- Local development through the foundational economy? Priority-setting in Danish municipalities - Academic article
- The many roles of change agency in the game of green path development in the North - Academic article
- "Advanced Admixtures" for reinforced concrete with increased durability and resistance against harsh exposure conditions - Lecture
- "From Start to Finish": Chatbots Supporting Students Through Their Student Journey. - Academic lecture
- "Increased durability and resistance" against harsh exposure conditions of reinforced concrete with advanced admixtures - Lecture
- [Keynote talk] Edge-to-Cloud orchestration: a case study of building a scalable Cooperative-Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) - Academic lecture
- ‘If we would change things outside we wouldn’t even need to go in…’ supporting recovery via community‐based actions: A focus group study on psychiatric rehospitalization - Academic article
- ‘Ridiculous to suggest green hydrogen alone can meet world’s H2 needs’ - Interview
- “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do”: Cultural Barriers to Being Agile in Distributed Teams - Academic article
- µDIC: An open-source toolkit for digital image correlation - Academic article
- 1.400 gigawatt: Noorwegen heeft gigantische plannen voor wind op zee - Interview
- 100% renewable heating and cooling in Europe by 2050 - the role of bioenergy research and innovation in the eyes of RHC-ETIP - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- 130,000 new jobs in the industry by 2050 - Interview
- 130,000 new jobs within the trade by 2050 - Interview
- 2018:00656-Softening and melting of quartz – Establishing experimental methods and studied variations between quartz types - Report
- 2020:01446- Softening and melting temperatures of quartz determined by two different techniques - Report
- 3D fluid modeling of positive streamer discharges in air with stochastic photoionization - Academic article
- 46: Norway’s CO2 Storage Explained - Interview
- 5 hurdles facing Europe’s hydrogen plans - Interview
- 5 Reasons To Back Offshore Wind Research & Development Now - Feature article
- A Bird’s-Eye View of euBusinessGraph: A Business Knowledge Graph for Company Data - Poster
- A Bird's-eye view of euBusinessGraph: A business knowledge graph for company data - Academic article
- A CFD study on the impact of barriers and nonuniformities on furnace tapping - Academic lecture
- A CFD Study on the Impact of Barriers and Nonuniformities on Furnace Tapping - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A closer look at constraints, stakeholders and boundary definitions in Energy (master) planning between neighbourhood and district - Academic lecture
- A closer look at constraints, stakeholders and boundary definitions in Energy (Master) Planning between neighbourhood and district - Academic article
- A CO2 monitoring experiment for pressure-saturation discrimination at the new Svelvik CO2 Field Lab - Academic lecture
- A combined fluid-dynamic and thermodynamic model to predict the onset of rapid phase transitions in LNG spills - Academic article
- A Comparison of Consistent Discretizations for Elliptic Problems on Polyhedral Grids - Academic lecture
- A Comparison of Consistent Discretizations for Elliptic Problems on Polyhedral Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A comparison of different wave modelling techniques in an open-source hydrodynamic framework - Academic article
- A comparison of physical and numerical modeling of homogenous isotropic propeller blades - Academic article
- A comparison of the blow-out behavior of turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air and methane–air flames - Academic article
- A composite solid polymer electrolyte incorporating MnO2 nanosheets with reinforced mechanical properties and electrochemical stability for lithium metal battery - Academic article
- A Comprehensive Framework for Vulnerability Analysis of Extraordinary Events in Power Systems - Academic article
- A Critical Review of Wastewater Resource Recovery Implementation in Indonesia - Academic article
- A Current Controlled Virtual Synchronous Machine Adapted for Operation under Unbalanced Conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A data-driven approach for twitter hashtag recommendation - Academic article
- A Decade of Research on Autonomous Agile Teams: A Summary of the Third International Workshop - Abstract
- A deep learning-based algorithm to automatically identify fluorescently stained MP - Poster
- A detailed review on CO2 two-phase ejector flow modeling - Academic article
- A Dual-Frequency Coupled Resonator Transducer - Academic article
- A facile modification of cation exchange resin by nano-sized goethite for enhanced Cr(VI) removal from water - Academic article
- A Feasibility Study of an Agile and Data-Centric Method for Prototyping Services Based on Open Transport Data - Academic article
- A Feature Importance Analysis for Soft-Sensing-Based Predictions in a Chemical Sulphonation Process - Academic lecture
- A Feature Importance Analysis for Soft-Sensing-Based Predictions in a Chemical Sulphonation Process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A framework for description of autonomous ship systems and operations - Academic article
- A framework for description of autonomous ship systems and operations. - Academic lecture
- A framework for traceability of hides for improved supply chain coordination - Academic article
- A framework to explain the role of boundary objects in sustainability transitions - Academic article
- A general-purpose distributed pattern mining system - Academic article
- A Genetic Attack Against Machine Learning Classifiers to Steal Biometric Actigraphy Profiles from Health Related Sensor Data - Academic article
- A global innovation partnership for smart sea transport – new ship concepts - Lecture
- A graph-based modelling framework for vulnerability analysis of critical sequences of events in power systems - Academic article
- A Gray-Box Hierarchical Oscillatory Instability Source Identification Method of Multiple-Inverter-Fed Power Systems - Academic article
- A Hierarchical Wind Power Plant Supervisory Controller - Report
- A Learning Roadmap for Digital Lean Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Learning Roadmap for Digital Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- A Lighthouse Vision for Floating Wind - Academic lecture
- A Light-Weight Approach to Software Assignment at the Edge - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Light-Weight Approach to Software Assignment at the Edge - Academic lecture
- A machine learning based monitoring framework for CO2 storage - Abstract
- A machine vision system for tracking population behavior of zooplankton in small scale experiments: a case study on salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis Krøyer, 1838) copepodite population responses to different light stimuli - Academic article
- A meta-analysis of plaice size-selection data in otter trawl codends - Academic article
- A method for predictive out-of-step tripping based on synchrophasors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian High-Order Spectral method for the propagation of ocean surface waves over a flat bottom - Academic article
- A mixed mode cohesive model for FRP laminates incorporating large scale bridging behaviour - Academic article
- A Modified DQ Impedance Model of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter-Grid System Considering Coupling between Inverter and Grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Modular Approach to Large-Signal Modeling of an Interconnected AC/MTDC System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A multi-barrier model assisted CAFE method for predicting ductile-to-brittle transition with application to a low-carbon ultrahigh-strength steel - Academic article
- A multi-level procedure for enhancing accuracy of machine learning algorithms - Academic article
- A multimesh finite element method for the Navier–Stokes equations based on projection methods - Academic article
- A Multimesh Finite Element Method for the Stokes Problem - Academic article
- A multiscale porous–resolved methodology for efficient simulation of heat and fluid transport in complex geometries, with application to electric power transformers - Academic article
- A new dawn for (oil) incumbents within the bioeconomy? Trade-offs and lessons for policy - Academic article
- A new method for measuring free-ranging fish swimming speed in commercial marine farms using Doppler principle - Academic article
- A nonsmooth approach to modelling and optimization – applications to liquefied natural gas processes and work and heat exchange networks - Lecture
- A Norwegian zero emission neighbourhood (ZEN) definition and a ZEN key performance indicator (KPI) tool - Lecture
- A novel holistic EPC related retrofit approach for residential apartment building renovation in Norway - Academic article
- A novel multi-brand robotic software interface for industrial additive manufacturing cells - Academic article
- A Numerical Assessment of Carbon-Dioxide-Rich Two-Phase Flows with Dense Phases in Offshore Production Pipelines - Academic article
- A numerical framework for modelling the dynamics of open ocean aquaculture structures in viscous fluids - Academic article
- A Numerical Investigation of Steep Irregular Wave Properties With a Mixed-Eulerian Lagrangian HOS Method - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Numerical Investigation of Steep Irregular Wave Properties With a Mixed-Eulerian Lagrangian HOS Method - Academic lecture
- A Phenomenological Model of Percussive Drilling: Review of Experimental Evidence - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Preliminary Psychometric Validation of the Safety Perception Index on Norwegian Vessels (SPIN-V) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A proposed methodology for modelling the combined load of electric roads and households for long-term grid planning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A proposed methodology for modelling the combined load of electric roads and households for long-term grid planning - Academic lecture
- A quick and versatile one step metal-organic chemical deposition method for supported Pt and Pt-alloy catalysts - Academic article
- A recurrent neural network for urban long-term traffic flow forecasting - Academic article
- A Review of Automated Speech-Based Interaction for Cognitive Screening - Academic article
- A Review of Resilience in Autonomous Transport to Improve Safety and Security - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A review on the sinking mechanisms for oil and successful response technologies - Academic literature review
- A revolution in vaccine development – but will we all benefit? - Feature article
- A Roundtable Discussion: Challenges for a Sustainable Aluminum Industry and Advice for the Next Generation (guest editors) - Interview Journal
- A rush is on to mine the deep seabed, with effects on ocean life that aren´t well understood - Popular scientific article
- A stochastic MPEC approach for grid tariff design with demand-side flexibility - Academic article
- A Stochastic Programming Approach to Optimal Operation of Low-Temperature District Heating - Masters thesis
- A structured look at specific smart grid scenarios - Interview
- A study of the flexural attenuation technique through laboratory measurements and numerical simulations - Academic article
- A study of the techno-economic feasibility of H2-based energy storage systems in remote areas - Academic article
- A supervised learning approach for optimal selection of bidding strategies in reservoir hydro - Academic article
- A System for High Performance Mining on GDELT Data - Academic article
- A systematic literature review on agile coaching and the role of the agile coach - Academic lecture
- A Systematic Literature Review on Agile Coaching and the Role of the Agile Coach - Academic article
- A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security - Lecture
- A taxonomy for autonomy in industrial autonomous mobile robots including autonomous merchant ships - Academic article
- A Taxonomy for Engineering Change Management in Complex ETO Firms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A trans-European CO2 transportation infrastructure for CCUS : opportunities & challanges - Report
- A transmission expansion model for dynamic operation of flexible demand - Academic article
- A two-dimensional experimental and numerical study of moonpools with recess - Academic article
- A Two-Phase Anomaly Detection Model for Secure Intelligent Transportation Ride-Hailing Trajectories - Academic article
- A User Experience Questionnaire for VR Locomotion: Formulation and Preliminary Evaluation - Academic article
- A very simple data-driven model based on flow diagnostics for reservoir management - Poster
- Ab-initio study of atomic structure and mechanical behaviour of Al / Fe intermetallic interfaces - Academic article
- Absolute yeast mitochondrial proteome quantification reveals trade-off between biosynthesis and energy generation during diauxic shift - Academic article
- Accelerated hot deformation and heat treatment of the TiAl alloy TNM-B1 for enhanced hot workability and controlled damage - Academic article
- Accelerated hydrolysis method for producing partially degraded polyester microplastic fiber reference materials - Academic article
- Accelerated hydrolysis method for producing partially degraded polyester microplastic fiber reference materials - Poster
- Accelerating Reinforcement Learning with Suboptimal Guidance - Academic lecture
- Accelerating the Digital Transformation - Building a 3D IoT Reference Architecture across industrial sectors - Lecture
- Acceptable air velocities using demand-controlled ventilation for individual cooling - Academic article
- Accounting for reserve capacity activation when scheduling a hydropower dominated system - Academic article
- Accurate quantum-corrected cubic equations of state for helium, neon, hydrogen, deuterium and their mixtures - Academic article
- Achieving "Good Enough" Software Security: The Role of Objectivity - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active latent heat storage using biowax in a central heating system of a ZEB living lab - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active PCM-Based Thermal Energy Storage in Buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Activity recognition using different sensors - Academic lecture
- Acute and long-term effects of anionic polyacrylamide (APAM) on different developmental stages of two marine copepod species - Academic article
- Adaptation of Laboratory tests for the assessment of wear resistance of drill-bit inserts for rotarypercussive drilling of hard rocks - Academic article
- Adaptive refinement with locally linearly independent LR B-splines: Theory and applications - Academic article
- Adding country resolution to EXIOBASE: impacts on land use embodied in trade - Academic article
- Additive chemicals in plastic consumer products and their role in plastic toxicity - Academic lecture
- Additive manufacturing as a tool for "Energy Recovery" technology development in HighEFF? - Lecture
- Additive Manufacturing with Superduplex Stainless Steel Wire by CMT Process - Academic article
- Additive Schwarz Preconditioned Exact Newton Method as a Nonlinear Preconditioner for Multiphase Porous Media Flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Additive Schwarz Preconditioned Exact Newton Method as a Nonlinear Preconditioner for Multiphase Porous Media Flow - Academic lecture
- Addressing data deficiencies in assistive technology by using statistical matching methodology: a case study from Malawi, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology - Academic article
- Addressing technical challenges in 100% variable inverter‐based renewable energy power systems - Academic article
- Adequacy versus complexity of mathematical models for engineering an adsorbed natural gas device - Academic article
- Adhesion between thermoplastic elastomers and polyamide‐12 with different glass fiber fractions in two‐component injection molding - Academic article
- Adsorber heat exchanger using Al-fumarate beads for heat-pump application – a transport study - Academic article
- Advanced RFI Detection, Alerting and Analysis System - Academic lecture
- Advanced RFI Detection, Alerting, and Analysis System (ARFIDAAS) - Academic lecture
- Advances in Simulator for Arctic Marine Structures - Academic lecture
- Advances in Simulator for Arctic Marine Structures - Academic article
- Advancing Ocean Observation with an AI-driven Mobile Robotic Explorer - Academic article
- Advancing Vehicle Architectures - Electronic components and system architecture enabling connected and automated driving - Lecture
- AEGIS: Advanced, efficient and green intermodal systems - Academic article
- Aesthetic Evaluation Criteria for Façade Integrated PVs in Urban Context - Academic lecture
- Age-hardening behavior of Al-Si-Cu-Mg(-Fe) alloys by deformation-semisolid extrusion process - Academic lecture
- Ageing effects on two-component injection molded thermoplastic elastomers on polyamide-12 - Academic lecture
- Ageing effects on two-component injection molded thermoplastic elastomers on polyamide-12 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Agency and actors in regional industrial path development. A framework and longitudinal analysis - Academic article
- Agency and actors in regional industrial path development. A framework and longitudinal analysis - Academic article
- Aggregate Farming in the Cloud: The AFarCloud ECSEL project - Academic article
- Agile coaching in Norway and the USA: The role of the agile coach in teamwork, organisational culture and leadership - Masters thesis
- Agile leadership – an idealistic utopia? - Lecture
- Agile methods in Software intensive companies 2020 - Academic lecture
- Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: Proceedings from the 21st International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2020 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Air leakage paths in buildings: Typical locations and implications for the air change rate - Academic article
- Air Traffic Flow Management with Layered Workload Constraints - Academic article
- AkvaLab – Project Summary Report - Evaluation of seaweed cultivation technology for weather exposed locations - Report
- Aligning European funding and R&I strategies - Lecture
- Alignment of national and European funding - Lecture
- Alkali-reduced Bauxite Residue as Novel SCM - Academic article
- All-fiber online Raman sensor with enhancement via a Fabry–Perot cavity - Academic article
- AlternaFuture - Report
- Alternative fuels and propulsion systems for fishing vessels - Lecture
- Alternative fuels and propulsion systems for fishing vessels - Report
- Alternative Fuels overview - Lecture
- Aluminium metal reinforced concrete – an environmentally friendly system with infinite service life - Academic article
- Aluminum: Recycling and Carbon/Environmental Footprint - Short communication
- Amid the Covid-19 Crisis, the Climate Crisis Can’t Be Forgotten - Website (informational material)
- Amino-acid-salt-based carbon dioxide capture: precipitation behavior of potassium sarcosine solution - Academic article
- Amplitude vs. angle of shales - Academic lecture
- An Approach for Representing and Storing RDF Data in Multi-model Databases - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Approach to Train and Evaluate the Cybersecurity Skills of Participants in Cyber Ranges based on Cyber-Risk Models - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Approach to Train and Evaluate the Cybersecurity Skills of Participants in Cyber Ranges Based on Cyber-Risk Models - Academic lecture
- An economic analysis of introducing autonomous ships in a short‐sea liner shipping network - Academic article
- An Empirical Study of CERT Capacity in the North Sea - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Evolutionary Model to Mine High Expected Utility Patterns From Uncertain Databases - Academic article
- An exact algorithm for robust influence maximization - Academic article
- An Experimental and Numerical Study of Added Mass and Damping for Side-by-Side Plates in Oscillating Flow - Academic article
- An experimental study on pre-stretched double-chamber 6000-series aluminium profiles subjected to quasi-static and dynamic axial crushing - Academic article
- An implicit local time-stepping method based on cell reordering for multiphase flow in porous media - Academic article
- An Industrial Trial of an Approach to Identification and Modelling of Cybersecurity Risks in the Context of Digital Secondary Substations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Integrated Method for Generating VSCs’ Periodical Steady-state Conditions and HSS-based Impedance Model - Academic article
- An interface-tracked dynamic network simulator for two-phase flow in porous media - Lecture
- An investigation of biofouling and its management in Norwegian salmon aquaculture, and the potential effects on cleaner fish behaviour - Masters thesis
- An MPCC Approach to Robust Optimal Sizing of Thermal Energy Storage - Academic lecture
- An old topic of emerging concern: Impacts of mineral (mining) particles on early life stages of fish - Academic lecture
- An Ontology-Based Approach for Simplified FMU Variable Connections With Automatic Verification of Semantically Correct Configuratio - Academic lecture
- An Ontology-Based Approach for Simplified FMU Variable Connections With Automatic Verification of Semantically Correct Configuratio - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An opensource tool for filtered two-fluid simulations of fluidized gas-particle flows - Academic lecture
- Analysing Supply Chain Phases for Design of Effective Autonomous Ship Technology in New Transport System Solutions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysing Supply Chain Phases for Design of Effective Autonomous Ship Technology in New Transport System Solutions - Academic lecture
- Analysing the effect of climate policies on poverty through employment channels - Academic article
- Analysis of a novel autonomous underwater robot for biofouling prevention and inspection in fish farms - Academic lecture
- Analysis of a novel autonomous underwater robot for biofouling prevention and inspection in fish farms - Academic article
- Analysis of monthly and daily profiles of DHW use in apartment blocks in Norway - Academic article
- Analysis-oriented structure for runtime data in Industry 4.0 asset administration shells - Academic article
- Analyzing different designs of liner shipping feeder networks: a case study - Academic article
- Analyzing the factors affecting engineering change implementation performance in the engineer-to-order production environment: case studies from a Norwegian shipbuilding group - Academic article
- Announcing PCM-STORE: Cold Energy Storage for the Food Industry - Website (informational material)
- Announcing PCM-STORE: Cold Energy Storage for the Food Industry - Popular scientific article
- Annular Frictional Pressure Losses - Academic lecture
- Annular Frictional Pressure Losses for Drilling Fluids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Anomaly detection method based on the deep knowledge behind behavior patterns in industrial components. Application to a hydropower plant - Academic article
- Apparatus for loss measurements under multidirectional and dc-bias flux in electrical steel laminations - Academic article
- Application of a Testing Chain Methodology for Improving Power Converter Controllers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of IoT Devices for Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning (project thesis) - Masters thesis
- Application of machine learning to the identification of quick and highly sensitive clays from cone penetration tests - Academic article
- Application of the SOSim v2 Model to spills of sunken oil in rivers - Academic article
- Applications of Big Data and Data Science in the Electricity Distribution Grid - State-of-the-art - Report
- Applying machine learning in motor activity time series of depressed bipolar and unipolar patients compared to healthy controls - Academic article
- Applying Machine Learning in Motor Activity Time Series of Depressed Bipolar and Unipolar Patients. - Poster
- Applying the ProdRisk-SHOP simulator for investment decisions - HydroCen Report nr. 19 - Report
- Aqueous Zinc Batteries - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Arc routing problems: A review of the past, present, and future - Academic literature review
- Arc Voltage Distribution Measurement in Tube Constricted Ultrahigh-Pressure Nitrogen Arc - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ArchiMate as a Specification Language for Big Data Applications - DataBio Example - Academic article
- Are discarded mobile phones and electronic waste polluting our seas? - Popular scientific article
- Are MXenes Suitable as Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Mg Batteries? - Academic article
- Are REE emerging contaminants in the Norwegian marine environment? An insight to the ELEMENTARY project - Academic lecture
- Are Safe and Resilient Systems less Effective and Productive? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Artificial Intelligence – not only running a program - Lecture
- Artificial intelligence for well integrity monitoring using geophysical data: preliminary results and plans - Academic lecture
- Asia’s plastic potential with the highest consumption of plastic in the world and representing two-thirds of global cement production, five Asian countries provide the opportunity to address the worldwide issue of non-recyclable plastic waste. - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- ASRNN: A recurrent neural network with an attention model for sequence labeling - Academic article
- Assement of alternative Fuels - Academic lecture
- Assessing resilience of healthcare infrastructure exposed to COVID-19: emerging risks, resilience indicators, interdependencies and international standards - Academic article
- Assessing the generality of a computational fluid dynamics model for simulating the flame spray synthesis of ZrO2 nanoparticles - Academic lecture
- Assessment of flexibility in different ancillary services for the power system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of hydrogen quality dispensed for hydrogen refuelling stations in Europe - Academic article
- Assessment of metal release from bauxite residue used as road construction material - Lecture
- Assessment of the generality of computational fluid dynamics models for simulating flame spray synthesis of nanoparticles - Academic lecture
- Assessment of Transient NOx Reduction Potential in Wood Stoves - Academic article
- Asymmetric-flow field-flow fractionation for measuring particle size, drug loading and (in)stability of nanopharmaceuticals. The joint view of European Union Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory and National Cancer Institute - Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory - Academic article
- Atomic structure of solute clusters in Al-Zn-Mg alloys - Academic article
- Attaining a higher flexibility degree in CO2 compressor racks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Author Correction: High-throughput screening reveals higher synergistic effect of MEK inhibitor combinations in colon cancer spheroids (Scientific Reports, (2020), 10, 1, (11574), 10.1038/s41598-020-68441-0) - Errata
- AutomAl 6000: Automatic structural labeling of STEM images of hybrid precipitates in 6xxx alloys - Poster
- Automated biometric analysis of early fish life stages via instance segmentation using Mask-RCNN - Academic lecture
- Automated shuttle services in public transport. Lessons learned from the smart feeder research project in Norway - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Automated Stacking and Screwing of Low Volume Electromechanical Products with Industrial Robot - Academic article
- Automatic reconstruction of metabolic pathways from annotated biosynthetic gene clusters - Academic lecture
- Automatic segmentation of brain tumor in intraoperative ultrasound images using 3D U-Net - Academic article
- Automatic solar cell diagnosis and treatment - Academic article
- Automatic tuning of vessel models offshore: A feasibility study usinghigh-precision data from model test - Academic article
- Autonomous Cars, Trust and Safety Case for the Public - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous Crop Row Guidance Using Adaptive Multi-ROI in Strawberry Fields - Academic article
- Autonomous ships to overhaul logistics models - Interview
- Autonomous ships: Why, how and when? - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Subsea Intervention - Lecture
- Autoviscosity - A Vital Step Towards Automation of the Drilling Fluid Process on Drilling Rigs - Chapter
- Avoiding snow and ice accretion on building integrated photovoltaics - challenges, strategies, and opportunities - Academic article
- Bacillus methanolicus as cell factory for conversion of seaweed biomass to value-added chemicals at 50C - Poster
- Bacterial Cellulose Composite Solid Polymer ElectrolyteWith High Tensile Strength and Lithium DendriteInhibition for Long Life Battery - Academic article
- Barite Sag Measurements - Academic lecture
- BarkCure Newsletter 3 - Briefs
- Barrier Management Digitalization in the Oil and Gas Industry - Status and Challenges - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Basic Leaching Characterisation of Geopolymer Based Bauxite Residues - Lecture
- Bauxite Residue as Supplementary Cementitious Material – Efforts to Reduce the Amount of Soluble Sodium - Academic article
- Bayesian rock physics inversion for pore pressure estimation - Popular scientific lecture
- BBNJ Negotiations and the Arctic – Interrupted - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Benchmark study of undrained triaxial testing of Opalinus Clay shale: Results and implications for robust testing - Academic article
- Benchmarking the vibration velocity-based measurement methods to determine the radiated sound power from floor elements under impact excitation - Academic article
- Beryllium Reduction Potential in AlMg Cast Alloys - Lecture
- Beryllium Reduction Potential in AlMg Cast Alloys - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Between source and sea: The role of wastewater treatment in reducing marine microplastics - Academic literature review
- Bidirectional linkage between a long-term energy system and a short-term power market model - Academic article
- Bifurcation Analysis of Converter-Dominated Electrical Distribution Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bilateral Business Opportunities in Offshore Wind - Academic lecture
- Biocarbon research for the metallurgical industry - Lecture
- BioCarbUp Newsletter 1-2020 - Briefs
- BioCarbUp Newsletter 2-2020 - Briefs
- Biocatalytic refining of polysaccharides from brown seaweeds - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Biodegradation of weathered crude oil in seawater with frazil ice - Academic article
