IMPACTS - The impact of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage behaviour
Scientific deliverables from IMPACTS.
Public deliverables
- D1.2.5 Validation of the current version of the reference model for thermodyanmic properties_delivered 2013-12-24_PU
- D3.2.1 New standard property model for CO2 mixtures
- D3.2.2 Impact toolbox
- D3.3.1 The impacts of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage behavior
- D3.3.3 Program, presentations and summary from CCS course in Romania
- D3.3.4 Minutes of Meeting from IMPACTS implementation workshop at TCCS8
- D4.2.1 WEBSITE
- D4.2.2 Plan on Dissemination Activities (M12)
- D4.2.3 Annual report on Dissemination Activities (M12-24)
- D4.2.4 Plan on Dissemination Activities (M13-24)
- D4.2.6 Host Synthesis, Implementing and Dissemination Workshop during TCCS8
Publishable summaries of restricted deliverables
- D Results of experimental work at SINTEF ER
D1.2.7 Stable algorithms for phase equlilibrium calculations
- D1.2.6 Report on the reference model for thermodynamics
- D1.3.2 The influence of CO2 mixture composition and equations of
state on simulations of transient pipeline decompression - D1.4.2 General corrosion from CO2 mixtures
- D1.4.3 General corrosion from CO2 mixtures
- D1.5.3 Numerical modelling of the effects of impurities on CO2 storage
- D1.5.4 Numerical modelling of the effects of impurities on CO2 storage
- D 2.1.1 Report on CO2 transport tests
- D2.1.2 Report on lab tests to study the impurities effects under reservoir conditions
- D2.1.3 Report on field tests to study the impurities effects on CO2 storage behaviour
- D2.2.2 & D2.2.3 CCS chain element parameters and performance variations due to the impact of impurities in the CO2 stream
- D2.2.4 Techno-economic issues and trade-offs for CO2 purity in CCS chains
- D2.3.2 & D2.3.3 Framework for risk assessment of CO2 transport
and storage infrastructure - D 3.1.3 Impacts of impurities on capture side requirements
- D 3.2.1 New standard property model for CO2 mixtures
- D 3.3.1 IMPACTS results exploitation plan - Version 1.1
- D 3.3.3 Program, presentations and summary from CCS course in Romania
- D 1.3.1 Influence of composition preliminary
- D 1.3.4 Benchmark study including commercially available tools and the model developed in Task 1.3.1.
- D 2.1.4 Operational regimes and mixtures to be assessed for economic impact
- D 2.3.1 Existing practice in risk assessment for CCS
- D 4.2.2 Plan on dissemination activities
- D 4.2.9 Newsletter 3
- D 4.2.10 Newsletter 4
- D 4.2.1 Website
- D 4.2.8 Newsletter 2
- D 1.2.5 Validation of the Current Version of the Reference Model for Thermodynamic Properties
- D 1.2.2 Plans for experiments on thermophysical properties, revised 12-2013
- D 1.2.8 Investigation of models for prediction of transport properties for CO2 mixtures
- D 1.3.3 Benchmark cases for CO2 transport simulation tools
- D 1.4.1 Corrosion resistance of C steels linepipe in presence of CO2 mixtures: literature review
- D 1.1.1 Workshop to define typical CO2 mixtures and operating conditions
- D 1.1.2 CO2 transport and storage knowledge gap analysis
- D 1.1.3 Framework for the assessment of impacts of CO2 quality within the IMPACTS project
- D 1.2.1 Workshop on Property Research for CCS
- D 1.5.1 Specific gaps analysis on chemical and physical effects of impurities on CO2 storage
- D 2.2.1 Establishment of Typical CCS Chains and their Parameters
- D 4.2.7 Newsletter 1