- Hydropower flexibility - enabler for intermitted technology storage - Lecture
- Industry 4.0 Visions and Reality- Status in Norway - Academic article
- Precipitates in aluminium alloys – studied by scanning transmission electron microscopy and diffraction - Academic lecture
- Integration of Gas Switching Chemical Looping Technology in IGCC plants for Inherent CO2 Capture. - Academic lecture
- "CyberWiseKids": Gamifying Education of Kids on Online Opportunities and Security Risks - Report
- "From terrible teen to terrific trainee": Norwegian cases of innovative workplace-school collaboration to educate young people to become skilled workers in modern manufacturing industry - Academic article
- (111)Si thin layers detachment by stress-induced spallation - Academic article
- (Presentasjon) Protection Poker - Lecture
- (Presentasjon) Protection Poker - Lecture
- (Presentasjon) The Bulding Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM) - Lecture
- (Re)presenting the self: Questions raised by a photovoice project with people with physical disabilities in South Africa - Academic article
- (S)TEM characterisation and simulations of sheared 𝛃′′ precipitates in a deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy - Academic lecture
- “High rock stress challenges at Rana mine, Norway” - Academic lecture
- 100% renewable heating and cooling in Europe by 2050 - The role of bioenergy and EERA Bioenergy - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- 11,000h of chemical-looping combustion operation - Where are we and where do we want to go? - Academic literature review
- 18F-FACBC PET/MRI in diagnostic assessment and neurosurgery of gliomas - Academic article
- 2019:00075 A - D5.1 Industrial production line for seedlings - MACROSEA WP5 - Report
- 2050 vision for 100 % Renewable heating and cooling in Europe - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- 2D crystal temperature dependent adhesion in the development of Van der Waals heterostructures - Poster
- 3D IoT Architecture - Lecture
- 3D Non-Destructive Imaging of Shale Rocks - Poster
- 3D sensitive volume microdosimeter with improved tissue equivalency: Charge collection study and its application in 12C ion therapy - Academic article
- 3D time domain on-bottom stability analysis of subsea pipelines - Lecture
- 3D ultrasound-guided resection of low-grade gliomas: principles and clinical examples - Academic article
- 3DLife: Validating new high-throughput methods for 3D cell culture screening - Poster
- 3D-Printing Technology in Construction: Results from a Survey - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 5G as an Enabler for Secure IoT in the Smart Grid : Invited Paper - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 5G for Internet of Vehicles - Lecture
- 5G Security & Challenges - Lecture
- A Case Study of Partial Capture of Co2 from a Pulp Mill – the Effect on Co2 Capture Cost - Academic article
- A CFD analysis for the performance assessment of a novel design of plates-in-tank latent storage unit for freezing applications - Academic lecture
- A CFD analysis for the performance assessment of a novel design of plates-in-tank latent storage unit for freezing applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A CFD model for a tube-in-fin heat exchanger using OpenFoam - Report
- A chicken protein hydrolysate exerts anti-atherosclerotic effect beyond plasma cholesterol-lowering activity in Apoe−/− mice - Academic article
- A climate services perspective on Norwegian stormwater-related databases - Academic article
- A cloud-based framework for shop floor big data management and elastic computing analytics - Academic article
- A Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable PBSAT and PA Gillnets in Norwegian Coastal Waters - Academic lecture
- A Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable PBSAT and PA Gillnets in Norwegian Coastal Waters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Comparative Study of Two Complex Ontologies in Air Traffic Management - Academic article
- A comparison of linear interpolation and spline interpolation for turbine efficiency curves in short-term hydropower scheduling problems - Academic article
- A comparison of physical and numerical modeling of homogenous isotropic propeller blades - Academic lecture
- A configurational approach to task-technology fit in the healthcare sector - Academic article
- A consistent reduction of the two-layer shallow-water equations to an accurate one-layer spreading model - Academic article
- A critical analysis of the “improved Clarke and Wright savings algorithm” - Academic article
- A critical review of the basis for WHO's new recommendations for limiting annoyance due to environmental noise - Academic lecture
- A Crude Awakening: Effects of Crude Oil on Lipid Metabolism in Calanoid Copepods Terminating Diapause - Academic article
- A drone and small satellite innovation center? - Lecture
- A dynamic model of the drilling action of percussive tools - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Feasibility Study of a Method for Identification and Modelling of Cybersecurity Risks in the Context of Smart Power Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Feasibility Study of a Method for Identification and Modelling of Cybersecurity Risks in the Context of Smart Power Grids - Academic lecture
- A forward Markov model for predicting bicycle speed - Academic article
- A fully implicit WENO scheme on stratigraphic and unstructured polyhedral grids - Academic article
- A GIS-Based tool for Optimizing C-ITS Communication Infrastructure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Global View on the Hard Skills and Testing Tools in Software Testing - Academic lecture
- A highly asymmetric gold(III) η3‐allyl complex - Academic article
- A high-throughput drug combination screen of targeted small molecule inhibitors in cancer cell lines - Academic article
- A History Matching Approach to Estimate Caprock Morphology Parameters for CO Storage in Saline Aquifers - Academic lecture
- A History Matching Approach to Estimate Caprock Morphology Parameters for CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- A Hybrid Approach for Model Order Reduction of Barotropic Quasi-geostrophic Turbulence - Academic lecture
- A lifecycle financial analysis model for offshore wind farms - Academic article
- A love story? Relationships between humans and chatbots. - Lecture
- A mathematical model of biomass downdraft gasification with an integrated pyrolysis model - Academic article
- A Method for Assessment of Recyclability of Aluminum from Incinerated Household Waste - Academic article
- A Method for Assessment of Recyclability of Aluminum from Incinerated Household Waste - Lecture
- A Methodical Quantification of Needle Visibility and Echogenicity in Ultrasound Images - Academic article
- A methodology to improve the performance of PV integrated shading devices using multi-objective optimization - Academic article
- A Modular and Distributed Grid Interface for Transformer-less Power Supply to Road-side Coil Sections of Dynamic Inductive Charging Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Modular Multilevel Interface for Transformerless Grid Integration of Large-Scale Infrastructure for Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A multi-agent system approach for optimal microgrid expansion planning under uncertainty - Academic article
- A Multi-Fibre Optic Sensing System for Cross-Well Monitoring at the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab - Poster
- A multi-level perspective on the scope for ports to accelerate sustainable energy transition - Academic lecture
- A Multipurpose Framework for Modelling and Simulation of Marine Aquaculture Systems - Academic lecture
- A Multipurpose Framework for Modelling and Simulation of Marine Aquaculture Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A new acoustic coupling fluid with ability to reduce ultrasound imaging artefacts in brain tumour surgery - a phase I study - Academic article
- A new approach to dynamic barite sag analysis on typical Field oil-based drilling fluid - Academic lecture
- A new approach to dynamic barite sag analysis on typical Field oil-based drilling fluid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A new emission inventory of the global maritime fleet; the effect of weather - Poster
- A new experimental facility for decompression of CO2 and CO2-rich mixtures - Poster
- A New Expression System for Isotope Labelling of Proteins - Poster
- A new generation of bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells - Academic lecture
- A new generation of bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells - Poster
- A New Hearing Care Service in Tanzania. - Lecture
- A New Hearing Service in Tanzania - Lecture
- A new method to estimate the residual stresses in additive manufacturing characterized by point heat source - Academic article
- A non-compact formulation for job-shop scheduling problems in traffic management - Academic article
- A Norwegian Research Centre for Sustainable Bio-Based Fuels and Chemicals – The Bio4Fuels - Popular scientific article
- A Norwegian zero emission neighbourhood (ZEN) definition and a ZEN key performance indicator (KPI) tool - Academic lecture
- A Norwegian zero emission neighbourhood (ZEN) definition and a ZEN key performance indicator (KPI) tool - Academic article
- A novel Doppler based speed measurement technique for individual free-ranging fish - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Novel Method for Depositing Patterned BCB using Spotter for Low Temperature Wafer Level Bonding - Poster
- A novel methodology for Rankine cycle analysis with generic heat exchanger models - Academic article
- A Novel Methodology to Monitor Partial Discharges in Microvoids at Solid-Solid Interfaces - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Parametric Study of LEM3D Based on Comparison with a Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-Flow - Academic article
- A parametric study of the energy performance and carbon footprint of super-insulation in terrace constructions - Academic lecture
- A parametric study of the energy performance and carbon footprint of super-insulation in terrace constructions - Academic article
- A Perspective on International Cooperation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A piecewise offset deposition strategy for reducing residual stress and distortion of wire and arc additive manufactured thin-walled structures - Academic lecture
- A Proposed New Laboratory Protocol for Dispersant Effectiveness Testing Adapted for Subsea Dispersant Injection - Academic article
- A Public API Supporting Autonomous Navigation - Academic article
- A responsibility-centered approach to defining levels of automation - Academic article
- A Review of Eutectic Au-Ge Solder Joints - Academic literature review
- A Review of Fault Modelling Approaches - Poster
- A Simplified Power Sizing Method for the Correct Building Integration of Wood Stoves - Academic lecture
- A Simplified Power Sizing Method for the Correct Building Integration of Wood Stoves - Academic article
- A Simulation Analysis of CO2 Capture and Underground Storage Monitoring in Smeaheia. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A skeletal mechanism for prediction of ignition delay times and laminar premixed flame velocities of hydrogen-methane mixtures under gas turbine conditions - Academic article
- A soft treaty, hard to reach: The second inter-governmental conference for biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction - Academic article
- A solid-state microdosimeter for dose and radiation qualty monitoring for astronauts in space - Academic article
- A spatio-temporal recurrent network for salmon feeding action recognition from underwater videos in aquaculture - Academic article
- A Strategy for improved temperature control in the supply and processing stages of Surimi cold chain in India - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Strategy for improved temperature control in the supply chain and processing stages of Surimi cold chain in India. - Academic lecture
- A Study on Simulation and Stability of a Dynamic Model for Interconnected AC/MTDC System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Systematic Mapping Study of Deployment and Orchestration Approaches for IoT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Systematic Mapping Study of Deployment and Orchestration Approaches for IoT - Academic lecture
- A systematic review of the basis for WHO's new recommendation for limiting aircraft noise annoyance - Academic lecture
- A taxonomy for autonomous vehicles for different transportation modes - Academic article
- A thermo-elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model for polymers - Academic article
- A Time-Domain Method for Hydroelasticity of a Curved Floating Bridge in Inhomogeneous Waves - Academic article
- A tool for the parametric assessment of operational energy use and embodied GHG emissions in a single-family house concept study - Academic lecture
- A tool for the parametric assessment of operational energy use and embodied GHG emissions in a single-family house concept study - Academic article
- A transmission electron microscopy study of precipitate phases that form during operation in a heat exchanger alloy - Academic article
- A trust and privacy framework for smart manufacturing environments - Academic article
- A tunable, microfluidic filter for clog‑free concentration and separation of complex algal cells - Academic article
- A two-dimensional numerical and experimental study of piston and sloshing resonance in moonpools with recess - Academic article
- A Two-Dimensional Study on the Effect of Anisotropy on the Devolatilization of a Large Wood Log - Academic article
- A Vibrant IoT Research and Innovation Ecosystem across Europe - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Academic analysis of improvement potential at Elkem Thamshavn - Lecture
- Accelerating multiscale simulation of complex geomodels by use of dynamically adapted basis functions - Academic article
- Accumulation and toxicity of monoaromatic petroleum hydrocarbons in early life stages of cod and haddock - Academic article
- Achieving citizen participation in smart cities: Five cross-roads in the planning of the +cityxChange project in Trondheim - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active sites for the oxygen reduction reaction in nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers - Academic article
- Activities on aluminium alloy design in the TEM Gemini Centre - Poster
- Acute and latent bioenergetic impacts of oil on a keystone Arctic forage fish (Boreogadus saida) - Academic lecture
- Acute and sub-lethal effects of an anionic polyacrylamide on sensitive early life stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Academic article
- Adaptive acoustic vehicle alerting sound, AVAS, for Electric vehicles Results from field testing - Report
- Adaptive Boarding Control System in Surface Effect Ships - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adaptive control of subsea processes - Doctoral dissertation
- Adaptive Isogeometric Methods for Thin Plates - Academic lecture
- Adaptive Isogeometric Methods for Thin Plates - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adaptive multiscale methods for 3D streamer discharges in air - Academic article
- Adaptive multiscale methods for multiphase simulation of complex reservoir models - Academic lecture
- Adaptive Structured Light with Scatter Correction for High-Precision Underwater 3D Measurements - Academic article
- Added values from the large-scale and long-lasting program for mapping marine habitats - Academic lecture
- Adding perspectives to: "Global trends in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fuel combustion in marine fisheries from 1950 - 2016" - Academic article
- Additive Manufacturing for repair – great potential waiting to be explored - Lecture
- Additive manufacturing of heat exchangers (How would it work?) - Website (informational material)
- Addressing Challenges in Fabricating Reflection-Based Fiber Optic Interferometers - Academic article
- Addressing the Accidental Risks of Maritime Transportation: Could Autonomous Shipping Technology Improve the Statistics? - Academic article
- Adolescents' use of an online question-answer (QA) service to address mental health-related issues - Poster
- Adolescents’ use of an online question-answer service to gain health knowledge - Abstract
- Adsorption and diffusion of CO2 in CPO-27–Ni beads - Academic article
- Adsorption of CO and H2 on Co(11-20) - a combined experimental and theoretical investigation - Poster
- Adsorption of crude oil components at mineral surfaces followed by quartz crystal micro-balance and contact angle measurements: The effect of oil composition, simulated weathering and dispersants - Academic article
- Adult mental health outpatients who have minor children: Prevalence of parents, referrals of their children, and patient characteristics - Academic article
- Advanced exergy analysis of the oil and gas processing plant on a North Sea platform. - Academic lecture
- Advanced safety management for LNG-Fuelled fishing vessels - Academic lecture
- Advances in deployment and orchestration approaches for IoT - A systematic review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Advances in deployment and orchestration approaches for IoT - A systematic review - Academic lecture
- Advancing ecohydraulics and ecohydrology by clarifying the role of their component interdisciplines - Academic article
- Advection of Mesozooplankton Into the Northern Svalbard Shelf Region - Academic article
- Aerogel Systems for Miscellaneous Building Applications - Experimental Investigations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ageing of liquid impregnated cellulose for power transformers - Report
- Agile Autonomous Teams in Complex Organisations - Academic lecture
- Agile autonomous teams in complex organizations - Academic article
- Agile development at scale: The next frontier - Editorial
- Agile Practices - Lecture
- Agile Scalability Engineering: The ScrumScale Method - Academic article
- Agile supervision of bachelor, master, and PhD theses - Academic article
- Agile transformation - Academic lecture
- Agile transformation: A summary and research agenda from the first international workshop - Academic article
- Agile Transformation: A Summary and Research Agenda from the First International Workshop - Academic lecture
- Aircraft Noise Annoyance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aircraft noise annoyance - non-acoustic factors - Lecture
- AJA method and AJA Canvas as a Design Tool for marine Autonomous Operations with a test case scenario: the detection, inspection and tracking of a waste-water plume - Academic article
- ALF - A framework for evaluating accelerated learning and cognitive skills development in industry through games - Academic article
- ALF - a Framework for Evaluating Accelerated Learning in Industry - Academic article
- Alginate hydrogels with tailored mechanical and biological properties for 3D fibroblast culture - Lecture
- Alkali-Activated Metakaolin as a Zeolite-Like Binder for the Production of Adsorbents - Academic article
- Alleviating loads on substructures by turbine control - Academic lecture
- Alternative bait trials in the Barents Sea snow crab fishery - Academic article
- Alumina scale composition and growth rate in distribution pipes - Academic article
- Aluminium case – recent work and results - Lecture
- Aluminium case study - Report
- Aluminium case study 1-pager - Compendium
- Aluminium Filtration by Bonded Particle Filters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aluminium Filtration by Bonded Particle Filters - Academic lecture
- Aluminium Primary Production Off-Gas Composition and Emissions: An Overview - Academic article
- Ambivalently awaiting: Norwegian general practitioners' expectations towards a cross-Institutional Electronic health record - Academic article
- Amino-functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Designed for Adsorption of Naphthenic Acids - Academic article
- Amplifying Integration Tests with CAMP - Academic lecture
- An adaptive Cartesian embedded boundary approach for fluid simulations of two- and three-dimensional low temperature plasma filaments in complex geometries - Academic article
- An Advanced Method for Detecting Exceptional Vessel Encounters in Open Waters from High Resolution AIS Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An advancement in CO2 utilization through novel gas switching dry reforming - Academic article
- An Approach for Attribute- and Performance-Based Evaluation of Interdependent Critical Infrastructures - Academic article
- An Assessment of C&D Waste Quality and Its Recycling Potential - An Indian Perspective - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from CLT and glulam in two residential nearly zero energy buildings - Academic article
- An Electromechanical Model of the TotalControl Reference Wind Power Plant - Report
- An elevated temperature damage model for 45Cr4NiMoV steel heavy backup rollers - Academic article
- An Empirical Study on the Comprehensibility of Graphical Security Risk Models Based on Sequence Diagrams - Academic article
- An enzyme-constrained genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor reveals global effects of gene cluster deletion and rpoB mutation - Poster
- An Equilibrium Approach Assessing Tariff Designs for Local Energy Markets in the Context of Active Consumers - Academic lecture
- An Eulerian-Lagrangian CFD study of a particle settling in an orthogonal shear flow of a shear-thinning, mildly viscoelastic fluid - Academic article
- An Evaluation of a Test-Driven Security Risk Analysis Approach Based on Two Industrial Case Studies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An evaluation of effects of fuel parameters and flue gas recirculation on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations - Academic article
- An evaluation of effects of fuel parameters and flue gas recirculation on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations - Academic lecture
- An evaluation of effects of operational parameters on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations - Academic article
- An Exact Algorithm for Robust Influence Maximization - Academic article
- An EXAFS and XANES study of V, Ni, and Fe speciation in cokes for anodes used in aluminum production - Academic article
- An Examination of Task-Technology Fit in Public Administration and Management: A Configurational Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Examination of Task-Technology Fit in Public Administration and Management: A Configurational Approach - Academic article
- An experimental analysis of cryptojacking attacks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Experimental and Numerical Study of Added Mass and Damping for Side by Side Plates in Oscillating Flow - Academic lecture
- An Experimental and Numerical Study of Added Mass and Damping for Side by Side Plates in Oscillating Flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An experimental evaluation of bow-tie analysis for cybersecurity requirements - Academic article
- An experimental evaluation of bow-tie analysis for security - Academic article
- An implicit local time-stepping method based on cell reordering for multiphase flow in porous media - Academic lecture
- An Industrial Trial of an Approach to Identification and Modelling of Cybersecurity Risks in the Context of Digital Secondary Substations - Academic lecture
- An initial model of trust in chatbots for customer service – Findings from a questionnaire study - Academic article
- An integrated carbon-dioxide-foam enhanced-oil-recovery pilot program with combined carbon capture, utilization, and storage in an onshore Texas heterogeneous carbonate field - Academic article
- An international perspective on open ocean aquaculture - Lecture
- An introduction to additive manufacturing with engineering plastics - Lecture
- An Introduction to Reservoir Simulation Using MATLAB/GNU Octave: User Guide for the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST) - Academic monograph
- An introduction to user experience and modelling of user journeys - Lecture
- An offshore wind research lighthgouse initiative - Academic lecture
- An ontology for materials & modelling - Academic lecture
- An open electromagnetic tracking framework applied to targeted liver tumour ablation - Academic article
- An Optimal-Control Scheme for Coordinated Surplus-Heat Exchange in Industry Clusters - Academic article
- An optimization model for the planning of offshore plug and abandonment campaigns - Academic article
- An Overview of the TBFY Knowledge Graph for Public Procurement - Academic article
- An overview on formulations and optimization methods for the unit-based short-term hydro scheduling problem - Academic article
- An unreported precipitate orientation relationship in Al-Zn-Mg based alloys - Academic article
- An updated short chemical‐kinetic nitrogen mechanism for carbon‐free combustion applications - Academic article
- Analysing electricity demand in neighbourhoods with electricity generation from solar power systems: A case study of a large housing cooperative in Norway - Academic article
- Analysing electricity demand in neighbourhoods with electricity generation from solar power systems: A case study of a large housing cooperative in Norway - Academic lecture
- Analysis and evaluation of Intersystem Fault ina Hybrid AC/DC Power System and its impact on the protection System - Academic article
- Analysis from HydroCen - Lecture
- Analysis Methods and Design Measures for the Reduction of Noise and Vibration Induced by Marine Propellers - Academic lecture
- Analysis of energy signatures and planning of heating and domestic hot water energy use in buildings in Norway - Academic article
- Analysis of Future Loading Scenarios in a Norwegian LV Network - Academic lecture
- Analysis of Future Loading Scenarios in a Norwegian LV Network - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis of optimal temperature, pressure and binder quantity for the production of biocarbon pellet to be used as a substitute for coke - Academic article
- Analysis of solar thermal systems for domestic hot water production in a nursing home - Masters thesis
- Analysis of technologies and potentials for heat pump-based process heat supply above 150 °C - Academic article
- Analysis of the Interplay Between Thermo-solutal Convection and Equiaxed Grain Motion in Relation to Macrosegregation Formation in AA5182 Sheet Ingots - Academic article
- Analysis of Thermodynamic Models for Simulation and Optimisation of Organic Rankine Cycles - Academic article
- Analytical models for onset of sand production under isotropic and anisotropic stresses in laboratory tests - Academic article
- Analytical models for sand onset under field conditions - Academic article
- Analytical strategies for clinical studies on dental erosive wear - Academic article
- Anatomy of Commercial IMSI Catchers and Detectors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ANITA2 Trace Gas Analyser for the ISS - Flight Model Finalization and ground test results - Academic lecture
- Annual report 2018 - Report
- Anode Materials for Rechargeable Mg Batteries - Chapter
- ANYWHERE – risk-based decision support – presentation and demo - Lecture
- Apparent nutrient and fatty acid digestibilities of microbial raw materials for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with comparison to conventional ingredients - Academic article
- Application of a Bingham viscoplastic model to borehole closure: comparison between two numerical approaches - Academic lecture
- Application of a Bingham viscoplastic model to borehole closure: comparison between two numerical approaches - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of an Equiaxed Grain Growth and Transport Model to Study Macrosegregation in a DC Casting Experiment - Academic article
- Application of Continuous Integration in Decision Support and Integrity Management Systems of Offshore Structures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of feature selection methods for defining critical parameters in thermoplastics injection molding - Academic article
- Application of FhSim for the analysis of environmental loads on a complete fish-farm system - Chapter
- Application of FhSim for the Analysis of Environmental Loads on a Complete Fish-Farm System - Academic article
- Application of laser-arc hybrid welding of steel for low-temperature service - Academic article
- Application of LBW and LAHW for fillet welds of 12 and 15 mm structural steel - Academic article
- Application of Machine Learning Methods for Prediction of Parts Quality in Thermoplastics Injection Molding - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of machine learning-based selective sampling to determine BaZrO3 grain boundary structures - Academic article
- Application of Patient Journey Methodology to Explore Needs for Digital Support A Multiple Sclerosis Case Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of Patient Journey Methodology to Explore Needs for Digital Support. A Multiple Sclerosis Case Study - Academic lecture
- Application of probabilistic approaches to the performance evaluation of building envelopes to withstand mould growth - Academic article
- Applying Co-creation Principles to Requirement Elicitation in Manufacturing - Academic article
- Applying Machine Learning to the Phenomenological Flow Stress Modeling of TNM-B1 - Academic article
- Approaches, technologies and importance of analysis of the number of train travellers - Academic article
- Approaching entrepreneurial discovery and knowledge conversion from a complexity perspective - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aquaculture operations and underwater robotic systems - Popular scientific lecture
- Aqueous processing of high energy cathodes - Academic lecture
- ARBAHEAT - Overview presentation - Lecture
- Architectural Risk Analysis in Agile Development of Cloud Software - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Architecture and laboratory implementation of a testing platform for Wide Area Monitoring Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Architecture for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration: Multi-Modal Communication in Virtual Reality for Efficient Task Execution - Academic article
- Architectures for optimised interaction between TSOS and DSOS: compliance with present and practice, regulation and roadmaps - Academic article
- Architectures for optimised interaction between TSOS and DSOS: Complience with the present practice, regulations and roadmaps - Poster
- Architectures for Optimized Interactions between TSOs and DSOs: Experiences and learnings from SmartNet - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Arctic Ecosense – PAH-analysis - Samples from polar cod experiments at University of Tromsø winter 2018-2019 - OC2019 A-155 - Report
- Arctic Sensitivity? Suitable Habitat for Benthic Taxa Is Surprisingly Robust to Climate Change - Academic article
- Are HFO & Scrubbers with its low abatement cost, also an efficient measure to reduce local pollution - Lecture
- Arsenic migration during co-processing of secondary residues from ammonium paratungstate production in cement kiln - Academic article
- Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector: A Study of Challenges and Opportunities for Norwegian Municipalities - Academic article
- Artificial neural network for the short-term prediction of arctic sea ice concentration - Academic article
- Aspects of Multi-pass GTAW of Low Alloyed Steels - Academic article
- Assembly of Van der Waals Heterostructures for high performance devices - Academic lecture
- Assessing the abrasivity characteristics of the central Dublin fluvio-glacial gravels – A laboratory study - Academic article
- Assessing the environmental impact of chemical additives released from end-of-life rubber products - Lecture
- Assessing the intergranular corrosion resistance of 6000 series aluminium alloys - Academic article
- Assessing the Potential of Digital Collaborative Sharing Platforms in Fostering Neighbourhood Participation Through Volunteerism - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of advanced Taylor models, the Taylor factor and yield-surface exponent for FCC metals - Academic article
- Assessment of Basic Motions and Technique Identification in Classical Cross-Country Skiing - Academic article
- Assessment of feature engineering and long short-term memory for structure loss identification from process data in monocrystalline silicon growth by the Czochralski method - Report
- Assessment of Flexibilities and Smart Grid Technologies in the Planning and Operation of Congested European Distribution Networks - Academic article
- Assessment of lipid oxidation in Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)subjected to different antioxidant and sous-vide cooking treatments by conventional and fluorescence microscopy methods - Academic article
- Assessment of NOx reduction potential in wood stoves - Poster
- Assessment of produced water toxicity using in vitro tools developed from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Poster
- Assessment of the Effects of Using Wood Stoves on Indoor Air Quality in Two Types of Norwegian Houses - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of the properties of chitin deacetylases showing different enzymatic action patterns - Academic article
- ATLAS of yield surfaces for strongly textured FCC polycrystals - Academic article
- Atomic simulations of dislocation interactions with coincidence site lattice boundaries in silicon - Academic lecture
- Atomistic approach to simulate kink migration and kink-pair formation in silicon: The kinetic activation-relaxation technique - Academic article
- Atomistic simulations and machine learning methods for development of thermoelectric materials - Academic lecture
- Attitudes in Norwegian insurance companies towards sharing loss data. SIWI World Water Week - Lecture
- AutoActive Project - Tools and Methods for Autonomous Analysis of Human Activities from Wearable Device Sensor Data - Lecture
- Automated Detection of Electric Vehicles in Hourly Smart Meter Data - Academic article
- Automated Detection of Electric Vehicles in Hourly Smart Meter Data - Poster
- Automated Detection of Electric Vehicles in Hourly Smart Meter Data - Academic lecture
- Automated shuttle services in public transport. The SmartFeeder research project. - Academic lecture
- Automatic vs manual control strategy for window blinds and ceiling lights: Consequences to perceived visual and thermal discomfort - Academic article
- Automating IoT Data-Intensive Application Allocation in Clustered Edge Computing - Academic article
- Automation of cultivation technology - Lecture
- Autonomous Driving Internet of Vehicles Applications - Lecture
- Autonomous operations in dynamically changing environments using Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) - Popular scientific lecture
- Autonomous real-time sea spray measurement system for offshore structures - Academic article