- Biofouling on salmon pen nets and cleaner fish shelters does not harbor planktonic stages of sea lice - Academic article
- Biofuels: Types and Process Overview - Chapter
- Bioinformatics for Metagenomics - Introduction to 3 seminar presentations - Lecture
- Bioprocesses for the optimized, integrated production of butyl esters from sustainable resources - Lecture
- BIOSCAN Norway - Enabling next generation biodiversity research - Academic lecture
- BlueHealthPass testimonial for Innovation Norway - Interview
- Boosting the Economy in Remote Communities via Hydrogen Technologies: The Norwegian Case - Lecture
- Borealization of the Arctic Ocean in response to anomalous advection from sub-Arctic seas - Academic article
- Bow Shock Clustering in Particle-laden Wetted Cylinder Flow - Academic article
- Breaking the Cyber Kill Chain by Modelling Resource Costs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Breakingviews - Stored carbon could morph into investment gold - Interview
- Bridging gaps in the immunotherapeutic research pipeline - Poster
- Broadband infrared and THz transmitting silicon core optical fiber - Academic article
- Bubble evolution on different carbon anode designs in cryolite melt - Academic article
- Building an Open-Source Community Code: the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST) - Academic lecture
- Building blocks are synthesized on demand during the yeast cell cycle - Academic article
- Building blocks are synthesized on demand during the yeast cell cycle - Academic article
- Building Services Solutions Suitable for a Low Emission Urban Areas - Report
- Building the databench workflow and architecture - Academic article
- Building-Integrated Photovoltaics from Products to System Integration - A Critical Review - Academic lecture
- Building-Integrated Photovoltaics from Products to System Integration - A Critical Review - Academic article
- Bulk and interfacial thermodynamics of mixtures: From ultracryogenic fluids to aqueous systems - Doctoral dissertation
- CAGEREPORTER - Development of technology for autonomous, bio-interactive and high-quality data acquisition from aquaculture net cages - Report
- Calibrated rock physics model for quantitative seismic analysis of two-phase fluid saturations (2phase4seis) - Academic lecture
- Calibration and Application of GISSMO and *MAT_258 for Simulations Using Large Shell Elements - Academic lecture
- Call for abstracts – EERA DeepWind’2021 - Website (informational material)
- CAMP: A tool to amplify software configuration tests - Academic article
- Can autonomous ships help short-sea shipping become more cost-efficient? - Academic article
- Can effective pedagogy be ensured in minimally invasive surgery e-learning? - Academic article
- Can energy depletion of wild Atlantic salmon kelts negotiating hydropower facilities lead to reduced survival? - Academic article
- Can extract from Norwegian spruce bark control coccidiosis in suckling lambs? - Chapter
- Can extract from Norwegian spruce bark control coccidiosis in suckling lambs? - Academic lecture
- Can Heating Induce Borehole Closure? - Academic article
- Can the Public Sector and Vendors Digitally Transform? A Case from Innovative Public Procurement - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Can we shop ourselves to a clean sea? An experimental panel approach to assess the persuasiveness of private labels as a private governance approach to microplastic pollution. - Academic article
- Capillary forces as a limiting factor for sawing of ultrathin silicon wafers by diamond multi-wire saw - Academic article
- Car Tire Crumb Rubber: Does Leaching Produce a Toxic Chemical Cocktail in Coastal Marine Systems? - Academic article
- Carbon footprint of fisheries - a review of standards, methods and tools - Report
- Carbon Nanotubes for Hydrogen Purification and Storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Caring by sharing: Sharing with neighbuors as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic - Popular scientific lecture
- Case study 6.3 - Nomabali's Story - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Casting of silicon-rich metals with a super-heated steam atmosphere - Lecture
- Catalytic Steam Reforming of Hydrocarbon Impurities from Biomass Gasification - Academic lecture
- Catalytic Steam Reforming of Hydrocarbon Impurities from Biomass Gasification - Group meeting - Academic lecture
- Catalytic upgrading of bio oils - Academic lecture
- Catch pattern and size selectivity for a gear designed to prevent fish injuries during the capture process in a North-East Atlantic demersal trawl fishery - Academic article
- Cathode starvation as an accelerated conditioning procedure for perfluorosulfonic acid ionomer fuel cells - Academic article
- Causal analysis of escape of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout from Norwegian fish farms during 2010–2018 - Academic article
- CCS Across Europe - Multimedia product
- CCS Has A Branding Problem — We Need A Solution - Website (informational material)
- CCS in an EU perspective - Lecture
- CCS Research Blogs: The Latest Developments in Critical Climate Technology - Website (informational material)
- CCS Research Blogs: The Latest Developments in Critical Climate Technology - Website (informational material)
- CCUS in Europe - Lecture
- Cellulose nanofibers facilitate heavy particle suspension in drilling fluids - Poster
- Cellulose nanofibers facilitate heavy particle suspension in drilling fluids - Academic article
- Cement factories can put the brakes on global plastic pollution - Interview
- Cement factories can put the brakes on global plastic pollution - Interview
- Cement industry in China assisted with disposal of Covid-19 healthcare waste - Academic article
- CFD Simulations of an Additional H2 Combustor for Improving Efficiency in Chemical Looping Combustion Power Plants - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CFD Study of Diffuse Ceiling Ventilation through Perforated Ceiling Panels - Academic article
- Changes in General Practitioners’ consultation frequency over time for patients with hypertension or anxiety/depression symptoms: a 10-year follow-up of the Norwegian HUNT study - Academic article
- Changes in prevalence of mental disorders among internally displaced persons in central Sudan: a 1-year follow-up study - Academic article
- Characterization of amorphous and crystalline ASR products formed in concrete aggregates - Academic article
- Characterization of boron-coated silicon sensors for thermal neutron detection - Academic article
- Characterization of Low Sulfur Fuel Marine Fuel Oils (LSFO) - A new generation of marine fuel oils - Report
- Characterization of Low Sulfur Fuel Oils (LSFO) – A new generation of marine fuel oils - OC2020 A-050 - Report
- Characterization of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and wrasses (Labridae) distribution and behavior In association with biofouling in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) sea cages - Masters thesis
- Characterization of Porous Structures of Cellulose Nanofibrils Loaded with Salicylic Acid - Academic article
- Characterization of Residues from Entrained Flow Gasification of Wood - Academic article
- Characterization of Rough PTFE Surfaces by the Modified Wilhelmy Balance Technique - Academic article
- Characterization of SINTEF 3D diodes with trenched-electrode geometry before and after neutron irradiation - Academic article
- Characterization, Thermodynamics and Mechanism of Formation of SiC-SiOx Core–Shell Nanowires - Academic article
- Characterizing the Dynamic Behaviour of a WtE Plant through Start-up Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Characterizing the Dynamic Behaviour of a WtE Plant through Start-up Data - Poster
- Charcoal and Use of Green Binder for Use in Carbon Anodes in the Aluminium Industry - Academic lecture
- Charcoal and Use of Green Binder for Use in Carbon Anodes in the Aluminium Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Charge Transport in 2D MoS2, WS2, and MoS2–WS2 Heterojunction-Based Field-Effect Transistors: Role of Ambipolarity - Academic article
- Chatbot Research and Design. Third International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 19–20, 2019, Revised Selected Papers. - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Chemical composition and ecotoxicity of plastic and car tire rubber leachates to aquatic organisms - Academic lecture
- Chemical stability of Ca3Co4−xO9+δ/CaMnO3−δ p–n junction for oxide-based thermoelectric generators - Academic article
- Chemo-poro-elastoplastic modelling of an oilwell cement paste: Macroscopic shrinkage and stress-strain behaviour - Academic article
- Choice of reference, influence of non-additivity and present challenges in thermodynamic perturbation theory for mixtures - Academic article
- Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Process Development - Lecture
- CINELDI activities on flexibility and grid planning: Classification, characterization, barriers and potential as seen from a Norwegian perspective - Lecture
- CINELDI Memo - CINELDI results 2019 - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Development of real-time power hardware-in-the-loop microgrid simulation platform - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Framework and methodology for active distribution grid planning in Norway - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Identification of use cases - Interaction between microgrid and DSO - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Misuse cases - an overview - Report
- CIRCALU – Suitable bauxite and limestone raw materials for the Pedersen Process - Report
- Circular economy and value chain thinking - The future of Waste-to-Energy - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Climate Adaptation in Maintenance Operation and Management of Buildings - Academic article
- Climate adaptation of wooden buildings – risk reduction by moisture control - Lecture
- Climate change impacts and fungal decay in vulnerable historic buildings at Svalbard - Academic article
- Cluster-based information retrieval using pattern mining - Academic article
- Clustering and Dimensionality-reduction Techniques Applied on Power Quality Measurement Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Clustering and formation of initial β'' precipitates - an ab-initio study - Academic lecture
- Cluster-size-dependent interaction between ethylene and CuCl2 clusters supported via γ-alumina - Academic article
- CO and CO2 Anode Gas Concentration at Lower Current Densities in Cryolite Melt - Academic article
- CO2 adsorption and characterization of tailor-made metal-organic frameworks - Masters thesis
- CO2 Capture and storage for CO2 emission reductions in process industries - Interview
- CO2 capture from waste-to-energy plants: Techno-economic assessment of novel integration concepts of calcium looping technology - Academic article
- CO2 Capture Using 3D Printed PEI Adsorbents Supported By Carbon Nanostructures - Lecture
- CO2 DataShare launches open, digital data sharing portal - Interview
- CO2 er mer enn klimatrussel: Hvordan kan CCU bli Norges nye teknologieventry? - Popular scientific lecture
- CO2 foam field pilot design and initial results - Academic article
- CO2 Foam Using non-ionic Surfactants - For Increased Storage Capacity and Oil Recovery - Doctoral dissertation
- CO2 mobility control - modelling of CO2 foam core flooding experiments - Lecture
- CO2 mobility reduction using foam stabilized by CO2- and water-soluble surfactants - Academic article
- CO2 storage and monitoring - Lecture
- CO2 Wetting on Pillar-Nanostructured Substrates - Academic article
- CO2-sequestration by seaweed cultivation - Lecture
- Cobalt Recovery from Secondary Resources - Lecture
- Code developement - Academic lecture
- Code production in the office vs at home: experience from two companies - Lecture
- Co-designing immersive VR with and for adolescents in elementary school - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cognitive Digital Twins for the Process Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- COGNITWIN – Hybrid and Cognitive Digital Twins for the Process Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cohesive zone modelling of fatigue crack propagation in X70 steel - Report
- CO-Induced Surface Reconstruction of the Co(11–20) Surface—A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Investigation - Academic article
- Cold Chain Technology Brief on fishing vessel application - Lecture
- Cold Sintering as a Cost-Effective Process to Manufacture Porous Zinc Electrodes for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries - Academic article
- Coloured Building Integrated Photovoltaics: Influence on Energy Efficiency - Academic article
- COLREG-compliant collision avoidance for unmanned surface vehicle using deep reinforcement learning - Academic article
- Combinatorial Learning in Traffic Management - Academic article
- Combined effects of exposure to engineered silver nanoparticles and the water-soluble fraction of crude oil in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Academic article
- Combined outpatient and master surgery scheduling - Academic lecture
- Combining Machine Learning and Optimization for Efficient Price Forecasting - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Combining selection models and population structures to inform fisheries management: a case study on hake in the Mediterranean bottom trawl fishery - Academic article
- Combustion based delamination of Si based glass/glass photovoltaic modules - Poster
- Command status given the feature list - Lecture
- Communicating service offers in a conversational user interface - An exploratory study of user preferences in chatbot interaction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Compact wooden Roofs with smart Vapour Barrier - Pilot Project - Lecture
- Compact wooden roofs with smart vapour barrier – Pilot project experiences - Academic article
- COMPACTS2 Technical Meeting 05 - Steam bottoming cycle design for minimum weight and analysis of OTSG transient behaviour - Academic lecture
- Comparative study of eutectic Al-Si alloys manufactured by WAAM and casting - Academic article
- Comparative Study of Event Prediction in Power Grids using Supervised Machine Learning Methods - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative study of hydrothermal synthesis routes of zeolite A - Academic article
- Comparing exergy losses and evaluating the potential of catalyst-filled plate-fin and spiral-wound heat exchangers in a large-scale Claude hydrogen liquefaction process - Academic article
- Comparing generic and vectorial nonlinear manoeuvring models and parameter estimation using optimal truncated least square support vector machine - Academic article
- Comparing intergranular corrosion in Al‐Mg‐Si‐Cu alloys with and without α‐Al(Fe,Mn,Cu)Si particles - Academic article
- Comparing the Nature of Active Sites in Cu-loaded SAPO-34 and SSZ-13 for the Direct Conversion of Methane to Methanol - Academic article
- Comparing the size selectivity of a novel T90 mesh codend to two conventional codends in the northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) trawl fishery - Academic article
- Comparing Three Methods for Design Analyses of Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery from Natural Gas Compression - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparison between algebraic multigrid and multilevel multiscale methods for reservoir simulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparison between algebraic multigrid and multilevel multiscale methods for reservoir simulation - Academic lecture
- Comparison between soil abrasion test (SAT) and soil abrasion index (SAI) - Academic article
- Comparison of artificially weathered Macondo oil with field samples and evidence that weathering does not increase environmental acute toxicity - Academic article
- Comparison of the greenhouse gas emissions of a high-rise residential building assessed with different national LCA approaches– IEA EBC Annex 72 - Academic article
- Competitive high variance, low volume manufacturing with robot manipulators - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Composition analysis and minimal treatments to solubilize polysaccharides from the brown seaweed Laminaria digitata for microbial growth of thermophiles - Academic article
- Compressor Surge Control Using Lyapunov Neural Networks - Academic article
- Computational analysis of premixed methane-air flame interacting with a solid wall or a hydrogen porous wall - Academic article
- Computational Fluid Dynamics for improving large-scale woody biomass and Municipal Solid Waste combustion units - Briefs
- Concept of hydrogen fired gas turbine cycle with exhaust gas recirculation: Assessment of process performance - Academic article
- Conceptual study of a transportable cooling system based on renewable energy for use on fruits and vegetables - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Condensational and Collisional Growth of Cloud Droplets in a Turbulent Environment - Academic article
- Conductivity control via minimally invasive anti-Frenkel defects in a functional oxide - Academic article
- Configuration and model order selection of frequency-dependent π-models for representing dc-cables in small-signal eigenvalue analysis of HVDC transmission systems - Academic article
- Considering flexibility in network expansion planning: present practices and regulatory conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Consistent State Space Modelling of Hydrodynamic Memory - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Consistent State Space Modelling of Hydrodynamic Memory - Academic lecture
- Container shipping Decarbonizing Pathways - Academic lecture
- Continuous Deployment of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems - Academic article
- Continuous-time scheduling of a hydrothermal system with integration of offshore wind power - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Continuum X - IoT and Edge Computing Evolution - Lecture
- Contribution to special issue workshop (co-editor): Transdisciplinary research approaches for sustainable development - Lecture
- Controlling Flue Gas Temperature from Ferro Silicon Submerged Arc Furnaces (SAF) Using Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Conversational Repair in Chatbots for Customer Service: The Effect of Expressing Uncertainty and Suggesting Alternatives - Academic article
- CoolFish workshop: Experiences and some results from measurements onboard - Lecture
- CoolFish workshop: Welcome and introduction. Further activities and closure - Lecture
- CoolFish workshop:Carbon footprint of fisheries - Lecture
- Coordinated voltage control in the distribution grid - Literature and simulation study of possibilities and challenges related to coordinated voltage control in the distribution grid - Report
- Coordinating Knowledge Work in Multiteam Programs: Findings From a Large-Scale Agile Development Program - Multimedia product
- Coordination of voltage regulators in the distribution grid – Laboratory results - Report
- Copper enrichment on aluminium surfaces after electropolishing and its effect on electron imaging and diffraction - Academic article
- Core-scale sensitivity study of CO2 foam injection strategies for mobility control, enhanced oil recovery, and CO2 storage - Academic article
- Core-Shell Nanostructures of Graphene-Wrapped CdS Nanoparticles and TiO2 (CdS@G@TiO2): The Role of Graphene in Enhanced Photocatalytic H2 Generation - Academic article
- Core-shell particles of C-doped CdS and graphene: A noble metal-free approach for efficient photocatalytic H2 generation - Academic article
- Corporate Lean Programs: Practical Insights and Implications for Learning and Continuous Improvement - Academic article
- Correction to: Effect of seeding methods and hatchery periods on sea cultivation of Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae): a Norwegian case study - Errata
- Correlation between surface chemistry and morphology of PtCu and Pt nanoparticles during oxidation-reduction cycle - Academic article
- Corrigendum to “The net GHG emissions of the China Three Gorges Reservoir: I. Pre-impoundment GHG inventories and carbon balance” [J. Clean. Prod. 256 120635] - Errata
- Corrigendum to “The net GHG emissions of the Three Gorges Reservoir in China: II. post-impoundment GHG inventories and full-scale synthesis” [J. Cleaner Prod. 277, 123961] - Errata
- Corrosion Protection of Steel Bridges with Thermal Spray Zinc Duplex Coatings –50 Years Experiences - Academic lecture
- Co-simulation and validation of the performance of a highly flexible parametric model of an external shading system - Academic article
- Cost optimization of a zero-emission office building - Academic article
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Battery Energy Storage in Electric Power Grids: Research and Practices - Academic lecture
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Battery Energy Storage in Electric Power Grids: Research and Practices - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cost-effective clean ammonia production using membrane-assisted autothermal reforming - Academic article
- Coupled CO2-well-reservoir simulation using a partitioned approach: effect of reservoir properties on well dynamics - Academic article
- Coupled vessel and moonpool responses in regular and irregular waves - Academic article
- Coupling time-indexed and big-M formulations for real-time train scheduling during metro service disruptions - Academic article
- CPFD simulation of enhanced cement raw meal fluidization through mixing with coarse, inert particles - Academic article
- Cracking of Granite Rock Through Actuation of Piezoelectric Properties of Quartz by High Voltage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Creation of an Wearable Startup: From a Laboratory Incubator to a Revenue Generating Business - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Critical review of catalysis for ethylene oxychlorination - Academic article
- Cross experimental methodologies and background results for assessing complex borehole conditions - Report
- Crude oil toxicity in early life-stage fish: effect-directed analysis reveals strong mixture effects - Academic lecture
- Crude oil toxicity in fish early life-stages: effect-directed analysis reveals strong mixture effects - Academic lecture
- Cruising Towards Zero Emissions - Website (informational material)
- CruiZE Webinar - Dynamic Simulation Models - potential and examples - Lecture
- CruiZE Webinar - Surplus Heat Recovery - Lecture
- CruiZE webinar: HVAC&R - Potenial of natural refrigerants - Lecture
- CruiZE Webinar: Opportunities for integration of thermal storage with PCMs - Lecture
- CruiZE Webinar: Reference Ship and Waste Heat - Lecture
- Crumb rubber toxicity in coastal marine systems - Poster
- Cryogenic cold utilization and system integration possibilities for LNG-driven fishing vessels - Academic lecture
- Cryogenic cold utilization and system integration possibilities for LNG-driven fishing vessels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Crystal plasticity prediction of texture evolution during helical extrusion process of aluminium alloys under three-dimensional deformation path - Academic article
- Crystallinity of silicon nanoparticles: Direct influence on the electrochemical performance of lithium ion battery anodes - Academic article
- CSEM sensitivity study at Smeaheia - Academic lecture
- CT-transparent Low frequency setup development - Academic lecture
- CULTCOAST reference group meeting: WP 4 Tourism, public use and heritage Developments/results, Svalbard/Russekeila and Hiorthamn - Academic lecture
- CULTCOAST: WP 4 Tourism, public use and heritage. Developments/results, Svalbard/Russekeila and Hiorthamn - Academic lecture
- Cultivation of Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae) in temperate marine waters. Nitrogen uptake kinetics, Growth characteristics and Chemical composition - Doctoral dissertation
- Current interruption performance of ultrahigh-pressure nitrogen arc - Academic article
- Current state-of-the-art assessments and technical approach for assessment of well re-use potential and CO2/brine leakage risk - Report
- Current status and future perspectives of lithium metal batteries - Academic literature review
- Curvature Corrections Remove the Inconsistencies of Binary Classical Nucleation Theory - Academic article
- Cuttings transport: On the effect of drill pipe rotation and lateral motion on the cuttings bed - Academic article
- Cyber Attacks for Sale - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cyber Science 2020 - Advancing a Multidisciplinary Approach to Cyber Security - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Cyber-risk identification for a digital substation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cyber-Security Gaps in a Digital Substation: From Sensors to SCADA - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CYBERWISER.eu - Cyber Range & Capacity Building in Cybersecurity - Academic lecture
- D1.1 - Monitoring system specification - Report
- D2.1 Expanded risk and CBA methodology - Report
- D4.1 PKI prototype specification - Report
- D4.1 Status: legal/regulatory barriers for transboundary CO2 ship transport - Report
- D5. 9 Virtual laboratory version 2 - Report
- Daily Stand-Up Meetings: Start Breaking the Rules! - Academic article
- Data Acquisition Tools - Farming Intelligence and Autonomy - Lecture
- Data Assimilation for Ocean Drift Trajectories using Massive Ensembles and GPUs - Lecture
- Data Assimilation for Ocean Drift Trajectories Using Massive Ensembles and GPUs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Data capture and real-time data quality analysis - OC2020 A-033 - Report
- Data set for power system reliability analysis using a four-area test network - Academic article
- Data-driven Household Load Flexibility Modelling: Shiftable Atomic Load - Other product
- Data-driven models based on flow diagnostic and machine learning techniques - Academic lecture
- Data-Driven Models Based on Flow Diagnostics - Poster
- Data-Driven Models Based on Flow Diagnostics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Data-driven quasi-interpolant spline surfaces for point cloud approximation - Academic article
- Data-driven traffic safety approach - Academic lecture
- Data-driven traffic safety approach: Norwegian case study - Academic article
- Datasets for grey-box model identification from representative archetypes of apartment blocks in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Deburring Using Robot Manipulators: A Review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Decarbonizing Maritime Transport: The Importance of Engine Technology and Regulations for LNG to serve as a Transition Fuel - Academic article
- Deep Learning Versus Traditional Solutions for Group Trajectory Outliers - Academic article
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Long Term Hydropower Production Scheduling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Deep Tech Musings, Episode 5 "AI/ML in Oil & Gas Industry" - Interview
- DeepWind 2020 - Multimedia product
- DeepWind Nils Røkke - Multimedia product
- DeFACTO: Underground Testing of CO2 Transport and Injection - Website (informational material)
- Delivering the power of nanomedicine to patients today - Academic article
- Demand-side management for reducing peak-heating costs in a local low-temperature district-heating grid with waste-heat utilization - Academic lecture
- Demonstrating a refinery-adapted cluster-integrated strategy to enable full-chain CCUS implementation - REALISE - Popular scientific lecture
- Demonstration of the novel swing adsorption reactor cluster concept in a multistage fluidized bed with heat-transfer surfaces for postcombustion CO2 capture - Academic article
- Deposition of detritus from near- and off-shore kelp farm as a contribution to CO2 sequestration - Academic lecture
- Depressurization of CO2 in a pipe:High-resolution pressure and temperature data and comparison with model predictions - Academic article
- Der Siegeszug der Heimarbeit - Interview
- Design and modelling of dust capturing system in thermally stratified flowing conditions - Academic article
- Design and potential applications of floating structures in Singapore - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design and simulation of a small cold storage with NH3 refrigeration system and an indirect cooling loop with CO2 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design and verification of Large Floating Coastal Structures: floating bridges for fjord crossings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design for Workability: Scenarios for parametric design optimization - Lecture
- Design of real-time sampling strategies for submerged oil based on probabilistic model predictions - Academic article
- Design, Modelling and Analysis of a Large Floating Dock for Spar Floating Wind Turbine Installation - Academic article
- Designing a Privacy Dashboard for a Smart Manufacturing Environment - Academic article
- Designing Aqueous Organic Electrolytes for Zinc-Air Batteries: Method, Simulation, and Validation - Academic article
- Designing for transitions in rural areas - Academic lecture
- Designing for transitions in rural transport - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Detailed assessment of the technical properties of recycled aggregates from mixed C&D waste - Academic article
- Detailed investigation of the shearing mechanism of β" precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys - Academic article
- Detailed investigation of the shearing mechanism of β” precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys - Academic lecture
- Detection of Bad PMU Data using Machine Learning Techniques - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Detection: how many pixels are required? - Academic lecture
- Detention-based green roofs for stormwater management under extreme precipitation due to climate change - Academic article
- Determination of C0‐C9 alkyl phenols in produced water‐exposed fish eggs using gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry - Academic article
- Developers Make Progress on Solar-Powered Hydrogen Projects - Interview
- Developing a Conceptual Framework for Smart Teaching: Using VR to Teach Kids How to Save Lives - Academic article
- Developing a Conceptual Framework for Smart Teaching: Using VR to Teach Kids How to Save Lives - Academic lecture
- Developing cold chain for Indian Surimi supply chain - Academic lecture
- Developing cold chain for Indian Surimi supply chain - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Developing Local Community: Municipal Policies Oriented Towards Place Branding - Academic article
- Developing next-generation Li-ion batteries for electric vessels - Popular scientific lecture
- Developing technologies for low emission petroleum activitites on the NCS - Lecture
- Development and analysis of hourly DHW heat use profiles in nursing homes in Norway - Academic article
- Development and modelling of different decarbonisation scenarios of the European energy system until 2050 as a contribution to achieving the ambitious 1.5°C climate target - Establishment of open source/data modelling in the European H2020 project openENTRANCE - Academic article
