Network meeting 2018
In 2018 the last seminar / meeting in the network will be arranged.
Time: Friday 16 March, 09-13
Place: Tekna, Dronning Maud gate 15, Oslo
Program is here.
Participation fee NOK 250,- Sign up at
This year's event is connected with ITS Norway's conference in Oslo on Thursday, March 15th.
About the network
The network is a project funded by the Research Council for the period 2015 - 2018. The network is managed by SINTEF, SINTEF Ocean, NTNU Social Research AS and Safetec.
Its purpose is to disseminate and discuss research findings and experiences across sectors, in addition to addressing research professional challenges. This helps to strengthen connections between users and research centers and between different research groups. Link into the government and the operator groups responsible for regulations will also be ensured.
Meeting space for central Norwegian environments and disciplines.
Participation in network meetings, workshops and national seminars will be open to all. The target groups are scientists, governments, agencies and transport companies in the various transport sectors.

Three prioritized areas
Internationalization and new organizational forms
All modes of transport have undergone major changes related to increased competition from foreign operators and increased use of international labour. Thus, more international forms of organization are introduced, which may imply more knowledge about language, culture, training etc.
Measurement and surveillance of traffic safety
The supervisory authorities have tried to implement risk based surveillance. This has both a technological and regulating component with increased access to data resulting from the implementation of sensor technology, but also increased use of CCTV (video surveillance). Increased amounts of data and new data types can provide better proactive risk indicators, as a basis for regulation and surveillance.
New technology and transport safety
We face major technological innovations. Autonomous systems, remote control and interaction between central control units and decentralized / autonomous systems have been introduced in all transport modes. The technology requires good integration with knowledge and research partners.