwork to the Test – An Preliminary Instrument for Empirically Assessing and Improving Agile Software Development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Putting Agile Teamwork to the Test. A Preliminary Instrument for Empirically Assessing and Improving Agile Software Development - Academic lecture
- Pyroelectrolysis to produce liquid iron metal at 1550 oC - Academic lecture
- Quality Control of HVDC Extruded Cables: Electrical Treeing in XLPE under Different Voltage Stresses - Other
- Quality improvers in cement making – State of the art : COIN Project P1 Advanced cementing materials : SP 1.1F Reduced CO2 missions - Report
- Quality of supply survey 2008 - Report
- Quantitative 23Na Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Model Foods - Academic article
- Quantitative Na-23 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Model Foods - Academic article
- R2D2 Networks - Project Information - Brochure
- RAM analyses applied in maintenance management of FPSOs - Academic lecture
- Random Mutagenesis of the Pm Promoter as a Powerful Strategy for Improvement of Recombinant-Gene Expression - Academic article
- Random Vibrations with Inelastic Impacts - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Random vibrations with Strongly Inelastic Impacts: Response PDF by the Path Integration Method - Academic article
- Rapid prototyping or slow train coming? Comparing idea work across five organizations - Academic lecture
- Rapid voltage changes - definition and minimum requirements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Reactions of C1 Building Blocks - Academic monograph
- Reactions of C1 Building Blocks - Academic monograph
- Reactor modeling of sorption enhanced steam methane reforming - Academic article
- Real-time, Integrated Supply Chain Control: an Example from Distribution of Pharmaceuticals - Academic lecture
- Recent Developments in Turbulence Modeling - Academic lecture
- Recovery of POPs contaminated soil in cement production - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Recycling of aluminum scrap - Academic lecture
- Reducing CO2 Emissions from Cement Making - Academic lecture
- Reducing occupational stress induced by large scale ICT implementation in blue collar employees - Academic lecture
- Reduzierung der Hartgesteins-Abrasion durch Einsatz von Schaum Reduction of hard rock abrasiveness using foam agents - Academic article
- Refining of solar grade silicon by directional solidification - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Refrigeration Technology with CO2 and Other Natural Refrigerants - Academic lecture
- Regulation of information security and the impact on top management commitment - a comparative study of the electric power supply sector and the finance sector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Regulation of quality of supply - an innovation driving force? Novel equipment for reducing customers' interruption costs by bypassing switches during maintenance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Release of major elements from recycled concrete aggregates and geochemical modelling - Academic article
- Remote sensing in the Barents Sea - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Remote sensing in the Barents Sea - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Remote sensing of marine environment: Applied surveillance with focus on optical properties of phytoplankton, coloured organic matter and suspended matter - Academic monograph
- Removal of inclusions from silicon - Academic article
- Renewable energy policy making in the EU:.What has been the role of Norwegian stakeholders?. - Report
- Re–Os geochronology of Arctic black shales to evaluate the Anisian–Ladinian boundary and global faunal correlations - Academic article
- Requirements for Co-Processing of AFR and Treatment of Organic Hazardous Wastes in Cement Kilns - Academic lecture
- Resale in vertically separated markets under uncertainty: Profit and consumer surplus implications - Academic lecture
- Research evidence for policy making? - Academic lecture
- Research perspective on e-Maritime - Academic lecture
- Research-based brokerage as an effective tool for increased cooperation between SMEs and universities/R&D organisations - Academic lecture
- Reservoir simulation of million-cell models on desktop computers - Academic lecture
- Resilience in distributed teams. A field study of drilling and well operations in the Sub Surface Support Centre, StatoilHydro - Report
- Resist evaluation for fabrication of diffractive optical elements (DOEs) with sub-micron resolution in a MEMS production line - Academic article
- Resistance heating of laboratory scale prebake anodes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Resistance of aquaculture net cage materials to biting by Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) - Academic article
- Resistance sensor employing thermophoresis for soot in diesel exhaust - Academic lecture
