This script uses the multiscale mixed finite-element method to solve a single-phase flow problem driven by a pressure drop from the west to the east side of two 2.5D grids containing a curved fault:
- a triangular areal grid extruded to 3D
- a dual areal Voronoi grid extruded to 3D
WARNING: The example relies on third-party software:
- Triangle to create the triangulation needed in the areal grids (the 2D PEBI grid is created as the dual of a triangular grid). Triangle was created by J. R. Schewchuk and can be downloaded from his homepage. We have made an automatic build system to call external functions and libraries. This is tested on x86_64-Linux only and may not work on your particular hardware. To avoid the dependence on Triangle, we therefore provide the two grids in the files data/prismatic.mat and data/pebi.mat.
- METIS to partition the unstructured grids. METIS can be downloaded from Karypis Lab. To avoid the dependence on METIS, we provide the partitions used in the paper in the file data/partitions.mat.
Set up parameters
maxArea = 4; % controlling resolution of fine grid [az,el] = deal(-42,68); % view point for plots useTriangle = false; % should we use Triangle? useMETIS = false; % should we use METIS? metisPath = fullfile('myLocalMETISpath'); % change to local METIS path vargs = {'EdgeColor', 'k', 'EdgeAlpha', .05};
Loop over the two grid types
for nr=1:2
Make grid or read it from file
if nr==1 if useTriangle, G = computeGeometry(extrudedTriangleGrid(maxArea)); %#ok else dd = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); load(fullfile(dd, 'data', 'prismatic')); clear dd; G = Gt; clear Gt; end else if useTriangle, G = computeGeometry(extrudedTriangleGrid(maxArea, true)); %#ok else dd = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); load(fullfile(dd, 'data', 'pebi')); clear dd; G = Gp; clear Gp; end end rock = struct('perm', repmat(100*milli*darcy, [G.cells.num, 1]), ... 'poro', repmat(0.3, [G.cells.num, 1])); figure, plotGrid(G), axis tight, view(3), grid on, drawnow

Assign boundary conditions
clf, plotGrid(G, 'FaceColor', 'none', 'EdgeAlpha', .1) axis tight off, view(-30, 62) % West sides (high pressure) d = abs(G.faces.centroids(:,1) - min(G.faces.centroids(:,1))); ws = find (d < 1e6*eps); hw = plotFaces(G, ws, 'FaceColor', 'r'); % East sides (low pressure) d = abs(G.faces.centroids(:,1) - max(G.faces.centroids(:,1))); es = find (d < 1e6*eps); he = plotFaces(G, es, 'FaceColor', 'b'); drawnow bc = addBC([], ws, 'pressure', 250*barsa); bc = addBC(bc, es, 'pressure', 100*barsa);

Partition the grid
dd = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); if useMETIS, addpath(fullfile(dd, 'utils')); %#ok p = callMetis(G, 100, metisPath); else load(fullfile(dd, 'data', 'partitions')); if nr==1, p = pt; else p=pp; end clear pt pp; end clear dd p = compressPartition(p); p = processPartition(G, p); CG = generateCoarseGrid(G, p); clf plotCellData(G, mod(p, 11), vargs{:}) outlineCoarseGrid(G, p, 'LineWidth', 1.5); view(az, el), axis tight off camlight(az, -1*el), camlight( az, -2*el) camlight(az, -3*el), camlight(-az, -4*el), drawnow

Discretize and solve single-phase system
Initialize pressure system
S = computeMimeticIP(G, rock, 'InnerProduct', 'ip_quasirt'); fluid = initSingleFluid('mu', 1*centi*poise, 'rho', 1000*kilogram/meter^3); CS = generateCoarseSystem(G, rock, S, CG, ... ones([G.cells.num, 1]), 'bc', bc); xms = solveIncompFlowMS(initResSol(G, 0), ... G, CG, p, S, CS, fluid, 'bc', bc);
Plot solution
clf plotCellData(G, convertTo(xms.pressure, barsa), vargs{:}); outlineCoarseGrid(G, CG.partition, 'FaceColor', 'k', 'LineWidth', 1.5); axis tight, view(az,el), colorbar camlight(az, -1*el), camlight( az, -2*el) camlight(az, -3*el), camlight(-az, -4*el), drawnow
