Researcher training and Education
CINELDI recruited Masters, PhDs and Post doctors in the following disciplines: Electric power engineering, Communication technology, Information technology, Automation/cybernetics, Socioeconomics, and Social science aspects of smart grid.
PhD's in CINELDI and associated PhD's
Postdoctoral researchers in CINELDI
Master theses in CINELDI
PhD's in CINELDI and associated PhD's
- Fredrik Göthner: Stability and Power Quality Improvements to Facilitate Wide-Scale Deployment of Future Microgrids, NTNU, 2021
- Mohammad Ali Abooshabab: Dynamic State Estimation for Electrical Power Grids, NTNU, 2021
- Güray Kara: Stochastic programming in analyses of flexibility in power systems and markets, NTNU, 2022
- Ingvild Firman Fjellså: Just Flexibility? The Envisioned Role of End Users in Future Electricity Systems, NTNU, 2022
- Kasper Emil Thorvaldsen: A Long-term Strategy Framework for Flexible Energy Operation of Residential Buildings, NTNU, 2022
- Per Aaslid: Optimal coordination of renewable sources and storage in energy-constrained power systems, NTNU, 2022
- Sigurd Bjarghov: Designing grid tariffs and local electricity markets for peak demand reduction in distribution grids, NTNU, 2022
- Mostafa Barani: Reliability Studies in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-dominated Power Systems, NTNU, 2023
- Stine Fleischer Myhre: Reliability Assessment Tool for Modern Electrical Distribution Systems – A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach, NTNU, 2023
- Matthias Hofmann: Implicit demand side flexibility as an alternative to investments in the transmission grid, NTNU, 2024
- Kjersti Berg: Local energy communities: Member benefits and grid impact under various regulatory frameworks, NTNU, 2024
- Emil Dimanchev: Decarbonization of energy systems under risk, NTNU, 2024
- Maciej Grebla: Power system protection in microgrids
- Sjur Føyen: Methods and tools for stability assessment of microgrid systems dominated by Power Electronic converters
- Romina Muka: Application of New Sensors and Controllers for Distribution Grid Operation
- Kalpanie Mendis: 5G for Low-Latency, Secure, and Dependable Communication Services for Fault Handling in Micro Grids
- Outi Pitkänen: Integrating consumer (enduser) knowledge in demandresponse technology and service design
- Fredrik Bakkevig Haugli: Distributed and centralized control to support smart grid operation with high quality in a cost-efficient way
- Natasa Gajic: Methods for assessment of the cyber-physical security of smart grid operations in the presence of large-scale and controllable DER
- Dung-Bai Yen: Transition pathways for smart distribution grids in view of market designs, regulation and other incentives
- Aurora Flataker: Long-term grid planning considering the electricity demand and flexibility potential of electric transport
- Sverre Foslie: Decarbonization of Energy Supply in Industrial Sites through Sector Coupling/ Integrated Energy Systems
Postdoctoral fellowships in CINELDI
- Mario Blazquez de Paz: Designing electricity markets in the presence of renewables and elastic demand, 2017-2019
- Michele Garau: Modelling of Interactions and Interdependencies in Complex Systems of Power Grid and ICT Systems, 2018-2020
- Chendan Li: Methods and tools for stability assessment of microgrid systems dominated by Power Electronic converters, 2018-2020
- Soumya Das: Integrated methods and tools for planning and operation of Microgrids, 2019-2021
- Ida Marie Henriksen: The role of intermediary actors in the production of flexibility, 2020-2024
Master theses in CINELDI