- Development and Operation of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems: The ENACT Framework - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development and validation study of a 1D analytical model for the response of reheat flames to entropy waves - Academic article
- Development in case study work - Lecture
- Development of a Flash-LIDAR Elegant Breadboard Model for Rendezvous Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of a Protocol to Couple Wave and CFD Solvers Towards Reproducible CFD Modeling Practices for Offshore Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of AL-TIC wire feedstock for additive manufacturing by metal screw extrusion - Academic article
- Development of an LQR framework for rapid prototyping of offshore wind turbine controllers, with application to active load - Report
- Development of coastal infrastructure in cold climate. Summary Guideline. SFI SAMCoT report - Report
- Development of contact-free operations for exposed aquaculture operations - Lecture
- Development of gas separation membranes with aligned nanostructures for CO2 separation - Poster
- Development of high-performance thin film composite membranes for CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Development of low-emission subsurface drainage strategies - Academic lecture
- Development of Polyethylenimine (PEI)-impregnated mesoporous carbon spheres for low-concentration CO2 capture - Academic article
- Development of Simulation Tools for Near-Well Injectivity - Lecture
- Development of the fleets Carbon intensity 2008 – 2018 and how to use IMO and MRV data in the work on CII - Lecture
- Development of zirconium-based MOFs mixed matrix membranes for high-pressure CO2/CH4 separation - Lecture
- Developmental effects of fuel oils on early life stages of atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Poster
- Developments in Offshore Wind Technology - Interview
- Deviations in cathodic disbonding testing - Academic lecture
- Diagnostics and prognostics of fuel-cell systems: A review with focus on on-board techniques for low-temperature PEMFC automotive systems - Report
- Diameter ratio effects in the wake flow of single step cylinders - Academic article
- Differences and similarities of different approaches to locally refined splines over hierarchical meshes - Academic lecture
- Differences in sperm functionality and intracellular metabolites in Norwegian Red bulls of contrasting fertility - Academic article
- DigiRAS: Optimizing land-based fish production in next generation digital recirculating aquaculture systems - Lecture
- Digital Annual report Sintef Energy 2019 - Multimedia product
- Digital Cement Integrity: A Methodology for 3D Visualization of Cracks and Microannuli in Well Cement - Academic article
- Digital circular economy as a cornerstone of a sustainable European industry transformation - Popular scientific article
- Digital training as medicine - Academic lecture
- Digital training as medicine - Abstract
- Digital transformation of fisheries: opportunities and challenges - Lecture
- Digital Twin: Values, Challenges and Enablers from a modelling perspective - Academic article
- Digitalization of geohazards with Internet of Things - Website (informational material)
- Digitized uncertainty handling of pore pressure and mud-weight window ahead of bit: north sea example - Academic article
- Dimensional Decomposition of Turbulent Reacting Flows - Academic article
- Dipentamethylene thiuram tetrasulfide-based cathodes for rechargeable magnesium batteries - Academic article
- Direct numerical simulation of spray droplet evaporation in hot turbulent channel flow - Academic article
- Disagreements between space charge models and grain boundary impedance data in yttrium-substituted barium zirconate - Academic article
- Dispersal of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis Krøyer, 1837) egg strings from open-cage salmon farming: A neglected source for infestation dynamics - Academic article
- Displacement efficiency in eccentric annuli - Academic article
- Disruptive innovation- Digitalisation and key enabling technologies - Academic lecture
- Dissecting the exergy balance of a hydrogen liquefier: Analysis of a scaled-up claude hydrogen liquefier with mixed refrigerant pre-cooling - Academic article
- Dissemination and communication of the new competence, knowledge and results developed within iProcess. A summary. - Popular scientific lecture
- Distributed fibre optic sensing - Academic lecture
- DNA damage and health effects in juvenile haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) exposed to PAHs associated with oil-polluted sediment or produced water - Academic article
- Do different habits affect microplastics contents in organisms? A trait-based analysis on salt marsh species - Academic article
- Does the efficiency of a counter-herding device depend on seabed contact? - Academic article
- Domestic direct electric water heater model for flexibility and impact study - Software
- Domestic hot water decomposition from measured total heat load in Norwegian buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Domestic hot water decomposition from measured total heat load in Norwegian buildings - Chapter
- Don’t burn your Christmas tree in the fireplace! - Website (informational material)
- DQ Impedance Reshaping of Three-Phase Power-Controlled Grid-Connected Inverter for Low-Frequency Stability Improvement Under Weak Grid Condition - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- DQ impedance-decoupled network modelbased stability analysis of offshore wind power plant under weak grid conditions - Academic article
- Drag force for a burning particle - Academic article
- Drift Trajectory Predictions using Massive Ensembles of Simplified Ocean Models - Poster
- Drilling Fluid’s Cuttings Bed Removal Properties for Deviated Wellbores - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Drilling Project Confirms Promising Carbon-Storage Site Off Norway - Interview
- Dry-ice collection performance and collection mechanism of cyclone separator-evaporator - Academic article
- Dual UTR-A novel 5′ untranslated region design for synthetic biology applications - Academic article
- Durability and maintenance of TSZ duplex coatings - Academic lecture
- Durability of cracked SFRC exposed to wet-dry cycles of chlorides and carbon dioxide – Multiscale deterioration phenomena - Academic article
- Durability-Enhanced Vanadium Dioxide Thermochromic Film for Smart Windows - Academic article
- Dvalin condensate – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea In relation to oil spill response - OC2020 A-142 - Report
- Dymola-Modelica models of PCM-CTES units: current status of development - Academic lecture
- Dynamic airspace configuration - experience and future directions - Academic lecture
- Dynamic Analysis of Energy Recovery Utilizing Thermal Storage from Batch-Wise Metal Casting - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic analysis of potentially critical contingencies (project memo no. AN 20.12.11) - Report
- Dynamic Coarsening and Local Reordered Nonlinear Solvers for Simulating Transport in Porous Media - Academic article
- Dynamic energy system with a local LTTG at Leangen - Masters thesis
- Dynamic in situ computed tomography study of strain evolution in Draupne shales under triaxial loading - Academic lecture
- Dynamic modeling of municipal solid waste incineration - Academic article
- Dynamic numerical models for components and subsystems - CruiZE WP2 - Report
- Dynamic Saturation Reconstruction for Multiphase Flow by Time-Of-Flight Fill Functions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic simulation models – potential and examples - Lecture
- Dynamic Wireless Charging of Autonomous Vehicles: Small-scale demonstration of inductive power transfer as an enabling technology for self-sufficient energy supply - Academic article
- Dynamics and evolution of continental margin clinoform systems - Academic lecture
- Dynamics of dissolved oxygen inside salmon sea-cages with lice shielding skirts at two hydrographically different sites - Academic article
- Early Detection of Subsurface Cracks in Rolling Element Bearings using the Acoustic Emission Time Series - Masters thesis
- EBSD analyses of metallic, ceramic, semiconductor and geological specimens in a table top SEM - Academic lecture
- Ecological Impacts of Particulate Plastics in Marine Ecosystems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- E-commerce and prevalence of last mile practices - Academic article
- Economic assessment of the swing adsorption reactor cluster for CO2 capture from cement production - Academic article
- Economic, social and environmental impact assessment for off-site construction logistics: the data availability issue - Academic article
- EERA DeepWind’2020: The future is offshore - Website (informational material)
- EERA DeepWind'2020 Conference 15 -17 January 2020 - Report
- Effect of a lateral square-mesh panel on the catch pattern and catch efficiency in a Mediterranean bottom trawl fishery - Academic article
- Effect of acoustic radiation force on displacement of nanoparticles in collagen gels - Academic article
- Effect of anion exchange ionomer content on electrode performance in AEM water electrolysis - Academic article
- Effect of Barite on the Rheological Properties of an Oil-Based Drilling Fluid - Academic lecture
- Effect of Barite on the Rheological Properties of an Oil-Based Drilling Fluid - Academic article
- Effect of clustering and dislocation loop formation during cyclic deformation on mechanical properties of 6082 extruded aluminium alloy - Academic lecture
- Effect of Filling Pressure on Post-Arc Gap Recovery of N2 - Academic article
- Effect of gear design on catch damage on cod (Gadus morhua) in the Barents Sea demersal trawl fishery - Academic article
- Effect of Heat Treatment on the Ductility of Inconel 718 Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Academic article
- Effect of larger pore size on the sorption properties of isoreticular metal–organic frameworks with high number of open metal sites - Academic article
- Effect of laser structured micro patterns on the polyvinyl butyral/oxide/steel interface stability - Academic article
- Effect of Long-Term Aging in Carbonated Brine on Mechanical Properties of a Novel Cement System with an Expandable Agent - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of Long-Term Aging in Carbonated Brine on Mechanical Properties of a Novel Cement System with an Expandable Agent - Poster
- Effect of mechanical properties of monofilament twines on the catch efficiency of biodegradable gillnets - Academic article
- Effect of melting properties of quartz on industrial Si and FeSi production - Lecture
- Effect of melting properties of quartz on industrial Si and FeSi production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of micro‐alloying elements on the oxidation of a 5 % Mg aluminium alloy - Report
- Effect of non-ideal power take-off on the electric output power of a wave energy converter under suboptimal control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of non-linear elasticity on seismic response of the overburden - Academic lecture
- Effect of non-linear elasticity on stress paths - Academic lecture
- Effect of non-linear elasticity on stress paths in depleted reservoirs and their surroundings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of pre-aging deformation on the intergranular corrosion resistance of 6000 series aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Effect of Pyrolysis Conditions and Use of Condensates as Binder on Densification of Biocarbon - Poster
- Effect of Reactive Power Characteristic of Offshore Wind Power Plant on Low-Frequency Stability - Academic article
- Effect of seeding methods and hatchery periods on sea cultivation of Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae): a Norwegian case study - Academic article
- Effect of surface topography on cathodic disbonding - Academic lecture
- Effect of thermal residual stresses on ductile-to-brittle transition of a bi-material specimen by using the CAFE method - Academic article
- Effect of torrefaction on properties of pellets produced from woody biomass - Academic article
- Effect of Waste Heat Utilization on the Performance of Low Temperature Rankine Cycle - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of wave-current interaction on structural responses of a very long and side-anchored floating bridge - Academic lecture
- Effect of Wave-Current Interaction on Structural Responses of a Very Long and Side-Anchored Floating Bridge - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of working position and cold environment on muscle activation level and fatigue in the upper limb during manual work tasks - Academic article
- Effects of CO2 on polymeric materials in the CO2 transport chain: A review - Academic literature review
- Effects of iron precipitation and novel metal screw extrusion on electrical conductivity and properties of AA1370 aluminium - Academic article
- Effects of marine tailing exposure on the development of Calanus finmarchicus - Academic lecture
- Effects of marine tailing exposure on the growth and development of Calanus finmarchicus. - Academic lecture
- Effects of metal dusting relevant exposures of alloy 601 surfaces on carbon formation and oxide development - Academic article
- Effects of Pyrolysis Conditions and Feedstocks on the Properties and Gasification Reactivity of Charcoal from Woodchips - Academic article
- Effects of reduced organic matter loading through membrane filtration on the microbial community dynamics in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) with Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar) - Academic article
- Effects of scaling laws on the combustion and NOx characteristics of hydrogen burners - Academic article
- Effects of Water Content and Temperature on Bulk Resistivity of Hybrid Cement/Carbon Nanofiber Composites - Academic article
- Efficacy testing of novel antifouling coatings for pen nets in aquaculture: How good are alternatives to traditional copper coatings? - Academic article
- Efficiency and cycle characteristics across sub-techniques in rollers-ski skating - Academic lecture
- Efficiency in the process industry: Three thermodynamic tools for better resource use - Academic article
- Efficient Adjoint-Based Well-Placement Optimization Using Flow Diagnostics Proxies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Efficient Adjoint-Based Well-Placement Optimization Using Flow Diagnostics Proxies - Academic lecture
- Efficient Chain Structure for High-Utility Sequential Pattern Mining - Academic article
- Efficient mining of pareto-front high expected utility patterns - Academic article
- Efficient Production of Clean Power and Hydrogen Through Synergistic Integration of Chemical Looping Combustion and Reforming - Academic article
- EIT InnoEnergy: time for hydrogen is now - Interview
- Elder abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study - Academic article
- Electric field distribution in layered polymeric HVDC insulation - Masters thesis
- Electric Field Enhancement Control in Active Junction of IGBT Power Module - Academic article
- Electric Vehicles Demonstration Projects - An Overview Across Europe - Academic lecture
- Electric Vehicles Demonstration Projects - An Overview Across Europe - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrochemical C-H Functionalization of (Hetero)Arenes – Optimized by DoE - Academic article
- Electrochemical cleaning of steel surfaces - Poster
- Electrochemical cleaning of steel surfaces - Poster
- Electrochemical enhancement and inhibition of calcium carbonate deposition - Academic article
- Electrochemical Low-Frequency Impedance Spectroscopy - Poster
- Electrochemical low-frequency impedance spectroscopy algorithm for diagnostics of PEM fuel cell degradation - Academic article
- Electrochemically driven degradation of chemical solution deposited ferroelectric thin-films in humid ambient - Academic article
- Electrochromic properties of WO<inf>3</inf> thin films: The role of film thickness - Academic article
- Electrodialysis in Hydrometallurgical Processes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrokinetics Application in Concrete and Well Construction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrolysis of indium oxide in LiCl-KCl based molten salts with a liquid cathode - Academic article
- Electromagnetic pipeline coating communication for IoT condition monitoring of subsea O&G pipelines - Academic lecture
- Electrosynthesis 2.0 in 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoroisopropanol / Amine mixtures - Academic literature review
- ELEGANCY Project at the EU Parliament - Multimedia product
- ELEGANCY Webinar Series on CCS and Hydrogen - Website (informational material)
- Elkem Thamshavn furnace 1- Gas and temperature measurements - Report
- Elkem Thamshavn's energy recovery system – Analysis of control strategies and thermal storage potential - Lecture
- Elucidating the copper species in alumina supported CuCl2‐catalysts during oxychlorination of ethylene to 1,2‐dichloroethane by operando XAFS, PXRD and UV‐Vis using MCR‐AR analysis - Poster
- Elucidating the role of tetraethylammonium in the silicate condensation reaction from Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations - Academic article
- EM modelling for well detection and monitoring - Academic lecture
- EM4CO2 project status update - Academic lecture
- Embryonic and larval development in the semelparous Nereid polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) in Norway: Challenges and perspectives - Academic article
- Emerging pollutants in Arctic marine fauna - Academic lecture
- Emission characteristics of particulate matters from a 30 MW biomass-fired power plant in China - Academic article
- EMMC Focus Area INTEROPERABILITY Kick-off Meeting - Lecture
- EMMC Roadmap - Lecture
- EMMC Roadmap - Materials Modelling and Digitalisation of the Materials Sciences - Report
- EMMO: European Materials & Modelling Ontology - Academic lecture
- Emotion recognition using speech and neural structured learning to facilitate edge intelligence - Academic article
- EMP-E 2020 Wrap-up. Modelling Climate neutrality for the European Green Deal - Lecture
- Empirical analysis of clogging of SiC charges: effect of condensation of SiO and CO - Lecture
- Empirical evidence from the design of a MaaS platform - Academic article
- Empirical Kinetic Models for the Combustion of Charcoals and Biomasses in the Kinetic Regime - Academic article
- Enabling DevOps for IoT Software Development, powered by Open Source - Popular scientific lecture
- Enabling DevOps for IoT Software Development, powered by Open Source - Academic lecture
- Enabling Power Production from Challenging Industrial Off-Gas – Model-Based Investigation of a Novel Heat Recovery Concept - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enabling the European Business Knowledge Graph for Innovative Data-Driven Products and Services - Academic article
- Energy and Power in Ydalir. Testing of Key Performance Indicators for energy and power in a ZEN pilot during the planning phase - Report
- Energy consumption of offshore oil and gas production - Academic lecture
- Energy Conversion Using Phase Transformations - Academic lecture
- Energy efficiency in fish processing - Lecture
- Energy efficiency of respiration in mature and newborn reindeer - Academic article
- Energy efficient multiejector CO2 cooling system for high ambient temperature - Academic article
- Energy flow analysis of a poultry processing plant - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Energy flow of a poultry processing plant - Academic lecture
- Energy Master Planning on neighbourhood level: learnings on stakeholders and constraints from the Norwegian case of Ydalir - Academic lecture
- Energy Master Planning on neighbourhood level: learnings on stakeholders and constraints from the Norwegian case of Ydalir - Academic article
- Energy Master Planning: Identifying Framing Constraints That Scope Your Technology Options - Academic article
- Energy Recovery aspects in aluminium electrolysis off gas recirculation - Lecture
- Energy Recovery From Furnace Off-Gas: Analysis of an Integrated Energy Recovery System by Means of Dynamic Simulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Energy Transition - Lecture
- Engineering lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) - Academic article
- Enhanced nucleation and precipitation hardening in Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys with minor Cd additions - Academic article
- Enhancing Public Procurement in the European Union Through Constructing and Exploiting an Integrated Knowledge Graph - Academic article
- Enhancing Public Procurement in the European Union Through Constructing and Exploiting an Integrated Knowledge Graph - Academic lecture
- Enhancing systems thinking in corporate sustainability through a transdisciplinary research process - Academic article
- Enterprise-wide Value Stream Mapping: From Dysfunctional Organization to Cross-Functional, Collaborative Learning and Improvement - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Environmental assessment - Introduction and global frameworks - Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Academic lecture
- Environmental considerations in aquaculture health management - Chapter
- Environmental design of hydropower:New developments and examples - Lecture
- Environmental effects assessment using in situ fish embryo testing - Poster
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod heads – effect of freezing and thawing on the quality and composition of protein hydrolysates - Poster
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod heads – effect of freezing and thawing on the quality and composition of protein hydrolysates - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS OF COD HEADS – effect of freezing and thawing on the quality and composition of protein hydrolysates - Academic lecture
- Enzyme-Constrained Models and Omics Analysis of Streptomyces coelicolor Reveal Metabolic Changes that Enhance Heterologous Production - Academic article
- Equation of state and force fields for Feynman-Hibbs-corrected Mie fluids. II. Application to mixtures of helium, neon, hydrogen and deuterium - Academic article
- Equations of State for CCS: Can We Trust Them? - Website (informational material)
- Erasmus syllogisms in cognition and facilitation of organizational innovation - Academic article
- Erratum to’ Cathode starvation as an accelerated conditioning procedure for perfluorosulfonic acid ionomer fuel cells’ (Journal of Power Sources Advances (2020) 3, (S2666248520300123), (10.1016/j.powera.2020.100012)) - Errata
- Error mitigation and the weighted MAX k-CUT on NISQ devices - Academic lecture
- ESSF - Applying a Goal based measure to reduce the carbon intensity of maritime transport and fulfilling IMO's 2030 and 2050 targets (ESSF – Ship Energy Efficiency Subgroup 18th of June 2020) - Academic lecture
- ESSF - Fuel, Engine technologies and Legislations IMPORTANCE for achieving Maritime GHG reduction : CONVENTIONAL FUELS - LNG - NEW ALTERNATIVE FUELS - Popular scientific lecture
- ESSF - How to assess and compare fuels - Lecture
- ESSF - The four IMO GHG studies and Development of carbon intensity 1990 - 2018 - Lecture
- ESSF- Fuel and Engine technologies with focus on GHG and Energy utilization - Academic lecture
- Estimating selectivity of experimental diamond (T0) and turned mesh (T90) codends in multi-species Mediterranean bottom trawl - Academic article
- Estimation of tank-to-wheel efficiency functions based on type approval data - Academic article
- EU Green Investment Classification Is Necessary But Needs Improvement - Feature article
- European CCS project progresses - Interview
- European policies and legislation targeting ocean acidification in european waters - Current state - Academic article
- Evacuation of an Hyperloop pod in a long tunnel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluating Cost Trade-Offs between Hydropower and Fish Passage Mitigation - Academic article
- Evaluating Standard Classifiers for Detecting COVID-19 related Misinformation - Academic article
- Evaluating the Cleaning Routines in a Norwegian WtE Plant by Principal Component Analysis - Poster
- Evaluating the Cleaning Routines in a Norwegian WtE Plant by Principal Component Analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluating thermal losses and storage capacity in high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) systems with well operating limits: insights from a study-case in the Greater Geneva Basin, Switzerland - Academic article
- Evaluation of a Road Safety Education Program with Virtual Reality and eye tracker system - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of Augmented Reality in Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of Ceramic Waste from Goa as SCM - Academic article
- Evaluation of CFF and BPF in pilot scale filtration tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of CFF and BPF in Pilot Scale Filtration Tests - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of Energy Transfer Efficiency for Shore-to-Ship Fast Charging Systems - Academic article
- Evaluation of Heat Recovery Heat Exchanger Design Parameters for Heat-to-Power Conversion from Metallurgical Off-Gas - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of Inertia Emulation Strategies for DC- Voltage-Controlled and Power-Controlled Converter Stations in HVDC Interconnections - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of Navigation System Performance Requirements for Safe Autonomous Navigation - Academic article
- Evaluation of selected finite-difference and finite-volume approaches to rotational shallow-water flow - Academic article
- Event-based Customization of Multi-tenant SaaS Using Microservices - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Event-Based Customization of Multi-tenant SaaS Using Microservices - Academic lecture
- Evolution of SiOx shell layers on SiC-SiOx core-shell nanowires - Academic article
- Excavation of a SiMn-Furnace at Eramet Kvinesdal - An investigation of elements present in the zones of ENK3 - Report
- Excavation of SiMn furnace 2 at Eramet Kvinesdal April 2018 - Lecture
- Exercises in Numerical Linear Algebra and Matrix Factorizations - Textbook
- Exergy Analysis of Gas Switching Chemical Looping IGCC Plants - Academic article
- Exhaust Gas Concentrations and Elemental Losses from a Composting Drum Treating Horse Manure - Academic article
- Existing projects and new applications/collaborations - Lecture
- Expanding the (meta)genomics toolbox for novel enzyme and bioactive compound discovery and production - Academic lecture
- Experiences with CLT Construction in Norway - Academic article
- Experiences with CLT Construction in Norway - Lecture
- Experiences with external drainage systems from compact roofs in Norwegian climates - Academic article
- Experiences with external Drainage Systems from Compact Roofs in Norwegian Climates - Lecture
- Experimental and numerical investigation of a transcritical CO2 air/water reversible heat pump: analysis of domestic hot water production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and numerical investigation of wave-induced hydrodynamic interactions of a sub-floating hydrocarbon storage tank system in shallow waters - Academic article
- Experimental and numerical studies on dynamic stress and curvature in steel tube umbilicals - Academic article
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Pre-Swirl Stators PSS - Academic article
- Experimental demonstration of pressurized chemical looping combustion in an internally circulating reactor for power production with integrated CO2 capture - Academic article
- Experimental evaluation of a water based high temperature heat pump with novel high pressure lift turbo compressors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental heat exchanger test facility for evaporation and condensation of hydrocarbons - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental investigation of dry ice cyclone separator for ultra‐low temperature energy storage using carbon dioxide - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of the effect of solid-gas two-phase flow in CO2 cascade refrigeration system - Academic article
- Experimental Methods for Investigation of Drilling Fluid Displacement in Irregular Annuli - Academic article
- Experimental Results for Pitch Damping in Speed and Wave for a Surface Effect Ship with Split Air Cushion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental study of sub-model of a kelp farm with textile sheet - Academic lecture
- Experimental Study of Sub-Model of a Kelp Farm With Textile Sheet - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental Study of Thermal Buoyancy in the Cavity of Ventilated Roofs - Academic article
- Experimental Treatment of Mucinous Peritoneal Metastases Using Patient-Derived Xenograft Models - Academic article
- Expert Corner: Anne Steenstrup-Duch - Building Bridges Through Layered Communication - Interview
- Expert Elicitation on Wind Farm Control - Academic article
- Explaining Deep Learning Decision using LIME for Sensor-based Activity Recognition - Poster
- Explaining Deep Learning Decision using LIME for Sensor-based Activity Recognition - Academic article
- Explanatory variables underlying the route choice decisions of tourists: The case of Geiranger Fjord in Norway - Academic article
- Exploiting mannuronan C-5 epimerases in commercial alginate production - Academic article
- Exploring household's flexibility of smart shifting atomic loads to improve power grid operation and cost efficiency - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Exploring Pattern Mining Algorithms for Hashtag Retrieval Problem - Academic article
- Exploring the impact of problem formulation in numerical optimization: A case study of the design of PV integrated shading systems - Academic article
- Exploring the need for integrating mechanisms in circular business models - Academic lecture
- Explosive land-based farming growth through COVID-19, beyond - Popular scientific lecture
- Exposure to ultrafine particles in the ferroalloy industry using a logbook method - Academic article
- Extended Realities:Experiences from Research and Development Projects. - Popular scientific lecture
- Extending Voronoi-diagram based modeling of oil slick spreading to surface tension-viscous spreading regime - Academic article
- Extracellular vesicles in patients in the acute phase of psychosis and after clinical improvement: an explorative study - Academic article
- Extremum-seeking control for optimization of time-varying steady-state responses of nonlinear systems - Academic article
- Extrinsic calibration for motion estimation using unit quaternions and particle filtering - Academic article
- Extrusion and characterization of high Si/Al ratio ZSM-5 using silica binder - Academic article
- Fabrication and First Characterization of Silicon-Based Full 3-D Microdosimeters - Academic article