- Response of CPO-27-Ni towards CO, N-2 and C2H4 - Academic article
- Reusable security requirements for healthcare applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rev - oil drift and spreading from possible subsea blowouts - Report
- Rev condensate - Oil weathering properties related to oil spill response. - Report
- Reversible air-conditioners and heat pumps using carbon dioxide (CO2, R744) as working fluid - Academic lecture
- Revising rules and reviving knowledge in the Norwegian railway system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rheology and pumpability of mortar - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risk Assessment as an integrated part of distribution system reinvestment analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risk indicators for distribution system asset management - Report
- Risk influence modeling of recent developments in helicopter safety on the Norwegian continental shelf - Academic lecture
- Risk influence modeling of recent developments in helicopter safety on the Norwegian continental shelf - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risky Contacts - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Road safety attributes exchange infrastructure in Europe: state of the art and perspective. - Academic lecture
- Road works during night. Recommendations for the visual environment - Report
- Robustness testing of 'Cold Flow' - Lecture
- Rock Mass Groutability – Application of Norwegian Experience to Hong Kong - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rock Mechanics Issue and Rock Support Practice for a Crusher Hall at Rana Gruber, Norway - Academic lecture
- Round Robin Oil Comparison Study –2009 - Report
- Row house with annex in Oslo - Academic lecture
- Safety Glass - Is it Really Safe? - Academic lecture
- Safety Glass - Is it Really Safe? - Academic lecture
- Same context - different practices? How regional health enterprises adjust to management control reforms - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Same System-Different Results: The Importance of Protein. Introduction Protocols in Langmuir-Monolayer Studies of Lipid-Protein Interactions - Academic article
- Sawing of silicon wafers: Techniques, effects on wafers and recycling of sawdust - Report
- Scenarios for remote gas production - Academic article
- Scientific foundations of risk in complex and dynamic environments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Scientific foundations of risk in complex and dynamic environments - Academic lecture
- Seafood and health: what is the full story? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Seasonal variation of total mercury (Hg), metallothionein and catalase in black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) - Academic lecture
- Seawater inlets on board ships - challenges to health - Academic lecture
- Secure Remote Access to Autonomous Safety Systems: A Good Practice Approach - Academic article
- Sedimentation and degradation of biogenic matter - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Selection of controlled variables for self-optimizing control of thermally coupled distillation columns - Poster
- Self-perception as embodied knowledge - changing processes for patients with chronic pain - Academic article
- Self-piercing riveting of two aluminium alloy sheets using an aluminium rivet - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Semi-Uniform Adaptive Patch Tessellation - Academic article
- Service Interoperability for Personal Health - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Service life predictions of marine concrete structures – uncertainties related to chloride threshold values - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Settling of particles in molten silicon before directional casting of a solar grade silicon ingot - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Severe Degradation of the Conductor Screen of Service and Laboratory Aged Medium Voltage XLPE Insulated Cables - Academic article
- Shaping of advanced asymmetric structures of proton conducting ceramic materials for SOFC and membrane-based process applications - Academic article
- Sharp-interface Simulations of Drop Deformation in Electric Fields - Academic article
- Shear stress in crystalline silicon from ab initio calculations - Academic lecture
- Ship Routing and Scheduling with Persistence and Distance Objectives - Academic article
- Ship routing scheduling with persistence and distance objecives - Academic article
- Sideledge in Aluminium Cells: The Trench at the Metal-Bath Boundary - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Silenced and Invisible: The Work-experience of Room-attendants in Norwegian Hotels - Academic article
- Simulated recalls of fish products in five Nordic countries - Academic article
- Simulation for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane to Ethylene - Poster
