- A new approach to the identification of high-potential materials for cost-efficient membrane-based post-combustion CO <inf>2</inf> capture - Academic article
- Energieffektivisering og utslippsreduksjon i fiskeflåten - Lecture
- Health and care service utilisation and cost in a life cycle perspective: a register data based descriptive analysis - Academic lecture
- Nano Electrocatalyst for HER in Alkaline Polymer Electrolysis - Poster
- – Vi kan bli sett på som generasjonen som unnlot å gjøre noe mens det fremdeles var muligheter til å snu irreversible klimaendringer - Interview
- "Resilience to Exogenous Shocks in Environmental Management Regimes in the Arctic: Lessons Learned from Survivors " - Academic lecture
- (Presentasjon) Protection Poker - Lecture
- (Presentasjon) Software Security Activities that Support Incident Management in Secure DevOps - Academic lecture
- (Presentasjon) Understanding challenges to adoption of the Protection Poker software security game - Academic lecture
- “Construction and monitoring system for the Follobanen tunnels under existing Ekeberg tunnels in Oslo, Norway” - Lecture
- “Effects of increased water temperature and water-soluble crude oil exposure on survival, growth, and feeding success of early life stages of polar cod (Boreogadus saida)” - Academic lecture
- “How sensitive are polar cod to a changing Arctic?” - Poster
- “Numerical analyses for junction between Follo Line and Ekeberg tunnels” - Lecture
- “We Tie Up the Loose Ends”: Homecare Nursing in a Changing Health Care Landscape - Academic article
- 1, 2, 3 Housing! Good, affordable and energy efficient housing for refugees - Report
- 1. WP3 Fisheries Pilots, 2. WP3 Parallel Session - Almeria Meeting - Lecture
- 1st RE-food Symposium - Goa, India, Feb. 2018 - Sustainable technologies for Food processing and preservation - Report
- 2018 – the year of engagement for the Energy Union- and that’s YOU actually - Interview
- 2018 IEAGHG International CCS Summer School - Interview
- 2018:00785 - MACROSEA WP5 - D5.2 Proof of concept on seeding systems - Report
- 2018:01033- Properties of Abadin Quartz - Report
- 2D PZT based micromirrors with high resonance frequency or high angular deflection - Poster
- 3D cell culture: Tailoring matrix properties for cell culture and high throughput screening - Poster
- 3D finite elements modelling of percussive rock drilling: Estimation of rate of penetration based on multiple impact simulations with a commercial drill bit - Academic article
- 3D model validation - Interview
- 3D modelling of the impact of inlet flow on macrosegregation formation in DC casting of aluminium alloys accounting for grain morphology and transport - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 3D motion dynamics of axisymmetric bodies falling through water - Academic article
- 3DLife – Emulating life in 3D with digital and experimental tissue models - Poster
- 71 countries are negotiating a new biodiversity treaty. Here’s what you need to know. - Popular scientific article
- A 2D Experimental and Numerical Study of Moonpools With Recess - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Bayesian network based approach for integration of condition-based maintenance in strategic offshore wind farm O&M simulation models - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Comparative Study of Fatigue Damage Assessment Methods to a Rigid Planar Jumper - Academic lecture
- A Comparative Study of Fatigue Damage Assessment Methods to a Rigid Planar Jumper - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A comprehensive modeling of the hybrid temperature electric swing adsorption process for CO2 capture - Academic article
- A computationally efficient fe approach for residual stress induced by additive manufacturing - Academic lecture
- A Concept of performance improvement for R744 two-phase ejector with bypass duct - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A critical review of marine snow in the context of oil spills and oil spill dispersant treatment with focus on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Academic literature review
- A Damping Factor-Based White-Box Transformer Model for Network Studies - Academic article
- A feasibility study of real-time monitoring techniques for scale deposition thickness in pneumatic conveying pipelines - Academic article
- A First-Principles Study of the Al (001)/Fe(0-11) Interface - Academic article
- A Fleet Efficiency Factor for fleet size and mix problems using particle swarm optimisation - Academic article
- A fractographic study of hydrogen-enhanced fatigue crack propagation in a Fe-3wt.%Si ferritic alloy - Academic lecture
- A Framework to Navigate the Privacy Trade-offs for Human-Centred Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Gap in Networked Publics? A Comparison of Younger and Older Journalists’ Newsgathering Practices on Social Media - Academic article
- A gas ejector for CO2 supercritical cycles - Academic article
- A Handbook for Product development using 3 Dimensional Concurrent Engineering - Report
- A Hybrid Analytics Paradigm Combining Physics-Based Modeling and Data-Driven Modeling to Accelerate Incompressible Flow Solvers - Academic article
- A Hybrid Analytics Paradigm Combining Physics-Based Modeling and Data-Driven Modeling to Accelerate Incompressible Flow Solvers - Academic lecture
- A Hybrid Approach for Model Order Reduction of Barotropic Quasi-Geostrophic Turbulence - Academic article
- A machine vision system for zooplankton behavioural studies: A case study on the phototactic behaviour of sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) during sound and ultrasound stimuli - Academic article
- A Mass-Conservative Sequential Implicit Multiscale Method for General Compositional Problems - Academic article
- A mathematical model for infrastructure investments in the forest sector of coastal Norway - Academic article
- A method for determining material's equivalent stress-strain curve with any axisymmetric notched tensile specimens without Bridgman correction - Academic article
- A Method for Developing Qualitative Security Risk Assessment Algorithms - Academic article
- A method for retrieving char oxidation kinetic data from reacting particle trajectories in a novel test facility - Academic article
- A multi-perspective account of safety (MUPSY) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Netnographic Study on the Dark Net Ecosystem for Ransomware - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A network approach to efficient drug discovery - Poster
- A New Hearing Service in Tanzania - Popular scientific lecture
- A new notched cross-weld tensile testing method for determining the equivalent stress-strain curves of weldment - Academic lecture
- A new procedure for automatic path planning in bronchoscopy - Academic article
- A non-invasive approach to assess texture changes in sous-vide cooked Atlantic mackerel during chilled storage by fl uorescence imaging - Academic article
- A Norwegian cultivation program for sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) - Poster
- A NORWEGIAN CULTIVATION PROGRAM FOR THE SUGAR KELP Saccharina latissima - Academic lecture
- A novel and simple method for fabrication of edgeless silicon radiation detectors - Poster
- A novel formulation for job-shop scheduling in traffic management - Academic lecture
- A novel PCM accumulator for refrigerated display cabinet : design and CFD simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A novel PCM accumulator for refrigerated display cabinet: design and CFD simulations - Academic lecture
- A Novel Semi-Empirical Non-Linear Time-Domain Formulation of Wave Elevation Diffracted by a Vertical Column - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Novel Semi-Empirical Non-Linear Time-Domain Formulation of Wave Elevation Diffracted by a Vertical Column - Academic lecture
- A novel severe plastic deformation method for manufacturing AZ31 magnesium alloy tube - Academic article
- A numerical comparison and uncertainty analysis of two transient models for kick management in a backpressure MPD system - Chapter
- A Numerical Comparison and Uncertainty Analysis of Two Transient Models for Kick Management in a Backpressure MPD System - Academic lecture
- A Perception of the Practice of Software Security and Performance Verification - Academic article
- A pressurized Gas Switching Combustion reactor: Autothermal operation with a CaMnO<sub>3??</sub>-based oxygen carrier - Academic article
- A process systems approach to targeting membrane properties for post-combustion capture - Academic lecture
- A project management issue of new technology developments: A case study on lack of human factors' attention in human-robot interaction - Academic article
- A Review of Model-Based Design Tools for Metal-Air Batteries - Academic literature review
- A review on recent technological advancements in muliti-ejector concept - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A review on wetting and water condensation - perspectives for CO2 condensation - Academic literature review
- A scatter removal technique to enhance underwater range-gated 3D and intensity images - Academic lecture
- A Secure MANET Routing Protocol for Crisis Situations - Academic article
- A security policy enforcement framework for controlling IoT tenant applications in the edge - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A simplified three-phase model of equiaxed solidification for the prediction of microstructure and macrosegregation in castings - Academic article
- A stochastic model for contact surfaces at polymer interfaces subjected to an electrical field - Academic article
- A study of anode baking gas composition - Academic article
- A Study of Anode Baking Gas Composition - Academic lecture
- A study of employees' perceptions of interaction between work and health in the Norwegian fish farming industry - Academic lecture
- A study on densification and CO2 gasification of biocarbon - Poster
- A Study on Densification and CO2 Gasification of Biocarbon - Academic article
- A synthesis of the recent scientific findings on the decoupling of environmental pressures from economic growth - Academic lecture
- A systematic procedure for process energy evaluation for post combustion CO2 capture: Case study of two novel strong bicarbonate-forming solvents - Academic article
- A systematic review of cloud modeling languages - Academic article
- A Systematic Review of the Basis for WHO’s New Recommendation for Limiting Aircraft Noise Annoyance - Academic article
- A Taxonomy for Combining Activity Recognition and Process Discovery in Industrial Environments - Academic article
- A Technique for Obtaining Reference Measurements to Calibrate Deposition Models for Pipelines - Academic article
- A thermogravimetric and kinetic study on devolatilization of biomass - Masters thesis
- A Transient Flow Model for Investigating Parameters Affecting Kick Behaviour in OBM for HPHT Wells and Backpressure MPD Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A traveling salesman problem with pickups and deliveries and stochastic travel times: An application from chemical shipping - Academic article
- A variable neighbourhood search heuristic for disruption management in offshore oil and gas logistics - Academic article
- A XANES study of sulfur speciation and reactivity in cokes for anodes used in aluminum production - Academic article
- A XANES Study of Sulfur Speciation and Reactivity in Cokes for Anodes Used in Aluminum Production - Academic lecture
- Ab Initio Calculations of Dislocation Core Using a Cluster Model Approach - Poster
- About WtE 2030 - Website (informational material)
- AC Corrosion Tests on Materials for Electrically Heated Flowlines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Accelerating the Isothermal Forging Process of Titanium Aluminides by Microstructure Adaptive Speed Control - Poster
- Access to assistive technology in two Southern African countries - Academic article
- Accountability Requirements in the Cloud Provider Chain - Academic article
- Accurate calculation of gas-liquid-solid flow of CO2 using a WENO method - Academic lecture
- Accurate CO2 monitoring using quantitative joint inversion at the CaMI Field Research Station (FRS), Canada. - Academic lecture
- Accurate Phase Equilibrium Measurements for CCS Using an Analytical Method - Academic lecture
- Acid preservation of Saccharina latissima for application as a carbon source for fermentation to biofuels and chemicals - Academic article
- Actinobacteria from the Trondheim fjord: a promising source of novel bioactive compounds and redox enzyme systems for the biocatalytic conversion of lignocellulose - Poster
- Active truncation of slender marine structures: Influence of the control system on fidelity - Academic article
- Active Vision - Lecture
- Active vision and deep reinforcement learning for grasping of 3D compliant objects - Academic lecture
- Ada support for heterogenous architectures - Academic lecture
- Adapting Green-Blue Roofs to Nordic Climate - Academic literature review
- Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search on the Graphics Processing Unit - Academic article
- Adaptive Multi-Frequency Phase Stepping for Optimal 3D Depth Reconstruction - Poster
- Additive manufacture of superduplex stainless steel using WAAM - Academic article
- Additive manufacturing using WAAM with AA5183 wire - Academic article
- Addressing Differences in Safety Influencing Factors—A Comparison of Offshore and Onshore Helicopter Operations - Academic article
- Adhesion of dispersed crude oil droplets onto eggs of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and associated toxicity to developing fish larvae - Academic lecture
- Adhesion of mechanically and chemically dispersed crude oil droplets to eggs of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) - Academic article
- Adsorption of CO2 and Facile Carbonate Formation on BaZrO3 Surfaces - Academic article
- Advanced heat exchanger and system modelling - Lecture
- Advanced laboratory methods for analyses of shale cuttings - Poster
- Advances in genetic engineering and the future of humans - Academic lecture
- Advances in robotics for additive/hybrid manufacturing: robot control, speech interface and path planning - Academic article
- Advancing IoT Platforms Interoperability - Academic monograph
- Advancing multi-vehicle deployments in oceanographic field experiments - Academic article
- Advantages of Hybridisation with respect to LCA, EEDI, EEOI - Lecture
- Aerial Surveillance and Ground-truth Monitoring of Light Crude Oil/Condensate Slicks during Full-scale Field Experiments -Behaviour and Effect of Response Options - Lecture
- Aerosol growth in a post combustion CO2 capture absorber using the 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol/ Piperazine (CESAR 1) solvent - Poster
- Age effect on semen quality, metabolomics and fertility in young Norwegian Red bulls - Academic lecture
- Age effect on semen quality, metabolomics and fertility in young Norwegian Red bulls - Abstract
- Agile Digital Transformation: A Case Study of Interdependencies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Agile Teams in Large-Scale Projects – Autonomous or Aligned? - Popular scientific lecture
- Aging test of monofilament fishing line - Report
- AI for autonomy - Popular scientific lecture
- AI Personas - Lecture
- Airborne Emissions from Mn Ferroalloy Production - Lecture
- Airborne Emissions from Mn Ferroalloy Production - Academic literature review
- Airflow Measurements for Air Handling Units - Report
- Alginate-based biomimetic matrices for 3D cell culture and high throughput screening - Academic lecture
- Algorithms and Tools - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Alkali boosting - test program with the KPN-ASR project - preliminary result after 13 weeks of exposure - Lecture
- Alkali boosting - test program with the KPN-ASR project - preliminary result after 26 weeks of exposure - Lecture
- Alkali leaching from an ASR-affected dam - Lecture
- All Good Things Must Come to an End - Editorial
- All microannuli are not created equal: Role of uncertainty and stochastic properties in well leakage prediction - Academic article
- Along-fault permeability modelling with modified discrete element method(MDEM) - Poster
- Alternative Fuels versus Traditional Fuels in Shipping – SOME 2018 - Academic lecture
- Alternative setting retarders for portland cement clinker - Academic article
- Alternatives to high GWP refrigerants in fishing vessels - Poster
- Aluminium Electrolysis - The Hall-Héroult Process - Academic lecture
- Aluminum nanowires in amorphous silicon - Lecture
- Aluminum nanowires in amorphous silicon - Academic lecture
- An advancement in CO2 utilization through novel Gas Switching Dry Reforming - Academic lecture
- An anisotropic friction model in non-bonded flexible risers - Academic article
- An anthropological study of safety, regulation and fishermen's work practice - Academic lecture
- An Approach for Small Scale Power Hardware in the Loop Emulation of HVDC Cables - Academic lecture
- An Approach for Small Scale Power Hardware in the Loop Emulation of HVDC Cables - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An approach to linear analysis of wind power plant dymamics stability, and control - Academic lecture
- An empirical study of WIP in kanban teams - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Empirical Study on the Comprehensibility of Graphical Security Risk Models Based on Sequence Diagrams - Academic lecture
- An Estimator for Traffic Breakdown Probability Based on Classification of Transitional Breakdown Events - Academic article
- An evaluation of effects of operational parameters on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations - Poster
- An Evaluation of Graphene Oxides as Possible Foam Stabilizing Agents for CO2 Based Enhanced Oil Recovery - Academic article
- An Indicator-Based Approach to Assessing Resilience of Smart Critical Infrastructures - Academic article
- An innovative mooring system for floating storage tanks and stochastic dynamic response analysis - Academic article
- An integrated pan-European research infrastructure for validating smart grid systems - Academic article
- An Integrated pan-European research infrastructure for validating smart grid systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Investigation on and Determination of Damping of Sloshing in a Tank Around Resonance Frequency - Academic lecture
- An Investigation on and Determination of Damping of Sloshing in a Tank Around Resonance Frequency - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An overview of CO2 capture for power and industry - Lecture
- An overview of Data Veracity Issues in Ship Performance and Navigation Monitoring - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis and design of floating prestressed concrete structures in shallow waters - Academic article
- Analysis and Impact Assessment in Sustainable Industrial and Infrastructural Development Projects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis of an integrated heating and cooling system for a building complex with focus on long–term thermal storage - Academic article
- Analysis of Combined Cycle Power Plants with Chemical Looping Reforming of Natural Gas and Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture - Academic article
- Analysis of MMC Dynamics in DQZ Coordinates for Vertical and Horizontal Energy Balancing Control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis of R744 refrigeration system with liquid ejectors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis on the relationship between layout and consumption of face cutters on hard rock tunnel boring machines (TBMs) - Academic article
- Analytical and FEM calculation of electrical parameters of carbon steel pipe in DEH systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Anisotropic fatigue properties of IN718 produced by powder bed fusion - Academic lecture
- Anisotropic poroelasticity – Does it apply to shale? - Academic article
- Anisotropic Poroelasticity – Does it apply to shale? - Academic lecture
- Anisotropic Poroelasticity: A key to understand shale behaviour - Academic lecture
- Anisotropic tensile failure of metals by the strain localization theory: An application to a high-strength aluminium alloy - Academic article
- ANITA2 Flight Model Development – First ground test results of the Trace Gas Analyser for the ISS (and beyond) - Academic lecture
- Annual Summary Report on coordination and alignment activities (Y2) - Report
- Annular displacement in a highly inclined irregular wellbore: Experimental and three-dimensional numerical simulations - Academic article
- Anomaly indicators for Kaplan turbine components based on patterns of normal behavior - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Anticipating emission-sensitive traffic management strategies for dynamic delivery routing - Academic article
- Anticipating Emission-Sensitive Traffic Management Strategies for Dynamic Delivery Routing - Academic lecture
- Anticipating Emission-Sensitive Traffic Management Strategies for Dynamic Delivery Routing - Academic lecture
- ANYWHERE Risk Analyzer (ARA) - Popular scientific lecture
- Applications for self-organizing teams and organizations - Lecture
- Applications of Thermal Energy Storage in the Energy Transition – Benchmarks and Developments - Report
- Applied Operational Research – examples from a contract research organization - Academic lecture
- Applying Transactional NPS for Customer Journey Insight: Case Experiences and Lessons Learned - Academic article
- Arc voltage measurements of ultrahigh pressure nitrogen Arcs in cylindrical tubes - Chapter
- Archaeal tetraether lipid coatings - A strategy for the development of membrane analog spacer systems for the site-specific functionalization of medical surfaces - Academic article
- Arctic continental slopes. - Academic lecture
- Are the humans of the future cyborgs? - Popular scientific lecture
- Aspiration and altered airway anatomy: a presentation with a twist - Academic article
- Assessing Business Cases for Autonomous and Unmanned Ships - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessing changes in quality characteristics of sous-vide cooked Atlantic mackerel during chilled storage by multiple regression analysis - Academic lecture
- Assessing impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod fishery - Academic article
- Assessing impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod fishery - Academic article
- Assessing Phytoplankton Activities in the Seasonal Ice Zone of the Greenland Sea Over an Annual Cycle - Academic article
- Assessing Smoothing Effects of Wind Power around Trondheim via Koopman Mode Decomposition - Academic lecture
- Assessing Smoothing Effects of Wind Power around Trondheim via Koopman Mode Decomposition - Academic article
- Assessing the impact of buffer towing on the quality of Northeast Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) caught with a bottom trawl - Academic article
- Assessment and comparison of target registration accuracy in surgical instrument tracking technologies - Academic article
- Assessment of anode baking furnace gas composition - Academic lecture
- Assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of ventilated timber wall constructions based on parametric LCA - Academic article
- Assessment of novel antifouling coatings for salmon farming - Academic lecture
- Assessment of sound insulation of sealing solutions, window slits and openings - Lecture
- Assessment of sound insulation of sealing solutions, window slits and openings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of the effects of using wood stoves on indoor air quality in two types of Norwegian houses - Academic lecture
- Assessment of the Hydrological Model HYPE for Southern Norway - Report
- Asymmetric tubular CaTi0.6Fe0.15Mn0.25O3-δ membranes: Membrane architecture and long-term stability - Academic article
- At least as safe as manned shipping? Autonomous shipping, safety and “human error” - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Atomic scale analysis of Hf-containing precipitates in an Al-Si-Mg-Hf alloy - Academic article
- Atomic structures of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si alloys with small additions of other elements - Academic literature review
- Attitudes in Norwegian insurance companies towards sharing loss data - Lecture
- Attitudes in Norwegian insurance companies towards sharing loss data - Lecture
- Attitudes in Norwegian insurance companies towards sharing loss data – Public-private cooperation for improved climate adaptation - Report
- Audio augmented reality in public transport for exploring tourist sites - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Retail Innovation - Academic article
- Autoignition Control of Fuel and Air Mixtures Using Photochemical Isomerization - Academic article
- Automated compliance verification in ATM using principles from ontology matching - Academic lecture
- Automatic Classification of Sub-Techniques in Classical Cross-Country Skiing Using a Machine Learning Algorithm on Micro-Sensor Data - Academic article
- Automatic Intraoperative Correction of Brain Shift for Accurate Neuronavigation - Academic article
- Automatic intraoperative estimation of blood flow direction during neurosurgical interventions - Academic article
- Automatic Myocardial Strain Imaging in Echocardiography Using Deep Learning - Academic article
- Automation needs in the poultry and food industry - Popular scientific lecture
- Automation of the Rail – Removing the Human Factor? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous agile teams: Challenges and future directions for research - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous distributed agile teams: what do we know and how to build strong teams - Lecture
- Autonomous ship R&D in Norway - Lecture
- Autonomous ship research in Norway - Lecture
- Autonomous shipping projects in Norway - Lecture
- Autonomous ships in short sea transport - Lecture
- Autonomous transport in Trondheimsfjord - Lecture
- Autonomy and remote control technology in sea aquaculture activities - Academic lecture
- Avoiding collisions in challenging conditions - Lecture
- Avoiding corrosion and hazardous touch voltages caused by onshore power supply to marine vessels - Website (informational material)
- Balancing future variable wind and solar power production in Central West Europe with Norwegian hydropower Energy - Academic article
- Band gap mapping of alloyed ZnO using probe-corrected and monochromated STEM-EELS - Doctoral dissertation
- Bandgap and band edge positions in compositionally graded ZnCdO - Academic article
- BarkCure Newsletter 2 - Briefs
- Barriers and Success Factors for Continuous Improvement Efforts in Complex ETO Firms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Barriers to path creation: the case of offshore wind power in Norway - Academic article
- Batch Processing in Preassembled Die Sets—A New Process Design for Isothermal Forging of Titanium Aluminides - Academic article
- Batteries in Offshore Support vessels – Advantages with focus on Pollution, Climate impact and Economics - Academic lecture
- Beam tests of silicon pixel 3D-sensors developed at SINTEF - Academic article
- Behavioral Response of Polar Cod Larvae Exposed to the Water-Soluble Fraction of Crude Oil at Two Different Temperatures - Poster
- Behaviour of two chamber aluminium profiles under axial crushing: An experimental and numerical study - Academic article
- Benchmarking the uptake and excretion dynamics of microplastics in the boreal marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Lecture
- Benchmarking the uptake and excretion dynamics of microplastics in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Academic lecture
- Best practice of treatment and recycling of construction and demolition waste in India – a collaboration between India and Norway - Lecture
- Best practices and recent advances in CCS cost engineering and economic analysis - Lecture
- Bi-directional linkage between TIMES-Norway, and a power system model - Academic lecture
- Big Data in a Nutshell - Lecture
- Big Data in Fisheries: Towards Pelagic Catch Prediction - Academic lecture
- Big Data, Data Science & Machine Learning - Popular scientific lecture
- Big Data, Data Science, and Machine Learning - Lecture
- Bikes, gravel and CO2 flow out of equilibrium - Website (informational material)
- Bimetallic nano electrocatalyst for HER in alkaline polymer electrolysis - Academic article
- BIM-integrated design tool for in-line recommended ventilation rates with demand controlled ventilation strategy - Lecture
- BIM-integrated Design tool for in-line recommended ventilation rates with Demand Controlled Ventilation strategy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bin Picking of Reflective Steel Parts using a Dual-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network Trained in a Simulated Environment - Academic lecture
- Bin Picking of Reflective Steel Parts Using a Dual-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network Trained in a Simulated Environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bioavailability of microplastic in laboratory exposure studies: What are we exposing to? - Poster
- Biocarbon – the new black gold? - Website (informational material)
- Biocarbon pellet production: optimization of pelletizing process - Academic lecture
- Biocarbon pellet production: Optimization of pelletizing process - Academic article
- Biochar production and application - Challenges and opportunities - Academic lecture
- Biodegradation in seawater of PAH and alkylphenols from produced water of a North Sea Platform - Academic article
- Biodegradation of Dispersed Oil in natural Seawaters from Western Greenland and a Norwegian fjord - Academic article
- Biodegradation of n-alkanes on oil–seawater interfaces at different temperatures and microbial communities associated with the degradation - Academic article
- Biodegradation of Naturally Occurring Substances in Produced Water - Revision of data for the DREAM model - Report
- Biodegradation of oil spill dispersant surfactants in cold seawater - Academic article
- Biodegradation of weathered crude oil in frazil ice – A laboratory study - Poster
- Biodegradation-mediated alterations in acute toxicity of water-accommodated fraction and single crude oil components in cold seawater - Academic article
- Bioenergi - Popular scientific lecture
- Biological monitoring of benzene after exposure to fresh Crude oil spilled at sea in an oil spill field trial - Lecture
- Biomarkers of oxidative stress in Calanus finmarchicus exposed to WAF from a naphthenic North Sea crude oil - Poster
- Biomarkers of oxidative-stress in Calanus finmarchicus exposed to WAF from a naphthenic North Sea crude oil - Poster
- Biomonitoring of benzene and effect of wearing respirators during an oil spill field trial at sea - Academic article
- Biotransformation in water and soil of nitrosamines and nitramines potentially generated from amine-based CO2 capture technology - Academic article
- Biotransformation of dispersed weathered oil in frazil sea ice - Academic lecture
- BioZEment 2.0: Towards a low CO2 emission building material employing bacterial metabolism - Poster
- Boron-doping of cubic SiC for intermediate band solar cells: a scanning transmission electron microscopy study - Academic article
- Brasse crude oil – Properties and behaviour at sea - Report
- Breakdown mechanisms and passivation of piezoelectric micro-mirrors - Academic lecture
- Breakdown mechanisms of rod-plane air gaps with a dielectric barrier subject to lightning impulse stress - Academic article
- Brochure - DACOMAT Damage Controlled Composite Materials - Brochure
- B-spline-like simplex spline bases on the Powell-Sabin 12-split - Poster
- Buffer towing – Consequences for catch quality and size selectivity - Poster
- Building an e-health program for chronic pain management; Experiences and input from health care providers - Academic lecture
- Building an innovation partnership - The Yara-SINTEF innovation hub - Popular scientific lecture
- Building cyber resilience through a discursive approach to “big cyber” threat landscapes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Building Integrated Photovoltaics - Challenges and Opportunities - Academic lecture
- Building Integrated Photovoltaics - Research Pathways and Opportunities from a Materials Science Perspective - Academic lecture
- Business and pleasure? Relational interaction in conversational UX - Academic lecture
- Bycatch reduction in the Norwegian deep-water shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery with a double grid selection system - Academic article
- Byggeboom: Hele verden vil have vandkraft og mega-dæmninger - Interview
- Cabazitaxel-loaded Poly(2-ethylbutyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles improve treatment efficacy in a patient derived breast cancer xenograft - Academic article
- Calibration of a Time-Domain Numerical Hydrodynamic Model for Mooring Analysis of a Semi-Submersible - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Calibration of a Time-Domain Numerical Hydrodynamic Model for Mooring Analysis of a Semi-Submersible - Academic lecture
- Calibration of Hydrodynamic Coefficients for a Semi-Submersible 10 MW Wind Turbine - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Calibration of Hydrodynamic Coefficients for a Semi-Submersible 10 MW Wind Turbine - Academic lecture
- Calibration of material models against TSTM test for crack risk assessment of early-age concrete containing fly ash - Academic article
