Artikler i vitenskapelige tidsskrift

Journal papers:
2023 - journal papers
- Barbara, Neis; Wenzhao, Gao; Lissandra, Cavalli; Thorvaldsen, Trine Merethe; Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Mohamed F, Jeebhay; Maria Andree, Lopez Gomez; Ochs, Cory; Watterson, Andrew; Matthias, Beck; Carlos, Tapia-Jopia.
Mass mortality events in marine salmon aquaculture and their influence of occupational health and safety hazards and risk of injury. Aquaculture 2023
OCEAN - Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Kirkhus, Trine; Thielemann, Jens Toivo; Amundsen, Herman Biørn; Su, Biao; Ohrem, Sveinung Johan.
Absolute localization of an ROV in a Fish Pen using Laser Triangulation. IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation 2023
NTNU OCEAN SINTEF - Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Evjemo, Linn Danielsen; Haugaløkken, Bent Oddvar Arnesen; Amundsen, Herman Biørn; Kelasidi, Eleni.
Adaptive Speed Control of ROVs with Experimental Results from an Aquaculture Net Pen Inspection Operation. IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation 2023
OCEAN NTNU - Thorvaldsen, Trine; Salomonsen, Cecilie; Ranum, Stine Albertsen; Trædal, Petter; Misund, Andreas Ugelvik; Holmen, Ingunn Marie.
Prepared for the worst? Emergency preparedness in Norwegian fish farming - Status and further improvements. Aquaculture 2023
2022 – journal papers
- Moe Føre, H., Endresen, P. C., and Bjelland, H., 2022. Load coefficients and dimensions of Raschel knitted netting materials in fish farms. ASME. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. doi:
- Hvas, M. 2022. Influence of photoperiod and protocol length on metabolic rate traits in ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta. Journal of fish biology. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14981
- Hvas, M., Bui, S. 2022. Energetic costs of ectoparasite infection in Atlantic salmon. J. Exp. Biol. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.243300
- Hvas, M., Nilsson, J., Vågseth, T., Nola, V., Fjelldal, P. G., Hansen, T., Oppedal, F., Stien, L. H., Folkedal, O. 2022. Full compensatory growth before harvest and no impact on fish welfare in Atlantic salmon after an 8-week fasting period. Aquaculture. 546.
- Johannesen, A., Patursson, Ø., Kristmundsson, J., Pætursonur Dam, S. Mulelid, M., Klebert, P. 2022. Waves and currents decrease the available space in a salmon cage. PLoS ONE.
- McIntosh, P, Barrett, L. T., Warren-Myers, F., Coates, A., Macaulay, G., Szetey, A., Robinson, N, White, C., Samsing, F., Oppedal, F., Folkedal, O., Klebert, P., Dempster, T. 2022. Supersizing salmon farms in the coastal zone: A global analysis of changes in farm technology and location from 2005 to 2020. Aquaculture. 553.
- Risholm, P., Mohammed, A., Kirkhus, T., Clausen, S., Vasilyev, L., Folkedal, O., Johnsen, Ø., Haugholt, K. H., Thieleman, J. 2022. Automatic length estimation of free-swimming fish using an underwater 3D range-gated camera. Aquacult. Eng.
2021 – journal papers
- Bjerkeng, M., Kirkhus, T., Caharija, W., Thielemann, J. T., Amundsen, H. B., Ohrem S. J., and Grøtli, E. I., ROV Navigation in a Fish Cage with Laser-Camera Triangulation, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 79, Jan. 2021
- Føre, H.M., Endresen, P.C., Norvik, C., Lader, P., 2021. Hydrodynamic loads on net panels with different solidities. ASME. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. October 2021; 143(5): 051901.
- Føre, M., Svendsen, E., Økland, F., Gräns, A., Alfredsen, J. A., Finstad, B., Hedger, R. D., Uglem, I. 2021. Heart rate and swimming activity as indicators of post-surgical recovery time of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Animal Biotelemetry. vol. 9.
- Hassan, W., Føre, M., Pedersen, M. O., Alfredsen, J. A. 2021. A new method for measuring free-ranging fish swimming speed in commercial marine farms using Doppler principle. IEEE Sensors Journal; Volume 20. (17) s. 10220-10227 OCEAN NTNU
- Holmen, I.M., Utne, I.B., Haugen, S. 2021. Identification of safety indicators in aquaculture operations based on fish escape report data. Aquaculture, 544, 737143.
- Hvas, M., Folkedal, O., Oppedal, F. 2021a. Heart rates of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar during a critical swim speed test and subsequent recovery. Journal of Fish Biology.
- Hvas, M., Stien, L.H., Oppedal, F., 2021b. The effect of fasting period on swimming performance, blood parameters and stress recovery in Atlantic salmon post smolts. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 255, 110913.