- Facebook Live: A mixed-methods approach to explore individual live streaming practices and motivations on Facebook - Academic article
- Facilitated transport membranes containing graphene oxide-based nanoplatelets for CO2 separation: Effect of 2D filler properties - Academic article
- Facilitating Operator Participating in Continuous Improvement - Academic lecture
- Facilitating Operator Participation in Continuous Improvement: An Investigation of Organizational Factors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fact-Checking: Why Climate Sceptics are Wrong - Website (informational material)
- Factors Determining Microporous Material Stability in Water: The Curious Case of SAPO-37 - Academic article
- Factors Promoting Software Project Escalation: A Systematic Review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Factory Communications at the Dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Academic article
- FakeNews: Corona Virus and 5G Conspiracy Task at MediaEval 2020 - Academic article
- FarmConners market showcases for wind farm flow control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- FarmConners Market Showcases for Wind Farm Flow Control - Academic lecture
- Farmed salmon rest raw materials as a source of peptones for industrial fermentation media - Academic article
- Fast and accurate GPU accelerated, high resolution 3D registration for robotic 3D reconstruction of compliant Food objects - Academic article
- Fast and accurate group outlier detection for trajectory data - Academic article
- Fast divergence-conforming reduced basis methods for stationary and transient flow problems - Academic article
- Fast reasoning visualization for deep convolutional networks - Academic lecture
- Fast redox kinetics of a perovskite oxygen carrier measured using micro-fluidized bed thermogravimetric analysis - Academic article
- Fast-tracking CCS deployment in Norway, Europe and the world - Interview
- FastTrans: Reducing the Impact of Repetitive Voltage Pulses on HV Components - Website (informational material)
- Fate and behavior of Sanchi oil spill transported by the Kuroshio during January–February 2018 - Academic article
- Fate and behaviour of weathered oil drifting into sea ice, using a novel wave and current flume - Academic article
- Fatigue damage assessment to a rigid planar jumper on model scale - Academic article
- Feasibility Study of Loading/Unloading of Compressed Natural Gas Vessel in the Barents Sea - Academic lecture
- Feasibility Study of Loading/Unloading of Compressed Natural Gas Vessel in the Barents Sea - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Feed intake in Atlantic salmon fed with or without surface spreading of feed - Academic article
- Fermentability of Concentrated Sulfuric acid Hydrolyzates from Aspenwood and Pinewood - Academic article
- Fidelity of Cyber-Physical Empirical Methods - Academic article
- Field data of CO2 integrated refrigeration, heating and cooling systems for supermarkets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Field measurements of integrated MultiPACK supermarkets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Field Station Sandnessjøen, Effect of cracks in concrete after 25 years - Data report - Report
- Field trial of hollow fiber modules of hybrid facilitated transport membranes for flue gas CO2 capture in cement industry - Academic article
- Filler metal distribution and processing stability in laser-arc hybrid welding of thick HSLA steel - Academic article
- Findings from evaluation of cyber security case studies - Popular scientific lecture
- First Industrial Heat Pump Drier Operating at 150°C - Website (informational material)
- First principle calculations of pressure dependent yielding in solute strengthened aluminium alloys - Academic article
- First-principles investigation of nonmetal doped single-layer BiOBr as a potential photocatalyst with a low recombination rate - Academic article
- Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over an alumina-supported cobalt catalyst in a fixed bed reactor – Effect of process parameters - Academic article
- Fish and fish waste-based fertilizers in organic farming – With status in Norway: A review - Academic literature review
- Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower (FIThydro) - General strategies to optimize production under given environmental restrictions or measures that influence production schedules - Report
- Five things you should not use blockchain for - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Flexbuild Annual Report 1. Technical report with results analysis - Report
- FLEXBUILD project – Impact of optimal utilisation of building's energy flexibility on a regional level - Lecture
- FLEXBUILD. Optimal utilisation of flexibility in buildings - Lecture
- Flexibility potential at Norwegian households - customer evaluations and system benefits - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Flexible Additive Manufacturing for Competitive Maritime Components - FlexiMan Project Concept and working plan - Lecture
- Flexible electricity use in households: barriers, opportunities and effects (FLEXEFFECT) - Website (informational material)
- Flexible graphite as beam dumping material in the TDE blocks of the Large Hadron Collider - Academic article
- Flexible power and hydrogen production: Finding synergy between CCS and variable renewables - Academic article
- Floatable magnetic aerogel based on alkaline residue used for the convenient removal of heavy metals from wastewater - Academic article
- Flow Diagnostics - Understanding Interwell Communication and Dynamic Heterogeneity - Lecture
- Flow diagnostics for model ensembles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Flow Diagnostics For Model Ensembles - Poster
- Flow regularization and reconstruction in echocardiography - Academic lecture
- Fluid flow through 3D-printed particle beds: a new technique for understanding, validating, and improving predictability of permeability from empirical equations - Academic article
- Fluidized bed calcination of cement raw meal: Laboratory experiments and CPFD simulations - Academic article
- Flushing of stagnant premise water systems after the COVID-19 shutdown can reduce infection risk by Legionella and Mycobacterium spp. - Academic article
- Flux-Reducing Tendency of Pd-Based Membranes Employed in Butane Dehydrogenation Processes - Academic article
- FME HighEFF – Anlegg for utnyttelse av overskuddsvarme til kraftproduksjon - Lecture
- Foaming of silicomanganese slags, a role of sulfur? - Lecture
- Food & Chemicals ‐ Highlights from verification of Tine Dairy case and plans - Lecture
- Formation and fate of oil-related aggregates (ORAs) in seawater at different temperatures - Academic article
- Formation of carbides in SiMn furnaces - A subtle balance of %Si, %Ti and temperature - Academic lecture
- Formation of carbides in SiMn furnaces - A subtle balance of %Si, %Ti and temperature - Academic lecture
- Formation, detection, and modeling of submerged oil: A review - Academic literature review
- Fourier transform infrared spectral data as a tool to predict energy balance, energy- and dry matter intake in lactating dairy cows - Academic article
- Fourier-based effective permeability for transformer iron losses computation under saturation - Academic article
- Framework and methodology for active distribution grid planning in Norway - Academic lecture
- Framework and methodology for active distribution grid planning in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Framework conditions, policies and projections for clean energy export from Norway - Report
- Framework for Process Discovery from Sensor Data - Academic article
- Free Webinar Series: Fast-tracking CCS deployment in Europe - Website (informational material)
- Frequency Scanning-Based Contributions Identification of Current Control Loop and PLL on DQ Impedance Characteristics of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- FRIENDSHIP: Better Industrial Solar Heating Solutions - Website (informational material)
- From Scenarios to Use Cases, Test Cases and Validation Examples - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- From soft mooring to active positioning in laboratory experiments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- From soft mooring to active positioning in laboratory experiments - Academic lecture
- From TEK17 to ZEB-O – A case study for a residential building in northern Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- FuChar project website - Website (informational material)
- Fuel EU Maritime 18 September 2020 - Lecture
- Full-scale rockbolt testing in the laboratory: Analysis of recent results - Academic article
- Fully resolved strain field of the β’’ precipitate calculated by density functional theory - Academic article
- Functional Properties of CrFeCoNiCu and GeFeCoNiCu oxides - Academic lecture
- Fundamental models for PCM - Literature review on PCMs and PCM pre-selection - Academic lecture
- Fundamentals regarding sensors - Academic lecture
- Further development of the ZEN definition and the ZEN KPI tool - Popular scientific chapter/article
- Future-oriented Generic Grid Code regarding Wind Power Plants in Europe - Academic article
- Fuzzy approaches for the complex problem of microplastic fibre pollution - Popular scientific article
- Gaining socially sustainable cities through sharing indoor spaces for voluntary activities: The case of Trondheim, Norway - Academic lecture
- Gaining socially sustainable cities through sharing indoor spaces for voluntary activities: The case of Trondheim, Norway - Academic article
- GANs enabled super-resolution reconstruction of wind field - Academic article
- Gas and particulate emission in industrial environments - Lecture
- Gas Composition of the Svelvik Ridge Aquifers Used to Design Noble Gas Tracers for a CO2 Injection Experiment - Poster
- Gas suspension effects in riser unloading and appropriate modelling approaches - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Gaseous emissions during rare earth electrolysis - Academic lecture
- Generalized periodic vehicle routing and maritime surveillance - Academic article
- Generative Adversarial Immitation Learning for Steering an Unmanned Surface Vehicle - Academic lecture
- Geofencing for smart urban mobility - Report
- Geomechanical data to 4D seismic: workflow - Academic lecture
- Geomechanics to Geophysics I - Academic lecture
- Geomechanics to Geophysics II - Academic lecture
- Geomechanics to Geophysics III - Academic lecture
- Geothermal Simulation Using MRST - Academic lecture
- Gerd Kjølle receives NTVA's honorary award for her smart grid research - Interview
- Gerd Kjølle recieves NTVA's honorary award - Multimedia product
- GHG emission requirements and benchmark values in Norwegian building codes - Academic article
- GHG emission requirements and benchmark values in Norwegian building codes - Academic lecture
- GHG emission values for Norwegian buildings - Academic lecture
- Giantleap Improves Automation of Non-polluting Transportation with Lifetime Extension of Automotive PEM fuel cells - Academic lecture
- Glycerol-assisted cellulose precursor optimization for Fabrication of highly selective carbon molecular sieve membranes - Academic lecture
- Good international practice for mitigating hydropower impacts on aquatic ecosystems - Himalayan aquatic biodiversity and hydropower: Review and Recommendations - Report
- Governance implications for the implementation of biodegradable gillnets in Norway - Academic article
- Governing principles of hydration in mixed conducting oxides - Academic lecture
- GPU Computing with Python: Performance, Energy Efficiency and Usability - Academic article
- Gradient Based Design Optimization of a Radial Inflow Turbine - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Grain boundary structures and their correlation with intergranular corrosion in an extruded Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy - Academic article
- Graph Generator - Dynamically mapping construction sites from GPS data (algorithm) - Software
- Graphene oxide-based silico-phosphate composite films for optical limiting of ultrashort near-infrared laser pulses - Academic article
- Grasping Unknown Objects by Coupling Deep Reinforcement Learning, Generative Adversarial Networks, and Visual Servoing - Academic lecture
- Grasping Unknown Objects by Coupling Deep Reinforcement Learning, Generative Adversarial Networks, and Visual Servoing - Academic article
- GrateCFD Newsletter 1-2020 - Briefs
- GrateCFD Newsletter 2-2020 - Briefs
- Green Energy and Electric Mobility – Does it Add up to Sustainable Mobility? - Lecture
- Greener and smarter? Transformations in five Norwegian industrial sectors - Report
- Greener and smarter? Transformations in five Norwegian industrial sectors - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Grid Tariffs for Fast Charging Stations in the Norwegian Distribution Grid - Masters thesis
- H2 Valuechain seminar - Interview
- Handling of overburden flow zones during P&A operations - Academic lecture
- Harmonic-Domain SISO Equivalent Impedance Modeling and Stability Analysis of a Single-Phase Grid-Connected VSC - Academic article
- Heading for the future electricity distribution grid, one scenario at a time - Interview
- Health and care service utilisation and cost over the life-span: a descriptive analysis of population data - Academic article
- Health care and long-term care costs by age and proximity to death in a publicly funded universal system - Academic article
- Health Index, Risk and Remaining Lifetime Estimation of Power Transformers - Academic article
- Heart rate and swimming activity as stress indicators for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) - Academic article
- Heat pump concepts for steam production at Glencore Nikkelverk - Lecture
- Heat pump/chiller system for centralized kitchens in India - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Heat recovery with thermal energy storage in casting processes - Lecture
- Heat-to-power conversion in HighEFF - Lecture
- Helping end-users help each other: Coordinating development and operation of distributed resources through local power markets and grid tariffs - Academic article
- Heterogeneous reaction kinetics of a perovskite oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion coupled with oxygen uncoupling - Academic article
- Hexagonal boron nitride inducing anionic trapping in polyethylene oxide based solid polymer electrolyte for lithium dendrite inhibition - Academic article
- Hi, can I help? Exploring how to design a mental health chatbot for youths - Academic article
- High performance and toxicity assessment of Ta3N5 nanotubes for photoelectrochemical water splitting - Academic article
- High silicon iron alloy from bauxite residue - Academic lecture
- High value products from mackerel rest raw materials - Lecture
- HighEFF & PCM-STORE Workshop on Thermal Energy Storage - Academic lecture
- High-Fidelity Representation of Three-Hour Offshore Short-Crested Wave Field in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- High-Fidelity Representation of Three-Hour Offshore Short-Crested Wave Field in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF - Academic lecture
- Highly Stretchable and Transparent Ionic Conductor with Novel Hydrophobicity and Extreme-Temperature Tolerance - Academic article
- High-performance alkaline water electrolysis using Aemion™ anion exchange membranes - Academic article
- High-Performance Alkaline Water Electrolysis Using Aemion™ Anion Exchange Membranes - Academic article
- High-performance catalysts - Academic lecture
- High-Power Electric Charging in the Norwegian Distribution Grid - Masters thesis
- High-Power Machines and Starter-Generator Topologies for More Electric Aircraft: A Technology Outlook - Academic article
- High-pressure CO2/CH4 separation of Zr-MOFs based mixed matrix membranes - Academic article
- High-resolution numerical modelling of a marine mine tailings discharge in Western Norway - Academic article
- High-speed optical characterization of the acoustic response of protein-and-nanoparticle-stabilized microbubbles - Poster
- High-throughput screening reveals higher synergistic effect of MEK inhibitor combinations in colon cancer spheroids - Academic article
- Hochtemperatur Wärmepumpe mit Ejektor - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hospitals' Discharge Tendency and Risk of Death - An Analysis of 60,000 Norwegian Hip Fracture Patients - Academic article
- Hot corrosion of Gd2Zr2O7, Gd2Zr2O7/YbSZ, YSZ+Gd2Zr2O7/YbSZ, and YSZ thermal barrier coatings exposed to Na2SO4+V2O5 - Academic article
- Hot Deformation and Die-Quenching of 6000-Series Alloys—The Effect of Quench-Interruption Temperature - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Household customers' assessment to capacity based distribution grid tariff - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How caged salmon respond to waves depends on time of day and currents - Academic article
- How cations affect the high temperature gas separation performance of hyper crosslinked hybrid polyimide membranes - Poster
- How Cities Can Use Biochar to Build Carbon Sinks - Website (informational material)
- How CO2 Can Help The Climate - Multimedia product
- How CO2 Can Help The Climate - Multimedia product
- How deregulation can become overregulation: An empirical study into the growth of internal bureaucracy when governments take a step back - Academic article
- How Hotels Can Slash Their Energy Bills - Website (informational material)
- How many firms benefit from a window of opportunity? Knowledge spillovers, industry characteristics, and catching up in the Chinese biomass power plant industry - Academic article
- How might a new BBNJ Agreement influence future marine co-operation in the Arctic? - Lecture
- How mobile media impacts urban life: blending social cohesion and social distancing - Academic article
- How Research Will Support Industry to Create a Sustainable European Gas Grid - Website (informational material)
- How should condensables be included in PM emission inventories reported to EMEP/CLRTAP? Report of the expert workshop on condensable organics organised by MSC-W, Gothenburg, 17-19th March 2020 - Report
- How smart nets and scanners could keep more fish in the sea. - Programme participation
- How TEM is used in aluminium alloy development - Academic lecture
- How to produce green coke? - Academic lecture
- How to Produce Green Coke? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How to strengthen interdisciplinarity in ecohydraulics? Outcomes from ISE 2018 - Academic article
- How to use recent developments of the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox for fast prototyping of complex fluid models - Academic lecture
- https://blog.sintef.com/sintefenergy/ccs/the-safety-of-CO2-storage/ - Website (informational material)
- Human Factors, autonomous ships and constrained coastal navigation - Academic article
- Human Motion Tracking from Heterogeneous Sensor Data - Academic lecture
- Humidity-responsive molecular gate-opening mechanism for gas separation in ultraselective nanocellulose/IL hybrid membranes - Academic article
- Hybrid Approach for Drilling Automation - Chapter
- Hybrid DP Simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hybrid DP Simulations - Academic lecture
- HYDRAITE presentation - Academic lecture
- Hydroacoustic 3D snapshots of fish habitats could help stem overfishing - Interview
- Hydrodynamic Energy Saving Measures - Lecture
- Hydrogen can contribute to decarbonizing the European energy system - Multimedia product
- Hydrogen economy: Too good to be true for Norway? - Website (informational material)
- Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Ship Electric Propulsion: Moving Toward Greener Ships - Academic article
- Hydrogen induced vacancy clustering and void formation mechanisms at grain boundaries in palladium - Academic article
- Hydrogen Influence on Mechanical Properties in Pipeline Steel - state of the art - Report
- Hydrogen production by water splitting using gas switching technology - Academic article
- Hydrogen: The Future Is Green, But The Path There Is Multicoloured - Website (informational material)
- Hydrogenase-assisted catalysis on titania electrode oxides - Academic lecture
- Hydrogeological characterization of Holocene deposits in the Svelvik aquifer – implications for reservoir properties - Academic lecture
- Hydroplastic response of a square plate due to impact on calm water - Academic article
- Hydrothermal scheduling in the continuous-time framework - Academic article
- Hygrothermal conditions in Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) dwellings - Academic article
- HyperKvasir, a comprehensive multi-class image and video dataset for gastrointestinal endoscopy - Academic article
- I See You: The Power and Limits to Noticing Others - Popular scientific article
- Ice formation and growth in supercooled water–alcohol mixtures: Theory and experiments with dual fiber sensors - Academic article
- Ice Management in Offshore Operations - Chapter
- ID3496: Using the operational envelope to make autonomous ships safer - Academic lecture
- Identification of a Pivotal Residue for Determining the Block Structure-Forming Properties of Alginate C-5 Epimerases - Academic article
- Identification of green pigments and binders in late medieval painted wings from Norwegian churches - Academic article
- Identification of Near-Miss Situations Between Ships Using AIS Data Analysis and Risk Indicators - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Identification of Regulatory Genes and Metabolic Processes Important for Alginate Biosynthesis in Azotobacter vinelandii by Screening of a Transposon Insertion Mutant Library - Academic article
- Identifying grey-box models of Norwegian apartment block archetypes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Identifying grey-box models of Norwegian apartment block archetypes - Chapter
- Identifying Suitable Bioeconomic Cluster Sites—Combining GIS-MCDA and Operational Research Methods - Academic article
- Image Segmentation of Corrosion Damages in Industrial Inspections - Academic lecture
- Image Segmentation of Corrosion Damages in Industrial Inspections - Academic article
- Immersive Technologies in Retail: Practices of Augmented and Virtual Reality - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of Climate Change in Building Envelope Design: The Performance to Withstand Mould Growth - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of Climate Change on Infrastructure in Longyearbyen. Case Study of Pile Foundations on Sloping Terrains - Report
- Impact of CO2 impurities and additives on thermophysical properties in CCS (ImpreCCS): Viscosity & density measurement - Academic lecture
- Impact of emerging technologies on the electricity load profile of residential areas - Academic article
- Impact of seasonal weather on forecasting of power quality disturbances in distribution grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of sewage sludge-borne Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles on Eisenia fetida coelomocytes - Academic lecture
- Impact of the CO2 factor of electricity and the external CO2 compensation price on zero emission neighborhoods’ energy system design - Academic article
- Impact of the Temporal Distribution of Faults on Prediction of Voltage Anomalies in the Power Grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of Typical Faults Occurring in Demand-controlled Ventilation on Energy and Indoor Environment in a Nordic Climate - Academic article
- Impact of uncertainties on the design and cost of CCS from a waste-to-energy plant - Academic article
- Impact of UV degradation on the fate and potential impact of textile microfibers and their additive chemicals in the marine environment - Academic lecture
- Impact on Efficiency of Inductive Battery Charging System by Sub-Resonant Frequency Control during Large Variations in Coupling Conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact on hydropower plant income from participating in reserve capacity markets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Implementing a 'structured multidisciplinary care team' in Norway - Academic lecture
- Implementing flexibility into energy planning models : Soft-linking of a high- level energy planning model and a short-term operational model. - Academic article
- Implementing maritime battery-electric and hydrogen solutions: A technological innovation systems analysis - Academic article
- Important parameters that control the crater pressure in a Silicon Furnace - Academic lecture
- Important parameters that control the crater pressure in a Silicon Furnace - Chapter
- Improved cyclability of Nickel-rich layered oxides - Academic article
- Improved impact assessments towards emission-free construction logistics - Interview
- Improved SiC MOSFET SPICE model to avoid convergence errors - Academic article
- Improved VIV Response Prediction Using Adaptive Parameters and Data Clustering - Academic article
- Improving Conversations: Lessons Learnt from Manual Analysis of Chatbot Dialogues - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impurity removal from Si by Si-Ca-Mg ternary alloying-leaching system - Academic article
- In reply: Noninvasive transorbital assessment of the optic nerve sheath in children: Relationship between optic nerve sheath diameter, deformability index, and intracranial pressure - Letter to the editor
- In situ synthesis of epoxy nanocomposites with hierarchical surface-modified SiO2 clusters - Academic article
- In vitro and in vivo evaluation of organic solvent-free injectable melatonin nanoformulations - Academic article
- INBioPharm: Integrated Novel Natural Product Discovery and Production Platform for Accelerated Biopharmaceutical Innovation from Microbial Biodiversity - Lecture
- INBioPharm: New drugs to combat antibiotic resistance - Lecture
- Incorporation of ship motion prediction into active heave compensation for offshore crane operation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Increased CO2 storage capacity using CO2-foam - Academic article
- Increased Utilisation and Value Creation from white Fish Rest Raw Materials. Abstracts - The Third Symposium Sustainable technologies for food processing and preservation - Compendium
- Increased utilization and value creation from whitefish rest raw materials - Lecture
- Incrementally updating the high average-utility patterns with pre-large concept - Academic article
- Industrial and academic time-scales and modes of working - can they ever be compatible? - Academic lecture
- Industrial CO₂ capture projects: Lessons learned and needs for progressing towards full-scale implementation - Report
- Industrial high temperature heat pumps – available and conceptual technology for supply temperature above 150°C - Lecture
- Industrial vs. Academic Approach to Offshore Bottoming Cycle Design - Lecture
- Industry Clusters ‐ Highlights from summer student and plans - Lecture
- Industry meets Science 2020 - Multimedia product
- Influence of Cu-speciation in mordenite on direct methane to methanol conversion: Multi-Technique characterization and comparison with NH3 selective catalytic reduction of NOx - Academic article
- Influence of grain refiners on the wettability of Al2O3 substrate by aluminum melt - Academic article
- Influence of high-pressure processing on quality attributes of haddock and mackerel minces during frozen storage, and fishcakes prepared thereof - Academic article
- Influence of Local Weather Conditions on Ventilation of a Pitched Wooden Roof - Academic article
- Influence of mean tension on mooring line fatigue life - Academic lecture
- Influence of Mean Tension on Mooring Line Fatigue Life - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Influence of patient-specific rehearsal on operative metrics and technical success for endovascular aneurysm repair - Academic article
- Influence of sampling accuracy on augmented reality for laparoscopic image-guided surgery - Academic article
- Influence of space heating distribution systems on the energy flexibility of Norwegian residential buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Influence of space heating distribution systems on the energy flexibility of Norwegian residential buildings - Chapter
- Influence of weight-on-bit on percussive drilling performance - Academic article
- Information from centre management & concluding remarks - Lecture
- In-Home Emergency Detection Using an Ambient Ultra-Wideband Radar Sensor and Deep Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Inhomogeneous wave load effects on a long, straight and side-anchored floating pontoon bridge - Academic article
- Initial short-term nitrate uptake in juvenile, cultivated Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae) of variable nutritional state - Academic article
- In-line and non-destructive monitoring of core temperature in sausages during industrial heat treatment by NIR interaction spectroscopy - Academic article
- Innovative solutions and New tools for fish-friendly hydropower - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Innovative technology developments for a 100% RHC sector - Lecture
- Innovative zinc-based batteries - Academic literature review
- Input Current Balancing Control Method under Imbalanced Load for Three-phase Multi-port Converter based on Modular Multilevel Converter - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Insights into the Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics of Industrial Catalyzed Reactions - Academic lecture
- Institutional nuts and bolts for a mesopelagic fishery in Norway - Academic article
- Instruments to evaluate mental well-being in old age: a systematic review - Academic literature review
- Integrated CO2 HVAC&R Systems Found Suitable for Stores in Southern European Climate - Interview
- Integrated heating and cooling in the industry through heat pumps and thermal energy storages - case study of an electrified dairy - Academic lecture
- Integrated thermal storage and heat recovery of the CO2 refrigeration system for fishing vessels - Academic lecture
- Integrated thermal storage and heat recovery of the CO2 refrigeration system for fishing vessels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrating accountability in the systems design of autonomous and remote-controlled operations - Academic article
- Integrating Agile with an offshore Strategy - Lecture
- Integrating and analysing public procurement data through a knowledge graph: A demonstration in a nutshell - Academic article
- Integrating and Analysing Public Procurement Data through a Knowledge Graph: A Demonstration in a Nutshell - Poster
- Integrating process design and materials genomics for energy efficient adsorption-based capture technologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integration of a 200-kWh PCM-based heat storage at the ZEB Lab - Lecture
- Integration of a high-temperature borehole thermal energy storage in a local heating grid for a neighborhood - Chapter
- Integration of a high-temperature borehole thermal energy storage in a local heating grid for a neighborhood - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integration of chemical looping combustion for cost-effective CO2 capture from state-of-the-art natural gas combined cycles - Academic article