- Can a square-mesh panel inserted in front of the cod end improve size and species selectivity in mediterranean trawl fisheries? - Academic article
- Can Security Become a Routine? - Popular scientific lecture
- CapeWaste: Waste-to-Energy with Oxy-fuel Combustion CO2 Capture - Poster
- CarboFertil project: Biochar's potential to help meet Norway's GHG reduction goals - Lecture
- Carbohydrate of the Brown Seaweed, Saccharina latissima: a review - Academic lecture
- Carbon emission effects of consolidating shipments - taking topological effects and temporal constraints into consideration - Academic lecture
- Carbon Materials in Cathodes - Lecture
- Carbonization of biomass in constant-volume reactors - Academic article
- Carbonization of Biomass in Constant-Volume Reactors - Academic lecture
- Carbonization pressure influence on fixed carbon yield - Academic article
- Carbonization pressure influence on fixed carbon yield - Academic lecture
- Carbothermal reduction of quartz and carbon pellets at elevated temperatures - Academic article
- Cardiosim - Patient specific blood flow simulations - Academic lecture
- Care relationships at stake? Home healthcare professionals' experiences with digital medicine dispensers - a qualitative study - Academic article
- Case planning 2019 - Report
- Case studies: Energy efficiency possibilities at Tine and Nidar - Lecture
- Case study of crosshole GPR tomography for grouting distribution in rock fractures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Case study: Application of Design for Automated Assembly methods in the development of an electronic product from early design to design freeze - Academic article
- Casing Removal Tests in Laboratory Setup - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Catalyst Material science:in situ flow mas nmr spectroscopy and synchrotron pair distribution function analyses of the local response of the Brønsted acidic site in the sapo-34 solid catalyst during hydration at elevated temperatures - Lecture
- Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 for nitric acid production over a Pt/Al2O3 catalyst - Academic article
- Catch and release patterns for target and bycatch species in the Northeast Atlantic deep-water shrimp fishery: Effect of using a sieve panel and a Nordmøre grid - Academic article
- Catch Efficiency of Groundgears in a Bottom Trawl Fishery: A Case Study of the Barents Sea Haddock - Academic article
- Cathode Wear - Academic lecture
- Causes for increase in Dissolved Natural Organic Matter and changes in its quality - Lecture
- CCS in Norway and research in FME NCCS - Lecture
- CCUS scenarios for the cement industry: is CO2 utilization economically feasible? - Poster
- CEDREN HydroBalance - Lecture
- Cellular responses of human astrocytoma cells to dust from the Acheson process. An in vitro study - Academic article
- Cement placement in damaged shale rocks: effects of shale properties - Poster
- Centre for Digital Life Norway - Annual report 2017 - Report
- Ceramic-based composite membranes for gas separation - Lecture
- CFD modeling of dilute phase pneumatic conveying in a horizontal pipe using Euler–Euler approach - Academic article
- CFD-based study of steep irregular waves for extreme wave spectra - Academic article
- Challenges and approaches of performing canonical action research in software security - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges and approaches of performing canonical action research in software security: research paper. - Academic lecture
- Challenges and approaches of performing canonical action research in software security - Academic lecture
- Challenges and Best Practices for the planning of Zero Emission Neighborhoods and Smart Energy Communities - the case of seven Norwegian cities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges and Experiences with Applying Microsoft Threat Modeling in Agile Development Projects - Academic article
- Challenges and limitations using the Integral Transform Method to obtain the impact noise level of timber floors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges and limitations using the integral transform method to obtain the impact noise level of timber floors - Lecture
- Challenges and opportunities of using Social LCA in the Norwegian construction and public procurement - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges and potentials for low-temperature district heating implementation in Norway - Academic article
- Challenges for Autonomous Development Teams - Masters thesis
- Challenges in characterizing the environmental fate and effects of carbon nanotubes and inorganic nanomaterials in aquatic systems - Academic literature review
- Challenges of SiC MOSFET Power Cycling Methodology - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges to plan for Zero Emission Neighbourhoods and Smart Energy Communities – the case of seven Norwegian cities - Academic lecture
- Changes in quality characteristics of haddock and mackerel minces, and fishcakes prepared thereof as affected by high-pressure processing - Poster
- Changing GPNs: Manufacturing Reshoring due to Industry 4.0? - Academic lecture
- Chapter 14: Coal-based reducing agents in ferroalloys and silicon production - Chapter
- Characterisation of Beam Sensitive Quartz by Scanning TEM - Poster
- Characterisation of calcined raw clays suitable as supplementary cementitious materials - Academic article
- Characterization of autonomy in merchant ships - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Characterization of beam sensitive quartz by STEM - Poster
- Characterization of biocarbon produced under different carbonization conditions - Poster
- Characterization of biocarbon produced under different carbonization conditions - Poster
- Characterization of flow dynamics and reduced-order description of experimental two-phase pipe flow - Academic article
- Characterization of heavy metals and PCDD/Fs from water-washing pretreatment and a cement kiln co-processing municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash - Academic article
- Characterization of interfacial morphology of low temperature, low pressure Au-Au thermocompression bonding - Academic article
- Characterization of SINTEF 3D diodes with different inter-electrode spacings after neutron irradiation up to 2 x 10 e16 neutron equivalent/cm^2 - Poster
- Characterization of the free plume created by stoves using laboratory measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Characterization of the pyrolysis products obtained during torrefaction of stem wood, stump and bark of Norway spruce - Poster
- Characterizing precipitates in a heavily deformed Al alloy, a TEM study - Academic lecture
- Chatbots + public sector = better services!! - Lecture
- Chatbots as a new approach to mental health among young people. - Academic lecture
- Chatbots as a new user interface for providing health information to young people - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chatbots as digital assistants in future health services. - Lecture
- Chatbots for social good - Chapter
- Chatbots: changing user needs and motivations - Academic article
- Chemical composition and in vivo digestibility of seaweed as a protein source for ruminant nutrition - Abstract
- Chillers - Chapter
- Chilling of pelagic fish onboard Norwegian fishing vessels - Academic lecture
- CINELDI - Annual report 2018 - Report
- CINELDI Annual Report 2017 - Website (informational material)
- CINELDI Memo - Automatic assessment of the distribution system for condition monitoring - Report
- CINELDI Memo - DSO-TSO interaction overview - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Review of DSO-TSO interactions: The technical aspects - Report
- CINELDI Memo - SmartNet project: Summary and status - Report
- CINELDI Memo - The impact of flexible resources on the security of electricity supply - preliminary literature survey - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Topics important for TSO-DSO cooperation in the European legislation: screening study - Report
- CINELDI pilot projects, PhDs, deliverables and milestones are well under way - Website (informational material)
- CITI-SENSE Citizens' Observatories Architecture - Academic article
- Clean Electricity Production from Offshore Natural Gas - Lecture
- Clean Electricity Production from Offshore Natural Gas - Lecture
- CLEAN ENERGY FET Flagship - Lecture
- Cleaner Fuels in shipping or are Climate and Cost better off with HFO & Scrubbers - Academic lecture
- Climate adaptation of buildings - a national framework - Lecture
- Climate adaptation of pitched wooden roofs - Lecture
- Climate change could force the world to say goodbye to cows - Interview
- Climate change, disasters and community resilience in light of uncertain responsibility coordination - the case of Svalbard avalanches - Academic lecture
- Climate driven NOM development - Future browning of Western Scotland raw waters - Poster
- Climate driven NOM development - Future browning of Western Scotland raw waters - Academic lecture
- Clock and timer support in Ada - Academic lecture
- Closing the gaps: P&A Research and Technologies - Lecture
- Closure Development for Multi-Scale Fluidized Bed Reactor Models: A CLR Case Study - Academic article
- CloudMF: Model-Driven Management of Multi-Cloud Applications - Academic article
- CO2 as a potential working fluid in power cycles - Lecture
- CO2 Data Share - sharing reference datasets from CO2 storage projects - Poster
- CO2 Data Storage Consortium - Sharing reference datasets from CO2 storage projects - Poster
- CO2 gasification of biomass chars derived from fast pyrolysis of birch bark and forest residues - Academic lecture
- CO2 monitoring at the Ketzin pilot site with joint inversion: Application to synthetic and real data - Academic lecture
- CO2 refrigeration system for high ambient temperatures - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- CO2 saturation estimates at Sleipner (North Sea) from seismic tomography and rock physics inversion - Academic article
- Co2 Separation in Nanocomposite Membranes by the Addition of Amidine and Lactamide Functionalized POSS® Nanoparticles into a PVA Layer - Academic article
- CO2 storage data consortium starts a new project for data sharing - Website (informational material)
- CO2 storage with mobility control - Academic lecture
- CO2 Transport by pipeline - Lecture
- CO2 Well Integrity Challenges and Relevant New Technology/materials - Lecture
- Coadsorption of H2O and CO2 on BaZrO3-based proton-conducting electrolytes - Academic lecture
- Coalescence of Clean, Coated, and Decoated Aluminum for Various Salts, and Salt–Scrap Ratios - Academic article
- Co-extruded Al4.5Mg and rapidly solidified Al4.5Mg1Ag - structure and properties - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Co-extruded Al4.5Mg and rapidly solidified Al4.5Mg1Ag - structure and properties - Academic lecture
- Cold flow characteristics of a novel bluff body hydrogen burner - Academic article
- Cold thermal storage integration in a large industrial refrigeration system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Collecting size-selectivity data for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) with a trawl independent towing rig - Academic article
- Combination of a sorting grid and a square mesh panel to optimize size selection in the North-East Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) and redfish (Sebastes spp.) trawl fisheries - Academic article
- Combined polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and 1,3-propanediol production from crude glycerol: Selective conversion of volatile fatty acids into PHA by mixed microbial consortia - Academic article
- Combined temperature and RI sensor for exploring the phase transitions of ethanol solutions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Combining optics, imaging and artificial intelligence for in-situ characterisation of complex particle populations - Academic lecture
- Combining survey data, GIS and qualitative interviews in the analysis of health service access for persons with disabilities - Academic literature review
- Combustion of Thermally Thick Wood Particles: A Study on the Influence of Wood Particle Size on the Combustion Behavior - Academic article
- Commercial refrigeration - Chapter
- Committee I.2: Loads - Chapter
- Committee II.2: Dynamic Response - Chapter
- Committee III.2: Fatigue and Fracture - Chapter
- Committee V.4: Offshore Renewable Energy - Chapter
- Comparative Analysis of Modulation Techniques for Modular Multilevel Converters in Traction Drives - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative Analysis of Small-Signal Dynamics in Virtual Synchronous Machines and Frequency-Derivative-Based Inertia Emulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative Analysis of Topologies to Integrate Photovoltaic Sources in the Feeder Stations of AC Railways - Academic article
- Comparative investigation of alkaline and AC-acid etching response of aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Comparative Investigation of Alkaline and AC-Acid Etching Response of Aluminium Alloys - Poster
- Comparative study of mechanical properties and microstructure of components made by casting and wire+ arc additive manufacturing of eutectic Al-12Si alloy - Masters thesis
- Comparative study of various supermarket refrigerating systems in European climate context - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparing Sampling Stochastic Dynamic Programming with standard water value calculation on typical Nordic hydro systems - Academic lecture
- Comparison of fishing efficiency between biodegradable PBSAT gillnets and conventional nylon gillnets in the cod (Gadus morhua) fishery in northern Norway. - Academic lecture
- Comparison of Levelized Cost of Energy of superconducting direct drive generators for a 10 MW offshore wind turbine - Academic article
- Comparison of microbial community dynamics induced by distinct crude oil dispersions reveals compositional differences - Academic article
- Comparison of Offline VLF PD Measurements and Online PD Measurements on a 50-Year-Old Hydrogenerator Stator in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparison of Rankine cycle and trilateral flash cycle for power production from low temperature heat sources - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparison of sperm adenosine triphosphate content, motility and fertility of immobilized and conventionally cryopreserved Norwegian Red bull semen - Academic article
- Comparison of wind and wave extremes in very long-term climatic scales - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparison of Wind and Wave Extremes in Very Long-Term Climatic Scales - Academic lecture
- Comparison of wire- and powder fed AM for Al-Si alloys - Academic lecture
- Compliant joint echogenicity in ultrasound images: towards highly visible steerable needles - Academic article
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Reproduction of Nonlinear Loads on a Vertical Column during Extreme Irregular Wave Events - Academic article
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of a Diffuse Ceiling Ventilation System through Sound-absorbing Ceiling Panels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Computational Material Design of 6xxx Alloys for High Electrical Conductivity Applications - Academic lecture
- Concentration and Temperature Effects on Water and Salt Permeabilities in Osmosis and Implications in Pressure-Retarded Osmosis - Academic article
- Conceptual design of an efficient Hydrogen production process from Natural Gas using an extension to the “G-H” methodology - Academic article
- Concrete durability and important factors when using recycled aggregates - Lecture
- Concrete Reinforced with Aluminium Metal – Principles and Implications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Condition Assessment of Hydrogenerator Stator Bar Insulation Using Partial Discharge Measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Condition Assessment of Service Aged Medium Voltage Cable Joints During Load Cycling - Masters thesis
- Cone penetration data classification by Bayesian inversion with a Hidden Markov model - Academic article
- Conference paper presentation "Audio Augmented Reality in Public Transport for Exploring Tourist Sites" - Academic lecture
- Conference paper presentation "Smart Tourism in Cities: Exploring Urban Destinations with Audio Augmented Reality" - Academic lecture
- Conference paper presentation "VR Service Walkthrough: A Virtual Reality-based Method for Service Prototyping" - Academic lecture
- Connected and Automated Transport (CAT):Fremtidens maritime transportsystemer - Lecture
- Consorted Vinylene Mechanism for Cobalt Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Encompassing Water or Hydroxyl Assisted CO-Activation - Academic article
- Constant-Volume Carbonization of Biomass - Poster
- Constant-Volume Carbonization of Biomass - Academic lecture
- Constraint effect on the brittle-to-ductile transition of single-crystal iron induced by dislocation mobility - Academic article
- Construction and demolition wastes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Construction of large UHPC structures - experience from a slipforming mock-up test - Academic lecture
- Contact angle and condensation of a CO2 droplet on a solid surface - Academic article
- Control of the combustion process and emission formation in marine gas engines - Academic literature review
- Control procedure for demand controlled ventilation performance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Control procedure for demand controlled ventilation performance - Lecture
- Controller Analysis in Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of an Offshore Floating System - Academic lecture
- Controller Analysis in Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of an Offshore Floating System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Convex Optimization-Based Control Design for Parallel Grid-Connected Inverters - Academic article
- Cool Planning For Zero Emission Neighbourhoods - The Norwegian Way - Chapter
- Cooling aerosols and changes in albedo counteract warming from CO2 and black carbon from forest bioenergy in Norway - Academic article
- Coordinating Knowledge Work in Multiteam Programs: Findings From a Large-Scale Agile Development Program - Academic article
- COP24 - Nils Røkke John Podesta Fredric Hauge - Multimedia product
- Co-precipitation in a Si containing 7xxx type Aluminum alloy - Academic lecture
- COPRO - New knowledge produced and results so far - Lecture
- COPRO 2018 - "The challenge" - Lecture
- CoPs facing rationalization: The politics of community reproduction - Academic article
- Correction to: Nonlinear deformation of tractography in ultrasound-guided low-grade gliomas resection - Errata
- Correlation between Electro uminescence and Partial Discharges in Silicone Rubber used for High Voltage AC Subsea Connectors - Masters thesis
- Corrigendum to "The sensitivity of filtered Two Fluid Model to the underlying resolved simulation setup" [Powder Technol. 316 (2017) 265–277] - Errata
- Corrosion protection of functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) hybrid based coatings - Lecture
- Cost estimation of heat recovery networks for utilization of industrial excess heat for carbon dioxide absorption - Academic article
- Could green artificial light reduce bycatch during Barents Sea Deep-water shrimp trawling? - Academic article
- Country report Norway (IEA Bioenergy Task 36) - Lecture
- Coupling Field Observations and Geographical Information System (GIS)-Based Analysis for Improved Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) Performance - Academic article
- CrabTech report The effect of soaking time on size selection in snow crab pot fishery - Report
- Crack arrest testing at the micro-scale - Academic article
- Crack risk evaluation of submerged concrete tunnel during hardening phase - Academic article
- Cracks, Disintegration and Phases Transformations in Quartz - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cracks, Disintegration and Phases Transformations in Quartz - Academic lecture
- Creative collaboration on a disability and sexuality participatory action research project: A reflective diary account - Academic article
- Creative Spaces in Digital Context - A Critical Evaluation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CREELSELECT—A method for determining the optimal creel mesh: Case study on Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fishery in the Mediterranean Sea - Academic article
- Criteria for safe use of plant ingredients in diets for aquacultured fish - Academic article
- Criteria for successful stakeholder participation in collaborative urban mobility planning - Academic lecture
- Crossing CO2 equator with the aid of multi-ejector concept: A comprehensive energy and environmental comparative study - Academic article
- Crumb rubber in sports fields - Advances in environmental chemistry - Poster
- Crystallization of multicrystalline silicon from reusable silicon nitride crucibles: Material properties and solar cell efficiency - Academic article
- Cultivation of Polychaeta as raw material for feed - Lecture
- Cultivation protocol for Saccharina latissima - Chapter
- Current challenges and future opportunities for exposed salmon farming - Academic lecture
- Current challenges and future opportunities for exposed salmon farming in Norway - Academic lecture
- Current Efficiency in Hall-Héroult Cells: The Role of Mass Transfer at the Cathode - Academic article
- Current status of deepwater oil spill modelling in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, Northeast Atlantic, and future challenges - Academic literature review
- Current status of the EU mandating process - Lecture
- Customer Journey Heatmaps: a wake-up call - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Customer journeys: a systematic literature review - Academic literature review
- Cutting process monitoring with an instrumented boring bar measuring cutting force and vibration - Academic article
- Cuttings Bed Removal in Deviated Wells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cuttings-transport modeling-part 1: Specification of benchmark parameters with a norwegian-continental-shelf perspective - Academic article
- Cyber Security Considerations for Self-healing Smart Grid Networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- D3.2 – Fishery Pilots Intermediate Report - Report
- D5.4 State of the art - MACROSEA WP5 - Report
- D6.5 Pilot launch press release - Report
- D7.5 Final infrastructure Development plan - Report
- DACOMAT - Damage Controlled Composite Materials - Website (informational material)
- Damring formation during rotary kiln chromite pre-reduction: Effects of pulverized carbonaceous fuel selection and partial pellet melting - Academic article
- Dam-ring formation in chromite pre-reduction rotary kilns – influence of pulverised carbonaceous fuel and ore composition - Academic lecture
- Danish and Norwegian researchers join forces for offshore wind research - Interview
- Data analytics for production processes - Lecture
- Data Handling in Knowledge Infrastructures: A Case Study from Oil Exploration - Academic article
- DataBio Fisheries Pilots: Small Pelagic Case Studies - Lecture
- Data-driven control in marine systems - Academic literature review
- Data-driven deconvolution for large eddy simulations of Kraichnan turbulence - Academic article
- Data-driven deconvolution for the large eddy simulation of Kraichnan turbulence - Academic lecture
- Data-driven Household Load Flexibility Modelling: Shiftable Atomic Load - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dating persons with physical disabilities: the perceptions of South Africans without disabilities - Academic article
- Deactivation of Co-based Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst by Aerosol Deposition of Potassium Salts - Academic article
- Decarbonization of transport; A position paper prepared by FME MOZEES and FME CenSES - Report
- Decarbonization of transport; Short version of a position paper prepared by FME MoZEES and FME CenSES - Report
- Decision Discovery in Business Processes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Decision-dependent probabilities in stochastic programs with recourse - Academic article
- Decoding atomic-level structures of the interface between Pt sub-nanocrystals and nanostructured carbon - Academic article
- Decohesion Energy of ? 5 (012) Grain Boundaries in Ni as Function of Hydrogen Content - Academic article
- Deep customization of multi-tenant SaaS using intrusive microservices - Academic article
- Deep energy retrofitting of European shopping malls - Academic lecture
- Deep energy retrofitting of European Shopping Malls - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Deep Learning for robotic automation in food industry - Popular scientific lecture
- Deep penetration fiber laser-arc hybrid welding of thick HSLA steel - Academic article
- Defect Chemistry of Few- and Monolayer MoS2 - Academic lecture
- Defining ship autonomy by characteristic factors - Academic lecture
- Definition of operating range for the HighEFF Lab Heat exchanger test facility - Report
- Definition of operating range for the HighEFF Lab Heat exchanger test facility – HC mixtures - Report
- Deformation and aging behavior of an SPD processed Al5%Cu alloy, -and associated strengthening mechanisms - Academic lecture
- Degradation of refractory materials in Al cells. Laboratory test methods. - Academic lecture
- DEH: Direct Electrical Heating for flow assurance - Website (informational material)
- Deliverable 7.1 Report on the evaluation and validation of the ELECTRA WoC control concept - Report
- Demonstration of Gas Switching Technology for Accelerated Scale-up of Pressurized Chemical Looping Applications (GaSTech) - Academic lecture
- Demonstration of two-level nonlinear model predictive control of CO2 capture plants - Academic lecture
- De-risking and optimization of offshore wind turbines - Popular scientific lecture
- Deriving Value from Challenging Waste Streams: Recycling and Sustainability Joint Session - Academic lecture
- Description of atmoshperic freeze-drying process of organic apples using thermo-physical properties - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Description of atmospheric freeze-drying of brown seaweeds (Saccherina Latissima) with respect to thermal properties and phase transition - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Description of atmospheric freeze-drying of brown seaweeds (Saccherina Latissima) with respect to thermal properties and phase transitions - Poster
- Description of atmospheric freeze-drying process of organic apples using thermo-physical properties - Poster
- Design and simulations of refrigerated sea water chillers with CO2 ejector pumps for marine applications in hot climates - Academic article
- Design and simulations of refrigerated sea water chillers with CO2 ejector pumps for marine applications in hot climates - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design and Sizing of Combstion Camber for Energy Recovery and Oxidation of Polycyclic Aromatic HydroCarbons (PAH) - Lecture
- Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM): Material, process, properties and modelling tools - Lecture
- Design for Additive Manufacturing: Material, process, properties and numerical modelling tools - Academic lecture
- Design for Motivation: Evaluation of a Design Tool - Academic article
- Design of a Multiband Global Navigation Satellite System Radio Frequency Interference Monitoring Front-End with Synchronized Secondary Sensors - Academic article
- Design of Autonomous Robots for sea-based Aquaculture using the SEATONOMY Method - Popular scientific lecture
- Design of experiments aided holistic testing of cyber-physical energy systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design of Minimum Fuel Consumption Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Marine Vessels with Multiple Diesel Engine Generators and Energy Storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design recommendations for R-718 heat pumps in high temperature applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design Strategies for Low Embodied Carbon in Building Materials - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design und experimentelle Resultate einer Hochtemperatur-Propan-Butan-Wärmepumpe - Academic lecture
- Design und experimentelle Resultate einer Hochtemperatur-Propan-Butan-Wärmepumpe - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design, construction, adsorbents and evaluation of a moving bed temperature swing adsorption (MBTSA) pilot reactor for post combustion CO2 capture - Poster
- Design, Fabrication and Testing Highly Sensitive Single Element Doppler Transducers - Academic article
- Designing an Educational Action Task Force for MOOCs and Online Course Production - Academic lecture
- Designing within the circular economy - How can the food industry and their equipment vendors use design as a tool to enter the circular economy? - Report
- Destruction and formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans during pretreatment and co-processing of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash in a cement kiln - Academic article
- Detailed long-term hydro-thermal scheduling for expansion planning in the Nordic power system - Academic article
- Detection of mooring line failures using Dynamic Hypothesis Testing - Academic article
- Determinants of multidimensional mental wellbeing in the oldest old: a rapid review - Academic article
- Determination of Anisotropic Mechanical Properties for Materials Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Academic article
- Determination of Total sulphur content in aggregates (2004-2018) - results from sintef - Lecture
- Determining alkali leaching during accelerated ASR performance testing and in field exposed cubes using cold water extraction (CWE) and µXRF - Academic article
- Determining alkali leaching during accelerated ASR performance testing and in field exposed cubes using cold water extraction (CWE) and µXRF - Lecture
- Determining alkali leaching in prisms exposed to ASR performance testing and in field exposed cubes using cold water extraction (CWE) and µXRF - Lecture
- Determining material’s equivalent stress-strain curve with axisymmetric notched tensile specimen - Academic lecture
- Determining the free alkali metal content in concrete – Case study of an ASR-affected dam - Academic article
- Determining the tensile properties of Arctic materials and modelling their effects on fracture - Doctoral dissertation
- Developing a Social Innovation Methodology in the Web 2.0 Era - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Developing Precision Fish Farming: Unveiling Links Between Observable Behaviour and Physiological States in Farmed Fish - Academic lecture
- Developing the Next Generation Space Robotics Processing Platform - Academic lecture
- Development and application of a circular economy analysis framework - Academic lecture
- Development and demonstration of high temperature heat pumps for the process industry - Academic lecture
- Development and fabrication of lead-free piezoelectric materials at SINTEF - Academic lecture
- Development and Investigation of New Materials and Technologies for Utilization in Zero Emission Buildings - Academic lecture
- Development and Investigation of New Materials and Technologies for Utilization in Zero Emission Buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development and verification of anisotropic drag closures for filtered Two Fluid Models - Academic article
- Development and verification of anisotropic solids stress closures for filtered Two Fluid Models - Academic article
- Development of a biometric thermal comfort sensor and its application in development of a lower energy indoor cooling system - Masters thesis
- Development of a qualitative framework for analysing high-impact low-probability events in power systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of an algorithm to detect hydraulic jacking in high pressure rock mass grouting and introduction of the PF index - Academic article
- Development of Low-Carbon, High-Durability Concrete Using Bauxite Residue and Aluminium - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of methods to combine social network analysis and institutional logics applied to research projects in the urban water sector - Masters thesis
- Development of Ni-Based Bimetallic Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction in Alkaline Fuel Cells - Academic lecture
- Development of N-on-P planar technology at SINTEF MiNaLab - Academic lecture
- Development of oxygen carriers for petcoke conversion using CLC technology - Poster
- Development of Second Generation Wireless In-Wheel Motor with Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer - Chapter
- DevOps as an enabler for efficient testing in large-scale agile projects: A case study from the Autosys Project at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration - Academic lecture
- DevOps Enhancement with Continuous Test Optimization - Academic article
- DevOps Improvements for Reduced Cycle Times with Integrated Test Optimizations for Continuous Integration - Academic article
- DevSys community study results - Lecture
- DFT calculations based insight into bonding character and strength of Fe2Al5 and Fe4Al13 intermetallics at Al-Fe joints - Academic article
- Diagnostic criteria of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; gender differences - Academic lecture
