Public reports
Public reports & executive summaries published by the NextGenBioWaste project are available for download from this page.
- Final Activity Report
- Newsletter No 2
- International Conference 8 - 10 October 2008
- Mechanical activation - for what purpose?
- Periodic Activity Report no. 1 - Publishable summary
- Website
- Project Presentation
Popular Science
EU’s largest project within bio-energy is well underway, Xergi 4-2007, Research news from SINTEF Energy Research
NextGenBioWaste - A new EC project within bio-energy, Xergi 4-2006, Research news from SINTEF Energy Research
Scientific Publications
Cizner J.:“Protective coatings for heat-exchange surfaces of waste incineration boilers and the materials for biomass boilers”, Energetika Journal No7, 2007
Becidan M., Sørum L., Frandsen F., Pedersen A.J.: “Corrosion in waste-fired boilers: A thermodynamic study”, Fuel 88 (2009) 595–604
Aguiar del Toro, M., Calmano, W. & Ecke H.: “Wet extraction of heavy metals and chloride from MSWI and straw combustion fly ashes”, Proceedings of 1st International Conference in Hazardous Waste Management, Chania, Greece, 1-3 October 2008
Aguiar del Toro, M.: “Technical evaluation of a wet treatment method for the extraction of heavy metals and chlorides from fly ashes from incineration plants”, M.Sc. Thesis, Institut für Umwelttechnik und Energiewirtschaft, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, Germany
Becidan M., Sørum L.: “Consequences of unwanted local reducing conditions in biomass- fired boilers on chemistry and operation: a thermodynamic evaluation”, Energy & Fuels, Volume 24 (3), pp 1559-1564, 2010
Viklund P., Pettersson R., Hjörnhede A., Hendersson P., Sjövall P.: “Effect of sulphur-containing additive on initial corrosion of superheater tubes in waste-fired boiler”, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology; vol 44, No 3, June 2009
Murer M.J. et.al : “Comparison of efficiency indicators for EfW plants”, Sardinia 2009, Twelfth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
Cizner J., Douda J., Kuncický J.: “Corrosion behaviour of candidate steels and alloys in biomass combustion field environment”, Energetika Journal No1/2009
Haugen N.E., Kragset S.: “Particle impaction on a cylinder in a crossflow as function of Stokes and Reynolds numbers”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 661 (2010), 239-261
Becidan M., Sørum L., Lindberg D.: ”Impact of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Quality on the Behavior of Alkali Metals and Trace Elements during Combustion: A Thermodynamic Equilibrium Analysis”, Energy & Fuels 24 (2010) 3446–3455
van Blijderveen M., Gucho E., Bramer E. and Brem G.: “Spontaneous ignition of wood, char and RDF in a lab-scale packed bed”, Submitted to Fuel
De Greef J., Kipp S.: ”Flexible Abfall- und Erzatsbrennstoff-Verbrennungsanlagen mit Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung an Industriestandorten“, Energie aus Abfall band 7, TK Verlag - Neuruppin
De Jong M., Lamain J., van Kessel R.: “Hoher Wirkungsgrad im Müllkraftwerk Amsterdam in der Praxis höhere Reisezeit durch Korrosionsminderung”, Berliner Abfallwirtschafts- und Energiekonferenz-Optimierung der Abfallverbrennung 2010, TK-Verlag, Energie S. 99
Zhan H., de Jong M., Veldman H., Lamain J.: “Large scale material testing and On line corrosion monitoring at the high efficiency Wte Plant of AEB”, Submitted to Penwell Power-Gen 2010 Amsterdam
Lindberg D. et al.: “High Efficiency Waste-to-Energy Plants - Effect of Ash Deposit Chemistry on Corrosion at Increased Superheater Temperatures”, Energy & Fuels 24 (2010) 5387-5395.
Backman R., Khalil R., Todorovic D., Becidan M., Skreiberg Ø., Goile F., Skreiberg A. and Sørum L.: “The effect of peat ash addition to demolition wood on the formation of alkali, lead and zinc compounds at staged combustion conditions”, Accepted by Fuel Processing Technology (special issue on Fuel quality)
Skreiberg Ø., Todorovic D., Becidan M., Khalil R., Backman R., Goile F., Skreiberg A., Jovovic A. and Sørum L.: “Ash related behaviour in staged and non-staged combustion of biomass fuels and fuel mixtures”, Submitted to Biomass and Bioenergy
Khalil R., Todorovic D., Skreiberg Ø., Becidan M., Backman R., Goile F., Skreiberg A. and Sørum L.: “The effect of kaolin on the combustion of demolition wood under well controlled conditions”, Submitted to Waste Management and Research