- Autonomous ships for coastal and short-sea shipping - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Ships in Norway - Lecture
- Autonomous teams - Lecture
- Autonomous Transportation Technologies: Society and Individuals in the Loop. Report of the Discussions of Breakout Session - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous Underwater robots for safer and efficient operations in fish farms - Popular scientific lecture
- Autonomy and remote control technology in sea aquaculture activities - Academic lecture
- Autopsy of refractory lining in anode kilns with open and closed design - Academic article
- Autoship D2.1 - Complete supply chain mapping & identifications of interactions between SSS and IWW demonstrators - Report
- Aviation Noise Impacts White Paper - State of the Science 2019 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Basic leaching characterisation of red mud - initial results - Lecture
- Basic Motions and Technique Identification in Classical Cross-Country Skiing - Poster
- Bayesian rock physics inversion for CO2 storage monitoring - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bayesian rock physics inversion for pore pressure quantification - Academic lecture
- BCZT fibre mats for flexible piezoelectric devices - Academic lecture
- Benchmark Study of Undrained Triaxial Testing of Opalinus Clay: Results and Implications for Robust Testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Benchmarking Hydro Operation by Use of a Simulator - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Benchmarking MEA performance – concentration, scale and practicalities - Popular scientific lecture
- Benchmarking of vertically integrated models for the study of the impact of caprock morphology on CO2 migration - Academic article
- Best Practices and Recent Advances in Ccs Cost Engineering - Academic article
- Best practices and recent advances in CCS cost engineering and economic analysis - Academic article
- Better understanding of CO2 liquefaction (Towards identifying optimal transport conditions for ship-based CCS) - Website (informational material)
- Better understanding of electrophoresis through discrete-element modelling - Website (informational material)
- Beyond MACROSEA - the seaweed Biorefinery Platform in Norway (SBP-N) - Academic lecture
- Beyond the numbers: A qualitative field study exploring negative trends in HSEclimate in the Norwegian oil and gas industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Big data and business analytics: A research agenda for realizing business value - Academic article
- Biocarbon activities at SINTEF Energy Research - Lecture
- Biocarbon production and use as a fuel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Biocarbon Research and test centre - Academic lecture
- BioCarbUp - Optimising the biocarbon value chain for sustainable metallurgical industry - Website (informational material)
- BioCarbUp Newsletter 1-2019 - Briefs
- Biocycles. - Lecture
- Biodegradation in seawater of oil compounds from produced water in relation to acute and chronic ecotoxicity - Poster
- Bioeconomic Clusters—Background, Emergence, Localization and Modelling - Academic article
- Biofouling in marine aquaculture: a review of recent research and developments - Academic article
- Bioinformatics – approaching the big challenges in life sciences - Lecture
- Bio-Lachs energiesparend kühlen - Popular scientific article
- Biomarker and metabolom responses in Calanus finmarchicus exposed to the water accommodated fraction of North Sea crude oil - Poster
- Bioplastics - a sustainable solution? - Lecture
- Biorefinery and exploitation of seaweed from the coast of Norway - Lecture
- Bioremediation of aquaculture and biogas side streams using polychaetes (Hediste diversicolor, O.F. MÜLLER, 1776). I: Growth & Mortality - Poster
- Bioremediation of aquaculture and biogas side streams using polychaetes (Hediste diversicolor, O.F. MÜLLER, 1776). II: Biochemical composition - Poster
- Biosynthesis and Function of Long Guluronic Acid-Blocks in Alginate Produced by Azotobacter vinelandii - Academic article
- Biotechnological Tools implementation for New wound healing Applications of byproducts from the crustacean Seafood Processing industry - Poster
- Bipolar plates for PEM water electrolyzers - Poster
- Black Anatase TiO2 Nanotubes with Tunable Orientation for High Performance Supercapacitors - Academic article
- Blister Test as Method of Measuring Adhesion of Solids on a Flat Surface - Academic article
- Blood brain barrier opening and Therapeutic Effect of Free and Nanoencapsulated Cabazitaxel in an Invasive Patient-Derived Glioblastoma Model - Poster
- Book of presentations of the 2nd Symposium on High-Temeperature Heat Pumps, Copenhagen, 9th September 2019 - Popular scientific book
- Brain atlas for assessing the impact of tumor location on perioperative quality of life in patients with high-grade glioma: A prospective population-based cohort study - Academic article
- Breeding of kelp. - Academic lecture
- Bridge the gap from Design to Operation of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems with Tools' support - Academic lecture
- Bridging communities in the field of nanomedicine - Academic article
- B-spline-like bases for C2 cubics on the Powell–Sabin 12-split - Academic article
- Bubble distribution in fused quartz crucibles studied by micro X-Ray computational tomography. Comparing 2D and 3D analysis - Academic article
- Building a sustainable future together - recycling concrete from construction debris - Lecture
- Building Information Modelling (BIM) for the Additive Manufacturing (AM): Challenges and opportunities for the construction industry - Other
- Building Information Modelling (BIM) for the Additive Manufacturing (AM): Challenges and opportunities for the construction industry - Academic lecture
- Business Cases for Remote Micro-Grids and Off-Grids with Hydrogen-Based Technologies - Academic lecture
- Business models for nZEB renovation of small wooden buildings - Academic article
- Butanol production from lignocellulosic biomass: revisiting fermentation performance indicators with exploratory data analysis - Academic literature review
- Buzzwords in Digitalization - Lecture
- CAD-based system for programming of robotic assembly processes with human-in-the-loop - Academic article
- CAD-based system for programming of robotic assembly processes with human-in-the-loop - Lecture
- CAFE based Multi-scale Modelling of Ductile-to-Brittle Transition of Steel with a Temperature Dependent Effective Surface Energy - Academic article
- Calcareous smectite clay as a pozzolanic alternative to kaolin - Academic article
- Calculating CO2 avoidance costs of Carbon Capture and Storage from industry - Academic article
- Calculation of the anisotropic coefficients of thermal expansion: A first-principles approach - Academic article
- Calibration and application of GISSMO and *MAT_258 for shell element simulations of high-strength steel - Academic lecture
- Calibration of microbial models by application of UAV and AI- A conceptual study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Calibration of Pipeline Steel Model for Computational Running Ductile Fracture Assessment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Can a large-mesh sieve panel replace or supplement the Nordmøre grid for bycatch mitigation in the northeast Atlantic deep-water shrimp fishery? - Academic article
- Can active behaviour stimulators improve fish separation from Nephrops (Nephrops norvegicus) in a horizontally divided trawl codend? - Academic article
- Can Holistic Optimization Improve Airport Air Traffic Management Performance? - Academic article
- Can new concepts be used to obtain precise results on the status of the fish and the environment? - Popular scientific lecture
- Can shifting the depth improve the growth and carbohydrate content of the sugar kelp? A result from MACROSEA project - Academic lecture
- Can time of deployment affect fouling on cultivated Saccharina latissima? - Poster
- Capacity and source planning in the aluminium industry - Academic lecture
- Capacity Building on Heat Balance in Electrolysis of Aluminium - Academic article
- Capacity Investments and Operational Uncertainty - Academic lecture
- Carbon capture and climate neutrality - Interview
- Carbon capture and storage to help reach Paris Agreement target - Interview
- Carbon capture schemes urged to be more ambitious - Interview
- Carbon capture schemes urged to be more ambitious - Interview
- Carbon cathode wear in aluminium electrolysis cells - Academic article
- Carbon Cathode Wear in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells - Academic article
- Carbon distribution within metabolic pathways during antibiotic production by Streptomyces superhost strains - Poster
- Carbonation of silica cement at high-temperature well conditions - Academic article
- Carbon-free 2050: read this and more in the new Future Power - Interview
- Case plan 2020: Sustainable industrial clusters - Report
- Case studies in COPRO - 2019 status - Lecture
- Case study – Progress update - Lecture
- Case study 1-pager for industrial heat pump - Compendium
- Case study 1-pager for steam production at Glencore Nikkelverk - Compendium
- Case study 1-pager for utilization of waste heat - Report
- Case study definition: Offshore platform - Lecture
- Case Study of Communication and Social Perceptions Towards CCS in the Cement Industry - Academic article
- Catalytic Oxidation of NO over LaCo1−xBxO3 (B = Mn, Ni) Perovskites for Nitric Acid Production - Academic article
- Catch-based aquaculture in Norway - Institutional challenges in the development of a new marine industry - Academic article
- Cathode Wear - Autopsy Findings Related to Degradation Mechanisms - Academic lecture
- Cathode Wear – Autopsy Findings Related to Degradation Mechanisms - Academic article
- Causes and consequences of batteries’ ageing in grid integration scenarios - Poster
- Causes and consequences of batteries’ ageing in grid integration scenarios - Academic article
- Cavities in mass-impregnated HVDC subsea cables studied by AC partial discharge measurements - Academic article
- CCS a must to meet climate targets - Feature article
- CCUS Scenarios for the Cement Industry: Is CO2 Utilization Feasible? - Academic article
- Cellular Responses of Industrially Relevant Silica Dust on Human Glial Cells In Vitro - Academic article
- Cellulose-based carbon hollow fiber membranes for CO2 removal from natural gas - Poster
- Cellulose-developed Carbon Molecular Sieve Hollow Fiber Membranes for Gas Separation - Academic lecture
- Cement and Concrete Admixtures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cement Plug Sealing Studies of Silica Cement Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cements for tunnel grouting – Rheology and flow properties tested at different temperatures - Academic article
- CFD and building integration modelling of wood stoves - Status and further needs - Poster
- CFD and Building Integration Modelling of Wood Stoves - Status and Further Needs - Academic article
- CFD Modeling of Hydraulic Behavior of Oil- and Water-Based Drilling Fluids in Laminar Flow - Academic article
- CFD modeling of ice formation and melting in horizontally cooled and heated plates - Poster
- CFD modeling of ice formation and melting in horizontally cooled and heated plates - Poster
- CFD modeling of ice formation and melting in horizontally cooled and heated plates - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CFD modelling of flow-induced vibrations - Lecture
- Challenges and Strategies for a Real-Time Implementation of a Rainflow-Counting Algorithm for Fatigue Assessment of Power Modules - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges of effective chilling of Atlantic salmon in refrigerated sea water: field tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges of the use of sound emergence for setting legal noise limits - Academic literature review
- Change in Mental Health Stigma After a Brief Intervention Among Internally Displaced Persons in Central Sudan - Academic article
- Characterisation of an aluminium matrix nanocomposite wire manufactured by screw extrusion - Masters thesis
- Characterisation of microplastic fibres and their degradation under environmental conditions - Masters thesis
- Characterisation of structural similarities of precipitates in Mg–Zn and Al–Zn–Mg alloys systems - Academic article
- Characterization and evaluation of synthetic Dawsonites as CO2 sorbents - Academic article
- Characterization of a Si-SiO2 Mixture Generated from SiO(g) and CO(g) - Academic article
- Characterization of active-edge detectors fabricated without support wafer - Lecture
- Characterization of heat load profiles in buildings and their impact on demand side flexibility - Academic article
- Characterization of inclusion content in mechanical aluminium filters - Report
- Characterization of modified elastomer surfaces by wetting - Academic lecture
- Characterization of phase transformations within the Cu-Pd-Sn system - a possible shape memory alloy for energy conversion - Poster
- Characterization of phase transforming, Heusler based (Cu-Pd-Sn), alloys for energy harvesting. - Academic lecture
- Characterization of renewable reductants and charcoal-based pellets for the use in ferroalloy industries - Academic article
- Characterization of Sintef 3D diodes with trenches geometry before and after neutron irradiation - Poster
- Characterization of two sites for geotechnical testing in permafrost: Longyearbyen, Svalbard - Academic article
- Chatbots - lecture - Lecture
- Chatbots for customer service: user experience and motivation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chemical ageing of subsea mass impregnated insulation cable paper - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chemical composition and ecotoxicity of plastic and car tire rubber leachates to aquatic organisms - Academic article
- Chemical durability of thermal insulating materials in hall-héroult electrolysis cells - Academic article
- Chemical looping combustion in an internally circulating fluidized-bed reactor operated with a CaMnO3-δ-based oxygen carrier - Academic lecture
- Chemical Synthesis of Cobalt Nanochains - Academic article
- Chilling of pelagic fish onboard Norwegian fishing vessels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chitosan as a wound dressing starting material: antimicrobial Properties and mode of action - Academic literature review
- CIGRE Work on Impregnated Insulation Systems for Transformers - Editorial
- CINELDI - Annual report 2019 - Report
- CINELDI Annual Report 2018 video - Multimedia product
- CINELDI Memo - CINELDI results 2018 - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Definition of mini-scenarios relevant for "TSO-DSO interaction" - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Planning methodologies for the future electricity distribution grid - needs and gaps - Report
- CINELDI selvhelende strømnett - Multimedia product
- CINELDI årsrapport - Brochure
- Circular business model development and projects - Lecture
- Circular Economy Initiatives in Norway. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Citizen science to enhance evaluation of local wastewater treatment – a case study from Oslo - Academic lecture
- Citizen science to enhance evaluation of local wastewater treatment – a case study from Oslo - Academic article
- Classification of corrosion and coating damages on bridge constructions from images using convolutional neural networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Climate adaptation of wooden roofs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Climate Change and Contested Marine Areas in the Arctic: The Case of Svalbard - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Climate, Satellites, & AI -- Perspectives in Space-Based Remote Sensing, Deep Learning for Climate Analytics, and Hybrid Analytics - Lecture
- Clinical psychologists in primary mental health care in Norway - what to do? - Abstract
- Cloud-droplet growth due to supersaturation fluctuations in stratiform clouds - Academic article
- CO2 Capture from Waste to Energy Plants: Techno-Economic Assessment of Novel Integration Concepts of Calcium Looping Technology - Academic lecture
- CO2 capture from WtE plants using CaL process - Academic lecture
- CO2 Capture Opportunities in the Norwegian Silicon Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CO2 capture using a novel hybrid monolith (H-ZSM5/activated carbon) as adsorbent by combined vacuum and electric swing adsorption (VESA) - Academic article
- CO2 capture using PEI adsorbents supported by carbon nano-structures - Academic lecture
- CO2 capture with monoethanolamine: Solvent management and environmental impacts during long term operation at the Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) - Academic article
- CO2 Data Share: A Platform for Sharing CO2 Storage Reference Datasets from Demonstration Projects - Academic article
- CO2 ejector modelling using CFD: current status - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CO2 emissions and buildings - Academic lecture
- CO2 injection impairment: simple model for fracturing risk associated with mineral dissolution and precipitation - Lecture
- CO2 Monitoring Using Hybrid Structural-Petrophysical Joint Inversion at the CaMI Field Research Station (CaMI.FRS), Canada - Academic lecture
- CO2 storage and CO2-EOR simulations in the OPM framework - Lecture
- CO2 Storage with Mobility Control - Academic article
- CO2 units for supermarkets and efficient integration - Programme participation
- Coal liquefaction technologies for the hydrotreatment of crude bio oils - Poster
- Coarse particles formed during the DC-casting of Al-Mn-Ti-Fe-Si alloys - Academic lecture
- Co-creating data value chains with the public sector - Lecture
- Cold and clothing physiology - Lecture
- Cold chain management in seafood value chains - Academic lecture
- Cold Chain Management in seafood value chains - Lecture
- Cold thermal energy storage with low-temperature plate freezing of fish on offshore vessels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cold work in the fishing and aquaculture industry - Lecture
- Collaborative security risk estimation in agile software development - Academic article
- Collection of aluminium packaging today - Report
- Combinatorial Learning in Traffic Management - Academic lecture
- Combined calcination and CO2 capture in cement clinker production by use of CO2-neutral electrical energy – Phase 1: Technical feasibility and early-phase cost-estimate, Final report - Report
- Combined calcination and CO2 capture in cement clinker production by use of electrical energy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Combined calcination and CO2 capture in cement clinker production by use of electrical energy - Poster
- Combined releases of oil and gas under pressure; the influence of live oil and natural gas on initial oil droplet formation - Academic article
- Combining monitoring data and flow simulations for improved CO2 storage security - Academic lecture
- Combining Visual, Pedestrian, and Collaborative Navigation Techniques for Team Based Infrastructure Free Indoor Navigation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Combustion and NOx Emission Characteristics of a Bluff Body Hydrogen Burner - Academic article
- Comfort Assessment of Two nZEBs in Norway - Academic article
- Comparative Eigenvalue Analysis of Synchronous Machine Emulations and Synchronous Machines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative LCA of conventional and innovative wastewater treatment systems for the Norwegian context - Academic lecture
- Compared assay for cell viability tests - Lecture
- Comparing Anodic Bubble Behavior of Anodes from Anisotropic and Isotropic Cokes in Laboratory Scale Aluminum Electrolysis Cells - Academic article
- Comparing mechanical and ultrasonic behaviour of a brittle and a ductile shale: Relevance to prediction of borehole stability and verification of shale barriers - Academic article
- Comparing size selectivity of traditional and knotless diamond-mesh codends in the Iceland redfish (Sebastes spp.) fishery - Academic article
- Comparing the performance of plate-fin and spiral wound heat exchangers in the cryogenic part of the hydrogen liquefaction process - Academic article
- Comparing the performance of plate-fin and spiral-wound heat exchangers in the hydrogen liquefaction process - Academic lecture
- Comparison of Different Air Flow Concepts for a Medium Voltage Load Break Switch - Academic article
- Comparison of fishing efficiency between biodegradable gillnets and conventional nylon gillnets - Academic article
- Comparison of Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin and Weno Schemes on Stratigraphic and Unstructured Grids - Academic lecture
- Comparison of Locally Refined B-Spline and Truncated Hierarchical B-Spline over Hierarchical Meshes - Academic lecture
- Comparison of oxidative and biodegradability of aqueous amine solvents for CO2 capture - Poster
- Comparison of Technologies for CO2 Capture from Cement Production—Part 1: Technical Evaluation - Academic article
- Comparison of Technologies for CO2 Capture from Cement Production—Part 2: Cost Analysis - Academic article
- Comparison of the Energy Saving Potential of Adaptive and Controllable Smart Windows: A State-of-the-Art Review and Simulation Studies of Thermochromic, Photochromic and Electrochromic Technologies - Academic article
- Compatibility of liquid and solid insulation materials for high voltage subsea connectors - Academic article
- Compositional Engineering of a La1-xBaxCoO3-δ-(1-a) BaZr0.9Y0.1O2.95 (a = 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and x = 0.5, 0.6, 0.7) Nanocomposite Cathodes for Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells - Academic article
- Compression and transport of raw biogas - Lecture
- Compressor characteristics of an oil-free, two phase rotary vane motor for water-steam applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Computation of transformer iron losses under saturation using the Fourier method Part 2: Stray loss - Academic article
- Computational and Experimental Druggability Assessment of Human DNA Glycosylases - Academic article
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Flow and Heat Transfer in Fin-Tube Bundles - Doctoral dissertation
- Computed X-ray Tomography Study of Carbonate Precipitation in Large Portland Cement Pores - Academic article
- Concentration of municipal wastewater by forward osmosis for recovery of nutrients - Academic lecture
- Conceptualizing future scenarios of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) in the Norwegian salmon industry - Academic article
- Conditioning of high voltage XLPE cables in salt water - a review of ion diffusion and impact on water treeing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Conditions for growth in the Norwegian offshore wind industry. International market developments, Norwegian firm characteristics and strategies, and policies for industry development - Report
- Conductivity and capacitance of streamers in avalanche model for streamer propagation in dielectric liquids - Academic article
- Conductivity and Defects in Al-doped Li7La3Zr2O12 - A solid-state Li-ion conductor - Masters thesis
- Connecting ProdRisk - Lecture
- Connectivity and resilience of remote operations: insights from Air Traffic Management - Academic lecture
- Consequences of Local Energy Supply in Norway: A case study on the ZEN pilot project Campus Evenstad - Report
- Consistent upwinding for sequential fully implicit multiscale compositional simulation - Academic article
- Constraints, stakeholders and boundary definitions in Energy (master) planning between neighbourhood and district - Academic lecture
- Construct validity of eoSim - a low-cost and portable laparoscopic simulator - Academic article
- Construction of inter-organisational partnership in the public sector - Academic article
- Construction of large UHPC structures - experience from a slipforming mock-up test - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Consumet: Constructor of surrogate models and metamodels - Website (informational material)
- Consumet: Constructor of surrogates and metamodels - Lecture
- Contraction Analysis for a MMC Converter - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Controller-based Text-input Techniques for Virtual Reality: An Empirical Comparison - Academic article
- Controlling flue gas temperatures in silicon furnaces - Lecture
- Convergence properties of detonation simulations - Academic article
- Conversational Agents: Acting on the Wave of Research and Development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cool coatings with high near infrared transmittance for coil coated aluminium - Academic article
- Copper enriched by dealloying as external cathode in intergranular corrosion of aluminium alloy AA6005 - Academic article
- COPRO - Big picture research status - Lecture
- COPRO Cost estimations - experiences so far - Lecture
- COPRO key overall results and takeaways - Lecture
- Co-processing of Alternative Fuels and Resources in Indian Cement Industry — Baseline and Potential - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Corporate-level communities at ericsson: Parallel organizational structure for fostering alignment for autonomy - Academic article
- Correction to: Application of laser-arc hybrid welding of steel for low-temperature service - Errata
- Correction: Interplay between H<inf>2</inf>O and CO<inf>2</inf> coadsorption and space-charge on Y-doped BaZrO<inf>3</inf> surfaces(Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2018) 6 (24823-24830) DOI: 10.1039/C8TA09491H) - Errata
- Corrigendum Methanol-based cadaverine production by genetically engineered Bacillus methanolicus strains - Errata
- Corrigendum to “An anisotropic friction model in non-bonded flexible risers” [Marine Structures volume 59 (2018) [423–443] - Errata
- Corrigendum: Genome-Based Genetic Tool Development for Bacillus methanolicus: Theta- and Rolling Circle-Replicating Plasmids for Inducible Gene Expression and Application to Methanol-Based Cadaverine Production - Errata
- Corrosion Due to Direct Electrical Heating of Cathodically-Protected Offshore Oil Pipelines - Academic lecture
- Corrosion Phenomena in Duplex Brasses Containing Aluminium - Academic article
- Corrosion Phenomena in Duplex Brasses Containing Aluminium - Academic article
- Cost Estimation of CO2 Absorption Plants for CO2 Mitigation – Method and Assumptions - Academic article
- Cost Optimal Design of ZEN’s Energy System: Model Presentation and Case Study on Evenstad - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cost-effective transformation of a highly-efficient, advanced, thermal ultra-super-critical coal-fired power plant into a CHP by retrofitting and integrating an ARBAFLAME biomass upgrading process - Lecture
- Costs and Procurement for Cross-Laminated Timber in Mid-Rise Buildings - Academic article
- Could the chloride process replace the Hall-Héroult process in aluminium production? - Website (informational material)
- Countering a climate of instability: the future of relative stability under the Common Fisheries Policy - Academic article
- Country report Norway (IEA Bioenergy Task 36) - Lecture
- Coupling economic and environmental models for decision support in a circular economy - Academic lecture
- Coupling of AC Grids via VSC-HVDC Interconnections for Oscillation Damping based on Differential and Common Power Control - Academic article
- COZMOS - Efficient CO2 Conversion over multisite Zeolite-Metal nanocatalysts to fuels and OlefinS - Poster
- Cristin - Basic info, FAQ and errors - Lecture
- Critically testing olivine-hosted putative martian biosignatures in the Yamato 000593 meteorite - Geobiological implications - Academic article
- Cross sector workshop 2019 - Multimedia product
- Cross-industry exploration for external utilization of waste heat - Report
- Cross-industry exploration for external utilization of waste heat - Report
- Cross-industry exploration for external utilization of waste heat - Tomato greenhouse, fish production, and insect production - Report
- Crystallographic relationships of T-/S-phase aggregates in an Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy - Academic article
- Cu Interlayer-Induced High-Strength Laser-Welded AISI 304 Steel-Niobium Joint - Academic article
- Cu-Exchanged Ferrierite Zeolite for the Direct CH4 to CH3OH Conversion: Insights on Cu Speciation from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy - Academic article
- Cultivation potentials for Brown and Red Algae in Norway - Popular scientific lecture
- Cultivation protocol for Saccharina latissima- state of the art and new technology development - Lecture
- Cu-MOR applied in the stepwise methane-to-methanol conversion - Academic lecture
- Current and emerging industrial-scale CO₂ capture - A brief overview - Report
- Current induced drag forces on cultivated sugar kelp - Academic lecture
- Current induced drag forces on cultivated sugar kelp - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Customer engagement in evolving technological environments: synopsis and guiding propositions - Academic article
- Customizing Multi-Tenant SaaS by Microservices: A Reference Architecture - Academic lecture
- Customizing Multi-Tenant SaaS by Microservices: A Reference Architecture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cuttings Transport Modeling—Part 2: Dimensional Analysis and Scaling. SPE Drilling & Completion - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Cybersecurity risk identification and modelling – a case study of a smart city grid - Academic lecture
- D3.3 – Fishery Pilot Final Report - Report
- D5. 5 Virtual laboratory version - Report
- Daily on Energy: The future of the Paris climate deal on the table at Bonn - Interview
- Data from HAN ports fitted to smart meters (AMS) can provide you with valuable information - Website (informational material)
- Data integration and real-time decision making - Academic lecture
- DataBio Deliverable D4.4 – Service Documentation - Report
- Data-driven filter estimation for the sub-grid modelling of Kraichnan turbulence, - Academic lecture
- Data-driven modeling and prediction of blood glucose dynamics: Machine learning applications in type 1 diabetes - Academic literature review
- Data-Driven Prediction of Vortex-Induced Vibration Response of Marine Risers Subjected to Three-Dimensional Current - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Deactivation of the Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch catalyst – a Kinetic Study - Lecture
- Dealing with uncertainty in sewer condition assessment: Impact on inspection programs - Academic article
- Dealing with uncertainty in sewer condition assessment: Impact on inspection programs - Academic article
- Deciphering the carbon distribution in metabolic pathways during antibiotic production by Streptomyces superhost strains using 13C-isotope-labeling experiments - Lecture
- Decision support based on patient-specific simulations of intracardiac flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Decomposing psychiatric readmission rates in a multi-level mental health care system – descriptive analysis - Academic lecture
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Attitude Control of Fixed Wing UAVs Using Proximal Policy Optimization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Attitude Control of Fixed Wing UAVs Using Proximal Policy Optimization - Academic lecture
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Path Following and Collision Avoidance - Academic lecture
- Defect chemistry of mixed conducting double perovskites - Academic lecture
- Defect chemistry of mixed conducting double perovskites - Academic lecture
- Defect chemistry of mixed conducting double perovskites - Academic lecture
- Defining Ship Autonomy by Characteristic Factors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Defining what is learned – challenges in continuous learning and improvement - Academic article
- Degradation and toxicity of textile microfibres - Academic lecture
- Degradation of plastic microfibres, leaching of additive chemicals and interaction with persistent organic pollutants in polar environments - Poster
- Degradation of PZT in humid ambient – an electrochemically controlled process - Poster
- Degradation of Refractory Lining in Carbon Anode Baking Furnaces - Doctoral dissertation
- Degradation of refractory materials in Aluminium cells. Laboratory test methods. - Academic lecture
- Deliverable D3.2.4 Storage options relevant for the Norwegian cluster and their development, Norway - Report
- Deliverable Report: DSP1_2019_4 - Working fluid screening and analysis - Report
- Demand side expectations of cyber insurance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Demand-controlled ventilation: do different user groups require different CO2-setpoints? - Lecture
- Demand-controlled ventilation: do different user groups require different CO2-setpoints? - Academic article
- Demo contact-free aquaculture operations using a robot arm on-board a vessel - Lecture
- Demonstration of non-linear model predictive control of post-combustion CO2 capture processes - Academic article
- Dependency Management in Large-Scale Agile - Academic lecture
- Dependency Management in Large-Scale Agile: A Case Study of DevOps Teams - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Desarrollo de tecnologías para economías europeas de cero carbono - Interview
- Design and Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Pre-Swirl Stators PSS - Academic lecture
- Design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power: Final summary report, IEA WIND Task 25, Phase four 2015-2017 - Report
- Design and verification of a sway-yaw control system for Surface Effect Ships using vent valves - Academic article
- Design of a CO2 heat pump drier with dynamic modelling tools - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design of a cold thermal energy storage unit for industrial applications using CO2 as refrigerant - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design of a shipping supply chain under operational uncertainties - Lecture
- Design of post-combustion CCS from a waste-to-energy plant under uncertainties and fluctuations - Academic lecture
- Design of post-combustion CCS from a waste-to-energy plant under uncertainties and fluctuations - Lecture
- Designing a manganese oxide bifunctional air electrode for aqueous chloride-based electrolytes in secondary zinc-air batteries - Academic article
- Designing a Privacy Dashboard for a Smart Manufacturing Environment - Academic lecture
- Designing a ZEN Campus: An exploration of ambition levels and system boundaries - Academic article
- Designing a ZEN Campus: An exploration of ambition levels and system boundaries - Academic lecture
- Detailed measurements in 12 buildings: First analysis of energy demand and heat losses - Lecture
- Detailed Performance Diagnosis Based on Production Timestamps: A Case Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Detecting and Predicting Mood Transitions in Bipolar Disorder - study protocol - Poster
- Detection and Inspection Planning for Ship Propeller Blades via Spectral Shape Analysis - Academic lecture