- Dialogue in asymmetrical power relations - Modern safety regulation? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dietary and seasonal variability in trophic relations at the base of the North Sea pelagic food web revealed by stable isotope and fatty acid analysis - Academic article
- Different Chatbots for Different Purposes: Towards a Typology of Chatbots to Understand Interaction Design - Academic lecture
- Digital Aspects of Additive Manufacturing - Lecture
- Digital Transformation in the Classroom: Using Digital Storytelling and Scriptwriting in MOOC Course Design - Academic lecture
- Digitized Uncertainty Handling of Pore Pressure and Mud-weight Window Ahead of Bit; Example North Sea - Academic lecture
- Digitized uncertainty handling of pore pressure and mud-weight window ahead of bit; example North Sea. - Popular scientific lecture
- Digitizing grid data for a future-proof SmartGrid - Website (informational material)
- Dimensionen: Von der Plage zum Segen? - Programme participation
- Direct CO2-ground condensers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Direct method for producing scandium metal and scandium-aluminium intermetallic compounds from the oxides - Academic article
- Direct numerical simulations of premixed and stratified flame propagation in turbulent channel flow - Academic article
- Discovering Thermoelectric Materials Using Machine Learning: Insights and Challenges - Academic article
- Discovering Thermoelectric Materials Using Machine Learning: Insights and Challenges. - Poster
- Discrete Element Method Simulation and Experimental Validation of Pattern Development in a Rotating Drum Mixer - Academic article
- Discussion of bi-film index and LiMCA data in industrial aluminum remelting trials - Academic article
- Discussion on the representativeness of current methodologies to assess indoor air quality - Poster
- Discussion on the representativeness of current methodologies to assess indoor air quality - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dislocation dynamic simulations of dislocation - precipitate interactions in 6xxx Aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Dispersibility and biotransformation of oils with different properties in seawater - Academic article
- Dispersibility and dispersion stability of carbon nanotubes in synthetic aquatic growth media and natural freshwater - Academic article
- Disputerer om klimatilpasning av store tretak - Interview
- Disrupting maritime transport and logistics – autonomous shipping projects in Norway - Lecture
- Dissolved oxygen variability in a commercial sea-cage exposes farmed Atlantic salmon to growth limiting conditions - Academic article
- Distributed frequency control with partial information using MT-HVDE grids and WPPs - Academic article
- Distribution of a Corporate Practice Template: Local Practices and Sensemaking - Academic lecture
- District Heating Warms Cities Without Fossil Fuels - Interview
- DiTail: Marine disposal of mine tailings: Impacts on pelagic ecosystem Components in Norwegian fjords - Poster
- Diurnal patterns and removal of selected elements in two Norwegian wastewater treatment plants with significant industrial loading - Poster
- Diurnal patterns and removal of selected elements in two Norwegian wastewater treatment plants with significant industrial loading - Poster
- Dividing wall columns for natural gas liquefaction plants - Academic article
- Do carpets impair indoor air quality and cause adverse health outcomes: a review - Academic literature review
- Do not waste your waste: WtE! - Website (informational material)
- Documentation verification and validation of real-time hybrid model tests with the 10mw oo-star wind floater - Academic lecture
- Does Microbial Biodegradation of Water-Soluble Components of Oil Reduce the Toxicity to Early Life Stages of Fish? - Academic article
- Domestication, acceptance and zero emission ambitions: Insights from a mixed method, experimental research design in a Norwegian Living Lab - Academic article
- Drag Forces and deformation of aquaculture cages – full-scale towing tests in the field - Academic article
- Drilling riser model test for software verification - Academic article
- Driver stage implementation with improved turn-on and turn-off delay for wide band gap devices - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Driver stage implementation with improved turn-on and turn-off delay for wide band gap devices - Poster
- Drones protecting the grid – UAS Norway Fagdag - Website (informational material)
- Drones, autonomy & smart sensors - Lecture
- Drying and Chilling/Freezing of Perishable Foods in the Organic Sector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Drying firewood logs – just how dry can a research topic get? - Website (informational material)
- Ductility and corrosion aspects in development of Ultra-High Strangth ALZnMg Alloy - Academic lecture
- Durability evaluation of adhesive tapes for building applications - Academic article
- Durability of ETICS with Rendering in Norway—Experimental and Field Investigations - Academic article
- Durability of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete in Marine Structures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Durable Aluminum Reinforced Environmentally-friendly Concrete Construction (DARE2C) – Binder Development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Durable Reinforced Environmentally-friendly Concrete Construction – DARE2C - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic modeling of local district heating grids with prosumers: A case study for Norway - Academic article
- Dynamic modelling and process analysis - SP1 - Academic lecture
- Dynamic Response Analysis of Floating Storage Tank System Considering Hydrodynamic and Mechanical Interactions - Academic lecture
- Dynamic Response Analysis of Floating Storage Tank System Considering Hydrodynamic and Mechanical Interactions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic response of a top-tensioned riser under vessel motion - Academic article
- Dynamic simulation of CO2 injection wells - Academic lecture
- Earth-abundant electrocatalysts in proton exchange membrane electrolyzers - Academic literature review
- Economic assessment of chemical looping oxygen production and chemical looping combustion in integrated gasification combined cycles - Academic article
- Economical and Safe Method of Granular Material Storage in Silos in Offshore Port Terminals - Academic article
- Economically Efficient Design of Market for System Services under the Web-of-Cells Architecture - Academic article
- Ecotoxicological Effects of Transformed Silver and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in the Effluent from a Lab-Scale Wastewater Treatment System - Academic article
- Editorial-5th International Symposium on Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids (RELPOWFLO V) - Editorial
- Education, work, and motherhood in low and middle income countries: a review of equality challenges and opportunities for women with disabilities - Academic literature review
- EE Settlement - Modelling task 1.3 - Report
- EERA DeepWind'2018 Conference 17-19 January 2018 - Report
- EERA JP Wind Energy : joint workshop 27-28 June 2018: SP6: Offshore & SP5: System integration: Offshore grids - Report
- Effect of amorphization-mediated plasticity on the hydrogen-void interaction in ideal lattices under hydrostatic tension - Academic article
- Effect of Bait Type and Bait Size on Catch Efficiency in the European Hake Merluccius merluccius Longline Fishery - Academic article
- Effect of bait type and size on catch efficiency of narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in the Persian Gulf handline fisheries - Short communication
- Effect of calcium stearate based foam stabilizer on pore characteristics and thermal conductivity of geopolymer foam material - Academic article
- Effect of CO2 on P- and S-wave velocities at seismic and ultrasonic frequencies - Academic article
- Effect of composition and preparation of supported MoO3 catalysts for anisole hydrodeoxygenation - Academic article
- Effect of Contamination on the Friction and Wear of Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous Lubricants - Academic article
- Effect of copper addition on the cluster formation behavior of Al-Mg-Si, Al-Zn-Mg, and Al-Mg-Ge in the natural aging - Academic article
- Effect of electrochemical hydrogen reduction rate on absorption and diffusion rate in steel - Academic lecture
- Effect of filter type in ventilation systems on NO2 concentrations in classrooms - Lecture
- Effect of fuel mixing on melting behavior of spruce wood ash - Academic lecture
- Effect of Hook and Bait Size on Catch Efficiency in the Persian Gulf Recreational Fisheries - Academic article
- Effect of Including Transient Virtual Impedance in Droop-Controlled Microgrids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of Intermittent CO2 injection on Well Integrity and Injectivity - Academic lecture
- Effect of oxide additives on the hydrotalcite derived Ni catalysts for CO2 reforming of methane - Academic article
- Effect of pyrolysis oil recycling and reaction conditions on gasification reactivity of charcoal - Poster
- Effect of Turbulence on Collisional Growth of Cloud Droplets - Academic article
- Effect of ultrasonic cavitation on small and large organisms for water disinfection during fish transport - Academic article
- Effect of using biodegradable PBSAT gillnets on the Catch efficiency and quality of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) - Academic article
- Effective Opportunity management in a Megaproject - Academic article
- Effects from choice of thermodynamic and transport properties on heat exchanger design - Report
- Effects of cnidarian biofouling on salmon gill health and development of amoebic gill disease - Academic article
- Effects of controlled thawing media temperatures on quality and safety of pre-rigor frozen Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Academic article
- Effects of drying on the nutrient content and physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of the edible kelp Saccharina latissima - Academic article
- Effects of effluent and sludge containing Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles transformed through lab-scale wastewater treatment processes - Academic lecture
- Effects of electron-phonon coupling on absorption spectrum: K edge of hexagonal boron nitride - Academic article
- Effects of engineered silver nanoparticles and the water soluble fraction of crude oil on the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Poster
- Effects of Fuel Additives on Quality of Agricultural Wastes Pellets - Poster
- Effects of increased water temperature and water-soluble crude oil exposure on early life stages of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) - Academic lecture
- Effects of irregularity on displacement flows in primary cementing of highly deviated wells - Academic article
- Effects of K adsorption on the CO-induced restructuring of Co(11-20) - Academic article
- Effects of sulphur on a Co/Mn-based catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch reactions - Academic article
- Effects of Surface Phenomena on the Performance of Pd-Ag Membranes - Academic lecture
- Effects of Uncertainties in Fault Interpretations on Pressure Depletion and CO2 Storage Injection at Horda Platform, Offshore Norway - Abstract
- Effects of Water Cooling of Green Anodes on Anode Furnace Operation - Academic lecture
- Effects on the bycatch of eulachon and juvenile groundfish by altering the level of artificial illumination along an ocean shrimp trawl fishing line - Academic article
- Efficiency of coloured BIPV - Academic lecture
- Efficient Liquefaction of Carbon Dioxide on Superomniphobic Surfaces - Academic lecture
- Efficient Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel Type Solvers for Black-Oil Type Models - Poster
- Efficient R744 technology for supermarket heating, cooling and refrigeration - a theoretical assessment of energy advantages in various Spanish cities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Efficient Wave Modeling Using Non-Hydrostatic Pressure Distribution and Free Surface Tracking on Fixed Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- E-groceries: City planning and sustainability in last mile distribution - Academic lecture
- E-infrastructure supporting virtual aquaculture experiments - Academic lecture
- Electric Casing: A concept enhancing well integrity - Academic lecture
- Electric freight vehicles for urban logistics – technical performance, economics feasibility and environmental impacts - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electric freight vehicles for urban logistics – technical performance, economics feasibility and environmental impacts - Academic lecture
- Electric vehicles in Norway and the potential for demand response - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electricity generation from CO-rich off-gas - Other
- Electrocatalysts for alkaline Hydrogen evolution - Academic lecture
- Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen evolution in alkaline Water electrolysis - Academic lecture
- Electrochromic Properties of WO3 Thin Films - Poster
- Electrochromic WO3 Thin Films Prepared by Sputtering Technology - Academic lecture
- Electrochromism of hexagonal sodium tungsten bronze nanorods - Academic article
- Electrolyte Melt Compositions for Low Temperature Molten Carbonate Thermocell - Academic article
- Electron-phonon coupling in semiconductors within the GW approximation - Academic article
- Electrophoresis to improve cement-steel bonding in well construction - Poster
- Electrophoresis to improve well construction - Website (informational material)
- Electrophoresis-induced structural changes at cement-steel interface - Academic article
- Electrospinning of Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.10Ti0.90O3 nanofibers for flexible nanogenerators - Academic lecture
- Electrospinning of Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.10Ti0.90O3 nanofibers for flexible nanogenerators - Academic lecture
- ELEGANCY -- Enabling a low-carbon economy via hydrogen and CCS - Lecture
- ELEGANCY – progress meeting in Petten - Brochure
- ELEGANCY Conference – First announcement - Website (informational material)
- ELEGANCY researcher, Marco Mazzotti, chairs Gordon Research Conference on CCUS - Website (informational material)
- Element distribution in the silicomanganese production process - Academic article
- Elemental composition and phosphorus availability in hydrochars from seaweed and organic waste digestate - Academic article
- Embodied Energy, Costs and Traffic in Different Settlement Patterns – Travel behaviour, housing and location preferences - Report
- Embryonic exposure and effects of quinolines on early life stages of Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) - Poster
- Emerging jellyfish and its significance in local fisheries - a periphylla periphylla story in the Trondheimsfjord - Academic monograph
- Employing Graphical Risk Models to Facilitate Cyber-Risk Monitoring - the WISER Approach - Academic article
- Empowering leadership and job crafting: The role of employee optimism - Academic article
- Emulation of ReaTHM testing - Poster
- Enabling Data Markets Using Smart Contracts and Multi-party Computation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enabling the biocarbon value chains for energy and metallurgical industries - Academic article
- ENACT: Development and Operation of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems - Academic lecture
- ENACT: DevOps for smart IoT systems - Academic lecture
- End-to-end Learning for Autonomous Navigation for Agricultural Robots - Poster
- EnergiX KPN WtE 2030 Newsletter (December 2018) - Website (informational material)
- Energy analysis of a fish meal factory - Report
- Energy and infrastructure - demands and requirements - Report
- Energy Distribution in HC FeMn and SiMn - Energy vs Exergy Analyses - Academic lecture
- Energy efficiency in the process industry: Learning from nature - Academic lecture
- Energy efficient design of membrane processes by use of entropy production minimization - Academic article
- Energy Efficient Design of Membrane Processes by use of Entropy Production Minimization - Academic lecture
- Energy efficient processing of seafood - Lecture
- Energy Flexible Buildings - Lecture
- Engineering Software Diversity: a Model-Based Approach to Systematically Diversify Communications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enhanced Well Control Potential with Along-String Measurements - Academic lecture
- Enhanced Well Control Potential with Along-String Measurements - Chapter
- Enhanced Well Control with Along-String Measurements - Poster
- Enhancing CO2 well integrity by improving primary cement jobs - Academic lecture
- Enjoyment: Lessons from Karasek - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Environmental Durability of Composite Materials – Analytical Modelling Toolbox - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Environmental friendly options for handling and recovery of urban wastes – project introduction - Lecture
- Environmental screening of structured hybrid nanoporous materials developed for industrial adsorption applications - Poster
- Environmentally assisted degradation of spinodal copper alloy C72900 - Academic article
- Environment-friendly refrigeration packs for Indian supermarkets: experimental investigation of energy performance of a multiejector-driven R744 integrated compressor rack - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enzyme hunting on Svalbard: Enrichment and exploration of Artic metagenomes - Poster
- Enzyme-assisted Catalysis on Black Titania Electrodes - Poster
- Epilogue - Service Innovation Actor Engagement: An Integrative Model - Academic article
- Epoxy-Based Nanocomposites for High-Voltage Insulation: A Review - Academic literature review
- Epoxy-SiO2 Nanocomposites for High Voltage Insulation - Poster
- Equations of state, interfaces and nucleation in the hydrogen liquefaction process - Lecture
- Equations of state, interfaces and nucleation in the hydrogen liquefaction process - Lecture
- ERA Acute-Implementation of a New Method for Environmental Risk Assessment of Acute Offshore Oil Spills - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ERA-CoBioTech: Bioprocesses for the optimized, integrated production of butyl esters from sustainable resources (BESTER) - Lecture
- Erratum to "Machine learning and evidence-based training in technical skills" [Br J Anaesth 2018; 121: 521-523] - Errata
- Escape rate for cod (Gadus morhua) from the codend during buffer towing - Academic article
- Estimated and actual construction inventory data in embodied Greenhouse Gas emission calculations for a Norwegian zero emission building (ZEB) construction site - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Estimated and actual construction inventory data in embodied GHG emission calculations for a Norwegian zero emission building (ZEB) construction site - Lecture
- Estimation of fuel consumption using discrete-event simulation - a validation study - Academic lecture
- Estimation of investment model cost parameters for VSC HVDC transmission infrastructure - Academic article
- EU must step up co-ordination of renewable energy research - Interview
- European Materials Modelling Council – EMMC: Actions on Integration, Interoperability, Repositories and Marketplaces - Academic lecture
- Evaluating DAC (EXE08.01.06) - Academic lecture
- Evaluating highly insulated walls to withstand biodeterioration: A probabilistic-based methodology - Academic article
- Evaluating plate freezing of fish using natural refrigerants and comparison with numerical freezing model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluating the User Experience and Usability of Virtual Reality Locomotion Techniques: An Empirical Comparison - Masters thesis
- Evaluation of constructability of dynamic charging systems for vehicles in Norway - Report
- Evaluation of different methods for the determination of the free alkali metal content in the pore solution of concrete - Lecture
- Evaluation of ejector performance in a butane high-temperature heat pump - Report
- Evaluation of floor vibration properties using measurements and calculations - Academic article
- Evaluation of Industry 4.0 Technology – Applications - Chapter
- Evaluation of Nonlinear Material Behavior for Offshore Structures Subjected to Accidental Actions - Academic article
- Evaluation of ORR active sites in nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers by KOH post treatment - Academic article
- Evaluation of plastic curtains used as management measure against sealice infestation in the Norwegian Atlantic salmon fattening Cages - Poster
- Evaluation of TG industry implementation process (Part 2) - Report
- Evaluation of the regionally differentiated social security contributions in Norway - Report
- Evaporation and diffusion of Mn in inert systems - Academic article
- Evaporation and Diffusion of Mn in Inert Systems - Academic lecture
- Everyday Life After Colon Cancer: The Visible and Invisible Challenges - Academic article
- Everyday rehabilitation supported by technology - Academic lecture
- Everyday Rehabilitation Supported by Technology - Abstract
- Evolution Towards Teaching a Holistic Course in Model-Driven System Development: Modeling for Enterprise Architecture with Business and System Architecture and Platform-based Development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Exact and over-approximated guarantees for corner cutting avoidance in a multi-obstacle environment - Academic article
- Examples on how wastes can replace coal in energy intensive industry - Lecture
- Excavation of Si furnace Examination of phases in SEM - Report
- Excavation of SiMn-Furnace - Academic lecture
- Excellent students awarded: efficiency in car sharing - Website (informational material)
- Executive summary - Editorial
- Executive summary - Editorial
- Executive summary - Editorial
- Exergy-based performance indicators for industrial practice - Academic literature review
- Experience and added value from capacitive online moisture sensors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experience from RH measurements at SINTEF in general, with focus on use of Humiguard - Lecture
- Experimental and numberical study of roll damping on an FPSO with sponsons and bilge keels - Academic lecture
- Experimental and numerical analysis of a two-stage turbo compressor system for industrial superheated steam drying - Masters thesis
- Experimental and numerical investigation of strain distribution of notched lead fatigue test specimen - Academic article
- Experimental and numerical investigation on a ejector for CO2 vapor compression systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and Numerical Study of the Free Surface Elevation Over the Pontoons of a Semisubmersible Platform in Waves - Academic lecture
- Experimental and Numerical Study of the Free Surface Elevation Over the Pontoons of a Semisubmersible Platform in Waves - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental development of combustion models - Poster
- Experimental development of combustion models - Report
- Experimental evaluation of multi-ejector based CO2 cooling system for supermarkets in tropical zones - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental hydraulics on fish-friendly trash-racks: an ecological approach - Academic article
- Experimental Investigation of a Hydrocarbon Piston Compressor for High Temperature Heat Pumps - Academic lecture
- Experimental investigation of chilling tank for Atlantic salmon - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental investigation of chilling tank for Atlantic salmon - Poster
- Experimental investigation of electrophoresis-stimulated bonding enhancement at steel-cement interfaces - Academic lecture
- Experimental investigation of injection pressure effects on fault reactivation for CO2 storage - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of the performance of a hydrocarbon heat pump for high temperature industrial heating - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental Investigations of Miscellaneous Aerogel Systems Intended for Application in Building Envelopes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental Investigations of Miscellaneous Aerogel Systems Intended for Application in Building Envelopes - Academic lecture
- Experimental Investigations of Nano Insulation Materials for Application in Building Constructions - Academic lecture
- Experimental Study and Numerical Analysis of Cracking During DC Casting of Large Dimension 7075 Aluminium Billets - Academic article
- Experimental Study of Chemical Looping Combustion in an Internally Circulating Reactor - Academic lecture
- Experimental weathering of microplastic under simulated environmental conditions - Method development and characterization of pristine, photodegraded and mechanically weathered microplastic - Masters thesis
- Experimenting a digital collaborative platform for supporting social innovation in multiple settings - Academic lecture
- Experimenting a Digital Collaborative Platform for Supporting Social Innovation in Multiple Settings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experiments and Simulations for Horizontal Pneumatic Transport of Dry Drill Cuttings - Academic article
- Exploitation of Cationic Silica Nanoparticles for Bioprinting of Large-Scale Constructs with High Printing Fidelity - Academic article
- Exploiting Automation in LTE Mobile Networks - Lecture
- Exploration of mechanism leading to plaque instability in a rabbit atherosclerotic model. Preliminary data. - Poster
- Exploring a possible path for off-gas HEX design improvement - Lecture
- Exploring Cross-Site Networking in Large-Scale Distributed Projects - Academic article
- Exploring employee interactions and quality of contributions in intra‐organisational innovation platforms - Academic article
- Exploring microbial community succession in marine oil-related aggregates (ORAs) - Poster
- Exploring Scenarios for Sustainable Bioeconomic Resource Use and Industrial Cluster Locations - Poster
- Exploring the effects of nylon microplastic on development and energy reserves in a coldwater copepod - Academic lecture
- Exploring the effects of nylon microplastic on the development and energy reserves in coldwater copepods - Lecture
- Exploring the effects of nylon microplastic on the development and energy reserves in coldwater copepods - Poster
- Extending the SAFT-VR Mie approach to mixtures of quantum fluids - Academic lecture
- External Use of Waste Heat from Aluminium Production - Lecture
- Extraction of nickel from iron sludge - Academic lecture
- Extravasation and distribution of nanoparticles and 2MDa dextran in tumor imaged by multiphoton microscopy during ultrasound sonication. - Academic lecture
- Fabrication and H2 flux measurement of asymmetric La27W3.5Mo1.5O55.5-δ − La0.87Sr0.13CrO3-δ membranes - Academic article
- Fabrication of a scaled MgB2 racetrack demonstrator pole for a 10 MW direct drive wind turbine generator - Academic article
- Fabrication of Metal Supported Protonic Ceramic Electrolyser Cells (PCEC) - Academic lecture
- Facebook Live "a big shift in how we communicate"? - Academic lecture
- Facile synthesis approach for core-shell TiO2–CdS nanoparticles for enhanced photocatalytic H2 generation from water - Academic article
- Facile Synthesis of NiMo Nanosheets for Enhanced Hydrogen evolution in Anion Exchange Membrane electrolysis - Poster
- Failure rates of safety critical equipment based on inventory attributes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fast project - do we really wont them? Some experiences from the SpeedUp project - Academic lecture
- Fatigue investigation of complex weldments by the means of the local strain energy density approach - Academic article
- Fault Detection and Prediction in Smart Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fe2O3-Al2O3 oxygen carrier materials for chemical looping combustion, a redox thermodynamic and thermogravimetric evaluation in the presence of H2S - Academic article
- Feasibility of reducing lice infestations on farmed salmon using an airdome for swim bladder refilling during continuous submergence. - Academic lecture
- Feasibility of Vis/NIR spectroscopy and image analysis as basis of the development of smart-drying technologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fiber-Reinforced Concrete with Application in Civil Engineering - Editorial
- Field Measurement of BC Emissions from Rolvsnes Well Test Flare - An empirical measurement of particulate emitted from a well test flare to generate a BC emission factor. - Report
- Filler and Water Reducer Effects on Sedimentation, Bleeding and Zeta-Potential of Cement Paste - Academic article
- Financial ETNs and certificates on nordic power contracts - Academic article
- Finding Data Should be Easier than Finding Oil - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Finding your place in tomorrow's oil industry - Popular scientific lecture
- First International Workshop on Autonomous Agile Teams, XP2018 - Academic lecture
- Fiscal metering – the need for traceability - Website (informational material)
- Fischer-Tropsch synthesis—Investigation of the deactivation of a Co catalyst by exposure to aerosol particles of potassium salt - Academic article
- Fish Industry Waste Management and its Application - Lecture
- Fish Industry Waste Management and its Applications - Poster
- Fishing efficiency of biodegradable PBSAT gillnets and conventional nylon gillnets used in Norwegian cod (Gadus morhua)and saithe (Pollachius virens)fishery. - Academic article
- Flexibility offered to the distribution grid from households with a photovoltaic panel on their roof: Results and experiences from several pilots in a Norwegian research project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Flow diagnostics for optimization and interactive visualization - Lecture
- Flow properties of drill cuttings with varying drilling fluid content using Jenike Shear testing - Academic article
- Flow split characterization of two immiscible phases with different wettability scenarios: A numerical investigation using a coupled Cahn-Hilliard and Navier-Stokes system - Academic article
- Fluid-fluid displacement for primary cementing in deviated washout sections - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fluidized Bed Classification of Particles of Different Size and Density - Academic article
- FME HighEFF: TINE case (Youtube) - Multimedia product
- FME HighEFF: TINE case, English - Multimedia product
- Force actuated real-tme hybrid model testing of a moored vessel: A case study investigating force errors - Academic article
- Forecasting Nord Pool day-ahead prices with Python - Academic article
- Formation of aluminium carbide in Hall-Héroult electrolysis cell environments - Academic article
- Formation of Aluminium Carbide in Hall-Héroult Electrolysis Cell Environments - Academic lecture
- Formation of elemental silicon in β-SiC par - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Formation of nanoporous Si upon self-organized growth of Al and Si nanostructures - Academic article
- Fostering renewable energy with smart specialisation? Insights into European innovation policy - Academic article
- Four commentaries on the use of students and professionals in empirical software engineering experiments - Academic article
- Framing Co-Creation of Social Responsibility in the Case of Climate Adaptation - Abstract
- Free surface reconstruction for phase accurate irregular wave generation - Academic article
- Fremtidens Droner: Remaining challenges and future trends for drones within the energy sector - Lecture
- Frequency Dependent Stress Sensitivity of Velocities of Shales - Academic lecture
- Friction Mechanisms by Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous Lubricants - Academic article
- From B to A - the influence of subsurface injection or depletion on pore pressure in surrounding rocks - Academic lecture
- From cloud computing to IoT on the edge - Popular scientific lecture
- From digital twin to maritime data space: Transparent ownership and use of ship information - Academic lecture
- From road to sea with autonomous SHIPS - Lecture
- From theoretical analysis to 3D-printed HX models - Report
- From ZEB to ZEN - Lecture
- From Zero Emission Buildings (ZEB) to Zero Emission Neighbourhoods (ZEN): A Mapping Review of Algorithm-Based LCA - Academic article
- From zero emission buildings to zero emission neighborhoods – experiences from the Norwegian construction industry - Academic lecture
- From zero emission buildings to zero emission neighbourhoods - Lecture
- Front-End/Back-End Integration in Mass Customization: Challenges and Opportunities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fruitful research visit to MIT related to low emission H2 production - Website (informational material)
- Full-Scale Reynolds Number VIV Testing of Tri-Helically Grooved Drill Riser Buoyancy Module - Academic lecture
- Full-Scale Reynolds Number VIV Testing of Tri-Helically Grooved Drill Riser Buoyancy Module - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fully 3D Sensitive Volume Microdosimeter Charge Collection and Radiation Damage Studies - Poster
- Fully automatic real-time ejection fraction and MAPSE measurements in 2D echocardiography using deep neural networks - Academic article
- Fully implicit WENO schemes on stratigraphic and fully unstructured grids - Academic lecture
