Austerdalen Transformatorstasjon - Kvinesdal. Credit: Vidar Jakobsen, Glitre Nett

Scheduled maintenance is a common, but not very efficient way to organize maintenance of grid substations. Much time and cost is wasted by visiting stations where the status is above acceptable. At the same time, some stations could need more frequent visits to keep the equipment status at an acceptable level.

Condition-based maintenance is a more efficient way to work, and also results in higher security of supply. By monitoring vital components regularly and acting upon alerts and warnings, the grid will obtain a higher availability at a more adequate cost. In order to obtain condition-based maintenance it is necessary to gather and analyse a large amount of data. The purpose of this pilot is to:

  • Gather information from sensors in the field (temperature, load, voltage levels etc) , as well as from internal ICT systems (maintenance history, operational history etc).
  • Structure and analyse information.
  • Establish tools (reports, dashboards, maps) that extract essential indicators and present these to the end user in a suitable manner.
  • Establish routines for carrying out work orders based on condition-based maintenance.