- Detection of electric vehicles in hourly power consumption data - Academic lecture
- Determinants of airborne benzene evaporating from fresh crude oils released into seawater - Academic article
- Determination of temporal changes of POP sorption and plastic additive release as well as spectrometric characteristics to a variety of polymers under Arctic marine conditions - Academic lecture
- Determining Patient-Specific Dosage Scheme Using Integer Programming - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Determining Patient-Specific Dosage Scheme Using Integer Programming - Academic lecture
- Determining spatial feed distribution in sea cage aquaculture using an aerial camera platform - Academic literature review
- Determining the Optimal Phase-Change Material via High-Throughput Calculations - Poster
- Determining the Optimal Phase-Change Material via High-Throughput Calculations - Academic article
- Develop Low Emission Technology to ensure the O&G industry can meet its emission goals - Lecture
- Develop Low Emission Technology to ensure the O&G industry can meet its emission goals - Lecture
- Develop Low Emission Technology to ensure the O&G industry can meet its emission goals - Lecture
- Developing a scenario calculator for smart energy communities in Norway: Identifying gaps between vision and practice - Academic article
- Developing an artificial intelligence capability: A theoretical framework for business value - Academic article
- Developing decision support systems for regional economic planning in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Developing Game Based Tablet Audiometry for Screening Children's Hearing in Tanzania. - Poster
- Developing Tablet Audiometry for Screening Children's Hearing in Tanzania. - Academic lecture
- Developing technologies for zero-carbon economies - Interview
- Developing Technologies for Zero-Carbon Economies - Interview
- Developing Technologies for Zero-Carbon Economies - Interview
- Development and evaluation of a novel seawater-based viscoelastic fracturing fluid system - Academic article
- Development and Operation of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems: The ENACT Framework - Academic lecture
- Development of 3D printed amine grafted silica adsorbents for CO2 capture – adsorbent preparation, performance and potential applications - Lecture
- Development of a Horda platform storage hub in Norway - Academic lecture
- Development of a web-based user-friendly cable ampacity calculation tool - Academic article
- Development of acoustic Doppler fish monitoring for applications in high-energy tidal channels - Academic article
- Development of an optimised gas cyclone for an industrial fluid bed furnace system - Academic lecture
- Development of lead-free piezoelectrics at SINTEF - Academic lecture
- Development of mechanically compliant flip chip interconnect using single metal coated polymer spheres - Lecture
- Development of mechanically compliant flip chip interconnect using single metal coated polymer spheres - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of Metal Supported Cells Using BaZrO3-Based Proton Conducting Ceramics - Academic article
- Development of Metal Supported Cells Using BaZrO3-Based Proton Conducting Ceramics - Academic lecture
- Development of sputtered HEA thin films and their functional properties - Academic lecture
- Development of the post-form strength prediction model for a highstrength 6xxx aluminium alloy with pre-existing precipitates and residual dislocations - Academic article
- Developmental effects in fish embryos exposed to oil dispersions – the impact of crude oil micro-droplets - Academic article
- Developments LTM - Lecture
- DevOps practice of customization and maintenance of Enterprise Cloud - Popular scientific lecture
- Diagnostics, Prognostics and Control of Low-Temperature PEM Fuel Cells - Academic lecture
- Different Chatbots for Different Purposes: Towards a Typology of Chatbots to Understand Interaction Design - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digging Deep: The Effect of Design on the Social Behavior and Attitudes of People Working in Underground Workplaces in Europe - Academic article
- Digital Subsurface and Data Sharing - seen from a Reseach Perspective - Lecture
- Direct numerical simulation of flame stabilization assisted by autoignition in a reheat gas turbine combustor - Academic article
- Direct numerical simulation of particle clustering in the wake flow past a circular cylinder - Academic lecture
- Direct numerical simulation: Present and future role in fundamental and applied combustion research - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Disability and Sexual Health - Non-fiction book
- Discharge planning, self-management, and community support: Strategies to avoid psychiatric rehospitalisation from a service user perspective - Academic article
- Discovery and characterization of novel redox enzymes from Trondheim fjord's actinobacteria strain collection for lignocellulosic biomass degradation - Poster
- Discrete-element model of electrophoretic deposition in systems with small Debye length: Effective charge, lubrication force, characteristic scales, and early-stage transport - Academic article
- Dispersed Oil in the Relation to the Formation and Fate of Marine Snow - Academic lecture
- Dispersions - From small scale to industrial conditions: emulsions, fluid chemistry and the NEXFLOW project - Lecture
- Dissociation of oxygen on oxides determined by a modified gas phase analysis (GPA) - Poster
- Distributed Co-Simulation of Maritime Systems and Operations - Academic article
- Distributed nonlinear optimization-based control for multi-agent systems navigation in a coastal environment - Academic lecture
- Distributed nonlinear optimization-based control for multi-agent systems navigation in a coastal environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Distribution of Crustal Melt Bodies at the Hot Spot-Influenced Section of the Galápagos Spreading Centre From Seismic Reflection Images - Academic article
- DiTail - Disposal of mine tailings in Norwegian fjords and impacts on key ecosystem species. - Lecture
- DIY gerontechnology: circumventing mismatched technologies and bureaucratic procedure by creating care technologies of one's own - Academic article
- Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? - Academic article
- Do Software Firms Collaborate or Compete? A Model of Coopetition in Community-initiated OSS Projects - Academic article
- Documentation of HX models used in HighEFF case studies-Variable geometry heat exchanger model - Report
- Documentation on “Design and Implementation of metadata schema for syntactic and semantic interoperability” - Report
- Documentation tool of nature-based solutions – a guideline - Report
- Dr Elizabeth Lindstad on why increased use of LNG might not reduce maritime GHG emissions at all - Interview
- Drilling Mud Process Control – A Step Change in Automatic Mud Management - Lecture
- Driving forces for intelligent distribution system innovation - results from a foresight process - Academic article
- Driving forces for intelligent electricity distribution system innovation (CINELDI-report 01:2019) - Report
- Dry hyperbaric welding of HSLA steel up to 35 bar ambient pressure with CMT arc mode - Academic article
- Durability aspects of cracks in concrete: field observations - Lecture
- Durability aspects of cracks in concrete: field observations - Other
- Durability of traditional clamped joints in the vapour barrier layer: Experimental and numerical analysis - Academic article
- Dynamic incorporation of nonlinearity into MILP formulation for short-term hydro scheduling - Academic article
- Dynamic modelling of a liquid hydrogen loading cycle from onshore storage to a seaborne tanker - Academic article
- Dynamic modelling of a liquid hydrogen loading cycle from onshore storage to a seaborne tanker - Academic lecture
- Dynamic modelling of a refrigerated cabinet with integrated phase change material thermal storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic modelling of compressor ring plate valve behaviour with CFD and FEM - Lecture
- Dynamic optimization of control setpoints for an integrated heating and cooling system with thermal energy storages - Academic article
- Dynamic response of a monopile wind turbine in waves: Experimental uncertainty analysis for validation of numerical tools - Academic article
- Dynamic Simulation of CO2 Injection Wells - Academic article
- Dynamic simulation of CO2 injection wells taking the near-well reservoir into account - Academic lecture
- Dynamic simulation of simultaneous HVDC contingencies relevant for vulnerability assessment of the Nordic power system - Academic lecture
- Dynamic simulation of simultaneous HVDC contingencies relevant for vulnerability assessment of the nordic power system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamical assessment of a PTGS with time delay - Academic article
- Dynamical Behaviour of a piezoMEMS Micromirror During Degradation - Academic lecture
- Dynamics of a biofouling community in finfish aquaculture: a case study from the South Adriatic Sea - Academic article
- Early Warning of Water-Triggered Landslides - Academic lecture
- Eccentric loading of a 25-m long composite column subjected to a combination of axial compression and transverse gravity loading using a horizontal test method - Academic article
- EchoBot: An open-source robotic ultrasound system - Poster
- EchoBot: An open-source robotic ultrasound system - Academic lecture
- Eco-efficient puffer-type load break switch for medium voltage applications - Academic article
- Ecohydraulic Modelling to Support Fish Habitat Restoration Measures - Academic article
- Economic Analysis of Coordinated Plug and Abandonment Operations - Lecture
- Economic aspects for deep sea autonomous shipping - Lecture
- Economic assessment of membrane-assisted autothermal reforming for cost effective hydrogen production with CO <sub>2</sub> capture - Academic article
- Economic effects of forecasting inaccuracies in the automatic frequency restoration service for the day-ahead energy and reserve scheduling of pumped storage plants - Academic article
- Eddy Current duplex coating thickness Non-Destructive Evaluation augmented by VNA scattering parameter theory and Machine Learning - Academic lecture
- Eddy Current duplex coating thickness Non-Destructive Evaluation augmented by VNA scattering parameter theory and Machine Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Edgeless silicon sensors fabricated without support wafer - Academic article
- Editorial: CIGRE work on impregnated insulation systems for transformers - Editorial
- EERA DeepWind'2019 Conference 16 – 18 January 2019, 2019:00247 - Report
- Effect of a quality-improving codend on size selectivity and catch patterns of cod in bottom trawl fishery - Academic article
- Effect of Co incorporation and support selection on deoxygenation selectivity and stability of (Co)Mo catalysts in anisole HDO - Academic article
- Effect of copper addition on precipitation behavior near grain boundary in Al-Zn-Mg alloy - Academic article
- Effect of Elastic Modulus on the Tangential AC Breakdown Strength of Polymer Interfaces - Academic article
- Effect of filter type in ventilation systems on NO2 concentrations in classrooms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of fuel mixing on melting behavior of spruce wood ash - Academic article
- Effect of gear soak time on size selection in the snow crab pot fishery - Academic article
- Effect of Heat Treatment on the Workability of Hot Isostatically Pressed TNM-B1 - Academic lecture
- Effect of impact angle, exposure time, and particle size on impact erosion - Academic literature review
- Effect of liquid viscosity on the performance of a non-porous membrane contactor for CO2 capture - Academic article
- Effect of Material Elasticity on the Longitudinal AC Breakdown Strength of Solid-Solid Interfaces - Academic article
- Effect of Mud on Cement Sheath Integrity - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of natural ageing or pre-ageing on the evolution of precipitate structure and strength during age hardening of Al–Mg–Si alloy AA 6016 - Academic article
- Effect of peel ply surface treatment on adhesive bonding of polyester and vinyl ester composites used in the maritime industry - Poster
- Effect of pot design on the catch efficiency of snow crabs (Chionoecetes opilio) in the Barents Sea fishery - Academic article
- Effect of Potassium on Highly Dispersed Fe-Nanoparticles Supported on Carbon for CO hydrogenation - Academic lecture
- Effect of processing conditions on the constant-volume carbonization of biomass - Academic article
- Effect of pyrolysis upgrading temperature on particulate matter emissions from lignite semi-char combustion - Academic article
- Effect of Repeated Freeze‒Thaw Cycles on NMR-Measured Lipoproteins and Metabolites in Biofluids - Academic article
- Effect of Rock on Cement Sheath Integrity: Shale vs. Sandstone - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Effect of seeding methods and hatchery period on sea cultivation of Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae): a Norwegian case-study - Academic article
- Effect of supplementing sheep diets with macroalgae species on in vivo nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation and blood amino acid profile - Academic article
- Effect of the Lüders plateau on ductile fracture with MBL model - Academic article
- Effect of three different codend designs on the size selectivity of juvenile cod in the Barents Sea shrimp trawl fishery - Academic article
- Effect of Ultrasound on the Vasculature and Extravasation of Nanoscale Particles Imaged in Real Time - Academic article
- Effect of ultrasound on the vasculature and extravasation of nanoscale particles imaged in real time - Academic lecture
- Effect of vector and direct seeding on growth of sugar kelp Saccharina latissima at sea - Academic lecture
- Effect of ventilation on perceived air quality in 18 classrooms - Academic article
- Effect of ventilation on perceived air quality in 18 classrooms - Lecture
- Effect of Wake Meandering on Aeroelastic Response of a Wind Turbine Placed in a Park - Academic article
- Effect of Water on the Tribological Performance of Ester Based Lubricants - Academic lecture
- Effect of Working Fluid Type on Low Temperature Rankine Cycle Optimization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effectiveness of Neural Networks for Research on Novel Thermoelectric Materials. A Proof of Concept. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effects of a ceiling diffuser on Diffuse Ceiling Ventilation (DCV) Performance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effects of CaCO3 mine tailings on the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Poster
- Effects of CO2 cover gas and yttrium additions on the oxidation of AlMg alloys - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effects of CO2 cover gas and yttrium additions on the oxidation of AlMg alloys - Lecture
- Effects of low doses of fish and milk proteins on glucose regulation and markers of insulin sensitivity in overweight adults: a randomised, double blind study - Academic article
- Effects of nylon microplastic on feeding, lipid accumulation and moulting in a coldwater copepod - Academic article
- Effects of produced water components on early life stages of cold-water marine fish - Poster
- Effects of Surface Phenomena on the Performance of Pd-Ag Membranes - Lecture
- Effects of the water accommodated fraction of North Sea crude oil on Calanus finmarchicus - Lecture
- Effektstudien higheff - Multimedia product
- Efficacy of a novel sequential enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and inhibition characteristics of monosugars - Academic article
- Efficiency Improvement of Chemical Looping Combustion Combined Cycle Power Plants - Academic article
- Efficiency of BIPV system – Field study in Norwegian climate - Academic article
- Efficiency of BIPV system – Field study in Norwegian climate - Academic lecture
- Efficiency of coloured and transparent PV - Academic lecture
- Efficient hydrogen production with CO2 capture using gas switching reforming - Academic article
- Efficient hydrogen production with CO2 capture using gas switching reforming (GSR): Technoeconomic assessment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Efficient Liquefaction of Carbon Dioxide on Superlyophobic Surfaces - Academic article
- Efficient Production of Butyl Butyrate from Lignocellulose Derived Sugars - Academic lecture
- Efficient reordered nonlinear Gauss–Seidel solvers with higher order for black-oil models - Academic article
- Efficient Solvers for Field-Scale Simulation of Flow and Transport in Porous Media - Doctoral dissertation
- E-groceries: Sustainable last mile distribution in city planning - Academic article
- EHV Cables in subsea road tunnels - vision or reality? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Elastoplastic behavior of yield stress fluids - Academic article
- Electric vehicles in Norway and the potential for demand response - Website (informational material)
- Electrical heating technologies for flow assurance of subsea flowlines - Website (informational material)
- Electrical Machines and Power Electronics for Starter-Generators in More Electric Aircrafts: A Technology Review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electricity analysis for energy management in neighbourhoods: Case study of a large housing cooperative in Norway - Academic lecture
- Electricity analysis for energy management in neighbourhoods: Case study of a large housing cooperative in Norway - Academic article
- Electricity Prices and Value of Flexible Generation in Northern Europe in 2030 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrochemical behavior of indium in LiCl-KCl molten salts - Academic article
- Electrochemical Behavior of Tin in Molten LiCl-KCl at 450 ℃ - Academic article
- Electrochemical Behaviour of Carbon Anodes Produced with Different Mixing Temperatures and Baking Levels—A Laboratory Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrochemical Low-Frequency Impedance Spectroscopy for Diagnostics of Fuel Cells - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical Transport in Molten/Solid Composite V2O5-ZrV2O7 - Poster
- Electrode reactions on a molten carbonate Gd-doped CeO2 composite electrolyte - Poster
- ELEGANCY – progress meeting in London - Website (informational material)
- ELEGANCY: From Helmholtz-type Equations of State to Legal Conditions - Website (informational material)
- Elkem Bjølvefossen furnace 5- gas and temperature measurements. - Report
- ELPaaS: Event Log Privacy as a Service - Academic article
- Elucidating lipid accumulation and DHA synthesis in Aurantiochytrium sp. strain T66 using -omics technologies - Academic lecture
- EM4CO2 kick-off meeting-Project introduction - Lecture
- Embodied Energy, Costs and Traffic in Different Settlement Patterns. Background projects and tools - Report
- Embryonic crude oil exposure impairs growth and lipid allocation in a keystone Arctic forage fish - Academic article
- Embryonic exposure to produced water can cause cardiac toxicity and deformations in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae - Academic article
- EMMO an Ontology for Physical Sciences - Academic lecture
- EMMO Foundations - Academic lecture
- EMMO: a reference representation of materials and their modelling - Academic lecture
- EMMO: A semantic knowledge framework for materials and modelling - Academic lecture
- EMMO: A semantic knowledge framework for materials and modelling User case: model interoperability via EMMO - Academic lecture
- Empirical findings from case studies on offshore software development - Lecture
- Empirical notes on the interaction between continuous kernel fuzzing and development - Academic article
- Enablers and inhibitors of Industry 4.0: results from a survey of industrial companies in Norway - Academic article
- Enabling technologies for autonomous robotics in IMR: trends and possibilities - Lecture
- Enabling Technologies for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships - Academic article
- Enact: Development, operation, and quality assurance of trustworthy smart iot systems - Academic article
- End-to-end learning for autonomous crop row-following - Academic article
- End-to-end Learning for Autonomous Navigation for Agricultural Robots - Academic lecture
- Energy and cost performances baseline for post-combustion capture using MEA - Academic lecture
- Energy and cost performances baseline of MEA-based CO2 Capture - Academic lecture
- Energy conservation and coupling error reduction in non-iterative co-simulations - Academic article
- Energy consumption for domestic hot water use in Norwegian hotels and nursing homes - Academic lecture
- Energy consumption for domestic hot water use in Norwegian hotels and nursing homes - Academic article
- Energy Distribution in HC FeMn and SiMn - Energy vs Exergy Analyses - Academic article
- Energy Efficiency - Research Center - Lecture
- Energy Efficiency - Research Center - Lecture
- Energy Efficiency in industry - value from research - Multimedia product
- Energy efficiency in industry - value from research - Multimedia product
- Energy flow analysis of a smart thermal grid at Leangen - Masters thesis
- Energy from algae coming your way - Interview
- Energy Level Alignment and Interfacial Dipole Layer Formation at the P3HT:PCBM-Electrolyte Interface in Organic Photoelectrochemical Cells - Academic article
- Energy Master Planning between Building regulations and standards - Lecture
- Energy master planning in Smart and sustainable communities - Lecture
- Energy Performance, Indoor Air Quality and Comfort in New Nearly Zero Energy Day-care Centres in Northern Climatic Conditions - Academic article
- Energy Recovery in FME HighEFF - past and future activities - Lecture
- Energy related organic chemistry; Mg electrodposition by Mg based liquid metal salts - Poster
- Energy Storage Scheduling in Distribution Systems Considering Wind and Photovoltaic Generation Uncertainties - Academic article
- Energy utilisation at Mo Industripark - Report
- Engineering chitinolytic activity into a cellulose-active lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase provides insights into substrate specificity - Academic article
- Enhanced Predictive Modelling of Steel Corrosion in Concrete in Submerged Zone Based on a Dynamic Activation Approach - Academic article
- Enhanced primary frequency control from EVs: A fleet management strategy to mitigate effects of response discreteness - Academic article
- Ensuring ATM cyber security by applying SecRAM - Poster
- Ensuring CO2 well integrity - Academic lecture
- Ensuring successful knowledge transfer in building renovation projects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enterprise Agility: A Balancing Act - A Local Government Case Study - Academic article
- Enterprise architecture modelling with ArchiMate - Academic article
- Environmental and Labour accounts for OECD Inter-Country Input-Output Tables 2010-2013 - Report
- Environmental Constraints in Seasonal Hydropower Scheduling - Report
- Environmental footprint of seafood production in Norway - Lecture
- Environmental impacts of a chemical looping combustion power plant - Academic article
- Environmentally Conscious Transportation and Logistics Modelling for Agri-Food Supply Chains - Academic lecture
- Environmentally-Friendly Pretreatment of Aluminum Profiles prior to Coating and Anodizing - Academic lecture
- Enzymatic design of biopolymers with alginate epimerases - Poster
- Enzymatic design of biopolymers with alginate epimerases - Poster
- Enzyme-assisted Catalysis on Titania Electrodes - Poster
- Epitaxial K0.5Na0.5NbO3 thin films by aqueous chemical solution deposition - Academic article
- Equation of state and force fields for Feynman–Hibbs-corrected Mie fluids. I.Application to pure helium, neon, hydrogen, and deuterium - Academic article
- Equilibrium assessment of storage technologies in a power market with capacity remuneration - Academic article
- ERIGrid Holistic Test Description for Validating Cyber-Physical Energy Systems - Academic article
- Erratum: Streamer and surface charge dynamics in non-uniform air gaps with a dielectric barrier (IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (2019) 26:4 (1163-1171) DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2019.007929) - Errata
- Erratum: Vertical GaN nanocolumns grown on graphene intermediated with a thin AlN buffer layer (Nanotechnology 30 015604) - Errata
- Establishing a link between composition and toxicity of offshore produced waters using comprehensive analysis techniques – A way forward for discharge monitoring? - Academic article
- Estimated and actual construction inventory data in embodied greenhouse gas emission calculations for a Norwegian zero emission building (ZEB) construction site - Academic article
- Estimating purse seine volume during capture: implications for fish densities and survival of released unwanted catches - Academic article
- Estimating the Impact of Incidents on Process Delay - Academic lecture
- Estimating the Impact of Incidents on Process Delay - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Estimation of the thermal resistivity of backfill materials using a practical approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- eTransport modules for diurnal and seasonal heat storage: User guide and technical documentation - Report
- Europe plans to capture carbon, but is it enough? - Interview
- European Materials & Modelling Ontology - Other product
- European Materials & Modelling Ontology - Lecture
- European Materials & Modelling Ontology - Academic lecture
- European Materials & Modelling Ontology - an upper ontology enabling digital continuity for applied sciences - Academic lecture
- Evaluating off-bottom sweeps of a U.S. West Coast groundfish bottom trawl: Effects on catch efficiency and seafloor interactions - Academic article
- Evaluating Technology Innovation for E-Mobility - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation and comparison of management alternatives for Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) sludge in Vapi, India. - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Evaluation Method for the Hourly Average CO2eq. Intensity of the Electricity Mix and Its Application to the Demand Response of Residential Heating - Academic article
- Evaluation of 3D printed adsorbents for carbon capture applications - Lecture
- Evaluation of a New System Combining Wood-Burning Stove, Flue Gas Heat Exchanger and Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery in Highly-Insulated Houses - Academic article
- Evaluation of environmental conditions on the sorption of PAHs onto synthetic and natural fibres - Masters thesis
- Evaluation of housing and energy supply solutions for refugees in a Norwegian Municipality - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of MEA data from different lab set-ups - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of MRI to ultrasound registration methods for brain shift correction: The CuRIOUS2018 Challenge - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Evaluation of simplified pressure swing adsorption cycles for bio-methane production - Academic article
- Evaluation of Virtual Inertia Control Strategies for MMC-based HVDC Terminals by P-HiL Experiments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluering av levendelagrinstanker om bord. Lukket rapport 2019:00553 - Report
- Evenstad in ZEN - Lecture
- Evolution of SiOx shell layers on SiC-SiOx core-shell nanowires - Poster
- Excavation of taphole area in Si furnace at - Lecture
- Exclusive: CCS a must to meet climate targets - Interview
- Executive summary - Editorial
- Executive summary - Editorial
- Expanding the (meta)genomics toolbox for the discovery and production of novel natural products from microbial resources - Academic lecture
- Expanding the (meta)genomics toolbox for the discovery and production of novel natural products from microbial resources - Academic lecture
- Experience from monitoring: ICES scientific approach - Lecture
- Experience with Capacitive On-Line Sensors for Moisture Evaluation in Transformer Insulation - Academic article
- Experiences of main risks and mitigation in autonomous transport systems - Academic article
- Experiences with the Use of Welfare Technologies for Elderly Persons - Academic lecture
- Experiences with Thermal Spray Zinc Duplex Coatings on Road Bridges - Academic article
- Experimental analysis of transcritical CO2 booster refrigeration system with heat recovery and ejector expansion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and computational analysis of a R744 flashing ejector - Academic article
- Experimental and numerical investigations of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg plates subjected to ballistic perforation - Academic lecture
- Experimental and numerical study of a top tensioned drilling riser subjected to vessel motion - Academic article
- Experimental and numerical study on the hydrodynamic loads on a single floating hydrocarbon storage tank and its dynamic responses - Academic article
- Experimental and Numerical Study on the Hydrodynamic Properties of a Simplified Floating Hydrocarbon Storage Facility - Academic lecture
- Experimental and Numerical Study on the Hydrodynamic Properties of a Simplified Floating Hydrocarbon Storage Facility - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and numerical study on the resonance in the narrow gap between a simplified floating hydrocarbon storage tank system - Academic article
- Experimental Evaluation of a Multi-Ejector Trans-critical CO2 System for Supermarkets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental investigation of a prototype R-600 compressor for high temperature heat pump - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of CO2 systems for Indian supermarkets with parallel configuration of multiejectors (INDEE) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental investigation of low temperature CO2 liquefaction and phase-separation for carbon capture - Academic article
- Experimental Investigation of Low-Temperature CO2 Separation for Carbon Capture in the Cement Industry - Academic article
- Experimental Investigation of Over‑trawlability of an Innovative Arctic Subsea Production Unit (SPU) OMAE2019‑95503 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental Investigation of Over‑trawlability of an Innovative Arctic Subsea Production Unit (SPU) OMAE2019‑95503 - Academic lecture
- Experimental Investigation of Polymer-Coated Silica Nanoparticles for Enhanced Oil Recovery. - Academic article
- Experimental measurement of temperature-dependent equivalent stress-strain curves of a 420 MPa structural steel with axisymmetric notched tensile specimens - Academic article
- Experimental Studies on Cement Sheath Integrity During Pressure Cycling - Academic lecture
- Experimental Study of Pipe Pulling Through Settled Barite - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental study of the heat transfer problem in expansion devices in CO2 refrigeration systems - Academic article
- Experimental study of the initial stages of manganese ferroalloy prereduction - Poster
- Experiments and modeling of acid dissolution fingering - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experts call for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) to help reach the Paris Agreement - Interview
- Experts call for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) to help reach the Paris Agreement - Interview
- Experts Call For Carbon Capture And Storage (CCS) To Help Reach The Paris Agreement - Interview
- Explainable AI -- Why? When? How? - Popular scientific lecture
- Exploring functional properties of high entropy oxides - Academic lecture
- Exploring new technologies for detecting stress in farmed salmon: Initial trials in tank based facilities - Poster
- Exploring the constructs of mental wellbeing in the oldest old: an analysis of ESS survey data - Academic lecture
- Exploring the great potential of an Actinobacteria strain collection from Trondheim fjord for the discovery of novel antibiotics and enzyme systems for biomass degradation - Academic lecture
- Exploring the Potential for Use of Virtual Reality Technology in the Treatment of Severe Mental Illness Among Adults in Mid-Norway: Collaborative Research Between Clinicians and Researchers - Academic article
- Exploring the Potential for Use of Virtual Reality Technology in the Treatment of Severe Mental Illness Among Adults in Mid-Norway: Collaborative Research Between Clinicians and Researchers - Academic article
- Exploring the potential of PSA-Liquefaction process for post-combustion CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Exploring the Relationship Between Food Insecurity, Gender Roles and HIV/AIDS Among Tonga Carers of Disabled Children of Binga in Zimbabwe - Academic article
- Exploring the transistion potential of H2 production in Norway - Academic lecture
- Exposed aquaculture and new cage structures - Lecture
- Exrusion of magnesium-nickel alloys - Academic lecture
- Extended Abstract: Cutting Cost of CO2 Capture in Process Industry CO2stCap - Abstract
- External damage to trawl-caught Northeast arctic cod (Gadus morhua): Effect of codend design - Academic article
- Extreme testing and artificial rain on Extreme testing and artificial rain on semi-extensive green roof - Lecture
- Extrusion of the magnesium-nickel alloys - Academic article
- Fabrication challenges of silicon-based microdosimeter using 3D technology - Academic lecture
- Fabrication of active-edge detectors without support wafer using a unique "perforated edge" approach - Lecture
- Fabrication of metal-supported proton-conducting electrolysers with thin film Sr- And Ce-doped BZY electrolyte - Academic article
- Fabrication of Metal-Supported Proton-Conducting Electrolysers with Thin Film Sr- and Ce-Doped BZY Electrolyte - Poster
- Fabrication process parameters significantly affect the perovskite oxygen carriers materials (OCM) performance in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) - Academic article
- Facile and Solvent-free Fabrication of PEG-based Membranes with Interpenetrating Networks for CO2 Separation - Academic article
- Fact: a framework for analysis and capture of twitter graphs - Academic article
- Factors Limiting the Apparent Hydrogen Flux in Asymmetric Tubular Cercer Membranes Based on La27W3.5Mo1.5O55.5−δ and La0.87Sr0.13CrO3−δ - Academic article
- Fagsnakk: I hear you! Hearing Care Service in Tanzania. - Academic lecture
- Failure intensity of offshore power plants under varying maintenance policies - Academic article
- Fair comparison of developing software in different locations: Dynamic decision model - Academic article
- Fake and fact - guest lecture - Lecture
- Fast divergence-conforming reduced basis methods for steady Navier–Stokes flow - Academic article
- Fate of Hydrocarbon Leaks From Plugged and Abandoned Wells Compared to Natural Seepages - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fatty acid synthesis in Aurantiochytrium sp, revealed by analyses of growth and production kinetics and global proteomes. - Academic lecture
