Annual report 2018
A good year for SINTEF
2018 was a good year for the SINTEF Group. After many challenging years, we have now seen two years of satisfactory financial results, with revenues at the level we need to invest in new research and advance wealth creation and effective technologies that benefit wider society.
We have invested a lot of work in 2017 and 2018 to develop a new Group strategy, which has now been approved by the SINTEF Board. We shall continue to build on our strength as an independent, market-oriented research institute offering high levels of excellence.
Our ambition is to be a world-leading research institute that promotes competitiveness and solutions that are beneficial to society. Our activities are now rooted in the UN's sustainability goals, and we will be in the market for growth opportunities that support these goals. For this reason we shall, to an even greater extent than previously, assume the role of a development partner for our clients by exploiting the multidisciplinarity enshrined in the "One SINTEF" concept and our ability to promote industrial and political dialogue.
These are large and demanding tasks in a world experiencing rapid technological advances and dramatic upheavals, and facing significant social challenges. The situation demands new solutions, and a society that prioritises research and innovation. Here at SINTEF, we are looking forward to making an even stronger contribution in these fields in the years ahead.
Alexandra Bech Gjørv,

SINTEF is one of Europe's largest research institutes. with multidisciplinary specialist expertise in the fields of technology, the natural sciences, and the social sciences.
SINTEF is and independent foundation which since 1950 has been responsible for innovation through development and research assignments for industrial and public sector clients in Norway and abroad.
Our vision is: "Technology for a Better Society"

Report of the Board of Directors
2018 was a good year for SINTEF and we achieved many of our objectives. Our financial development was satisfactory and in line with our aims. Allocations of research programmes by the Research Council of Norway and the EU have been satisfactory and we have established a new seed capital fund. Work has progressed with a revised group strategy and we have implemented significant organisational changes.

Key financial figures and financial statements

Key financial figures for research institutes
- SINTEF Building and Infrastructure (pdf)
- SINTEF Digital (pdf)
- SINTEF Energy Research (pdf)
- SINTEF Industry (pdf)
- SINTEF Manufacturing (pdf)
- SINTEF Ocean (pdf)
HSE Accounts
HSE is SINTEF's highest priority. This means ensuring that we benefit from a safe work environment that promotes good health and enables us to enjoy our work. Our HSE standards aim to satisfy the strategy, policies and aims in the area of HSE.
SINTEF is certified in accordance with three standards: ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management Systems, and OHSAS 18001:2007 – Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series. A follow-up audit performed in December 2018 revealed no deviations from these standards. In 2018, SINTEF was registered in EPIM JQS as well as Achilles JQS.
SINTEF's overall strategy defines four overarching aims for our HSE efforts:
- We will experience a positive work environment that promotes good health
- We will have zero work-related sick-leave
- We will suffer no injuries, accidents or losses
- We will present a clear environmental profile
Our HSE efforts are planned and implemented with the aim of continually improving SINTEF's performance. In order to measure improvements, SINTEF has developed indicators based on each of the overarching aims concerned.