- Vegard S. Bjerketvedt: Analysis of the Role of Energy Storage in Power Markets with Strategic Players, NTNU, 2017
- Jørgen S. Erdal: Stochastic Optimisation of Battery System Operation Strategy under different Utility Tariff Structures, NTNU, 2017
- Sigurd N. Bjarghov: Utilizing EV Batteries as a Flexible Resource at End-user Level, NTNU, 2017
- Anders Holvik: Virtual Impedance Techniques for Power Sharing Control in AC Islanded Microgrids, NTNU, 2018
- Edem Avevor: Security of the Smart Grid, NTNU, 2018
- Elise Tveita: Methods for Cost Allocation Among Prosumers and Consumers Using Cooperative Game Theory, NTNU, 2018
- Erlend Grande: Data gathering and -assembling from several smart meter HAN ports, NTNU, 2018
- Fredrik Blom: A Feasibility Study of Blockchain Technology As Local Energy Market Infrastructure, NTNU, 2018
- Henrik Willett: Security evaluation of communication interfaces on smart meters, NTNU, 2018
- Håkon E. Hanssen: Data acquisition and analysis of acquired data from geographically distributed sensors connected by 2G / 4G technology
- Ingrid M. Andersen: Stochastic Optimization of Zero Emission Buildings, NTNU, 2018
- Isa A. H. Fredriksen: Cyber Security in Smart Meters: Vulnerability Investigation in the Home Area Network Port, NTNU, 2018
- Jarand Hole: Integrasjon av distribuert fornybar energi i Trøndelag, NTNU, 2018
- Kasper Thorvaldsen: Multi-Market Optimization of Energy Storage Taking Into Account Uncertainty, NTNU, 2018
- Lene M. H. Rognan: Photovoltaic Power Prediction and Control Strategies of the Local Storage Unit at Campus Evenstad, NTNU, 2018
- Mads-Emil Kvammen, Sjur Frøyen: A signal analysis toolbox for power system identification in Smart Grids, NTNU, 2018
- Marit Tundal: Utilizing Blockchain Technology for Settlement in a Microgrid, NTNU, 2018
- Martin Lillebo: Impact of EV Integration and Fast Chargers in a Norwegian LV Grid - An analysis based on data from a residential grid in Steinkjer, NTNU, 2018
- Ruben Buchmann: Harmonic Sharing in Microgrid Applications - Modeling, Developing and Evaluating a Microgrid Control System With Harmonic Sharing Capability, NTNU, 2018
- Signe Gjørven: Integrasjon av sol i det norske kraftsystemet, NTNU, 2018
- Sondre F. Harbo: Tackling Variability in Renewable Energy Production and Electric Vehicle Consumption with Stochastic Optimization - The Benefits of Using the Stochastic Quasi-Gradient Method compared with Exact Methods and Machine Learning, NTNU, 2018
- Thea U. Øverli: Forbrukerfleksibilitet som en ressurs i fremtidens kraftsystem, NTNU, 2018
- Andreas R. Mathisen: Continuous-Time Unit Commitment using spline interpolation, NTNU, 2019
- Bernt J. Damslora: Data collection in a cellular sensor network with nRF9160, NTNU, 2019
- Fredrik Heistad, William A. Kristensen: Prediksjon av feil i det norske strømnettet, NTNU, 2019
- Guro Sæther: Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in Combination with Local Flexibility Resources in a Norwegian Industrial Site, NTNU, 2019
- Hanne H. Grøttum, Siri F. Bjerland: Modelling coordination schemes for the transmission and distribution system operators in the power system, NTNU, 2019
- Hege B. Kvandal: Toolbox for Specialized Power System Analysis, NTNU, 2019
- Håkon Eidsvik: Dynamic simulation of power systems based on a second-order predictor-corrector scheme, NTNU, 2019
- Ingvild Skaftun: Effektforbruk ved svømmeanlegg (Pirbadet), NTNU, 2019
- Jonas Riseth, Stine F. Myhre: Interaction Strategies for an Optimal Grid Integration of Microgrids, NTNU, 2019
- Kjersti L. Runestad: Adaptive Protection of an Inverter- Dominated Microgrid and Testing at the Smart Grid Laboratory at NTNU, NTNU, 2019