- Fault mechanisms of incorrectly installed force springs for ground screen connections in medium voltage cable systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Feasibility of Selective Exhaust Gas Recycle Process for Membrane-based CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Combined Cycles – Showstoppers and Alternative Process Configurations - Academic article
- Federation and Orchestration: a Scalable Solution for EU Multimodal Travel Information Services - Academic article
- Feeble project mandate equal higher cost? - Academic article
- Fifty four years of coastal erosion and hydrometeorological parameters in the Varandey region, Barents Sea - Academic article
- Film boiling and rapid phase transition of liquefied natural gas - Doctoral dissertation
- Film boiling and rapid phase transition of liquefied natural gas - Website (informational material)
- Final results and impact of the JPI Oceans microplastics projects - Popular scientific lecture
- Final results from aluminium H2P case - Lecture
- Final results from Oil&Gas H2P case - Lecture
- Finding Smart Grid driving forces and how they affect Smart Grid development - Website (informational material)
- Finite-Volume High-Fidelity Simulation Combined with Finite-Element-Based Reduced-Order Modeling of Incompressible Flow Problems - Academic article
- Fire exposure on facades of cross-laminated timber buildings - A Review - Academic lecture
- Fire safety of cross laminated timber. Detailing, exposure level, charring, auto-extinction and delamination - a review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- First CWP supporting dynamic air space configuration (DAC) - Lecture
- First presentations of keynote speakers – TCCS-10 - Website (informational material)
- Fish Welfare Based Classification Method of Ocean Current Speeds at Aquaculture Sites - Academic article
- FishGuider - Background and possibilities - Lecture
- Fleet management of Edge computing systems - Academic lecture
- Flexible hydropower providing value to renewable energy integration - Report
- Flexible hydropower providing value to renewable energy integration - Lecture
- Flexible hydropower providing value to renewable energy integration. Presentation of White Paper – Part II: How can hydropower contribute? What is the value of these services? - Lecture
- Flexible Riser Repair and Dissection Following Exceedance of API Fatigue Limit - Academic article
- Flow cytometric characterization of gametophytes of Saccharina latissima and attempts to affect ploidy. - Academic lecture
- Flow induced vibrations – Progress and findings - Lecture
- Flow-induced vibration: implementation of correlations - Report
- FME HighEFF - Annual report 2018 - Multimedia product
- FME Innovation Task Force – 5 recommendations for more innovation in energy research - Website (informational material)
- FME NCCS - Academic lecture
- Following the Arctic Fish: Climate Change and Conflict Potential - Academic lecture
- Food from the ocean; towards a research agenda for sustainable use of our oceans’ natural resources - Academic article
- Forced Vibration Tests for In-Line VIV to Assess Partially Strake-Covered Pipeline Spans - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Forced Vibration Tests for In-Line VIV to Assess Partially Strake-Covered Pipeline Spans - Academic lecture
- Formate dehydrogenase immobilised on PEC cathode for CO2 Utilization - Poster
- Formation of hydrogen bubbles in Pd-Ag membranes during H2 permeation - Academic article
- Formation of neural networks with structural and functional features consistent with small-world network topology on surface-grafted polymer particles - Academic article
- FORTRAN: Factors influencing the formation, fate and transport of microplastic in marine coastal ecosystems - Popular scientific lecture
- Forty-five years of surveys on noise annoyance from road traffic noise - Academic lecture
- Foster parents' needs, perceptions and satisfaction with foster parent training: A systematic literature review - Academic article
- Four definitions of magnetic permeability for periodic metamaterials - Academic article
- Four-area test network [dataset] - Database
- Freezing and storage of seaweed - Academic lecture
- Freezing of mackerel filets in a two-step freezing process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Freezing of mackerel filets in a two-step freezing process - Academic lecture
- Friction and wetting of elastomer composites - Academic lecture
- From a crazy idea to a solid project – benefitting from a problem species - Popular scientific lecture
- From Drug Discovery to Preclinical Studies: SINTEFs Nanoparticle-Based Technologies for Cancer Treatment - Academic lecture
- From Static to Dynamic Stiffness of Shales: Frequency and Stress Dependence - Academic article
- From terrible teen to terrific trainee: Norwegian cases of innovative workplace-school collaboration to educate young people to become skilled workers in modern manufacturing industry - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- From Youthful Experimentation to Professional Identity: Understanding Identity Transitions in Social Media - Academic article
- FTIR combined with multivariate analysis for monitoring of solvent composition in CO2 capture plant. - Interview
- FuChar project card - Website (informational material)
- Fuel Cells for offshore installations - Lecture
- Functional Metagenomics 2019 http://www.fmg2019.net/ - Website (informational material)
- Fundamental Multi-Product Price Forecasting in Power Markets - Report
- Furnace Atmosphere and Dissolved Hydrogen in Aluminium - Academic article
- Furnace Atmosphere and Dissolved Hydrogen in Aluminium - Lecture
- Furnace tapping modelling - Report
- Future emerging technologies in the wind power sector: a European perspective - Academic literature review
- Future of open water pens inshore versus outshore - Lecture
- GAFT - Economic viability assessment - Report
- GaN/AlGaN nanocolumn ultraviolet light-emitting diode using double-Layer graphene as substrate and transparent electrode - Academic article
- Gaps in access and school attainments among people with and without disabilities: a case from Nepal - Academic article
- Gas electrodes with nickel based current collectors for molten carbonate electrolyte thermo-electrochemical cells - Academic article
- Gas sensors based on 2D heterostructures - Academic lecture
- Gas switching reforming (GSR) for power generation with CO2 capture: Process efficiency improvement studies - Academic article
- Gas Switching Reforming (GSR) for syngas production with integrated CO2 capture using iron-based oxygen carriers - Academic article
- Gas switching reforming for flexible power and hydrogen production to balance variable renewables - Academic article
- Gas Switching Reforming for syngas production with iron-based oxygen carrier- The performance under pressurized conditions - Academic lecture
- Gas Switching Reforming for syngas production with iron-based oxygen carrier-the performance under pressurized conditions - Academic article
- Gas Switching Water Splitting (GSWS) for efficient hydrogen production - Academic lecture
- Gas Technology in SINTEF – a teaser - Academic lecture
- g-C3N4 nanosheets enhanced solid polymer electrolytes with excellent electrochemical performance, mechanical properties, and thermal stability - Academic article
- Geilo Winter School in eScience on Learning from Data - Academic lecture
- General overview of LORCENIS project - Academic lecture
- Generating Short-Term Scenarios For Long-Term Energy Models - Academic lecture
- Generic on-board decision support system framework for marine operations - Academic lecture
- Generic on-board decision support system framework for marine operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- GeneSIS: Continuous Orchestration and Deployment of Smart IoT Systems - Academic lecture
- GeneSIS: Continuous Orchestration and Deployment of Smart IoT Systems. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Genome annotation and transcriptome analysis of the lipid- and DHA-accumulating Aurantiochytrium sp. T66 - Academic lecture
- Geofencing for smart urban mobility - Report
- Geofencing for smart urban mobility. Summarizing the main findings of Work Package 1 - Report
- Geographical and temporal patterns of interstate security competition: Global and regional evidence - Academic article
- Global assessment of Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis genetic requirement for growth and virulence - Academic article
- Global assessment of Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis genetic requirement for virulence - Academic lecture
- Global Circular Economy Scenario in a Multiregional Input-Output Framework - Academic article
- Global Marine Litter Exhibition - Other presentation
- Global Software Development Strategis - Lecture
- Goa govt to bank on Irish technology for construction waste recycling - Interview
- Goa to have construction waste recycling plant with Irish technology - Interview
- Goan Delegation visits SINTEF Norway C&D Waste Recycling Facility - Interview
- Gode oppgraderingseksempler kan få arkitekthjelp - Interview
- GoJelly: Jellyfish as commercial resource - Popular scientific lecture
- Good Practices in Aligning Software Engineering Research and Industry Practice - Academic article
- Good pratices for scaling teams in a distributed environmentt - Lecture
- Governance and perceived power in the salmon value chain - Academic lecture
- Governance for sustainable maritime passenger transport - Academic lecture
- Governance in European Food Value Chains - Report
- Governance in Maritime Passenger Transport: Green Public Procurement of Ferry Services - Academic article
- Governance in transitioning maritime passenger transport towards sustainability - Academic lecture
- Governance of the farmed salmon value chain from Norway to the EU - Popular scientific article
- Governing access rights to harvesting marine living resources: the case of the Svalbard Archipelago - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- GPU Ocean: Efficient simplified ocean models and non-linear data assimilation - Poster
- Grain boundary corrosion in TiO2 bone scaffolds doped with group II cations - Academic article
- Graph-based Feature Selection Filter Utilizing Maximal Cliques - Academic article
- GrateCFD Newsletter 1-2019 - Briefs
- GrateCFD Newsletter 2-2019 - Briefs
- Green CO2 from biogas to greenhouse - Lecture
- Green growth – a synthesis of scientific findings - Academic article
- Green growth in Nordic regions: Eight case studies - Compendium
- Green industry development in different types of regions - Academic article
- Green Tramp Shipping Routing and Scheduling: Effects of Market-Based Measures on CO2 Reduction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Greening and upscaling an established aquaculture path? - Academic lecture
- Greening the fleet: A technological innovation system (TIS) analysis of hydrogen, battery electric, liquefied biogas, and biodiesel in the maritime sector - Report
- Grid and Charging Infrastructure of the Future - Academic lecture
- Groenere batterijen dankzij algen - Interview
- Growth and nutritional composition of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) cultivated on waste from land-based salmon smolt aquaculture - Academic article
- Grøn omstilling handler lige så meget om samfundet som om teknologi - Feature article
- Guideline, Standardised failure reporting and classification of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) failures in the petroleum industry - Report
- Guidelines and best available techniques for submarine tailings disposal in Norwegian fjords: Recommendations from the NYKOS project. - Report
- Guidelines for development of coastal infrastructure in cold climate. SFI SAMCoT report - Report
- Guidelines. PI-SEC report 2.4. Regulatory and planning implications for municipalities - Report
- Handling of uncertainties related to high-impact low-probability events in power systems (project memo no. AN 19.12.13) - Report
- Happy occasion at SINTEF & NTNU – Opening of the LowEmission Research Centre - Website (informational material)
- Happy occasion at SINTEF & NTNU – Opening of the LowEmission Research Centre - Website (informational material)
- Harvesting procedures, welfare and shelf life of ungutted and gutted shortfin pompano (Trachinotus falcatus) stored in ice - Academic article
- HDwave: Statistical space-time projections of wave heights - Poster
- Heat analysis for energy management in neighbourhoods: Case study of a large housing cooperative in Norway - Academic lecture
- Heat analysis for energy management in neighbourhoods: case study of a large housing cooperative in Norway - Academic article
- Heat loss during furnace tapping - Report
- Heat pump concepts for steam production at Glencore Nikkelverk - Report
- Heat source management in wire-arc additive manufacturing process for Al-Mg and Al-Si alloys - Academic article
- Helicopter Safety studies (HSS) - Lecture
- Helicopter Safety Study 4 (HSS-4) - Lecture
- Help! Is my chatbot falling into the uncanny valley? An empirical study of user experience in human-chatbot interaction - Academic article
- Helseindustri – Made with SINTEF - Interview
- Hematite microdisks as an alternative anode material for lithium-ion batteries - Academic article
- Heterogeneities in the reservoir models; effect on CO2storage capacity and plume modelling in areas with pressure depletion - Poster
- HFO and Scrubbers å positive effect on GHG emissions study - Interview
- High and Ultra-High Resolution MS Analysis in Life Science Applications - Academic lecture
- High cycle fatigue life estimation of materials processed by laser powder bed fusion - Academic article
- High Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics Assessment of Wind Tunnel Turbine Test - Academic article
- High performance neural network inference, streaming, and visualization of medical images using FAST - Academic article
- High rate filtration for local treatment of combined sewer overflow - Academic article
- High Temperature AC Anodizing of Aluminium Alloys - Academic lecture
- High temperature industrial heat pumps utilising natural working fluids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- High temperature stability of hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) for sealing applications - Academic lecture
- High temperature testing facilities at the Norwegian Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Centre - Poster
- HighEFF Annual report - Brochure
- HighEFF at workshop: The Future of Conducting and Publishing Research in Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management and Strategy - Website (informational material)
- HighEFF Consortium meeting 2019 - Multimedia product
- Highlights and plans - RA6 Case studies - Lecture
- Highly CO2-permeable membranes derived from a midblock-sulfonated multiblock polymer after submersion in water - Academic article
- Highly selective CO removal by sorption enhanced Boudouard reaction for hydrogen production - Academic article
- Highly Stretchable Organogel Ionic Conductors with Extreme-Temperature Tolerance - Academic article
- High-order overset grid method for detecting particle impaction on a cylinder in a cross flow - Academic article
- High-performance insulation materials. Realistic design values for use in energy-efficient buildings. - Academic lecture
- High-Resolution Cfd Modelling and Prediction of Terrain-Induced Wind Shear and Turbulence for Aviation Safety. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- High-throughput screening to characterize and exploit cancer cell vulnerabilities - Academic lecture
- Historical path developments: state intervention and knowledge specialization - Academic lecture
- HNBR elastomer composite with zero thermal contraction over a range of temperatures - Academic article
- Horda Storage Hub, offshore Norway - Lecture
- Housing quality and dignity. An evaluation of housing for people diagnosed with substance abuse and psychiatric disorders. - Academic lecture
- How adolescents use an online question-answer (QA) service to address their mental issues - Abstract
- How Does Low Relative Humidity Affect Perceived Air Quality, Thermal Comfort and Symptoms in Modern Office Buildings in Cold Climates? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How is security testing done in agile teams? A cross-case analysis of four software teams - Abstract
- How Modern Optimization Technologies Lead to Huge Improvements - Lecture
- How oil spills affect the heart function of fish - Programme participation
- How sensitive are polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic? - Academic lecture
- How to design chatbots - Lecture
- How to estimate flexibility potential of household appliances? (To reduce peak load) - Website (informational material)
- How to light a fire correctly - Multimedia product
- How we achieved more energy efficient steam drying solutions Successful Factory Assembly Tests for novel Steam Turbo Compressors - Website (informational material)
- HRSG - Progress on transient modelling - Lecture
- Hull-to-Hull Concept Supporting Autonomous Navigation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hull-to-Hull Positioning for Maritime Autonomous Ship (MASS) - Academic lecture
- Human adaptive capabilities in harsh environments - Academic lecture
- Human Factors in Dynamic Airspace Configurations - Academic lecture
- Human-Centered Manufacturing Challenges Affecting European Industry 4.0 Enabling Technologies - Academic article
- Hybrid joist floor constructions. Evaluation of measurement results - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hybrid Model Tests for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines - Academic lecture
- Hybrid Model Tests for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hydration and hydrogenation of mixed conducting BaGd1‑xLaxCo2O6‑δ (BGLC) - Academic lecture
- Hydraulic Behavior in Cased and Open Hole Sections in Highly Deviated Wellbores - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hydrocarbon Compressor Technology for High temperature heat Pumps - Lecture
- Hydrocarbon heat pumps with combined process cooling and heating at 115°C - Academic lecture
- Hydrocarbon Heat Pumps with Combined Process Cooling and Heating at 115°C - Short communication
- Hydrodynamic analysis of a modular multi-purpose floating structure system with different outermost connector types - Academic article
- Hydrodynamic loads on exposed fish farms - Academic lecture
- Hydrodynamic Model Tests With a Large Floating Hydrocarbon Storage Facility - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hydrodynamic Model Tests With a Large Floating Hydrocarbon Storage Facility - Academic lecture
- Hydrodynamic modelling and estimating response of a glacial ice near a drilling rig - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hydrogen & Fuel Cells for the Building & Construction Industry - Lecture
- Hydrogen energy storage and grid services in microgrids - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen enhanced fatigue crack growth rates in a ferritic Fe-3 wt%Si alloy and a X70 pipeline steel - Academic article
- Hydrogen for Europe - Final report of the pre-study - Report
- Hydrogen from wet air and sunlight in a tandem photoelectrochemical cell - Academic article
- Hydrogen in Northern Norway: A hydrogen valley at Europe's periphery - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen informed Gurson model for hydrogen embrittlement simulation - Academic article
- Hydrogen quality sampling at the hydrogen refuelling station - lessons learnt on sampling at the production and at the nozzle - Academic article
- Hydrogen: Key to flexible energy systems with CO2 capture to balance variable renewables. - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen-assisted crack propagation in α-iron during elasto-plastic fracture toughness tests - Academic article
- Hydrogen-enhanced fatigue crack growth behaviors in a ferritic Fe-3wt%Si steel studied by fractography and dislocation structure analysis - Academic article
- Hydrogen-enhanced fatigue crack growth in a single-edge notched tensile specimen under in-situ hydrogen charging inside an environmental scanning electron microscope - Academic article
- Hydropower and fish – Report and messages from workshop on research and innovation in the context of the European policy framework - Academic article
- Hydroxyl Functionalized Pyridinium Ionic Liquids: Experimental and Theoretical Study on Physicochemical and Electrochemical Properties - Academic article
- IBIC microscopy - The powerful tool for testing micron - Sized sensitive volumes in segmented radiation detectors used in synchrotron microbeam radiation and hadron therapies - Academic article
- ICMASS 2018 : Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- ICT for Sustainable Shipping - Chapter
- Identification of a pivotal residue for determining the block structure forming properties of alginate C-5 epimerases - Poster
- Identification of Marine Plastics Using Raman Spectroscopy - Academic lecture
- Identification of novel virulence mechanisms in pathogenic mycobacteria - Poster
- Identification of salmon population bottlenecks from low flows in a hydro-regulated river - Academic article
- Identifying Scalability Debt in Open Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Identifying typical hourly DHW energy use profiles in a hotel in Norway by using statistical methods - Academic article
- IEC 61850 Goose Managing applications in distribution network protection and automation - Academic article
- IIR Refrigeration News - September 2019: The research project CoolFish - Briefs
- Immersion suits for arctic waters - Academic lecture
- Impact hotspot analysis of Norwegian farmed salmon value chain - Academic lecture
- Impact of Cold exposure on individuals with clinical disease. Respiratory response to Cold exposure. - Academic lecture
- Impact of frequency on velocity stress sensitivity in shales - Academic lecture
- Impact of Prosumer Growth on Flexible DER Through Curtailment Assessment - Academic article
- Impact on Power System Frequency Dynamics from an HVDC Transmission System With Converter Stations Controlled as Virtual Synchronous Machines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impacts from flow induced vibration on HRSG design - Lecture
- Impacts of fault-sill interactions on sill emplacement in the Vøring Basin, Norwegian North Sea - Academic article
- Impacts of fish farm structures with biomass on water currents: A case study from Frøya - Academic article
- Impacts of mine tailings on early life stages of cod and haddock - Poster
- Impairment, socialization and embodiment: The sexual oppression of people with physical disabilities - Academic article
- Implementation and use of a simplified axial turbine sizing model for system size optimization - Report
- Implementation of a robot control architecture for additive manufacturing applications - Academic article
- Implicit high-resolution compositional simulation with optimal ordering of unknowns and adaptive spatial refinement - Academic lecture
- Implicit high-resolution compositional simulation with optimal ordering of unknowns and adaptive spatial refinement. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ImpreCCS: Lower CCS cost and risk through better CO2 viscosity and thermal conductivity knowledge - Website (informational material)
- Improve your tests with STAMP - Popular scientific lecture
- Improved CO2 flux by dissolution of oxide ions into the molten carbonate phase of dual-phase CO2 separation membranes - Academic article
- Improved cyclability of Nickel rich layered oxides - Poster
- Improved multi-stage cross-flow fluidized bed classifier - Academic article
- Improved process control by surface temperature-controlled drying on the example of sweet potatoes - Chapter
- Improved Safety in the Arctic through Digitalization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improved SiC MOSFET SPICE Model to Avoid Convergence Errors - Academic lecture
- Improvements in Rules and Regulations to Support Sensemaking in Safety-critical Maritime Operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improving CO2 well integrity by studies of materials from Ketzin wells – Petrophysical characterization of core samples - Report
- Improving GIS-based models for bicycling speed estimations - Academic article
- Improving oil spill trajectory modelling in the Arctic - Academic article
- Improving pre-turbine selective catalytic reduction systems in marine two-stroke diesel engines using hybrid turbocharging: A numerical study of selective catalytic reduction operation range and system fuel efficiency - Academic article
- Improving Security and Safety Co-analysis of STPA - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impurity Speciation in Petroleum Cokes using XAS Techniques XANES and EXAFS - Poster
- In situ heating TEM observations of evolving nanoscale Al‐Mg‐Si‐Cu precipitates - Academic article
- In situ monitoring of pit gas composition during baking of anodes for aluminum electrolysis - Academic article
- In Situ Monitoring of Pit Gas Composition During Baking of Anodes for Aluminum Electrolysis - Academic lecture
- In Situ Preparation of Epoxy-SiO2 Nanocomposites as High Voltage Insulation - Poster
- In Situ Preparation of Epoxy-SiO2 Nanocomposites for High Voltage Insulation - Lecture
- In situ synthesis of Epoxy-SiO2 nanocomposites for high voltage insulation - Poster
- In vitro and in vivo effects of HAL on porphyrin production in rat bladder cancer cells (AY27) - Academic article
- In vitro evaluation of utilisable crude protein and methane production for a diet in which grass silage was replaced by different levels and fractions of extracted seaweed proteins - Academic article
- In vitro validation of ultrasound VFI regularization through rapid data assimilation - Academic lecture
- INACHUS Robot - Poster
- Incipient Fault Prediction in Power Quality Monitoring - Poster
- Incipient Fault Prediction in Power Quality Monitoring - Academic article
- Including Power Management Strategies and Load Profiles in the Mathematical Optimization of Energy Storage Sizing for Fuel Consumption Reduction in Maritime Vessels - Academic article
- Incorporating sediment management in short-term hydro scheduling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Incorporation of an ionic liquid into a midblock-sulfonated multiblock polymer for CO2 capture - Academic article
- Incorporation of feed and fecal waste from salmon aquaculture in great scallops (Pecten Maximus) co-fed by different algal concentrations - Academic article
- Increased utilisation and value creation from whitefish rest raw materials - Academic lecture
- Increasing CO2 storage safety through stochastic simulation of well cementing - Website (informational material)
- Increasing workload in Norwegian general practice – a qualitative study - Academic article
- Increasing workload in Norwegian general practice – a qualitative study - Academic lecture
- Indo-Norwegian cooperation on recycling construction waste - Interview
- Indoor climate and energy performance in nearly zero energy day care centers and school buildings - Academic article
- Industrial applications of different strains of Bacillus spp. isolated from decayed wood - Poster
- Industrial energy consumption is massive, but thermal storage can boost energy efficiency - Website (informational material)
- Industrial microbiology – 'omics methods and modelling as tools for process optimization - Poster
- Industrial storage of root vegetables: Energy and quality aspects of existing cold-storages - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Industrial storage of root vegetables: Energy and quality aspects of existing cold-storages - Academic lecture
- Industrial storage of root vegetables: Energy and quality aspects of existing cold-storages. - Academic article
- Industrialising concrete additive manufacturing - Academic lecture
- Industry 4.0 in shipping: The impact on ship technology and operations - Lecture
- Industry 4.0: Whose Revolution? The Digitalization of Manufacturing Work Processes - Academic article
- Industry-led fishing gear development: Can it facilitate the process? - Academic article
- Influence of inputs knowledge on Grey-box models for Demand Response in Buildings - Academic lecture
- Influence of inputs knowledge on Grey-box models for Demand Response in Buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Influence of local weather conditions on ventilation of a pitched wooden roof - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Influence of Mesoporous Silica Properties on Cyclic Carbonate Synthesis Catalysed by Supported Aluminium(Salen) Complexes - Academic article
- Influence of nitrogen limitation on lipid accumulation and EPA and DHA content in four marine microalgae for possible use in aquafeed - Academic article
- Influence of photoperiod and temperature on reproductive development and oocyte growth in polychaete Hediste diversicolor - Academic lecture
- Influence of photoperiod and temperature on reproductive development and oocyte growth in polychaete Hediste diversicolor - Poster
- Influence of Phytoplankton Advection on the Productivity Along the Atlantic Water Inflow to the Arctic Ocean - Academic article
- Influence of SCMs on hydration and durability of blended cements - Chemical and physical principles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Influence of SCMs on hydration and durability of blended cements - Chemical and physical principles - Lecture
- Influence of Technological Parameters on the Isomerization of Geraniol Using Sepiolite - Academic article
- Influence of water vapour on the surface exchange kinetics of functional oxides - Poster
- Influence of weather on emissions from the global shipping fleet - Academic lecture
- Information about reference group meetings - Lecture
- Information from the Research Council of Norway ENERGIX programme - Lecture
- Information Inconsistencies in Smart Distribution Grids under Different Failure Causes modelled by Stochastic Activity Networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Initial experience with WEB-interfaced modelling tools - report from summer intern work - Report
- In-Line VIV Based on Forced-Vibration Tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- In-Line VIV Based on Forced-Vibration Tests - Academic lecture
- Innovasjonssafari i Varmetekniske laboratorier, NTNU og SINTEF - Museum exhibition
- Innovation report: Food Waste Management - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Innovations and recommendations - SAMBA WP7 report - Report
- Innovations for achieving the UN's SDGs with climate resilient water infrastructure - Academic lecture
- Innovative research project DryFiciency welcomes Scanship, a Norwegian pioneer in waste management - Interview
- Innovative Research Project DryFiciency Welcomes Scanship, a Norwegian Pioneer in Waste Management - Interview
- Inside the aluminum contact spot - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Inside the electrode: Looking at cycling products in Li/O2 batteries - Academic article
- Insights from periodic DFT calculations on the structure of, and chloride incursion into, Calcium-Silicate-Hydroxide - Academic lecture
- In-situ investigation of an artificial designed ∑27 grain boundary and dislocations during directional solidification of silicon - Academic lecture
- Inspection Trajectory Planning for 3D Structures under a Mixed-Integer Framework - Academic article
- Inspection Trajectory Planning for 3D Structures under a Mixed-Integer Framework - Academic lecture
- Inspection with resident and autonomous drones at electrical substations - Lecture
- Installationers påverkan på dricksvattenkvalitet - Lecture
- Institutional frameworks and firm strategies in offshore wind production networks across UK, Germany and France - Academic lecture
- Integrally hydrophobic cementitious composites made with waste amorphous carbon powder - Academic article
- Integrated evaluation of energy and emission reduction potential and management strategies for urban road systems - Academic article
- Integrated hydrological risk analysis for hydropower projects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated Maritime Autonomous Transport Systems (IMAT) - Academic article
- Integrating PCM-based thermal energy storage on top of wood stoves: concept and CFD modelling - Poster
- Integration of COPRO technologies at aluminium plants - Report
- Integration of COPRO technologies at oil and gas processing facilities - Report
- Interaction of DSO and local energy systems through network tariffs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interaction of hydrogen with flat (0001) and corrugated (11–20) and (10–12) cobalt surfaces: Insights from experiment and theory - Academic article
- Interactions between work and Health in Norwegian Fish farming. - Interview
- Interactions between work and Health in Norwegian Fish farming. Workers perception, work strain and work environment - Lecture
- Intercomparison of wave reanalysis based on ERA5 and WW3 Databases - Academic article
- Intercomparison of Wave Reanalysis based on ERA5 and WW3 Databases - Academic lecture
- Interfacial tension between oil and seawater as a function of dispersant dosage - Academic article
- Internal structure of shales by coherent X-ray diffraction imaging - Academic lecture
- International Best Practices - Lecture
- International Dross and Packaging Recycling Workshop - Lecture
- International scientists to gather in Norway to accelerate carbon capture and storage - Interview
- International scientists to gather in Norway to accelerate carbon capture and storage - Interview
- Internet of Fish: Integration of acoustic telemetry with LPWAN for efficient real-time monitoring of fish in marine farms - Academic article
- Internet Science. INSCI 2018 International Workshops, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 24–26, 2018, Revised Selected Papers. - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Interoperability and Integration - Lecture
- Interpretation of Induction Time and Nonstandard Spontaneous Imbibition Trends Utilizing In-situ Measurements – Identification of No-Flow Regions and Wettability Alteration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interview Sintef Energy's Nils Røkke on Carbon Capture & Storage - Interview
- Intraoperative 3D ultrasound-guided resection of diffuse low-grade gliomas: radiological and clinical results. - Academic article
- Intratumoral microdistribution and therapeutic response of enzyme sensitive liposomes in human prostate cancer xenografts after ultrasound mediated delivery - Poster
- Introducing Traceability in the Indian Surimi Supply Chain - Academic lecture
- Introduction and assessment of basic concepts for autonomous ships in maritime transport systems for short sea shipping - Lecture
- Introduction to hackathon - Popular scientific lecture
- Introduction to project final workshop - topic of the day - Lecture
- Introduction to the COMET project - Academic lecture
- Introduction to VALUMICS Project and the salmon case study - Academic lecture
- Inventory Management under Storage and Order Restrictions - Academic article
