SINTEF Community
Architecture and area development, building materials, building structures, emission-free buildings and areas, climate adaptation, facilities and infrastructure, water and mobility.
Architecture and area development, building materials, building structures, emission-free buildings and areas, climate adaptation, facilities and infrastructure, water and mobility.
Digital technologies, sensors, artificial intelligence, industrial cyber security, health, technology-oriented social sciences, sustainable industry.
Offshore wind, solar, bioenergy, batteries, smart grids, electric power components, market models for hydropower, energy efficiency, emission-free transport, hydrogen, CCS, low emissions for oil and gas.
Circular economy, batteries, hydrogen, CCS, materials technology, nanotechnology, nanomedicine, solar, wind, biotechnology, metal production, process technology, low-emission oil and gas production, industrial economics and optimization.
Automated production, product and production development, lean, value chain management, materials technology, laboratory and workshop services.
Aquaculture, fisheries and seafood, offshore wind, coastal infrastructure, maritime transport, circular bioeconomy.