WP4 Multi-Level Governance

In this WP we will describe a comprehensive and streamlined plastic governance structure in Norway by assessing regulatory challenges, opportunities for synergies, overlaps and future needs of users. We look at state orchestration and the transnational new governance literature to assess to what degree there is a move towards sectoral self-regulation in addition to traditional state centric top down governance mechanisms. We consider the effectiveness of the treaty for biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) which was planned to be signed in 2020 but was delayed because of Covid-19, and assess what learning goals can be drawn from this process, tying it in with risk perception of the general public and its efficacy in forcing an environmental issue to the global agenda as was possible with e.g. the Montreal Protocol. We will also look at regime complex theory, where one may find an array of partially overlapping and non-hierarchical institutions that includes more than one agreement or authority on a given topic, such as plastics, and assess if there is evidence of this and explore how this may play out under different scenarios.
Lead: Silje Sørfonn Moe, WWF
Duration: 2021 – 2024