- Line Nyegaard: Multi-Period AC Optimal Power Flow for Distribution Systems with Energy Storage, NTNU, 2019
- Marius Lervik: System for acquisition and analyzing of data from smart meters, NTNU, 2019
- Marte Brurås: Impact of fast charging stations on the reliability of electricity supply in distribution networks, NTNU, 2019
- Martine J. N. Baksvær: EMD and Online EMD for Harmonic Detection in Power Systems, NTNU, 2019
- Mathias Melby: Comparison of virtual oscillator control and droop control in an inverter-based stand-alone microgrid, NTNU, 2019
- Mats K. Karlsen: Energioptimalisering og mikrogrid, Granåsen skisenter, NTNU, 2019
- Nathalie Skyttermoen: A method for planning a fast charging station, NTNU, 2019
- Oda Hjelme: Optimal PV Inverter Active and Reactive Power Control in Distribution Grids With High Amounts of Solar PV, NTNU, 2019
- Ola M. Almenning: Reducing Neighborhood Peak Load with a Peer-to-Peer Approach under Subscribed Capacity Tariffs, NTNU, 2019
- Rodrigo V. Revenga: A Shorterm assessment of flexibility analyzing different levels of VRES deployment in a Unit Commitment model, NTNU, 2019
- Steinar Halsne: Stabilitetsvurdering ved Nettimpedansmetoden og Adaptiv Kontroll, NTNU, 2019
- Tonje L. Lunden: Analyse av forbruksmålinger fra smarte nettstasjoner for planlegging og drift av distribusjonsnett, NTNU, 2019
- Torbjørn Slinde: Prosesstøtte og visualisering i neste generasjons asset management, NTNU, 2019
- Alexander H. Bakken, Bjørn O. Gjørven: Design and Validation of a Novel Architecture for Virtual Smart Grid Cyber Ranges, NTNU, 2020
- Bendik B. Deraas: Modelling and Analysis of Interdependencies between Financial, Communication and Power System Infrastructures in a Smart Grid Scenario, NTNU, 2020
- Bjørnar Veie: Balancing Solar Energy and Load Consumption given Different Load Consumption Profiles, NTNU, 2020
- Christian F. M. Træland: Grid Tariffs for Fast Charging Stations in the Norwegian Distribution Grid, NTNU, 2020
- Doney Abraham: Application of Machine Learning in IoT enabled Smart Grids for Attack Detection, NTNU, 2020
- Eirik Haugen: Optimization of battery energy storage system: A case study for an electric vehicle fast-charging station, NTNU, 2020
- Eirik H. Lillefosse: Towards DC-microgrids with Stability-Preserving Plug-and-Play Features: Passivity-Based Control Design of DC/DC Converters under Compensated Modulation, NTNU, 2020
- Eirik Ivarsøy: Optimal planning of fast charging stations for EVs – A Norwegian case study, NTNU, 2020
- Erik L. Rogne: Analysis and visualization of reinvestment scenarios for distribution networks, NTNU, 2020
- Erik-Anant S. Narayan: Dynamically Simulating Power Systems Using a Self-Adaptive Time Step Method, NTNU, 2020
- Erlend Westad: Instantaneous Frequency Identification in Microgrids Through Adaptive Data Analysis, NTNU, 2020
- Fabian S. Rønningen: Impedance-Based Stability Analysis and Adaptive Control of Grid-Connected Converter, NTNU, 2020
- Hannah Magnussen: Price formation and market balancing in a local flexibility market using Model Predictive Control, NTNU, 2020
- Håvard Refvik: Robustness of short-term load forecasting models for smart grids, NTNU, 2020
- Jon H. Holte: An analysis of energy storage system with wind power for multi-market operation under uncertainty, NTNU, 2020
- Linnea Espevik: Techno-economic optimization of energy storage for increased wind farm integration, NTNU, 2020
- Liv Ringheim: Grid Impact from Increased Prosumer Penetration in the Norwegian Distribution Grid, NTNU, 2020
- Manuel P. Bravo: Agent-based modelling of EV charging scheduling towards optimized operation in Smart Grids, NTNU, 2020