- Integration of compact thermal energy storage on cruise ships: opportunities and challenges - Report
- Integration of distributed LT-TES in refrigerated display cabinet - Lecture
- Integration of gas switching combustion and membrane reactors for exceeding 50% efficiency in flexible IGCC plants with near-zero CO2 emissions - Academic article
- Integration of gas switching combustion in a humid air turbine cycle for flexible power production from solid fuels with near‐zero emissions of CO2 and other pollutants - Academic article
- Integration of heat pumps with natural working fluids into a neighborhood energy system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integration of STAS Turbine with plant flow model - Poster
- Intelligent Environments 2020 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Interaction between microalgae, marine snow and anionic polyacrylamide APAM at marine conditions - Academic article
- Interagency collaboration for early identification and follow-up of mental health problems in residential youth care: evaluation of a collaboration model - Academic article
- Interfacial atomic structure and electrical activity of nano-facetted CSL grain boundaries in high-performance multi-crystalline silicon - Academic article
- Interfacial microstructure formation in A356/steel compound castings using metal coating - Academic article
- Internal pressures and pressure gradients in mass-impregnated HVDC cables during current cycling - Academic article
- International Conference Organised by IBPSA-Nordic, 13th–14th October 2020, OsloMet. BuildSIM-Nordic 2020. Selected papers - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Internet of Robotic Things Intelligent Connectivity and Platforms - Academic article
- Internet of Things – The Call of the Edge. Everything Intelligent Everywhere - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Interoperability architecture for bridging computational tools: Application to steel corrosion in concrete - Academic article
- Interorganizational Learning in Manufacturing Networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interorganizational Learning in Manufacturing Networks - Academic lecture
- Interrupted breathing during sleep – a widespread disease with no cure - Popular scientific article
- Intervention studies need to adapt to address patient needs for diabetes self‐management - Abstract
- Introducing PANTERA: A Pan-European Technology Energy Research Approach - Website (informational material)
- Introducing traceability in the Indian Surimi supply chain - Academic article
- Introduction - HighEFF Annual Consortium Meeting 2020 - Lecture
- Introduction and overview of recent and planned activities - Lecture
- Introduction RA4 - Lecture
- Introduction to OSP Interface Specification (OSP-IS) - Popular scientific lecture
- Introduction: Research in HighEFF on high-temperature TES - Lecture
- Introduction: What can LT/MT thermal energy storage do for you? - Lecture
- Inventory of PCM characterization equipment - Academic lecture
- Investigating the challenges and opportunities for production planning and control in digital lean manufacturing - Academic lecture
- Investigating the Challenges and Opportunities for Production Planning and Control in Digital Lean Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigating the Ion-Intercalation Properties of 2D MXene Cathodes for Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries - Poster
- Investigating the potential for a commercial fishery in the Northeast Atlantic utilizing mesopelagic species - Academic article
- Investigating the Potential for Increased Energy Utilisation and Reduced CO2 Emissions at Mo Industrial Park - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Investigating the Potential for Increased Energy Utilisation and Reduced CO2 Emissions at Mo Industrial Park - Academic article
- Investigating the potential for increased energy utilisation and reduced CO2 emissions at Mo Industripark - Lecture
- Investigations of molybdenum-promoted manganese-based solid sorbents for H2S capture - Academic article
- Investigations of the surface dynamics of Pd-alloy surfaces under oxidation reactions - Academic lecture
- Ionic liquid assisted electrochemical coating zinc nanoparticles on carbon cloth as lithium dendrite suppressing host - Academic article
- Ionospheric monitoring and analysis at Tenerife Norte 2019/2020 - Academic lecture
- IoT and Edge Computing - Enabling Technologies - Lecture
- IoT based monitoring for power grid components - Website (informational material)
- IoT Technologies for Connected and Automated Driving Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- iPROCESS innovation - Innovative and Flexible Food Processing Technology in Norway - 2020:00981 A - Report
- Is heating with wood eco-friendly? - Website (informational material)
- Is Mental Well-Being in the Oldest Old Different from That in Younger Age Groups? Exploring the Mental Well-Being of the Oldest-Old Population in Europe - Academic article
- Is the anatomical distribution of low-grade gliomas linked to regions of gliogenesis? - Academic article
- Is there a court that rules them all’? Ocean disputes, forum shopping and the future of Svalbard - Academic article
- Is there a future for fossil energy? - Lecture
- Is there an optimal CO2 and temperature control demand controlled ventilation strategy to provide the best perceived air quality? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- IT Security Is From Mars, Software Security Is From Venus - Academic article
- IT sourcing - Lecture
- Iterative solvers for Biot model under small and large deformations - Academic article
- Iterative Surrogate Model Optimization (ISMO): An active learning algorithm for PDE constrained optimization with deep neural networks - Academic article
- Jet fuel range hydrocarbon production from propanal: Mechanistic insights into active site requirement of a dual-bed catalyst - Academic article
- Job Coordination through visualization: Resolving or creating dilemmas on the shop floor? - Academic lecture
- Join the world's top researchers and innovators in deep sea offshore wind energy - Interview
- Join the world's top researchers and innovators in deep sea offshore wind energy - Interview
- Join the world's top researchers and innovators in deep sea offshore wind energy - Interview
- Join the World's Top Researchers and Innovators in Deep Sea Offshore Wind Energy - Interview
- Join the World's Top Researchers and Innovators in Deep Sea Offshore Wind Energy - Interview
- Keeping Ice Cream Cold Doesn’t Have to Harm the Environment - Website (informational material)
- Key Performance Indicators in design for sustainable rural transport - Academic article
- Key Performance Indicators KPI review - a basis for establishing KPIs in the CruiZE project - Report
- Key Results JPI Oceans Microplastics Projects 2016-2019 - Report
- Keynote: Coordination in large-scale agile - Academic lecture
- Kickstarting an Arctic Hydrogen Valley: The Haeolus project - Academic lecture
- Kinetic modeling of dynamic changing active sites in a Mars-van Krevelen type reaction: Ethylene oxychlorination on K-doped CuCl2/Al2O3 - Academic article
- Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of the early stages of precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys using ab initio based activation energies - Masters thesis
- Kinetics of NO oxidation over Pt and Mn Catalysts (A prologue to Intrinsic Transient NO oxidation Kinetics) - Poster
- Klima 2050 Annual Report 2019 - Report
- Klimatilpasning – hvordan få det til å skje? Betydningen av læring i nettverk= Climate adaptation – how to make it happen? The meaning of learning in networks - Academic article
- Knowledge recombination for emerging technological innovations: the case of green shipping - Report
- KPIer - Key Performance Indicators 2020 - Report
- KPN PCM-STORE – PCM-based low-temperature energy storage for a more sustainable food industry - Lecture
- KPN WINDMOOR - Advanced Wave and Wind Load Models for Floating Wind Turbine Mooring System Design - Website (informational material)
- Lab Scale Experiments on Alumina Raft Formation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Laboratory Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Sag in Oil-Based Drilling Fluids - Academic article
- Land-based salmon farming - Popular scientific lecture
- Langskip - Bærekraftsdirektør Nils Røkke kommenterer - Multimedia product
- Large Floating Coastal Structures Rigging Timelaps - Website (informational material)
- Large scale experiments on slug length evolution in long pipes - Academic article
- Large Scale Experiments on Slug Length Evolution in Long Pipes - Academic lecture
- Large-Scale Agile Transformation: A case study of transforming business, development and operations - Academic lecture
- Large-Scale Agile Transformation: A Case Study of Transforming Business, Development and Operations - Academic article
- Large-Scale Experiments Examine Slug-Length Evolution in Long Pipes - Academic article
- Large-Scale Experiments on Slug-Length Evolution in Long Pipes - Academic article
- Largescale hydrogen production in Norway - possible transition pathways towards 2050 - Report
- Large-scale production and transport of hydrogen from Norway to Europe and Japan: Value chain analysis and comparison of liquid hydrogen and ammonia as energy carriers - Academic article
- Laser welding of niobium to AISI 304 steel using a copper interlayer - Academic article
- Laser-arc hybrid welding of 12- and 15-mm thick structural steel - Academic article
- Latitudinal, seasonal and depth-dependent variation in growth and chemical composition of cultivated sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) along the Norwegian coast - Academic lecture
- Latitudinal, seasonal and depth-dependent variation in growth, chemical composition and biofouling of cultivated Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae) along the Norwegian coast - Academic article
- Launch of the FarmConners Wind Farm Control benchmark for code comparison - Academic article
- Layered hexagonal materials - Differences in ionic conductivity for solid-state electrolyte - Academic lecture
- Leaching of environmental contaminants from smartphones and their toxicity to marine organisms - Poster
- Leaching performance of recycled aggregates - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Lead-free piezoelectric thin-films on 6" wafers for applications - Academic lecture
- Lean Implementing Facilitating Integrated Value Chain - Academic article
- Lecture on Hydrodynamic coefficients for subsea structures during installation operations ‐ Main findings - Lecture
- Lessons learnt from green public procurement within the construction sector in Norway - Academic lecture
- Lessons learnt from green public procurement within the construction sector in Norway - Academic article
- Life Cycle Analyzes Applied to Historic Buildings: Introducing Socio-Cultural Values in the Calculus Of Sustainability SOCIO-CULTURAL VALUES IN THE CALCULUS OF SUSTAINABILITY - Academic article
- Life Cycle Analyzes Applied to Historic Buildings: Introducing Socio-cultural Values in the Calculus of Sustainability - Academic lecture
- Life cycle assessment of roads: Exploring research trends and harmonization challenges - Academic article
- Limitations and Guidelines for Damage Estimation Based on Lifetime Models for High-Power IGBTs in Realistic Application Conditions - Academic article
- Limitations in using runoff coefficients for green and gray roof design - Academic article
- Linear Antisymmetric Recurrent Neural Networks - Academic article
- Linear dependence of bivariate Minimal Support and Locally Refined B-splines over LR-meshes - Academic article
- LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 synthesised through an oxalic acid co-precipitation - Poster
- Living conditions among persons with disabilities in Uganda, A National, representative household survey. - Report
- LNG and cruise ships, an easy way to fulfil regulations-versus the need for reducing GHG emissions - Academic article
- LNG versus Conventional Fuels - Academic lecture
- Load Compensation by DSTATCOM with LCL-Filter by Comparing Different Resonance Damping Methods - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Loads and response on flexible conical and cylindrical fish cages: A numerical and experimental study based on full-scale values - Academic article
- Local Heating Networks with Waste Heat Utilization: Low or Medium Temperature Supply? - Academic article
- Local-to-global geomechanical characterization in H2020 SECURe - Lecture
- Locating Generators Causing Forced Oscillations Based on System Identification Techniques - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Loop seals in circulating fluidized beds – Review and parametric studies using CPFD simulation - Academic article
- LORCENIS-NOR: Utilize improved concrete with extended lifetime for energy infrastructures and structures in extreme Nordic operating conditions - Brochure
- Low political trust is bad for your health: A comparative study of 24 European countries - Academic lecture
- Low temperature applications for CO2 capture in hydrogen production - Lecture
- Low Temperature Applications for CO2 Capture in Hydrogen Production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Low-Carbon Footprint Hydrogen Production from Natural Gas:A Techno-Economic Analysis of Carbon Capture and Storage from Steam-Methane Reforming - Academic lecture
- Low-Carbon Footprint Hydrogen Production from Natural Gas: a Techno-Economic Analysis of Carbon Capture and Storage from Steam-Methane Reforming - Academic article
- LowEmision - Hybrid offshore energy system modelling for operational decision support - Lecture
- LowEmission - Energy system modelling and simulation of typical platform (webinar) - Lecture
- LowEmission - HyOpt - status and plans (webinar) - Lecture
- LowEmission - Integrated topside - downhole modelling (webinar) - Lecture
- LowEmission - Modelling for interaction studies between electrical components (webinar) - Lecture
- LowEmission - Offshore logistics - Lecture
- LowEmission Annual Report 2019 - Report
- LowEmission Webinars - Decision support for offshore supply planning - Lecture
- Machine learning based modelling for lower heating value prediction of municipal solid waste - Academic article
- Machine Learning for Hydropower Scheduling: State of the Art and Future Research Directions - Academic article
- Major categories of best practices and lessons learned in building renovation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Make at home or abroad? Manufacturing reshoring through a GPN lens: A Norwegian case study - Academic article
- Making industries greener - HighEFF Annual report 2019 - Multimedia product
- Making marine proteins for human consumption - enzymatic hydrolysis of frozen/thawed cod heads caught by line and trawl - Poster
- Making Norwegian industry the world’s greenest - HighEFF’s Past, Present and Future - Interview
- Making Sense of the Many Understandings of Cyber Resilience - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Making the Internet of Things More Reliable Thanks to Dynamic Access Control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Managing Extended Reality Initiatives in Organisations. A manager´s guide to XR - Report
- Manufacturing technology of nanostructured anisotropic conductive films - Website (informational material)
- Mapping of hydrogen fuel quality in Europe - Academic article
- Mapping the operating performance of a novel internally circulating fluidized bed reactor applied to chemical looping combustion - Academic article
- Maritime Data Spaces (MDS) - Lecture
- Market power in Norwegian Salmon Industry - Academic lecture
- Mass- and Heat Transfer during Dissolution of Alumina - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Massively parallel implicit equal-weights particle filter for ocean drift trajectory forecasting - Academic article
- Materials Modelling and Digitalisation: a core technology in a post‐COVID world - Report
- Mathematical Modeling of Furnace Drainage While Tapping Slag and Metal Through a Single Tap-Hole - Academic article
- Measurement and prediction of oxygen solubility in post-combustion CO2 capture solvents - Academic article
- Measurement System for Fugitive Emissions in Primary Aluminium Electrolysis - Academic article
- Measurement system for fugitive emissions in primary aluminium electrolysis - Academic lecture
- Measurement-based frequency-dependent model of a HVDC transformer for electromagnetic transient studies - Academic article
- Measurements of droplets from singing and some other activities - Academic article
- Measuring achievement of the HighEFF overall goals - Lecture
- Measuring light hydrocarbons at Alcoa Mosjøen anode plant - Lecture
- Measuring β* in SuperKEKB with K modulation - Academic article
- Mechanical characterization of aluminum alloys for arctic structures application - Academic article
- Mechanical Properties of AlSi10Mg Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion at Elevated Temperature - Academic article
- Mechanical Testing Ontology for Digital-Twins: a roadmap based on EMMO - Academic article
- Mechanisms and effects of nanoparticle-stabilized microbubbles designed for enhanced drug delivery - Academic lecture
- Mechanisms of sporadic control failure related to the skin-electrode interface in myoelectric hand prostheses - Academic article
- Medium-term scheduling of a hydropower plant participating as a price-maker in the automatic frequency restoration reserve market - Academic article
- Meet the aquaculture industry’s new maintenance bot - Interview
- MegaRoller Holds Successful General Assembly Online - Website (informational material)
- MegaRoller Wave Energy - Multimedia product
- Megaroller: Harnessing Wave Energy - Multimedia product
- Membrane-Assisted CO2 capture through liquefaction for clean H2 production - Academic lecture
- Membrane-based thermopervaporation to improve the glycol recovery in subsea natural gas dehydration system - Academic lecture
- Mesh-based tool path calculations for tubular joints - Academic article
- Message from the 3SCity-E2C'20 Workshop Chairs: MDM 2020 - Editorial
- Messy practices: the design and construction of sustainable buildings - Academic lecture
- Metabolic rate and muscle activation level when wearing state-of-the-art cold-weather protective clothing during level and inclined walking - Academic article
- Metal vapor content of an electric arc initiated by exploding wire in a model N2 circuit breaker: simulation and experiment - Academic article
- Metallic foam supported electrodes for molten carbonate fuel cells - Academic article
- Metals & Materials ‐ Plans - Lecture
- Methodologies for impact assessment of on-site and off-site construction logistics. MIMIC Deliverable 2.1 - Report
- Methodology for hazard identification in aquaculture operations (MHIAO) - Academic article
- Methodology Framework for Plus Energy Buildings and Neighbourhoods - Report
- Methods and evaluation criteria for apps and digital interventions for diabetes self-management: Systematic review - Academic literature review
- Methods of aggregation and disaggregation - Project results - Report
- Micro- and macroscale consequences of interactions between CO2 and shale rocks - Academic literature review
- Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation: an experimental toolbox for in situ and real time investigation of micro-scale pH evolution - Academic article
- Microdosimetry with a 3D silicon on insulator (SOI) detector in a low energy proton beamline - Academic article
- Microplastic and heavy metal distributions in an Indian coral reef ecosystem - Academic article
- Microplastic dispersal behavior in a novel overhead stirring aqueous exposure system - Academic article
- Microplastic distributions in a domestic wastewater treatment plant: Removal efficiency, seasonal variation and influence of sampling technique - Academic lecture
- Microplastic Fate and Impacts in the Environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Microplastics pollution and regulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Microstructural changes of hydrated cement blended with fly ash upon carbonation - Academic article
- Microstructural Characterization and In-Situ Nano/Micromechanical Testing of Hydrogen Pre-charged Pipeline Steels - Report
- Migrating Monolithic Applications to Microservices-based Customizable Multi-tenant Applications - Academic lecture
- Mindful Safety Practices in the Maritime Industry - The Significance of Safety Climate - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Minimum entropy production in a distillation column for air separation described by a continuous non-equilibrium model - Academic article
- Mining Multiple Fuzzy Frequent Patterns with Compressed List Structures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mission Innovation – inspiration for new infrastructure in Norway - Lecture
- Mixed gas separation performance and upscaling of PolyPOSSimide membranes for H2 purification - Poster
- Mn-research at SINTEF - Lecture
- Mobile abattoir and refrigeration tunnel for laying hens - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mobile Networks for Smart Grid Revisited - Academic lecture
- Mobile Sensing in Substance Use Research: A Scoping Review - Academic literature review
- Model predictive control and estimation of managed pressure drilling using a real-time high fidelity flow model - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Model predictive control and estimation of managed pressure drilling using a real-time high fidelity flow model - Academic article
- Model predictive control of District Heating substations for flexible heating of buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Model predictive control of District Heating substations for flexible heating of buildings - Chapter
- Model Predictive Control of multi-rotor wind turbine - Masters thesis
- Model predictive control on a wind turbine using a reduced order model based on STAS - Academic lecture
- Model Reduction and Model Predictive Control of Multi-Rotor Wind Turbine - Masters thesis
- Model selection for nonlinear scenarios - Academic lecture
- Model testing of wind assisted vessels - Lecture
- Model Tests and Numerical Prediction of the Low Frequency Motions of a Moored Ship in Shallow Water With a Wave Splitting Method - Academic lecture
- Model Tests and Numerical Prediction of the Low Frequency Motions of a Moored Ship in Shallow Water With a Wave Splitting Method - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Model uncertainty assessment for wave- and current-induced global response of a curved floating pontoon bridge - Academic article
- Model-Based Automatic Fleet Deployment of Edge Computing Applications - Lecture
- Model-based design of sustainable post-Li-ion batteries - Popular scientific lecture
- Model-based fleet deployment of edge computing applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Model-based prediction of vessel response is valuable for planning and execution of marine operations. Response-based operation criteria are expected to give less downtime and cheaper and safer operations than criteria based on wave height and wave period. At least this holds if the response model has sufficient accuracy. The accuracy can in principle be improved by tuning the model using measured inputs and outputs. It is envisioned that an advisory system for planning and execution of marine o - Academic lecture
- Model-based prediction of vessel response is valuable for planning and execution of marine operations. Response-based operation criteria are expected to give less downtime and cheaper and safer operations than criteria based on wave height and wave period. At least this holds if the response model has sufficient accuracy. The accuracy can in principle be improved by tuning the model using measured inputs and outputs. It is envisioned that an advisory system for planning and execution of marine o - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelica-based modelling of heat pump-assisted apple drying for varied drying temperatures and bypass ratios - Academic article
- Modeling and Analysis of SOGI-PLL/FLL-based Synchronization Units: Stability Impacts of Different Frequency-feedback Paths - Academic article
- Modeling commuting flows via fixed components - Academic article
- Modeling competition of virtual power plants via deep learning - Academic article
- Modeling hydrogen transport and hydrogen-induced embrittlement - Report
- Modeling Interdependencies with Complex Network Theory in a Combined Electrical Power and ICT System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling of a Shared Mooring System for a Dual-Spar Configuration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling Viscosity of High Titania Slag - Academic article
- Modelling and Simulation of Metal-Air Batteries - Chapter
- Modelling batteries - Documentation of testing of using hydropower modules to model batteries in ProdRisk and EMPSW - Report
- Modelling biodegradation of crude oil components at low temperatures - Short communication
- Modelling macrosegregation modification in dc casting of aluminium alloys in sheet ingots accounting for inlet melt flow, equiaxed grain morphology and transport - Academic article
- Modelling of compact plate heat exchanger in a context of process optimisation - Lecture
- Modelling of Environmental Constraints for Hydropower Optimization Problems – a Review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling of oil thickness in the presence of an ice edge - Academic article
- Modelling the Age-Hardening Precipitation by a Revised Langer and Schwartz Approach with Log-Normal Size Distribution - Academic article
- Modelling the Cu-containing Metastable Phases in the Al-Mg-Si System - Academic lecture
- Modelling the effect of mesh size and opening angle on size selection and capture pattern in a snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) pot fishery - Academic article
- Modelling the Hotel System on a Passenger Ship in IDA ICE - Report
- Modern Software Development - Lecture
- Modified discrete element method (MDEM) as a numerical tool for cement sheath integrity in wells - Academic article
- Modified Reduced Indirect Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of Modular Multilevel Converters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modular modeling for large-signal simulations of a multi-machine AC grid with MTDC interconnection - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Moisture migration modelling - Academic lecture
- Monitoring and modelling of influent patterns, phase distribution and removal of 20 elements in two primary wastewater treatment plants in Norway - Academic article
- Monitoring CO2 plume at Sleipner - Lecture
- Monitoring microbiota in land-based aquaculture systems - Academic lecture
- Monitoring project – Scandic Flesland Airport IEA HPT Annex 52 Long-term performance of GSHP systems for commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings - Lecture
- Monolithic and splitting solution schemes for fully coupled quasi-static thermo-poroelasticity with nonlinear convective transport - Academic article
- Mono-Wheeled Flexible Track Capable of Climbing High Steps and Adapting to Rough Terrains - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- More accurate fluid properties enable reductions of CCS costs and risks - Lecture
- MRST in action - Lecture
- MRTD: to NUC or not to NUC? - Academic lecture
- Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method for assessing the sustainability of end-of-life alternatives for waste plastics: A case study of Norway - Academic article
- Multi-hazard Engineering Collaboratory on Hybrid Simulation - Committee on RTHS in Fluid-Structure Interaction Applications - A Committee Report - Report
- Multimarket modelling - Application of different models to HydroCen Low Emission scenario - Report
- Multimesh finite elements with flexible mesh sizes - Academic article
- Multimodal Two-Phase Flow Measurement Using Dual Plane ECT and GRT - Academic article
- Multi-model hybrid compositional simulator with application to segregated flow - Academic article
- Multiplex droplet digital PCR assay for detection of Flavobacterium psychrophilum and Yersinia ruckeri in Norwegian aquaculture - Academic article
- Multi-purpose structured catalysts designed and manufactured by 3D printing - Academic article
- Multiscale investigation of adsorption properties of novel 3D printed UTSA-16 structures - Academic article
- Multiscale modelling of cage effects on the transport of effluents from open aquaculture systems - Academic article
- Multiscale Screening of Adsorbents for Post Combustion Capture: Effect of the Vacuum Swing Adsorption Process Configuration on the Adsorbent Performance - Academic lecture
- Multi-Site Quad-Band RFI Monitoring: Ongoing Results - Academic lecture
- Multislice image simulations of sheared needle‐like precipitates in an Al‐Mg‐Si alloy - Academic article
- Multi-step-ahead forecasting of wave conditions based on a physics-based machine learning (PBML) model for marine operations - Academic article
- Mutual Inductance Modeling of In-wheel Arc-shaped Coil for In-motion WPT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nanomaterials Enhanced Membranes for CO2 capture: Journey from Lab to Pre-pilot In-field Testing - Academic lecture
- Nanoscale imaging of shale fragments with coherent X-ray diffraction - Academic article
- Nanoscale Magnetic Properties of Additively Manufactured FeCoNiAlxMnx High-Entropy Alloys - Academic lecture
- Nanoscale Magnetic Properties of Additively Manufactured FeCoNiAlxMnx High-Entropy Alloys - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nanoscale modelling of combined isotropic and kinematic hardening of 6000 series aluminium alloys - Academic article
- Nanostructured diatom earth SiO2 negative electrodes with superior electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries - Academic article
- Natural perils insurance and compensation arrangements in six countries - Report
- NCCS Annual report 2019 - Multimedia product
- NCCS Interview: Award-Winning CO2 Hydrate Research - Website (informational material)
- NCCS Research & Norway’s Longship - Website (informational material)
- NCCS Webinar - Potential and challenges of CO2 capture integration in industrial processes - Popular scientific lecture
- Nearshore wave modelling in a Norwegian fjord - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nearshore wave modelling in a Norwegian fjord - Academic lecture
- NEC CETES - Lecture
- NEC HighEx - Lecture
- NEC NECast - Lecture
- NECast Novel Emerging Concept - Lecture
- Neighbourhood energy (master) planning- dilemmas and constraints from planning within Norwegian neighbourhoods on their way to become zero emission - Academic lecture
- Neutral Point Overvoltages in Wye-Wye Connected Distribution Transformer Caused by Lightning Current in Low-Voltage Winding - Academic article
- New Forms of Gemba Walks and their Digital Tools in the Digital Lean Manufacturing World - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New Insights into Silicon Purification by Alloying-Leaching Refining: A Comparative Study of Mg-Si, Ca-Si, and Ca-Mg-Si Systems - Academic article