- Simulation model for an offshore vessel – field tests for validating propulsor effects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simulation of energy-efficient office buildings in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simulation of energy-efficient office buildings in Norway - Poster
- Simulation of the silicon process in a laboratory scale inductive furnace – preliminary version - Report
- Simulation of ventilated facades in hot and humid climates - Academic article
- Simulations of ductile tearing at large strains of biaxially loaded pipes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simultaneous curve simplification - Academic article
- Single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes promote allergic immune responses in mice - Academic article
- Singulation, stunning and automated bleeding of salmon - Academic lecture
- SINTEF moveMEMS – piezoelectric microsystems for industry - Academic lecture
- SINTEF: Activities and challenges in Brazil - Academic lecture
- Sleipner CCS project world's first large scale aquifer storage of CO2 - Academic lecture
- Slowly varying wave drift forces analysed from model test data on a moored ship in shallow water - OMAE2009-79491 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Small-ring macrolactams with acyl side chain: new insights into the biosynthesis and its evolution - Academic lecture
- SnAg Microbumps for MEMS-based 3D Stacks - Academic article
- SnAg Microbumps for MEMS-Based 3-D Stacks - Academic article
- Socioeconomic conditions among long-term gynaecological cancer survivors ? A population-based case-control study - Academic article
- Software Architecture for Self-Adapting Sub-sea Sensor Networks: Work in Progress - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Solid and Liquid Waste Treatment Market in Poland - Report
- Solid Waste Recycling in Poland - The Market - Report
- Solid Waste Recycling in Poland - The Technologies and Companies - Report
- Solubility of N2O in Aquous Monoethanolamine and 2-(2-Aminoethyl-amino)ethanol Solutions from 298 to 343K - Academic article
- Solution to an Implementation Issue for a Two-Step ARX Algorithm, with Application to the Czochralski Crystallization Process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Solution to an Implementation Issue for a Two-Step ARX Algorithm, with Application to the Czochralski Crystallization Process - Academic lecture
- Solvent selection for carbon dioxide absorption - Academic article
- Solving Node Edge Arc Routing Problems in the Distribution of Media Products - Academic lecture
- Some effects of processing on the mechanical response of polyolefins - Academic lecture
- Sorption-enhanced methane steam reforming in a circulating fluidized bed reactor system - Academic article
- Spatially resolved measurements of gas composition in a pressurised black liquor gasifier - Academic article
- Special Issue Verified Syntheses of Mesoporous Materials - Editorial
- Species-specific patterns of aggregation of wild fish around fish farms - Academic article
- Spectral uniformity of diffractive optical elements for spectroscopy - Academic lecture
- Spectral uniformity of two- and four-level diffractive optical elements for spectroscopy - Academic article
- Spent Si3N4 bonded SiC sidelining materials in aluminium electrolysis cells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Spillvarme - en kilde til kraftproduksjon -- Waste heat – a source for power production - Academic lecture
- Spray drying of porous alumina support for Fischer-Tropsch catalysis - Poster
- Stability analysis of snake robot locomotion based on Poincaré maps - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Stability analysis of snake robot locomotion based on Poincaré maps - Academic lecture
- Stability and Dispersion Analysis of Semi-Lagrangian Method with Hermite Interpolation - Academic article
- Stainless steel reinforcement in concrete structures - State of the art : COIN P4 Operational service life design : SP 4.5 F Preventive measures - Report
- State estimator for trawl system surveillance - Academic lecture
- State estimator for trawl system surveillance - Academic lecture
- Static and dynamic moduli of a weak sandstone - Academic article
- Statistical analysis and definition of blockages-prediction formulae for the wastewater network of Oslo by evolutionary computing - Academic article
- Statistics of Extreme Events in Airgap Measurements - Academic article
- Status and challenges in cod larval production - Academic lecture
- Status and challenges in cod larval production - Abstract
- Steel fibres in load - carrying concrete structures; Guideline survey and practical examples - Report
- Stremgth anisotropy of Mancos shale - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Strength analysis of net Structures - Academic monograph
- Structural behaviour of Al-Si die-castings: Experiments and numerical simulations - Academic article