- Inverse Model Identification of the Thermal Dynamics of a Norwegian Zero Emission House - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigador del IMP recibe reconocimiento internacional por el desarrollo de tecnologías en energías limpias - Interview
- Investigating the effect of pressure on a vertical two-phase upward flow with a high viscosity liquid - Academic article
- Investigating the performance of a hybrid PV integrated shading device using multi-objective optimization - Academic article
- Investigation Methods for Fish-escape Events in Norwegian Aquaculture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of pinholes in Czochralski silicon ingots in relation to structure loss - Academic article
- Investigation of the electrostatic potential of a grain boundary in Y-substituted BaZrO3 using inline electron holography - Academic article
- Investigation of the Influence of Solar Cell Processing on Structural Defects in HPMC-Si Wafers by Photoluminescence Image Analysis - Academic lecture
- Investigation of the Model Structure for Low-Order Grey-Box Modeling of Residential Buildings - Lecture
- Investigation of the Model Structure for Low-Order Grey-Box Modelling of Residential Buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation on ash slag from combustion of medium-density fiberboard production residues - Academic article
- Investigation on Ash Slag from Combustion of Medium-Density Fiberboard Production Residues - Academic lecture
- Investigation on scale formation in aluminium industry by means of a cold-finger - Academic article
- Investigations of 6-pane Glazing: Properties and Possibilities - Academic article
- Investigations of the surface dynamics of Pd-alloy surfaces under oxidation reactions - Academic lecture
- IoT/IIoT evolution and the transformative effects for distributing intelligence at the edge - vision, trends and open challenges. - Lecture
- IoT-Based Strategies for Risk Management of Rainfall-Induced Landslides: A Review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- iProcess - Innovative and Flexible Food Processing Technology in Norway - 2019:01041 - Report
- iProcess – Innovative and Flexible Food Processing Technology in Norway (2016-2019). WP4 – Information Management. - Lecture
- Is a Smarter Grid Also Riskier? - Academic article
- Is aluminium electrolysis using inert anodes a blind alley? - Website (informational material)
- Is it better to light your stove from the top using small wood chips? - Website (informational material)
- Is it ok to use simpler HX models in system optimization? - Lecture
- Is It Possible to Supply Norwegian Apartment Blocks with 4th Generation District Heating? - Academic article
- Is rubber from end-of-life car tires a source for pollutants and harmful effects in the Arctic marine environment? - Academic lecture
- Is the aquaculture industry a significant source of marine pollution? A material flow analysis of the Norwegian aquaculture industry - Academic lecture
- Isolation of Thermophilic Enzyme-producing Parageobacillus Bacteria from Chipped Woody Waste - Academic article
- IT sourcing strategies and distributed teams - Lecture
- Johan Sverdrup Navigation Technology Final Report - Report
- Joining of Aluminium and Steel – from macro to nano – Experiments and Modelling - Academic lecture
- Joint inversion for quantitative imaging of reservoir parameters and ERT data acqusition at CaMI.FRS. - Academic lecture
- Joint inversion of synthetic monitoring data for a realistic model from CaMI Field Research Station (FRS), Canada - Academic lecture
- Kan bli en stor næring for Norge - Feature article
- Keeping solar and wind energy stored in the battery: What is the value? - Website (informational material)
- Key challenges in fabrication of metal-supported thin film proton conducting electrolyser cells - Poster
- Key Lessons From Tailoring Agile Methods for Large-Scale Software Development - Academic article
- Kids save lives - Co-creation for training first aid - Lecture
- Kinetic Analysis of Digestate Slow Pyrolysis with the Application of the Master-Plots Method and Independent Parallel Reactions Scheme - Academic article
- Kinetic Study of Butanol Production from Mixtures of Glucose and Xylose and Investigation of Different Pre-growth Strategies - Academic article
- Kinetic study of vacuum evaporation of elements from ternary melts; case of dilute solution of P in Si-Al melts - Academic article
- Kinetics and Mechanism of Low-Grade Manganese Ore Reduction by Natural Gas - Academic article
- Kinetics of POP sorption and additive release of a variety of polymers under Arctic conditions - Academic lecture
- KLD HFC free Chiller India : environmental benefits of implementing a CO2 heat pump for combined heating and cooling at Bengaluru centralised school kitchen - Report
- Klima 2050 - Lecture
- Klima 2050. Annual Report 2018 - Report
- Klimatilpasning av nye bygg - Lecture
- Knowledge basis for repair contingency of pipelines - Final report - Report
- Knowledge production in evaluating rehabilitation of buildings – Areas of interest and biases - Poster
- Knowledge sharing in product development teams - Academic article
- KPIer - Key Performance Indicators 2019 - Report
- KPN Reduced CO2 Overview - Academic lecture
- KPN Reduced CO2 Overview to Eramet - Lecture
- Kvitebjørn condensate – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - Report
- Lab-on-a-chip platform for early detection of disease biomarkers - Poster
- Laboratory Evaluations of Ceramic Sidelining Materials. - Academic lecture
- Laboratory full-scale rock bolt testing: Analysis of recent results - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Laboratory scale study of reverse priming in aluminium filtration - Academic article
- Laboratory test for studies on shale barrier formation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Labour under an Assumption - Popular scientific article
- Large Floating Coastal Structures - Website (informational material)
- Large floating structure with free-floating, self-stabilizing tanks for hydrocarbon storage - Academic article
- Large scale battery systems in distribution grids - Doctoral dissertation
- Large scale experiments on high-rate three-phase low liquid loading flows - Academic lecture
- Large scale experiments on high-rate three-phase low liquid loading flows - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Large-Scale Agile and Global Software Engineering - Academic lecture
- Large-scale dynamic pressure modelling, Horda Platform area - Lecture
- Laser and laser hybrid welding of bridge components: 1st progress report - Report
- Latent heat storage for centralized heating system in a ZEB living laboratory: integration and design - Academic lecture
- Latent heat storage for centralized heating system in a ZEB living laboratory: integration and design - Academic article
- Latent heat storage unit integrated on top of wood stoves: concept design and preliminary CFD modelling - Academic lecture
- Latent heat storage unit integrated on top of wood stoves: concept design and preliminary CFD modelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Latitudinal and seasonal variations of growth and chemical content of the sugar kelp Saccharina latissima along the Norwegian coast - Lecture
- LCA analysis of biocarbon pellet production to substitute coke - Academic lecture
- LCA Analysis of Biocarbon Pellet Production to Substitute Coke - Academic article
- Leadership challenges in autonomous teamwork - Academic lecture
- Lead-free piezoelectric fibre mats of BCZT for flexible devices - Poster
- Lean Implementing Facilitating Integrated Value Chain - Academic lecture
- Learning about Uncertain Predictions of Rainfall-Induced Landslides from Observed Slope Performance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Learning from biology: Herd immunity for the IoT - Popular scientific lecture
- Length and hull shape importance to Reach IMO's GHG target SMC-075-2019 - Academic lecture
- Lessons learned after one-year of use of a highly efficient neighbourhood in Norway - Academic article
- Lessons Learned from Increased Automation in Aviation: The Paradox Related to the High Degree of Safety and Implications for Future Research - Academic lecture
- Lessons learnt from the design and construction strategies of two Norwegian low emission construction sites - Academic article
- Let a Snake-Inspired Robot Be Your Hero Today - Interview
- LFCS Review report – Model testing Model testing of large structures in a wave basin - Report
- LFCS Review report – Structure and mooring response - Report
- LFCS Review report – Structure and mooring response - OC2018 A-073-WP3/WP4 - Report
- Life cycle assessment for Zero Emission Buildings – A chronology of the development of a visual, dynamic and integrated approach - Academic article
- Lifetime and maintenance modelling utilizing monitoring data MonitorX report L8 - Report
- Lifetime Management on Equipment - Chapter
- Liner feeder network design with autonomous ships: a Norwegian case study - Academic lecture
- Liner Shipping Network Design with Autonomous Vessels: a Norwegian Case Study - Academic lecture
- Liner-Network Shipping Design with Autonomous vessels - Academic lecture
- LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 synthesised through an oxalic acid co-precipitation - Poster
- Linked Data Exploration With RDF Surveyor - Academic article
- L'Intelligenza Artificiale nell'Industria - Interview
- Lipid accumulation and DHA synthesis in Aurantiochytrium sp, elucidated by transcriptome, proteome and metabolome analyses. - Academic lecture
- Lipid and DHA-production in Aurantiochytrium sp. – Responses to nitrogen starvation and oxygen limitation revealed by analyses of production kinetics and global transcriptomes - Academic article
- Live transport of Norway lobster with mobile RSW system for an international market - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Live transport of Norway Lobster with mobile RSW system for an international market. - Academic lecture
- LNG er måske slet ikke en fordel for klimaet - Interview
- LNG study dispute puts methane slip in the spotlight - Interview
- Local thermal grids with waste heat utilization: low- or medium-temperature supply? - Academic lecture
- Local use of rock materials – production and utilization. State-of-the-art - Report
- Locally refined splines for compact representation and analyses of geospatial big data - Academic lecture
- Local-scale monitoring and landslide hazard assessment using Internet of Things technology to improve landslide forecasts in Norway - Lecture
- Long- and short-range structures of Ti1-xHfxNi1.0/1.1Sn half-Heusler compounds and their electric transport properties - Academic article
- Long-term electricity load forecasting: Current and future trends - Academic article
- Looking back at TCCS-10 - Multimedia product
- LORCENIS Challenges - Lecture
- Low- and zero-carbon energy solutions in Norwegian coastal maritime transport: a technological innovation system analysis - Academic lecture
- Low Temperature rig - Multimedia product
- LowEmission - Meeting Industry´s Emission Reduction Goals - Lecture
- LowEmission - Moving towards zero emission oil and gas production - Lecture
- LowEmission - Moving towards zero emission oil and gas production - Lecture
- LowEmission - Research Centre for a Low Emission Petroleum Industry on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Lecture
- Low-loss ultrasound transmission through glass assisted by resonance - Academic article
- Low-temperature fatigue life properties of Aluminum butt weldments by the means of the local strain energy density approach - Academic article
- Løsningsbeskrivelser og drifts- og vedlikeholdsveileder - Lecture
- Machine Learning and Wearable Sensors for Mental Health Monitoring - Lecture
- Machine learning in Echocardiography - Academic lecture
- MACROSEA - A knowledge Platform for Industrial Macroalgae Cultivation - Lecture
- MACROSEA - A Knowledge Platform for Industrial Macroalgae Cultivation - Lecture
- Magnetkis i betongtilslag. Effekt på betongs bestandighet - Report
- Making sense of bridge design: how seamanship may challenge technology-as-designed - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Managing absence and dropout in vocational rehabilitation - a mixed-methods analysis of practices and perspectives among vocational rehabilitation companies in Norway - Academic article
- Managing Complex Patient Journeys in Healthcare - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Managing Security in Software Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Manage the Security Technical Debt - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Managing the cold chain of seafood in Norway - Academic lecture
- Manipulation of Fibril Surfaces in Nanocellulose-Based Facilitated Transport Membranes for Enhanced CO2 Capture - Academic article
- Mapping decision mechanisms in food supply systems – A case of Norwegian salmon supply chain - Poster
- Maritime Data Space - invitation to stakeholder workshop with the Code Kilo joint industrial project in maritime sector - Lecture
- Maritime Data Space - presentation at the IDSA Summit 2019 - Lecture
- Maritime transport - Lecture
- Market architecture for TSO-DSO interaction in the context of European regulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Market conditions, mission requirements and Operational profiles - Chapter
- Martensitic-like phase transformations within the Cu-Pd-Sn system - Academic lecture
- MASS and consequences for IALA - Lecture
- Matching ontologies for air traffic management: A comparison and reference alignment of the AIRM and NASA ATM ontologies - Academic article
- Matching Ontologies for Air Traffic Management: A Comparison and Reference Alignment of the AIRM and NASA ATM Ontologies - Academic lecture
- Material characterization of aged wet-design cable - Lecture
- MEA degradation - Academic lecture
- Measurement of anode anisotropy by micro x-ray computed tomography - Academic article
- Measuring Developers' Software Security Skills, Usage and Training Needs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Measuring In Situ Interfacial Contact Resistance in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell - Academic article
- Measuring the thermal conductivity of membrane and porous transport layer in proton and anion exchange membrane water electrolyzers for temperature distribution modeling - Academic article
- Measuring user experience in chatbots: An approach to interpersonal communication competence - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mechanical aspects and applications of pellets prepared from biomass resources - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mechanical properties and lifetime prediction of recycled High-Density Polyethylene - Poster
- Mechanical properties of polyamide 12 parts made by powder bed fusion (additive manufacturing) - Academic lecture
- Mechanisms of Toxicity of Industrially Relevant Silicomanganese Dust on Human 1321N1 Astrocytoma Cells: An In Vitro Study - Academic article
- Medium-Term hydropower scheduling with variable head under inflow, energy and reserve capacity price uncertainty - Academic article
- Meeting future emission regulation at sea by combining low-pressure EGR and sea water scrubbing - Academic article
- Melting properties of quartz and its effect on industrial Si and FeSi production - Lecture
- Melting properties of quartz and their effect on industrial Si and FeSi production - Academic article
- Melting properties of quartz and their effect on industrial Si and FeSi production - Academic lecture
- Membrane-assisted CO2 capture through liquefaction for clean H2 production - Academic lecture
- Mental wellbeing among the oldest old, living in nursing home or at home - Abstract
- Mental wellbeing among the oldest old, living in nursing home or at home. - Abstract
- MES as an Enabler of Lean Manufacturing - Academic article
- MES Implementation: Critical Success Factors and Organizational Readiness Model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mesh sticking probability in fishing gear selectivity: Methodology and case study on Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) and mantis shrimp (Squilla mantis) in the Mediterranean Sea creel fishery - Academic article
- Metabolomics approaches in the INBioPharm project - Lecture
- Metallurgical Aspects in the Welding of Clad Pipelines—A Global Outlook - Academic article
- Methane activation on bimetallic catalysts: properties and functions of surface Ni-Ag alloy - Academic article
- Methane slip from gas fuelled ships: a comprehensive summary based on measurement data - Academic article
- Methane Slip Summarized: Lab vs. Field Data - Academic lecture
- Method for Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of ocean structures: Case study on horizontal mooring systems - Academic article
- Methodology for mapping possibilities of infrastructure re-use - Report
- Methodology for Paleo-Water Depth reconstruction for continental margin clinoform systems - Academic lecture
- MethOSM: A Methodology for Computing Composite Indicators Derived from OpenStreetMap Data - Academic article
- Michael Lobo to visit Norway, Sweden Waste Management Facilities - Interview
- Microbial community dynamics in recirculating aquaculture systems rearing Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar) with reduced organic loading through membrane filtration - Academic lecture
- Microbiomes of decaying wood - Poster
- Microbiomes of decaying wood - Academic lecture
- MICROFIBRE: How dangerous are your clothes to the ocean? - Academic lecture
- Micromechanical Investigations Of Cross-Over Fiber Bridging - Academic lecture
- Micromechanical Model of Cross-Over Fiber Bridging - Poster
- Microplastic in global and Norwegian marine environments: Distributions, degradation mechanisms and transport - Academic lecture
- Microplastic in wild populations of the omnivorous crab Carcinus aestuarii: A review and a regional-scale test of extraction methods, including microfibres - Academic article
- Microplastic properties and environmental conditions influence PAH sorption and bioavailability to copepods - Popular scientific lecture
- Microplastics for Research and Risk assessment: First Results - Academic lecture
- Microscopic failure mechanism of zinc layer in galvanized sheet during sheet forming process - Academic article
- Micro-Sonde Well Logging System; a Novel Method for Along-Well Measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Microstructural and compositional optimization of La0.5Ba0.5CoO3−δ —BaZr1−zYzO3−δ (z = 0, 0.05 and 0.1) nanocomposite cathodes for protonic ceramic fuel cells - Academic article
- Microstructure driven design of porous electrodes for molten carbonate fuel cell application: Recent progress - Academic article
- MIKON-AEN – PAH metabolites in gallbladder bile from polar cod - Samples from polar cod experiments at University of Tromsø winter 2018-2019 - OC2019 A-130 - Report
- MILP approaches to practical real-time train scheduling: the Iron Ore Line case - Academic lecture
- Mineral oxygen carriers for petcoke conversion using CLC technology - Poster
- Mineralization of Sialoliths Investigated by Ex Vivo and In Vivo X-ray Computed Tomography - Academic article
- Mineralogical Sequence of Self-Healing Products in Cracked Marine Concrete - Academic article
- Minimization of dead time effect on bridge converter output voltage quality by use of advanced gate drivers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Minimum entropy generation in a heat exchanger in the cryogenic part of the hydrogen liquefaction process: On the validity of equipartition and disappearance of the highway - Academic article
- Mining railway traffic control logs - Academic article
- Mission Innovation Champion John Olav Tande - Multimedia product
- Mission Innovation publishes CCUS report - Interview
- Mitigation of furnace Dynamics in Energy Recovery - Lecture
- Mixed gas separation performance and upscaling of PolyPOSSimide membranes for H2 purification - Academic lecture
- Mixed proton and electron conducting double perovskite anodes for stable and efficient tubular proton ceramic electrolysers - Academic article
- Mn dust to Mn metal - Academic lecture
- Mn-promoted cobalt catalysts for light olefin production - Academic lecture
- Mobility control of CO2 during aquifer storage - Academic lecture
- Model Predictive Control of Marine Power Plants with Gas Engines and Battery - Academic article
- Model predictive control of offshore wind turbine - Masters thesis
- Model Reduction through Machine Learning Tools Using Simulation Data with High Variance - Academic article
- Model Reduction through Machine Learning Tools Using Simulation Data with High Variance. - Academic lecture
- Model reformulations for Work and Heat Exchange Network (WHEN) synthesis problems - Academic article
- Model-based, Platform-independent Logging for Heterogeneous Targets - Academic lecture
- Model-Based, Platform-Independent Logging for Heterogeneous Targets. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling and publishing French business register (SIRENE) data as linked data using the EubusinessGraph ontology - Academic article
- Modeling of Multiterminal HVDC Offshore Grids with Renewable Energy and Storage Integration by Opensource Tools - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling the toxicity of dissolved crude oil exposures to characterize the sensitivity of cod (Gadus morhua) larvae and role of individual and unresolved hydrocarbons - Academic article
- Modelling and development of high-pressure-lift ejector for low temperature evaporators in R744 refrigeration systems for supermarkets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling and Linking Company Data in the euBusinessGraph Platform - Academic article
- Modelling and simulation of a single slit micro packed bed reactor for methanol synthesis - Academic article
- Modelling CO2 storage in large-scale aquifer systems - Lecture
- Modelling electric and heat load profiles of non-residential buildings for use in long-term aggregate load forecasts - Academic article
- Modelling liquid-on-liquid spreading during LNG spills - Website (informational material)
- Modelling mitigation measures for smolt migration at dammed river sections - Academic article
- Modelling of an electrically active Σ9{110} grain boundary - Poster
- Modelling of Grain Boundary Segregation and Bulk Precipitation in Multi-component Al Alloys Subjected to Heat Treatment - Academic lecture
- Modelling of the wall film in high-rate low liquid loading flows - Academic lecture
- Modelling of the wall film in high-rate low liquid loading flows - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling of Wind Power Plant Transmission System for Harmonic Propagation and Small-signal Stability Studies - Academic article
- Modelling the mass transfer in membrane contactors operated with highly viscous amine absorbents - Academic lecture
- Modelling TSO-DSO coordination: The value of distributed flexible resources to the power system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling Tunnel Network Flow and Minimum Pressure Height in Short-Term Hydropower Scheduling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modern numerical methods and their applications in mechanical engineering - Editorial
- Modification of POSS derivatives for reinforcement of bulk concrete - Academic lecture
- Moisture control strategies of habitable basements in cold climates - Academic article
- Moisture Control Strategies of Habitable Basements in Cold Climates - Lecture
- Moisture robustness of eaves solutions for ventilated roofs: Experimental studies - Academic article
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Heat Transfer at Contact Interface of Hot Forming Die - Academic article
- MonArc Project Report 2019. Monitoring of Arctic Infrastructure - Report
- Monitoring activities at the CaMI Field Research Station in Brooks, AB, Canada - Popular scientific lecture
- Monitoring and modelling CO2 Plume at Sleipner - Academic lecture
- Monitoring concept for a CO2 migration experiment at the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab - Poster
- Monitoring of Erosion in a Pneumatic Conveying System by Non-intrusive Acoustic Sensors – A Feasibility Study - Academic article
- Monitoring of scale formation in a pneumatic conveying system operating in a metal production plant - Academic article
- Monitoring of scaling in dilute phase pneumatic conveying systems using non-intrusive acoustic sensors – A feasibility study - Academic article
- Monitoring Programme for Foundation Settlements and Initial Results - Poster
- Monitoring selective etching of self-assembled nanostructured a-Si:Al films - Academic article
- MonitorX : summary of results, recommendations for use of results, and suggestions for further work - Report
- Morphology and activity of electrolytic silver catalyst - For reactions relevant to partial oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde (MTF) - Academic lecture
- Morphology and Activity of Electrolytic Silver Catalyst for Partial Oxidation of Methanol to Formaldehyde Under Different Exposures and Oxidation Reactions - Academic article
- Moving bed temperature swing adsorption (MBTSA) for CO2 capture from a natural gas combined cycle power plant - Poster
- Moving Bed Temperature Swing Adsorption (MBTSA) for post combustion CO2 capture - Poster
- Moving bed temperature swing adsorption (MBTSA) technology for post-combustion CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Moving bed temperature swing adsorption for CO2 capture from a natural gas combined cycle power plant - Academic article
- Moving Towards Sustainability: OJS Publishing at OsloMet University Library - Academic lecture
- MR-guided ultrasound for directed treatment: results from cabazitaxel in a prostate cancer model - Academic lecture
- Multi-component Analysis of amine solvent by FTIR and PLS - Academic lecture
- Multi-component analysis of monethanolamine solvent samples by FTIR - Academic article
- Multi-Criteria Assessment Approach for a Residential Building Retrofit in Norway - Academic article
- Multi-criteria decision analysis in Bayesian networks - diagnosing ecosystem service trade-offs in a hydropower regulated river - Academic article
- Multi-Ejector Concept: A Comprehensive Review on its Latest Technological Developments - Academic article
- MultiFlow JIP – Campaign 4: 3-phase Liquid Dominated Flows in 8-inch Diameter Pipe - Report
- Multimesh Finite Element Methods for Arbitrarily Many Intersecting Meshes: Applications to Fluid Flow - Academic lecture
- MultiMesh Finite Element Methods: Solving PDEs on Multiple Intersecting Meshes - Academic article
- Multi-objective parametric study of a wooden window - Academic article
- Multiscale Simulation of Flow and Transport in Porous Media - Popular scientific article
- MultiSharm - Lecture
- Multivariate Scenario Generation -An Arima and Copula Approach - Academic article
- Muon Spin Relaxation Study of Solute–Vacancy Interactions During Natural Aging of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys - Academic article
- Musculoskeletal symptoms among workers in the commercial fishing fleet of Norway - Academic article
- Na-dynamics in Na2Zn2TeO6, a possible solid-state electrolyte - Poster
- Nano Insulation Materials Exploiting the Knudsen Effect - Academic article
- Nano Insulation Materials Exploiting the Knudsen Effect - Academic lecture
- Nanocrystal segmentation in scanning precession electron diffraction data - Academic article
- Nanoscale Characterisation of Deformed Aluminium Alloys - Doctoral dissertation
- Nano-scale characterisation of sheared β” precipitates in a deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy - Academic article
- Nanoscale imaging of shale cuttings with coherent X-ray diffraction - Poster
- Nanostructured surfaces for efficient liquefaction of CO2 - Poster
- Nanotechnology and the Development of Novel Materials for Utilization in Energy-Efficient Buildings - Academic lecture
- Nanotechnology and the Next Step Towards the High-Performance Thermal Insulation Materials of Tomorrow - Academic lecture
- National reporting of faults and interruptions using CIM and MADES/ECP - Academic article
- National Surface and Interface Analysis Laboratory (NICE II): From (near) in-situ to operando XPS analysis - Lecture
- Nature-inspired geometrical design of a chemical reactor - Academic article
- Navigating OWL 2 Ontologies Through Graph Projection - Academic article
- NCCS - Annual Report 2019 - Report
- NCCS annual report 2018 - Multimedia product
- NCCS annual report 2018 - Brochure
- NCCS: The Norwegian CCS Research Centre - Lecture
- Near well-bore sealing in the Bečej CO2 reservoir: Field tests of a silicate based sealant - Academic article
- Need and Measurements of Accurate Thermodynamic Data for CCS - Academic article
- Need for, access to and quality of assistive technology in low- and middle-income countries. In: Global perspectives on assistive technology - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Negative CO2 emissions - An analysis of the retention times required with respect to possible carbon leakage - Academic article
- New Encapsulation Concepts for Medical Ultrasound Probes – A Heat Transfer Simulation Study - Academic lecture
- New encapsulation concepts for medical ultrasound probes- A heat transfer simulation study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New guidelines and certification system for SUDS - Lecture
- New H2020 project: Open ENTRANCE Modelling in support to the transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System in Europe - Poster
- New knowledge on Sea disposal - Brochure
- New methodology for case studies of well control incidents - Lecture
- New Privacy Threat on 3G, 4G, and Upcoming 5G AKA Protocols - Academic article
- New results with Goa ceramic materials - Lecture
- New species in aquaculture - Lecture
- New species in Aquaculture - Lecture
- New technologies and new species for better utilization of marine bio resources - Lecture
- New Tools For Targeted Cloning And Over Expression Of Biosynthetic Gene Clusters - Poster
- New ultra-fast camera to ElPowerLab - Multimedia product
- New vulnerabilities in 4G and 5G cellular access network protocols : exposing device capabilities - Academic article
- News in short-term scheduling - Lecture
- Next Generation Vessel Response Tool - Academic lecture
- NGTS Svalbard: Long-term geotechnical testing in frozen soils - Lecture
- NIL Metasurfaces for miniaturized optics - Academic lecture
- Nils Røkke: CCS is a must to meet climate targets - Interview
- Nominations open for the SINTEF and NTNU CCS-award - Website (informational material)
- Noninvasive Transorbital Assessment of the Optic Nerve Sheath in Children: Relationship Between Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter, Deformability Index, and Intracranial Pressure - Academic article
- Non-isothermal kinetics: best fitting empirical models instead of model-free methods - Academic article
- Non-isothermal kinetics: Best fitting empirical models instead of model-free methods - Academic lecture
- Nonlinear domain decomposition scheme for sequential fully implicit formulation of compositional multiphase flow - Academic article
- Nordsjöns botten kan bli Europas CO2-kyrkogård - Interview
- Norge vill ta betalt för att lagra utsläpp: ”Stor ironi” - Interview
- Normalization of Deviance In the Construction Industry; A Managerial Perspective - Academic lecture
- Normalization of maritime accident data using AIS - Academic article
- North Sea Offshore Grid – Norwegian perspective and grid optimisation research - Academic lecture
- Norway as a Battery for the Future European Power System – Comparison of Two Different Methodological Approaches - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Norway summons extra judges to rule on EU snow crab war - Interview
- Norway: a battery for Europe - Interview
- Norway's Practice and Experience on Autonomous Ships - Lecture
- Norwegen, der CO2-Mülleimer Europas? - Interview
- Norwegian (and Nordic) ASR history; How to produce durable concrete utilizing alkali reactive aggregates? - Lecture
- Norwegian Emergency Towing Service – Past – Present and Future - Academic lecture
- Norwegian Energy Road Map 2050 – KPN project - Poster
- Norwegian German Cooperation on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships - Popular scientific lecture
- Norwegian large-scale CO2 storage project (Smeaheia): baseline geophysical models - Academic article
- Norwegian scientist: ‘No way’ of reaching climate neutrality without hydrogen - Interview
- Norwegian scientist: ‘No way’ of reaching climate neutrality without hydrogen - Interview
- Norwegian scientist: ‘No way’ of reaching climate neutrality without hydrogen - Feature article
- Not-in-kind approach to remote monitoring in CO2 refrigeration systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Novel aquaculture production systems in the coastal zone - Lecture
- Novel ceramic-liquid composites for oxygen separation - Academic lecture
- Novel heat recovery concept development - Lecture
- Novel molten/solid composite oxygen transport membranes for CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Novel net cleaning technologies - concept study for industrial up-scaling - results from NOTVASK project WP3 - Lecture
- Novel perovskite oxygen carriers with remarkable stability and redox performance - Poster
- Novel solid-liquid composite membranes for oxygen separation - Poster
- Novel true triaxial apparatus applied to the study of sand mass production under anisotropic stress conditions - Academic lecture
- Novel true triaxial apparatus applied to the study of sand mass production under anisotropic stress conditions. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Novel true triaxial apparatus applied to the study of thermal effects on water injectivity under anisotropic stress conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Novel true triaxial apparatus applied to the study of thermal effects on water injectivity under anisotropic stress conditions - Poster
- NOx detection by MoS2/hBN heterostructures - Poster
- NOx detection by MoS2/hBN heterostructures - Poster
- Nozzle Wear and Pressure Rise in Heating Volume of Self-blast Type Ultra-high Pressure Nitrogen Arc - Academic article
- NTNU to lead European sustainability project - Interview
- Numerical analysis of boundary conditions in a Lagrangian particle model for vertical mixing, transport and surfacing of buoyant particles in the water column - Academic article
- Numerical analysis of local and global responses of an offshore fish farm subjected to ship impacts - Academic article
- Numerical approach for generic three‐phase flow based on cut‐cell and ghost fluid methods - Academic article
- Numerical investigation of modeling frameworks and geometric approximations on NREL 5 MW wind turbine - Academic article
- Numerical Modeling of Radial Fracturing of Cement Sheath Caused by Pressure Tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis of Gas Kick Migration and Unloading of Riser - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical study of a moored structure in moving broken ice driven by current and wave - Academic article
