B.T.G. Biomass Technology Group BV
BTG Biomass Technology Group BV is a private company (SME) of consultants, researchers and engineers specialised in the sustainable energy production from biomass and waste. The company has a staff of approx. 35 people. Started in 1979 as specialists on R&D, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of gasifiers systems, BTG's expertise covers a broad variety of thermal energy conversion technologies (pyrolysis, hydrotreating, gasification, supercritical gasification, torrefaction, combustion, liquefaction, carbonisation), and has extensive experience and a strong involvement in European bio-energy R&D programs, in particular related to biomass pyrolysis, oil hydrogenation and gasification RD&D. The BTG lab is well suited to undertake all necessary activities pertaining to thermal conversion of biomass. Among its facilities are:
- Dedicated units for fast pyrolysis, such as a 0.5 kg/h bench scale, a 5 kg/h lab scale, and a 250 kg/h pilot
- Four small bio-oil hydrotreating units (fixed beds, 100 ml) and one large hydrotreating development unit (6 L volume), all operated continuously on pyrolysis liquids (up to 200 bar and 450oC).
- Dedicated units for supercritical gasification
- PDU scale bio-oil combustion and gasification equipment
- Two diesel engines running on pyrolysis liquids
- Two pyrolysis liquid fractionation units, 10 kg/h and 250 kg/h resp.
Laboratory analysis equipment for biomass and pyrolysis oil characterisation.