- Structural vulnerability of energy distribution systems: Incorporating infrastructural dependencies - Academic article
- Strømproduksjon fra lavtemperatur spillvarme - Power production from low temperature surplus heat - Academic lecture
- Studies of Macroporous structured Alumina based Cobalt Catalysts - Poster
- Studies of the possible presence of an aluminium carbide layer or bath film at the bottom of aluminum electrolysis cells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Study of an organoclay for the sorption of dissolved organic compounds in the wastewaters from offshore platform operation - Academic article
- Study of defects and impurities in multicrystalline silicon grown from metallurgical silicon feedstock - Academic article
- Submergence of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in commercial scale sea-cages: A potential short-term solution to poor surface conditions - Academic article
- Subsea tunnel projects in hard rock environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Supply chain design under uncertainty using sample average approximation and dual decomposition - Academic article
- SURF imaging - A real time dual-frequency band ultrasound system - Academic lecture
- SURF imaging - A real time dual-frequency band ultrasound system - Academic lecture
- SURF imaging - Acoustics from a dual-frequency band annular array - Academic lecture
- SURF imaging - Acoustics from a dual-frequency band annular array - Academic lecture
- Surface Modification of Zinc Oxide Nanorods - Academic lecture
- Surface Modification of Zinc Oxide Nanorods - Academic lecture
- Surface Self Intersections - Academic lecture
- Surface strengthening using a self-protective diffusion paste and its application for ballistic protection of steel plates - Academic article
- Surfaces and Clusters of Mg(NH2)(2) Studied by Density Functional Theory Calculations - Academic article
- Surfaces and Clusters of Mg(NH2)(2) Studied by Density Functional Theory Calculations - Academic article
- Surgical resection of high grade gliomas in eloquent regions guided by blood oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion tensor tractography, and intraoperative navigated 3D ultrasound - Academic article
- Surgical resection of high-grade gliomas in eloquent regions guided by blood oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion tensor tractography, and intraoperative navigated 3D ultrasound - Academic article
- Sustainable route to hydrogen - Design of stable catalysts for the steam gasification of biomass related oxygenates - Academic article
- Synergic Reactions in Triple Blended Cements - Academic lecture
- Synthesis and characterization of Ni hydrotelcite catalyst for hydrogen production using co-prcipitation, spray drying, microemulsion method - Poster
- Synthesis and characterization of platinum/carbon electrocatalysts with different techniques - Academic lecture
- Synthesis and thermal decomposition of the C-H bond activation complex (diimine)Pt(CH3)(OSO2CF3) - Academic article
- Systematic Reviews in Software Engineering - Academic lecture
- Systems biology and high resolution genome-wide phenotyping of yeast used for identification of cellular and molecular effects of DNA damaging agents - Poster
- Tank allocation problems in maritime bulk shipping - Academic article
- Targeting Challenges in Northern Areas due to Degradation of Wellbore Positioning Accuracy - Academic lecture
- Teamwork in the Norwegian industry - Academic lecture
- Techniques available and under development - Academic lecture
- Techno-Economic Evaluations and Benchmarking of Pre-combustion CO2 Capture and Oxy-fuel Processes Developed in the European ENCAP Project - Academic article
- Technology trends in semiconductor technologies for electrical vehicles - Lecture
- Teflon-carbon black as new material for the hydrophobic patterning of polymer labs-on-a-chip - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Temporary-creep and post-creep properties of aquaculture netting materials - Academic article
- Testing of FIBRA for pre-treatment in a process concept for advanced treatment of produced water – subproject report in TOP Water - Report
- The ""Team Dynamics"" of knowledge transfer - Academic lecture
- The case for electro-optic waveguide devices from ferroelectric (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3 thin film epilayers - Academic lecture
- The case for electro-optic waveguide devices from ferroelectric (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3 thin film epilayers - Academic article
- The CESARE IV role model applied in the European Electric Troll Service (EETS) - Academic lecture
- The colony formation assay as an indicator of carbon nanotube toxicity examined in three cell lines - Academic article
- The Common Variablility Language (CVL) - Academic lecture
- The development of biofouling on commercial salmon cage nets in Mid-Norway - Academic lecture