- Maren R. Brubæk: Battery Storage as Alternative to Grid Reinforcement in the Low-Voltage Network, NTNU, 2020
- Mari M. Osnes: Analyse av lastendringer på nettstasjonsnivå som følge av solkraftproduksjon på privathus og næringsbygg, NTNU, 2020
- Markus Formo: Continuation Power Flow as a tool for multi-step simulation in meshed and radial power systems, NTNU, 2020
- Marthe F. Dynge: Impact of Local Electricity Markets and Peer-to-Peer Trading on Grid Operations in a Norwegian Low-Voltage Distribution Grid, NTNU, 2020
- Matias L. Ellingsen: Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow in Meshed Distribution Grids, NTNU, 2020
- Mohamed Farooq: TSO - DSO Coordination for Voltage Control: Simulaiton Study and Use Case Development, NTNU, 2020
- Olav H. Skonnord: The Influence of Local Energy Tariffs on a Norwegian Local Market, NTNU, 2020
- Ole B. Midtbust: Approach to software testing in the context of smart power grids, UiO, 2020
- Racin Gudmestad: Delayed Integrity Check for IEC 61850 Communication, UiS, 2020
- Rune Steig: Towards Energy Synchronization of Two-Level Voltage Source Converters, NTNU, 2020
- Sarminal Gunabala, Sara Eriksen: Nettselskapers involvering av underleverandører i hendelseshåndtering ved cyberangrep, NTNU, 2020
- Tormod H. Aarnes: High-Power Electric Charging in the Norwegian Distribution Grid, NTNU, 2020
- Øystein Molvik: Network of sensors for measurement of potential for delivery of electrical energy from solar panels, NTNU, 2020
- Åsmund Sælen: Topflow, a Toolbox for Specialized Power System Analysis, NTNU, 2020
- Amanda Njøten, Stine M. Larsen: Optimal Resource Allocation and Pricing for Distributed Demand-Side Flexibility Services, NTNU, 2021
- Anders Grøttås, Annvor T. Nestås: Flexibility Solutions in Distribution Networks. Case Study Utsira, NTNU, 2021
- Daniel Bolstad: Interpretation of Electrical Load Forecasts using Explainable Artificial Intelligence, NTNU, 2021
- Erik S. Bjørnerem: Analyzing optimal sizing and operation of renewable hydrogen systems, NTNU, 2021
- Erlend Øye: A Practical Application of an Active Distribution Grid Planning Framework in Relation to a Pilot Area for New Energy Solutions, NTNU, 2021
- Frida Bratlie: Leveraging residential battery energy storage systems for voltage support in remote distribution grids with high penetration of renewables, NTNU, 2021
- Henrik Waterloo: Predicting Domestic Hot Water Consumption in Buildings in Norway Using Machine Learning, NTNU, 2021
- Ida Langseth: Voltage Support with Reactive Power from Fast Charging Stations with Local Energy Storage and Production, NTNU, 2021
- Ine I. Svendsen: Modelling Electrical Flexibility from Domestic Water Heaters, NTNU, 2021
- Jacob Wang: Long-term Peak Power and Energy Forecasting in Norwegian Electricity Grids, NTNU, 2021
- Jostein J. Lyngen: Optimal dimensjonering og drift av mikronett, NTNU, 2021
- Kyrre K. Fjær: Analysis of Dynamic Pricing to utilise Spatial Flexibility in Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Charging Demand, NTNU, 2021
- Lars H. Flå: Threat Modeling Framework for Smart Grids, NTNU, 2021
- Malin Kaaløy: Assessing local flexibility resources in a Zero Emission Neighbourhood with focus on space heat demand and battery storage, NTNU, 2021
- Mari Langås, Sanna Løfqvist: Cyber security Preparedness Exercises in Smart Grid: Collaboration with Suppliers During Incident Response, NTNU, 2021
- Maria C. Westad: A Stochastic Simulation Tool for Generating Hourly Load Profiles for Residential EV Charging, Based on Real-World Charging Reports, NTNU, 2021
- Matias K. Vistnes: Analysis of Interdependence in Electrical Distribution Power Systems and corresponding Information and Communications Technology Systems using Monte Carlo Simulations, NTNU, 2021
