Reshaping Green Hydrogen Production

The AEM-HUB is a cluster of three EU projects working to improve anion exchange membrane water electrolysers (AEMEL) for green hydrogen production.
Objectives of the cluster:
- To develop standardised test protocols and terminology for AEM electrolysis research
- To develop innovative AEMs with high performances
- To optimise non-PGM electrocatalysts for AEM WE systems
- To demonstrate 2 kW AEM WE stack prototypes operating at high pressure
The AEM-HUB projects will push the development of AEM water electrolysis systems towards lower costs, higher efficiency, and increased sustainability. This will pave the way for larger-scale implementation of the technology and make Europe a global leader in green hydrogen production.

The AEM-HUB gathers three projects financed by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) with the common goal of advancing the AEMEL technology.

The aim of the ANIONE project is to validate a 2 kW AEM electrolyser with a hydrogen production rate of approximately 0.4 Nm3/h. To achieve this, innovative reinforced anion exchange membranes will be developed in conjunction with non-critical raw material electrocatalysts with high surface areas and membrane-electrode assemblies.

The CHANNEL project aims to build a cost-efficient 2 kW AEM water electrolyser able to operate at differential pressure, as well as under dynamic operation, optimal for producing high quality, low-cost green hydrogen from renewable energy sources.

The NEWELY project aims to build and test a 2 kW 5-cell AEMWE stack prototype based on hydraulic compression with novel components characterised by superior performance and stability.