Prospex Institute aims to promote the participation of citizens and stakeholders in societally relevant dialogue and decision-making processes. PI engages with high-level practitioners with expertise in engaging stakeholders through a wide array of participatory methodologies.

Prospex Institute is work package leader for Public Engagement, Dissemination and Exploitation. Prospex Institute is responsible for engaging industrial partners, public authorities and civil society stakeholders to ensure they play an active role in the development of SecREEts. Stakeholder engagement is delivered through two broad strategies.

First, Prospex Institute will organise 'Citizen Labs', to consult local communities in areas where industrial partners are established. Through identifying civil society organisations, media groups, political parties and public authorities, Prospex Institute will facilitate discussions between local communities and industrial partners to highlight challenges and opportunities related to SecREEts. The outputs of these consultations will allow SecREEts to co-create a level of social acceptance and incorporate local stakeholders' feedback into future developments.

Secondly, Prospex Institute will engage diverse groups of business representatives and experts in an annual Policy Council, providing a forum to discuss issues such as security of supply, environmental and social standards, international trade and European policy-making to facilitate the sustainable sourcing and refining of REE in Europe. Gathering industry insights, the Policy Council will provide crucial inputs into the development of SecREEts' business scenarios and replication planning.

As part of the Policy Council activities, Prospex Institute will identify H2020 projects and private initiatives working on critical rare earth elements in Europe. Prospex Institute will proactively engage with these partners on research developments, knowledge-sharing, networking, market uptake opportunities and replication to maximise the impact of SecREEts.