- New insights into size-controlled reproducible synthesis of anisotropic Fe<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf> nanoparticles: The importance of the reaction environment - Academic article
- New job in the time of corona? - Popular scientific article
- New Materials and Technologies for Life-Lasting Cement Sheath. A Review of Recent Advances - Academic literature review
- New method for updating failure rates and proof test intervals of equipment groups within safety instrumented systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New project to improve the power density of PEM fuel cells - Website (informational material)
- New tools and methods for High-Impact Low-Probability (HILP) event analysis - Website (informational material)
- New Tools For Targeted Cloning And Over Expression Of Biosynthetic Gene Clusters - Poster
- New Waves of IoT Technologies Research – Transcending Intelligence and Senses at the Edge to Create Multi Experience Environments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- NEXFLOW - Next generation oil-water dispersion models in production systems: Recent results from laboratory and CFD simulations - Academic lecture
- Next-Generation Casting Process for the Ferroalloy Industry - Website (informational material)
- Ni/NiO nanosheets for alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction: In situ electrochemical-Raman study - Academic article
- Nils Røkke: Recognise hydrogen as a climate neutral solution - Interview
- Nitrate mediated biotic zero valent iron corrosion for enhanced Cd (II) removal - Academic article
- Nitrogen‐Doped Carbon-Assisted One‐pot Tandem Reaction for Vinyl Chloride Production via Ethylene Oxychlorination - Academic article
- No individual compound class can fully explain the toxicity of offshore produced water - Academic lecture
- No individual compound class can fully explain the toxicity of offshore produced water - Academic lecture
- No or low emissions from construction logistics – Just a dream or future reality? - Academic article
- Noble-metal-free memristive devices based on IGZO for neuromorphic applications - Academic article
- Non-Nucleophilic Electrolyte Based on Ionic Liquid and Magnesium Bis(diisopropyl)amide for Rechargeable Magnesium-Ion Batteries - Academic article
- Nonconvex Environmental Constraints in Hydropower Scheduling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nonconvexities in Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling - Lecture
- Non-destructive Test Methods for Corrosion Detection in Reinforced Concrete Structures - Academic article
- Non-equilibrium approach for the simulation of CO2 expansion in two-phase ejector driven by subcritical motive pressure - Academic article
- Non-equilibrium approach in simulations of the R744 flow through the motive nozzle of the two-phase ejector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of surfaces captures the energy conversions in a shock wave - Academic article
- Non-invasive assessment of ICP in children: advances in ultrasound-based techniques - Academic article
- Non-linear charge-based battery storage optimization model with bi-variate cubic spline constraints - Academic article
- Non-linear modelling - Academic lecture
- Non-target screening using two-dimensional GC coupled to high-resolution MS reveals complex pattern of contamination in Arctic marine zooplankton - Poster
- Noorwegen lanceert groen transitiepakket en waterstofstrategie - Interview
- North sea produced water PAH exposure and uptake in early life stages of Atlantic Cod - Academic article
- NorthWind Research Centre - Multimedia product
- Norway Bets on Tech to Cut $100 Billion North Sea Oil-Well Bill - Interview
- Norway launches green transition package and hydrogen strategy - Interview
- Norway launches Green Transition package and hydrogen strategy - Interview
- Norway Launches Green Transition Package and Hydrogen Strategy - Interview
- Norway launches Green Transition package and hydrogen strategy - Interview
- Norway launches Green Transition package and hydrogen strategy - Interview
- Norway launches Green Transition package and hydrogen strategy - Interview
- Norway launches Green Transition package and hydrogen strategy - Interview
- Norway Proposes Launching $2.7B CCS Project - Interview
- Norway Singapore Webinar Series 2020: The Norwegian CCS Research Centre - Lecture
- Norway To Build $3 Billion ‘Longship’ Carbon Dioxide Capture Project - Feature article
- Norway to tackle $100 billion P&A liabilities with new oilfield tech - Interview
- Norway: A Transformative Pathway to Sustainable Development - Lecture
- Norway’s CO2 Storage Explained - Interview
- Norway-Japan Academic Network Webinar: Opportunities for hydrogen-related cooperation between Japan and Norway - Academic lecture
- Norwegian Emergency Towing Service – Past – Present and Future - Academic article
- Norwegian full-scale projects and recent Indian technical RCA data - Lecture
- Norwegian Seaweed Biorefinery Platform Newsletter #1 September 2020 - Briefs
- Norwegian Seaweed Biorefinery Platform Newsletter #2 November 2020 - Briefs
- Norwegian Seaweed Biorefinery Platform Newsletter #3 December 2020 - Briefs
- Norwegian strategies for climate adaption of buildings - risk reduction by moisture control - Lecture
- NORWEP Offshore Wind Tool: Roadshow - Multimedia product
- Novel 2D Scaffolds Decorated with Nanoparticles for Application in CO2/H2 Separation Membranes - Academic lecture
- Novel Bayesian framework for calibration of spatially distributed physical-based landslide prediction models - Academic article
- Novel Control Approach for a Hybrid Grid-Forming HVDC Offshore Transmission System - Academic article
- Novel differential protection using model recognition and unsymmetrical vector reconstruction for the transmission line with wind farms connection - Academic article
- Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Self‐Protection in Reinforced Concrete due to Application of Mg–Al–NO2 Layered Double Hydroxides - Academic article
- Numerical and Experimental Study on Full-Scale Test of Typical Offshore Dynamic Power Cable - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical assessment of RANS turbulence models for the development of data driven Reduced Order Models - Academic article
- Numerical integrators for Lagrangian oceanography - Academic article
- Numerical investigation of a novel pattern for reducing residual stress in additive manufacturing - Academic article
- Numerical Investigation of Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a Flexible Riser with Staggered Buoyancy Elements - Academic article
- Numerical simulation of fluid-elastic instability in normal triangular tube bundles - Report
- Numerical Study of a Single-Point Mooring Gravity Fish Cage With Different DeformationSuppression Methods - Academic article
- Nødstopp og varsling for økt sikkerhet i kystfiskeflåten - Faglig sluttrapport - 2020:01294 A - Report
- OAS DB: A Repository of Specifications to Support OpenAPI Research - Academic article
- OASIS 2019 Panel Report: A Glimpse at the “Post-Digital” - Academic article
- Observations from hydrodynamic testing of a flexible, large-diameter monopile in irregular waves - Academic article
- Occupational health, safety and work environments in Norwegian fish farming - employee perspective - Academic article
- Offset dependence of overburden time-shifts from ultrasonic data - Academic article
- Offshore bottoming cycle optimisation -including geometrically defined heat exchangers - Lecture
- Offshore kelp cultivation in Norway: a Seaweed CDR project - Lecture
- Offshore supply with emission-free fuels - Website (informational material)
- Offshore wind energy is a type of clean, renewable energy with a high potential for electricity generation - Interview
- Offshore Wind Power's Untapped Potential for Sustainable Energy - Interview
- Offshore Wind Research Lighthouse Initiative - Academic lecture
- Offshore Wind: Ambitious Industry Plans to Meet Energy Needs - Website (informational material)
- Oil exposure disrupts lipid metabolism during diapause in calanoid copepods - Academic lecture
- Oil spill barrier status panel - specification - Report
- Oil, Gas & Energy ‐ Highlights from three cases and plans - Lecture
- On capital utilization in the hydrogen economy: The quest to minimize idle capacity in renewables-rich energy systems - Academic article
- On Modelling Alternatives of Non-Critical Components in Dynamic Offshore Power Cables - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On the Direct Reduction Phenomena of Bauxite Ore Using H2 Gas in a Fixed Bed Reactor - Academic article
- On the effectiveness of signal decomposition, feature extraction and selection on lung sound classification - Academic article
- On the formation mechanism of Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.15O3 thin films by aqueous chemical solution deposition - Academic article
- On the impact of gauge length value on distributed acoustic sensing data quality - Academic lecture
- On the Importance of Detailed Thermal Modeling for Price Forecasting in Hydro-Thermal Power Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On the mechanism of formation of back-end defects in the extrusion process - Academic article
- On the Stability of Oil-Based Drilling Fluid: Effect of Oil-Water Ratio - Academic lecture
- On the Stability of Oil-Based Drilling Fluid: Effect of Oil-Water Ratio - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On the Temporal Stability of People’s Annoyance with Road Traffic Noise - Academic article
- On the validity of the two-fluid-KTGF approach for dense gravity-driven granular flows as implemented in ANSYS Fluent R17.2 - Academic article
- Onboard CO2 plate freezing with cold thermal energy storage - Lecture
- On-board decision support framework functionality developed in 2020 - Lecture
- Ongoing work on heat recovery from fouling-prone heat sources - Academic lecture
- Online dimensional control of rolled steel profiles using projected fringes - Academic article
- Onset of water accumulation in oil/water pipe flow – experiments and modelling with LedaFlow - Academic article
- Ontological representation of materials quantities and units in the European Materials & Modelling Ontology (EMMO) - Academic lecture
- Ontologies, data management, and interoperability for digital marketplaces - Lecture
- Open Simulation Platform – An Open-Source Project for Maritime System Co-Simulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Open Simulation Platform: Co-simulation, standards and software - Lecture
- Open source code: Thermopack software perfoms thermodynamic calculations - Website (informational material)
- Opening the Software Engineering Toolbox for the Assessment of Trustworthy AI - Academic article
- Opening the Software Engineering Toolbox for the Assessment of Trustworthy AI - Lecture
- Operability robustness index as seakeeping performance criterion for offshore vessels - Academic article
- Operational guidelines for emissions control using cross-correlation analysis of waste-to-energy process data - Academic article
- Operationalizing Agile Methods: Examining Coherence in Large-Scale Agile Transformations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operators believe patient-specific rehearsal improve individual and team performance - Academic article
- Opportunities for establishing finite GHG emission allowances for material use in buildings - Popular scientific chapter/article
- Optically-Switchable Thermally-Insulating VO2-Aerogel Hybrid Film for Window Retrofits - Academic article
- Optimal design and cost of ship-based CO2 transport under uncertainties and fluctuations - Academic article
- Optimal Force Allocation for Overconstrained Cable-Driven Parallel Robots: Continuously Differentiable Solutions With Assessment of Computational Efficiency - Academic article
- Optimal planning of fast charging stations for EVs – A Norwegian case study - Masters thesis
- Optimal use of Process Streams as Working Fluids in Work and Heat Exchange Networks (WHENs) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimal utilization of natural gas pipeline storage capacity under future supply uncertainty - Academic article
- Optimization of a Chemical Process with Soft-Sensing Technologies - Popular scientific article
- Optimized Allocation of Loads in MMC-based Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing the Capacity of Thermal Energy Storage in Industrial Clusters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing the Capacity of Thermal Energy Storage in Industrial Clusters - Poster
- Organizational aspects of successful integration of human-machine interaction in the industry 4.0 era - Academic article
- Organizational enablers for digitalization in manufacturing industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Organizational enablers for digitalization in manufacturing industry - Academic lecture
- Origin of potassium promotion effects on CuCl2/gamma-Al2O3 catalyzed ethylene oxychlorination - Academic article
- Our Hydrogen Future Requires A 'Colorful' Transition - Feature article
- Overview of results from the HILP project (project memo no. AN 20.12.10) - Report
- Oxidative and biological degradability of aqueous amine solvents for CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Palladium membranes for hydrogen separation - interesting for nanoparticles? - Academic lecture
- Parameter study on potential for casting energy recovery - Lecture
- Parameterization of solidification paths of multi-component aluminium alloys for multi-scale casting simulation - Lecture
- Parametric design to maximize solar irradiation and minimize the embodied GHG emissions for a ZEB in nordic and mediterranean climate zones - Academic article
- Parametric Energy Simulations of a Nordic Detached House Heated by a Wood Stove - Academic article
- Parental exposure to crude oil on fertilization success and embryo development in Atlantic cod - Poster
- Parental exposure to crude oil on fertilization success and embryo development in Atlantic cod - Lecture
- Partial decarbonization of Johan Castberg by ammonia addition in fuel. Effect of adding ammonia to fuel in an industrial gas turbine. - Lecture
- Partial Discharge Characterisation of Stator Windings Taken from a 50-year-old Norwegian Hydrogenerator - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Partial Discharge Inception Voltage of Voids Enclosed in Epoxy/Mica versus Voltage Frequency and Temperature - Academic article
- Particulate matter and related airborne emissions from silicon and ferrosilicon production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Partitioning of non-ionic surfactants between CO2 and brine - Academic article
- Passivity Enforcement by Residue Perturbation via Constrained Non-Negative Least Squares - Academic article
- Path Planning for Perception-Driven Obstacle-Aided Snake Robot Locomotion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- pathways and investment strategies to reach IMO 2030 and IMO 2050 GHG targets - Academic lecture
- Pathways to low-cost clean hydrogen production with gas switching reforming - Academic article
- Paving the way toward autonomous shipping development for European Waters – The AUTOSHIP project - Academic lecture
- PCM cold storage technologies - Opportunities and challenges - Academic lecture
- PCM CTES integration in industry processes: selected cases - Academic lecture
- PCM low-temperature concepts and heat exchanger testing facilities - Academic lecture
- Pd3Ag(111) as a Model System for Hydrogen Separation Membranes: Combined Effects of CO Adsorption and Surface Termination on the Activation of Molecular Hydrogen - Academic article
- PED Projects at a Glance: Research Center on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities and Syn.ikia - Lecture
- Peer-to-peer trading under subscribed capacity tariffs - an equilibrium approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Perceived Control in an Office Test Cell, a Case Study - Academic article
- Perceived Pressure to Fly Predicts Whether Inland Helicopter Pilots have Experienced Accidents or Events with High Potential - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance and Durability of Adhesive Tapes for Building Applications. From Product Documentation to Scientific Knowledge (and Back Again) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance and Energy Efficiency of CUDA and OpenCL for GPU Computing using Python - Academic article
- Performance evaluation of a multi-evaporator NH3-CO2 cascade refrigeration system with IHX for seafood processing industry - Academic lecture
- Performance evaluation of a multi-evaporator NH3-CO2 cascade refrigeration system with IHX for seafood processing industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance Evaluation of Ejector Based CO₂ System for Simultaneous Heating and Cooling Application in an Indian Dairy Industry - Academic article
- Perspectives on Quality Risk in the Building Process of Blue-Green Roofs in Norway - Academic article
- Phase error analysis of clipped waveforms in surface topography measurement using projected fringes - Academic article
- Phase transformation and thermal degradation in industrial quartz - Doctoral dissertation
- Phase transformations in quartz used in silicon and ferrosilicon - Academic article
- Phase Transformations in Quartz used in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Production - Academic article
- Phase Transitions and Separation Time Scales of CO2-Crude Oil Fluid Systems: Wheel Flow Loop Experiments and Modelling - Academic article
- P-HiL Evaluation of Virtual Inertia Support to the Nordic Power System by an HVDC Terminal - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Phosphorus separation from metallurgical-grade silicon by magnesium alloying and acid leaching - Academic article
- Photoionization model for streamer propagation mode change in simulation model for streamers in dielectric liquids - Academic article
- Physical and chemical effects of microplastics on the marine polychaete Capitella spp. - Poster
- Physics guided machine learning using simplified theories - Academic article
- Physics-informed deep learning for one-dimensional consolidation - Academic article
- Phytoplankton community succession and dynamics using optical approaches - Academic article
- Pilot field trial of real-time pore pressure and well stability updates in a digital twin - Academic lecture
- Pilot scale production of high carbon ferromanganese - Lecture
- Pipeline fracture control concepts for Norwegian offshore carbon capture and storage - Academic lecture
- Pipeline fracture control concepts for Norwegian offshore carbon capture and storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Place of death among older people in Finland and Norway - Academic article
- Plastic additive chemicals: Are we assessing the fate and effects of microplastic accurately? - Popular scientific lecture
- Plastics in Aquaculture – The WAS-IMarEST Roundtables - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Platinum and Platinum Group Metal-Free Catalysts for Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells - Academic article
- Pocoplast learning alliance - Pathways to sustainable use of post-consumer plastics in aquaculture (POCOplast) - Academic lecture
- Podcast - Interview
- Polar cod and Goliat: How an oil spill may affect polar cod reproduction - Academic lecture
- Polar cod and Goliat: How an oil spill may affect polar cod reproduction - Academic lecture
- Policy mixes for regional green growth - Academic lecture
- Pollutant Formation and Control during Fuel Thermochemical Conversion - Editorial
- Polymer-functionalized silica nanoparticles for improving water flood sweep efficiency in Berea sandstones. - Academic article
- Polysaccharide epimerases - Website (informational material)
- Ponad 100 000 nowych miejsc pracy w przemyśle i zielonej energii: nowe prognozy rynkowe - Interview
- Pore-and core-scale insights of nanoparticle-stabilized foam for CO2-enhanced oil recovery - Academic article
- Pore-scale evaluation on the mechanism of water sensitivity for sandstones containing non-swelling clays - Academic article
- Ports as zero-emission energy hubs - opportunities and challenges - Lecture
- Position paper on certification, standardisation, and other regulatory issues of wind farm control - Report
- Possibilities and challenges for reversed Brayton cycle in high temperature heat pump applications for large scale capacities - Report
- Post combustion carbon capture with supported amine sorbents: From adsorbent characterization to process simulation and optimization - Academic article
- Pot Gas Handling and Energy Recovery for Future CCS in the Al Industry - Lecture
- Potential benefits of 5G communication for autonomous ships - Academic article
- Potential of membrane assisted absorption process in carbon capture - Lecture
- Potential of thermal energy storage for a district heating system utilizing industrial waste heat - Academic article
- Prebreakdown phenomena in hydrocarbon liquids in a point-plane gap under step voltage. Part 1: behaviour at positive polarity - Academic article
- Pre-breakdown phenomena in hydrocarbon liquids in a point-plane gap under step voltage. Part 2: behaviour under negative polarity and comparison with positive polarity - Academic article
- Precipitates in a heavy pre-deformed Al-1.3Cu-1.0Mg-0.4Si wt.% alloy - Academic lecture
- Precipitation and clustering in age hardenable Al alloys - Academic lecture
- Precision Deep-Stall Landing of Fixed-Wing UAVs using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Academic article
- Precision Fish Farming and Automation in smolt production - Popular scientific lecture
- Predicting Driving Conditions at Mountain Crossings Using Deep Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction and Tuning of the Defects in the Redox Catalysts: Ethylene Oxychlorination - Academic article
- Prediction of size-dependent risk of salmon smolt (Salmo salar) escape through fish farm nets - Academic article
- Prediction of square mesh panel and codend size selectivity of blue whiting based on fish morphology - Academic article
- Prediction of Vessel Domain and Safe Areas for Navigation Based on Machine Learning - Academic lecture
- Predominant Climate Exposure Strains - Thermal Degradation Testing Compared to Historical and Future Climate Scenarios - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Preface - Editorial
- Preferences for long-distance coach transport: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment - Academic article
- Preparation of Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes with Remarkable CO2/CH4 Selectivity for High-pressure Natural Gas Sweetening - Academic article
- Preparation, execution and evaluation of condensation experiments in NatGas-1800 - Report
- Prereduction of Comilog- and Nchwaning ore - Doctoral dissertation
- Prereduction of Comilog- and Nchwaning-ore - Academic lecture
- Prereduction of manganese ores - Academic lecture
- Presentation of draft reports on pathways and update on work on IMO - LCA guidelines - Academic lecture
- Presentation on In-Home Emergency Detection Using an Ambient Ultra-Wideband Radar Sensor and Deep Learning - Academic lecture
- Presentations of HighEFF-papers to the Rankine 2020 conference - Academic lecture
- Presenting a new method for accelerating stencil computing on reconfigurable FPGAs - Academic lecture
- Pressure drop in charge mixture in silicon production - Masters thesis
- Pressure Testing of Barrier Integrity - Academic article
- Pressure-Dependent Propagation of Streamers under Step Voltage in a long Point-Plane Gap in Transformer Oil - Academic article
- Prevailing approaches and practices of citizen participation in smart city projects: Lessons from Trondheim, Norway - Academic article
- Preventing greenwashing in the circular economy: Reflections on the role of ISO standards - Lecture
- Principal Feature Visualisation in Convolutional Neural Networks - Academic article
- Principal Feature Visualisation in Convolutional Neural Networks - Poster
- Priorities for autonomous ships - Lecture
- Privacy Preserving Multi-Objective Sanitization Model in 6G IoT Environments - Academic article
- Probabilistic tool for design of transport and storage networks: Built-in flexibility to handle geological uncertainty - Academic lecture
- Proceedings from the 14th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway, October 12–14, 2020 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Production and Characterization of Biochar from Spruce Wood and Bark under Different Pyrolysis Conditions - Poster
- Production of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) in RAS with distinct water treatments: Effects on fish survival, growth, gill health and microbial communities in rearing water and biofilm - Academic article
- Production of MOF Adsorbent Spheres and Comparison of Their Performance with Zeolite 13X in a Moving-Bed TSA Process for Postcombustion CO2 Capture - Academic article
- Production of polychaete worms on aquaculture side streams - Interview
- Production of Value-Added Chemicals by Bacillus methanolicus Strains Cultivated on Mannitol and Extracts of Seaweed Saccharina latissima at 50C - Academic article
- Progress in operational modeling in support of oil spill response - Academic literature review
- Progressive rock deformation and rock-casing contact around borehole in Bingham viscoplastic rock - Academic lecture
- Properties of Biocarbon - Lecture
- Protecting the Power Grid from Solar Storms - Website (informational material)
- Proteome reallocation from amino acid biosynthesis to ribosomes enables yeast to grow faster in rich media - Academic article
- Providing Value to Industry in Just 8 Weeks - Website (informational material)
- PSYKOSE: A motor activity database of patients with schizophrenia - Academic article
- Public models of business cases - Report
- Public private collaboration and the role of learning in developing zero-emission neighbourhoods - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Public-Private Cooperation for Climate Adaptation - Providing Insurance Loss Data to the Municipalities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Public-Private Innovation in Health and Social Care: The Implications of Transaction Costs - Academic article
- Publisher Correction: Conductivity control via minimally invasive anti-Frenkel defects in a functional oxide (Nature Materials, (2020), 19, 11, (1195-1200), 10.1038/s41563-020-0765-x) - Errata
- Putting Concrete in an environmental perspective - Interview
- Putting off old age on the Norwegian shelf - Interview
- QSAR methodology for calculating impact on organisms exposed to dissolved oil in the water column - ERA Acute for water column exposed organisms - OC2020 A-030 - Report
- Quantification of gear inflicted damages on trawl-caught haddock in the Northeast Atlantic fishery - Academic article
- Quantifying the performance of selective devices by combining analysis of catch data and fish behaviour observations: methodology and case study on a flatfish excluder - Academic article
- Quantifying the Re-identification Risk of Event Logs for Process Mining: Empiricial Evaluation Paper - Academic article
- Quantitative CO2 monitoring at the CaMI Field Research Station (CaMI. FRS), Canada, using a hybrid structural-petrophysical joint inversion. - Academic lecture
- Quantitative CO2 monitoring workflow - Academic lecture
- Quantitative evaluation of the joint effect of uncertain parameters in CO2 storage in the Sleipner project, using data-driven models - Academic article
- Quantitative Scenarios for Low Carbon Futures of the pan-European Energy System : Open ENTRANCE D3.2 - Report
- Quantitative studies on the structure of xCaO⋅(1-x)SiO2 glasses and melts by in-situ Raman spectroscopy, 29Si MAS NMR and quantum chemistry ab initio calculation - Academic article
- Quantum Computing: An introduction - Lecture
- Quantum Poker - a game for quantum computers suitable for benchmarking error mitigation techniques on NISQ devices - Academic article
- R & time-shifts - Academic lecture
- R&I priorities for HWG 100% RE Buildings - Lecture
- RA1 Introduction and overview - Lecture
- RA3 Introduction - Lecture
- RA5 Introduction; status and plans for 2021 - Lecture
- RA6 Introduction - Lecture
- Radiation shielding evaluation of spacecraft walls against heavy ions using microdosimetry - Academic article
- RAS@EAS Workshop - Popular scientific lecture
- Reactive instabilities in linear acidizing on carbonates - Academic article
- Reactivity of HCl at the Si(100)-c(4x2) reconstructed surface: a DFT study - Academic lecture
- Reactivity of HCl at the Si(100)-c(4x2) reconstructed surface: a DFT study. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real time 3D observations of Portland Cement Carbonation at CO2 storage conditions - Academic article
- REALISE – Demonstrating a Refinery-Adapted Cluster-Integrated Strategy to Enable Full-Chain CCUS Implementation - Website (informational material)
- Realising co-benefits for natural capital and ecosystem services from solar parks: A co-developed, evidence-based approach - Academic article
- Real-Time Automatic Ejection Fraction and Foreshortening Detection Using Deep Learning - Academic article
- Real-Time Processing of High-Resolution Video and 3D Model-Based Tracking for Remote Towers - Academic article
- Real-time quintic Hermite interpolation for robot trajectory execution - Academic article
- Recent advances in hot tearing during casting of aluminium alloys - Academic literature review
- Recent Advances in Visual Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques for in-situ Plankton-taxa Classification - Poster
- Recent developments within stationary bioenergy - with a focus on the overall picture and networks - Lecture
- Recent World Health Organization regulatory recommendations are not supported by existing evidence - Academic article
- Recombination of Knowledge for Emerging Technological Innovations: The Case of Green Shipping - Academic lecture
- Recommendations for enhancing the usability and understandability of process mining in healthcare - Academic article
- Recovery of AlF3 from Surplus Bath in Aluminium Production - Academic lecture
- Recovery of cobalt from Primary and Secondary Sources - Lecture
- Recovery of Platinum Group Metals From Secondary Sources by Selective Chlorination from Molten Salt Media - Academic article
- Recovery of surplus electrolyte from aluminium production - Academic lecture
- Recovery Options for Surplus Bath from Aluminium Production - Report
- Recycling of Aluminium from Mixed Household Waste - Lecture
- Recycling of Aluminium from Mixed Household Waste - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Recycling of the Flue Gas from Aluminium Electrolysis Cells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Recycling of the Flue Gas from Aluminium Electrolysis Cells - Report
- Reduced-Physics Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Reservoirs - Academic lecture
- Reducing The Risk Of Delayed RPT-Related Incidents From LNG Spills - Website (informational material)
