Digital Inspection Elvia

Can use of advanced sensor technology improve the monitoring of substations and at the same time reduce the need for manual inspections? That is what we are trying to find out together with CINELDI-partner Elvia.
In this Pilot we are testing different sensors to see if we can make inspection and monitoring of secondary substations more efficient. We are e.g. testing proximity and touch sensors to see if we can identify open doors and position of switchesm, and temperature sensors which can make identification of faulty components faster. In addition, we are testing a more experimental sensor for identification of falling threes on the power line. See more about this part of the project in the video above. So far 2000 sensors with 200 cloud connectors from CINELDI partner Disruptive Technologies have been installed.
- Pilot "Digital Inspection" report (in Norwegian)
- Pilot results