- Policy framework for the interaction between buildings and the energy system in Norway (2014) Jørgen K. Knudsen and Kari Dalen. Technical Report, TR A7453. SINTEF, Trondheim
- Energy use in non-residential buildings – possibilities for smart energy solutions (2015). Hanne Laura Pauliina Kauko and Ole Stavset. Technical Report, TR A7510. SINTEF, Trondheim
- State of art Thermal storage accumulation tanks (2015). Ángel Álvarez-Pardiñas, Maria Justo Alonso, Rubén Diz-Montero, José Fernández-Seara. Technical Report TRA7511. SINTEF, Trondheim
- Software for modelling and simulation of ground source heating and cooling systems (2016). Tomas Persson*, Ole Stavset, Randi Kalskin Ramstad**, Maria Justo Alonso, Klaus Lorenz*.
* Dalarna University, Department of Energy, Forrest and Building construction
** NTNU, Department of Geology and Mineral Recources Engineering.
Technical Report A7570, SINTEF, Trondheim.
Projects/Master thesis:
- Analyse av det grunnvarmebaserte varmepumpesystemet med termisk lager på Ljan skole (2013). Una Prestegaard. Prosjektoppgave. NTNU, Trondheim
- Lading og lagring av varme i energibrønner for bygningsoppvarming (2014). Una Prestegaard. Masteroppgave, NTNU, Trondheim
- Analysis of change in design procedures for heat pumps systems in nZEB (2014). Thomas Murer. Masteroppgave, NTNU, Trondheim
- Measurement and evaluation of energy integrated supermarket concepts (2014). Holger Jorschick. Masteroppgave, NTNU, Trondheim
- Modelling the ground during the early-phase design of heat pump systems in nZEB (2015). Mikkel Ytterhus. Prosjektoppgave, NTNU, Trondheim
- Modelling of a Borehole Heat Exchanger (2015) Theodor Holstad, Summer researcher. Project Report.
- Development and performance analysis of an object-oriented model for phase change material thermal storage (2016). Michael Jokiel. Project Report.
- Evaluering av avansert oppvarmings- og kjølesystem med termisk lagring (2016). Madeleine Storås. Project work.
- Assessment of an advanced heating and cooling system with thermal storing (2016). Jill Vervoort. Project work.
- Boring av 800 meter dype energibrønner i Alaska (2016). Mette Nordmark Bones. Masteroppgave, NTNU, Trondheim.
- Geothermal energy model develop,ent and analysis of a pilot project (2016). Cecilie Rindahl. Masteroppgave, NTNU, Trondheim.
- Glimt 1 Energibruk i Næringsbygg
- Glimt 2 Evaluering av energisystemet til Høgskolen i Bergen
- Glimt 3 Solfangere i Energisystem
- Glimt 4 Component modelling BTES
- Glimt 5 Integrated Thermal Energy Systems