- Oda Skeie: A Control Strategy for Seamless Interconnection of Microgrids in a Multigrid Configuration, NTNU, 2021
- Ole A. Sloth: Demand response verification using baseline estimation and load disaggregation, NTNU, 2021
- Synnøve Hovden: An Optimal Model Predictive Control-Based Energy Management System for Microgrids, NTNU, 2021
- Viljar S. Stave: Optimal Utilisation of Grid Capacity for Connection of New Renewable Power Plants in Norway, NTNU, 2021
- Alvar Øyasæter: Transition Strategies for Smart Grid: Evaluating future scenarios on a distribution grid, NTNU, 2022
- Andreas Aadnøy: A Case Study on the Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles and Solar Power using the CINELDI test grid, NTNU, 2022
- Anne M. T. W. Christensen: Application of Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming to evaluate long-term price signals in short-term optimisation of energy use in buildings, NTNU, 2022
- Eivind Jamessen: Economical Optimisation of Wind Powered Pump Hydro Storage Systems in Norway, NTNU, 2022
- Håkon Teppan: Utilize GitOps for Smart Grid Security Lab, UiS, 2022
- Ine Vågane: Local flexibility Market - TSO and DSO coordination, NTNU, 2022
- Ingrid M. Sundfør: Flexibility in Distribution Systems through PyDSAL, NTNU, 2022
- Jon R. Walderhaug: Flexibility markets as a tool to solve grid problems, NTNU, 2022
- Mikal-Andre Tvedt: Optimal Operation of Flexible Assets in a Residential Energy System: A Rolling Horizon Approach, NTNU, 2022
- Robert G. Karlsen: Evaluation of available capacity in distribution grids, NTNU, 2022
- Runar Hillestad: A co-simulation framework to coordinate battery optimization and load flow - Improving voltage quality in the distribution grid, NTNU, 2022
- Tesfay W. Abraha: Optimal use of flexible resources at high-power charging stations for a Norwegian distribution grid, NTNU, 2022
- Tom E. Øyen: EV Fast Charging Station Potential for Defence Service Provision, NTNU, 2022
- Anna L. L. Aasen: Integration of Fast-Charging Station in the Distribution System - Exploring the Potential of Alternative Grid Connection Agreements, NTNU, 2023
- Clemens M. Muller: Physics informed neural networks in radial load flow calculations, NTNU, 2023
- Erlend Vabø: Electric water heaters as flexible energy resources in the power grid, NTNU, 2023
- Erlend Waage: Distribution grid planning with flexible measures, NTNU, 2023
- Ferdinand Lindal: Impact of Industrial Size Battery Storage Systems on Electricity Price Distribution, NTNU, 2023
- Ingrid R. Kvale: Prediction of power, energy and hydrogen demand in a zero-emission port, NTNU, 2023
- Ingvild E. Olsen: Multimarket Services for Stationary Batteries - Considering Activation of Frequency Containment Normal Operation Reserves, NTNU, 2023
- Jon O. Båtbukt: Quantification of the value of flexible demand and renewable energy resources in a local energy market, NTNU, 2023
- Karl F. A. Wirgenes: Proposal and Evaluation of a New Short Circuit Protection Algorithm for Active Meshed Distribution Grids, NTNU, 2023
- Lars S. Nygaard: Investments in Low-Carbon Power Generation and Energy Storage under Uncertainty, NTNU, 2023
- Magnus R. Hatletveit: A Case Study on the Impact of Vehicle-to-Grid on Reliability of Supply in a Norwegian Distribution System, NTNU, 2023
- Marius Rasmussen: Potential of Hydrogen Technology for Coastal Electrification: Minimizing Distribution Grid Impacts through Flexibility, NTNU, 2023
- Sofie Lorentzen: Potential of Hydrogen Technology for Coastal Electrification: Minimizing Distribution Grid Impacts through Flexibility, NTNU, 2023