- The development of proactive indicators for monitoring of risk - Academic lecture
- the effect of organic nitrogen compounds on gas oil hydrodesulfurization studied in a pilot plant - Academic lecture
- The effect of organic nitrogen compounds on Gas Oil Hydrodesulfurization studied in a pilot plant - Academic lecture
- The effect of pressure relaxation in two-phase flow calculations - Academic article
- The effect of suspended ceilings on energy performance and thermal comfort - Academic article
- The effect of weld metal mismatch and crack position on the strain capacity in SENT specimens in an X65 material - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The effectiveness of pair programming: A meta-analysis - Academic literature review
- The effects of colour and copper on the settlement of the hydroid Ectopleura larynx on aquaculture nets in Norway - Academic article
- The Effects on Process performance of Reducing the Pressure from 36 to 1 bar in Hyperbaric MIG welding - Academic lecture
- The First International Symposium on Marine Propulsors : smp'09 : proceedings of smp : Royal Garden Hotel, Trondheim, Norway, 22-24 of June, 2009 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- The formation of Er-oxide nanoclusters in SiO2 thin films with excess Si - Academic article
- The fundamentals of Tunnelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The gap between awareness, need and receiving of different services among people with disabilities in Mozambique - Academic lecture
- The GeoScale project: multiscale methods to bypass upscaling - Academic lecture
- The industrial relations of safety - Differences in tripartite collaboration in Norwegian industries - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The industrial relations of safety - Differences in tripartite collaboration in Norwegian industries - Academic lecture
- The influence of petroleum acids and solid surface energy on pipeline wettability in relation to hydrate deposition - Academic article
- The information security digital divide between information security managers and users - Academic article
- The intersection of the supply chain and transport domains - Academic lecture
- The Knowledge Workplace – Searching for data on Use of Open Plan Offices - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The latest tools developed for analysis of pipeline installation and operation, local collapse and fracture, and multiphase flow simulations - Academic lecture
- The nature of active chromium species in Cr-catalysts for dehydrogenation of propane: New insights by a comprehensive spectroscopic study - Academic article
- The Node Edge Arc Routing Problem - applications and heuristics - Academic lecture
- The Norwegian Safety Representative Mechanism - Academic lecture
- The potential for power production from salinity gradients by pressure retarded osmosis - Academic article
- The prisoner as patient - a health services satisfaction survey - Academic article
- The Problem of Die Drool in the Extrusion of Recycled Polyethylene - Academic article
- The relationships between Late Ordovician sea-level changes and faunal turnover in western Baltica: Geochemical evidence of oxic and dysoxic bottom-water conditions - Academic article
- The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings - Academic lecture
- The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings - Academic lecture
- The role of advanced integrated facades in the design of sustainable buildings - Academic article
- The role of microbiota in aquaculture target organisms and their environment - Academic lecture
- The Role of Passive Cooling Strategies for Norway - Academic article
- The synthesis and thermal degradation products of the C-H bond activating complex [(diimine)Pt(Me)(OSO2CF3)] - Academic article
- Theoretical approaches to CSR. An attempt at mapping a complex terrain - Academic lecture
- Theoretical Study of Ethylbenzenium Ions: The Mechanism for Splitting Off Ethene, and the Formation of a pi Complex of Ethene and the Benzenium Ion - Academic article
- Theoretical study of the water entry of a body in waves. Application to safety of occupants in free-fall lifeboats - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Thermal analysis of silicon-phosphorus alloys at elevated temperatures - Academic lecture
- Thermal and mechanical analysis of directionally solidified silicon ingots in silica and silicon nitride crucibles - Academic lecture
- Thermal and photoinduced processes at interstellar surfaces: a computational chemist’s view - Academic lecture
- Thermal loss measurements of high frequency planar transformers - Poster
- Thermal modelling of a thick film based soot sensor for automotive applications - Academic lecture
- Thermo- and fluid-dynamical modeling of two-phase multicomponent carbon dioxide mixtures - Academic article
- Thermodynamic Analysis of Oxidative Ladle Refining of Silicon Melt including Models for Thermophysical Properties of the Silicon Melt and SiO2-Al2O3-CaO Slag - Report