- Hvas, M., Folkedal, O., Oppedal, F. 2021c. What is the limit of sustained swimming in Atlantic salmon post smolts? Aquacult. Env. Interact. 13. DOI: 10.3354/aei00401
- Hvas, M., Folkedal, O., Oppedal, F. 2021d. Fish welfare in offshore salmon aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture.
- Macaulay, Georgia; Warren-Myers, Fletcher; Barrett, Luke T.; Oppedal, Frode; Føre, Martin; Dempster, Tim. 2021. Tag use to monitor fish behaviour in aquaculture: a review of benefits, problems and solutions. Reviews in Aquaculture 2021; Volum 13.(3) pp. 1565-1582
- Riseth, E. N., Fraser, T. W. K., Sambraus, F., Stien, L. H. & Hvas, M. 2021. Is it advantageous for Atlantic salmon to be triploid at lower temperatures? Journal of Thermal Biology, 89, 102548
- Warren-Myers, F., Hvas, M., Vågseth, T., Dempster, T., Oppedal, F. Sentinels in salmon aquaculture: heart rates across seasons and during crowding events. Frontiers in Physiology. 12. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2021.75565
- Yang, X., Utne, I.B. and Holmen, I.M., 2021. Methodology for hazard identification in aquaculture operations (MHIAO). Safety Science, 121, pp.430-450.
2020 – journal papers
- Hassan, Waseem; Føre, Martin; Pedersen, Magnus Oshaug; Alfredsen, Jo Arve. 2020. A new method for measuring free-ranging fish swimming speed in commercial marine farms using Doppler principle. IEEE Sensors Journal 2020. Volum 20.(17) s.10220-10227
- Hvas, M., Folkedal, O., Oppedal, F. 2020a. Heart rate bio-loggers as welfare indicators in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture. Aquaculture. Volum 529.
- Hvas, M., Stien, L. H., Oppedal, F. 2020b. The metabolic rate response to feed withdrawal in Atlantic salmon post-smolts. Aquaculture. Volum 529.
- Riseth, Erling Nilsen; Fraser, Thomas; Sambraus, Florian; Stien, Lars Helge; Hvas, Malthe. 2020. Is it advantageous for Atlantic salmon to be triploid at lower temperatures? Journal of Thermal Biology 2020. Volum 89
2019 – journal papers
- Bore, P.T., Amdahl, J. and Kristiansen, D., 2019. Statistical modelling of extreme ocean current velocity profiles. Ocean Engineering, 186, p.106055.
- Bore, P.T., Amdahl, J. and Kristiansen, D. Joint modelling of vertical current velocity profiles for design of coastal and ocean structures (to be submitted), Coastal Engineering, 2019.
- Hassan, W., Føre, M., Ulvund, J.B. and Alfredsen, J.A., 2019. Internet of Fish: Integration of acoustic telemetry with LPWAN for efficient real-time monitoring of fish in marine farms. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 163, p.104850.
- Hvas, M. and Oppedal, F., 2019. Physiological responses of farmed Atlantic salmon and two cohabitant species of cleaner fish to progressive hypoxia. Aquaculture, 512, p.734353.
- Hvas, M. and Oppedal, F., 2019. Influence of experimental set-up and methodology for measurements of metabolic rates and critical swimming speed in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of fish biology, 95(3), pp.893-902.
- Holen, S.M., Yang, X., Utne, I.B. and Haugen, S., 2019. Major accidents in Norwegian fish farming. Safety Science, 120, pp.32-43.
- Jónsdóttir, K.E., Hvas, M., Alfredsen, J.A., Føre, M., Alver, M.O., Bjelland, H.V. and Oppedal, F., 2019. Fish welfare-based classification method of ocean current speeds at aquaculture sites. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 11, pp.249-261.
- Mathisen, B.M., Aamodt, A., Langseth, H. and Bach, K. 2019 Learning similarity measures from data. Progress in Artificial Intelligence.
- Oldham, T., Nowak, B., Hvas, M. and Oppedal, F., 2019. Metabolic and functional impacts of hypoxia vary with size in Atlantic salmon. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 231, pp.30-38.
- Shen, Y., Greco, M. and Faltinsen, O.M., 2019. Numerical study of a well boat operating at a fish farm in long-crested irregular waves and current. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 84, pp.97-121.
- Shen, Y., Greco, M. and Faltinsen, O.M., 2019. Numerical study of a well boat operating at a fish farm in current. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 84, pp.77-96.
- Slette, H.T., Asbjørnslett, B.E. and Fagerholt, K., 2019, October. Cost-Emission Relations for Maritime Logistics Support in Aquaculture. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1357, No. 1, p. 012029). IOP Publishing.
- Vilsen, S.A., Sauder, T., Sørensen, A.J. and Føre, M., 2019. Method for real-time hybrid model testing of ocean structures: Case study on horizontal mooring systems. Ocean Engineering, 172, pp.46-58.
