References to HF standards
Viktige standarder er / Important standards:

Referanser til HF standarder

Viktige HF standarder er / Important HF standards:

Brukersentrert utforming og meningsfull menneskelig kontroll er beskrevet i IEA/ILO (2020) «Principles and Guidelines for Human Factors/Ergonomics - Design and Management of Work Systems». Viktige prinsipper fra IEA/ILO (2020):

  • G1: Use a systems approach
  • G2: Consider all relevant characteristics of workers: 2a. Consider demographic characteristics, physical and cognitive capabilities and limitations; 2b. Provide workers with appropriate tools, training, and control to perform work; 2c. Design work systems to be safe and to engage people in ways that maximize worker and work system safety and sustainability
  • G3: Apply Participatory HF/E methodologies
  • G4: Incorporate proactive measures to ensure worker safety, health, wellbeing, and sustainability
  • G5: Tailor HF/E design and management of work systems to characteristics of organization
  • G6: Sustain a continuous learning process for evaluation, training, refinement, and redesign.

ISO 11064 er en anerkjent standard som beskriver god praksis for utvikling, som gjerne kan nevnes som god praksis for brukersentrert utvikling som tar hensyn til MTO perspektivet.

ISO 11064: Ergonomic Design of Control Centres – multi part standard. Geneva, International Organization for Standardization (1998–2007)

Beskrivelse av relevante standarder. Begnum, M. E. N. (2021). User-Centred Agile Development to Support Sensemaking. In Sensemaking in Safety Critical and Complex Situations (pp. 173-189). CRC Press.

Sentrale anerkjente standarder knyttet til interaksjonsdesign for styringssystemer:

  • ISO 9241-serien: Ergonomics of Human System Interaction
    • ISO 9241-210 (2010) Human-centred design for interactive systems
    • ISO/TR 9241-810 (2020) Robotic, intelligent and autonomous systems
  • ISA 101 Human-Machine Interfaces

ISA 101 Human-Machine Interfaces (spesifikt ISA 101.01) er utgitt av International Society of Automation. Der er en relevant standard som beskriver viktige prinsipper for utforming av HMI, dvs. at grensesnittene mot operatørene skal være enkle og basert på oppgaveanalyse (Task Analysis). ISA-TR101.02-2019, beskriver «HMI Usability and Performance».

Alarmhåndtering er en viktig forutsetning for å kunne håndtere komplekse operasjoner: EEMUA 191 Alarm systems - a guide to design, management and procurement. (2009). Engineering Equipment and Materials Users’ Association (EEMUA).

IEC 62682 Management of alarms systems for the process industries- International Electrical Commission (IEC). Geneva,Switzerland: IEC. 2014. 165 p.

ISO 6385, 2016. Ergonomics principles in the design of work systems. International Organization for Standardization.

NS-EN 614 og EN 894 er relativt detaljerte, og har mer oppmerksomhet på rene ergonomiske forhold enn kognitive forhold.

NS-EN 614 - Maskinsikkerhet — Ergonomiske prinsipper for konstruksjon

EN 894 - Maskinsikkerhet - Ergonomiske krav til konstruksjon av skjermvisning og aktuatorer

God praksis for risikovurdering:

  • ISO 12100:2010, Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk reduction
  • ISO 13849 Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems
  • ISO 10218 Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots
  • ISO 13482:2014 Robots and robotic devices — Safety requirements for personal care robots

Sikring av infrastruktur og systemer:

  • IEC 62443 standards for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) security og sertifiseringsordninger den anbefaler basert på rammebetingelser gitt av NOROG 104.

IEC 61508 - Functional safety of electrical/ electronic/ programmable electronic safety-related systems (Den maskinspesifikke varianten er IEC 62061). Kan være relevant, men diskuterer ikke fysisk kontakt mellom utstyr og bruker.


NORSOK S-002N – Arbeidsmiljø, har kommet i ny versjon, med en del kommentarerRetningslinjer for utvikling av NORSOK standarder, ref NORSOK A-001N.

Vedlagt samlet gjennomgang av alle NORSOK standarder med kommentarer til S-002 Arbeidsmiljø. (English versionNORSOK S-002 Work Environment was distributed for approval. New NORSOK S002 was put on hold because of the overall review of all NORSOK standards. Arne Haugan in STATOIL is project manager for NORSOK S-002. Attached overall review of all NORSOK standards with comments on S-002 Work Environment.)

YA-710 Prinsipper for utforming av Alarmsystemer (PTIL 2001)

1987: Bruk av fonter - Nasa Typography

Arbeidsmiljøloven - Lov om arbeidsmiljø, arbeidstid og stillingsvern mv. av (2005) AD (Arbeidsdepartementet)

EN 547-/1/2/3 Safety of machinery – Human body measurements

EN 1005 Safety of machinery – Human physical performance

EN 1838 / BS5266 Emergency Lighting Regulations

EN 12464-1 European standard for lighting of indoor workplaces

EN 50132-7 (2012) alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications - part 7: application guidelines Home Office (2009) UK,
"CCTV Operational Requirements Manual". Publication No. 28/09, ISBN: 978-1-84726-902-7.

FOR 2006-04-26 nr 456: Forskrift om vern mot støy på arbeidsplassen, AD (Arbeidsdepartementet), Se og Forskrift om utforming og innretning av arbeidsplasser og arbeidslokaler (arbeidsplassforskriften)§2-16

HSE (2003) “Organisational change and major accident hazards”. Chemical Information Sheet No CHIS7, see:, date published 27/06/2003 

IFE (2003) Report "Group-view displays" IFE/HR/F-2003/1208 dated 2003-01-17

ISO Standards, see:

  • ISO 2631-1 Evaluation of human exposure to whole body vibrations
  • ISO 5349 Guidelines for measurement and assessment of human body exposure to hand transmitted vibration
  • ISO 9241: (1992) Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs)
  • ISO 9921:(2003) “Ergonomic assessment of speech communication
  • ISO/IEC 27002 (Former ISO 17799) “Information Technology - Code of practice for Information Security management

Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority-NLIA, (2003) “Climate and Air Quality in the Workplace” , Order. 516, at

NUREG-007 - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, 2002. Human-System Interface Design Review Guidelines. NUREG-0700, Rev. 2, Washington D.C. See

Antropometriske målinger for industrien (SINTEF rapport STF23 A92036)

Published November 22, 2012

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