HighEFF's 2023 Cross-Sector Workshop: Shaping the future of industrial energy efficiency
Members of the HighEFF consortium gathered in Trondheim on 18 October for their annual Cross-Sector Workshop, united by their commitment to advancing energy efficiency in the industrial sector.

The event, which drew both researchers and industrial partners, highlighted the Centre's recent advancements and provided an engaging platform for in-depth dialogues on challenges in the realm of energy efficiency. Through a series of presentations, attendees were brought up-to-date with the ongoing research within HighEFF.
Central to the discussions were developments in high-temperature heat pumps designed for heat production from electricity and innovative concepts for power production from low-temperature surplus heat. The importance of thermal energy storage in increasing flexibility and reducing peak load was also emphasised.
Moreover, participants had the opportunity to delve into the design tools developed for heat exchangers, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of direct heat utilisation. This is indicative of the Centre's approach to not only boost energy efficiency but also capitalise on surplus heat.
Notably, the workshop touched upon the transition to greener production methods, with green aluminium production processes taking the limelight. Such advancements underline the significant strides being made by the consortium in steering Norwegian industry towards a decarbonised future.
One of the standout sessions revolved around the intriguing perspective of sustainability as a managerial technology.
"The event showcased interesting presentations from both research scientists and students, and enlightening discussions with HighEFF's industrial partners," says Centre director Petter Røkke.