Norwegian AI

NORA: The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA) is an academic focused network of institutes with AI research. NORA connects and supports AI research groups at its partnering institutions and gives the individual researchers access to the growing AI infrastructure and expertise throughout Norway. Partners: UiA, UiO, UiB, UiT, OsloMet, NMBU, Simula, UiS, NORCE

NAIL: The objective of the Norwegian Open Artificial Intelligence Lab (NAIL) is to enable both basic and applied interdisciplinary research at high international level and foster strong partnerships between academia and private sector. The lab provides infrastructure and a framework for close cooperation with academic, corporate and industrial partners, most of which have provided substantial financial funding to support its activities. Partners: NTNU, SINTEF, DNB, DNV GL, Equinor, Kongsberg, Telenor

NorwAI (Norwegian Research Center for AI Innovation) is a center of research based innovation funded by the Research Council of Norway. The goal of the center is to develop cutting-edge theories, methods and technology for efficient, effective and responsible exploitation of data-driven AI in innovative industrial solutions.

CLAIRE is an initiative by European AI communities seeking to strengthen European excellence in AI research and innovation. To achieve this, CLAIRE has been established as a pan-European Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe. Being one of the largest networks of AI research groups and institutes in the world, CLAIRE has recently begun to work with key stakeholders from various application areas. This effort is guided by the five emerging mission areas of the EU’s “Horizon Europe” Framework Programme. |
CLAIRE has several national offices and one of them is the CLAIRE office Norway/Nordics (contact email ). The main goal of the CLAIRE office in Norway is to help all Norwegian AI researchers to engage in AI research activities and collaborations across Europe through networking, project application (EU funded), innovation and industry cooperation. |

Startuplab Data Science Lab: The Data Science lab at the StartupLab is an environment where startups can get support for implementation of AI. Data Science Lab can provide a direct communication channel between NAINE and startups with focus on practical application of AI. Partners: NR, UiO, StartupLab, DNB, Equinor, DNV GL

Digital Norway: Digital Norway is a non-profit organization financed by 15 enterprises in order to facilitate digitalization of Norwegian industry. While it is owned by these primarily big enterprises, the Digital Norway also reach out to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Digital Norway facilitates an AI-network, which SINTEF is co-leading. Partners: SINTEF, DNB, DNV GL, Equinor, Kongsberg, Telenor, Lyse, Schibsted Media Group, Yara, Obos, Gard, Ferd, Statnett, AkerBP, Ruter, Nærings- og Fiskeridepartementet, Statens Vegvesen, Oslo Kommune

NAIS: The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Society (NAIS) is an open non-profit entity promoting interest in Norwegian AI both nationally and internationally. The aim is to serve as a focal point of interaction and cooperation among the members and the public. Member of EurAI (European Association of Artificial Intelligence).
Board members from: UiO, SINTEF, NTNU, UiB, IBM, Telenor, Simula, USN, OsloMet, TrønderEnergi