- Numerical Study of a Single-Point Mooring Gravity Fish Cage With Different Deformation-Suppression Methods - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Study of a Single-Point Mooring Gravity Fish Cage With Different Deformation-Suppression Methods - Academic lecture
- Nurturing new technologies - Report
- Nutrient recovery from waste in Norway - Lecture
- Nutrient Rich sidestreams in microalgae Production: The COMPLETE project - Lecture
- Observations of Rising Methane Bubbles in Trondheimsfjord and Its Implications to Gas Dissolution - Academic article
- Ocean plastic: an opportunity in the circular economy? - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Oda crude oil – Weathering Properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - 2019:01159 A - Report
- Offset-dependent overburden time-shifts from ultrasonic data - Academic lecture
- Offset-Dependent Overburden Time-Shifts from Ultrasonic Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Offshore Gas Turbines: Operation practice and typical transients - Lecture
- Offshore outsourcing costs: known or still hidden? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Offshore power generation with carbon capture and storage to decarbonise mainland electricity and offshore oil and gas installations: A techno-economic analysis - Academic article
- Offshore steam bottoming cycles –perspectives on previous and ongoing work - Lecture
- Offshore wind farm control: Model-based predictive control - Lecture
- OGG1 inhibition as a novel strategy to treat inflammation and cancer - Lecture
- OGG1 inhibition as a novel strategy to treat inflammation and cancer - Lecture
- Oil&Gas case - recent work and results - Lecture
- Oil/Water Pipe-Flow Dispersions: From Traditional Flow Loops to Real Industrial-Transport Conditions - Academic article
- On controllability of a fully thermally coupled four-product dividing wall column - Academic article
- On how copper mordenite properties govern the framework stability and activity in the methane-to-methanol conversion - Academic article
- On offshore wind farm maintenance scheduling for decision support on vessel fleet composition - Academic article
- On simulation of particle-laden wake flow - Academic lecture
- On simulation of particle-laden wake flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On soot sampling: Considerations when sampling for TEM imaging and differential mobility spectrometer - Academic article
- On the ballistic perforation resistance of additive manufactured AlSi10Mg aluminium plates - Academic article
- On the Bifurcation Diagram of the Capillary–Gravity Whitham Equation - Academic article
- On the biogenicity of Fe-oxyhydroxide filaments in silicified low-temperature hydrothermal deposits: Implications for the identification of Fe-oxidizing bacteria in the rock record - Academic article
- On the border between brittle and ductile behavior of shale - Academic lecture
- On the Border Between Brittle and Ductile Behavior of Shale - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On the choice of closure complexity in anisotropic drag closures for filtered Two Fluid Models - Academic article
- On the Contextualization of Event-Activity Mappings - Academic article
- On the development of electrodes for tubular proton ceramic electrolysers for pressurized hydrogen production - Lecture
- On the Hydrodynamic Interaction between Ship and Free-surface Motions on Vessels with Moonpools - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On the issue of transparency and reproducibility in nanomedicine - Letter to the editor
- On the numerical stability in dynamical distributed simulations - Academic article
- On the potential of a hybrid PSA-liquefaction process for post-combustion CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- On the potential of integrating building information modelling (BIM) for the additive manufacturing (AM) of concrete structures - Academic article
- On the significance of the higher-order stress in riser vortex-induced vibrations responses - Academic article
- On the use of random walk schemes in oil spill modelling - Academic article
- On Total Resistance of Ships in a Seaway - Academic lecture
- On-board live storage of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): Effects of capture stress, recovery, delayed processing, and frozen storage on fillet color characteristics - Academic article
- On-Bottom Stability of Umbilicals and Power Cables for Offshore Wind Applications - Academic article
- One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks on Motor Activity Measurements in Detection of Depression - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- One-year trial of 12-hour shifts in a non-intensive care unit and an intensive care unit in a public hospital: a qualitative study of 24 nurses’ experiences - Academic article
- On-line determination of dry matter content in whole potatoes by NIR spectroscopy. - Academic lecture
- Online monitoring of perfluorcarbon (PFC) emissions from aluminium industry - Website (informational material)
- Online parameter adjustment method for arm voltage estimation of the modular multilevel converter - Academic article
- Online parameter identification of synchronous machines using Kalman filter and recursive least squares - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ontology and metadata for materials modelling - Academic lecture
- Ontology-based Semantic Search For Open Government Data - Academic lecture
- Ontology-Based Semantic Search for Open Government Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Oocyte development in Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) and influence of manipulated light cycles - Masters thesis
- Open conference on: Læringsverktøy for ungdommar med Asperger syndrom og Tourettes syndrom basert på spelteknologi - Popular scientific lecture
- Open Energy Transition Analyses for a low-carbon Economy - Lecture
- Open ENTRANCE D8.1 Project Management Handbook - Report
- Open Reservoir Simulator for CO2 Storage and CO2-EOR - Academic article
- openENTRANCE. LC-SC3-CC-2-2018: Modelling in support to the transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System in Europe - Academic lecture
- Operating a Battery in a Hydropower-Dominated System to Balance Net Load Deviations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operating Room of the Future: An Arena for Minimally Invasive Intervention in Trondheim, Norway - Popular scientific book
- Operation and Control of hybrid AC/DC transmission grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operational data-driven prediction for failure rates of equipment in safety instrumented systems: A case study from the oil and gas industry - Academic article
- Operational experience and future plans for Norwegian emergency towing service - Lecture
- Operational use of marginal cost curves for a hydropower producer trading in the intraday market - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operationalizing and guiding sustainability in aquaculture. Web-portal with sustainability indicators for salmon farming in Norway - Academic lecture
- Operator 4.0 - Emerging Job Categories in Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OPM Day - Lecture
- OPM Development stories - Lecture
- Opportunities for CO2 Capture in the Waste-to-Energy Sector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Opportunities for local energy supply in Norway: A case study of a university campus site - Academic article
- Optical limiting potential of reduced graphene oxide based films, solutions and silico-phosphate composites - Poster
- Optimal microgrid operation considering battery degradation using stochastic dual dynamic programming - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimal Pricing of Production Changes in Cascaded River Systems with Limited Storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimal Shaping of the MMC Circulating Currents for Preventing AC-Side Power Oscillations from Propagating into HVdc Grids - Academic article
- Optimal Sizing of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Hybrid Marine Power Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimal timing of assessment tasks depending on experience level of surgical trainees - Academic article
- Optimisation of cutting parameters for improving energy efficiency in machining process - Academic article
- Optimised Geophysical Survey Design for CO2 Monitoring – A Synthetic Study - Academic article
- Optimised use of RDF as substitute for Coal at Norcem Brevik Cement Plant - Report
- Optimising the biocarbon value chain for a sustainable metallurgical industry - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Optimising the biocarbon value chain for sustainable metallurgical industry - Lecture
- Optimising the biocarbon value chain for sustainable metallurgical industry - Lecture
- Optimization of Precipitating Solvent System for Pilot Testing in CLIMIT Demo Project INSPIRE - Academic article
- Optimization of System Operation and Heat Exchanger Sizing in Rankine Cycles - a case Study on Aluminium Smelter Heat-to-power Conversion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimized CO2 storage in sloping aquifers: Estimation of physical and chemical immobilization potential and retardation along migration path in open storage solutions - Poster
- Optimized Nickel-Cobalt and Nickel-Iron Oxide Catalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Water Electrolysis - Academic article
- Optimized NiMo Catalyst for Superior Hydrogen Evolution Activity in Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis - Academic lecture
- Optimized use of Energy Charged from Shore in Plug-in Hybrid Marine Vessels - Academic article
- Optimizing alginate gelation conditions for 3D cell culture - Lecture
- Optimizing design and operation of chilling tank for Atlantic salmon - Academic lecture
- Optimizing design and operation of chilling tank for Atlantic salmon - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing vessel fleet size and mix to support maintenance operations at offshore wind farms - Academic article
- Orchestration in the Global Ocean Governance of the BBNJ - Academic lecture
- Our cities are hidden power stations. - Interview
- Overview of the results of the project ‘Loads on Structure and Waves in Ice’ (LS-WICE) - Academic article
- Oxidation of Al-Mg alloys in small scale experiments - Report
- Oxidation of CrFeCoNiCu sputtered thin films - Academic lecture
- Oxidation of Liquid Silicon in Air Atmospheres Containing Water Vapor - Academic article
- Oxidation study of porous metal substrates for metal supported proton ceramic electrolyzer cells - Academic article
- Oxygen solubility of amine solutions - Academic lecture
- P-4 Formation of ultrafine particles in a classroom under different ventilation conditions - Poster
- PAN European Approach for Strengthening Research and Innovation in Smart Grids, Energy Storage and Local Energy Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Panel on Digital Futures - Digital Disruptions: New Approaches and Platforms for High-impact Research - Lecture
- Parametric Shape Optimization for Combined Additive–Subtractive Manufacturing - Academic article
- Participatory Ideation for Gamification: Bringing the User at the Heart of the Gamification Design Process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Participatory modelling and scenarios to investigate the wicked environmental problem microfiber pollution - Masters thesis
- Passive Components Size Reduction in Solid-State Transformers for EV Fast Charging System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Path Following Control of Underactuated Surface Vessels in the Presence of Multiple Disturbances - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Path Following, Obstacle Detection and Obstacle Avoidance for Thrusted Underwater Snake Robots - Academic article
- Patient interpretation of the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) Short Form - Academic article
- Pd-based membranes: Overview and perspectives - Editorial
- Peculiar properties of UMB4 (M = V, Cr, Mo, W) uranium borides - Academic article
- Pedagogical Strategies for Creating an Online Community. - Academic lecture
- Perceptions of ferry crew members´emergency preparedness capacities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance and failure analysis of full cell lithium ion battery with LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 and silicon electrodes - Academic article
- Performance Comparison of Different Rankine Cycle Technologies Applied to Low and Medium Temperature Industrial Surplus Heat Scenarios - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance evaluation in enabling safety for a hydropower generation system - Academic article
- Performance evaluation of an industrial heat pump - Report
- Performance of high temperature heat pump for simultaneous and efficient production of ice water and process heat - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance of SCMs – Chemical and Physical Principles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance operation of liquid ejectors for a R744 integrated multi-ejector supermarket system using a hybrid ROM - Academic article
- Performance, usability, and energy efficiency of CUDA and OpenCL for GPU computing with Python - Lecture
- Phase effects in tap-hole flow-a computational modelling study - Academic article
- Phase Transformations within the Cu-Pd-Sn system - Poster
- Philosophy of artificial intelligence - Academic lecture
- Phosphorus in Saccharina latissima Initial uptake, storage, and possibilities for recycling in IMTA-systems - Masters thesis
- Photocathodic Hydrogen Evolution from Catalyzed Nanoparticle Films Prepared from Aqueous Dispersions of P3HT and PCBM - Academic article
- Photoelectrochemical water splitting on Ta3N5 nanotubes for H2 production - Poster
- Physical controls on phytoplankton size structure, photophysiology and suspended particles in a Norwegian biological hotspot - Academic article
- Physical modeling of basin scale fluid generation in source rocks - Poster
- Physical properties of sputtered CrFeCoNiCu thin films on quartz substrate - Poster
- Piecewise approximate implicitization with prescribed conditions using tensor-product B-splines - Poster
- PiezoMEMS reliability: why the electrode-material matters in humid ambient - Academic lecture
- Pilot project | Sola Airport - Report
- Pilot test for automated mud management leverages real-time monitoring, hydraulic modeling - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Pipe sizing based on domestic hot water consumption in Norwegian hotels, nursing homes and apartment buildings - Academic lecture
- Pipe sizing based on domestic hot water consumption in Norwegian hotels, nursing homes and apartment buildings - Lecture
- Pipe sizing based on domestic hot water consumption in Norwegian hotels, nursing homes, and apartment buildings - Academic article
- Pitch NCCS Task 1: Design of CCS chain under uncertainties and fluctuations - Lecture
- PKI vs. Blockchain when Securing Maritime Operations - Academic article
- Planning Instruments for Smart Energy Communities - PI-SEC Scenario Calculator - Turn ambitious goals into actions! - Lecture
- Planning of robotic inspection from visual tracking of manual surface finishing tool. - Academic lecture
- Planning tools for hydropower scheduling in renewable energy systems - Lecture
- Plasticity and dislocation mechanisms in aluminium alloys containing precipitate free zones - Academic lecture
- Plastics in the ocean - A sink, source or vector for emerging pollutants - Academic lecture
- Plate heat exchanger optimisation model - 2019 update - Report
- Polar lipid profile of Saccharina latissima, a functional food from the sea - Academic article
- Pollution: Fat matters - Lecture
- Polymer Gels Made with Functionalized Organo-Silica Nanomaterials for Conformance Control. - Academic article
- Polymer Injectivity Implementation in OPM - Academic lecture
- Pore pressure response in rock: Implications of tensorial Skempton B in an anisotropic formation - Academic lecture
- Pore Pressure Response in Rock: Implications of Tensorial Skempton B in an Anisotropic Formation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pore-to-core EOR upscaling for CO2-foam for CCUS - Academic article
- Porosity and solidification cracking in welded 45 mm thick steel by fiber laser-MAG process - Academic article
- Positive Energy Districts based on NZEB - Academic lecture
- Post-arc Dielectric Recovery Characteristics of Free-burning Ultrahigh-Pressure Nitrogen Arc - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Poster session FME HighEFF Annual Consortium Meeting 2019 - Poster
- Potential for electricity flexibility in Norwegian apartment buildings - Lecture
- Potential of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor fed on aquaculture and biogas side streams as an aquaculture food source - Academic article
- Power Losses in Electrical Topologies for a Multi-Rotor Wind Turbine System - Academic article
- Power oscillation damping with virtual capacitance support from modular multilevel converters - Academic article
- Power Price Scenarios - Results from the Reference scenario and the Low Emission scenario - Report
- Power Quality in Smart Distribution Systems with Electric Battery, Large Loads and PV Generation. - Academic lecture
- Power Quality in Smart Distribution Systems with Electric Battery, Large Loads and PV Generation - Academic lecture
- Power Quality in Smart Distribution Systems with Electric Battery, Large Loads and PV Generation. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Practical evaluation of a draft cable screen connection test procedure - Report
- Practical guidelines for production planning and control in HVLV production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Practical Guidelines for Production Planning and Control in HVLV Production - Academic article
- Practical vs. Academic approach to Energy Recovery - an introduction - Lecture
- Practices for onboarding new developers - Lecture
- Practices to obtain lice counts at Norwegian salmon farms: status and possible implications for representativity - Academic article
- Precipitates in aluminium alloys – studied by advanced (S)TEM techniques - Academic lecture
- Precipitation behavior in an Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy during ageing - Academic article
- Precipitation in an A356 foundry alloy with Cu additions - A transmission electron microscopy study - Academic article
- Precipitation in an extruded AA7003 aluminium alloy: Observations of 6xxx-type hardening phases - Academic article
- Predicting diagnostic coding in hospitals: individual level effects of price incentives - Academic lecture
- Predicting optimal combinations of by‐catch reduction devices in trawl gears: A meta‐analytical approach - Academic article
- Predicting strain engineering strategies using iKS1317: a genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor - Academic article
- Predicting the Grid -- Severe Weather, Outages, and Power Quality Forecast - Lecture
- Prediction of combined inline and crossflow vortex-induced vibrations response of deepwater risers - Academic article
- Prediction of DHW energy use in a hotel in Norway - Academic article
- Prediction of PDC Drill Bit Performance for Hard Rock Geothermal Drilling Using Bit-Rock Interaction Models - Lecture
- Prediction of short-term wind and wave conditions for marine operations using a multi-step-ahead decomposition-ANFIS model and quantification of its uncertainty - Academic article
- Predictions from a subsea release of Oda crude oil related to oil spill response - Evaluation of response options - OC2019 A-117- - Report
- Predictive Data Transformation Suggestions in Grafterizer Using Machine Learning - Academic article
- Predictive rule-based control to activate the energy flexibility of Norwegian residential buildings: Case of an air-source heat pump and direct electric heating - Academic article
- Predictors of negative beliefs toward the sexual rights and perceived sexual healthcare needs of people with physical disabilities in South Africa - Academic article
- Preface - Editorial
- Preface to RELPOWFLO V-based articles - Editorial
- Pre-heating of alumina. Weight of rafts at different temperatures - Report
- Preliminary results show that machine learning can predict faults and disturbances in the power system - Website (informational material)
- Preliminary study on CO2 transcritical ejector enhanced compressor refrigeration system for independent space cooling and dehumidification - Academic article
- Preparation of Hierarchical Raney-Type Solid Foam Catalysts and their Catalytic Activity - Academic lecture
- Preparation of low density organosilica monoliths containing hollow silica nanospheres as thermal insulation materials - Academic article
- Preparation of TiO2 rutile nanorods decorated with cobalt oxide nanoparticles for solar photoelectrochemical activity - Academic article
- Preserving vorticity improves the accuracy of multiscale solvers - Academic article
- Pressure Dependent Propagation of Positive Streamers in a long Point-Plane Gap in Transformer Oil - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pressurized Gas Switching Combustion in a Pre-Pilot Scale Reactor Cluster - Academic lecture
- Pretreatment of manganese ores as a mean to reduce CO2 emissions - Academic lecture
- Prevalence of hearing impairment among primary school children in the Kilimanjaro region within Tanzania - Academic article
- Price elasticity of electricity demand in metropolitan areas – Case of Oslo - Academic article
- Principal component analysis for decision support in integrated water management - Academic article
- Principal Component Analysis for Decision Support in Integrated Water Management - Academic lecture
- Priority analysis for risk factors of equipment in a hydraulic turbine generator unit - Academic article
- Privacy Risks in 5G Networks - Lecture
- Privacy-Preserving Process Mining: Differential Privacy for Event Logs - Academic article
- Privacy-preserving Process Mining: Differential Privacy for Event Logs (Extended Abstract) - Popular scientific article
- Probabilistic robust design of control systems for high-fidelity cyber–physical testing - Academic literature review
- Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Hydro Scheduling in Competitive Electricity Markets - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Process Mining and Privacy in Smart Manufacturing - Popular scientific article
- Process of Energy Master Planning of Resilient Communities for comfort and energy solutions in districts - Academic lecture
- Process of Energy Master Planning of Resilient Communities for comfort and energy solutions in districts - Academic article
- Processing of Haynes® 282® Alloy by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Technology - Academic article
- Processing of Haynes® 282® Alloy by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Technology - Poster
- Processing of high performance composite cathodes for protonic ceramic fuel cells by exsolution - Academic article
- Process-related risks in refurbishment of dwellings using prefabricated wall elements with integrated PV and ventilation ducts - Academic article
- Production of omega3 fatty acids for salmon feed by heterotrophic microorganisms. - Academic lecture
- Production of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor using side streams from aquaculture and biogas production and its potential as an aquaculture food source - Academic article
- Professor Roland Span won the SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award 2019 at TCCS-10 - Website (informational material)
- Profiling microplastics in the Indian edible oyster, Magallana bilineata collected from the Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India - Academic article
- Profiting from CCS innovations: A study to measure potential value creation from CCS research and development - Academic article
- Profiting from CCS Innovations: A Study to Measure Potential Value Creation from CCS Research and Development - Academic article
- Progress in Understanding Initiation of Intergranular Corrosion on AA6005 Aluminum Alloy with Low Copper Content - Academic article
- Progressive hedging for stochastic programs with cross-scenario inequality constraints - Academic article
- PROJECT 6: ODSS – On-board decision support system - Popular scientific lecture
- Project Risk and Opportunity Management - An Owner's Perspective - Academic monograph
- Promoting rainwater harvesting for improving water security: Analysis of drivers and barriers in Ghana - Academic article
- Prosumers provide energy flexibility - Interview
- Prosumers' role in the future energy system - Report
- Protecting biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction: An earth system governance perspective - Academic article
- Protocol optimization of MALDI MSI for spatial detection of peptides in fresh frozen prostate tissue - Poster
- Proton ceramic electrolyser technology - Lecture
- Protonics, stability and electrochemistry of Ba1‑xGd1-yLax+yCo2O6-δ (BGLC) - Academic lecture
- Protons in mixed conducting Ba1‑xGd1‑yLax+yCo2O6‑δ (BGLC) - Academic lecture
- Pt-Cu nanoparticles on 2D and 3D supports: an AP-XPS/TAP study - Academic lecture
- PTSD as a consequence of past conflict experience, recent exposure to violence and economic marginalization in post-conflict contexts: A study from Nepal, Guatemala and Northern Ireland - Academic article
- Public acceptance of driverless shuttles in Norway - Academic article
- Public private collaboration in the context of zero emission neighbourhood - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Public tendered maritime passenger services. Opportunities and barriers for zero-emission operation. - Report
- Publisher Correction: On the issue of transparency and reproducibility in nanomedicine (Nature Nanotechnology, (2019), 14, 7, (629-635), 10.1038/s41565-019-0496-9) - Errata
- Push-out test: Why bother? - Academic article
- Putting the "Account" into Cloud Accountability - Academic lecture
- Putting the "Account" into Cloud Accountability - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- PW-Exposed twitter @ExposedPw - Website (informational material)
- Pyrolysis of Untreated and Various Torrefied Stem Wood, Stump, and Bark of Norway Spruce - Academic article
- Pålitelighet av prøvingsmetoder - Lecture
- Q&A: Starting the hydrogen economy with the EERA’s Nils Røkke - Interview
- Quality of life and service satisfaction in outpatients with severe or non-severe mental illness diagnoses - Academic article
- Quality of open data sets for intermittent energy production from the Nordic countries - Academic lecture
- Quantification of bell-shaped size selectivity in shrimp trawl fisheries using square mesh panels and a sorting cone after a Nordmøre grid - Academic article
- Quantification of metabolites of alkyl-PAHs - Academic lecture
- Quantification of oil droplets under high pressure laboratory experiments simulating deep water oil releases and subsea dispersants injection (SSDI) - Academic article
- Quantitative monitoring and uncertainties during multiphysics inversion - Academic lecture
- Quantum Advantage in the NISQ computing era - Lecture
- Quantum computing - possibilities and limitations - Lecture
- Quantum Computing and Optimization - Lecture
- Quantum Computing and Quantum Supremacy - Lecture
- RA1 Methodologies - Lecture
- RA3 - Cycles - Lecture
- Radiation hard pixel '3D' sensors for use in ATLAS-ITk at LHC - Lecture
- Radiological evaluation of low-grade glioma: time to embrace quantitative data? - Editorial
- Railway Rolling Stock Maintenance Scheduling - Academic lecture
- Random angle grain boundary formation and evolution dynamics during Si directional solidification - Academic article
- Random walk particle-tracking method for modeling changes of sediment characteristics in marine sediments after drilling discharges - Academic article
- Rational design of mixed solvent and porous graphene-supported spinel oxide electrodes for high-rate and long cycle-life Mg batteries - Academic article
- Reaching climate goals is a social responsibility - Multimedia product
- Reaction Rates of 2SiO2+SiC=3SiO+CO in Pellets at Elevated Temperatures - Academic article
- Reactivity of coke in relation to sulfur level and microstructure - Academic article
- Reactivity of Coke in Relation to Sulfur Level and Microstructure - Academic lecture
- Reactivity of Coke in Relation to Sulfur Level and Microstructure - Academic article
- Reactivity of spent pot lining (SPL) - Preliminary results from the first experiments - Report
- Realising CCS - NCCS - Multimedia product
- Real-time optimization of wind farms using modifier adaptation and machine learning - Academic lecture
- Real-Time Parameter Estimation of a Nonlinear Vessel Steering Model Using a Support Vector Machine - Academic article
- Recommended Steps in Thematic Synthesis - Academic lecture
- Recovery of valuable elements from municipal solid waste incineration ashes - Academic lecture
- Recovery of valuable elements from municipal solid waste incineration ashes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Recovery of valuable metals from industrial waste streams - Academic lecture
- Recycled C&D Waste Materials in Construction - Lecture
- Recycling of the Flue Gas in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells - Report
- Reduced complexity modelling of CO2 leakage through faults - Academic lecture
- Reduced mechanisms for emission control in solid fuel combustion with SNCR - Academic lecture
- Reduced-scale hot box method for thermal characterization of window insulation materials - Academic article
- REEF3D Wave Generation Interface for Commercial CFD Codes - Academic lecture
- REEF3D Wave Generation Interface for Commercial CFD Codes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ReFood and ReValue - our research within "Circularity - Making the most of resources" - Lecture
- ReFood and ReValue – two Indo-Norwegian research projects - Lecture
- ReFood and ReValue – two Indo-Norwegian research projects - Lecture
- ReFood and ReValue: Indo-Norwegian Research Projects - Lecture
- ReFood – Indo-Norwegian research project - Lecture
- Refrigeration and fish quality - Academic lecture
- Refrigeration onboard fishing vessels in Norway - Lecture
- Refrigeration to prevent food losses - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Refrigeration to prevent food losses - Academic lecture
- Refrigeration units in marine vessels Alternatives to HCFCs and high GWP HFCs - Report
- Registration open for CINELDI Conference: Future electricity distribution grid R&D - Website (informational material)
- Regulatory Frameworks for Enabling Distributed Energy Resource Participation in Smart Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Relation between strength of cements based on different clinkers and their microstructure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Relations between Static and Dynamic Moduli of Sedimentary Rocks - Academic article
- Relay feedback excitation for identification of Fuel Cell perfomance parameters - Poster
- Relevant tools available in Germany - Chapter
- Reliability analysis methodology for smart fault handling in MV distribution grids - Academic article
- Reliability framework for power network assessment - Academic article
- Reliable and quantitative electrochemical platform for direct detection of CYP707A1 gene expression from wheat leaves - Academic article
- Removal and recovery of indium from ITO coated glass and scraps using molten salt electrolysis - Academic article
- Renewal planning based on asset health data used in cost-benefit analyses - Academic article
- Reply to Guski, Schreckenberg, Schuemer, Brink and Stansfeld: Comment on Gjestland, T. A Systematic Review of the Basis for WHO’s New Recommendation for Limiting Aircraft Noise Annoyance. Int. J. Env. Res. Pub. Health 2018, 15, 2717 - Academic article
- Report on findings on transportation and logistics of selected food value chains - Salmon to fillet case study - Report
- Reporting of Hazardous Events in Aquaculture Operations - The Significance of Safety Climate - Academic article
- Requirements for adopting digital B2B platforms for manufacturing capacity finding and sharing - Academic article
- Requirements for positive energy districts in Energy Master Planning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Requirements for positive energy districts in Energy Master Planning - Academic lecture
- Research of controllable inclusion addition methods in Al melt - Academic lecture
- Research on Extreme Upgrading of Existing Hydropower Systems - Academic lecture
- Research on zero emission buildings - Lessons learned - Academic lecture
- Research on zero emission buildings - Lessons learned - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Research possibilities in the Norwegian ZEB Laboratory - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Researchers aim to store Swedish CO2 on the Norwegian shelf - Interview
- Researchers Aim to Store Swedish CO2 on the Norwegian Shelf - Interview
- Researchers to store CO2 on the Norwegian shelf - Interview
- Researchers Want to Store Swedish CO2 Under the North Sea - Interview
- RESGRAM - utvikling av resirkulert tilslag fra gravemasser til bruk i veibygging og betongproduksjon - Lecture
- Residential mobility, family structure, and completion of upper secondary education – A registry-based cohort study of the Norwegian adolescent population - Academic article
- Resilience to exogenous shocks in environmental management regimes in the Arctic – lessons learned from survivors - Academic article
- Resonance Characteristics in Offshore Wind Power Plants with 66 kV Collection Grids - Academic article
- Resource recovery from sludge from dyes and dye intermediates industries through utilisation in Cement plant - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Responsive building envelope concepts in zero emission neighborhoods and smart cities - A roadmap to implementation - Academic article
- Result summary of the COPRO project - Report
- Results from the MAD-project - Lecture
- Results of IEA Wind TCP Workshop on a Grand Vision for Wind Energy Technology - Report
- Results of three H2020 projects dealing with bauxite residues. - Academic lecture
- Retrospective for the Insurance team - Lecture
- Re-use of infrastructure, Norway - Report
- ReValue - improved resource utilization in the Indo-European fish value chains - Lecture
- Revealing the Structural and Chemical State of Platinum Nanoparticles during Oxidation of NO to NO2 at Nitric Acid Plant Conditions - Academic lecture
- Review and mapping of national (and regional/local) level policy and governance interventions in Norway to develop more effective food value Chains (pp. 348-362) in Barling, David, Sharpe, Rosalind, Gresham, Jennifer, & Mylona, Kalliopi. (2019). Fairer trading practices, food integrity and sustainability collaborations: Policies, regulations and governance (Version 2). Zenodo. - Report
- Review of building services solution fitted for a low emission building stock in urban areas - Academic lecture