- Fully implicit WENO schemes on stratigraphic and fully unstructured grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fully resolved simulations of single char particle combustion using a ghost-cell immersed boundary method - Academic article
- Functional amino acids stimulate muscle development and improve fillet texture of Atlantic salmon - Academic article
- Functional requirements for inclusive transport - Academic article
- Functionalized POSS derivatives for novel corrosion protection concepts - Academic lecture
- Fundamental Studies of Precipitates as Strengthening Agents in Aluminium Alloys - Academic lecture
- Future Business Models for CCS: Hydrogen from natural gas - Website (informational material)
- Future Prospects of Marine Aquaculture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Future resilience of cultural heritage buildings – how do residents make sense of public authorities' sustainability measures? - Academic article
- GAFT Newsletter 1-2018 - Briefs
- GAFT Newsletter 2-2018 - Briefs
- Gamma ray radiation effects on h-BN encapsulated graphene field effect transistors - Poster
- Gas Switching Water Splitting (GSWS) for high-efficiency Hydrogen Production - Academic lecture
- Gas Switching Water Splitting for Efficient Carbon-Free Hydrogen Production from Natural Gas: Heat Management. - Academic lecture
- Gaseous reduction of Mn ores in CO-CO2 atmosphere - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Gassmotorkonsepter - Pro and Cons - Lecture
- Gateway engelsk 2 - Multimedia product
- Geilo Winter School in eScience on Artificial Intelligence - Academic lecture
- Generalized voltage-based state-space modeling of modular multilevel converters with constant equilibrium in steady state - Academic article
- Generating hot water for food processing plant using waste heat, high temperature heat pump and storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Generating Test Sequences to Assess the Performance of Elastic Cloud-Based Systems - Academic article
- Generating water value functions with a stochastic short-term model - Academic lecture
- Geological and geomechanical factors impacting loss of near-well permeability during CO2 injection - Academic literature review
- Geological Constraints on the immobilization potential for CO2 in the Gassum Fm. (Skagerrak, Norway) - Poster
- Geometric modelling for Big Data and Artificial Intelligence - Academic lecture
- Geometric modelling for Big Data and Artificial Intelligence - Academic lecture
- Geometric modelling for Big Data and Artificial Intelligence - Academic lecture
- Getting Business People on the Coach: A Stated Preference Experiment for Intercity Long Distance Coach Travel - Academic article
- Getting into the water with the Ecosystem Services Approach: The DESSIN ESS evaluation framework - Academic article
- GHG emission calculation from construction phase of Lia barnehage - Report
- GIS-MCDA-OR-I/O Framework for Biocluster Localization - Academic lecture
- Glimpse from 10 Years of Arctic Materials R&D - Academic lecture
- Global dynamic response analysis of oil storage tank in finite water depth: Focusing on fender mooring system parameter design - Academic article
- Global motion reconstruction of a steel catenary riser under vessel motion - Academic article
- Goertz-Allmann, B. P., Kuehn, D., Langet, N., Jordan, M., Bauer, R., Oye, V., & Greenberg, S. (2018). Using fluid-induced microseismicity for reservoir characterization at Decatur - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- GoJelly - A Gelatinous Solution to Plastic Pollution - Academic lecture
- GoJelly – A Gelatinous Solution to Plastic Pollution - Academic lecture
- GoJelly Project - A gellatinous solution to plastic pollution - Lecture
- Governance of Large-Scale Distributed Communities - Autonomy by communities of practice - Lecture
- Governing principles of surface protonics in porous oxides - Academic lecture
- GPU Ocean: Efficient simplified ocean models and non-linear data assimilation - Poster
- GPU Ocean: Efficient simplified ocean models and non-linear data assimilation - Poster
- GPU Ocean: Simplified Ocean Models and Particle Filters - Academic lecture
- Grain boundary segregation in Pd-Cu-Ag alloys for high permeability hydrogen separation membranes - Academic article
- Grasping virtual fish: A step towards deep learning from demonstration in virtual reality - Academic article
- GrateCFD Newsletter 1-2018 - Briefs
- GrateCFD Newsletter 2-2018 - Briefs
- Green restructuring, innovation, and transitions in Norwegian industry: The role of economic geography - Editorial
- Grid code status for wind farms interconnection in Northern Africa and Spain: Descriptions and recommendations for Northern Africa - Academic article
- Grounding Strategies for High Voltage Shore Connection of Large Passenger Vessels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Growing gold nanostructures for shape-selective cellular uptake - Academic article
- Growth of epitaxial PZT and PMN-PT for IDT electrodes on full wafer area by PLD for fabrication of energy harvesters - Academic lecture
- Growth of the Polychaete Hediste diversicolor (O. F. Müller, 1776) fed on Smolt Sludge and Biogas Residues - Masters thesis
- Guest Editorial Special Section on Industrial Communication Technologies and Systems - Editorial
- Guest editorial: Papers from the 12th workshop on augmented environments for computer-Assisted interventions - Editorial
- Guide for obtaining data from reaction to fire tests - Report
- Guidelines for efficacy testing of antifouling coatings for nets in field tests - Report
- Guidelines for establishing an etching procedure for dislocation density measurements on multicrystalline silicon samples - Academic article
- Guidelines on energy system analysis and cost optimality in early design of ZEB - Report
- H2 production from CO-rich off-gas - Other
- H2020 Gateway project - Multimedia product
- H21NoE: Hydrogen Project that can remove 20 million tons of CO2 a year - Website (informational material)
- H2P Calculator - Website (informational material)
- Half-Heusler phase formation and Ni atom distribution in M-Ni-Sn (M = Hf, Ti, Zr) systems - Academic article
- Handbook of optimization in the railway industry - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Handling and recovery of Urban Wastes – circular economy in construction and building industry - Lecture
- Handling food with sensitivity and care, challenges for robotic grasping and manipulation - Lecture
- Have we been comparing technologies incorrectly in the case of CO2 capture from industry? - Poster
- Health and care cost by age and proximity to death - Academic lecture
- Health and care cost by age and proximity to death - Academic lecture
- Health and safety in crab fishing - Academic lecture
- Health personnel's experiences with standardised cancer patient pathways - Academic lecture
- Hearing Protection Goes Digital - Doctoral dissertation
- Heat exchanger design challenges - Evaluation of the "bundle" geometry in an indirect heat-to-power cycle compared to novel plate-type design - Report
- Heat exchanger issues in ORCs - Academic lecture
- Heat exchanger modelling tool opportunities - Report
- Heat Recovery Heat Exchanger Design Challenges - Academic lecture
- Heat to H2: Using Waste Heat to Set Up Concentration Differences for Reverse Electrodialysis Hydrogen Production - Academic article
- Heat Transfer Process Within The R744 Two-phase Ejector: Numerical And Experimental Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys: Three-Point Bending - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) - A review of fate and behaviour of HFO spills in cold seawater, including biodegradation, environmental effects and oil spill response - Non-fiction book
- Hesitant reforms: The Norwegian approach towards ITQ's - Academic article
- Heterologous expression of actinobacterial biosynthetic gene clusters and identification of novel bioactive compounds by multi-omics networking - Poster
- High capacity Mg batteries based on surface-controlled electrochemical reactions - Academic article
- High cycle fatigue life estimation of AlSi10Mg processed by laser powder bed fusion - Academic article
- High interfacial charge storage capability of carbonaceous cathodes for Mg batteries - Academic article
- High Pressure Rock Mass Grouting Of Underground Tunnels And Caverns In Hard Rock Environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- High quality marine ingredients - Lecture
- High Rate Filtration for local treatment of Combined Sewer Overflow - Academic lecture
- High temperature gasification of high heating-rate chars using a flat-flame reactor - Academic article
- High Temperature node in Norwegian Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Centre - Lecture
- HighEFF Annual Meeting – Picture Blogg - Website (informational material)
- HighEFF Cross-sector Workshop 2018 - Monika Nikolaisen, SINTEF - Multimedia product
- HighEff og TINE - 40 % mindre energiforbruk - Multimedia product
- Higher order multipoles in metamaterial homogenization - Academic lecture
- Higher order multipoles in metamaterial homogenization - Academic article
- High-frequency 2D PZT based micromirrors - Poster
- High-Frequency Resonant Overvoltages in Transformer Regulating Winding Caused by Ground Fault Initiation on Feeding Cable - Academic article
- High-level demonstration of holistic design and optimisation process of Offshore Support Vessel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Highlighting nerves and blood vessels for ultrasound guided axillary nerve block procedures using neural networks - Academic article
- Highly Active Nickel-Based Catalyst for Hydrogen Evolution in Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis - Academic article
- Highly Active Nickel-Based Catalyst for Hydrogen Evolution in Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis - Academic article
- High-pressure CO2/CH4 separation of Zr-MOFs based mixed matrix membranes - Academic lecture
- High-resolution structured light 3D sensor for autonomous underwater inspection - Academic lecture
- High-temperature TES for industrial processes - Briefs
- High-throughput search for heat harvesting materials - Academic lecture
- Hoffselva Demonstration: Improving water quality in the peri-urban Hoffselva area - Report
- Hollow silica nanospheres as thermal insulation materials for construction: Impact of their morphologies as a function of synthesis pathways and starting materials - Academic article
- Hot deformation behaviour and Hansel-Spittel constitutive model of Cr5 alloy for heavy backup roll - Academic article
- Hotspot Resolution with Sliding Window Capacity Constraints using the Path&Cycle Algorithm - Academic article
- Hotspot Resolution with Sliding Window Capacity Constraints using the Path&Cycle Algorithm - Academic lecture
- How can chatbots contribute to public health? - Popular scientific lecture
- How can self-driving feeder services improve public transport? - Academic lecture
- How does low relative humidity affect perceived air quality, thermal comfort and symptoms in modern office buildings in cold climate? - Lecture
- How Journalists and Social Media Users Perceive Online Fact-Checking and Verification Services - Academic article
- How low can the heating supply temperature in district heating be in network with non-renovated buildings in Norway? - Academic lecture
- How manufacturing companies can utilize innovation test-centres in facilitating environmental sustainability - Academic lecture
- How to light a fire - Multimedia product
- How to make a virtual twin of a complex sleder structure like a high voltage transmission tower - Academic lecture
- How to recycle plastic from a global environmental governance perspective - Lecture
- https://blog.sintef.com/sintefenergy/ccs/hydrogen-from-natural-gas/ - Website (informational material)
- Hull-to-Hull Concept Supporting Autonomous Navigation of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship (MASS) - Popular scientific lecture
- Human performance and safety in Arctic environments - Report
- Humans in a smart world - Lecture
- Hunting for Opportunities - New National Museum in Norway - Academic lecture
- Hybrid analytics for drone landing and take-off in urban areas. - Lecture
- Hydration and rheology control of concrete for digital fabrication: Potential admixtures and cement chemistry - Academic article
- Hydraulic Design of Thermally Coupled Columns and a DWC for NGL Fractionation Plants - Academic article
- Hydro Power Scheduling Workshop 2018 - Website (informational material)
- HydroBalance - Roadmap for large-scale balancing and energy storage from Norwegian hydropower - Report
- Hydrocarbon compressor - Report
- Hydrodynamic coefficients for subsea structures – What it's all about? - Lecture
- Hydrodynamic Interactions of Tank and Barge System for Modular Floating Oil Storage Tank Facility - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hydrodynamic validation study of filtered Two Fluid Models - Academic article
- Hydrodynamics of Flexible Pipe With Staggered Buoyancy Elements Undergoing Vortex-Induced Vibrations - Academic article
- Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility on the interface of clad steel pipes, before and after Welding. - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen Enhanced Fatigue Crack Growth Rates in a Ferritic Fe-3wt%Si Alloy - Academic article
- Hydrogen Evolution at Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticle Electrodes - Academic article
- Hydrogen Export to Svalbard: Exploiting Stranded Wind in Finnmark - Lecture
- Hydrogen is one way how Europe can deliver on the Paris Agreement - Interview
- Hydrogen production with integrated CO2 capture in a membrane assisted gas switching reforming reactor: Proof-of-Concept - Academic literature review
- Hydrogen trapping in X70 structural pipeline steel and weldments - Academic article
- Hydrogen trapping in X70 structural pipeline steel and weldments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth in ferritic steels – a fractographic study - Academic article
- Hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack propagation in a commercially pure BCC iron - Academic article
- Hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack propagation in a ferritic steel - Poster
- Hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack propagation in a pure BCC iron. Part I: Intergranular crack propagation at relatively low stress intensities - Academic article
- Hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack propagation in a pure BCC iron. Part II: Accelerated regime manifested by quasi-cleavage fracture at relatively high stress intensity range values - Academic article
- Hydrolyzed proteins from herring and salmon rest raw material contain peptide motifs with angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitors and resulted in lower urine concentrations of protein, cystatin C and glucose when fed to obese Zucker fa/fa rats - Academic article
- Hydrophobic catalyst support surfaces by silylation of γ-alumina for Co/Re Fischer-Tropsch synthesis - Academic article
- Hydropower bidding in a multi-market setting - Academic literature review
- Hydropower development and fish management: a food–water-energy nexus requiring international and multidisciplinary approach - Editorial
- Hydrothermal liquefaction of organic resources in biotechnology: how does it work and what can be achieved? - Academic article
- Hygrothermal properties of compressed earthen bricks - Academic article
- HyLaw: Assessing and addressing legal-administrative barriers to FCH deployment. - Poster
- Hysteresis in wood log combustion, demonstrated through transient CFD simulations and experiments - Academic lecture
- I Hear You - A new Hearing Service in Tanzania - Lecture
- I3DS – A Modular Sensor Suite for Space Robotics - Academic lecture
- ICOE – The International Conference on Ocean Energy (June 2018) - Website (informational material)
- Identification of Nanocellulose Retention Characteristics in Porous Media - Academic article
- Identifying and supporting exploratory and exploitative models of innovation in municipal urban planning; key challenges from seven Norwegian energy ambitious neighborhood pilots - Academic article
- Identifying high-impact operating states in power system reliability analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Identifying high-impact operating states in power system reliability analysis - Academic lecture
- Identifying optimal thermodynamic paths in work and heat exchange network synthesis - Academic article
- Identifying security issues in software development: are keywords enough? - Chapter
- Identifying Suitable Bioeconomic Cluster Sites by Integrating GIS-MCDA and Operational Research Methods - Academic lecture
- Identifying through research, where the real opportunities exist - Lecture
- IEAGHG CCS International Summer School - Amy Brunsvold - Interview
- IEAGHG International CCS Summer School - Ghazal Avijegon - Website (informational material)
- IEAGHG International CCS Summer School - Luis Vargas-avila - Multimedia product
- IEAGHG International CCS Summer School - NCCS - Multimedia product
- IEAGHG International Summer School - Tim Dixon - Multimedia product
- Illegitimate tasks relation to work well-being among Academic Professionals: The role of job resources (the ARK study). - Poster
- Illuminating the Headrope of a Selective Flatfish Trawl: Effect on Catches of Groundfishes including Pacific Halibut - Academic article
- Image analysis of shale with aid of Machine learning - Shale oil sample imaged by Synchrotron - Lecture
- Impact and restitution model - Water column. ERA Acute for water column exposed organisms - Report
- Impact of cable impedance modelling assumptions on harmonic losses in offshore wind power plants - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of inlet flow on macrosegregation formation accounting for grain motion and morphology evolution in DC casting of aluminium - Academic article
- Impact of modelling details on the generation function for a Norwegian hydropower producer - Academic article
- Impact of solids loading and mixture composition on the classification efficiency of a novel cross-flow fluidized bed classifier - Academic article
- Impact of storage time and conditions on properties of biocarbon - Poster
- Impact of storage time and conditions on properties of biocarbon - Academic article
- Impact of thermal history on defects formation in the last solid fraction of Cz silicon ingots - Academic article
- Impacts of climate change on the prospects for macroalgae cultivation in northern norway - Academic lecture
- Implications from major accident causation theories to activity-related risk analysis – an application to the Norwegian Atlantic salmon farming industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Implications of water cooling of green anodes during anode baking – a thermodynamic study - Academic article
- ImpreCCS - Impact of CO2 impurities and additives in CCS - Website (informational material)
- Improved fire deign models for Timber Frame Assemblies - Guidance document - Report
- Improved in-line vortex-induced vibrations prediction for combined in-line and cross-flow vortex-induced vibrations responses - Academic article
- Improvement of Hardness and Corrosion Resistance by Rapid Solidification of AlMgAg Alloys with co-extrusion - Academic lecture
- Improving ageing kinetics and precipitation hardening in an Al-Mg-Si alloy by minor Cd addition - Academic article
- Improving carbon efficiency and profitability of the biomass to liquid process with hydrogen from renewable power - Academic article
- Improving carrier transport in Cu2O thin films by rapid thermal annealing - Academic article
- Improving catch quality with a dual sequential codend-and its effect on size selectivity - Lecture
- Improving Marine Transport in Norway with Unmanned and Autonomous Ships - Lecture
- Improving performance of a research project by continuous learning – a systematic approach - Poster
- Improving resilience management for critical infrastructures—strategies and practices across air traffic management and healthcare - Lecture
- Improving safety and risk management in exposed aquaculture operations - Academic lecture
- Improving safety management in Norwegian fish farms Organizational aspects that influence safety - Academic lecture
- In Norwegen Fischbacher getroffen - Interview
- In Situ Flow MAS NMR Spectroscopy and Synchrotron PDF Analyses of the Local Response of the Brønsted Acidic Site in SAPO-34 during Hydration at Elevated Temperatures - Academic article
- In vitro anthelmintic effects of bark extracts from Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris against sheep nematodes - Poster
- In vitro pepsin digestibility and amino acid composition in soluble and residual fractions of hydrolyzed chicken feathers - Academic article
- In vitro studies of Norwegian Red bovine semen immobilized and cryopreserved in alginate solid gel network - Academic article
- In vivo digestibility of seaweed as a protein source for ruminant nutrition - Academic lecture
- In vivo nutrient digestibility of a protein fraction extracted from macroalgae Saccharina latissima in sheep - Chapter
- Incident Response & Business Continuity in the Grid - Lecture
- Increasing energy efficiency in fish processing industry - Lecture
- Increasing flooding frequency alters soil microbial communities and functions under laboratory conditions - Academic article
- Individual choice and user involvement in standardised cancer patient pathways: a discussion paper - Academic lecture
- Inductive power transfer technology for electrification of transport - Lecture
- Industrial Excess Heat Recovery – Status of the Norwegian Industry - Report
- Industrial Excess Heat Recovery - Status of the Norwegian Industry - Report within the framework of SINTEF's participation in IEA IETS Annex XV - Report
- Industrial Internet of Things - Technology and applications for digitising industry - Lecture
- Industrial opportunities and employment prospects in large-scale CO2 management in Norway - Report
- Industrial opportunities and employment prospects in large-scale CO2 management in Norway - Website (informational material)
- Industry 4.0 and Cyber Physical Systems in a Norwegian Industrial Context - Academic article
- Industry applications in COPRO - Lecture
- Industry performance enhanced by hybrid modelling - Academic lecture
- Inert Anodes – the Blind Alley to Environmental Friendliness? - Academic article
- Inertial particle impaction on a cylinder in turbulent cross-flow at modest Reynolds numbers - Academic article
- In-field and out-of-file application in 12C ion therapy using fully 3D silicon microdosimeters - Academic article
- Influence of Ce3+ polarons on grain boundary space-charge in proton conducting Y-doped BaCeO3 - Academic article
- Influence of Co loading on structural and morphological properties of Co-doped ZnO thin films grown by pulsed electron beam ablation - Academic article
- Influence of practical conditions on optimization results - Academic lecture
- Influence of precipitate interface structure on alloy properties in the Al-Mg-Si system - Academic lecture
- Influence of strain rate and temperature on the mechanical behaviour of cross-linked low density polyethylene - Poster
- Influence of subjectivity in geological mapping on the net penetration rate prediction for a hard rock TBM - Academic article
- Influence of substitution of water by organic solvents in amine solutions on absorption of CO2 - Academic article
- Influence of subsurface injection on time-lapse seismic: laboratory studies at seismic and ultrasonic frequencies - Academic article
- Influence of the low temperature drying process on optical alternations of organic apple slices - Lecture
- Influence of the low temperature drying process on optical alternations of organic apple slices - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Information management strategies for improved transparency and resource efficiency in whitefish supply chains - Lecture
- Information needs in planning for adaptation to climate-induced floods - Masters thesis
- Information support for supplier kit preparation - Academic lecture
- Information Support for Supplier Kit Preparation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Information Sharing Strategies in Whitefish Supply Chains in Norway vs. Iceland: Impact on Supply Chain Decision Making - Academic article
- Information-driven robotic sampling in the coastal ocean - Academic article
- Infrared, Raman and Computational Study of a Crystalline Mononuclear Copper Complex of relevance to the Pigment Verdigris - Academic article
- Initiation and Propagation of Intergranular Corrosion on AA6005 Aluminium Alloy - Academic lecture
- Initiation and Propagation of Intergranular Corrosion on AA6005 Aluminium Alloy with Low Copper Content - Academic lecture
- Inline spectroscopy: From concept to function - Academic literature review
- Innovative Approaches for Full Subsea P&A Create New Opportunities and Cost Benefits - Lecture
- Innovative technologies for extraction of valuable components from salmon rest raw materials - Academic lecture
- In-situ spectroscopy in ferroalloy industry - Academic lecture
- Installation of Pre-assembled Offshore Wind Turbine Using a Catamaran Vessel and an Active Gripper Motion Control Method - Academic lecture
- INTEGER :Integration of energy storage in the distribution grid - Lecture
- Integrated Active and Passive Seismic Monitoring at the Decatur CCS Project - Academic lecture
- Integrated CO2 solutions for supermarkets - Academic article
- Integrated heating and cooling CO2 heat pump system in a modern distribution centre - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated phase change solvent - contactor process for CO2 scrubbing from industrial exhaust gases: pilot plant demonstration - Poster
- Integrated Phase Change Solvent-Contactor Process for CO2 Scrubbing from Industrial Exhaust Gases: Pilot Plant Demonstration - Academic article
- Integrated R744 ejector supportet parallel compression racks for supermarkets : experimental results - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrating Business Process Software in Mass Customization - Academic lecture
- Integrating Business Process Software in Mass Customization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrating Sustainability Knowledge in Choice Navigation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrating Sustainability Knowledge in Choice Navigation - Poster
- Integration of chemical looping oxygen production and chemical looping combustion in integrated gasification combined cycles - Academic article
- Integration of hot forming and precipitation of hardening? A breakethrough in fabrication of high strength aluminum components - Academic lecture
- Interdependencies and reliability in the combined ICT and power system: An overview of current research - Academic literature review
- Interface light-scattering on a methane-decane system in the near-critical region at 37.8 °C (100 °F) - Academic article
- Interfacial characteristics of Zn/AZ31/Zn clad sheets fabricated by hot roll-bonding and annealing - Academic article
- Interlinking forest resources with city planning: a data-driven case study - Academic lecture
- Internally circulating fluidized-bed reactor for hydrogen production with inherent CO2 capture using chemical looping reforming - Academic lecture
- Internally circulating fluidized-bed reactor for syngas production using chemical looping reforming - Academic article
- International cooperation on offshore wind - Website (informational material)
- International experience of C&D waste recycling - Lecture
- Internet of Things at Sea: Using AIS and VHF over Satellite in Remote Areas - Academic lecture
- Internet Science - INSCI 2017 International Workshops IFIN, DATA ECONOMY, DSI, and CONVERSATIONS - LNCS10750 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Interoperability of Modular Multilevel Converters and 2-level Voltage Source Converters in a Laboratory-Scale Multi-Terminal DC Grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interplay between H2O and CO2 coadsorption and space-charge on Y-doped BaZrO3 surfaces - Academic article
- Interplay between H2O/CO2 coadsorption and space-charge on Y-doped BaZrO3 surfaces - Academic lecture
- Interplay of Mathematics and Physics of 3D Printing for Chromatography - Lecture
- Interpolation of geotechnical parameters using geostatistics (project thesis) - Masters thesis
- Interpretation of hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack propagation in BCC iron based on dislocation structure evolution around the crack wake - Academic article
- Inter-project knowledge sharing in public organizations in Poland and Norway - Academic article
- Inter-team Coordination in Large-Scale Agile Development: A Case Study of Three Enabling Mechanisms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interview with Petter Røkke, HighEFF Consortium - Multimedia product
- Intimacy, intercourse and adjustments: Experiences of sexual life of a group of people with physical disabilities in South Africa - Academic article
- Introduction to evaluating thermodynamic and practical potential for surplus-heat-to-power conversion - Academic lecture
- Introduction to variable geometry heat exchangers - Lecture
- Inverse model identification of the thermal dynamics of a Norwegian zero emission house - Academic lecture
- Investigating a Simplified Model for Moonpool Piston Mode Response in Irregular Waves - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigating fish behavioural responses to LED lights in trawls and potential applications for bycatch reduction in the Nephrops-directed fishery - Academic article
- Investigating simplified modeling choices for numerical simulation of CO2 storage with thermal effects - Academic article
- Investigation and constitutive modelling of high strength 6xxx series aluminium alloy: Precipitation hardening responses to fast (fast light alloys stamping technology) and artificial ageing - Academic article
- Investigation of an Innovative Latent Heat Storage Concept in a Stovepipe - Academic article
- Investigation of an Innovative Latent Heat Storage Concept in a Stovepipe - Academic lecture
- Investigation of Electrical Properties of a new low-GWP Insulation Gas - Comparison of AirPlus and Synthetic Air - Masters thesis
- Investigation of Higher-Harmonic Wave Forces and Ringing Using CFD Simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of influence of pre-treatment and low-temperature on drying kinetics, sorption properties, shrinkage and color of brown seaweeds (Saccharina Latissima) - Lecture
- Investigation of influence of pre-treatment and low-temperature on drying kinetics, sorption properties, shrinkage and color of brown seaweeds (Saccharina Latissima) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of Macrosegregation Formation in Aluminium DC Casting for Different Alloy Systems - Academic article
- Investigation of macrosegregation formation in DC casting for different alloy systems - Poster
- Investigation of samples from an excavation of a SiMn furnace-NTNU student summerjob report - Report
- Investigation of structure loss in industrial Czochralski silicon ingots: Effect of pores - Poster
- Investigation of the detailed indoor thermal environment of buildings heated using wood stoves - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Investigation of the energy pathway for generation of dislocations in silicon at Σ3 grain boundaries with the kinetic Activation-Relaxation Technique - Academic lecture
- Investigation of the grain boundary character and dislocation density of different types of high performance multicrystalline silicon - Academic article
- Investment costs and CO2 reduction potential of carbon capture from industrial plants – A Swedish case study - Academic article
- Iodine content in bulk biomass of wild-harvested and cultivated edible seaweeds: Inherent variations determine species-specific daily allowable consumption - Academic article
- IoT European Security and Privacy Projects: Integration, Architectures and Interoperability - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- IPN DSTG – Development of Smart Thermal Grids Results report - Report
- Iridium Core/Shell Catalysts for PEM Water Electrolyzer Anodes Synthesized Via Galvanic Exchange - Academic lecture
- Is crumb rubber a source for pollutants and harmful effects in the marine environment? - Academic lecture
- Is crumb rubber used on artificial turf pitches a source for marine plastic litter? How to get children involved in crowd science - Poster
- Is it Possible to Supply Norwegian Apartment Blocks with 4th Generation District Heating? - Academic lecture
- Is opening windows the best way to ventilate a building? - Website (informational material)
- It's important to have a goal: UN climate report view from the Nordics - Interview
- John Podesta paints disturbing picture of Trump in Europe in raising alarms about climate data - Interview
- Joint R&D efforts within flow assurance between Brazil/Norway Brownfields and greenfields applications - Academic lecture
- Joint Research: Norway and Denmark Team Up in Offshore Development - Interview
- Joint Rock Physics Inversion of Seismic and Electromagnetic Data for CO2 Monitoring at Sleipner - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Joint rock physics inversion of Seismic and Electromagnetic data for CO2 monitoring at Sleipner - Academic lecture
- Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Special Edition Marine Propulsors - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Kalman Estimation of Position and Velocity for ReaTHM Testing Applications - Academic lecture
