Excon - Grønn forvaltning av konstruksjoner for infrastruktur
Popescu, C, Danner, T, Myrdal, R, Lindgård, J, Revert, A.B & Täljsten, B: NDT methods and sensors for existing concrete structures. SINTEF Report 2023:01487, Trondheim 2023. ISBN 978-82-14-07184-9
Myrdal, R: STAR - Service life modelling of chloride induced corrosion of steel reinforced concrete structures - Overview of models and parameters . SINTEF Report 2024:01134, Trondheim 2024. ISBN 978-82-14-07100-9
Myrdal, R: Embeddable sensors for in-situ monitoring of chloride and pH in concrete. SINTEF Report 2024:01558, Trondheim 2024. ISBN 978-82-14-07408-6
Baral, K, Geiker, M.R & Øverli, J.A: istribution of Corrosion Attack in Chloride Exposed Concrete, Summary of Field Observations, Nordic Concrete Research 2024; Volume 71(2) s. 125-136. https://doi.org/10.2478/ncr-2024-0018
Sharma, S; Hornbostel, K & Geiker, M.R: Cathodic protection of marine prestressed concrete bridges –review of case studies, 2024. Nordic Concrete Research 2024; Volume 71(2) s. 113-124. https://doi.org/10.2478/ncr-2024-0017
Sharma, S; Osmolska, M. J; Hornbostel, K; Bathen, L; Novakova, I; Geiker, M. Repair Options for Corrosion-damaged Prestressed Concrete Structures. Nordic Concrete Research 2024 ; Volum 70.(1) s. 99-123. https://doi.org/10.2478/ncr-2024-0004
Revert, A.B; Danner, T; Geiker, M.R (2024) Carbonation and corrosion of steel in fly ash concrete, concluding investigation of five-year-old laboratory specimens and preliminary field data. CEMENT, Volume 16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cement.2024.100105
Sharma, S, Hornbostel, K, ØVerli, J.A & Geiker, M.R: Effect of cathodic protection of conventional steel reinforcement on damaged prestressed concrete, ICCRRR 7th International conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and retrofitting, 2024.
Hammer, T.A: Velkommen og utfordringer, NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Myklebust, O: Levetidsforlengelse i store konstruksjoner; kostnader, miljø og vurderinger. NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Isaksen, H.R: Utfordringer og mulige løsninger for dam. NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Bjerke, W & Isdahl-Engh, D.R: NDT - ultralyd og luftbårne sensorer Gravfoss dam. NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Zivkovic, J: Utprøving av NDT-metoder på bruer og offshore konstruksjoner, NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Reknes, K: Hvordan kan avansert konstr. analyse bidra til bedre tilstandsanalyse? NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Popescu, C: Testing og verifikasjon av NDT-metoder; Mock-ups, NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Bergsdal, H: Hvordan ta hensyn til miljøprestasjoen i beslutningsmodeller? NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Antonsen, R: Gimsøystrømmen og Skattørsund bru, KB, NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Stavem, P: Utvikling av KB-mørtel, NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Bathen, L: Hvordan oppdage skader på spennarmering og hvordan reparere? NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Danner, T: Sensor/overvåking - metoder og muligheter. NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Myrdal, R: Levetidsvurdering av betongkonstruksjoner, armeringskorrosjon. NBF/Excon-seminar, Oslo, 29.05.2024
Bergsdal, H, Scilipoti, G & Hornbostel, K: Classification of Concrete Bridges Based on Material Usage for Sustainable Decision-Making, Net-Zero Future 2024, Oslo 19.6-21.6 2024
Geiker, M.R, Service Life and Performance Prediction, Introduction by Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Conference, Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure Development, Academic lecture, 2024
Geiker, M.R: Design for durability, Perspectives on future of cements, Symposium celebrating Prof. Karen Scrivener’s honorary doctorate at TU Eindhoven, Academic lecture, 2024
Geiker, M.R: Durability design and sustainability of concrete structures, Keynote Lecture at 1st International Conference on Net-Zero Built Environment: Innovations in Materials, Structures, and Management Practices, Oslo, Norway 2024
Baral, K, Geiker, M.R; Øverli, J.A: Distribution of Corrosion Attack in Chloride Exposed Concrete, Summary of Field Observations, CONSEC24 10th International conference on concrete under Severe Conditions, 2024.
Sharma, S, Hornbostel, K, Geiker, M.R; Cathodic protection of marine prestressed concrete bridges –review of case studies, CONSEC24 10th International conference on concrete under Severe Conditions, 2024.
Hornbostel, K, Rodum, E, Antonsen,R.E, Helgestad, S.H; From research to guidelines – results from field testing of mortars for cathodic protection, CONSEC24 10th International conference on concrete under Severe Conditions, 2024
Dawes, J: Investigating the Effects of High Strength Concrete Properties on Capillary Absorption and Adhesion in Offshore Concrete Rehabilitation, Master thesis, Department of Structural Engineering, NTNU, 2023
Brådland, G. and Sørenes, K: Consistent material modelling for nonlinear finite element analysis of corroded concrete infrastructures, Master thesis, Department of Structural Engineering, NTNU, 2024
Haugen, K. and Sæbu, V.A: Modelling Approaches for Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Corroded Concrete Structures, Master thesis, Department of Structural Engineering, NTNU, 2024