- Review of building services solution fitted for a low emission building stock in urban areas - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Review of Design Guidelines for Biorefinery Separation Systems - Academic lecture
- Review of HVAC strategies for energy renovation of detached houses towards nZEB in cold climates - Academic article
- Review of requirements on ship design optimization tools - Lecture
- Review of technologies for DC grids – power conversion, flow control and protection - Academic literature review
- Reviewing tools and technologies for sustainable ports: Does research enable decision making in ports? - Academic literature review
- Reviewing tools and technologies for sustainable ports: does research enable decision making in ports? Presentation for user ports - Lecture
- Revisiting the issue of power in safety research - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- RFI Monitoring Activities in Norway (SINTEF) - Academic lecture
- RFI Monitoring in Support of Safety-Critical Multi-Band GNSS-based Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rilem Technical Committe; TC 258-AAA (Avoiding Alkali Aggregate Reactions in Concrete - Performance Based Concept); Current Activities and Achievement - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rilem Tecincal Committe; TC 258-AAA (Avoiding Alkali Aggregate Reactions in Concrete - Performance Based Concept); Current Activities and Achievement - Lecture
- Risk Management in Procurement of Blue-Green Roofs – A Project Owner Perspective - Academic article
- Risk Management in Procurement of Blue-Green Roofs – A Project Owner Perspective - Lecture
- Risk management in procurement of blue-green roofs – supplier perspective - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risk management in procurement of blue-green roofs – supplier perspective - Lecture
- Risk-Based Elicitation of Security Requirements According to the ISO 27005 Standard - Academic article
- RNR: Reliability oriented Network Restructuring - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Robotic Bin-Picking under Geometric End-Effector Constraints: Bin Placement and Grasp Selection - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Robotic Bin-Picking under Geometric End-Effector Constraints: Bin Placement and Grasp Selection - Academic lecture
- Robotic Manipulation of 3D Compliant Objects of Marine and Agricultural Origin - Academic lecture
- Robust decision making analysis of BECCS (bio-CLC)in a district heating and cooling grid - Academic article
- Robust linear domain decomposition schemes for reduced non-linear fracture flow models - Academic lecture
- Robust nanocomposites of a-Fe2O3 and N-doped graphene oxide: Interfacial bonding and chemisorption of H2O - Academic article
- Robust nonlinear Newton solver with adaptive interface-localized trust regions - Academic article
- Roland Span wurde in Trondheim geehrt - Interview
- Rolling Horizon Simulator for Evaluation of Bidding Strategies for Reservoir Hydro - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ROME - Resilient and Optimal Micro-Energy-grid - Academic lecture
- Room temperature creep mechanism of a Pb-Sn-Sb lead alloy - Academic article
- Rules and Reasoning. Third International Joint Conference, RuleML+RR 2019. Bolzano, Italy, September 16–19, 2019. Proceedings. - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Safe smolt migration past hydropower water intakes – how to find the best mitigation alternatives - Academic lecture
- Safety climate and health complaints in the Norwegian aquaculture industry - Academic article
- Safety when implementing digital Technology and Infrastructure. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Salt clogging during supercritical CO2 injection into a downscaled borehole model - Academic article
- Sample size implications for calculations of community tolerance level values from social surveys of noise-induced annoyance - Academic article
- Sampling domain reduction for surrogate model generation - Applied to H2 production with CO2 capture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sampling domain reduction for surrogate model generation – Applied to H2 production with CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Sand mass production in true triaxial borehole tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sand production in isotropic and anisotropic stress tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SBP-N Project - Biomaterials, bioactives and enzymes - Lecture
- SBP-N Project - Food, feed and nutraceuticals - Lecture
- Scanning electron diffraction as a versatile tool for studying the microstructure of Al alloys - Academic lecture
- Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction to aid Aluminum Alloy Development - Academic article
- Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction to Aid Aluminum Alloy Development - Academic lecture
- Scanship : Innovative Research Project DryFiciency Welcomes Scanship, a Norwegian Pioneer in Waste Management - Interview
- Scenario analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Scenario quantification for the power sector in Europe and Norway until 2050 - Report
- Scenario-based recommendations for operative oil spill response in the Arctic - FateIce WP5A - OC2019 A-159 - Report
- Science–practice knowledge interaction in the Norwegian fish farming industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Scientist: ‘I’m pretty sure we will need carbon removal technologies’ - Interview
- Screening Cellulose Spinning Parameters for Fabrication of Novel Carbon Hollow Fiber Membranes for Gas Separation - Academic article
- Screening thermoelectric materials with ab initio atomistic modelling and machine learning techniques - Academic lecture
- Seasonal Storage of Industrial Waste Heat - Report
- Seaweed cultivation in Norway- ecology and strategy - Lecture
- Seaweed farming in Norway: Blue Carbon and Blue Economy perspectives - Lecture
- Second presentations of keynote speakers – TCCS-10 - Website (informational material)
- Segmentation of apical long axis, four- and two-chamber views using deep neural networks - Academic article
- Seismic RTDT—real-time digital twin for boosting performance of seismic operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Seismic RTDT—real-time digital twin for boosting performance of seismic operations - Academic lecture
- Selection of key performance indicators (KPIs) in the transition towards low-carbon urban communities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Selection of key performance indicators (KPIs) in the transition towards low-carbon urban communities - Lecture
- Self-blast current interruption and adaption to medium voltage load current switching - Academic article
- Self-driving shuttle buses in Norway. The SmartFeeder pilots and research project - Academic lecture
- Self-healing and Chloride Ingress in Cracked Cathodically Protected Concrete Exposed to Marine Environment for 33 Years - Report
- Self-healing distribution Grids - Multimedia product
- Semantic Data Enrichment for Data Scientists - Academic lecture
- Semantic Data Enrichment for Data Scientists: Tutorial website for the ESWC2019 tutorial on semantic data enrichment for data scientists. - Website (informational material)
- Semantic segmentation and detection of mediastinal lymph nodes and anatomical structures in CT data for lung cancer staging - Academic article
- Semantically-Enabled Optimization of Digital Marketing Campaigns - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sensemaking in Critical Situations and in Relation to Resilience - A Review - Academic article
- Sensitivity of adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) to the water-soluble fraction of crude oil under low and high food regimes - Poster
- Service-aware virtual network function placement in software defined networks - Academic article
- Service-Aware Virtual Network Function placement in Software Defined Networks - Academic lecture
- SESAR 2020 PJ08 EXE08.01.06 SIMADES Availability Note - Report
- SESAR PJ.05.03 - 3D for Remote Tower - Lecture
- SESAR Solution 08.01 Validation Plan (VALP) for V2 - Part I; D2.1.040 - Report
- SESAR Solution 08.01 Validation Report (VALR) for V2 - Report
- Settling of barite particles in oil-based drilling fluids - Academic lecture
- Seven emerging technologies that will be vital for fighting climate change - Interview
- SFI Metal Production Interaction with the industry partners and FME - Lecture
- SFI MOVE - P6: Generic on-board decision support framework for marine operations - Academic lecture
- Shale and Wellbore Integrity - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Shape Optimization Using the Finite Element Method on Multiple Meshes with Nitsche Coupling - Academic article
- Sharing Neighbourhoods – supporting the third sector through digitalization - Lecture
- Shedding from chemically-treated oil droplets rising in seawater - Academic article
- Ship collision analysis with a floating offshore fish farm - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ship Dimmensions - a key factor in todays's GHG reduction aims - Interview
- Ship Performance and Navigation Information under High Dimensional Digital Models - Academic article
- Shipping 4.0: Disrupting the Shipping Business as We Know It? - Lecture
- Shooting Back and (re)framing: Challenging Dominant Representations of People with Physical Disabilities in South Africa - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Shop floor teams and motivating factors for continuous improvement - Academic article
- SHOP: How hydropower scheduling creates value now and in the future - Website (informational material)
- Short-term hydro scheduling of a variable speed pumped storage hydropower plant considering head loss in a shared penstock - Academic article
- Should we differentiate ventilation requirements for different user groups? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SIAG/GS Early Career Prize Lecture: Multiscale Simulation of Porous Media Flow: Obstacles, Opportunities and Open-source - Academic lecture
- Sickness Absence and Hospitalization among Workers on Board Norwegian Fishing Vessels - Academic article
- Sideledge in Aluminium Cells: Further Considerations Concerning the Trench at the Metal-Bath Boundary - Academic article
- SIG Seaweed 5 Conference, Conference chair - Lecture
- Silica from diatom frustules as anode material for Li-ion batteries - Academic article
- Silicon anodes for lithium-ion batteries produced from recovered kerf powders - Academic article
- Silicon fabrication technology for Organ-on-Chip: opportunities and limitations - Academic lecture
- Silicon-carbon composite anodes from industrial battery grade silicon - Academic article
- Simple and robust intravital microscopy procedures in hybrid TIE2GFP-BALB/c transgenic mice - Academic article
- Simple energy-budget model for yolk-feeding life stages; a case study for Atlantic cod - Poster
- Simple Simulation of Fracturing as a Result of CO2 Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simplified LCA tool for ambitious upgrading of wooden dwellings - Poster
- Simplifying interactions between autonomous and conventional ships with e-Navigation - Academic article
- Simulation and control of shading systems for glazed facades - Academic article
- Simulation of a full-scale fracture propagation test - Academic lecture
- Simulation of Complex tunnel systems for short-term hydropower scheduling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simulation of dew points in raw biogas using PR and SRK equations of state : - Academic article
- Simulation of multi-market trading : a case study - Report
- Simulation of stress hysteresis effect on permeability increase risk along a fault - Academic article
- Simulation of volcanic ash ingestion into a large aero engine: particle–fan interactions - Academic article
- Simulation vs Measurements. A comparison of calculated and empirical energy data for the Norwegian building Stock - Academic lecture
- Simulation-Based Design and Economic Evaluation of a Novel Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor for Power Production with Integrated CO2 Capture - Academic article
- Simulation-based Training and Assessment in Minimally Invasive Surgery - Exploration and Validation - Doctoral dissertation
- SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award - Multimedia product
- SINTEF builds a new Hele-Shaw cell to understand two-phase flow in natural fractures - Website (informational material)
- SINTEF Energy Research 2018 - Annual report - Brochure
- SINTEF in space - Academic lecture
- SINTEF Research activities in autonomous ship - Lecture
- Situation Awareness for Effective Production Control - Academic lecture
- Situation Awareness for Effective Production Control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Skeletal mechanisms for prediction of NOx emission in solid fuel combustion - Academic article
- Skempton's A – A key to man-induced subsurface pore pressure changes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sketching the Landscape for Lean Digital Transformation - Academic article
- Slack Me If You Can! Using Enterprise Social Networking Tools in Virtual Agile Teams - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Slag-metal interactions in the FeMn tapping process: Interfacial properties and wetting - Academic lecture
- Slag-metal interactions in the FeMn tapping process: Interfacial properties and wetting - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sluttrapport, CleanTex Reduction of energy consumption and CLimate gas Emissions in iNdustrial TEXtile laundry processes - Report
- SMACS MODEL, a stochastic multihorizon approach for charging sites management, operations, design, and expansion under limited capacity conditions - Academic article
- Small and Full-Scale Fatigue Testing of Lead Cable Sheathing - Academic article
- Small scale testing approach to reveal specific features of slip behavior in BCC metals - Academic article
- Small variations in nanoparticle structure dictate differential cellular stress responses and mode of cell death - Academic article
- Small-molecule activation at gold: synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of cyclometalated Au(III) complexes - Doctoral dissertation
- Small-Signal State-Space Analysis of Inductive Battery Charging System in Off-Resonant Operation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Smart cancer nanomedicine - Academic literature review
- Smart EV charging systems for zero emission neighbourhoods - Lecture
- Smart EV Charging Systems to Improve Energy Flexibility of Zero Emission Neighbourhoods - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Smart operators vs. managers in manufacturing: the practice of digital tools. - Poster
- Smart strategies for energy and power management in neighbourhoods - Lecture
- Smart thermal grid concepts for the Leangen area - Masters thesis
- Smartere anleggsforvaltning - Interview
- Smelting reduction of bauxite residue and beneficiation by-product in view of a leachable slag and pig Iron production - Academic lecture
- Smiling Earth - Citizens’ Awareness on Environmental Sustainability Using Energy and Transport Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Social services in Norway - Lecture
- Socially sustainable dwellings for seniors - Two qualitative case studies on older adults' experiences with cohousing - Lecture
- Sodium reduction in processed cheese spreads and the effect on physicochemical properties - Academic article
- Soft alginate hydrogels modified with bioactive peptides as extracellular matrices for 3D fibroblast culture - Poster
- Softening and Melting Properties of Quartz - Masters thesis
- Softening and Melting Properties of Quartz - Masters thesis
- Software Errors and Human Reliability - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- SOI Thin Microdosimeter Detectors for Low Energy Ions and Radiation Damage Studies - Academic article
- SOI Thin Microdosimeters for High LET Single Event Upset Studies in Fe, O, Xe and Cocktail Ion Beam Fields - Academic article
- Solar energy in neighbourhoods - Academic lecture
- Solar Septic Tank: Next Generation Sequencing Reveals Effluent Microbial Community Composition as a Useful Index of System Performance - Academic article
- Sol-gel derived multifunctional hybrid POSS coatings for sensing corrosion - Lecture
- Some highlights from the PKP 2019 International Scholarly Publishing Conference - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Sorption of CO 2 and Integrity of a Caprock Shale. - Poster
- Sorption of CO 2 and Integrity of a Caprock Shale. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sound radiation of hollow box timber floors under impact excitation: An experimental parameter study - Academic article
- Spatial and Temporal Autocalibration for Underwater Vehicles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Spatial and Temporal Autocalibration for Underwater Vehicles - Academic lecture
- Spectral fitting approach to estimate electromechanical oscillation modes and mode shapes by using vector fitting - Academic article
- Speedy, predictable and secure cancer care? Introducing cancer patient pathways in Norway - Academic lecture
- Spin-off project TOPHOLE - Pitch NCCS consortium days - Academic lecture
- Spotify Guilds: How to Succeed With Knowledge Sharing in Large-Scale Agile Organizations - Academic article
- Spreading and potential effects of marine fuel oil spills in the Arctic - Arcticfuels - Report
- Sputtering of BCZT thin films - Academic lecture
- Sputtering of BCZT thin films - Academic lecture
- Squad Autonomy in Spotify - Lecture
- Stability of beryllium coatings deposited on carbon under annealing up to 1073 K - Academic article
- Stakeholder engagement in ZEN pilot neighbourhoods - Academic lecture
- Standard comparison of local mental health care systems in eight European countries - Academic article
- Standardisation and Digitalisation: Changes in Work as Imagined and What This Means for Safety Science - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Standardization and contingency storage for submarine cable systems - Academic article
- Standardization and MASS(Maritime autonomous surface ship) - Lecture
- Standardization of V-rep essential for Deployment of Isogeometric Analysis in Additive Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- State of the art of unmanned aircraft transport systems in industry related to risks, vulnerabilities and improvement of safety - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Static Parameter Estimation on SO(3) using Stochastic Gradient Descent for Visual Tracking - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Static vs. dynamic stiffness of shales: frequency and stress effects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Statistical analysis of structure loss in Czochralski silicon growth - Academic article
- Statistical Analysis of Structure Loss in Czochralski Silicon Growth - Poster
- Statistical associating fluid theory for quantum fluids: He, Ne, H2 and their mixtures - Academic lecture
- Statistical Mechanics Approaches to Analysing Large Blackouts - Masters thesis
- Statistical modelling of extreme ocean current velocity profiles - Academic article
- Status Cr(VI) prosjektet NGI/SINTEF. Hva kan vi trolig forvente av myndighetskrav til vårt slam fremover? - Lecture
- Status from RA5 - Lecture
- Status of the dairy case implementation in Bergen - Report
- Status Quo in Requirements Engineering: A Theory and a Global Family of Surveys - Academic literature review
- Stenge sommerhytta? Dette må du ikke glemme! - Interview
- Stimulating release of undersized fish through a square mesh panel in the Basque otter trawl fishery - Academic article
- Stochastic daily hydrothermal scheduling based on decomposition and parallelization - Academic article
- Stock estimation technical developments - Lecture
- STOP-IT project: Course design for multiple end-users - Report
- Storage Resources for Future European CCS Deployment; A Roadmap for a Horda CO2 Storage Hub, Offshore Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Strain controlled medium cycle fatigue of a notched Pb-Sn-Cd lead alloy - Academic article
- Strategic Research Agenda of the EERA Joint Programme Hydropower - Report
- Strategies for Quantification of Alkali Metal Release from Aggregates in Concrete - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Strategies for Quantification of Alkali Metal Release from Aggregates in Concrete - Lecture
- Strategies regulatory authorities can use to influence safety culture in organizations: Lessons based on experiences from three sectors - Academic literature review
- Strategies targeting 5V Li-ion batteries - Poster
- Strategies to evaluate acoustic properties of timber hollow box floors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Streamer and surface charge dynamics in non-uniform air gaps with a dielectric barrier - Academic article
- Stress levels in simulation-based training of laparoscopic surgical skills: A pilot study - Poster
- Stress-strain curves of metallic materials and post-necking strain hardening characterization: A Review - Academic article
- Structural and Electrical Properties of Sputtered HEA Thin Films of CrFeCoNiCu and their Oxidation Studies - Lecture
- Structural reverberation time measurements on WOODSOL prototype - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Structure Loss in Czochralski Silicon Growth: Statistical Analysis of Growth Parameters and Modeling of Thermal Fluctuations - Academic lecture
- Structure, electrical conductivity and oxygen transport properties of perovskite-type oxides CaMn1−x−yTixFeyO3−δ - Academic article
- Structure-Performance Relationships on Co-Based Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: The Impact of H2-CO-H2 Activation Treatment - Academic lecture
- Studies on delignification and inhibitory enzyme kinetics of alkaline peroxide pre-treated pine and deodar saw dust - Academic article
- Studies on delignification and inhibitory enzyme kinetics of alkaline peroxide pre-treated pine and deodar saw dust - Academic article
- Study of a full scale oxy-fuel cement rotary kiln - Academic article
- Study of Applicability of Simple Closed Loop Input Impedance Model for Grid-Tie Inverters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Study of controllable inclusion addition methods in Al melt - Academic article
- Study of convective heat transfer and chilling kinetics of Atlantic salmon in refrigerated sea water: experiments and modelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Study on Additional Ship Resistance due to Roughness using CFD - Academic lecture
- Study on how oil type and weathering of crude oils affect interaction with sea ice and polyethylene skimmer material - Academic article
- Study on production of biochar from spruce wood and bark under different pyrolysis conditions - Poster
- Studying precipitates in pre-deformed Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys by atomic resolution STEM and scanning electron diffraction - Poster
- Studying the influence of heavy deformation and natural aging on precipitation in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy - Academic lecture
- Studying the metabolism of Streptomyces coelicolor during antibiotic production in submerged batch fermentations - Poster
- Studying the metabolism of Streptomyces coelicolor during antibiotic production using 13C-isotope-labeling experiments - Poster
- Success factors for open innovation in Norwegian manufacturing - Academic article
- Successful 2nd Conference on High Temperature Heat Pumps (HTHP) - Website (informational material)
- Successful EERA DeepWind’2019 Conference - Website (informational material)
- Summary and conclusions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Summary Guideline. SFI SAMCoT report - Report
- Summary of Workshop and project meetings in Mumbai, 27-30 Nov 2018 - Projects: ReFood and ReValue - Report
- SUPER PV project - Developing innovative PV systems for cost reduction and enhanced performance - Academic article
- Superchilled, chilled and frozen storage of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) fillets – changes in texture, drip loss, protein solubility and oxidation - Academic article
- Superchillen statt einfrieren : länger haltbares Bio-Fleisch - Interview Journal
- Superchilling verlängert Haltbarkeit : Bio-Lachs und Bio-Fleisch - Interview Journal
- Superlyophobic surfaces for efficient separation and droplet condensation of CO2 - Lecture
- Supported molten-salt membranes for carbon dioxide permeation - Academic literature review
- Supporting Air Traffic Controllers During Sector Configuration Changes in Dynamic Air Space Configuration - Academic article
- SUPREME - increased utilisation and value creation from whitefish rest raw material - Poster
- Surface effect ship with four air cushions part I: Dynamic modeling and simulation - Academic article
- Surface effect ship with four air cushions part II: Roll and pitch damping - Academic article
- Surface effects and optical properties of self-assembled nanostructured a-Si:Al - Academic article
- Surface reactivity and cation non-stoichiometry in BaZr1-xYxO3-δ (x=0-0.2) exposed to CO2 at elevated temperature - Academic article
- Surimi value chain in India: A strategy for improved resource utilization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Surimi value chain in India: A strategy for improved resource utilization. - Academic lecture
- Surrogate model generation for hydrogen production from natural gas - Report
- Survey the diversity of CAZymes in metagenomics libraries originated from the microbial habitats in the Nordics by sequence-based data mining - Poster
- Sustainability of durable concrete reinforced with aluminium metal - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sustainable drop-in transport fuels from hydrothermal liquefaction of low value urban feedstocks-nextgenroadfuels project - Academic article
- Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) area detection using GIS. Guideline. Version 1.0 - Report
- SUSTRANS Project: Tourist transportation preferences in Geiranger area Data collection for SUSTRANS project: Questionnaire design and results - Report
- Svelvik CO2 Field Lab - Lecture
- Svelvik CO2 Field Lab: A small-scale laboratory for development of equipment and CO2 monitoring techniques. - Academic lecture
- Sweat responses during inactive recovery after high-intensity running in hot, dry and humid conditions - Academic article
- Synergistic effect of biomass and polyurethane waste co-pyrolysis on soot formation at high temperatures - Academic article
- Synthesis and characterization of Al@MOF materials - Academic article
- Synthesis of highly functionalized N,N-Diarylamides by Anodic C,N-Coupling Reaction - Academic article
- Synthesis of magnesium complexes of ionic liquids with highly coordinating anion - Academic article
- System impact of recycling aluminium electrolysis off-gas - Compendium
- System Integration Costs – a Useful Concept that is Complicated to Quantify? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- System model for spatial mapping of anthropogenic sinkholes and subsidence basins in mining areas applying 2D laser scanner technique - Academic article
- System Model for Spatial Mapping of Anthropogenic Sinkholes and Subsidence Basins in Mining Areas Applying 2D Laser Scanner Technique - Academic lecture
- System Verification, Processes and Testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Systematic data collection from ships - Challenges and possibilities - Lecture
- Ta3N5/Co(OH)x composites as photocatalysts for photoelectrochemical water splitting - Academic article
- Tackling the Cloud Forensic Problem while Keeping your Eye on the GDPR - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tailoring Upconversion and Morphology of Yb/Eu Doped Y2O3 Nanostructures by Acid Composition Mediation - Academic article
- Talking to quantum computers - Academic lecture
- Task-Technology Fit in Manufacturing: Examining Human-Machine Symbiosis Through a Configurational Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- TCCS Keynot 7, Mona Mølnvik - Multimedia product
- TCCS Pitch 1 - Sigmun Størset - Multimedia product
- TCCS Welcome - Nils Røkke - Multimedia product
- TCCS–10. CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage. Trondheim 17th–19th June 2019. Selected papers from the 10th International Trondheim CCS Conference - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- TCCS-10: Nobody can reach climate goals on their own. - Multimedia product
- Team Autonomy in Large-Scale Agile - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Teamwork Behaviours in Autonomous Cross-functional Teams - Masters thesis
- Technical concepts to avoid low relative humidity - Report
- Technical Cooperation between Northern Europe and China, with regards to UN DESA report World Public Sector Report 2018 - Lecture
- Technical opportunities and new initiatives on recycling of concrete - Lecture
- Technical opportunities of C&D waste - Lecture
- Technical-, social- and process debt in large-scale agile: An exploratory case-study - Academic article
- Techniques for airflow measurements to determine the real efficiency of heat recovery in ventilation systems - Academic article
- Techno-economic analyis of battery storage for peak shaving and frequency containment reserve - Academic lecture
- Techno-economic analyis of battery storage for peak shaving and frequency containment reserve - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Techno-economic analyses of CO2 liquefaction: Impact of product pressure and impurities - Academic article
- Techno-Economic Analysis and Comparison of the new Gas Switching Combustion Technology - Academic lecture
- Techno-economic Analysis of Alternative Rail Electrification Technologies: Application to the Nordland Line - Academic lecture
- Techno-economic analysis of freight railway electrification by overhead line, hydrogen and batteries: Case studies in Norway and USA - Academic article
- Techno-Economic Analysis of the new Gas Switching Combustion Technology in a Coal-Fired Power Plant. - Academic lecture
- Techno-economic comparison of three technologies for precombustion CO2 capture from a lignite-fired IGCC - Academic article
- Techno-economic evaluation of technologies for CO2 capture in the cement industry - Academic lecture
- Technology for autonomous ships - Lecture
- Technology Gaps and research challenges for Autonomous ships - Lecture
- Teenager world strike in favour of the planet - Interview
- TEM image simulations of overlapping phases - a case study of sheared β” precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys - Academic lecture
- Temasamling | Water treatment requirements for stormwater and road run-off - Report
- Temperature and thermal comfort in office spaces: measurements vs. simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Temporality of Customer engagement in service innovation: a theoretical model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tensile strength of cement to shale interface - Poster
- Tensile strength of cement to shale interface - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tensile strength of Nylon netting subjected to various concentrations of disinfecting chemicals - Academic article
- Tensions in circular business models: A case study - Academic lecture
- Test beam characterization of irradiated SINTEF 3D pixel sensors - Lecture
- Testing and evaluation of a HYMO classification system for lakes and reservoirs - Proposed new and modified hydromorphological (HYMO) classification system - Report
- Testing in a DevOps Era: Perceptions of Testers in Norwegian Organisations - Academic article
- Testing in a DevOps Era: Perceptions of Testers in Norwegian Organisations. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Testing in a DevOps Era: Perceptions of Testers in Norwegian Organisations. - Academic lecture
- Testing of novel net cleaning technologies for finfish aquaculture - Academic article
- Testing TSO-DSO interaction schemes for the participation of distribution energy resources in the balancing market : the Smartnet simulator - Academic article
- Text Input in Virtual Reality: A Preliminary Evaluation of the Drum-Like VR Keyboard - Academic article
- The 3D-PIEZO project - lead-free piezoelectric devices by additive manufacturing - Lecture
- The Agile RAMSS lifecycle for the future - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The bond, the bridge and the broker: knowledge conversion in the university–industry nexus - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The build-up of contact pressure behind casing due to formation creep - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Carbon anode and its electrochemical behaviour - The Hall-Héroult Process - Lecture
- The cause of the landslides of 1st and 2nd April 2016 in Tosbotn = Norway La cause des glissements de 2016 à Tosbotn, Norvège - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The cloud application modelling and execution language - Academic article
- The CO-induced surface reconstruction on Co(11-20) - a combined theoretical and experimental investigation - Academic lecture
- The cold chain of seafood in Norway - Academic lecture
- The complementarity of qualitative and quantitative research methods - Lecture
- The data driven transport research train is leaving the station. Consultants all aboard? - Academic article
- The DeMaskUs Project - Lecture
- The demonstration of pressurized Gas Switching Partial Oxidation (GSPOX) of methane using Lanthanum based oxygen carrier. - Academic lecture
- The design process for achievement of an office living laboratory with a ZEB standard - Academic article
- The development of a hydrocarbon high temperature heat pump for waste heat recovery - Academic article
- The Development of Resilience Management Guidelines to Protect Critical Infrastructures in Europe - Academic article
- The DSP framework: Evaluating emerging digital sharing platforms in a neighborhood context - Academic lecture
- The durability of the thermally decomposed IrO2-Ta2O5 coated titanium anode in a sulfate solution - Academic article
- The effect of aerosol-deposited ash components on a cobalt-based Fischer–Tropsch catalyst - Academic article
- The Effect of Calcite in the Raw Clay on the Pozzolanic Activity of Calcined Illite and Smectite - Academic lecture
- The Effect of Casing Pipe Roughness on Cement Plug Integrity - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- The effect of chordae tendineae on systolic flow - Academic article
- The effect of CO2 on non-metallic materials in the CCS value chain - Academic lecture
- The effect of Cu and Si contents on the hot-tearing sensitivity of 3xxx Heat-Exchangers alloys - Academic lecture
- The effect of elastic strain and small plastic deformation on tensile strength of a lean Al-Mg-Si alloy - Academic article
- The Effect of Fe Content on Intergranular Corrosion Behaviour of a 6005 Aluminium Alloy - Masters thesis
- The Effect of Fiber Concentration on Fiber Orientation in Injection Molded Film Gated Rectangular Plates - Academic article
- The effect of heavy deformation on the precipitation in an Al-1.3Cu-1.0Mg-0.4Si wt.% alloy - Academic article