- Kalman estimation of position and velocity for ReaTHM testing applications - Academic article
- Kelp for a sustainable future - possibillities with kelp farming in proximity of salmon farming - Lecture
- Kelp industrial production: Potential impacts on coastal ecosystems - Academic lecture
- Kennfeld und Leistungsanalyse einer zweistufigen Turbokompressor-Brüdenverdichtung - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Key challenges in fabrication of metal-supported proton conducting electrolyser cells - Poster
- Key challenges to salmon farming at exposed sites in Norway - Academic lecture
- Kinetics of POP sorption and plastic additive release to a variety of polymers under Arctic conditions - Academic lecture
- Kinetics of POPs adsorbing to a variety of plastic polymers under Arctic conditions - Poster
- Kinetics of POPs adsorbing to a variety of plastic polymers under Arctic conditions - Poster
- Kinetics of POPs sorption and plastic additives release to a variety of polymers under Arctic conditions - Poster
- Kinetics of simultaneous methane reforming and iron carburization in direct reduction. - Academic lecture
- Kinetics of simultaneous methane reforming and iron carburization in direct reduction. - Academic article
- Klima 2050 in 5 minutes - Lecture
- Klimatilpasning av store tretak - Interview
- Knowledge transfer between projects – What do contextual elements have to do with this? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Kostbarer Klibber - Interview
- KPN CaRMa - Reactivity of Carbon and Refractory Materials used in Metals Production Technology - Popular scientific lecture
- KPN CaRMa - Reactivity of Carbon and Refractory Materials used in Metals Production Technology - Academic lecture
- KPN-ASR" project in Norway and plans for a new project - Lecture
- Kvinesdal excavation - Lecture
- Laboratory Characterization of the Weathering Properties and Toxicity of Marine Diesel Oils and "New Generation" of marine Fuel Oils - Lecture
- Laboratory test of Single Landmark registration method for ultrasound-based navigation in laparoscopy using an open-source platform - Academic article
- Laboratory testing of cement-rock bonding strength for improved well integrity - Academic lecture
- Large Scale PEM Electrolysis Stack Development - the Megastack Project - Academic lecture
- Large time step HLL and HLLC schemes - Academic article
- Large-Scale Agile Development and Coordination - Lecture
- Large-Scale Agile Development and Coordination - Lecture
- Large-scale co-production of liquid hydrogen from fossil and renewable energy - Poster
- Large-scale decarbonised hydrogen production - Lecture
- Large-Scale Hydrogen Production and Liquefaction for Regional and Global Export - Academic lecture
- Large-scale hydrogen production from wind power in Arctic conditions: The HAEOLUS project - Academic lecture
- Laser-arc hybrid welding of thick HSLA steel - Academic article
- Lattice rotations in precipitate free zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy - Academic lecture
- Lattice rotations in precipitate free zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy - Academic article
- Leakage evolution and atomic-scale changes in Pd-based membranes induced by long-term hydrogen permeation - Academic article
- Lean thinking: outside-in, bottom-up? The paradox of contemporary soft lean and consultant-driven lean implementation - Academic article
- Learning and motivational effects of digital game-based learning (DGBL) for manufacturing education ?The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) game - Academic article
- Learning in the Large - An Exploratory Study of Retrospectives in Large-Scale Agile Development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Learning robots in the seafood industry - Lecture
- Learning To Share on an Enterprise Social Media Platform - Academic lecture
- Learnings from pilot plant test of a precipitating process for CO2 scrubbing from flue gas - Academic lecture
- Learnings from Pilot Plant Test of a Precipitating Process for CO2 Scrubbing from Flue Gas - Academic article
- Lecture notes on "Bias-Variance trade-off in Artificial Intelligence and Support Vector Machine" with tutorials and examples. - Lecture
- Lessons learned in the North Sea: Closing the gaps in permanent well plugging - Academic lecture
- Lessons learned on lessons learned: Gathering knowledge on energy-efficient rehabilitation of buildings - Academic article
- Lessons Learned Solvent Stability - Academic lecture
- Lessons learnt from embodied GHG emission calculations in zero emission buildings (ZEBs) from the Norwegian ZEB research centre - Academic article
- Lessons learnt from the BEST PATHS project for the integration of offshore wind power plants using multi-terminal HVDC grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Lessons learnt from the design of a method and a domain specific language for security-risk modelling – The CORAS experience - Academic lecture
- LFCS - Large Floating Coastal Structures - Workshop summary - Lecture
- LFCS Review report - Environmental conditions Wind, wave and current in coastal areas - Report
- LFCS Review report – Environmental loads Methods for the estimation of loads on large floating bridges - Report
- Life cycle assessment of an ambitious renovation of a Norwegian apartment building to nZEB standard - Academic article
- Light and photosynthetic microalgae: A review of cellular- and molecular-scale optical processes - Academic literature review
- Like having an electric car on the roof: Domesticating PV solar panels in Norway - Academic article
- Limiting Factors for the Ability to Achieve Accurate Pressure Control in Long Wells - Academic article
- Limiting spectral broadening in Pulsed Wave Doppler - Academic lecture
- Linear optimization of district heating systems. Description of an upgraded district heating module for eTransport - Report
- Linking GCAM with specialized power system models to assess Norwegian energy and climate policy in a European context - Academic lecture
- Lipid accumulation and DHA synthesis in Aurantiochytrium sp. T66, what is revealed by RNAseq? - Academic lecture
- Lipid, growth and 1st year survival impacts in Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) following embryonic oil exposure to Alaskan and Norwegian oil - Academic lecture
- Liquid Solid Diffusion (LSD) bonding: A novel joining technology - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- List of publications-Rune Aarlien - Report
- Literature Review Articles on Airborne Emissions - Lecture
- Literature Review The Effect of Minor Elements on the Production of Trichlorosilane by Direct Chlorination - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Living conditions among persons with disabilities in Malawi. A National, representative survey 2017. - Report
- LNG spill on water – what will happen? – Uncovering the triggering mechanism of rapid phase transition - Lecture
- Local adaption and central confusion: decentralized strategies for public service Lean implementation - Academic article
- Local Forward-Mode Automatic Differentiation For High Performance Parallel Pilot-Level Reservoir Simulation - Poster
- Local Forward-Mode Automatic Differentiation For High Performance Parallel Pilot-Level Reservoir Simulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Local loss coefficients inside air cavity of ventilated pitched roofs - Academic article
- Long term stability of ATBS type polymers for enhanced oil recovery - Academic article
- Losing Control to Data-Hungry Apps – A Mixed-Methods Approach to Mobile App Privacy - Academic article
- Low Frequency Excitation and Damping of Four MODUs in Severe Seastates With Current - Academic lecture
- Low Frequency Excitation and Damping of Four MODUs in Severe Seastates With Current - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Low temperature refrigeration with CO2 - Report
- Low-dimensional nanomaterials and transmission electron microscopy (TEM): How low can we go? - Academic lecture
- Low-Frequency EIS for PEM Fuel-Cell Diagnostics - Academic lecture
- Low-Frequency EIS for PEM Fuel-Cell Diagnostics - Academic lecture
- LTE Network Automation Under Threat - Lecture
- Lær mer om produktdokumentasjon - Interview
- Machine learning and evidence-based training in technical skills - Editorial
- Machine Learning in Control Systems An Overview of state of the art - Academic article
- Machine Learning in Control Systems An Overview of state of the art - Academic lecture
- Machine learning of energy materials - Academic lecture
- Majority of vessels could see 2020 fuel bills double - Interview
- Making Complex Ontologies End User Accessible via Ontology Projections - Academic article
- Making it stick on borrowed time: the role of internal consultants in public sector lean transformations - Academic article
- Management guidelines for outsourcing overhead transmission lines technical expertice - Report
- Managing Digital Platforms in User Organizations: The Interactions Between Digital Options and Digital Debt - Academic article
- Managing the microbial community of marine fish larvae: a holistic perspective for larviculture - Academic literature review
- Manually steerable catheter with improved agility - Academic article
- Manufacturing Considerations in Solution Space Decisions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Manufacturing Considerations in Solution Space Decisions - Academic lecture
- Manufacturing of Dysprosium-Iron Alloys by Electrolysis in Fluoride-Based Electrolytes. Electrolysis in a Laboratory-Scale Cell - Academic article
- Mapping deliverability. Adapting ABC principles and methods for urban logistic? - Lecture
- Mapping of cold chains in Nepal - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mapping of cold chains in Nepal - Poster
- Mapping of paleo residual oil zones on the NCS and the potential for production by CO2-EOR - Academic article
- Marine disposal of mine tailings: Impacts on pelagic ecosystem components in Norwegian fjords. - Poster
- Marine microplastic: Preparation of relevant test materials for ecosystem impact studies in laboratory assessments - Poster
- Marine microplastic: Preparation of relevant test materials for ecosystem impact studies in laboratory assessmentsSusanne - Poster
- Marine microplastic: Preparation of relevant test materials for laboratory assessment of ecosystem impacts - Academic article
- Marine microplastic: Preparation of relevant test materials for laboratory assessment of ecosystem impacts - Lecture
- Marine Microplastic: Realistic test materials for laboratory studies of ecosystem impacts - Poster
- Marine Propulsors - Editorial
- Marine snow in the context of oil spill response - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Marine Snow in the Context of Oil Spill Response - Poster
- Maritime - Transport - Lecture
- Maritime Data Space - Potential collaboration - Lecture
- Maritime Data Space: Distributing data while keeping the owner's in control - Lecture
- Maritime fleet deployment with speed optimization and voyage separation requirements - Academic article
- Market Power in Hydro-Thermal Systems with Marginal Cost Bidding - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Market Power in Hydro-Thermal Systems with Marginal Cost Bidding - Academic lecture
- Markovnikov at Gold: Nucleophilic Addition to Alkenes at Au(III) - Academic article
- Master surgery scheduling under uncertainty: a stochastic modelling approach for dimensioning and allocating flexible capacity under a hybrid policy - Academic lecture
- Matchmaking for industry sectors for waste heat utilization - Website (informational material)
- Material and product innovation through knowledge based standardization in drinking water sector – Report 3. MaiD Final report. A Nordic Innovation project - Report
- Materialflow in industrial furnaces - Lecture
- Materials for Energy Harvesting - Editorial
- Mathematical Modelling and Performance Analysis of a Small-Scale Combined Heat and Power System Based on Biomass Waste Downdraft Gasification - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mating Control of a Wind Turbine Tower-Nacelle-Rotor Assembly for a Catamaran Installation Vessel - Academic lecture
- MEA consumption – ALIGN-CCUS: Comparative long-term testing to answer the open questions - Poster
- Measurement and simulation of the three-dimensional flow pattern and particle removal efficiencies in a large floating closed sea cage with multiple inlets and drains - Academic article
- Measurement of metal temperature during tapping of an industrial FeSi furnace - Academic lecture
- Measurement of urinary bladder pressure: A comparison of methods - Academic article
- Measurements of PAH emissions in the Ferroalloy Industry - Academic lecture
- Measuring gradients in body fluids - A tool for elucidating physiological processes, diagnosis and treatment of disease - Academic article
- Measuring user experience in chatbots: An approach to interpersonal communication competence - Academic lecture
- Mechanism behind the Inhibiting Effect of CO2 on the Oxidation of Al−Mg Alloys - Academic article
- Medium-voltage load current interruption in the presence of ablating polymer material - Academic article
- MegaRoller Kick-off meeting (Helsinki May 17th 2018) - Website (informational material)
- Mental health service users' experiences of psychiatric re-hospitalisation – an explorative focus group study in six European countries - Academic article
- Mental well-being and its determinants among the oldest old - Poster
- Message from the Director - Multimedia product
- Metagenomics study of microbial habitats in the Nordics - Poster
- Metal- and Reagent-Free Anodic C,C Cross-Coupling of Phenols with Benzofurans leading to a Furan Metathesis - Academic article
- Metal Films for MEMS Pressure Sensors: Comparison of Al, Ti, Al-Ti Alloy and Al/Ti Film Stacks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Metal films for MEMS pressure sensors: comparison of Al, Ti, Al-Ti alloy and Al/Ti film stacks - Academic lecture
- Metasurfaces – structured surfaces for simultaneous control of all electromagnetic degrees of freedom: Phase, polarization, amplitude and dispersion - Academic lecture
- Metering Equipment and Data Logging - Lecture
- Method for Modelling Norwegian Single-Family Houses in IDA ICE - Report
- Metode for smidig skalerbarhet basert på tre norske piloter - Academic lecture
- MgH2–CoO: a conversion-type composite electrode for LiBH4-based all-solid-state lithium ion batteries - Academic article
- Microalgae as a feed source for Aquaculture: effect of cultivation conditions on Lipid and Fatty acid composition - Lecture
- Microalgae in aquaculture regions: Friend and foe - Lecture
- Microbes as production organisms of DHA/EPA: The need for strain improvement - Academic lecture
- Microbial communities in seawater from an Arctic and a temperate Norwegian fjord and their potentials for biodegradation of chemically dispersed oil at low seawater temperatures - Academic article
- Microbial community and metagenome dynamics during biodegradation of dispersed oil reveals potential key-players in cold Norwegian seawater - Academic article
- Microfibre Pollution and the MICROFIBRE Project - Lecture
- Microfibre release test - Lecture
- Microfibres – (Bio)degradation in the marine environment - Lecture
- Microfibres in Natural Waters - Lecture
- Microplastic Impacts on Marine Organisms - Lecture
- Microplastic properties and environmental conditions influence PAH sorption and bioavailability to copepods - Academic lecture
- Microplastic: What is it & where is it? - Popular scientific lecture
- Microplastics Pollution in the Marine Environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Migration and distributions of arsenic and antimony during co-processing hazardous waste in cement kilns - Academic article
- Migration pathways - Lecture
- Mikroplast: Hva og hvor er det? - Lecture
- Mining and expressing biosynthetic gene clusters from soil metagenomes - Poster
- Mining and Expressing Biosynthetic Gene Clusters from Soil Metagenomes - Poster
- Mining railway traffic control logs - Academic lecture
- Mitigating Turbine Mechanical Loads Using Engineering Model Predictive Wind Farm Controller - Academic article
- Mitigating Turbine Mechanical Loads Using Engineering Model Predictive Wind Farm Controller - Academic lecture
- Mn promoted Co catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch production of light olefins – An experimental and theoretical study - Academic article
- Model of temperature loss in runner - Lecture
- Model-Based Configuration Testing Amplification - Academic lecture
- Model-centric Design and Development for Eco-friendly Ships - Lecture
- Modeling and Development Process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling and Quantifying the Importance of Snow Storage Information for the Nordic Power System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling the Growth of Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 on Lignocellulosic Sugars - Academic article
- Modelling and experimental validation of microstructure evolution during the cooling stage of homogenization heat treatment of Al-Mg-Si alloys - Academic article
- Modelling and simulation of rotary feed spreaders with application to sea cage aquaculture - A study of common and alternative designs - Academic article
- Modelling and Solving the Hotspot Problem in Air Traffic Control. - Academic lecture
- Modelling and Solving the Hotspot Problem in Air Traffic Control. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling climate change effects on Atlantic salmon: Implications for mitigation in regulated rivers - Academic article
- Modelling CO2 storage in large-scale aquifer systems - Academic lecture
- Modelling fault process zone using MDEM (Modified discrete elements). - Poster
- Modelling gear and fishers size selection for escapees, discards, and landings: a case study in Mediterranean trawl fisheries - Academic article
- Modelling how the physical scale of experimental tanks affects salmon growth performance - Academic article
- Modelling leakage risk along a fault using modified discrete elements - Poster
- Modelling medium-depth CO2 injection at the Svelvik CO2 field laboratory in Norway - Poster
- Modelling microstructure evolution during casting, homogenization and ageing heat treatment of Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Fe-Mn alloys - Academic article
- Modelling of grain boundary segregation and precipitation - Academic lecture
- Modelling of mechanical and flow processes in compressors - Report
- Modelling of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of cross-linked low density polyethylene - Academic lecture
- Modelling of transformers and reactors for electromagnetic transient studies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling phase transformations in silicon materials - Academic lecture
- Modelling prices in the future electricity markets - Lecture
- Modelling techniques for designing high-performance on-road dynamic charging systems for electric vehicles - Chapter
- Modelling techniques for designing high-performance on-road dynamic charging systems for electric vehicles - Academic lecture
- Modelling the effect of hydropeaking‐induced stranding mortality on Atlantic salmon population abundance - Academic article
- Modelling the metabolic switch S. coelicolor triggered by phosphate depletion - Poster
- Moisture robustness of eaves solutions for ventilated roofs – experimental studies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Molecular dynamic simulations of unstable and metastable regions - Academic lecture
- Molten Carbonate Electrolyte-Based Thermocells for High Temperature Waste Heat Recovery - Academic lecture
- Monitoring CO2 saturation using time-lapse amplitude versus offset analysis of 3D seismic data from the Ketzin CO2 storage pilot site, Germany - Academic article
- MonitorX - Experience from a Norwegian-Swedish research project on industry 4.0 and digitalization applied to fault detection and maintenance of hydropower plants - Academic lecture
- MonitorX – Experience from a Norwegian-Swedish research project on industry 4.0 and digitalization applied to fault detection and maintenance of hydropower plants - Chapter
- Morphology study of electrolytic silver catalyst for partial oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde (MTF) - Poster
- Moving Bed Temperature Swing Adsorption (MBTSA) for post combustion CO2 capture - Poster
- Moving bed temperature swing adsorption for CO2 capture from a natural gas combined cycle power plant - Academic lecture
- MTS & Nordic Research specialist SINTEF co-develop next generation geomaterials modeling technology vital to future oil exploration - Interview
- Multicultural workplaces: A state of the art study of the Norwegian construction industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multidisciplinary design analysis and optimisation of a reference offshore wind plant - Academic article
- Multi-layered Adaptation for the Failure Prevention and Recovery in Cloud Service Brokerage Platforms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multilevel networks for climate change adaptation – what works? - Academic article
- Multi-Market Price Forecasting in Hydro-Thermal Power Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multi-market value of hydropower - a case study - Academic lecture
- Multi-modal characterization of vasculature and nanoparticle accumulation in five tumor xenograft models - Academic article
- Multi-Model Hybrid Compositional Simulator with Application to Segregated flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multiphase flow modelling experience and challenges - Academic lecture
- Multiple-degree-of-freedom actuation of rotor loads in model testing of floating wind turbines using cable-driven parallel robots - Academic article
- Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Actuation of Rotor Loads in Model Testing of Floating Wind Turbines Using Cable-Driven Parallel Robots - Academic lecture
- Multipoint radiation induced ignition of dust explosions: turbulent clustering of particles and increased transparency - Academic article
- Multi-purpose floating structures.pdf - Lecture
- Multiresolution Coupled Compositional Vertical Equilibrium Model for Fast Flexible Simulation of CO2 Storage - Academic lecture
- Multiresolution coupled vertical equilibrium model for fast flexible simulation of CO2 storage - Academic article
- Multi-scale modelling of titanium diboride degradation using crystal elasticity model and density functional theory - Academic article
- Multi-scale Modelling of Titanium Diboride Degradation Using Crystal Elasticity Model and Density Functional Theory - Academic lecture
- Municipal collaborative planning boosting climate resilience in the built environment - Academic article
- Myths and Facts About Static Application Security Testing Tools: An Action Research at Telenor Digital - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nanocomposites increase reliability and endurance of electrical insulation systems - Website (informational material)
- Nanoimprint for diffractive optics and photonic crystals - Poster
- Nanoplastic: Does Size Matter? - Lecture
- Nanoscale Technology Enhancement of Crushed Rocks Mechanical Properties for Pavement Application - Academic lecture
- National cultivation program for sugarkelp - Lecture
- Natural refrigerants for low temperature power cycles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nature and role of external cathodes in intergranular corrosion of AA6005 aluminium alloy. - Poster
- Nautilus floating concept braves tank trials - Website (informational material)
- Navigated retrograde endoscopic myotomy (REM) for the treatment of therapy-resistant achalasia - Academic article
- NCCS - Annual Report 2018 - Report
- NCCS - Norweigen CCS Research Centre - Industry-Driven Innovation for Fast-Track CCS Deployment - Academic lecture
- NCCS – The value of bringing the CCS world together - Website (informational material)
- NCCS and Fortum Oslo Varme work towards clean district heating through CCS technology - Website (informational material)
- NCCS Annual Report 2017 - Website (informational material)
- NCCS Annual Report 2017 - Multimedia product
- NCCS at GHGT-14: Nobody can do CCS on their own. - Multimedia product
- NCCS hosted the 12th Annual IEAGHG CCS Summer School - Website (informational material)
- NCCS Hosted the 12th Annual IEAGHG CCS Summer School (June 2018) - Website (informational material)
- NCCS launches Mobility Program - Website (informational material)
- NCCS represented at CCS Forum 2018 - Website (informational material)
- NCCS Technical Advisory Committee - Website (informational material)
- NCCS, activities, plans, and collaboration - Lecture
- NCCS: Collaboration with the United States - Lecture
- Need and Measurements of Accurate Thermodynamic Data for CCS - Poster
- Negotiating Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Patching Governance Gaps or Starting from Scratch? - Academic lecture
- Neighbourhood building stock model for long-term dynamic analyses of energy demand and GHG emissions - Report
- Neutralization of Concrete by Acidic Hydrocarbon Products - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New approach for modelling size selectivity in shrimp trawl fisheries - Academic article
- New approaches to enhance the CO2 selectivity of fast permeable gas separation membranes - Poster
- New approaches to the investigation of carbon formation in the Direct Synthesis of Methylchlorosilanes - Academic lecture
- New approaches to the investigation of carbon formation in the Direct Synthesis of Methylchlorosilanes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New building materials and techniques for sustainable renovation - Lecture
- New feed materials and the circular bioeconomy - Lecture
- New ideas for mixed C&D waste - Lecture
- New insight to the effects of heat treatment in air on the permeation properties of thin Pd77%Ag23% membranes - Academic article
- New methodology for 3D geo-pressure modelling with multi burial and uplift effects - Poster
- New Norwegian project initiatives towards cement and concrete Industry - Lecture
- New phase equilibrium data improves thermodynamic tools for efficient, robust and safe CCS - Website (informational material)
- New protective clothing to reduce heat stress and increase comfort for operators in the molten metal industry - Academic lecture
- New source bias: environmental policy risks raising emisissions in maritime shipping - SMC-070-2018 - Academic lecture
- New technology for handling legacy well integrity issues - Academic lecture
- Next Generation Internet of Things. Distributed Intelligence at the Edge and Human Machine-to-Machine Cooperation - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Next Generation Thermoelectric Materials based on Silicon - Academic lecture
- NFR 244244PROMAC Energy efficient processing of seaweeds in blue green value chains - Lecture
- NGCS 11 Tromsø - 11th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium - Editorial
- Ni-based Electrodes for Hydrogen Evolution in Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis - Poster
- Nickel-Copper Carbon Composite for Hydrogen Evolution in Alkaline Electrolysis - Poster
- Nils Røkke GHGT-14 - Multimedia product
- Nils Røkke John Podesta Fredric Hauge - Multimedia product
- NOMiNOR: Natural Organic Matter in drinking waters within the Nordic Region - Report
- Non-completion of secondary education and early disability in Norway: Geographic patterns, individual and community risks - Academic article
- Nonconvex medium-term hydropower scheduling by stochastic dual dynamic integer programming - Academic article
- Nonconvex Medium-Term Hydropower Scheduling By Stochastic Dual Dynamic Integer Programming - Academic lecture
- Non-destructive field measurement of moisture in building constructions – Possibilities and experiences - Lecture
- Nonlinear deformation of tractography in ultrasound-guided low-grade gliomas resection - Academic article
- Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Scheme for Sequential Fully Implicit Formulation of Compositional Multiphase Flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Scheme for Sequential Fully Implicit Formulation of Compositional Multiphase Flow - Academic lecture
- Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel solvers with higher order for black-oil models - Academic lecture
- Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel solvers with higher order for black-oil models - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nonlinear optical response and structural properties of MBE-grown Fe:ZnS films - Academic article
- Nonlinear wave load models for extra large monopiles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nonstationary fuzzy forecasting of wind and wave climate in very long-term scales - Academic article
- Nonstationary time series forecasting of wind and waves, combining hindcast, measured and satellite data - Academic lecture
- Nonstationary time series forecasting of wind and waves, combining hindcast, measured and satellite data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Non-Technical Obstacles for Power-to-H2: Hydrogen from Wind Power in Arctic Conditions - Academic lecture
- Nordic power system: Vulnerability analysis of HVDC contingencies - Website (informational material)
- Nordic test and demonstration facilities: A mapping of test and demonstration facilities in the Nordic region - Academic monograph
- Norges skiløbere kører suverænt på avanceret sensor-teknologi - Interview
- Northern Upgrade. Upgrading houses from the post-war reconstruction period - Other
- Norway to supply rare Earth elements - Interview
- Norway´s role as a flexibility provider in a renewable Europe - Report
- Norwegian Monitoring Program for Harmful Algae - Poster
- Novel insights into the natural product potential of a marine Actinobacteria strain collection by combining classical and genomics-based bioprospecting - Poster
- Novel molten/solid composite oxygen transport membranes for CO2 capture - Poster
- Novel Molten/solid Oxygen Transport Membranes for CO2 Capture - Poster
- Novel Oil Spill Technology-Subsea Mechanical Dispersion & Surface water flushing of thin oil films - Lecture
- NOWITECH: Results from 8 years of research on offshore wind (final report: download available) - Website (informational material)
- NOx formation in oxy-fuel combustion of lignite in a bubbling fluidized bed – Modelling and experimental verification - Academic article
- NTNU Energi og SINTEF Energi i Brussel - Multimedia product
- Nuancing the role of social skills- a longitudinal study of early maternal psychological distress and adolescent depressive symptoms - Academic article
- Nucleation of multicomponent droplets: capturing the physics of surface active systems - Academic lecture
- Numerical analysis of azimuth propulsor performance in seaways: Influence of oblique inflow and free surface - Academic article
- Numerical and experimental investigations on mooring loads of a marine fish farm in waves and current - Academic article
- Numerical and experimental study on the drainage and collapse of a floating flexible bag structure - Academic article
- Numerical and Experimental Study on the Seakeeping Behavior of Floating Closed Rigid Fish Cages - Academic lecture
- Numerical and Experimental Study on the Seakeeping Behavior of Floating Closed Rigid Fish Cages - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical investigation of a diffuse ventilation ceiling system for buildings with natural and hybrid ventilation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical investigation of free-stream turbulence effects on the transition-in-wake state of flow past a circular cylinder - Academic article
- Numerical investigation of heat transfer in a CO2 two-phase ejector - Academic article
- Numerical modeling of an automotive derivative polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell cogeneration system with selective membranes - Academic article
- Numerical modeling of vortex shedding in helically wound finned tube bundles in cross flow - Academic article
- Numerical modelling of a latent heat storage system in a stovepipe - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical modelling of a latent heat storage system in a stovepipe - Academic lecture
- Numerical Modelling of Arctic Coastal Erosion due to Thermodenudation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical modelling of field test for crack risk assessment of early age concrete containing fly ash - Academic article
- Numerical modelling of the Geneva Basin: From reservoir to geothermal simulations - Poster
- Numerical simulation of the transient behavior of wood log decomposition and combustion - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Numerical Study of a Fishing Vessel Operating in Partially Ice Covered Waters - Academic lecture
- Numerical Study of a Fishing Vessel Operating in Partially Ice Covered Waters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical study on the effect of the Lüders plateau on the ductile crack growth resistance of SENT specimens - Academic article
- Nurses' experience with relatives of patients receiving end-of-life-care in nursing homes and at home – a questionnaire based explorative study - Academic article
- Ny testrigg för oljeindustrin ska spara miljoner - Interview
