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Global Ocean Governance

The Ocean covers 70% of Earth, and consists of a mosaic of different governance constellations that Norway, and Norwegian research and industries, have to work within.

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Among others local municipal coastal zone management, these consist of bilateral collaborations with Russia, the EUs marine strategic framework directive, regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs), the Arctic council and the United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

These agreements and management regimes in turn have to work within a regulatory framework that goes beyond maritime activities as well, though, such as for example the Paris agreement, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD)

Within this fragmented Ocean Governance setting, Norway has a large responsibility, both locally and globally. SINTEFs role is to highlight the challenges and opportunities within this framework, and develop technological solutions in collaboration with industries that take into account regulatory responsibilities at the national level, and global obligations Norway has made at more overarching levels.






CLIMAREST is an EU-funded research project consisting of 18 partners from along the length of the European coastline. The project belongs to the EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters, and is a member of the Lighthouse for the Arctic and Atlantic...




Reducing environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions in commercial fisheries.

GOMPLAR - Governance of Marine Litter in the Arctic

GOMPLAR - Governance of Marine Litter in the Arctic


The main objective of GOMPLAR is to describe, compare and analyze two regional international regulatory and governance frameworks addressing marine plastic litter in order to draw conclusions for possible solutions in the Arctic, seeking synergies...




R-control seeks to place Norway at the forefront of research and development of core technology for effective and sustainable resource control in commercial fishery.


RightFish experimental trials

RightFish experimental trials

The experimental trials of fishing gear are well underway in the RightFish project, both in the flume tank and in the field.

SINTEF researcher in new documentary from Emmy-nominated director

SINTEF researcher in new documentary from Emmy-nominated director

Emmy-nominated Ian Cheney’s new documentary, The Arc of Oblivion, examines the traces humanity leaves behind on our planet. In the film, Cheney accompanies SINTEF-researcher Ida Beathe Øverjordet on a research expedition to the Arctic on a search for...