- The effect of heterogeneity on multiple fracture interaction and on the effect of a non-uniform perforation cluster distribution - Academic literature review
- The Effect of mechanical pressure on the electrical resistivity and water transport capabilities of a semi-conductive superabsorbent tape - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Effect of Multiple Solute Species in Solute Strengthening in Aluminium Alloys - MD study - Academic lecture
- The Effect of Non-Uniform Wettability and Heterogeneity on Induction Time and Onset of Spontaneous Imbibition - Academic article
- The effect of Nordmøre grid length and angle on codend entry of bycatch fish species and shrimp catches - Academic article
- The Effect of Repeated Moisture Cycles on the Air Tightness of Traditional Clamped Vapour Barrier Joints - Academic article
- The Effect of Sous-vide Cooking Parameters, Chilled Storage and Antioxidants on Quality Characteristics of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus) in Relation to Structural Changes in Proteins. - Academic article
- The effect of Stefan flow on the drag coefficient of spherical particles in a gas flow - Academic article
- The effect of surface roughness on corrosion resistance of machined and epoxy coated steel - Academic article
- The effect of turbulence on mass transfer rates between inertial polydisperse particles and fluid - Academic article
- The effects of coherent structures on the global response of floating offshore wind turbines - Academic article
- The effects of cristobalite formation on disintegration of quartz - Academic lecture
- The effects of hydrodynamics on the three-dimensional downstream migratory movement of Atlantic salmon - Academic article
- The Efficacy of Illumination to Reduce Bycatch of Eulachon and Groundfishes Before Trawl Capture in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean Shrimp Fishery - Academic article
- The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process and Regional Development. New Knowledge Emergence, Conversion and Exploitation - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- The Environmental Risks Associated With the Development of Seaweed Farming in Europe - Prioritizing Key Knowledge Gaps - Academic article
- The European Materials & Modelling Ontology (EMMO) - Academic lecture
- The Evidence Base for an Ideal Care Pathway for Frail Multimorbid Elderly: Combined Scoping and Systematic Intervention Review - Academic literature review
- The flow based market coupling arrangement in Europe: Implications for traders - Academic article
- The future grid and charging infrastructure for electric transport – FuChar is working on it! - Website (informational material)
- The hot spot in Al-rod extrusion investigated by FEM-analysis - Academic article
- The HyOpt model Input data and mathematical formulation - Report
- The IMO's 50% GHG reduction target by 2050 is Achievable - Academic lecture
- The IMO's 50% GHG reduction target by 2050 is Achievable - Academic lecture
- The impact of microbial degradation of oil spills on toxicity to early life stages of marine fish - Poster
- The impacts of biofouling control measures on fish health and infrastructure, and how to mitigate them - Academic lecture
- The impacts of biofouling in aquaculture - Academic lecture
- The influence of AlN buffer layer on the growth of self-assembled GaN nanocolumns on graphene - Poster
- The Influence of AlN Buffer Layer on the Growth of Self-Assembled GaN Nanocolumns on Graphene - Poster
- The Influence of Cooking Parameters and Chilled Storage Time on Quality of Sous-Vide Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) - Academic article
- The initial stage of Metal Dusting Corrosion of Inconel 601 – effects of exposure conditions and near-surface structure and composition - Academic lecture
- The Intelligent Factory Space – A Concept for Observing, Learning and Communicating in the Digitalized Factory - Academic article
- The journey to an Ambidextrous Security Program in VISMA - Popular scientific lecture
- The Kelp Cultivation Potential in Coastal and Offshore Regions of Norway - Academic article
- The landscape of quantum algorithms - Lecture
- The learning path in CYBERWISER.eu - Academic lecture
- The Lofoten-Vesterålen Ocean Observatory—A cabled infrastructure for operational acoustical oceanography - Abstract
- The long periodicity of vortex dislocations in wake flow behind a step cylinder - Academic lecture
- The long read: PV’s Polish cold turkey - Interview
- The making of a louse- Constructing governmental technology for sustainable aquaculture - Academic article
- The MegaRoller Project - Multimedia product
- The micro- and macrostructure of alumina rafts - Academic article
- The Need for a More Consistent Definition of Degree of Ship Autonomy - Lecture
- The Need for a Multi-Technique Approach in the Search for New Phase-Transforming Materials - Poster
- The need for standards for the autonomous ship - Lecture
- The Need to Amend IMO’s EEDI to Include a Threshold for Performance in Waves (Realistic Sea Conditions) to Achieve the Desired GHG Reductions - Academic article
- The Norwegian CCS Research Centre: Industry-Driven Innovation for Fast-Track Ccs Deployment - Academic article
- The Norwegian Fire Research and Innovation Centre. FRIC Background and plans for the future - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Norwegian seafood industry – Importance for the national economy - Academic article
- The Norwegian Seaweed Biorefinery Platform SBP-N - Poster
- The Norwegian Surveillance System for Suicide in Mental Health-and Substance Misuse Services -Combining Registry and Clinical Data - Poster
- The Norwegian ZEB definition and lessons learnt from nine pilot zero emission building projects - Academic article
- The Ocean as a Solution for Climate Change: Five Opportunities for Action. World Resources Institute. - Report
- The once and future treaty: Towards a new regime for biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction - Academic article
- The oxygen production pre-combustion (OPPC) IGCC plant for efficient power production with CO2 capture - Academic article
- The performance of nickel and nickel-iron catalysts evaluated as anodes in anion exchange membrane water electrolysis - Academic article
- The potential for coordinated logistics planning at the local level: A Norwegian in-depth study of public and private stakeholders - Academic article
- The Potential for Hydrogen in Europe - Multimedia product
- The Potential for Hydrogen in Europe Executive summary of the Hydrogen for Europe pre-study - Website (informational material)
- The potential of chemical looping combustion using the gas switching concept to eliminate the energy penalty of CO2 capture - Academic article
- The Potential of Design Thinking for Tackling the “Wicked Problems” of the Smart City - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Potential of Self-Management mHealth for Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis: Mixed-Methods Study for Health Care and App Assessment - Academic article
- The preliminary results of a mapping study of deployment and orchestration for IoT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The preliminary results of a mapping study of deployment and orchestration for IoT - Academic lecture
- The product owner in large-scale agile: An empirical study through the lens of relational coordination theory - Academic article
- The quest for bio-concrete: crossing disciplinary boundaries and wrangling bacteria to enable cleaner construction - Poster
- The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities: ZEB Living Lab, ZEN pilots and Syn.ikia - Lecture
- The risk for rapid phase transition when LNG is spilled on water - Lecture
- The Role of Energy Efficiency – Global View - Lecture
- The role of Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) in the design process ZEB+ buildings - Academic lecture
- The role of inter-sectoral dynamics in sustainability transitions: A comment on the transitions research agenda - Academic article
- The role of ports in energy transitions. Port users as transition agents - Academic lecture
- The role of rock mechanics in oil field development - Lecture
- The role of temperature and photoperiod in regulating oocyte growth of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor - Academic lecture
- The Second International Workshop on Autonomous Agile Teams, XP2019 - Academic lecture
- The second quantum revolution - Popular scientific lecture
- The Security Intention Meeting Series as a way to increase visibility of software security decisions in agile development projects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The significance of experience. Safety management in the context of Norwegian aquaculture. - Academic lecture
- The significance of trust in project teams: Exploring context-dependent antecedents and consequences of trust in a project team setting - Doctoral dissertation
- The Smart Ships are Coming! - Lecture
- The SmartFeeder research project: Autonomous shuttles feeding the public transport mainlines - Academic lecture
- The solid electrolytes Li2O–LiF–Li2WO4–B2O3 with enhanced ionic conductivity for lithium-ion battery - Short communication
- The Svalbard archipelago: an exploratory analysis of port investment in the context of the new arctic routes - Academic article
- The swing adsorption reactor cluster for post-combustion CO2 capture from cement plants - Academic article
- The transformation of Lofoten islands into a year-round experience destination - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Use of Eutectic Fe-Si-B Alloy as a Phase Change Material in Thermal Energy Storage Systems - Academic article
- The use of insurance data in the analysis of Surface Water Flood events – a systematic review - Academic article
- The week with IPS - Interview
- The wellbeing-factor - Interview
- The world meets in Trondheim to share CCS know-how - Interview
- The ZEN Definition and Key Performance Indicators - Popular scientific chapter/article
- The β-oxidation pathway is downregulated during diapause termination in Calanus copepods - Academic article
- Therapeutic effect of cabazitaxel and blood-brain barrier opening in a patient-derived glioblastoma model - Academic article
- Thermal and economic analysis of an on-board compensatory refrigeration system for small fishing boats - Academic lecture
- Thermal and economic analysis of an on-board compensatory refrigeration system for small fishing boats - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Thermal and Mechanical Properties of SiO 2 Aerogel-Incorporated Geopolymer Insulation Materials - Academic article
- Thermal Conductivity in CCS – new measurement data in unchartered territory - Website (informational material)
- Thermal conductivity of amorphous silica nanoparticles - Academic article
- Thermal conductivity of high-performance insulation - a laboratory study. Realistic design values for use in energy-efficient buildings. - Academic article
- Thermal Conductivity of Molten Carbonates with Dispersed Solid Oxide from Differential Scanning Calorimetry - Academic article
- Thermal conductivity of titanium slags - Academic article
- Thermal conversion of large wood particles - Academic lecture
- Thermal coupling opportunities for floating natural gas liquefaction plants - Academic article
- Thermal mass and thermal comfort in offices – experimental studies of a concrete floor - Academic article
- Thermal Performance of Insulated Constructions—Experimental Studies - Academic article
- Thermal storage for improved utilization of renewable energy in steam production - Lecture
- Thermal storage for improved utilization of renewable energy in steam production - Report
- Thermochemical and Biochemical conversion of organic feedstock to biofuels - Academic lecture
- Thermochemically stable ceramic compositemembranes based on Bi2O3 for oxygen separationwith high permeability - Academic article
- Thermodynamic Performance Investigation of Commercial R744 Booster Refrigeration Plants Based on Advanced Exergy Analysis - Academic article
- Thermodynamic properties of the 3D Lennard-Jones/spline model - Academic article
- Thermodynamic properties of the 3D Lennard-Jones/spline model - Academic lecture
- Thermodynamic stability of droplets, bubbles and thick films in open and closed pores - Academic article
- Thermodynamics of the carbon dioxide plus nitrogen plus methane (CO2 + N2 + CH4) system: Measurements of vapor-liquid equilibrium data at temperatures from 223 to 298 K and verification of EOS-CG-2019 equation of state - Academic article
- Thermoelectric transport trends in group 4 half-Heusler alloys - Academic article
- Thermo-Fluid-Dynamical Modelling of Salt Precipitation During Co2 Injection in Saline Aquifers, and the Effect on Injectivity - Academic article
- Thermogravimetric Analysis of Thermal Insulating Materials Exposed to Sodium Vapor - Academic article
- Thermogravimetric Analysis of Thermal Insulating Materials Exposed to Sodium Vapor - Academic lecture
- Thermoplastic elastomers – A study on adhesion in two-component injection moulding - Academic lecture
- Thermoplastic elastomers – Long-term mechanical properties for sealing applications - Academic lecture
- These experiments are key to being able to store lots of CO2 safely in the subsurface - Interview
- Thin-film electrolyte with TEC optimized for metal-supported proton ceramic electrochemical cell - Academic lecture
- Thinned Commercial Foundry-built High Energy Physics Sensors using Microwave Anneal - Poster
- Third presentations of keynote speakers – TCCS-10 - Website (informational material)
- This is how Norwegian researchers are reducing food loss – in India, Blog Post, Gemini Research News - Website (informational material)
- This is what you need to know about CCS - Carbon Capture and Storage - Interview
- This technology replaces coal power with wood power - Interview
- This technology replaces coal power with wood power - Interview
- This Technology Replaces Coal Power with Wood Power - Interview
- Threat Modeling in Modern Software Development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Threat modelling and agile software development: Identified practice in four Norwegian organisations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Three-dimensional representation of discrete fracture matrix model for fractured reservoirs - Academic article
- Through Metal Communication for Using in Downhole Tool - Lecture
- Through Silicon Vias in MEMS packaging, a review - Academic lecture
- Thrust Losses and Dynamic Loads on a Ducted Pushing Thruster in Regular Waves - Academic lecture
- Time Development of Voltage Frequency Dependence of Partial Discharge Activity in Voids - Academic article
- Time domain dielectric response of field grading sleeves subjected to high humidity and temperatures - Academic article
- Time Domain Implementation of Damping Factor White-Box Transformer Model for Inclusion in EMT Simulation Programs - Academic article
- Time is of the essence: A joint Hierarchical RNN and Point Process model for time and item predictions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Time-dependent closure of a borehole in a viscoplastic rock - Academic article
- Time-Invariant State-Space model of an AC Cable by dq-representation of Frequency-Dependent π-sections - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Time-Temperature-Plasticization Superposition Principle: Predicting Creep of a Plasticized Epoxy - Academic article
- TIS-TIS interaction: hydrogen, battery and/or LNG for shipping? - Academic lecture
- Tolman lengths and rigidity constants from free-energy functionals – General expressions and comparison of theories - Academic article
- Tools for stakeholder engagement in ZEN developments - Report
- TOPHOLE kick-off meeting: drilling and wells - Academic lecture
- TOPHOLE kick-off meeting: project overview - Academic lecture
- TOPHOLE kick-off meeting: SINTEF seismic and EM modelling tools - Academic lecture
- TOPHOLE kick-off meeting: smart sensor systems - Academic lecture
- Topology optimization for additive manufacturing using isogeometric analysis - Academic lecture
- Toward adaptive robotic sampling of phytoplankton in the coastal ocean - Academic article
- Toward the identification of optimal conditions for transport of CO2 by ship - Academic lecture
- Toward the identification of optimal conditions for transport of CO2 by ship - Lecture
- Towards 3D Modelling of Macrosegregation Formation and Modification in DC Casting of Aluminium Alloys Accounting for Equiaxed Grain Growth and Transport - Doctoral dissertation
- Towards a design of a pressure swing adsorption unit for small scale biogas upgrading at - Academic article
- Towards a Knowledge Graph Based Platform for Public Procurement - Academic article
- Towards a low CO2 emission building material employing bacterial metabolism (1/2): The bacterial system and prototype production - Academic article
- Towards a low CO2 emission building material employing bacterial metabolism (2/2): Prospects for global warming potential reduction in the concrete industry - Academic article
- Towards a semantic matchmaking algorithm for capacity exchange in manufacturing supply chains - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards a semantic matchmaking algorithm for capacity exchange in manufacturing supply chains - Academic lecture
- Towards an Ontology for Public Procurement based on the Open Contracting Data Standard - Lecture
- Towards an Ontology for Public Procurement Based on the Open Contracting Data Standard - Academic article
- Towards customizing multi-tenant Cloud applications using non-intrusive microservices - Academic lecture
- Towards Early Prototyping of Services Based on Open Transport Data -- a Feasibility Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Early Prototyping of Services based on Open Transport Data: A Feasibility Study - Academic lecture
- Towards IoT diversity via automated fleet management - Academic article
- Towards Model-Based Continuous Deployment of Secure IoT Systems - Academic lecture
- Towards Model-Based Continuous Deployment of Secure IoT Systems. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards rechargeable zinc-air batteries with aqueous chloride electrolytes - Academic article
- Towards rigorous multiscale flow models of nanoparticle reactivity in chemical looping applications - Academic article
- Towards the Automation of a Chemical Sulphonation Process with Machine Learning - Poster
- Towards the Automation of a Chemical Sulphonation Process with Machine Learning - Poster
- Towards the stabilisation of Nickel rich cathodes - Academic lecture
- Towards upgrading strategies for nZEB-dwellings in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Upgrading Strategies for nZEB-Dwellings in Norway - Academic article
- Towards zero emissions in ports: port actors in transition? - Academic lecture
- Traceability and feedback system in the meat processing industry - Poster
- Traceability of hides through the supply chain - Norilia Hide Case - Report
- Train Unreliability and Demand for Rail Freight Transport in Norway - Academic article
- Training resources for Translators - Lecture
- Transfinite mean value interpolation over polygons - Academic article
- Transformations in industrial sectors. Energy, maritime, aquaculture and manufacturing industries - Lecture
- Transient CFD simulations of wood stoves with varying heat storage capacity - Academic lecture
- Transient CFD simulations of wood stoves with varying heat storage capacity - Academic article
- Translation for and by SMEs - summary from session 6 - Lecture
- Transmission dynamics and optimal control of Ebola virus - Lecture
- Transmission Line Length Estimation based on Electrical Parameters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Transmission line unavailability due to correlated threat exposure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Treatment of restenosis in radiocephalic arteriovenous hemodialysis fistulas: percutaneous transluminal angioplasty or drug-coated balloon - Academic article
- Trends and Updated Research Agenda for Autonomous Agile Teams: A Summary of the Second International Workshop at XP2019 - Academic article
- Trends in robotics and autonomous systems - what will we see next? - Lecture
- Trick or treat: Brexit is a Halloween horror story for Europe's fisheries - Popular scientific article
- Turbo-compressors for R-718: Experimental evaluation of a two-stage steam compression cycle - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Turplan - A Showcase for use of open data - Lecture
- Two-phase Dibromocyclopropanation of Unsaturated Alcohols Using Flow Chemistry - Poster
- Ultrasonic Wireless Airflow Sensing in Underground Platinum Mines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ultrasonic Wireless Airflow Sensing in Underground Platinum Mines - Academic lecture
- Ultrasound intensify CO2 desorption from pressurized loaded monoethanolamine solutions. II. Optimization and cost estimation - Academic article
- Ultrasound VFI, Optical PIV and CFD - Update on In Vitro and In Silico Cardiosim Experiments - Academic lecture
- Uncertainty analysis of the hydrodynamic coefficients estimation of a nonlinear manoeuvring model based on planar motion mechanism tests - Academic article
- Uncertainty modelling of minimum horizontal stresses and porepressures in deeply buried grabens. What's next in modelling? - Academic article
- Uncertainty Modelling of Minimum Horizontal Stresses and Porepressures in Deeply Buried Grabens. What's Next in Modelling? - Academic lecture
- Understanding Challenges to Adoption of the Protection Poker Software Security Game - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Understanding the Cost of Retrofitting CO2 Capture to an Integrated Oil Refinery - Academic article
- Understanding the Multi‑Dimensional Mental Well‑Being in Late Life: Evidence from the Perspective of the Oldest Old Population - Academic article
- Undervannsteknologi kan bli enda større - Undervannsteknologi tilpasset aquakultur - Interview
- Undrained pore pressure changes in rocks surrounding a reservoir: From poroelastic theory to fault activation? - Academic lecture
- Unintended Consonances: Methods to Understand Robot Motor Sound Perception - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Unintended Consonances: Methods to Understand Robot Motor Sound Perception - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Universal design of workplace environments for employees with milder mental disorders - Lecture
- Unlocking wave power in the UK: new issue of Future Power Technology out now - Interview
- Unscented kalman filter based state and parameter estimation in percussive drilling systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Unscented Kalman filter based state and parameter estimation in percussive drilling systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Update from Norway/INAS - Lecture
- Upscaling and mixed gas separation performance of PolyPOSSimide membranes for H2 purification - Academic lecture
- Urban Agenda for the EU - climate adaptation group-meeting - Lecture
- Use case applying machine-learning techniques for improving operation of the distribution network - Academic article
- Use case for future (2030-2040) smart distribution grid operation (CINELDI-report 02:2019) - Report
- Use case testing - SAMBA WP5 report - Report
- Use of Accessibility Testing Tools in Agile Software Projects - Academic lecture
- Use of Enterprise Social Networking Tools in Virtual Agile Teams - Academic lecture
- Use of flow-induced vibration correlations as active constraints for WHRU design in a bottoming cycle - Report
- Use of prescription medication prior to suicide in Norway - Academic article
- Use of recycled concrete aggregates - Full scale demonstration - Academic article
- Use of Tracer Particles for Tracking Fluid Interfaces in Primary Cementing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- User Centered and Privacy-Driven Process Mining System Design - Popular scientific article
- User Centric Design of Electric Vehicles. Internet of Vehicles - Internet of Energy Convergence and Integration - Lecture
- User identified needs and requirements in the development of an eHealth pain management intervention - Academic lecture
- User Meeting for users and Developers of SINTEF Energy’s models (Hydro Scheduling 2019) - Website (informational material)
- User Recognition Based on Daily Actigraphy Patterns - Lecture
- User Recognition Based on Daily Actigraphy Patterns - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- User-adaptive models for activity and emotion recognition using deep transfer learning and data augmentation - Academic article
- User-Centered and Privacy-Driven Process Mining System Design for IoT - Academic article
- User-oriented LCA database for inventory of ZEN projects - Report
- Using 2D seismic line data to estimate impact of caprock morphology on CO2 migration in the Gassum formation - Poster
- Using EMMO in Marketplaces: EMMO-Python, EMMO-CUDS and semantic services - Academic lecture
- Using field infiltration observations and GIS-based analysis to improve SUDS placement Nordiwa - Lecture
- Using Microservices for Non-intrusive Customization of Multi-tenant SaaS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using Microservices for Non-intrusive Customization of Multi-tenant SaaS - Academic lecture
- Using national electronic health care registries for comparing the risk of psychiatric re-hospitalisation in six European countries: Opportunities and limitations - Academic article
- Using Neural Networks to Predict the Flow Curves and Processing Maps of TNM-B1 - Academic lecture
- Using Neural Networks to Predict the Flow Curves and Processing Maps of TNM-B1 - Academic article
- Using realistic travel-time thresholds in accessibility measures of bicycle route networks: Improving space syntax based bikeability analyses by taking speed variations along routes into account - Academic article
- Using STSD for understanding the implementation of automation in organisations - Academic article
- Using surplus heat to pre-heat carbon anodes for aluminium electrolysis - Masters thesis
- Using targeted and non-targeted screening analyses to assess bioaccumulation and toxicity of produced water components on copepod populations in the North Sea - Poster
- Using the BIMCO Shipping KPI Database to identify costs and benefits of e-navigation solutions - Academic article
- Using the CustusX toolkit to create an image guided bronchoscopy application: Fraxinus - Academic article
- Utilization of Aerogel Materials and Systems in the Building Envelopes of Tomorrow - Academic lecture
- Utilization of Aerogel Materials and Systems in the Building Envelopes of Tomorrow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Utilization of MES System, Enablers and Disablers - Academic article
- Utilization of sediments from the culture of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) for cultuvating the polychaete Hediste diversicolor (Müller 1776) - Masters thesis
- Utilizing Nanotechnology for Developing New Materials and Technologies for Energy-Efficient Buildings - Academic lecture
- Utmaningar med prefabricerade badrum. Erfarenheter och status. - Lecture
- Validation of a non-uniform coarsening and upscaling framework - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Validation of a Zonal Model to Capture the Detailed Indoor Thermal Environment of a Room Heated by a Stove - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Validation of Geant4 for silicon microdosimetry in heavy ion therapy - Academic article
- Validation of Hydrodynamic Loads on a Large-Diameter Monopile in Regular Waves - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Validation of linear energy transfer computed in a Monte Carlo dose engine of a commercial treatment planning system - Academic article
- Validation of the numerical simulations of flow around a scaled-down turbine using experimental data from wind tunnel - Academic article
- Validation, Calibration and Uncertainty - Academic lecture
- Value proposition in different types of buildings - Academic article
- Value stream map and supply chain interdependencies in India - Surimi case - OC2020 A-010 - Report
- Valuing blue carbon changes in the Arctic ocean - Academic article
- Variable geometry heat exchanger model - Software
- Variational Data Assimilation - Towards Robust Vector Flow Estimation with Ultrasound - Academic lecture
- Variations in polyphenol and heavy metal contents of wild-harvested and cultivated seaweed bulk biomass: Health risk assessment and implication for food applications - Academic article
- Vehicle Routing with Space- and Time-Correlated Stochastic Travel Times: Evaluating the Objective Function - Academic article
- Vehicle tyre particles a major marine polluter - Interview
- Velocity dispersion in rocks: A laboratory technique for direct measurement of P-wave modulus at seismic frequencies - Academic article
- Vent valve thrust force for surface effect ships - Academic article
- Vertical mixing and horizontal drift of oil spills: simulations with the opensource oil spill model OpenOil - Academic lecture
- Vessel Designs for Remote Offshore Logistics - Academic lecture
- Vessel-based rigid registration for endovascular therapy of the abdominal aorta - Academic article
- Virtual Friction Control for Power System Oscillation Damping with VSC-HVDC Links - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Virtual Impedance Design for Power Quality and Harmonic Sharing Improvement in Microgrids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Viscosity Models for Drilling Fluids: Viscosity Parameters and Their Use - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Viscous damping on floating bridge pontoons - Lecture
- Visualization of Critical Infrastructure Resilience Using TreeMap - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Vive for Robotics: Rapid Robot Cell Calibration - Academic lecture
- Vive for Robotics: Rapid Robot Cell Calibration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- VLE Measurements and Verification of a state-of-the-art Helmholtz Energy Equation of State for the Ternary Mixture of CO2-N2-CH4 - Poster
- Void Filling of Digital Elevation Models With Deep Generative Models - Academic article
- Voltages and AC Corrosion on Metallic Tubes in Umbilical Cables Caused by Magnetic Induction From Power Cable charging Currents - Academic article
- Volumetric strain measurement of polymeric materials subjected to uniaxial tension - Academic article
- VR Locomotion in the New Era of Virtual Reality: An Empirical Comparison of Prevalent Techniques - Academic article
- V-rep and IgA for simulation based design for Additive Manufacturing in the CAxMan-project - Academic lecture
- Vulnerability analysis of HVDC contingencies in the Nordic power system - Lecture
- Vår Energi joins carbon capture and storage partnership in Norway - Interview
- Waste from land based salmon farm recycled by Polychaete - Academic lecture
- waste_UPRISING social media campaign - Website (informational material)
- Water Treatment in the seafood industry - Lecture
- Wave current effects on floating bridge pontoons - Lecture
- Wave vs. Wind and Solar Levelised Value of Energy - Website (informational material)
- Weg met klimaattaboes - Interview
- 'Weg met klimaattaboes!' - Interview
- Welfare state impact on mental wellbeing of the oldest old in Europe: A multilevel survey data study - Abstract
- Welfare state impact on mental wellbeing of the oldest old in Europe: A multilevel survey data study - Poster
- Welfare Systems and Mental Wellbeing. Findings from the European Social Survey - Academic lecture
- Welfare Technology - Crucial, when shaping future Long-Term Care - Lecture
- Well Control Incident in the North Sea as Interpreted with Advanced Gas Influx Modelling - Lecture
- Well Control Incident in the North Sea as Interpreted with Advanced Gas Influx Modelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Well Integrity - Academic lecture
- What can fluid dynamics provide in diagnostics and treatment planning? - Academic lecture
- What is a quantum computer? - Lecture
- What is CCS and what are the final steps to deploying it globally? - Multimedia product
- What is known about the LGBTQ perspective in child welfare services? A scoping review protocol - Academic article
- What is the Minimum District Heating Supply Temperature in Residential Buildings in Norway? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- What new research capabilities have we got during COPRO? - Lecture
- What Product Developers Really Need to Know - Capturing the Major Design Elements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- What Product Developers Really Need to Know - Capturing the Major Design Elements - Academic lecture
- What should the Minimum Ventilation Rate Be in a Demand-Controlled Ventilation Strategy? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- What’s the point of installing batteries on marine vessels if the batteries are charged by electricity from their diesel generators? - Website (informational material)
- What's next? Storage Resources for future European CCS deployment; a roadmap for a Horda Platform Storage Hub, offshore Norway - Academic lecture
- Who cares about ocean acidification in the Plasticene? - Academic article
- Why investing more in energy research will be money well spent - Interview
- Why you matter more than ever in the era of fake news - Lecture
- Wie Biofleich länger frisch bleibt - Interview Journal
- Wire arc additive manufacturing by robot manipulator: Towards creating complex geometries - Academic article
- With intelligent drying and heat pump drying towards more sustainability - Interview
- Wood stoves and wood-burning – how to ensure “hygge”, heating comfort and eco-friendliness - Website (informational material)
- Working with EMMO - extensions, applications etc - Lecture
- Workload in general practice – a qualitative study from Norway - Academic lecture
- WtE – Producing new energy from old data – a Waste-to-Energy story - Website (informational material)
- www.lowemission.no - nettsiden - Website (informational material)
- ZEB Laboratory - Research Possibilities - Report
- ZEN definition and ZEN KPI tool - Lecture
- ZEN KPI tool workshop - Lecture
- ZEN living labs definition, ideas and examples - Report
- ZEN Toolbox: First concept for the ZEN Toolbox for use in the development of Zero Emission Neighbourhoods - Report
- Zeolite surface methoxy groups as key intermediates in the stepwise conversion of methane to methanol - Academic article
- Zero emissions gas turbines - Academic lecture
- Zero energy at the neighbourhood scale: Regulatory challenges regarding billing practices in Norway - Academic article
- Zero stress aging of glass and carbon fibers in water and oil-strength reduction explained by dissolution kinetics - Academic article
- ZnCr2O4 Inclusions in ZnO Matrix Investigated by Probe-Corrected STEM-EELS - Academic article
- α-alumina as catalyst support in Co Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and the effect of added water; encompassing transient effects - Academic article
- μDIC: An open-source toolkit for digital image correlation - Academic article