- Nydalen VY: A nearly zero energy building in Norwegian climate with natural ventilation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OC2018 A-006 Oil spill identification - OSINET – Round Robin 2017 - Report
- Occupational health and safety in Norwegian aquaculture - National profile for a FAO report on global aquaculture OHS - Report
- Occupational safety in aquaculture – Part 1: Injuries in Norway - Academic article
- Occupational safety in aquaculture – Part 2: Fatalities in Norway 1982–2015 - Academic article
- Occurrence, characterisation and fate of (nano)particulate Ti and Ag in two Norwegian wastewater treatment plants - Academic article
- OCE2018 A-116 - Loads, design and operation of floaters in the Arctic - Ptil – NORD ST20 - Report
- Ocean futures: Exploring stakeholders' perceptions of adaptive capacity to changing marine environments in Northern Norway - Academic article
- Ocean plastics and the BBNJ treaty—is plastic frightening enough to insert itself into the BBNJ treaty, or do we need to wait for a treaty of its own? - Academic article
- Offshore grid connection optimisation with uncertain parameters - Academic lecture
- Offshore supply planning in a rolling time horizon - Academic article
- Offshore Transmission Technology - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Offshore Wind energy technology - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Offshore Wind Farm Technology and Electrical Design - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Offshore Wind in China as Pioneering Sustainable Solutions (Norway-China business summit 2018) - Website (informational material)
- Offshore Wind Turbine Controls - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Offshore Work In the Barents Sea - Academic lecture
- Offshore-exposed aquaculture: progress and perspectives - Lecture
- Ohmically heated ceramic asymmetric tubular membranes for gas separation - Academic article
- OHS in Norwegian aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Oil exposure biomarkers and lipid metabolism in C. finmarchicus - Poster
- Oil exposure biomarkers and lipid metabolism in Calanus finmarchicus - Poster
- Oil Spill Contingency and Response Modelling in Ice-Covered Waters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Oil type and temperature dependent biodegradation dynamics. Combining chemical and microbial community data through multivariate analysis. - Academic article
- Oil-related aggregates in Arctic conditions - Academic lecture
- Oil-water dispersion formation, development and stability studied in a wheel-shaped flow loop - Academic article
- On Adaptive Isogeometric Analysis of Thin Plate Problems - Academic lecture
- On controllability of four-product dividing wall columns - Academic article
- On Enhancing Visual Query Building over KGs Using Query Logs - Academic article
- On Holden's seven guidelines for scientific computing and development of open-source community software - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On Pragmatism in Industrial Modelling Part VI: Management, Retrieval and Analysis of CFD Cases - Academic lecture
- On the dynamics of a degrading piezoelectric micromirror operated in harsh environments - Academic lecture
- On the Impact of Rogue Base Stations in 4G/LTE Self Organizing Networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On the rheology of Newtonian single-phase multicomponent mixtures - Academic lecture
- Onboarding software developers and teams in three globally distributed legacy projects: A multi-case study - Academic article
- Ontologies for the Real Property Domain - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OpenCement: Initiative to develop an open-source well-cementing simulator - Poster
- Operating Speed Prediction Models Comparison: A Case Study for Norwegian Two-Lane Rural Roads - Poster
- Operation and Maintenance Modelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operation of a modular multilevel converter controlled as a Virtual synchronous machine - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operation platform design for modular adaptable ships: Towards the configure-to-order strategy - Academic article
- Operational Hydropower Simulation in Cascaded River Systems for Intraday Re-Planning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operational limits for floating-collar fish farms in waves and current, without and with well-boat presence - Doctoral dissertation
- Opportunities and barriers for implementing biochar as a carbon sink in agricultural systems - Academic lecture
- Opportunities and constraints for integrating COPRO technologies at aluminium plants - Report
- OPPTRE (2018-2021) Energy upgrading of wooden dwellings to near zero energy level - Poster
- Optical and microstructural investigation of heavy B-doping effects in sublimation-grown 3C-SiC - Academic article
- Optimal and energy efficient storage of root vegetables to prevent loss - Lecture
- Optimal Hydropower Maintenance Scheduling in Liberalized Markets - Academic article
- Optimal Hydropower Maintenance Scheduling Under Uncertainty - Academic lecture
- Optimisation of growth parameters to obtain epitaxial Y-doped BaZrO3 proton conducting thin films - Academic article
- Optimization of precipitpating solvent system for pilot testing in CLIMIT Demo project INSPIRE - Poster
- Optimization of quality and yield of stockfish by end-drying in climatic controlled storage - Academic lecture
- Optimization of quality and yield of stockfish by end-drying in climatic controlled storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimization-based motion planning for trawling - Academic article
- Optimized geophysical survey design for CO2 monitoring – A synthetic study - Poster
- Optimizing day-ahead bid curves in hydropower production - Academic article
- Optimizing Electrical Heating System of Subsea Oil Production Pipelines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing exchange of time-varying surplus heat in industry clusters - Lecture
- Optimizing of winged kelp Alaria esculenta hatchery conditions - Academic lecture
- OPWIND: Summer internship on wind farm control - Website (informational material)
- Organizational creativity as idea work : Intertextual placing and legitimating imaginings in media development and oil exploration - Academic article
- Origin of fast oxide ion diffusion along grain boundaries in Sr-doped LaMnO3 - Academic article
- Our cities are hidden power stations - Popular scientific article
- Outcomes of the IQmulus fp7 IP, follow up in the Norwegian ICT Pluss Project ANALYST - Lecture
- Outdoor exposure site testing for preventing Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in concrete – a review - Academic article
- Outdoor exposure site testing for preventing Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in concrete – a review - Lecture
- Outlining a hydromorphological classification system for lakes : data availability, modelling tools and comparable assessment approaches - Report
- Overall size of mannuronan C5-Epimerases influences their ability to epimerize modified alginates and alginate gels - Academic article
- Overcoming Barriers Against Interaction on Innovation Capabilities Within and Between SMEs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Overview of Intergranular Corrosion Mechanisms of AA6005 Alloy - Lecture
- OWASP Top 10 - Do Startups Care? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ownership, risk and the law for a CO2 transport network for carbon capture and storage in the European Union - Academic article
- Palladium membranes - from innovation to demonstration - Academic lecture
- Palladium membranes - from innovation to demonstration - Academic lecture
- Palmaria palmata as an alternative protein source: enzymatic protein extraction, amino acid composition, and nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor - Academic article
- Panel at Agritech Nordic - Popular scientific lecture
- Panelist in "DevOps: Issues and perspectives panel" - Academic lecture
- Parametric design to minimize the embodied GHG emissions in a ZEB - Academic article
- Parental chronic pain and internalizing symptoms in offspring: the role of adolescents’ social competence – the HUNT study - Academic article
- Part 1: Presenting ELEGANCY at the ZEP Network Technology meeting in Brussels - Website (informational material)
- Part 2: Presenting ELEGANCY at the ZEP Network Technology meeting in Brussels - Website (informational material)
- Partial Carbon Capture by Absorption Cycle for Reduced Specific Capture Cost - Academic article
- Participatory Ideation for Gamification: Bringing the User at the Heart of the Gamification Design Process - Academic lecture
- Particle transfer through a heat wheel in a highly insulated building - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Partitioning of PAHs between crude oil microdroplets, water, and copepod biomass in oil-in-seawater dispersions of different crude oils - Academic article
- Path creation, global production networks and regional development: A comparative international analysis of the offshore wind sector - Academic article
- Path planning for marine vehicles using Bezier curves - Academic article
- PEG-based membranes with dual cross-linking networks for enhanced CO2 separation - Academic lecture
- PEG-based membranes with dual cross-linking networks for enhanced CO2 separation - Poster
- Perceptions and satisfaction of caregivers regarding rehabilitation services from selected rehabilitation centres in the Western Cape - Academic article
- Perfluorocarbon Formation During Rare Earth Electrolysis - Academic article
- Performance and reliability of PZT-based piezoelectric micromirrors operated in realistic environments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance and reliability of PZT-based piezoelectric micromirrors operated in realistic environments - Poster
- Performance and stability in H2S of SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-δ as electrode in proton ceramic fuel cells - Academic article
- Performance evaluation of a highly insulated wall to withstand mould - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance evaluation of CO2 ejector system with parallel compressor for supermarket application - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance evaluation of two-stage mechanical vapour recompression with turbo-compressors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance history and further improvement potential for wood stoves - Poster
- Performance history and further improvement potential for wood stoves - Academic article
- Performance improvement of the R744 two-phase ejector with an implemented suction nozzle bypass - Academic article
- Performance investigation of a multi-ejector R744 heat pump - Academic article
- Performance mapping of the R744 ejectors for refrigeration and air conditioning supermarket application: A hybrid reduced-order model - Academic article
- Performance Measurement in Sensorized Sociotechnical Manufacturing Environments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance measures and models for open-water integrated multi-trophic aquaculture - Academic literature review
- Performance of a high-temperature heat pump using butane as refrigerant - Report
- Performance Tracking and Risk Assessment of Wireless Mesh Networks: A WiP Framework - Academic article
- Performing quantitative analyses towards sustainable business models in building energy renovation projects: Analytic process and case study - Academic article
- Peripheral tumour targeting using open-source virtual bronchoscopy with electromagnetic tracking: a multi-user pre-clinical study - Academic article
- Permeability measurements - Lecture
- Permeability Tests of Packed Bed in the Silicon Production Process - NTNU Student report - Report
- Persistent derangement of larval-juvenile lipid metabolism and growth following transient embryonic oil exposure in Polar cod - Academic lecture
- Personal Heating and Cooling Devices: Increasing Users' Thermal Satisfaction. A literature study - Report
- Petroleum hydrocarbon and microbial community structure successions in marine oil-related aggregates associated with diatoms relevant for Arctic conditions - Academic article
- PFC Evolution Characteristics During Aluminium and Rare Earth Electrolysis - Academic article
- Phase and orientation mapping in Al alloys using SPED - Academic lecture
- Phase and orientation mapping in Al alloys using SPED - Academic lecture
- Phase effects in tap-hole flow - a computational modelling study - Lecture
- Phase transformation induced hydrogen embrittlement in clad pipes - Poster
- Phase Transformations from Quartz to Cristobalite - Academic lecture
- Phase Transformations from Quartz to Cristobalite - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Phase-out of fossil fuels: SINTEF develops a novel high temperature heat pump - Website (informational material)
- Photo- and pH dual-responsive beta-cyclodextrin-based supramolecular prodrug complex self-asslmblies for programmed drug delivery - Academic article
- Photocorrosion - How the corrosion of iron is affected by illumination - Lecture
- Physics-based artificial neural network formulations for LES of Kraichnan turbulence - Academic lecture
- Pilot airport Sola - Status - Lecture
- Pitting on Carbon Cathodes in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells - Academic article
- PKI vs. Blockchain when Securing Maritime Operations - Academic lecture
- Planners’ information need in adaptation to climate-induced floods - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- PLASTOX WP4: Microplastic-associated pollutants: Effects and Food Web Transfer - Poster
- PLASTOX: A big assessment of small particles? - Academic lecture
- Plug & abandonment of offshore wells: Ensuring long-term well integrity and cost-efficiency - Academic literature review
- Pneumatic Conveying of Particulate Solids: Theoretical Approach with Industrial Applications of System Design & Optimization - Academic lecture
- Point Defects in Monolayer MoS2 - Poster
- Poly(l-glutamic acid)-g-poly(ethylene glycol) external layer in polyelectrolyte multilayer films: Characterization and resistance to serum protein adsorption - Academic article
- Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production from fermented crude glycerol: Study on the conversion of 1,3-propanediol to PHA in mixed microbial consortia - Academic article
- Pore-to Core EOR Upscaling for CO2-foam for CCUS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pore-to Core EOR Upscaling for CO2-foam for CCUS - Academic lecture
- Porosity, permeability and compaction trends for Scandinavian regoliths - Academic article
- Position Paper: Clock Support in Ada - Academic article
- Possibilities and challenges for balancing from hydropower - Academic lecture
- Possible configurations of multiejector driven CO2 systems for Indian supermarkets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Potential for GHG reduction from shipping - Lecture
- Potential for heat-to-power conversion from excess heat in existing boilers at Mo Industrial Park - Report
- Potential for steam regeneration in Norwegian industry - Report
- Potential for weight reduction variable geometry heat exchangers - Report
- Potential of biofilters for treatment of de-icing chemicals - Academic article
- Potential power setups, fuels and hull designs capable of satisfying future EEDI requirements - Academic article
- Potential uses of CO-rich off-gas from Mn ferroalloy production - Report
- Potential-field constructions in an MPC framework: application for safe navigation in a variable coastal environment - Academic article
- Potentially traumatic events as predictors of disability pension: A 10-year follow-up study in Norway - Academic article
- Power Cycle Optimization - Poster
- Power production from variable-load industrial surplus heat: Modelling and optimizing system design and performance - Academic lecture
- Power system modelling with complex hydropower - Lecture
- Precipitate Free Zones and Crack Propagation in Al-Mg-Si Alloys - Academic lecture
- Precipitates and Precipitate Free Zones in 6xxx alloys - Academic lecture
- Precipitates in aluminium alloys - Academic article
- Precipitation and strengthening modeling for disk-shaped particles in aluminum alloys: Size distribution considered - Academic article
- Predicting Near-Time Satellite Signal Attenuation at Ka-band Using Tropospheric Weather Forecast Model - Academic lecture
- Predicting Near-Time Satellite Signal Attenuation at Ka-band Using Tropospheric Weather. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Predicting phenotypes using iKS1317: a genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor - Poster
- Predicting the thermoelectric figure-of-merit from first principles - Academic article
- Predicting triggering and consequence of delayed LNG RPT - Academic article
- Prediction of Heating Power in Magnetic Pipe Conducting Large AC Current With High Frequencies Up to 200Hz - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of Short-term Wind and Wave Conditions Using Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for Marine Operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of through-thickness microstructure during metallurgical silicon solidification - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Predictive framework for codend size selection of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) in the North Sea beam-trawl fishery - Academic article
- Predictive models for codend size selectivity for four commercially important species in the Mediterranean bottom trawl fishery in spring and summer: Effects of codend type and catch size - Academic article
- Preem initiates CCS pilot study at Lysekil refinery - Website (informational material)
- Preface to the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet-of-Things (MDE4IoT) - Editorial
- Preliminary design of high speed passenger ferry - Academic lecture
- Premixed hydrogen-air flames interacting with a hydrogen porous wall - Academic article
- Pre-operational considerations in a poro-elastic site assessment for the Svelvik field lab - Poster
- Preparation and tribological properties of BN/calcium borate nanocomposites as additive in lubricating oil - Academic article
- Preparing the ground for CCS in the European cement industry - Academic lecture
- Preparing the ground for CCS in the European cement industry - CEMCAP status - Academic lecture
- Presentation HTHP at annual meeting of Norwegian Refrigeration Association - Report
- Preservation and processing of fish for maintaining quality and health beneficial compounds - Lecture
- Press form hardening of age-hardenable aluminium alloys - Lecture
- Pressure control and conformance management for safe and efficient CO2 storage – an overview of the Pre-ACT project - Abstract
- Pressure Dependency of the Membrane Structure Parameter and Implications in Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pressure Dependent Yielding in Solute Strengthened Aluminium - An Ab Initio Study - Academic lecture
- Pressure drop and heat transfer properties of cubic iso-reticular foams - Academic article
- Pressure Swing Adsorption for Biogas Upgrading with Carbon Molecular Sieve - Academic article
- PressureAhead; from research project to field test - Lecture
- Pressurized chemical looping process for power/chemical production with inherent CO2 capture: a review - Academic lecture
- Pressurized Gas Switching Reforming (GSR) for syngas production with iron-based oxygen carrier - Academic lecture
- Pretreatment of Manganese ores with methane - Academic lecture
- Primary drivers of changes in productivity in a future warmer Barents Sea - a comparison of 3 downscaled ecosystem models - Academic lecture
- Principles of proton conduction in polymer-ceramic composite membranes for PEM applications - Lecture
- Privacy Challenges for Process Mining in Human-Centered Industrial Environments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prize for Young and Outstanding Researchers to Øivind Wilhelmsen from SINTEF - Website (informational material)
- Probabilistic socio-economic cost assessment integrating power market and reliability analysis - Academic lecture
- Probabilistic socio-economic cost assessment integrating power market and reliability analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Probability of occurrence of ISO 14687-2 contaminants in hydrogen: Principles and examples from steam methane reforming and electrolysis (water and chlor-alkali) production processes model - Academic article
- Problem-based elicitation of security requirements the ProCOR method - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Problem-based Elicitation of Security Requirements The ProCOR Method - Academic lecture
- Procedural Medical Training in VR in a Smart Virtual University Hospital - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Process improvements in Ferroalloy - Lecture
- Process intensification by 3D printing technologies applied to reaction and separation processes - Lecture
- Process Intensification in Nitric Acid Plants by Catalytic Oxidation of Nitric Oxide - Academic article
- Process modelling and design as precursor to 3D printing in the chemical engineering field - Academic lecture
- Process performance of the hydrogen fired gas turbine cycle with exhaust gas recirculation - Poster
- Process stability during fiber laser-arc hybrid welding of thick steel plates - Academic article
- Process Tailoring in Large-Scale Agile Programs - Masters thesis
- Processing of brown algae for utilisation as animal and fish feed and integration of the production in a seaweed biorefinery. - Academic lecture
- Processing og seaweed for animal feed applications - Poster
- Product Quality and Global Competitiveness in Fishery Sector - Poster
- Production of EPA/DHA by heterotrophic microorganisms: How can GMO contribute? - Academic lecture
- Production of heterotrophic microorganisms for use as a source of long-chain omega3 fatty acids in aquafeed. - Academic lecture
- Professional Football Planning - Popular scientific lecture
- Profiting from CCS innovations: A study to measure potential value creation from CCS research and development - Lecture
- Project website of SMARTAQUA - Website (informational material)
- Prolonged shelf life of fresh seaweed by storage in refrigerated seawater - Poster
- Promising Early Age Evaluations of Fly Ash - Calcined Marl - OPC Ternary Cement - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prosumers' role in the future energy system - Report
- Prosumers’ role in the future energy system - Report
- Protein oxidation affecting quality parameters of haddock and mackerel minces subjected to high-pressure pre-treatment and frozen storage. - Academic lecture
- Protein oxidation in sous-vide cooked Atlantic mackerel and its potential implications for the fish quality - Academic lecture
- Protonic Membrane Reforming of Natural Gas to Hydrogen with Carbon Capture - Poster
- Prototype for estimation and forecasting of the future demand and generation from households in selected European countries - Academic lecture
- Prototype for estimation and forecasting of the future demand and generation from households in selected European countries - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prototype reynolds number vortex-induced vibration tests on a full-scale rigid riser - Academic article
- Pseudo slug flow in viscous oil systems – experiments and modelling with LedaFlow - Academic lecture
- Pseudo slug flow in viscous oil systems – experiments and modelling with LedaFlow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Public private collaboration in a zero emission context – Key drivers of success and failure - Report
- Pulmonologist evaluation on new CT visualization for guidance to lung lesions during bronchoscopy - Academic article
- PW-Exposed - overview - Lecture
- PW-Exposed: Produced water fractionation and advanced chemical and toxicological characterization using sensitive life stages of marine fish species - Poster
- Quadratic integration over the three dimensional Brillouin zone - Masters thesis
- Qualitative and quantitative experimental study of convective mixing process during storage of CO2 in heterogeneous saline aquifers - Academic article
- Quality and safety of atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) after thawing in water at different temperatures - Lecture
- Quality changes of Atlantic mackerel during superchilled, chilled and frozen storage - Academic lecture
- Quality of filleted Atlantic mackerel (Scomber Scombrus) during chilled and frozen storage: changes in lipids, vitamin D, proteins, and small metabolites, including biogenic amines - Academic article
- Quality of food through vision systems, bringing the future to food inspection - Lecture
- Quantifying quality: Towards a Post-Humanist Perspective on Sensemaking - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Quantifying the grain boundary segregation strengthening induced by post-ECAP aging in an Al-5Cu alloy - Academic article
- Quantitative Analysis of Electrode Materials by X-Ray Micro Computed Tomography (μCT) - Academic lecture
- Quantitative analysis of precipitate crystal structure evolution in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys using scanning precession electron diffraction - Academic lecture
- Quantitative measurements of partial saturations in Brine-CO2 Saturated Rocks at pore scale (QUASAR) - Report
- Quantitative monitoring at Smeaheia and Sleipner - Popular scientific lecture
- Quantitative monitoring using seismic and em - Academic lecture
- Quartz for silicon production – opportunities and challenges - Academic lecture
- RA3 Cycles - Introduction - Lecture
- RA5 Society - Lecture
- RA5 Society- status - Lecture
- Rain-tightness of door sill sealing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Range-gated imaging system for underwater monitoring in ocean environment - Academic article
- Rapid artifcally aging of an AA0682 alloy and how it will affect the mechanical properties - Academic lecture
- Rapport; Alkalireaksjoner i betong – fagtur i Nord-Amerika - Report
- Rarely has a half degree meant so much to humanity - Website (informational material)
- Reactivity of bauxite residue in cementitious systems - Other
- Real Performance in Seaways and its Impact on Ship Design SMC-015-2018 - Academic lecture
- Real-Time Evolution of SAPO Catalysts' Local Coordination during Hydrothermal Treatment - Poster
- Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing - Website (informational material)
- Real-time hybrid model testing of a semi-submersible 10mw floating wind turbine and advances in the test method - Academic lecture
- Real-time hybrid model testing of a semi-submersible 10MW floating wind turbine and advances in the test method - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real-time Standard View Classification in Transthoracic Echocardiography using Convolutional Neural Networks - Academic article
- Real-time super-resolved 3D in turbid water using a fast range-gated CMOS camera - Academic article
- Recent Technological Innovations in Surimi Production - Poster
- Recombination activity of grain boundaries in high-performance multicrystalline Si during solar cell processing - Academic article
- Reconstruction of a distributed energy balance snow pack model - Report
- Recovery of manganese from sludge through reduction with spent pot lining from aluminium industry—a modelling study - Academic lecture
- Recycled concrete aggregates from construction and demolition waste in India - CO2 binding by carbonation - Lecture
- Recycled concrete aggregates from construction and demolition waste in India - CO2 binding by carbonation - Abstract
- Recycling of Oxide from Dross into Aluminum Electrolysis Cells - Academic article
- Redesigning Work With a Lightweight Approach to Coordination Technology - Academic article
- Reduced metal loss to slag in HC FeCr production - by redesign based on mathematical modelling - Lecture
- Reducing fuel consumption, emissions and GHG impact of maritime transport –Measures and Options - Lecture
- Reducing GHG emissions in Shipping - measures and options - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Reducing the exergy destruction in the cryogenic heat exchangers of hydrogen liquefaction processes - Academic article
- Reduction of chromium oxide and ore by methane-containing gas mixtures - Academic lecture
- Reforma de Metano e Carburação de Ferro nas Condições dos Processos de Redução Direta - Academic lecture
- Reframing citizen participation for a sustainable city transition – the case of Bodø ByLab - Lecture
- Refrigeration onboard Norwegian fishing vessels - Academic lecture
- Regional aspects of a climate and energy tax reform in Norway – exploring double and multiple dividends - Academic article
- Regular Wave Forces on Submarines in Near-Surface Operation - Academic lecture
- Rehabilitation planning of water distribution network through a reliability-based risk assessment - Academic article
- Relating static and dynamic stiffnesses of shales: effects of frequency and stress - Academic lecture
- Relevance of hydraulic modelling in planning and operating real-time pressure control: Case of Oppegård municipality - Academic article
- Reliability of Conductive Adhesives for IoT - Lecture
- Reliability-based Cyber Plant - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Reliable Dispatch of Renewable Generation via Charging of Time-Varying PEV Populations - Academic article
- Reliable Power Cable Ground Screen Connections - Resistance of improper ground screen connections exposed to heat cycles - Masters thesis
- REMES Europe - Academic lecture
- Remote well integrity monitoring - Poster
- Reply to Comment on 'Nanoscale mapping of optical band gaps using monochromated electron energy loss spectroscopy' - Letter to the editor
- Report on the integrated event-driven framework for data collection - Report
- Research on the future intelligent, flexible and robust distribution grid –with special focus on potential for demand response from household customers - Lecture
- Research on Tungsten Oxide Electrochromic Thin Films - Academic lecture
- Research on Urban Goods Transport - Popular scientific lecture
- Research within Computational Geosciences at SINTEF Digital - Lecture
- Research Working Plan 2017-2018 Revised 23rd February - Report
- Researchers are helping elite skiers to hone their performance - Interview
- Resection-induced brain-shift compensation using vessel-based methods - Academic article
- Reservoir simulation using the MSO4SC infrastructure and OPM Flow - Academic lecture
- Resilience assessment of smart critical infrastructures based on indicators - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Response Surface Methodology for Understanding Glucose and Xylose Utilization by Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 - Academic article
- results from Guild Study in Spotify - preliminary results - Lecture
- Rethinking Coordination in Large-Scale Software Development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Retrofitability of CO2 capture technologies to cement plants - Academic lecture
- ReValue - Improved resource utilization in the Indo-European fish value chains - Lecture
- Revealing geology’s X-factor - Interview
- Revealing Work Practices in Hospitals Using Process Mining - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Reversibility of metal-hydride anodes in all-solid-state lithium secondary battery operating at room temperature - Academic article
- Reversing the trend through collaboration in the petroleum industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Review on Typical Marine Operations in Aquaculture and Numerical Simulation of One Example Operation Scenario - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Re-vitalization and Upgrade of the Svelvik CO2 Field Laboratory in Norway - Poster
- Revitalization of Coastal and Short-Sea Shipping through Autonomous Transport Systems – SATS - Academic lecture
- Revitalization of short sea shipping through slender, simplified and standardized designs SMC-007-2016 - Academic article
- Rheological characterization of Polyanionic Cellulose solutions with application to drilling fluids and cuttings transport modeling - Academic article
- Rheological Properties of Drilling Fluids – Use of Dimensionless Shear Rates in Herschel-Bulkley Models and Power-Law Models - Academic article
- Rheologocal properties of barite sediments in water-based drilling fluids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- RINVE Feasibility Study 2018. Understanding End User Demands, Supplier Capabilities and Technology Gaps related to Automation and Robotics in Inspection and Maintenance - Report
- Risk assessment and development of maintenance strategy for pipe rehabilitation using WDNetXL - Academic lecture
- Risk assessments in the Norwegian aquaculture industry: Status and improved practice - Academic article
- Risk based regulation and certification of autonomous transport systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risk monotoring function in Statnett : SAMBA WP6 report - Report
- Risk-Based Decision Support Model for Offshore Installations - Academic article
- Robotic Handling of Compliant Food Objects by Robust Learning from Demonstration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Robotic Handling of Compliant Food Objects by Robust Learning from Demonstration - Academic lecture
- Robotisering og 3D Printing - Lecture
- Robust chemical solver for fully-implicit simulations - Academic lecture
- Robust chemical solver for fully-implicit simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Robustness in shipbuilding planning and operations- Summary report NextShip - Report
