SINTEF Energy staff
The staff assists the research departments with specialist expertise in economics, HR, HSE, quality and safety, administration and operations.
The staff assists the research departments with specialist expertise in economics, HR, HSE, quality and safety, administration and operations.
We are developing and implementing major research projects with the aim of applying the results in the use and management of gas for energy purposes. The department is coordinating BIGCCS, which is Norway’s largest centre for environmentally-friendly...
The department is engaged in thermal energy conversion processes. These include combustion, gasification and pyrolysis from energy sources such as fossil fuels, biomass and waste.
The department do R&D related to electric power technology, through analyses, testing and development of electric power equipment.
We perform modeling and analysis of energy systems with main focus on hydro power, new renewables and transmission grids. In particular, we develop optimization models for hydro power scheduling and transmission planning, perform modeling and...