- Thin Pd-23w%Ag membranes for hydrogen separation - Academic lecture
- Thin Pd-23w%Ag membranes for hydrogen separation - Academic lecture
- Third International Workshop on Quality in Modeling - Academic article
- Three-dimensional digital image correlation in constitutive property measurement and model verification - Academic lecture
- Through-process numerical simulations of the structural behaviour of Al-Si die-castings - Academic article
- Time domain simulation of the maneuvering of a vessel in a seaway - OMAE2009-79946 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Titanium production from oxycarbide anodes - Academic article
- Towards an Isogeometric Toolkit - Academic lecture
- Towards Domain-specific Model Editors with Automatic Model Completion - Academic article
- Towards Internet Communities to Help Improve the Wellbeing and Rehabilitation of Clinically Stable Chronic Patients - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards standardised clinical pathways for the chronically ill - a project report - Academic lecture
- Towards standardised clinical pathways for the chronically ill - a project report - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Traceability in Model-Driven Software Development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Traceability support and Trace Analyser Tool - Academic lecture
- Transient model of an alkaline fuel cell cathode - Academic article
- Treatment of POPs and pesticide contaminated soil in cement kilns - Academic lecture
- Treatment of schizophrenia with antipsychotics in Norwegian emergency wards, a cross-sectional national study - Academic article
- Trust and safety culture: The importance of trust relations in Integrated Operations (IO) in the Norwegian oil industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tyre/road noise ranking of passenger car tyres. Comparison of measurements on roads, drums and the use of a tyre/road noise model - Academic lecture
- Ubiquitous Wireless Sensor Networks and future “Internet of Things"" - Academic lecture
- Ultrasound based localisation of wireless microrobotic endoscopic capsule for the GI tract - Academic lecture
- Ultrasound contrast agents - Academic lecture
- Ultrasound imaging in ENT surgery - Academic lecture
- Understanding adsorption of hydrogen atoms on graphene - Academic article
- Understanding Shared Leadership in Agile Development: A Case Study - Academic article
- Unified Discovery and Composition of Heterogeneous Services: The SODIUM Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Urinary incontinence and quality of life in long-term gynecological cancer survivors: A population-based cross-sectional study - Academic article
- Urinary incontinence and quality of life in long-term gynecological cancer survivors: A population-based cross-sectional study - Academic article
- Usabilty. Methods and Tools for Evaluation of Usability - Academic lecture
- Use of CaMn0.875Ti0.125O3 as Oxygen Carrier in Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling - Academic article
- Use of Campacted Claystone to Understand Insitu Stress Sensitivity of Overburden Shales - Academic lecture
- Use of Compacted Claystone to Understand In-situ Stress Senistivity of Overburden Shales - Academic lecture
- Use of Compacted Claystone to Understand Insitu Stress Sensitivity of Overburden Shales - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Use of digital image correlation to measure large-strain tensile properties of ductile thermoplastics - Academic article
- Use of Ground Penetrating Radar for detection of salt concentration on Norwegian winter roads - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Use of NMR spectroscopy in combination with pattern recognition techniques for elucidation of origin and and adulteration of foodstuffs - Academic monograph
- User participation in community mental health services: Exploring the experiences of users and professionals - Academic article
- User Requirements for HEO SATCOM for ATM in High Latitudes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using Answer Retrieval Patterns to Answer Portuguese Questions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using business process modelling to model integrated care processes: Experiences from a European project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using Maritime transport to meet climate goals in Europe and the challenges for the ro pax vessels - Academic lecture
- Using rock physics for constructing synthetic sonic logs - Academic lecture
- Using State Diagrams for Modeling Maintenance of Deteriorating Systems - Academic article
- Utfall av Trollheim kraftverk i juli 2008. Effekter av fiskebestandene i Surna - Report
- Utilization of CO2 via Catalysis with Ionic Liquids - Academic lecture
- UV-disinfection technologies - Academic lecture