- Rock physics of a deep overburden shale - Academic lecture
- Role multiplexity and home-grown resilience: A study of part-time firefighters in rural emergency management - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Role of 5G in securing oil, gas and sea operations - Lecture
- Role of Industry Clusters for improving energy efficiency - Lecture
- Rolling stock maintenance scheduling - Academic lecture
- Rules and Reasoning. Second International Joint Conference, RuleML+RR 2018, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, September 18–21, 2018, Proceedings. - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Safe two-way migration for salmonids and eel past hydropower structures in Europe: a review and recommendations for best-practice solutions - Academic article
- Safer societies - Academic literature review
- SafeScrum kurs for Simtronics AS - Lecture
- SafeScrum® – Agile Development of Safety-Critical Software - Academic monograph
- Safety Certification of Mixed-Criticality Systems - Popular scientific chapter/article
- Safety climate and compliance in the Norwegian aquaculture industry - employees' perceptions at different company levels - Academic lecture
- Safety climate and compliance in the Norwegian aquaculture industry - employees’ perceptions at different company levels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Safety climate and mindful safety practices in the oil and gas industry - Academic article
- Safety Critical Software and Security - How Low Can You Go? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Safety for Autonomous Ships - Academic lecture
- Safety for autonomous ships: Lessons learned from other domains - Lecture
- Salten excavation - Lecture
- Sampling and analysis of hydrogen from refuelling stations in Europe - Academic lecture
- Samspill mellom modellforsøk og simulering - Lecture
- Sandblasting effect on performance and durability of Ti based IrO2 –Ta2O5 anode in acidic solutions - Academic article
- Scalable MoS2 growth via Mo sputtering and post H2S treatment - Poster
- Scale and quality in Nordic hospitals - Academic article
- Scanning precession electron diffraction used to determine precipitate microstructure and its evolution during aging in Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys - Academic lecture
- Scanning transmission electron microscopy of beam sensitive quartz - Poster
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities. - Lecture
- Scenario development - Interview
- Scenarios - Lecture
- Scheduling of rolling stock maintenance - Academic lecture
- Scheduling professional football leagues - Academic lecture
- Scheduling Vehicles with spatial conflicts - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Scheduling Vehicles with spatial conflicts - Academic lecture
- Scholars Have Data on Millions of Facebook Users. Who’s Guarding It? - Interview
- Scientists call for pan-European research and innovation agenda - Interview
- SCORE: Staged Combustion for Energy Recovery in Ferroalloy INdustry - Experimental Verification - Academic lecture
- Screening of heat transfer and pressure drop models for relevant COPRO heat exchanger geometries and conditions - Report
- Screening silicide thermoelectric materials using ab initio transport calculations - Academic lecture
- Seafood technology - technology for efficient and sustainable processing - Popular scientific lecture
- Seasonal and depth variations in the chemical composition of cultivated Saccharina latissima - Academic article
- Seasonal variation in concentrations of Cd/Zn-metallothionein and Cd, Zn and Cu in tissues of polar fox and rock ptarmigan from Svalbard - Poster
- Seasonal variation of elements composition and biomethane in brown macroalgae - Academic article
- Seasonal variations in infiltration in cold climate raingardens - a case study from Norway - Academic article
- SEAVENTION - Autonomous underwater intervention - Lecture
- Seaweed cultivation above the Arctic Circle - Academic lecture
- Secure European Critical Rare Earth Elements (SecREEts) - Academic lecture
- Security in maritime communications, autonomous ship - Lecture
- Security Incident Information Exchange for Cloud Service Provisioning Chains - Academic article
- Security risk assessment - Academic lecture
- Segregation of Mg, Cu and their effects on the strength of Al Σ5 (210)[001] symmetrical tilt grain boundary - Academic article
- Selective area growth of AlGaN nanopyramid arrays on graphene by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy - Academic article
- Self-corrosion of zinc-rich coatings on aluminium in chloride solution - Academic lecture
- Self-managing Security Activities in Agile Development - Lecture
- Self-managing Security Activities in Agile Development - Lecture
- Self-rated wellbeing and general health in final years of life: An exploratory population-based study among the oldest old - Academic lecture
- Self-rescue experience under a tunnel fire Analysis and recommendations - Academic lecture
- Semiglobal exponential stability of a counter-current and co-current guidance scheme - Academic article
- Sensemaking and resilience in safety-critical situations: a literature review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sensitivity of input parameters to modelling of atmospheric transmission of long-wave infrared radiation at sea under warm and humid conditions - Academic lecture
- Separation and Concentration without Clogging Using a High-Throughput Tunable Filter - Academic article
- Sequential codend improves quality of trawlcaught cod - Academic article
- ServLog: A unifying logical framework for service modeling and contracting - Academic article
- SET Plan Conference 2018: Europe needs to invest more in clean energy R&I. The risk is low and the return is high. - Website (informational material)
- Sex-based differences in speed, sub-technique selection, and kinematic patterns during low- and high-intensity training for classical cross-country skiing - Academic article
- Sexuality erased, questioned, and explored: the experiences of South Africans with physical disabilities - Academic article
- SFI Klima 2050 | Research working plan 2019-2020 - Report
- SFI Klima 2050| KPIer - Key Performance Indicators - Report
- SFI Smart Maritime Annual Report 2017 - Report
- SFI Smart Maritime, Centre organisation and strategy and the Norwegian Research Council's SFI scheme - Popular scientific lecture
- Shale Barrier Toolbox - Poster
- Shale Rock Physics - Academic lecture
- Sharing economy services as human-machine networks: Implications for policy making - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ship Performance and Navigation Data Compression and Communication under Autoencoder System Architecture - Academic article
- Ship speed power performance under relative wind profiles in relation to sensor fault detection - Academic article
- Shock Heating of Quartz used in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Production - Academic lecture
- Short-Circuit Making of Medium Voltage Load Break Switches Using a Grid Connected Test Circuit - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Shortening lead-time from project initiation to delivery; a study of quick school and prison capacity provision - Academic article
- Should current environmental assessment methods for produced water be revised? The influence of chemical composition on produced water toxicity - Lecture
- Should we differentiate ventilation requirements for different user groups? - Lecture
- Shrimp trap selectivity in a Mediterranean small-scale-fishery - Academic article
- SiC structures and SiC transformations in industrial Siproduction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SiC structures and SiC transformations in industrial Si-production - Academic lecture
- Signal discovery in the smart grid - finding electical vehicle charging patterns in power consumption data - Masters thesis
- Silicon and silicon-boron alloys as phase change materials in thermal energy storage units - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Silicon foil solar cells on low cost supports - Academic article
- Silicon powder-based wafers for low-cost photovoltaics: Laser treatments and nanowire etching - Academic article
- SIMADES ATC and EXE 08.01.06 - Academic lecture
- Simple energy-budget model for yolk-feeding stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Academic article
- Simplified Ocean Models on GPUs - Academic article
- Simplified Ocean Models on the GPU - Academic lecture
- Simplifying automation in the food industry using deep learning and virtual reality - Lecture
- Simulated sampling from deep subsurface oil reservoirs–DNA release by rapid pressure drop and capture of disolved DNA - Poster
- Simulating thermal wood particle conversion: Ash-layer modeling and parametric studies - Academic article
- Simulation based assessment of dust capture - Academic lecture
- Simulation model for the propagation of second mode streamers in dielectric liquids using the Townsend-Meek criterion - Academic article
- Simulation of a Full-Scale CO2 Fracture Propagation Test - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simulation of Condensation in Compressed Raw Biogas Using Aspen HYSYS - Academic article
- Simulation of local thermal grids and High Temperature BTES - Academic lecture
- Simulation of momentum resolved Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy in the low loss region using model band structures - Masters thesis
- Simulation of two-phase flow in airlift pump using 1D two-fluid model - Popular scientific lecture
- Simulation, Image Processing, and Ultrasound Systems for Assisted Diagnosis and Navigation - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Simultaneous improvement of surface finish and bonding of centrifugal microfluidic devices in cyclo-olefin polymers - Poster
- Simultaneous improvement of surface finish and bonding of centrifugal microfluidic devices in cyclo-olefin polymers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SINTEF 3D Pixel Run-4 fabrication and characterisation - Poster
- SINTEF Aviation Open Day - Reader opinion piece
- SINTEF Energy/NTNU article included in prestigious collection - Website (informational material)
- SINTEF Low-emission Petroleum Research Centre - Poster
- SINTEF Webinar "Bridging the gap between the lab and the field- Session2: Hydrate Management" - Academic lecture
- SINTEF/NTNU projects - snapshots for the LBNL Window group - Lecture
- SINTEF/NTNU/Al-Industry Co-operative R&D programs for Primary Al production in Norway - Lecture
- SINTEF: Between university & industry, Finding your place in tomorrow's oil industry - Popular scientific lecture
- Size selection in conical pots: A study on the effect of soaking time in the Norwegian snow crab fishery in the Barents Sea - Poster
- Size selection of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in a commersial codend and trawl body - Academic article
- Size selection of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in the Northeast Atlantic bottom trawl fishery with a newly developed double steel grid system - Academic article
- Size selection of Nephrops norvegicus (L.) in commercial creel fishery in the Mediterranean Sea - Academic article
- Size selectivity and length-dependent escape behaviour of haddock in a sorting device combining a grid and a square mesh panel - Academic article
- Skempton's A – A key to man-induced subsurface pore pressure changes - Academic lecture
- Slag/metal tapping - Lecture
- Sliding and Adhesion of Snow - A Cursory Study - Poster
- Slovenian Standardised Noise Reaction. Questions for Community Noise Surveys - Academic article
- Slow steaming not necessarily a sulphur cap savior - Interview
- Small-molecule inhibitor of OGG1 suppresses proinflammatory gene expression and inflammation - Academic article
- Smart charging systems in Zero Emission Neighbourhoods - Popular scientific lecture
- Smart Communities of Intelligent Software Agents for Collaborating and Semantically Interoperable Micro-Grids - Academic article
- Smart EV charging systems for Zero Emission Neighbourhoods - Report
- Smart EV Charging Systems to Improve Energy Flexibility of Zero Emission Neighbourhoods. A state-of-the-art for Norway - Academic lecture
- Smart Grid Security from the IoT and Software Engineering perspectives - Academic lecture
- Smart Tourism in Cities: Exploring Urban Destinations with Audio Augmented Reality - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Smarter asset management with big data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Smarter grids for reliable electricity transport - Interview
- SmartFeeder - seamless, connected and automated feeder and shuttle services - Academic lecture
- SMARTFISH H2020 D5.1: FishData system specification - Report
- Snake Robots for Space Applications(SAROS) - Report
- Snow for the Future – Phase 1 : final report - Report
- Societal threat landscapes of petroleum industry activity in the high north - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sodium doping mechanism on sol-gel processed kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films - Academic article
- Software Security in Agile/DevOps - Lecture
- Software Security Activities that Support Incident Management in Secure DevOps - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Software Security Problems Never Go Out of Style - Editorial
- Software tools for local energy system operation and expansion - Report
- Software tools for local energy system operation and expansion. Deliverable 5.1.2/2017 - Report
- Solar efficiency index of building envelopes and load matching in low energy buildings - Academic lecture
- Solar efficiency index of building envelopes and load matching in low energy buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Solar not in COP24’s spotlight - Interview
- Solar not in COP24’s spotlight - Interview
- Solar silicon production through metallurgical route and REC Solar advancements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Soldering a gas diffusion layer to a stainless steel bipolar plate using metallic tin - Academic article
- Solvent technology – environmental issues - Academic lecture
- Solvent technology development in the EU project HiPerCap: from Molecular Simulation to Technological Roadmap for Large Scale Demonstration - Poster
- Some Phenomena Taking Place at the Electrodes in Aluminium Cells with Inert Anodes - Academic lecture
- Sonopermeation to improve drug delivery to tumors: from fundamental understanding to clinical translation - Academic literature review
- Sonoporation enhances delivery of nanomedicine for improved cancer treatment - Poster
- Space Charge Layers and Their Role for Properties of Interfaces in Solid State Ionics - Academic lecture
- Spatial patterns in sub-Arctic benthos: multiscale analysis reveals structural differences between community components - Academic article
- Spatio-temporal dynamics in the dissolved nutrient waste plume from Norwegian salmon cage aquaculture - Academic article
- SPE 192101: "Transient Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis of Influxes in Backpressure MPD Systems" - Chapter
- Spinning cellulose hollow fibers using 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate-dimethylsulfoxide co-solvent - Academic article
- Spreading of waxy oils on calm water - Academic article
- Standardization and Innovative Applications Essential for Deployment of IGA in Industry - Academic lecture
- Standards in the German offshore wind from the global production networks framework perspective - Lecture
- STAS Aeroelastic 1.0 - Theory Manual - Report
- State-of-the-Art Analysis of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings. Country report IEA HPT Annex 49 Task 1 – Norway - Report
- Static and dynamic characterization of a deep overburden shale - Academic lecture
- Static and Dynamic Characterization of a Deep Overburden Shale - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Static and dynamic stiffness measurements with Opalinus Clay - Academic article
- Static and time-resolved 3D imaging of porous media - Poster
- Static vs. dynamic stiffness of shales: Frequency and stress effects - Academic lecture
- Statistical modeling for real-time pore pressure prediction from predrill analysis and well logs - Academic article
- Statistical Modelling for Estimation of OD Matrices for Public Transport Using Wi-Fi and APC Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Statistical Modelling for Online Pore Pressure Prediction from Well Logs - Poster
- Statnett - Use case collection - SAMBA WP2 and WP3 report - presentasjon - Report
- Status and Highlights SP3 Flexible Operation - Academic lecture
- Status and Highlights SP5 Education, Internationalisation and Dissemination - Academic lecture
- Status flood risk framework - Report
- Status of 3D detector development at SINTEF for ITk Upgrade - Academic lecture
- Status of biofuels in Norway and worldwide 2018 - Website (informational material)
- Status on surplus heat database development - Report
- Steel lazy wave riser – a deepwater solution - Lecture
- Stiff cement, soft cement: Nonlinearity, arching effect, hysteresis, and irreversibility in CO2-well integrity and near-well geomechanics - Academic article
- Stochastic Dispatch Models for Electricity Markets - Academic lecture
- Stochastic electricity dispatch: A challenge for market design - Academic article
- STOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats - Academic lecture
- Strategy for the control of two groups of ejectors operating in parallel in Integrated R744 refrigeration systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Streamline simulation of a reactive advective flow with discontinuous flux function - Academic article
- Streptomyces coelicolor Expression of Soil Metagenome-Derived Biosynthetic Gene Clusters - Poster
- Stress Corrosion Cracking in a Cu-free 7xxx alloy - Academic lecture
- Stress Path Dependent Velocities in Shales: Impact on 4D Seismic Interpretation - Academic article
- Stress-dependent elastic properties of shales—laboratory experiments at seismic and ultrasonic frequencies - Academic article
- Structural Characterization of Natural Quartz by Scanning TEM - Academic article
- Structural Characterization of Natural Quartz by STEM - Poster
- Structural stability and mechanical properties of Co3(Al, M) (M = Ti, V, Cr, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta, W) compounds - Academic article
- Structure and interface of the η1-MgZn2 precipitate studied using TEM and DFT calculations - Poster
- Structure loss in Czochralski silicon ingots - Academic lecture
- Structured Light Imaging under Sunlight Conditions - Academic lecture
- Structure-performance relationships on Co based Fischer–Tropsch synthesis catalysts: The more defect free, the better - Academic article
- Study of a Digital Twin for a Test Laboratory - Masters thesis
- Study of a Novel Latent Heat Storage System in a Stovepipe - Poster
- Study of formaldehyde and formic acid contamination effect on PEMFC - Academic article
- Study of low-temperature effect on the fracture locus of a 420-MPa structural steel with the edge tracing method - Academic article
- Study of SiMn process in a pilot furnace - Academic lecture
- Study of the oil interaction towards oil spill recovery skimmer material: Effect of the oil weathering and emulsification properties - Academic article
- Study on the effect of Lüders plateau on crack resistance curve with SENT specimens - Academic lecture
- Studying microfibre release towards improved clothing design - Poster
- Studying moving fluid Interfaces during cementing of CCS wells - Academic lecture
- Studying the effect of low Cu additions in 6082 alloys - Academic lecture
- Subgrid modelling for two-dimensional turbulence using neural networks - Academic article
- Subjective evaluation of a noise-reduced training target for deep neural network-based speech enhancement - Academic article
- Subsea dispersants injection (SSDI), effectiveness of different dispersant injection techniques – An experimental approach - Academic article
- Subsea road tunnels in the Faroe Islands - Academic article
- Substitution of boilers for pressurized hot water production by integrated heat and cooling heat pumps - Academic lecture
- Substoichiometric Silicon Nitride – An Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries Promising High Stability and High Capacity - Academic article
- Suggested actions in a Norwegian perspective - Lecture
- Sulfonated Polyacrylamides - Evaluation of long term stability by accelerated aging at elevated temperature - Lecture
- SumerSmart - English - Multimedia product
- Summary of Postdoctoral work - Lecture
- Summary: IEAGHG International CCS Summer School 2018 - Multimedia product
- Sun Glare Detection and Visualization with QGIS - Lecture
- Supercritical nitrogen may make subsea circuit breakers more cost effective (And promote a greener offshore industry!) - Website (informational material)
- Supervisory Wind Farm Control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Supported manganese sorbents for H2S capture - Poster
- Supporting collaboration in human-machine crisis management networks - Academic article
- Supporting Social Interaction in Care Environments: Exploring Stakeholder Perspectives on the Potential of Interactive Technology - Academic article
- Surface charging of dielectric barriers in short rod-plane air gaps – experiments and simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Surface Seismic Monitoring of Near Surface CO2 Injection at Svelvik-Synthetic Study - Abstract
- Survey on Communication and Networks for Autonomous Marine Systems - Academic article
- Survey on low frequency impact sound insulation of timber hollow box floors - Lecture
- Sustainable maritime transport: battery, hydrogen or biofuels? - Academic lecture
- Sustainable technologies for extraction of valuable components from salamon rest raw materials - Lecture
- Svelvik CO2 Field Lab - Lecture
- Svelvik CO2 field lab: Upgrade and experimental campaign - Abstract
- Svelvik CO2 Field Laboratory - Poster
- SW Development System community wow - Lecture
- Symbolic violence and the invisibility of disability - Academic article
- Symbols and exact regularity of symmetric pseudo-splines of any arity - Academic lecture
- Synthesis and Characterisation of organic nanoparticles I and II - Lecture
- Synthesis and characterization of stable gold(III) PNP pincer complexes - Academic article
- Synthesis and Characterization of Tungsten Oxide Electrochromic Thin Films - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Synthesis and Characterization of Tungsten Oxide Electrochromic Thin Films - Academic lecture
- Synthesis of a (N,C,C) Au(III) pincer complex via Csp3–H bond activation: increasing catalyst robustness by rational catalyst design - Academic article
- Synthesis of light olefins and alkanes on supported iron oxide catalysts - Academic article
- Synthesis, characterization and drug loading of multiresponsive p[NIPAm-co-PEGMA] (core)/p[NIPAm-co-AAc] (Shell) nanogels with monodisperse size distributions - Academic article
- System requirements-OSS components: matching and mismatch resolution practices – an empirical study - Academic article
- Systematic Reviews in Software Engineering Research - Lecture
- Ta3N5 / Co(OH)x composite as the photocatalyst for photoelectrochemical water splitting - Poster
- Tailor-made molecules for increased CO2-EOR efficiency - Website (informational material)
- Taming a globalized industry–Forces and counter forces influencing maritime safety - Academic article
- Tapping procedures in silicon production, and the role of female tapping operators - Academic lecture
- Targeting BER enzymes in cancer therapy - Academic article
- TCCS-10 The 10th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage - Website (informational material)
- Teaching a robot to grasp real fish by imitation learning from a human supervisor in virtual reality - Academic article
- Teaching modelling for requirements engineering and model-driven software development courses - Academic article
- Team as a barrier for teamwork - Academic lecture
- Teamwork Quality and Team Performance: Exploring Differences Between Small and Large Agile Projects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Techno-economic assessment of chemical looping reforming of natural gas for hydrogen production and power generation with integrated CO2 capture - Academic article
- Techno-economic assessment of membrane-assisted gas switching reforming for pure H2 production with CO2 capture - Academic article
- Techno-economic assessment of the novel gas switching reforming (GSR) concept for gas-fired power production with integrated CO2 capture - Academic article
- Techno-economic Comparison Of Combined Cycle Power Plants With Pre-combustion CO2 Capture Via Two Different Reforming Methods: Chemical Looping Reforming And Gas Switching Reforming - Academic article
- Techno-economic evaluation of five technologies for CO2 capture from cement production - Academic lecture
- Technologies for hydrogen liquefaction - Lecture
- Technology development for up-scaling of seaweed biomass production - Lecture
- Technology for dynamic on-road power transfer to electric vehicles : Overview and electro-technical evaluation of the state-of-the-art for conductive and inductive power transfer technologies - Report
- Technology to support the aquaculture growth potential - Lecture
- TECOR: Automate the Testing of One Product on Many Configurations - Poster
- TEK - Plan og bygningsloven - Lecture
- Telehealth follow-up of patients with chronic conditions: Implications concerning patient perceived wellbeing - Poster
- TEM characterization of AC acid-etched aluminium alloy surfaces - Academic lecture
- Temperature anisotropy at equilibrium reveals nonlocal entropic contributions to interfacial properties - Academic article
- Temperature field at the tap-hole in manganese furnace - a computational modelling study - Lecture
- Temperature measurement during the tapping process - Academic lecture
- Temperature measurement during the tapping process in Finnfjord - Academic lecture
- Temperature Measurements - Report
- Temperaturemeasurements Finnfjord - Lecture
- Tensile characterization of a lead alloy: creep induced strain rate sensitivity - Academic article
- Test - Popular scientific article
- Testing in a DevOps Era: What is new? What is challenging? Experiences from Norwegian Software Companies - Academic lecture
- Testing and reproducibility of the OPM Flow reservoir simulator - Academic lecture
- Testing in a DevOps Era: What is new ? What is challenging? Experiences from Norwegian Software Companies - To DFDS - Lecture
- Testing of Building Integrated Photovoltaics Beyond the Standards - Academic lecture
- Text Input Techniques in Virtual Reality Environments - An empirical comparison - Masters thesis
- Textila golv, inomhusmiljö och hälsoeffekter - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Texture evolution in stainless steel processed by selective laser melting and annealing - Academic article
- The advanced multicomponent air analyser ANITA2 on its way to ISS - Academic article
- The Agile FMEA Approach - Academic lecture
- The Agile Safety Case - Academic monograph
- The Art of Trustworthy Software, Services and Data Empowering Everyone, Everywhere - Lecture
- The autonomous ship's need for constraints - Academic lecture
- The balance of adult mental health care: Provision of core health versus other types of care in eight European countries - Academic article
- The benefit of batteries in a flexible distribution grid : results from the FlexNett project - Report
- The CAxMan Project - Lecture
- The Connection Between Inter-Granular Corrosion Resistance and Precipitate Microstructure in an AA6005A Alloy - Academic lecture
- The Consumption of Carbonaceous Materials in Steelmaking and the Potential of Replacement by Biocarbon - Report
- The correlation between intergranular corrosion resistance and copper content in the precipitate microstructure in an AA6005A alloy - Academic article
- The Correlation Between Intergranular Corrosion Resistance and Copper Content in the Precipitate Microstructure in an AA6005A Aluminium Alloy - Academic lecture
- The detailed COPRO power cycle model - Report
- The diagnostic properties of intraoperative ultrasound in glioma surgery and factors associated with gross total tumor resection - Academic article
- The direction of tumour growth in glioblastoma patients - Academic article
- The Durability of the Security Dilemma: An Empirical Investigation of Action–Reaction Dynamics in States’ Military Spending (1988–2014) - Academic article
- The EERA conference – 10 years of lowering Europes CO2 - Website (informational material)
- The effect of brine supply on CO2 injectivity impairment due to salt precipitation - Academic lecture
- The effect of calcium lignosulfonate on ettringite formation in cement paste - Academic article
- The effect of cold and circadian rhythm on cognitive performance - Academic lecture
- The effect of copper loading on iron carbide formation and surface species in iron‐based Fischer–Tropsch synthesis catalysts - Academic article
- The Effect of Feeding Strategy on Butanol Production by Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 Using Glucose and Xylose - Academic article
- The effect of gas addition on bubble dynamics in a fluidized bed with flat vertical membranes - Academic article
- The effect of low Cu additions in overaged Al-Mg-Si alloys studied by advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques - Academic lecture
- The Effect of Mg and Al Impurities on the Carburization of Chromite by Ar-CH4-H2 Gas Mixtures - Academic lecture
- The Effect of Microstructure and Cu Content on Corrosion Behavior of 6060 Aluminum Alloy - Masters thesis
- The effect of molecular weight, M/G ratio and pH on the cyclability of alginate bound high capacity silicon anodes - Academic lecture
- The effect of overaging on stress corrosion cracking in a low Cu Al-Zn-Mg alloy - Academic lecture
- The effect of quench rate on stress corrosion cracking in a low Cu Al-Zn-Mg alloy - Academic lecture
- The Effect of Sonication on Extravasation and Distribution of Nanoparticles and Dextrans in Tumor Tissue Imaged by Multiphoton Microscopy - Academic article
- The effect of sorbent regeneration enthalpy on the performance of the novel Swing Adsorption Reactor Cluster (SARC) for post-combustion CO2 capture - Academic article
- The effect of vertical mixing on the horizontal drift of oil spills - Academic article
- The effect of water vapor on fume formation in a SiMn alloy system - Academic lecture
- The effect of weakness patches on wellbore stability in anisotropic media - Academic article
- The efficiency of sieve-panels for bycatch separation in Nephrops trawls - Academic article
- The European and Norwegian market for window technology - Lecture
- The evolution of precipitate crystal structures in an Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloy studied by a combined HAADF-STEM and SPED approach - Academic article
- The final stretch of CEMCAP – 7 presentations and 5 posters at the 14th Greenhouse Gas Technologies Conference, Melbourne, Australia - Website (informational material)
- The first post-injection seismic monitor survey at the Ketzin pilot CO2 storage site: results from time-lapse analysis - Academic article
- The First Results of the DESCRAMBLE Project - Academic lecture
- The future of fish passage science, engineering, and practice - Academic article
- The Future of the Hall-Héroult Technology - Academic lecture
- The Giantleap Project: Improving the reliability of hydrogen buses - Lecture
- The Great Outdoors. The power of algorithms - Lecture
- The impact and flexibility of PV based customers 58° North and Beyond : results from the FlexNett project - Report
- The impact of CHEERS : a Chinese-European flagship program focused on creating climate solutions - Popular scientific article
- The impact of saturation on seismic dispersion in shales — Laboratory measurements - Academic article
- The impact of sequential H2-CO-H2 activation treatment on the structure and performance of cobalt based catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis - Academic article
- The impacts of perimortem stress and gutting on quality index and colour of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during ice storage: a commercial case study - Academic article
- The Importance of Choice Navigation in Starting Configurator Projects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Importance of Overburden Stress Path in Assessment of Stress Dependence for 4D Applications - Documentary
- The importance of shale caprock damage for well integrity - Academic article
- The influence of acceptor and donor doping on the protonic surface conduction of TiO2 - Academic article
- The influence of fish on the mooring loads of a floating net cage - Academic article
- The influence of mesh size and shape on the size selection of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in demersal trawl codends: An investigation based on fish morphology and simulation of mesh geometry - Academic article
- The influence of paleo-bathymetry on total organic carbon distribution tested in the Cretaceous Hammerfest Basin, Barents Sea - Academic article
- The Influence of Production Parameters on Pozzolanic Reactivity of Calcined Clays - Academic article
- The influence of snow and ice coverage on the energy generation from photovoltaic solar cells - Academic literature review