- Reduction and Dissolution Behaviour of Manganese Slag in the Ferromanganese Process - Academic article
- REDUCTION OF SYNTHETIC CHROMITE WITH METHANE - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- ReFood – Indo-Norwegian research project - Academic lecture
- Refrigeration and sustainability in the seafood cold chain. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Refrigeration and sustainability in the seafood cold chain. - Academic lecture
- Regulations on the use of rest raw materials from seafood processing in EU and India - ReValue Project Deliverable 4.2 - 2020:00471 A - Report
- Relationship of place of death with care capacity and accessibility: a multilevel population study of system effects on place of death in Norway - Academic article
- Release efficiency and selectivity of four different square mesh panel configurations in the Basque mixed bottom trawl fishery - Academic article
- Relevant technology elements for NECast concept - Lecture
- Reliability of supply and the impact of weather exposure and protection system failures - Academic article
- Remote and agile improvement of industrial control and safety systems processes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Remote teams study - Lecture
- Renovation concepts for residential buildings. Research status, challenges and opportunities - Report
- Replacing SF6 - Multimedia product
- Report of a Si excavation 2019 - Report
- Report on Information and Material Flow Analysis for the selected case studies - Report
- Report on LCA and Social-LCA of the selected food products - Report
- Report on physical, chemical and microbiological characteristic of rest raw materials (RRM) and wash water (WW) - Report
- Reporting Guidelines to Increase the Reproducibility and Comparability of Research on Microplastics - Academic article
- Representation of a new physics-based non-Darcy equation for low-velocity flow in tight reservoirs - Academic article
- Representation of Breaking Wave Kinematics in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Representation of Breaking Wave Kinematics in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF - Academic lecture
- Requirements for representative models for comfort and energy simulations in districts - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Requirements for representative models for comfort and energy simulations in districts - Chapter
- Research for safe and efficient CO2 transport and injection - Lecture
- Research Landscape of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security: A Systematic Review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Researchers Look For Ways To Cut Norway's Gargantuan $100 Billion Decommissionin - Interview
- Reservoir Modelling Using MATLAB - The MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST) - Lecture
- Residential Photovoltaic Systems in Norway: Household Knowledge, Preferences and Willingness to Pay - Academic article
- Resident-to-resident aggression in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study - Academic article
- Resilience - A Key Element in User-centred Services? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Resilience and flexibility in autonomous ship transport - Lecture
- Resource Efficient Algorithms for Message Sampling in Online Social Networks - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Response of bacterial communities in Barents Sea sediments in case of a potential CO2 leakage from carbon reservoirs - Academic article
- Resynchronization of Islanded Virtual Synchronous Machines by Cascaded Phase and Frequency Controllers Acting on the Internal Power Reference - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rethinking lean supplier development as a learning system - Academic article
- Retrospectives: Challenges and remedies to team learning - Popular scientific lecture
- ReValue Project Deliverable 1.2 - Logistics and Cold Chain Management Concepts - OC2020 A-094 - Report
- ReValue Project Deliverable D1.3: Report on energy efficient refrigeration systems - Surimi case - Report
- Reverse engineering of CAD models via clustering and approximate implicitization - Academic article
- RFI Monitoring of GNSS Signals on Norwegian Highways - Chapter
- Rigidity and flexibility – using experiences 3D printing for training in construction industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risk and Consequences of Rapid Phase Transition for Liquid Hydrogen - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risk-based Optimization of Sensor Distribution in Roof Constructions – A Conceptual Study - Academic article
- Risk-based Optimization of Sensor Distribution in Roof Constructions - A conceptual Study. - Lecture
- RNA nanomedicines – unlimited opportunities and analytical challenges - Academic lecture
- Rock physics inversion from CSEM and seismic data - Academic lecture
- Rock physics models in seismic inversion - Academic lecture
- Rock physics models in seismic inversion - Academic lecture
- Role of Adsorbate Coverage on the Oxygen Dissociation Rate on Sr-Doped LaMnO3 Surfaces in the Presence of H2O and CO2 - Academic article
- Rules and Reasoning. 4th International Joint Conference, RuleML+RR 2020, Oslo, Norway, June 29 – July 1, 2020, Proceedings - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- RuteSim - Simulation based route planning demo-presentation - Popular scientific lecture
- Safe and cost-efficient CO2 storage:Emerging monitoring technologies - Lecture
- Safe navigation in a coastal environment of multiple surface vehicles under uncertainties: A combined use of potential field constructions and NMPC - Academic article
- Safety and security of drones in the oil and gas industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Safety Approval Process for Guided Transportation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Safety Management in Norwegian Fish Farming: Current Status, Challenges and Further Improvements - Academic article
- Sailing towards lower cost & legal certainty for CCS - Interview
- Salting of mackerel fillets in refrigerated brine - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Salting of mackerel fillets in refrigerated brine - Poster
- SamÅpne Project: Co-creation and business developments with open municipal data - Lecture
- Sand mass production in true triaxial conditions - From Lab to Field - Academic lecture
- Scalable Execution of Big Data Workflows using Software Containers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Scenarios geomechanical modelling – modulus variation - Academic lecture
- Scenarios of construction logistics. MIMIC Deliverable 1.1 - Report
- Scheduling Toolchains in Hydro-Dominated Systems : evolution, Current Status and Future Challenges for Norway and Brazil - Report
- Schonende Kühlung verlängert Halbarkeit : Superchilling - ein innovatives Verfahren aus Norwegen - Interview Journal
- Scientific Achievements in NCCS - Lecture
- Screening Children's Hearing in Local Primary Schools in Tanzania - Lecture
- Screening of thermoelectric silicides with atomistic transport calculations - Academic article
- Screening school children in Tanzania for hearing impairment - Lecture
- SDN uSense - Multimedia product
- Seatonomy applied in an operational analysis and overall system design for an autonomous underwater vehicle - OC2020 A-035 - Report
- Seaweed and Seaweed Bioactives for Mitigation of Enteric Methane: Challenges and Opportunities - Academic literature review
- Seaweed cultivation and seaweed based products - Lecture
- Seaweed research labs - SINTEF (Norway) - Lecture
- Seaweed: The food and fuel of the future? - Interview
- Sectoral interdependencies of low-carbon innovations in Norwegian coastal shipping - Academic lecture
- SecureSafety; state-of-the-art and remaining challenges - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Security of electricity supply in the future flexible and intelligent grid - Website (informational material)
- Seeding High Quality Connections in the Classroom - Popular scientific article
- Selected Papers from the Sixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Selecting the model and influencing variables for DHW heat use prediction in hotels in Norway - Academic article
- Selection of rock samples for low-frequency experiments - Academic lecture
- Selective area grown ZnTe nanowires as the basis for quasi-one-dimensional CdTe-HgTe multishell heterostructures - Academic article
- Selective etching of nanostructured a-Si:Al and its effect on porosity, Al gradient and surface oxidation - Academic article
- Selective ingestion of textile microfibres by Calanus finmarchicus - Masters thesis
- Self-healing and Chloride Ingress in Cracked Cathodically Protected Concrete Exposed to Marine Environment for 33 years - Academic lecture
- Self-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites based on Discontinuous Tapes - An Experimental and Numerical Study of the Influence of Tape Length - Academic article
- SemFE: Facilitating ML Pipeline Development with Semantics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sensistivity study on geomechanical model - Academic lecture
- Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters for FPSO Model Updating - Academic lecture
- Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters for FPSO Model Updating - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sensors in Aquaculture - Popular scientific lecture
- Sequence- and function-based bioprospecting of Norwegian microbial biodiversity for novel natural products - Lecture
- Set-based collision avoidance applications to robotic systems - Academic article
- Sewer asset management – state of the art and research needs - Academic literature review
- SF6: The Truths and Myths of this Greenhouse Gas - Interview
- SFI BLUES - Website (informational material)
- SFI Simulation Platform: latest developments - Popular scientific lecture
- Shallow Impurity Band in ZrNiSn - Academic article
- Shaping of metal-organic framework UiO-66 using alginates: Effect of operation variables - Academic article
- Shared decision making in standardized cancer patient pathways in Norway – patient experiences - Academic lecture
- Shared spaces and the role of technology – a glimpse from the Sharing Neighbourhoods project - Academic lecture
- Sharing CO2 Storage Data to Fast-Track CCS Development - Website (informational material)
- Sharing CO2 Storage Data to Fast-Track CCS Development - Website (informational material)
- Sharing Neighbourhoods - Barriers and Drivers to Share Spaces and the Role of Technology - The of Supstad, Norway - Lecture
- Sharing neighbourhoods: Barriers and drivers to share spaces and the role of technology - The case of Supstad, Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Shifting conceptualization of control in agile transformations - Academic article
- Shifting Conceptualization of Control in Agile Transformations - Lecture
- Ship Energy Efficiency Subgroup – Report of activities in 2020 from Rapporteur - Academic lecture
- Shipping Webinar - Alternative Fuels overview - Academic lecture
- Ships of the future: Uncrewed? - Lecture
- Shore Charging for Plug-In Battery-Powered Ships: Power System Architecture, infrastructure, and Control - Academic article
- Short-Range Structure of Ti0.63V0.27Fe0.10D1.73 from Neutron Total Scattering and Reverse Monte Carlo Modelling - Academic article
- Should GPs ask patients about their financial concerns? Exploration through collaborative research - Academic article
- Should plastic additive chemicals be considered in microplastic effects assessment? - Academic lecture
- SiC crystalline micro bullets on bio-carbon based charcoal substrate - Academic article
- Silica Gel as a Selective Adsorbent for Biogas Drying and Upgrading - Academic article
- Silicide module produced in the TESil project - Academic lecture
- Silicon carbide formation from methane and silicon monoxide - Academic article
- Silver coated cathode for molten carbonate fuel cells - Academic article
- Simple interference based colorization of Si based solar cells and panels with ITO/SiNx:H double layer antireflective coatings - Academic article
- Simulating crude oil exposure, uptake and effects in North Atlantic Calanus finmarchicus populations - Academic article
- Simulating electron-avalanche-driven positive streamers in dielectric liquids - Doctoral dissertation
- Simulation and Cost Optimization of different Heat Exchangers for CO2 Capture - Academic article
- Simulation Model May Reduce the Climate Footprint of Oil Production - Feature article
- Simulation Model May Reduce the Climate Footprint of Oil Production - Popular scientific article
- Simulation of atmospheric and oceanographic parameters for spray icing prediction - Academic article
- Simulation of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Parameters for Spray Icing Prediction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simulation of condensation in raw biogas containing H2S - Academic article
- Simulation Of Entrainment of Droplets in Non-Resolved Wind-Wave Flows - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simulation of fluid flow through real microannuli geometries - Academic article
- Simulation of heat recovery heat exchangers – why and how? - Lecture
- Single digit parts-per-billion NOx detection using MoS2/hBN transistors - Academic article
- SINTEF and the Megaroller project are working to scale proven commercial wave energy technology to megawatt-scale levels. - Multimedia product
- Sintef launches carbon capture data sharing hub - Interview
- SINTSENSE: VOC Sensor System for Air Quality Monitoring - Website (informational material)
- SINTSENSE: VOC Sensor System for Air Quality Monitoring - Popular scientific article
- Site approval test of heat pump drying: Design, installation, and test run with of demonstration unit - Report
- Size selectivity and catch efficiency of bottom trawl with a double sorting grid and diamond mesh codend in the North-east Atlantic gadoid fishery - Academic article
- Size-dependent escape risk of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) from salmonid farm nets - Academic article
- Sizing Electric Battery Storage System for Prosumer Villas - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Skogul crude oil – properties and weathering at sea - In relation to oil spill response - OC2020 A-143 - Report
- Slag in the Tapping Area in a Si Furnace - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sleipner-Utsira reservoir model - Lecture
- Small Scale Oxidation Experiments on AlMg Alloys in Various Gas Fired Furnace Atmospheres - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Small Scale Oxidation Experiments on AlMg Alloys in Various Gas Fired Furnace Atmospheres - Lecture
- Small Signal Internal Voltage Transfer Measurements and White-Box Transient Calculations for Non-standard Test Conditions of a Shell-Form Power Transformer - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Small-scale solar-based adsorption ice maker for Indian climate - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Small-scale solar-based adsorption ice maker for Indian climate - Academic lecture
- Smart boots, fusion engine and aerial assets for enhanced situational awareness and safety in search & rescue operations - Academic article
- Smart Maintenance in Asset Management – Application with Deep Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Smart shipping: Norwegian strategies, ongoing activities, and plans - Lecture
- Smiling Earth – Raising Awareness among Citizens’ for Behaviour Change to Reduce Carbon Footprint - Academic article
- Smiling Earth - Raising Citizens’ Awareness on Environmental Sustainability - Academic article
- Smolt production: Current status and challenges - Popular scientific lecture
- Snow Competence Digital Snow Guide Launches - Interview
- Snow for the Future - Multimedia product
- Soaring growth in offshore renewables puts wind in the sails of the energy transition - Interview
- SOFC stacks for mobile applications with excellent robustness towards thermal stresses - Academic article
- Solar heat recovery system using CO2 as working fluid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Solid State NMR studies of the stepwise transformation of methane to methanol over Cu-Zeolites - Poster
- Solutions for removing microplastic from wastwater treatment plant effluents - Academic lecture
- Solvent degradation testing in post combustion CO2 capture. The importance of fundamental knowledge and test strategies. - Academic lecture
- Solving thermal energy storage challenges in support of a more energy-efficient food industry - Website (informational material)
- Sorbents screening for post-combustion CO2 capture via combined temperature and pressure swing adsorption - Academic article
- Sorption of PAHs to microplastic and their bioavailability and toxicity to marine copepods under co-exposure conditions - Academic article
- Sound insulation of timber hollow box floors: Collection of laboratory measurement data and trend analysis - Academic article
- SP6 Case study and Innovation: 6 min pitch and presentation - Lecture
- SP8 - ENERGY EFFICIENT PROCESSING: 6min pitch / project status - Lecture
- Space–time series clustering: Algorithms, taxonomy, and case study on urban smart cities - Academic article
- Spatial distribution of malignant transformation in patients with low-grade glioma - Academic article
- SP-family meeting - Lecture
- Splitting measurements of the total heat demand in a hotel into domestic hot water and space heating heat use - Academic article
- Spotify Guilds - Academic article
- SROS: Educational, Low-cost Autonomous Mobile Robot Design Based on ROS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Stability Analysis of a Virtual Synchronous Machine-based HVDC Link by Gear's Method - Academic lecture
- Stability Analysis of a Virtual Synchronous Machine-based HVDC Link by Gear's Method - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Stakeholder Motivation Analysis for Smart and Green Charging for Electric Mobility - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Standardised Failure Reporting and Classification of Failures of Safety Instrumented Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Standardized navigational data for situational awareness during simultaneous maritime operations - Academic article
- Standardized navigational data for situational awareness during simultaneous maritime operations - Academic lecture
- State Estimation of a Multi-Rotor Wind Turbine - Masters thesis
- State-Space Modelling and Small-Signal Analysis of HVDC Transmission Systems - Lecture
- Status and plans WP1.1: KPI's, energy & exergy analyses - Lecture
- Status and progress on transient HRSG modeling for combined heat and power cycles - Lecture
- Status of waste-to-energy in Germany, Part I ? Waste treatment facilities - Academic literature review
- Steam reforming of methane on sponge iron: Influence of gas composition on reaction rate - Academic article
- Stochastic Load Modeling of High-Power Electric Vehicle Charging - A Norwegian Case Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Stochastic Load Modeling of High-Power Electric Vehicle Charging - A Norwegian Case Study - Academic lecture
- Stochastic master surgery scheduling - Academic article
- Stochastic Monte-Carlo simulations of the effect of smectite-illite transformation in shales on pore pressures build up - Academic lecture
- Store crazy - Interview
- Strategic Research Agenda of the EERA Joint Programme Hydropower - Report
- Strategies and business models to support the transition to low-carbon concrete - Report
- Strategies for avoiding too high or too low relative humidity in dwellings - Lecture
- Stream Processing on Clustered Edge Devices - Academic article
- Streamer propagation along a profiled dielectric surface - Academic article
- Streaming from the European Parliament: Zero emissions with hydrogen NOW! - Multimedia product
- Strengthening Industrial Heat Pump Innovation : Decarbonizing Industrial Heat - Report
- Stress Corrosion Cracking in an Extruded Cu-Free Al-Zn-Mg Alloy - Academic article
- Stress paths and predicted time-shifts around a depleting reservoir - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Stress paths and predicted time-strain around a depleting reservoir - Academic lecture
- Stress paths and predicted time-strain around a depleting reservoir - Academic lecture
- Structural and Hydrodynamic Aspects of Steel Lazy Wave Riser in Deepwater - Academic literature review
- Structural and thermal characterization of novel organosolv lignins from wood and herbaceous sources - Academic article
- Structural evolution of water and hydroxyl groups during thermal, mechanical and chemical treatment of high purity natural quartz - Academic article
- Structural Response Analysis and Fatigue Damage Estimation of a Floating Bridge Subjected to Inhomogeneous Wave Loads - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Structural Variants of poly(alkylcyanoacrylate) Nanoparticles Differentially Affect LC3 and Autophagic Cargo Degradation - Academic article
- Structure evaluation of the implementation of geriatric models in primary care: A multiple-case study of models involving advanced geriatric nurses in five municipalities in Norway - Academic article
- Structure, hydration, and chloride ingress in C-S-H: Insight from DFT calculations - Academic article
- Struvite crystallization by using raw seawater: Improving economics and environmental footprint while maintaining phosphorus recovery and product quality - Academic article
- Stuck in the middle with you (and not much time left): The third intergovernmental conference on biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction - Academic article
- Study of an Industrial Electrode Dryer of a Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing Plant: Dynamic Modelling - Academic article
- Study of the Oxidation of an Al-5Mg Alloy in Various Industrial Melting Furnace Atmospheres - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Study of the Oxidation of an Al-5Mg Alloy in Various Industrial Melting Furnace Atmospheres - Lecture
- Study of the potential for reduced greenhouse gas emissions and the transition to a low-emission society - Report
- Studying Onboarding in Distributed Software Teams: A Case Study and Guidelines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Studying the Outdoor Lab of Svalbard - Interview
- Subsea power cable sheathing: an investigation of lead fatigue performance - Academic article
- Substance use among patients in specialized mental health services in Norway: prevalence and patient characteristics based on a natinal census - Academic article
- Successful asset management strategy implementation of cyber-physical systems - Academic article
- Sulfur hexafluoride: The truths and myths of this greenhouse gas - Interview
- SumEffect 2020-2023 - Lecture
- Summarizing an Eulerian–Lagrangian model for subsea gas release and comparing release of CO2 with CH4 - Academic article
- Summary of flow induced vibrations modelling - Lecture
- Summary of the feature list - Lecture
- Superchilled, chilled and frozen storage of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) – effect on lipids and low molecular weight metabolites - Academic article
- Superchillen statt Tiefkühlen : Längere Haltbarkeit von Bio-Fleisch und Fisch - Interview Journal
- SUPERCON - Sprayed sUstainable PErmanent Robotized CONcrete tunnel lining - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Supporting the Development and Operation of IoT systems with the ENACT Framework - Academic lecture
- SUPREME - Increased utilisation and value creation from whitefish rest raw materials - Poster
- Surface exchange kinetics of CaTi0.9Fe0.1O3-δ - Academic lecture
- Surface Modification of Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymer Rubber by Plasma Polymerization Using Organosilicon Precursors - Academic article
- Surface Reconstruction, Hydration, and Adhesion of Epoxy to the (0001) Surface of α-Berlinite: Insights from Density Functional Theory Calculations - Academic article
- Surfactant and Polymer flooding simulation in MRST - Academic lecture
- Surplus heat utilization on cruise chips - Report
- Survey and Planning of High-Payload Human-Robot Collaboration: Multi-modal Communication Based on Sensor Fusion - Academic article
- Sustainability challenges and how Industry 4.0 technologies can address them: a case study of a shipbuilding supply chain - Academic article
- Sustainability of fish feed supply chains - Lecture
- Sustainable production of chlorosilane in Dow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sustainable Seafood Handling and Processing (invited as key note) - Lecture
- Sustainable seafood handling and processing (key note) - Lecture
- Sustainable seafood handling and processing (key note) - Lecture
- Sustainable wastewater treatment for the Norwegian context – Use of LCA for selection of chemicals and comparison of processes - Academic lecture
- Svelvik CO2 Field Lab: Review of the 2019 injection campaign and interpretation of aquired data - Lecture
- Svelvik CO2 Field Lab: Review of the 2019 injection campaign and interpretation of acquired data - Lecture
- Switching sequences for non-predictive declutching control of wave energy converters - Academic lecture
- Syngas Production, Storage, Compression and Use in Gas Turbines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Synthesis and Characterization of 12CaO·7Al2O3 Slags: The Effects of Impurities and Atmospheres on the Phase Relations - Academic article
- Synthesis and Evaluation of K-Promoted Co3-xMgxAl-Oxides as Solid CO2 Sorbents in the Sorption-Enhanced Water−Gas Shift (SEWGS) Reaction - Academic article
- Synthesis of high-performance ORR catalysts for PEM fuel cells by galvanic replacement - Academic lecture
- System impact of heat exchanger pressure loss in ORCs for smelter off-gas waste heat recovery - Academic article
- System Impact Studies for Near 100% Renewable Energy Systems Dominated by Inverter Based Variable Generation - Academic article
- Taking the Hydrogen & CCS Debate to the Heart of Europe - Website (informational material)
- Talking Hydrogen at the Heart of Europe - Multimedia product
- Taming an autonomous surface vehicle for path following and collision avoidance using deep reinforcement learning - Academic article
- Tapentadol versus oxycodone for postoperative pain treatment the first 7 days after total knee arthroplasty: a randomized clinical trial - Academic article
- Taredyrking på Planktonsenter hos SINTEF Ocean - Interview
- Targeting OGG1 arrests cancer cell proliferation by inducing replication stress - Academic article
- Task 2 - Norway - Lecture
- TCCS-11 The 11th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage - Website (informational material)
- Teaching in the Time of Corona Crisis: A Study of Norwegian Teachers' Transition into Digital Teaching - Academic article
- Teaching in the Time of Corona Crisis: A Study of Norwegian Teachers' Transition into Digital Teaching - Academic lecture
- Teaching kids how to save lives with VR - Lecture
- Teaching robots to see and feel - Popular scientific article
- Teaching robots to see and feel - Popular scientific article
- Teaching robots to see and feel - Popular scientific article
- Team‐external coordination in large‐scale software development projects - Academic article
- Technical and environmental viability of a European CO2 EOR system - Academic article
- Technical issues to calculate time-strain and time-shift - Academic lecture
- Technical opportunities of C&D waste - Lecture
- Techno-economic analysis of Skagerak EnergyLab - Report
- Techno-Economic Assessment of Different Heat Exchangers for CO2 Capture - Academic article
- Techno-economic Assessment of Optimised Vacuum Swing Adsorption for Post-Combustion CO2 capture from Steam-Methane Reformer Flue Gas - Academic article
- Technoeconomic assessment of optimized adsorption processes for post-combustion CO2 capture in hydrogen plants - Academic lecture
- Technological aspects of devices for efficient ion concentration polarization and electro-driven separation with ultra-shallow nanochannels - Poster
- Technology characteristics and catching-up policies: solar energy technologies in Mexico - Academic article
- Technology development for industrial macroalgae cultivation. - Academic lecture
- Ten tips for productive online meetings - Popular scientific article
- Tensile and fatigue behavior of a Pb-Sn-Sb alloy investigated via small-scale in-situ mechanical testing in SEM - Academic article
- Test Procedure and Description for System Testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Testing a battery that feeds the grid - Interview
- Testing a size sorting grid in the brown shrimp (Crangon Crangon Linnaeus, 1758) beam trawl fishery - Academic article
- Testing methods to assess improved well cementing and remediation - Academic article
- Testing methods to assess improved well cementing and remediation - Academic lecture
- Testing of tri-partite CO2 gas cooler prototype for domestic hot water and space heating - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The atomic structure of solute clusters in Al-Zn-Mg alloys - Academic lecture
- The Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) is now up and running! - Interview
- The big "Living energy lab" - Interview
- The bioavailability of ingested 26Al-labelled aluminium and aluminium compounds in the rat - Academic article
- The Carbon Negative Solutions That Remove CO2 From The Atmosphere - Feature article
- The combined impact of stochastic and correlated activity durations and design uncertainty on project plans - Academic article
- The cosy space: an interplay of psychology and architecture - Academic lecture
- The digitalization of navigation: Examining the accident and aftermath of US Navy destroyer John S. McCain - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The divergence between perceived and measured access to health care in rural Namibia - Academic lecture
- The dynamics of solar prosuming: Exploring interconnections between actor groups in Norway - Academic article
- The dynamics of solar prosuming: Exploring interconnections between actor groups in Norway - Academic article
- The Effect of Calcite in the Raw Clay on the Pozzolanic Activity of Calcined Illite and Smectite - Academic article
- The Effect of Cooling Rate and Pre-Deformation on Corrosion Behaviour of Extruded AlMgSi(Cu,Zn)-Alloys - Masters thesis
- The Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Precipitation in Aluminium Alloys - Doctoral dissertation
- The Effect of Hard Scale Deposition on the Wall Heat Flux of a Cold Finger - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The effect of hot air exposure on the mechanical properties and carbon dioxide permeability of hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) with varying carbon black content - Academic article
- The effect of intrinsic properties, UV-degradation and biofilm formation on the fate of microplastic fibers in the marine environment - Poster
- The effect of long-term use on the Catch efficiency of Biodegradable gillnets - Academic article
- The effect of low Cu additions on precipitate crystal structures in overaged Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys - Academic article