- Yuen, J.W., Dempster, T., Oppedal, F. and Hvas, M., 2019. Physiological performance of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) at different temperatures and its implication for cleaner fish usage in salmon aquaculture. Biological Control, 135, pp.117-123.
- Yu Z, Amdahl J, Kristiansen D, Bore PT, (2019) Numerical analysis of local and global responses of an offshore fish farm subjected to ship impacts. Ocean Engineering; Volume 194
- Yu, Z., Amdahl, J., Kristiansen, D. and Bore, P.T., 2019. Numerical analysis of local and global responses of an offshore fish farm subjected to ship impacts. Ocean Engineering, 194, p.106653.
2018 – journal papers
- Eidsvik, O.A.N., Haugaløkken, B.O.A. and Schjølberg, I., 2018, June. SeaArm-A Subsea Multi-Degree of Freedom Manipulator for Small Observation Class Remotely Operated Vehicles. In 2018 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 983-990). IEEE.
- Eidsvik, O.A.N., Haugaløkken, B.O.A. and Schjølberg, I., 2018 SeaArm – A Subsea Multi-Degree of Freedom Manipulator for Small Observation Class Remotely Operated Vehicles. In European Control Conference 2018 Limassol, Cyprus.
- Faltinsen, O.M. and Shen, Y., 2018. Wave and current effects on floating fish farms. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 17(3), pp.284-296.
- Haugaløkken, B.O.A., Jørgensen, E.K. and Schjølberg, I., 2018. Experimental validation of end-effector stabilization for underwater vehicle-manipulator systems in subsea operations. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 109, pp.1-12.
- Holmen, I.M., Utne, I.B. and Haugen, S., 2018. Risk assessments in the Norwegian aquaculture industry: Status and improved practice. Aquacultural Engineering, 83, pp.65-75.
- Hvas, M., Folkedal, O., Imsland, A. and Oppedal, F., 2018. Metabolic rates, swimming capabilities, thermal niche and stress response of the lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus. Biology open, 7(9), p.bio036079.
- Hvas, M., Nilsen, T.O. and Oppedal, F., 2018. Oxygen uptake and osmotic balance of Atlantic salmon in relation to exercise and salinity acclimation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, p.368.
- Shen, Y., Greco, M., Faltinsen, O.M. and Nygaard, I., 2018. Numerical and experimental investigations on mooring loads of a marine fish farm in waves and current. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 79, pp.115-136.
2017 – journal papers
- Hvas, M., Folkedal, O., Imsland, A. and Oppedal, F., 2017. The effect of thermal acclimation on aerobic scope and critical swimming speed in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220(15), pp.2757-2764.
- Hvas, M. and Oppedal, F., 2017. Sustained swimming capacity of Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 9, pp.361-369.
- Hvas, M., Karlsbakk, E., Mæhle, S., Wright, D.W. and Oppedal, F., 2017. The gill parasite Paramoeba perurans compromises aerobic scope, swimming capacity and ion balance in Atlantic salmon. Conservation physiology, 5(1), p.cox066.
- Hvas, M., Folkedal, O., Solstorm, D., Vågseth, T., Fosse, J.O., Gansel, L.C. and Oppedal, F., 2017. Assessing swimming capacity and schooling behaviour in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar with experimental push-cages. Aquaculture, 473, pp.423-429.
- Holmen IM, Utne IB, Haugen S (2017). Organisational safety indicators in aquaculture – a preliminary study. Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice -Walls, Revie & Bedford (Eds). Taylor & Francis Group, London. ISBN 978-1-138-02997-2.
- Mathisen, B.M., Aamodt, A. and Langseth, H., 2017. Data driven case base construction for prediction of success of marine operations. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Vilsen, S.A., Sauder, T. and Sørensen, A.J., 2017. Real-time hybrid model testing of moored floating structures using nonlinear finite element simulations. In Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 4 (pp. 79-92). Springer, Cham.
2016 – journal papers
- Bui, S., Dempster, T., Remen, M. and Oppedal, F., 2016. Effect of ectoparasite infestation density and life-history stages on the swimming performance of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Aquaculure Environment Interactions, 8, pp.387-395.
- Remen, M., Solstorm, F., Bui, S., Klebert, P., Vågseth, T., Solstorm, D., Hvas, M. and Oppedal, F., 2016. Critical swimming speed in groups of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 8, pp.659-664.
- Rundtop, P. and Frank, K., 2016. Experimental evaluation of hydroacoustic instruments for ROV navigation along aquaculture net pens. Aquacultural Engineering, 74, pp.143-156.
- Wienhofen, L.Q. and Mathisen, B.m., 2016, October. Defining the initial case-base for a CBR operator support system in digital finishing. In International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (pp. 430-444). Springer, Cham.
2015 – journal papers
- Utne, I.B., Schjølberg, I. and Holmen, I.M., 2015. Reducing risk to aquaculture workers by autonomous systems and operations. Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems. CRC Press, Switzerland.