Our group contributed with one presentation (Antonio) and two posters (Dag and Lise). There was also a group from the RCN project HIPP project attending. So, in total we were 7 happy people from SINTEF, NTNU and UiO visiting for welding, modelling and hydrogen related research.
We also met with our collaborating international partner I2CNER, who was inviting us to the conference in the first place. Heres a happy group from the ROP and HIPP project with Hisao Matsunaga and Yunichiru Yamabe from I2CNER and Kyushu University.

The Polytechnical University of Warsaw was a beautiful and 100 year old venue in the midst of the city, with astonishing architecture and uncomfortable auditorium seats resembling scenes from Harry Potter.
Heres Antonio doing his speak on 'Influence of stress concentration on the hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of a X70 weld simulated coarse grained heat affected zone.' Take a look at Antonios presentation: EuroMat2015 Alvaro Symposium D.2.3.pdf

Lise presented the poster: Hydrogen Embrittlement at the interface of Clad Steel Pipe Produced by Hot-Roll Bonding. Check out Lise's poster! Poster_Lise Jemblie.pdf

Dag's poster was: A Case Study on the Influence of Heat Treatment on Hydrogen Diffusion and Residual Stresses in Repair Welding of Clad Pipes. Here's Dag's poster: EUROMAT2015_Poster.pdf