Open webinar series

"How can the distribution grid be adapted to facilitate a large-scale electrification of society?"
Electrification is one of the most important means to reduce CO2 emissions and reach the climate goals. What will it take to adapt the electricity grid to meet the needs for large-scale electrification of society?
The webinars will give presentations from the research in CINELDI and from an international perspective, followed by questions and discussion.
Upcoming webinars
Previous webinars
12.12.2022: TSO-DSO interaction on flexible resources
- AncillaryServices from fast DER, Kristian W. Høiem, Statnett
- Transformation of Power System Network Operation:TSO-DSO interactions, Dr. Ivana Kockar, University of Strathclyde
- Classification of flexible resources, Hanne Sæle, SINTEF Energi
31.10.2022: Electric Vehicles as sources of flexibility in the grid
- Electric vehiclesand flexibility, Augusta Pithalice, FoU Project lead, BKK AS
- Electric vehicles as flexible resources in the grid ongoing activities in ACDC and EV4EU projects, Mattia Marinelli, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
17.10.2022: Planning methodology for active distribution grids
- Probabilistic risk-based planning for enabling the competition between flexibility and grid upgrades in distribution systems, Fabrizio Pilo, Università di Cagliari.
- Planning methodology for active distribution grids, Iver B. Sperstad, FME CINELDI/SINTEF Energi
26.09.2022: Development of a testbed for advanced distribution management systems (ADMS)
- NREL’s Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) Test Bed, Annabelle Pratt, NREL
- The CINELDI Testbed for Advanced Distribution Management Systems, Merkebu Z. Degefa, SINTEF Energi
19.09.2022: How can the distribution grid be adapted to facilitate a large-scale electrification of the society?
- How can the distribution grid be adapted to facilitate a large-scale electrification of the society? Venizelos Efthymiou, Governing Board of ETIP SNET
- How can the flexibility marked contribute to the electrification?
Hallstein Hagen, NODES - Transition to the future flexible and intelligent grid, Gerd Kjølle, SINTEF Energi