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Second International Zn-Air Battery Workshop, IZABW2
Decentralized application of batteries in the low voltage end of distribution grids is expected to become an early business case following the dramatic increase in solar power installations seen all over Europe. Metal-air batteries are considered preferable with regards to energy density. Several metals have been considered for the development of metal-air batteries; e.g. Mg, Zn, Al, Fe, Ca and Li. Among these metals, zinc is the most active metal that can be electrodeposited from an aqueous electrolyte, is abundant in nature and can be handled safely in oxygen and humid atmosphere. However, achieving a rechargeable zinc-air battery is challenging due to degradation of the electrodes during cycling, which results in a rapid reduction in (storage) capacity. In order to support the further development of zinc-air systems, we hereby invite the Zn-air battery research community to the 2nd International Zn-air battery workshop in Trondheim, Norway. This should promote open discussions regarding promising R&D pathways for the technical improvement of these batteries. Please follow the links for abstract submission and workshop registration. The deadline for submission of abstracts and workshop registration is set to February 15th and March 10th, respectively. Practical information regarding the workshop may be found here.

Keynote speakers:
• Philippe Stevens, EDF R&D
• Hajime Arai, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology
• Ludwig Jörissen, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
• Marcel Meeus, Sustesco
Organized by:
The IZABW committee and the European ZAS (Zinc-Air Secondary innovative nanotech based batteries for efficient energy storage, reference no. 646186) project.