- The institutional context of crisis. A study of the police response during the 22 July terror attacks in Norway - Academic article
- The insurance companies’ attitudes to sharing loss data with the municipalities for better climate adaption - Lecture
- The interaction between Mn and Fe on the precipitation of Mn/Fe dispersoids in Al-Mg-Si-Mn-Fe alloys - Academic article
- The Interface between Aluminium and Steel Joined by Cold Metal Transfer - A Transmission Electron Microscopy Study - Academic lecture
- The LEANWIND suite of logistics optimisation and full lifecycle simulation models for offshore wind farms - Academic article
- The low temperature crystallization of hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) - Academic article
- The MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox: General introduction and application to geological CO2 storage modeling - Lecture
- The Mechanism Behind the Oxidation Protection of High Mg Al Alloys with Beryllium - Academic article
- The MegaRoller project will develop and demonstrate a Power Take-Off (PTO) for wave energy converters. - Website (informational material)
- The MsRSB method with dynamically adapted basis functions - Academic lecture
- The Next Generation Internet of Things – Hyperconnectivity and Embedded Intelligence at the Edge - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Nordic 44 test network - Brochure
- The Norwegian CCS Research Centre - Lecture
- The Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS): Facilitating industry-driven innovation for fast-track CCS deployment - Academic lecture
- The Norwegian Ferroalloy Producers Research Association (FFF) - Lecture
- The nuclearity of the active site for methane to methanol conversion in Cu-mordenite: a quantitative assessment - Academic article
- The Onset of Spontaneous Imbibition: How Irregular Fronts Influence Imbibition Rate and Scaling Groups - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Open Porous Media framework (OPM) - Academic lecture
- The Path&Cycle formulation for the Hotspot Problem in Air Traffic Management - Academic lecture
- The Path&Cycle Formulation for the Hotspot Problem in Air Traffic Management - Academic article
- The Path&Cycleformulation for the HotspotProblem in Air Traffic Management - Academic lecture
- The penetration efficiency of thick plate laser-arc hybrid welding - Academic article
- The perceived needs-access gap for health services among persons with disabilities in a rural area within South Africa - Academic article
- The performance of affordable and stable cellulose-based poly-ionic membranes in CO2/N2 and CO2/CH4 gas separation - Academic article
- The Portfolio Perspective in Electricity Generation and Market Operations - Academic lecture
- The Portfolio Perspective in Electricity Generation and Market Operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- THE POTENTIAL FOR KELP (Saccharina latissima) CULTIVATION IN NORWAY - Academic lecture
- The potential for upscaling kelp (Saccharina latissima) cultivation in salmon-driven integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) - Academic article
- The quality of gillnetted cod - the effects of hauling procedure and net material - Poster
- The R744 multi-ejector hybrid CFD and experimentally-based reduced-order model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The rapid Si-furnace excavation - an unique chance to investigate the interior of the furnace - Lecture
- The relative biological effectiveness for carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen ion beams using passive and scanning techniques evaluated with fully 3D silicon microdosimeters - Academic article
- The RILEM Approach to Mitigate Alkali Aggregate Reactions (AAR) in Concrete - Lecture
- The role of big data and knowledge management in improving projects and project-based organizations - Academic article
- The role of intergranular fracture on hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack propagation in pure iron at a low stress intensity range - Academic article
- The Role of KOH in Alkaline Membrane Water Electrolysers - Poster
- The role of microplastics size and type on PAH sorption and bioavailability to copepods - Poster
- The role of nurses' responsibility and interdisciplinarity for their perception of unmet patient needs in specialist mental health and substance abuse treatment services - Academic lecture
- The role of nurses' responsibility and interdisciplinarity for their perception of unmet patient needs in specialist mental health and substance abuse treatment services - Academic lecture
- The role of stigma in accessing education for people with disabilities in low and middle-income countries: a review of the evidence - Report
- The Role of Water during CO2 Adsorption by Ca-Based Sorbents at High Temperature - Academic article
- The Rollout Stress Ribbon Bridge - Academic lecture
- The semantic container approach techniques for ontology-based data description and discovery in a decentralized swim knowledge base - Academic article
- The Semantic Container Approach: Techniques for ontology-based data description and discovery in a decentralized SWIM knowledge base - Academic lecture
- The sensitivity of the surface oil signature to subsurface dispersant injection and weather conditions - Academic article
- The ship and the new supply chain - Interview
- The SINTEF Brussels’s office: A powerful tool to generate H2020 proposals - Website (informational material)
- The Strategic Landscape of Industry 4.0 - Academic lecture
- The Strategic Landscape of Industry 4.0 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The swing adsorption reactor cluster (SARC) for post combustion CO2 capture: Experimental proof-of-principle - Academic article
- The synergistic roles of temperature and pressure in thermo-compression bonding of Au - Academic article
- The Synergistic Roles of Temperature and Pressure in Thermo-Compression Bonding of Au - Academic lecture
- The Use of Digital Game Based Learning in Manufacturing Education - A Case Study - Academic article
- The use of flood and stormwater data in Norway: Review and recommendations - Lecture
- The ZEN definition – a guideline for the ZEN pilot areas. version 1.0 - Report
- Thematic Synthesis in Software Engineering - Academic lecture
- Theoretical analysis for charge reduction in a 200 kW hydrocarbon hight temperature heat pump - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Theoretical analysis of suitable fluids for high temperature heat pumps up to 125 °C heat delivery - Academic article
- Thermal generation of particulate matter (PM) from FeMn and SiMn - Lecture
- Thermal Modeling and Investigation of the Most Energy-Efficient Window Position - Academic article
- Thermal regime of permafrost at Varandey Settlement along the Barents Sea Coast, North West Arctic Russia - Academic article
- Thermal storage and model predictive control for improved utilization of industrial waste heat in district heating - Academic lecture
- Thermal storage for improved energy efficiency in the industry - Academic lecture
- Thermal Transport in Hollow Silica Nanospheres - Academic lecture
- Thermal upgrading by high temperature heat pumps at Kårstø - Report
- Thermodynamic descriptions of the Ag-X (X=S, As, Lu) systems - Academic article
- Thermodynamic evaluation of Srcontaining Si metals and silicate melts for Si-Sr alloy production - Academic article
- Thermodynamic Evaluations of the Sr-containing Si Metals and Silicate Melts for Si-Sr Alloy Production - Academic lecture
- Thermodynamics of humid gases - Report
- Thermodynamics of the carbon dioxide plus argon (CO2+ Ar) system: An improved reference mixture model and measurements of vapor-liquid, vapor-solid, liquid-solid and vapor-liquid-solid phase equilibrium data at the temperatures 213–299 K and pressures up to 16 MPa - Academic article
- Thermoelectric effect in superlattices; applicability of coherent and incoherent transport models - Academic article
- Thermoelectric materials for energy harvesting – high-throughput screening using new tools - Academic lecture
- Thermoelectric materials for energy harvesting – new modelling tools with predictive power - Academic lecture
- Thermo-fluid-dynamical modelling of salt precipitation during CO2 injection in saline aquifers, and the effect on injectivity - Poster
- TheyBuyForYou: Enabling Procurement Data Value Chains - Lecture
- TheyBuyForYou: Enabling Procurement Data Value Chains - Academic article
- ThingML, Model-Driven Software Engineering for Heterogeneous and Distributed Reactive Systems - Lecture
- Thiol-ene / epoxy homo-polymerized PEG-based membranes for CO2 separation - Academic lecture
- Thiol-ene / epoxy homo-polymerized PEG-based membranes for CO2 separation - Lecture
- This is how Norway can become Europe’s battery - Interview
- Three decades of international RILEM activities to combat deleterious Alkali-Silica Reactions (ASR) in concrete - Academic article
- Three decades of international RILEM activities to combat deleterious Alkali-Silica Reactions (ASR) in concrete - Lecture
- Three layers of energy law for examining CO2 transport for carbon-capture and storage - Academic article
- Three-dimensional Linear Eddy Modeling of a Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-flow - Academic article
- Three-dimensional registration of freehand-tracked ultrasound to CT images of the talocrural joint - Academic article
- Through Process Modelling, Optimazation and Adaptive Control of Processing of Aluminium Extruded - Academic lecture
- Through thickness variations of deformation texture in round profile extrusions of 6063-type aluminium alloy: Experiments, FEM and crystal plasticity modelling - Academic article
- TiC formation in Silicomanganese production- Internship report – ENSICAEN 2017-2018 - Report
- TiC formations in SiMn systemts - Lecture
- Tidligere Sommerforsker Avinash - Multimedia product
- Time Collapse in Social Media: Extending the Context Collapse - Academic article
- Time of admission and mortality after hip fracture – a detailed look at the weekend effect in a nationwide study of 55 211 hip fracture patients in Norway - Academic article
- TiO2 Nanorods Decorated With Cobalt oxide as Photoanodes for a Bio-Hybrid PEC Cell - Poster
- Titanium Behaviour in the Manganese Ferroalloy Furnaces SINTEF Report 2018:00319 - Report
- To schedule or not to schedule? An investigation of meetings as an inter-team coordination mechanism in large-scale agile software development - Academic article
- To Slack or not to Slack; challenges of communication and coordination in distributed software development - Masters thesis
- Tolman lengths and rigidity constants of multicomponent fluids: Fundamental theory and numerical examples - Academic article
- Toolkit for the planning of smart energy communities. PI-SEC report 2.3. Challenges and best practices from testing of the PI-SEC Planning Wheel - Report
- Toolkit Testing in the Planning of Smart Energy Communities. PI-SEC Report 1.3 / 2.3 : Municipal practice and project planning - Report
- Toward a new paradigm for development of CO2 capture materials: An illustration through the case of membrane-based post-combustion capture - Lecture
- Toward the identification of optimal conditions for transport of CO2 by ship: Part I - CO2 liquefaction - Lecture
- Towards ‘multi-collar’ unionism: Cases of trespassing professionals in Norwegian industrial relations - Academic article
- Towards a collective awareness platform for privacy concerns and expectations - Academic article
- Towards a sustainability transition in the maritime shipping sector: the role of market segment characteristics - Lecture
- Towards a sustainability transition in the maritime shipping sector: the role of market segment characteristics - Academic lecture
- Towards a wearable sensor system for continuous occupational cold stress assessment - Academic article
- Towards Agile Scalability Engineering - Academic lecture
- Towards Agile Scalability Engineering - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards an understanding of scaling frameworks and business agility: A summary of the 6th international workshop at XP2018 - Lecture
- Towards increased intelligence and automatic improvement in industrial vision systems - Academic article
- Towards Integrating Public Procurement Data into a Semantic Knowledge Graph - Academic article
- Towards Net Zero Energy Public Resilient Communities - Academic lecture
- Towards precision fishery: standardized modelling of smart services in the fishery domain - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards precision fishery: standardized modelling of smart services in the fishery domain - Academic lecture
- Towards quantitative CO2 monitoring - Academic lecture
- Towards scalability guidelines for semantic data container management - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Scalability Guidelines for Semantic Data Container Management - Academic lecture
- Towards validation of a numerical model of a test cell laboratory - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Toxicity and degradation of microplastic fibres and their role as a source of emerging pollutants - Poster
- Toxicity of produced water from offshore oil production in Norway and corresponding polar and apolar fractions - Poster
- Toxicokinetics in Arctic copepods - Academic lecture
- Toxicokinetics of Crude Oil Components in Arctic Copepods - Academic article
- Toxicokinetics of oil components in Arctic copepods - Poster
- Train Dispatching - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Train Dispatching - the Iron ore line - Lecture
- Transcritical R744 refrigeration systems for supermarket applications: Current status and future perspectives - Academic literature review
- Transformation of Sluppen into a Zero Emission Neighbourhood – Challenges and opportunities with focus on stakeholder engagement - Academic lecture
- Transient Control of Dynamic Inductive EV Charging and Impact on Energy Efficiency when Passing a Roadside Coil Section - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Transient heat production and release profiles for wood stoves - Poster
- Transient heat production and release profiles for wood stoves - Academic article
- Transient Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis of Influxes in Backpressure MPD Systems - Academic lecture
- Transmission Line Length Estimation based on Electrical Parameters - Academic lecture
- Transport of Heat and Mass across Planar and Curved Vapor-Liquid Interfaces: from the Lennard Jones Fluid to Water and Beyond - Academic lecture
- Transport of sodium in TiB2 materials investigated by a laboratory test and DFT calculations - Academic article
- Transport of Sodium in TiB2 Materials Investigated by a Laboratory Test and DFT Calculations - Academic lecture
- Treatment of solid objects in the Pencil Code using an immersed boundary method and overset grids - Academic article
- Tribological Behavior of Polymer Seal Materials in Water-Based Hydraulic Fluids - Academic article
- Trimmed Tri-variate Spline Volumes for Design and Simulation in Additive Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- Trivariate Spline Representation for IGA and Additive Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- Trivariate Spline Representations for Computer Aided Design and Additive Manufacturing - Academic article
- True triaxial test system for improving drilling and production - Academic lecture
- True Triaxial test system, SINTEF Formation Physics - Website (informational material)
- TSO-DSO coordination and market architechture for an integrated ancillary services acquistion: the view of the SmartNet project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tuning the material and catalytic properties of SUZ-4 zeolites for the conversion of methanol or methane - Academic article
- Turbophoresis in forced inhomogeneous turbulence - Academic article
- Two new students to NCCS Task 9 - Website (informational material)
- Two-stage high temperature hybrid heat pump with parallel heat sinks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Two-stage high temperature hybrid heat pump with parallel heat sinks - Academic lecture
- Two-stage processing of salmon backbones to obtain high-quality oil and proteins - Academic article
- UAS technology for the petroleum industry - Lecture
- Ultrahigh-pressure nitrogen arcs burning inside cylindrical tubes - Academic article
- Ultrasonic focusing through a steel layer for acoustic imaging - Academic article
- Ultrasound in image-guided spine surgery: Enabling technologies and first steps - Doctoral dissertation
- Ultrasound intensified CO2 desorption from pressurized loaded monoethanolamine solutions. I. parameters investigation and modelling - Academic article
- Ultrasound speckle reduction using generative adversial networks - Academic article
- Ultrasound-mediated delivery and distribution of polymeric nanoparticles in the normal brain parenchyma of a metastatic brain tumour model - Academic article
- Uncertainties in subsurface: effect on pore pressure prediction - Lecture
- Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of material parameters in crystal plasticity finite element models - Academic article
- Understanding (organizational) Practices in Safety Research: Proximity versus Distance and some Research Implications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Understanding and optimizing the performance of Cu‐FER for the direct CH4 to CH3OH conversion - Academic article
- Understanding Capacity Fading of MgH2 Conversion-Type Anodes via Structural Morphology Changes and Electrochemical Impedance - Academic article
- Understanding Cathode Wear - Academic lecture
- Understanding challenges to adoption of the Microsoft elevation of privilege game - Academic lecture
- Understanding challenges to adoption of the Microsoft Elevation of Privilege game - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Understanding deformation on the nano-scale - Academic lecture
- Understanding the anode porosity as a means for improved aluminium smelting - Academic article
- Understanding the Success or Failure of Organizational ICT Integration: The Criticality of Managerial Involvement - Academic article
- Unlocking exposed locations for sea aquaculture activities with autonomy and remote control technology - Academic lecture
- Unplanned Admissions to Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment and Services Received Prior to Admission - Academic article
- Unstructured Voronoi grids conforming to lower-dimensional objects - Academic article
- Updates from the Mont Terri experiment: Studying Caprock and Fault Sealing Integrity - Website (informational material)
- Urban mining projects at sintef - Academic lecture
- Use case collection - SAMBA WP2 and WP3 report - Report
- Use of dynamically adapted basis functions to accelerate multiscale simulation of complex geomodels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Use of dynamically adapted basis functions to accelerate multiscale simulation of complex geomodels - Academic lecture
- Use of mobile phone data for analysis of number of train travellers - Academic article
- Useful Indicators for Screening of Sea States for Wave Impacts on Fixed and Floating Platforms - Academic lecture
- Useful Indicators for Screening of Sea States for Wave Impacts on Fixed and Floating Platforms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- User Interface Design Guidelines for Marine Autonomous Operations Involving a Large Number of Actors, Devices and Sensors - Academic lecture
- User Interface Design Guidelines for Marine Autonomous Operations Involving a Large Number of Actors, Devices and Sensors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- User Interface Modifications in Established Product Configurators - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- User Needs in the Development of a Health App Ecosystem for Self-Management of Cystic Fibrosis: User-Centered Development Approach - Academic article
- User-Centric Design of Electric Connected Automated Shared Vehicles - Lecture
- Using acoustic telemetry to monitor the effects of crowding and delousing procedures on farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) - Academic article
- Using alginate epimerases as a basis to understand polymer and protein design - Academic lecture
- Using Decentralized Control Techniques for Interaction Analysis in Hybrid AC/DC Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using Intrusive Microservices to Enable Deep Customization of Multi-tenant SaaS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using modified discrete elements to model fault reactivation. - Poster
- Using physics to speed up reservoir simulation - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Using pyrolysis GC-MS in combination with multivariate tools to identify and differentiate polymer type and weathering of microplastics - Poster
- Using simplified methods to explore the impact of parameter uncertainty on CO2 storage estimates with application to the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Academic article
- Using TEM to study precipitates in age hardenable aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health model in changing the discourse of disability to promote inclusive education in Zambia. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using the Net Promoter Score to support service design: Digging for gold in customer free-text reports - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using the Spinodal of Single- and Multi-Component Fluids in the Development and Evaluation of Modern Equations of State - Academic lecture
- Using thermodynamics to predict risk and consequence of LNG RPT (Rapid Phase Transition) - Website (informational material)
- Using vertical distribution to separate fish from crustaceans in a mixed species trawl fishery - Academic article
- US-Norway Collaboration: Downhole 3D printing for creating well plugs - Poster
- Utilising the inherent CO2-binding capacity of concrete – sustainable initiatives towards circular economy - Lecture
- Utilising the inherent CO2-binding capacity of concrete – sustainable initiatives towards circular economy - Abstract
- Utilization of distributed energy resources’ flexibility in power system operation – Evaluation of today’s status and description of a future concept - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Utilizing calcined clay to enable aluminum reinforced concrete - Academic article
- Utilizing Pozzolana to Enable Aluminum Reinforced Concrete - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Utilizing the Knudsen Effect in the Quest for Super Insulation Materials - Academic lecture
- Utilizing the Knudsen Effect in the Quest for Super Insulation Materials - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- UV, mechanical and hydrolytic degradation of synthetic polymer fibres from textiles - Academic lecture
- Valence charge distribution in homogenous silicon-aluminium thin-films - Academic article
- Validation of a Digital Twin with Measurement Data - Poster
- Validation of a Digital Twin with Measurement Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Validation of a transient zonal model to predict the detailed indoor thermal environment: case of electric radiators and wood stoves - Academic article
- Validation of a zonal model to capture the detailed indoor thermal environment of a room heated by a stove - Academic lecture
- Validation of a Zonal Model to Capture the Thermal Stratification in a Room Heated by a Stove - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Validation of online monitoring of PFC by QCL with FTIR spectroscopy - Academic article
- Valorization of lignocellulosic waste (Crotalaria juncea ) using alkaline peroxide pretreatment under different process conditions: An optimization study on separation of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose - Academic article
- Value chain analysis for long distance transport of hydrogen carriers - Lecture
- Value chain analysis of long-distance hydrogen transport - Lecture
- Value of multidimensional data analysis - Academic lecture
- Value Tensions in Telecare: An Explorative Case Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Value-Creation Potential from Multi-Market Trading for a Hydropower Producer - Academic article
- Vapor - liquid equilibrium of the carbon dioxide/methane mixture at three isotherms - Academic article
- Vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide (CO2 + CO) system at the temperatures 253, 273, 283 and 298 K and pressures up to 13 MPa - Academic article
- Variable Geometry Heat Exchangers - Poster
- Varying the forcing scale in low Prandtl number dynamos - Academic article
- Vehicle Routing with Space- and Time-Dependent Stochastic Travel Times - Academic lecture
- Vehicle scheduling: spatial conflicts representation, detection and resolution - Academic lecture
- Ventilative Cooling Case Studies. Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme May 2018 - Report
- Ventilative Cooling Design Guide. Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme March 2018 - Report
- Ventilative Cooling Sourcebook - Report
- Verdens fem vildeste vandkraftværker - og et dansk - Interview
- Verification of heat and mass transfer closures in industrial scale packed bed reactor simulations - Academic article
- Verification study of weathering properties of Draugen crude oil - re-check of oil properties related to oil spill response - Report
- Vertical GaN nanocolumns grown on graphene intermediated with a thin AlN buffer layer - Academic article
- Vertical Interconnects for High-End MEMS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Virtual reality for prototyping service journeys - Academic article
- Virtual Synchronous Machine Control of VSC HVDC for Power System Oscillation Damping - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Viscosity Measurement and Correlation of Unloaded and CO2-Loaded 3-Amino-1-propanol Solution - Academic article
- Vision Based Quality Control and Maintenance in High Volume Production by Use of Zero Defect Strategies - Academic article
- Visual Performance Management for MC - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Visual Performance Management for MC - Poster
- Visualization of user-defined elements in Abaqus - Report
- Visualizing cyber security risks with bow-tie diagrams - Academic article
- VOC emission rates in newly built and renovated buildings, and the influence of ventilation – a review and meta-analysis - Academic literature review
- Volumetric spline representations for additive manufacturing - Academic lecture
- VR service walkthrough: A virtual reality-based method for service prototyping - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Vulnerability analysis of HVDC contingencies in the Nordic power system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Vulnerability analysis of HVDC contingencies in the Nordic power system - Lecture
- Vulnerability analysis of HVDC contingencies in the Nordic power system - Poster
- Waste Heat Electricity Generation - Interview
- Water and space heating heat pumps - Chapter
- Water as key to activity and selectivity in Co Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: γ-alumina based structure-performance relationships - Academic article
- Water demand management towards a sustainable water supply system - A case study of Oslo - Lecture
- Way-finding on-board training for maritime vessels - Academic article
- WC-Cu thermal barriers for fusion applications - Academic article
- We skiën tegen de klippen op - Interview
- We welcome two new students to NCCS Task 1 - Website (informational material)
- Weighting of Performance Indicators for Offshore Lifting Operations - 2nd Marine Operations Forum 2018 - Report
- Welcome to the IEAGHGCCS Summer School: This is NCCS - Lecture
- Well and reservoir digitalization by in-situ X-ray studies - Poster
- Well Control Optimization Of The OLYMPUS Case Using MRST And OPM - Academic lecture
- Well Control Optimization Of The OLYMPUS Case Using MRST And OPM - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Well Control Simulator - Lecture
- Well Control Simulator: Enhancing Models with Compositional PVT Models and Kinetics - Chapter
- Well Control Simulator: Enhancing Models with Compositional PVT Models and Kinetics - Poster
- Wet chemical processing of protective alumina, silica and MgF2 coatings for NMC 811 cathodes - Poster
- Wetting Phenomena in Aluminium Electrolysis - Academic lecture
- What are Phase Change Materials? (Will they be the next big thing in Norway?) - Website (informational material)
- What Do We Know About Buffer Overflow Detection?: A Survey on Techniques to Detect A Persistent Vulnerability - Academic literature review
- What is the effect of micro plastic on the life in the ocean? - Popular scientific lecture
- What makes users trust a chatbot for customer service? An exploratory interview study - Academic article
- What should the minimum ventilation rate be in a Demand Controlled Ventilation Strategy? - Lecture
- What works? Results of a Nordic survey on fishers' perceptions of safety measures - Academic article
- When is enough, enough? Quantifying trade-offs between information quality and sampling effort for fishing gear selectivity data - Academic article
- When the answer is “gender balance”, what is the question? A policy analysis of a Norwegian Regional innovation program. - Academic lecture
- When to Treat Security Risks with Cyber Insurance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Why are we developing unmanned ships? - Popular scientific lecture
- Why developing high-resolution schemes for reservoir simulation is challenging - Academic lecture
- Why LNG Rapid Phase Transitions occur (And 3 reasons why they deserve attention) - Website (informational material)
- Why quantitative monitoring is important for cost-efficient CO2 storage - Website (informational material)
- Why quantitative monitoring is important for cost-efficient CO2 storage? - Website (informational material)
- Why we need shared data in research and technology development - Lecture
- Wie CO2 unter den Ozean kommt – oder in die Kühltruhe - Interview
- Wind power within European grid codes: Evolution, status and outlook - Academic literature review
- Wind pressure coefficients for roof ventilation purposes - Academic article
- Wireless communication technologies for safe cooperative cyber physical systems - Academic article
- Withdrawn, strong, kind, but de-gendered: Non-disabled South Africans’ stereotypes concerning persons with physical disabilities - Academic article
- WoodCFD - and how to preserve "hygge" for the future - Website (informational material)
- WoodCFD - Clean and efficient wood stoves through improved batch combustion models and CFD modelling approaches - Brochure
- WoodCFD Newsletter 1-2018 - Briefs
- WoodCFD Newsletter 2-2018 - Briefs
- Work and Heat Exchange Networks – Opportunities and Challenges - Academic article
- Work and heat integration: An emerging research area - Academic article
- Work and heat integration—A new field in process synthesis and process systems engineering - Academic article
- Work in teams combining business and development BizDev - Lecture
- Work strain, work environment and thermophysiological responses of fish farmers in the Norwegian aquaculture industry – a field study - Academic lecture
- Working towards an increase in manganese ferroalloy production in South Africa – a research agenda - Academic article
- Working towards an increase in manganese ferro-alloy production in South Africa – a research agenda - Academic lecture
- World first as wind turbine upgraded with high temperature superconductor - Interview
- World-class energy efficiency - Website (informational material)
- World-class energy efficiency - Website (informational material)
- WtE 2030 & GrateCFD - Academic lecture
- WtE 2030 WP4.2 Valorisation of fly ash - Academic lecture
- WtE at SINTEF Energy research - Academic lecture
- WtE R&D activities at SINTEF Energy Research - Lecture
- XPS Examination of the Oxide-Metal interface of an Al-Mg Alloy Containing Beryllium - Lecture
- XPS Examination of the Oxide-Metal interface of an Al-Mg Alloy Containing Beryllium - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Your wood stove affects the climate more than you might think - Interview
- Youth and mental health: how can chatbots support young peoples information needs? - Lecture
- ZAS -Zinc-Air Secondary innovative nanotech based batteries for efficient energy storage - Lecture
- ZEN pilot projects. Mapping of the pilot projects within the research centre on ZERO emission neighbourhoods in smart cities - Report
- Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities: Definition, Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Criteria: Version 1.0. ZEN report no. 7. Billingual version. Nullutslippsområder i smarte byer: Definisjon, nøkkelindikatører og vurderingskriterier. - Report
- Zero Emissions Building and research infrastructure ZEB Flexible Lab - Lecture
- Zero Village Bergen. Energy system analysis - Report
- Zero-Emission Freight Trains - Academic lecture
- Zero-Emission Freight Trains: Case Studies for Norway and USA - Academic lecture
- Zero-Emission Freight Trains: Case Studies for Norway and USA - Lecture
- Zero-emission passenger vessels for public tendered services. State of the art of technology and current use - Report
- Zirconium promoted manganese-based solid sorbents for H2S capture - Poster
- Zonal Model to Predict the Detailed Indoor Environment - Case of Electric Radiators and Wood Stoves - Academic lecture
- μCT imaging of sedimentary rocks - Lecture