- The effect of mild whole-body cold stress on isometric force control during hand grip and key pinch tasks - Academic article
- The Effect of Nutrient Availability and Light Conditions on the Growth and Intracellular Nitrogen Components of Land-Based Cultivated Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyta) - Academic article
- The effect of preliminary heat treatment on the durability of reaction bonded silicon nitride crucibles for solar cells applications - Academic article
- The effect of surface roughness and topography on the organic coating/steel interface stability - Doctoral dissertation
- The effect of Ti and Y addition on the microstructure and leaching purification of Ca- alloyed metallurgical silicon - Academic lecture
- The effect of Ti and Y addition on the microstructure and leaching purification of Ca-alloyed metallurgical silicon - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The European Materials & Modelling Ontology - Academic lecture
- The fate of hydrocarbon leaks from plugged and abandoned wells by means of natural seepages - Academic article
- The fate of R in light of field shale laboratory tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The fate of R in light of field shale laboratory tests - Academic lecture
- The first announcement of EERA DeepWind’2021 - Website (informational material)
- The FlexPlan Approach to Include the Contribution of Storage and Flexible Resources in Grid Planning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The future electricity distribution grid, one scenario at a time - Multimedia product
- The good, the bad, and the technical details of digitalised occupational health and safety? - Academic lecture
- The HIPROX Facility - Multimedia product
- The Hype and Hope of Sahara Desert Green Hydrogen - Interview
- The impact of flexible resources in distribution systems on the security of electricity supply: A literature review - Academic literature review
- The Impact of NCCS Research & Innovations - Website (informational material)
- The Impact of NCCS Research & Innovations - Website (informational material)
- The impact of plastic and car tire rubber leachates on the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis - Poster
- The Importance of Key Performance Indicators that Can Contribute to Autonomous Quality Control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The importance of thermodynamic insight in Work and Heat Exchange Network Design - Academic article
- The importance of vulnerability in accessing health care in low-income countries: the case of Namibia and Malawi - Academic lecture
- The influence of AlN buffer layer on the growth of self-assembled GaN nanocolumns on graphene - Academic article
- The influence of interfacial transfer and film coupling in the modeling of distillation columns to separate nitrogen and oxygen mixtures - Academic article
- The influence of light on the corrosion of iron and steel - Academic lecture
- The Influence of Polarisation on the Wetting of Graphite in Cryolite-Alumina Melts - Academic article
- The Influence of Quench Interruption and Direct Artificial Aging on the Hardening Response in AA6082 during Hot Deformation and In-Die Quenching - Academic article
- The influences of phytoplankton species, mineral particles and concentrations of dispersed oil on the formation and fate of marine oil-related aggregates - Academic article
- The Intangible Concept of Good Seamanship -- A Comparison of the Ingredients of Seafarers' Descriptions using a Hybrid Qualitative-Quantitative Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The interplay of thermodynamics and ocean dynamics during ENSO growth phase - Academic article
- The LowEmission PhD-Candidates - Multimedia product
- The melting snowball effect: A heuristic for sustainable Arctic governance under climate change - Academic article
- The MonArc Project: Monitoring Programme for Foundation Settlements and Initial Results - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The need for a public key infrastructure for automated and autonomous ships - Academic article
- The net GHG emissions of the China Three Gorges Reservoir: I. Pre-impoundment GHG inventories and carbon balance - Academic article
- The net GHG emissions of the Three Gorges Reservoir in China: II. Post-impoundment GHG inventories and full-scale synthesis - Academic article
- The Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS): facilitating industry-driven innovation for fast-track CCS deployment - Academic article
- The Norwegian CCS Research Centre: Overcoming barriers to CCS deployment through industry-driven Research and Innovation - Popular scientific lecture
- The Open Porous Media Flow Reservoir Simulator - Academic article
- The outlook of Smart Ship in Norway - Lecture
- The Pan-Arctic Continental Slope: Sharp Gradients of Physical Processes Affect Pelagic and Benthic Ecosystems - Academic literature review
- The Physics and Mathematics of Carbon Capture and Storage - Popular scientific lecture
- The possibilities for use of biofuels for shipping - Lecture
- The possible transition mechanism for the meta-stable phase in the 7xxx aluminium - Academic article
- The potential impact of decarbonization on ships and operations - Academic lecture
- The power of education students to make an impact on food loss reduction in a global perspective (interactive visual presentation) - Poster
- The project CoolFish, further work and other projects - Lecture
- The public's perception of run-of-the-river hydropower across Europe - Academic article
- The Ransomware-as-a-Service economy within the darknet - Academic article
- The Rate of HF Formation During Addition of Alumina to NaF-AlF3 Melts - Lecture
- The Rate of HF Formation During Addition of Alumina to NaF-AlF3 Melts - Academic article
- The risk for rapid phase transition in LNG spilled on water : an overview of the Predict-RPT project - Report
- The role of local inpatient psychiatric units and general practitioner on continuity of care in Northern Norway: A case-register study - Academic article
- The role of manipulating photoperiod and temperature in oocyte development of the polychaete hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1976) - Academic article
- The role of museums in preserving tangible and intangible cultural heritage for addressing societal issues - A matter of time - Popular scientific article
- The role of R&D in reaching the climate targets - Lecture
- The role of R&D in reaching the climate targets - Lecture
- The role of simulators in interdisciplinary medical work - Academic article
- The Safety of CO2 Storage - Website (informational material)
- The sectoral interdependencies of low-carbon innovations in sustainability transitions - Report
- The Smart Circular Economy: a common framework across digital and circular disciplines - Lecture
- The solid progress of nanomedicine - Academic article
- The start-of-the-art application of machine learning - Lecture
- The story of CO2 as a refrigerant - Interview
- The Study of Facial Muscle Movements for Non-Invasive Thermal Discomfort Detection via Bio-Sensing Technology. Part I: Development of the Experimental Design and Description of the Collected Data - Academic article
- The SUMMER project: Sustainable Management of Mesopelagic Resources. - Lecture
- The support system’s influence on nature-based business start-ups in a rural context - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The surface of CeO2 unravelled - Academic lecture
- The time for hydrogen is now! - Sound material
- The Time Is Now To Invest In Offshore Wind R&D - Website (informational material)
- The unique hybrid precipitate in a peak-aged Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy - Academic article
- The Unique Lipidomic Signatures of Saccharina latissima Can Be Used to Pinpoint Their Geographic Origin - Academic article
- The Unused Potential of Offshore Wind Energy for Sustainable Energy - Interview
- The use of copepods and fish eggs for environmental monitoring - Lecture
- The use of PAH, metabolite and lipid profiling to assess exposure and effects of produced water discharges on pelagic copepods - Academic article
- The use of tin oxide in fuel cells - Non-fiction book
- The vision of an all-electric mobile future - Lecture
- The world's first digital snow guide - Interview
- The World's First Digital Snow Guide - Interview
- Thematic meeting. Data Sharing: value proposition and business models in the context of climate risk mitigation - Report
- Thematic meeting. Use of grey-green solutions for rooftops, permeable pavements and rain gardens to manage stormwater at Zeb Laboratoriet - Report
- Theoretical Investigation of Percussive Drilling and Drop Test - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Theories and Mechanism of Rapid Phase Transition - Academic article
- Thermal batteries with biowax: The future of heat storage for buildings - Popular scientific article
- Thermal batteries with biowax: The future of heat storage for buildings - Website (informational material)
- Thermal comfort, thermal sensation and skin temperature measurements using demand-controlled ventilation for individual cooling - Academic article
- Thermal Insulation Materials in Aluminum Electrolysis Cells - Doctoral dissertation
- Thermal interruption performance of ultrahigh-pressure free-burning nitrogen arc - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Thermal management with a new encapsulation approach for a medical device - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Thermal mass and the effects on heating and cooling demands – an experimental study of an exposed concrete floor - Academic article
- Thermal proteome profiling identifies oxidative-dependent inhibition of the transcription of major oncogenes as a new therapeutic mechanism for select anticancer compounds - Academic article
- Thermochemical and Catalytic Lignin conversion routes to fuels and chemicals - Lecture
- Thermodynamic Stability of Volatile Droplets and Thin Films Governed by Disjoining Pressure in Open and Closed Containers - Academic article
- TheyBuyForYou (TBFY) - Lecture
- Third-order elastic tensor of shales determined through ultrasonic velocity measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Three-dimensional signal decomposition of infrared image sequences and large-scale non-uniformity analysis - Academic lecture
- Three-phase Hybrid Facilitated Transport Hollow Fiber Membranes for Enhanced CO2 Separation - Academic article
- Tidal effect on pressure in upper and lower aquifer of the Svelvik Ridge - Poster
- Tilling the Soil for Human Connection - Popular scientific article
- Time Domain Modeling of Propeller Forces due to Ventilation in Static and Dynamic Conditions - Academic article
- Time Domain VIV Analysis Tool VIVANA-TD: Validations and Improvements - Academic lecture
- Time Domain VIV Analysis Tool VIVANA-TD: Validations and Improvements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Time-Domain Hydrodynamic Model for Mooring Analysis of a Spread Moored FPSO With Calibration of Wave Drift Forces - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Toadstool: a dataset for training emotional intelligent machines playing Super Mario Bros - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tool Support for Risk-driven Planning of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems within DevOps - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- TOPHOLE - Troll field evaluation for P&A - Academic lecture
- TOPHOLE annual meeting: Introduction and project status - Academic lecture
- Tophole project meeting: electromagnetic simulations with COMSOL Multiphysics - Academic lecture
- Tophole project meeting: EM and seismic modelling status - Academic lecture
- Tophole project meeting: project overview and status - Academic lecture
- Tophole project meeting: sensor evaluation for gas leakage detection - Academic lecture
- Tophole project status - Academic lecture
- TopHole: sensor evaluation for gas leakage detection - Academic lecture
- Tour of the Norwegian National Smart Grid Laboratory - Multimedia product
- Toward Quantitative CO2 Storage Monitoring: Estimation of Pore Pressure and Saturation from Geophysical Inputs - Abstract
- Towards a Conceptual Framework for Security Requirements Work in Agile Software Development - Academic article
- Towards a general application programming interface (API) for injection molding machines - Academic article
- Towards a Secure DevOps Approach for Cyber-Physical Systems: An Industrial Perspective - Academic article
- Towards a Simulation Framework for Edge-to-Cloud Orchestration in C-ITS - Academic lecture
- Towards a Simulation Framework for Edge-to-Cloud Orchestration in C-ITS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Agile Management of Containerised Software at the Edge - Academic lecture
- Towards Agile Management of Containerised Software at the Edge - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Building a Smart Knowledge Base of CoVid-19 Spread Data - Website (informational material)
- Towards cost‐effective biofouling management in salmon aquaculture: a strategic outlook - Academic literature review
- Towards high-throughput large-area metalens fabrication using UV-nanoimprint lithography and Bosch deep reactive ion etching - Academic article
- Towards Optimal Ship Navigation Using Image Processing - Academic article
- Towards quantitative CO2 monitoring using hybrid joint inversion - Academic lecture
- Towards Super User-Centred Continuous Delivery: A Case Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Understanding Wind Impact for Drone Operations: A Comparison of Wind Models Operating on Different Scales in a Nested Multiscale Set-Up - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Trace metal mobility in sub-seabed sediments by CO2 seepage under high-pressure conditions - Academic article
- Tracer Design and Gas Monitoring of a CO2 Injection Experiment at the ECCSEL CO2 Field Lab, Svelvik, Norway - Poster
- TRACKing of PLASTtic emissions from aquaculture industry (TrackPlast) - Report
- Training for Operational Resilience Capabilities (TORC); advancing from a positive first response - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Trajectory outlier detection: Algorithms, taxonomies, evaluation, and open challenges - Academic article
- Transfer of additive chemicals from marine plastic debris to the stomach oil of northern fulmars - Academic article
- Transfer of plastic additives to fulmars - Academic lecture
- Transferring microplastic fate and effects knowledge from the environment to human health - Academic lecture
- Transformation Kinetics of Burnt Lime in Freshwater and Sea Water - Academic article
- Transformer management by learning from condition, failure and scrapping data collected nationwide - Academic lecture
- Transient electrohydrodynamic flow with concentration-dependent fluid properties: Modelling and energy-stable numerical schemes - Academic article
- Transition to a zero-emission society - Lecture
- Transitioning from a First Generation to Second Generation Large-Scale Agile Development Method: Towards Understanding Implications for Coordination - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Transmission electron microscopy of interfaces between SrTiO3 substrates and BaTiO3 thin films with different crystallographic orientations - Academic lecture
- Transparent floatable magnetic alginate sphere used as photocatalysts carrier for improving photocatalytic efficiency and recycling convenience - Academic article
- Traps and tricks of safety management at sea - Academic article
- TRD3.0 as a platform for co-creation of innovative public value outcomes: A preliminary assessment of drivers and barriers and the need for metagovernance - Academic lecture
- Trender og utvikling av skipstyper og nullutslippsmaskineri - Lecture
- Trends in Smart Manufacturing: Role of Humans and Industrial Robots in Smart Factories - Academic article
- Trends in Socioeconomic Inequalities in Norwegian Adolescents' Mental Health from 2014 to 2018: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study. - Academic article
- Truncated least square support vector machine for parameter estimation of a nonlinear manoeuvring model based on PMM tests - Academic article
- TSO-DSO coordination to acquire services from distribution grids: Simulations, cost-benefit analysis and regulatory conclusions from the SmartNet project - Academic article
- Tumor Targeting by αvβ3-Integrin-Specific Lipid Nanoparticles Occurs via Phagocyte Hitchhiking - Academic article
- Tuning leadership approach to the situation and context – what is holding us back? - Lecture
- Turbulence and flow field alterations inside a fish sea cage and its wake - Academic article
- Two Leading Research Papers Share NCCS Award - Interview
- Two-phase dibromocyclopropanation of unsaturated alcohols using flow chemistry - Academic article
- Tyrosinase-crosslinked, tissue adhesive and biomimetic alginate sulfate hydrogels for cartilage repair - Academic article
- Ultrasound-mediated delivery enhances therapeutic efficacy of MMP sensitive liposomes - Academic article
- Ultrasound-Mediated Delivery of Chemotherapy into the Transgenic Adenocarcinoma of the Mouse Prostate Model - Academic article
- Uncertain-Driven Analytics of Sequence Data in IoCV Environments - Academic article
- Uncertainty analysis and acquisition design - Academic lecture
- Uncertainty analysis in the techno-economic assessment of CO2 capture and storage technologies. Critical review and guidelines for use - Academic article
- Uncertainty propagation through a point model for steady-state two-phase pipe flow - Academic article
- Understanding CO2 Depressurization in Pipes - Website (informational material)
- Understanding coordination in global software engineering: A mixed-methods study on the use of meetings and Slack - Academic article
- Understanding HSE implications of remote work through a digital complexity perspective - Academic article
- Understanding loss mechanisms: The key to successful drilling in depleted reservoirs? - Academic article
- Understanding moisture recovery in heat/energy recovery ventilation as the basis for new market solutions - Lecture
- Understanding of K and Mg co-promoter effect in ethylene oxychlorination by operando UV–vis-NIR spectroscopy - Academic article
- Understanding Quantum Effects Will Help Us To Export Liquid Hydrogen - Website (informational material)
- Underwater Communication and Position Reference System - OC2020 A-034 - Report
- Unique fatty acid desaturase capacities uncovered in Hediste diversicolor illustrate the roles of aquatic invertebrates in trophic upgrading. - Academic article
- Unique hybrid precipitate structures forming in an Al–Cu–Mg–Si alloy - Academic article
- Unravelling the composition-influence on toxicity of offshore produced water using high-resolution gas and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry - Academic lecture
- Untersuchung einer kommerziellen R744 Supermarktkälteanlage mit Ejektortechnologie - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Unusual magnetotransport properties in graphene fibers - Academic article
- Unveiling the Dynamics of CO2 Injection into Underground Storage - Website (informational material)
- Update from Norway and INAS - Lecture
- Upscaled modelling of natural fracturing and leakage due to high overpressures - Academic lecture
- Upscaling polyPOSS-imide membranes for high temperature H2 upgrading - Academic article
- Uptake, distribution and excretion of microplastic fibres in green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis: an experimental exposure - Poster
- Use of artificial illumination to reduce Pacific halibut bycatch in a U.S. West Coast groundfish Bottom trawl - Academic article
- Use of sensors in MS rehabilitation - a pilot study - Poster
- User Guide to Flow Diagnostics in MRST - Flow Diagnostics Preprocessors for Model Ensembles - Report
- User Guide to Flow Diagnostics Postprocessing - Simulations in MRST and ECLIPSE Output Format - Report
- Users’ Experiences of a Mobile Health Self-Management Approach for the Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis: Mixed Methods Study - Academic article
- Users’ Experiences with Chatbots: Findings from a Questionnaire Study - Academic article
- Using 2D seismic line data to estimate the possible impact of large-scale and sub-scale structural trapping in the Gassum Formation on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Lecture
- Using Fiber-Optic Sensors to Give Insight into Liquid-Solid Phase Transitions in Pure Fluids and Mixtures - Academic article
- Using fish embryos for in situ exposure and effects assessment of multiple stressors in the environment - Poster
- Using machine learning for time-dependent commands - Lecture
- Using machine learning to reduce mixed-integer variables in hydro scheduling - Lecture
- Using Microservices to Customize Multi-tenant Software-as-a-Service - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using Microservices to Customize Multi-Tenant SaaS: From Intrusive to Non-Intrusive - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using PREEMPT_RT and Deterministic Networking (TSN) to control a robotic arm - Popular scientific lecture
- Using situational and narrative analysis for investigating the messiness of software security - Academic article
- Using the operational envelope to make autonomous ships safer - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Utforming av prisignal i kraftmarkedet - Konsekvenser og samspill mellom ulike prissignal for samfunnsøkonomisk gunstig utbygging og drift av kraftnettet - Report
- Utilization of Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste and Industrial Inorganic Wastes in Cement Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Utilization of egg-laying hens (Gallus Gallus domesticus) for production of ingredients for human consumption and animal feed - Academic article
- Utilization of Size-Tunable Hollow Silica Nanospheres for Building Thermal Insulation Applications - Academic article
- Utilization of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) in recycling waste nutrients from land-based fish farms for value-adding applications - Doctoral dissertation
- Utilization of waste heat for pre-heating of anodes - Academic article
- UV degradation of natural and synthetic microfibers causes fragmentation and release of polymer degradation products and chemical additives - Academic article
- V2G Potential Estimation and Optimal Discharge Scheduling for MMC-based Charging Stations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Validation of Norwegian Residential Building Archetypes Based on Empirical Data and Numerical Simulations - Chapter
- Validation of Numerical Wave Tank Simulations Using REEF3D With JONSWAP Spectra in Intermediate Water Depth - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Validation of QCL CF4 gas analyzer for sensitivity and selectivity - Academic article
- Value Chain Integration – A Framework for Assessment - Lecture
- Value Chain Integration – A Framework for Assessment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Value of information analysis for complex simulator models: Application to wind farm maintenance - Academic article
- Variability in the formation and framework polymorphism of metal-organic frameworks based on yttrium(III) and the bifunctional organic linker 2,5-dihydroxyterephthalic acid - Academic article
- Varying single parameters of the alginate hydrogels to design better microenvironments for fibroblasts cultivation in vitro - Poster
- Vendor Switching: Factors that matter when engineers onboard their own replacement - Academic article
- Ventilation and IAQ in Nordic countries – Status, trends and opportunities - Lecture
- Veres3D User Manual - for Work in Progress Release 0.2.0 - OC2020 A-128 - Report
- Vergiften Smartphones die Meere? - Popular scientific article
- Vessel Design Optimization Tool Development Status - Lecture
- Video Friday: MIT Mini-Cheetah Robots Looking for New Homes: Underwater robotic solutions for fish farms - Interview
- Virtual Friction for Oscillation Damping and Inertia Sharing from Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Virtual hospital at home – Development of a platform for communication and follow-up for dialysis patients at home. A triple-helix cooperation. - Academic lecture
- Virtual modelling and testing of the single and ontra-rotating co-axial propeller - Academic article
- Virtual Synchronous Machine-based control of power electronic converters - Lecture
- Viscosity Models for Drilling Fluids: Herschel-Bulkley Parameters and Their Use - Academic article
- Visund Sør condensate and Visund crude oil– Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - OC2020 A-110 - Report
- Voids in walls of mesoporous TiO2 anatase nanotubes by controlled formation and annihilation of protonated titanium vacancies - Academic article
- Vortex dislocation mechanisms in the near wake of a step cylinder - Academic article
- VulPro - Risk and vulnerability prognosis for power system development and asset management - Website (informational material)
- Wafer bonding process for zero level vacuum packaging of MEMS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Waste-to-energy technology integrated with carbon capture – Challenges and opportunities - Academic article
- Wastewater-Aged Silver Nanoparticles in Single and Combined Exposures with Titanium Dioxide Affect the Early Development of the Marine Copepod Tisbe battagliai - Academic article
- Water Vapour Promotes CO2 Transport in Poly(ionic liquid)/Ionic Liquid-Based Thin-Film Composite Membranes Containing Zinc Salt for Flue Gas Treatment - Academic article
- WATERBORNE: Improving European transport with Maritime Intelligent Transport Systems – Identification of important technology gaps - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Water–Gas Shift Activity of Pt Catalysts Prepared by Different Methods - Academic article
- Wealth blindness beyond national jurisdiction - Academic article
- Webinar - EEDI achievements so far and EEDI phase 4 - Academic lecture
- WEBINAR - Sustainable Alternative Marine Fuels IMO & EU - Academic lecture
- Webinar IMO GHG Studies EEDI - EEXI - Lecture
- Webinar Maritime Policies EU & IMO - Academic lecture
- Webinar series - REFHYNE - Lecture
- WEBINAR Smart Maritime - Alternative Fuels and Flexible Technology Solutions - Academic lecture
- Webinar: CruiZE project sharing and discussing how to reach zero emissions - Website (informational material)
- Webinar: Hydrogen from Norwegian Natural Gas to Decarbonise Europe & Norway - Website (informational material)
- Webinar: Nordic Battery Ecosystem & European Green Deal - Website (informational material)
- Weighted quasi-interpolant spline approximations: Properties and applications - Academic article
- Welcome to 2020 Cross Sector Workshop - Lecture
- WELL INTEGRITY TESTS in H2020 SECURe - Academic lecture
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Smart Grid Misuse Case Scenarios - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- What is known about the health service use and follow-up of immediate family members bereaved by suicide? Scoping review protocol - Academic article
- What to do with plastic waste? A lot, actually - Interview
- What we talk about when we talk about HSE and culture – A mapping and analysis of the academic discourses - Academic article
- When did you last talk with your neighbour? - Lecture
- When the Decomposition Meets the Constraint Satisfaction Problem - Academic article
- When the Google Generation Meets Academia: Digital Skills of Tomorrow's Students - Academic article
- When the Google Generation Meets Academia: Digital Skills of Tomorrow's Students - Academic lecture
- When will I get a quantum computer and what can I do with it? - Lecture
- Where and why do firms choose to move? Empirical evidence from Norway - Academic article
- Where next for offshore wind? - Interview
- White paper on Impact Methods: WG3 - Impacts of the Collaborative Economy. - Report
- Why carbon-free Europe will still need North African energy - Interview
- Why carbon-free Europe will still need North African energy - Interview
- Why Climate Sceptics are Wrong - Interview
- Why do they violate the procedures? – An exploratory study within the maritime transportation industry - Academic article
- Why do we need hydrogen? Why not just use solar, wind and hydropower? - Interview
- Why Norway is leading Maritime Innovation - Programme participation
- Why Norway’s CO2 Subsea Storage Project Matters - Interview
- Why Norway's CO2 Subsea Storage Project Matters - Interview
- Why Norway's CO2 Subsea Storage Project Matters - Interview
- Why Science Communication Matters - Website (informational material)
- Wind energy expert says massive offshore target ‘is within reach’ - Interview
- Wind farm control: a promising way to increase green power - Website (informational material)
- Wind-assisted propulsion in the CruiZero project - Lecture
- Windowed PWM: A Configurable Modulation Scheme for Modular Multilevel Converter-Based Traction Drives - Academic article
- Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing with TiC-Nanoparticle Reinforced AA5183 Alloy - Academic article
- Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing of an Al-Mg Aluminium Matrix Nanocompsite - Masters thesis
- Wood stoves and wood-burning – how to ensure “hygge”, heating comfort and eco-friendliness - Website (informational material)
- Work and Heat Exchange Networks: Simultaneous Process Optimisation and Heat Integration - Website (informational material)
- Work Exchange Networks (WENs) and Work and Heat Exchange Networks (WHENs): A review of the current state of the art - Academic literature review
- Work Recovery & Compressors - Real ejector performance in the field - Lecture
- Workflow for Sensitivity Analysis and Decision Making on the Lower Limit of the Mud-Weight Window in an Overpressured Formation - Academic article
- Working from home does not make us less productive - Popular scientific article
- WP 3.2 New IEA Annex HTHP and Annual Work Plans - Lecture
- WP 3.3 Thermal Energy Storage Workshop and Annual Work Plans - Lecture
- WP2.1 Heat Exchangers - Lecture
- WP3.1 Overview recent H2P activities and Annual Work Plans - Lecture
- Yielding, thixotropy, and strain stiffening of aqueous carbon black suspensions - Academic article
- ZEN Case Study. End User Flexibility Potential in the Service Sector - Report
- ZEN Memo no.22: Environmental assessment of ventilation systems in buildings - Current status in LCA literature - Report
- ZEN og lovverket: Muligheter og begrensninger i dagens lovverk ved utvikling av et ZEN område - Report
- Zero Emission Neighbourhoods. Drivers and barriers towards future development - Report
- Zinc schiff base complexes derived from 2,2'-diaminobiphenyls: Solution behavior and reactivity towards nitrogen bases - Academic article
- Zooming in on celebrations - Popular scientific article
- Ölunfall in Norilsk: "Der Zeitfaktor ist extrem entscheidend" - Interview
- Aasta Hansteen blend– Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - OC2020 A-049 - Report
- μDIC: An open-source toolkit for digital image correlation - Academic article