- Validation of an SPH sloshing simulation by experiments - OMAE2009-79792 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Validation of CO2 capture (VOOC project), experiments in a 0.5 m diameter absorption column - Poster
- Validation of isotropic deformation theory of plasticity for fracture mechanics analysis of paper materials - Academic article
- Variations in relative health inequalities: are they a mathematical artefact? - Academic article
- Velocity and turbulence measurements of oil-water flow in horizontal and slightly inclined pipes using PIV - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Verification of a binary mixing process of particulate solids in a fluidized bed predicted with of theory of Markov chains - Academic lecture
- Viable storage of hydrogen in materials with off-board recharging using high-temperature electrolysis - Academic article
- Violacein-producing Collimonas sp. from the sea surface microlayer of costal waters in Trøndelag, Norway - Academic article
- Viscous drift forces and responses on a semisubmersible platform in high waves - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Viscous drift forces and responses on a semisubmersible platform in high waves - OMAE2009-79483 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Visualizing patient trajectories on wall-mounted boards — information security challenges - Academic lecture
- VIV Force Identification Using Classical Optimal Control Algorithm - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Warpage-Crystallinity Relations in Rotational Molding of Polypropylene - Academic article
- Waste Water Treatment in Poland - Bolimow Pilot Case - Report
- Waste Water Treatment in Poland - Extracting of Carbon for denitrification and dephosphatation - Conceptual Description - Report
- Waste Water Treatment in Poland - Regulations and Statistics - Report
- Waste Water Treatment in Poland - Technologies and sewage sludge usage - Report
- Water and Flood Damage and Regulation for Insurance in a Dynamic Society - Academic lecture
- Water and Salt Distribution in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Studied by Low-Field H-1 NMR, H-1 and Na-23 MRI and Light Microscopy: Effects of Raw Material Quality and Brine Salting - Academic article
- Water and salt distribution in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) studied by low-field NMR T2 relaxation, 1H/23Na MR imaging and light microscopy - Effects of raw material quality and brine salting. - Academic article
- Water ice photodesorption: a computational chemist’s view - Academic lecture
- Water treatment: optimization with respect to what? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Water treatment: Optimization with respect to what? - Academic lecture
- Weakening adaptive capacity? Effects of organizational and institutional change on the housing sector in Norway - Academic article
- Wear Rates and Current Distribution of Carbon Brushes on Steel Slip Rings - Academic article
- Weathering processes in Arctic oil spills. Meso-scale field experiments with different ice conditions - Academic article
- Weathering processes in Arctic oil spills: Meso-scale experiments with different ice conditions - Academic article
- Weathering properties of a Russian bunker fuel oil - Report
- Welfare state regimes, unemployment and health: a comparative study of the relationship between unemployment and self-reported health in 23 European countries - Academic article
- Wetting of pure aluminum on filter materials graphite, AlF3 and Al2O3 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- What can we expect from battery technologies - Academic lecture
- What Do We Know about Knowledge Management? Practical Implications for Software Engineering - Editorial
- What is the value of eGovernment - and how can we actually realize it - Academic article
- What is the value of eGovernment - and how can we actually realize it? - Academic article
- Why do they become vulnerable when faced with the challenges of old age? - Academic article
- Why people use social networking sites - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Why people use social networking sites - Academic lecture
- Wireless Communication for the Oil & Gas Industry: Technology, Benefits and Case Studies - Academic lecture
- Wireless communications in the coastal and Arctic regions - Academic lecture
- Wireless sensor network installed on a North Sea platform - Academic article
- WP1 State of the art. Road Safety Attributes exchange infrastructure in Europe. - Report
- WP1.3 Self-optimizing control - Analysis of the Tealarc LNG process in the Pinocchio concept - Academic lecture
- www.bigccs.no - Website (informational material)
- Zero Emission Buildings - Academic lecture
- Zinc rich primers - Effect of zinc loading - Academic lecture
- ZnO Nanostructures Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition - Academic lecture
- Изучение изменения свойств российского флотского мазута - Report